CARDI - Supporting research to play a vital role in planning for an ageing population across the island of Ireland. Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Welcome to this month's CARDI newsletter Our e-bulletin provides up-to-date information on ageing research including seminars, funding opportunities, latest research and 1. CARDI News 2. Ageing Research News innovation. More detailed information is available on our website 3. Ageing Policy News If you have a news story, event or publication 4. Research & Policy Publications Follow CARDI on: 5. Events 6. Funding, Awards & Training opportunities relating to ageing please send it to us at follow on Twitter friend on Facebook LinkedIn Profile CARDI News Disability in older heart disease patients CARDI will launch an all-Ireland report on disability in older heart disease patients on the morning of Thursday 26 March at the Holiday Inn, Ormeau Avenue, Belfast. Professor Frank Kee from Queen’s University Belfast will present important new findings on north-south differences, socio-economic gaps and variances by sex and age group. To register email A light lunch will be served. Support to attend Canadian Summer Program in Aging June 2015-Awards CARDI and the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) - Institute of Aging are working in partnership to support up to two early career researchers to attend the Canadian Summer Program in Aging 2015 in Toronto, 1-5 June 2015. This year the theme is The Health, Wellness and Participation of Older Adults in the World of Work. The award will cover flights, accommodation, meals and the 5 day training programme registration fee. Closing date for applications is Monday 23 March 2015 - 12 noon. For more information and an application form please click here. International Training Programme on Ageing: Advance Notice CARDI, in association with the The Irish Network for Research in Dementia and Neurodegeneration (INRDND), Alzheimer's Society of Ireland, Alzheimer's Society Northern Ireland and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Institute of Aging will host a three day International Training Programme on Ageing on 22, 23, 24 September in Trinity College Dublin. It will focus on the theme of dementia. This training event is aimed at PhD post doctoral students and early career researchers. Further details will follow. Supporting next generation leaders - workshop CARDI will host a workshop at Evolve Biomed 2015, a science and technology forum, which will take place on 29-30 April in Dublin. This workshop on Thursday 29 April aimed at PhD postdoctoral students and early career researchers will focus on the theme of supporting the development (both academically and professionally) of next generation leaders in research. It will include brief presentations followed by facilitated discussion. Further details about the conference can be found here. IAGG-ER 2015: CARDI participation The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015 will take place 23-26 April 2015 in Dublin. CARDI will host two symposia at the event: the first on physical activity and ageing and the second on health inequalities and ageing. CARDI will also have poster presentations on whether health inequalities are related to broader social inequality and if egovernment is compounding inequalities: understanding older people's interaction with online public services. Read more about the conference here. Calling all dementia researchers... If you are a researcher currently engaged in a dementia-related project and would like to share details about your work CARDI would like to hear from you and publish an article on your progress. The research project can be at any stage in its progress. CARDI would like to find out- What motivated you to go into research? How did you choose your research? What does the project involve (what are you testing)? At what stage are you in the project? Email: Upcoming publications Disability in older heart disease patients Focus On...Ageing, social exclusion and intellectual disability Physical activity and older people Ageing Research News Meditation may help sleep problems in older people Older people who have sleep problems found more relief from a mindful meditation program than from a conventional sleep education program according to a study from the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology at the Semel Institute. The participants used a meditation program from UCLA’s Mindful Awareness Research Center. Read more here. Light activity may help the hearts of older people For older people who have mobility issues, even light activity like household chores may be better for the heart than no activity, according to a new study from the University of Florida. Researchers profiled older peoples' risk of heart disease complications - including heart attack - over a 10-year period and found their risk rose along with the amount of time they were inactive each day. Conversely, the more active time they had - regardless of intensity - the lower their risk. Read more here. Celtic Tiger: Life expectancy grew especially among wealthy The wealthiest groups in the Republic of Ireland enjoyed disproportionate gains in life expectancy and reductions in death rates during the boom years of the Celtic Tiger research from the Economic and Social Research Institute (ERSI) revealed at a recent conference. Although all classes benefited from the 'longevity bonus' conferred during the boom, the improvement was not shared equally. Read more here. Could virtual reality help ease anxiety in older people? Up to 25% of people aged 65 and over experience varying degrees of anxiety. Although cognitive behavioural therapy is a preferred treatment approach, it has limitations as people age (decreased mobility and visualisation skills). Could virtual reality be an effective therapy for anxiety in older people? This novel therapeutic avenue for this clientele seems promising, according to a literature review conducted by a team at the Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal. Read more here. Alzheimer's Research UK launches drug discovery alliance Alzheimer’s Research UK has announced a £30m Drug Discovery Alliance launching three flagship Drug Discovery Institutes at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford