regional press releases

1425 René-Lévesque Blvd. W., 3 rd Floor, Montréal (Québec) H3G 1T7
Tel: 514 257-8711 Fax: 514 257-8497
Toll Free: 1 888 234-8533 |
Included in this document are several press release templates for the 2015 “Create a Climate of
Change” campaign. We hope that these templates will help you to interact with your local
media and receive media coverage of your activities. Feel free to adapt the templates to your
This document includes the following press release templates:
1. Campaign Launch
2. Local event
3. Vigil
When to send your press release?
You should send your press release 2-3 days before your event. It is always best if you can send
the press release directly to the editor, producer or journalist, rather than to a general email
address. In your message, briefly tell the journalist why your event is important for the
Make sure to include independent, alternative, community, university and ethnic media!
A day before the event, you can send a reminder and call your local media to ask if they will be
covering the event.
Community event listings
Don’t forget to send your event details to be included in the community listings of your local
newspaper or news channel! This usually requires filling out a form. Make sure to check the
deadline for submissions. You may need to submit your event details as much as one month in
advance to ensure publication.
Contact information
You do not have the contact information for media in your region?
Most of their addresses can be found online on the following websites:
Sources: Canadian Media Directory
Canadian Independent Media Directory
Canadian Association of Broadcasters (CAB)
Canadian Newspaper Association
Canadian Ethnic Media Association
National Ethnic Press and Media Council
You can also contact me or your regional animator and we will support you in any way that we
For more information:
Kelly Di Domenico |
514 257-8711 ext. 365
Have a great campaign!
Local launch of Development and Peace’s
“Create a Climate of Change” campaign
Name of city, month day, 2015 – The Development and Peace group of (insert diocese, parish or school)
is organizing a local launch of Development and Peace’s new campaign “Create a Climate of Change.”
The aim of the campaign is to bring attention to the devastating impacts of climate change on some of
the poorest countries in the world - and to ask Canada to do more to reduce the world’s carbon
Development and Peace, which is the official international development organization of the Catholic
Church in Canada, works in Ethiopia, Honduras and the Philippines and many other countries in the
Global South that are experiencing droughts, typhoons and other extreme weather due to rising
temperatures. These countries, however, contribute the least to climate change and lack the means to
deal with the ensuing catastrophes, whose worst impacts are felt by the poorest.
The launch will be held on (DATE and TIME) at (PLACE) with the following guests: (list guest speakers). The launch
will be followed by (describe activity if there is one).
Canada is one of the biggest carbon emitters in the world, and as such the campaign is asking Canadians
to make lifestyle changes that will reduce carbon emissions and to call on the Canadian government to
transition away from a fossil-fuel dependent economy to an economy based on energy efficiency and
renewable energy. The campaign is also asking the Canadian government to adopt a fair and binding
agreement at the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in December.
Throughout the fall, Development and Peace’s network of more than 10,000 members across the
country will be bringing the campaign to their communities. A variety of activities will be organized,
including workshops, vigils and the gathering of signatures calling for action by the Prime Minister. Here
in (TOWN), other upcoming events include the following (list events).
- 30 For more information or to confirm your presence, please contact:
First Name Last Name
Phone number
email address
[Name of Event: Development and Peace evening, conference...]
on Climate Change
Name of city, month day, 2015 – As part of Development and Peace’s new campaign “Create a Climate
of Change,” the local chapter of Development and Peace will be holding a [insert a description and name
of the event: public evening, conference, etc.] which will discuss the impacts of climate change on the
poorest countries in the world and how Canadians can make a difference.
The event will take place on [insert date] at [insert time] at [insert location].
This activity is open to all and is being organized to raise awareness of how rising temperatures are
having devastating consequences on communities in the Global South and how Canadians can take an
active role in reducing carbon emissions. The activity (Describe in detail the activity planned: speakers,
themes and information given, etc.)
"This activity will... (Quote from one of the organizers about the activity)", says (Name of a local speaker
and their title).
The "Create a Climate of Change” campaign was launched by Development and Peace in September to
encourage Canadians to take action on climate change and to call on the Canadian government to adopt
a fair and binding agreement on climate change at the United Nations’ Conference on Climate Change
(COP21) in Paris in December.
To learn more about the campaign, visit .
- 30 For more information, please contact:
First Name Last Name
Phone number
email address
Climate Change Vigil on (Insert Date)
Name of city, month day, 2015 – On (Insert date), there will be a (Insert type of vigil) vigil at (insert
The vigil is being organized as part of Development and Peace’s Days of Action and Prayer from October
23-25 to remember all those who have had their lives taken away, their homes destroyed or are suffering
from hunger due to climate change.
In September, Development and Peace launched its campaign “Create a Climate of Change,” in response
to Pope Francis’ call to care for our common home in his encyclical Laudato Si.
"During this vigil, we expect many to be present to be in solidarity with those in the Global South who
are most affected by climate change, yet who are the ones contributing the least to rising temperatures,"
says (name of a local organizer).
Canada is one of the biggest carbon emitters in the world, and as such the campaign is asking Canadians
to make lifestyle changes that will reduce carbon emissions and to call on the Canadian government to
transition away from a fossil-fuel dependent economy to an economy based on energy efficiency and
renewable energy. The campaign is also asking the Canadian government to adopt a fair and binding
agreement at the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris in December.
At the vigil, participants will have the opportunity to sign a card addressed to the Prime Minister where
they can make a personal commitment to adopt a lifestyle change and ask the Prime Minister to take
The "Create a Climate of Change” campaign was launched by Development and Peace in September to
call for significant action on climate change, particularly for the poorest in the Global South who are
suffering the worst consequences of extreme weather caused by rising temperatures.
- 30 For more information, please contact:
First Name Last Name
Phone number, email address