Lambeth Draft Revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for planning matters Consultation Questionnaire Lambeth Council has produced a draft revised Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for public consultation. An SCI sets out how and when stakeholders will be involved in development plan preparation and consulted on planning applications. The current SCI was adopted in April 2008. It is now out-of-date due to changes in planning legislation. It has also been updated to reflect the council’s co-operative working practices, recent budget cuts to the council, more widespread use of new technology and the internet for consultations, and to provide a more environmentally sustainable service. The main areas of change are: Limiting neighbour notification letters to those that share a boundary with the development site. The council proposes to continue sending neighbour notification letters for all planning applications. Including more information on the planning process in the initial notification letters No longer providing physical copies of planning applications in libraries. These are available to view free of charge on the library computers. Where site notices are not required by legislation, the council will ask developers to put one up No longer placing a public notice in the local paper for planning policy consultations Contact Details Title First name Last name Email address Address Postcode Daytime telephone number Please choose if you are responding on as an Individual Agent Organisation or group If you are an Agent, who do you represent? How can we contact you? By email By post Do you wish to be informed of future progress of the SCI? Would you like your contact details to be added to the planning contacts database? Yes No By phone Yes, I would like to be consulted on other policy documents No, I do not wish to be contacted about other matters Your views on the proposed changes Please use additional paper, if necessary 1a Do you agree to the proposed changes on planning applications? (see above and section 3 of draft SCI) Strongly agree Tend to agree Strongly disagree Tend to disagree Neither agree or disagree Don’t know 1b If not, please say how we can make improvements. 2a Does the SCI clearly set out the measures for consultation on planning applications? (Section 3 of draft SCI) Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree or disagree Strongly disagree Tend to disagree Don’t know 2b If not, please say how we can make improvements. 3a Does the SCI clearly identify how and when people can get involved in each stage of the plan preparation process? (Section 2, Table 1 of draft SCI) Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree or disagree Strongly disagree Tend to disagree Don’t know 3b If not, please say how we can make improvements. 4a Are the potential engagement methods identified for use on planning matters suitable for engaging identified consultation groups including the 'harder to reach' groups? (Section 1 draft SCI) Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree or disagree Strongly disagree Tend to disagree 4b If not, please comment and suggest other methods if appropriate. 5 Do you have any other comments to add on the draft SCI? Use extra sheets if necessary. Don’t know About you If you are replying as an individual, please complete the details below. We collect this information to make sure we’re hearing from all of Lambeth’s diverse communities. This information will remain confidential. A B C What is your gender identity? Man including trans man Woman including trans woman Other gender identity including androgyne 16 -24 25-44 45-49 60-74 75 or over Prefer not to say Prefer not to say What is your age group? How would you describe your ethnic group? White British Mixed Black or Black British (African) Black or Black British (Caribbean) Chinese Asian or Asian British Other white background (please specify): Other ethnic group (please specify): Prefer not to say D Which of the following best describes your religious background (even if you are not practising)? Christian Muslim Jewish Buddhist Hindu Sikh Other (please specify): E How would you describe your sexuality? Heterosexual/straight Gay/Lesbian Bisexual Other Prefer not to say F Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No religion Prefer not to say No Prefer not to say Viewing the SCI and sending comments back to us Copies of the SCI can be seen on the Council’s website, at libraries across Lambeth or at reception of Phoenix House, 10 Wandsworth Road, Vauxhall, London, SW8 2LL at reception of the Town Hall, Brixton Hill, SW2 1RW Please email all correspondence to or send your comments by post to: Alan Vinall Delivery Lead Planning Strategy and Policy 1st Floor, Phoenix House 10 Wandsworth Road London SW8 2LL Translations If you would like this information in large print, Braille, audio tape or another language please contact us on 020 7926 1249 Si desea información en otra idioma rogamos nos llame al 020 7926 1249 Si vous souhaitez ces informations dans une autre langue, veuillez nous contacter au 020 7926 1249 Se desejar esta informaçâo noutro idioma, é favor telefonar para 020 7926 1249 Haddii aad jeceshahay inaad warbixintan ku heshid luqad kale, fadlan la xiriir 020 7926 1249 The deadline for returning the questionnaire and/or comments about the SCI is Tuesday 14th April 2015.