and University College London. The Drug Discovery Institutes will see 90 new research scientists employed in state-of-the-art facilities to fast-track the development of new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Read more here. LiveWell: lifestyle changes for better ageing Lifestyle changes involving physical activity, healthy eating and maintaining a good social life around retirement lead to happier and healthier futures according to researchers at Newcastle University who assessed how well people will age after retirement. The researchers studied what factors promote health and wellbeing at this stage in life. The LiveWell project team also developed an interactive website known as ‘LEAP’ (Lifestyle, Eating, Activity and Planning) which provides personalised advice and support to enhance healthy ageing. Read more about the project and website here. Women hit hardest by dementia Women are bearing the brunt of dementia across the UK. A study by Alzheimer’s Research UK reveals that the condition has not only become the leading cause of death among British women but that women are far more likely to end up as carers of sufferers than men – suffering physical and emotional stress and job losses in the process.The study entitled Women and Dementia: A Marginalised Majority will be released next month. Read more here. Mapping Ireland's centenarians Data from ROI's Department of Social Protection shows differences in longevity in different counties with higher-than-average numbers of centenarians in Connacht – particularly Co Mayo – and Co Longford. A total of 402 centenarians were in receipt of an old-age pension from the Department as of the last day of 2014 with more than a fifth located in Dublin. Read more here. The impact of loneliness on health Loneliness among older people is believed to be as damaging to their health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day with older generations at risk of increased isolation as young emigrants move abroad, according to the Alone charity. Read more here. Supporting independent living Living independently in our own homes as we age is the hope of many people. The Older People Remaining at Home (OPRAH) is a project that supports older adults to remain living in their own homes and communities. It aims to reduce repeated hospital admissions and early entry to long-term nursing home care. The project has been evaluated by Trinity College Dublin. Read more here Study ties immune cells to delayed onset of post-stroke dementia A single stroke doubles a person’s risk of developing dementia over the following decade even when that person’s mental ability is initially unaffected. Why this delayed deterioration occurs has been a mystery. Stanford University School of Medicine investigators think they have discovered a major reason for it. Read more here. Effects of stereotypes on older people An analysis of research by a team at the University of Kent on the effect of negative stereotypes on older people's abilities has concluded that these stereotypes create a significant problem for that demographic. The team statistically analysed international evidence from 37 research studies, both published and unpublished. They concluded that older adults' memory and cognitive performance is negatively affected in situations that signal or remind them of negative age stereotypes. Read more here. Read more ageing research news here>> Ageing Policy News Fair deal scheme under scrutiny Junior Health Minister for ROI Kathleen Lynch has said an additional €30m is needed every year for the Fair Deal nursing home scheme to ensure people are not waiting longer than eight weeks. But she said the government would not be seeking an increase in the contributions made by patients to the scheme which is costing €950m this year. Read more here. Social Work Research Strategy The consultation exercise on the Social Work Research Strategy 2015-2020: In Pursuit of Excellence - supporting the profession in relation to social work services in Northern Ireland which was launched in December closes on the 18 March 2015 . To view all the consultation documents and response options visit: Conservatives pledge support for UK's older population Universal benefits for pensioners will be protected if the Conservatives win May's UK general election Prime Minister David Cameron has said. In a speech he outlined the party's pledge to ensure that older people be treated with dignity and dismissed criticism that pensioners were being unfairly favoured. Read more here. Successful ageing vs active ageing While the concept of successful ageing has become prevalent in academic and policy discussions surrounding ageing in the United States, in Europe the idea of active ageing has been the most prominent response to challenges related to an ageing population. An article in a recent special issue of the Gerontologist on successful ageing outlines the major features of the idea of active ageing and how it compares to the successful ageing perspective. Read more here. Age NI welcomes imminent age discrimination legislation Duane Farrell, Age NI Director of Policy and Engagement, has welcomed a recent announcement from Office of the First Minister and Deputy First Minister that age discrimination legislation will be delivered by the end of this NI Assembly term. Read more here. Healthy and Positive Ageing Outcomes Initiative ROI's Department of Health, together with The Atlantic Philanthropies, the Health Service Executive's Health and Wellbeing Division and Age Friendly Ireland have agreed on a joint programme to monitor and promote older people's health and wellbeing in Ireland. This programme (the Healthy and Positive Ageing Outcomes Initiative) is intended to measure the implementation of the National Positive Ageing Strategy. Read more here Read more policy news here>> Research and Policy Publications Measuring Ireland's Progress The Central Statistics Office (ROI) recently released a new publication Measuring Ireland's Progress 2013. It reveals that Ireland has the highest proportion of young people and the second lowest proportion of old people in the EU. Life expectancy at birth in Ireland in 2012, as calculated by Eurostat, is 83.2 years for females, just above the EU average of 83.1 years. The male life expectancy at birth in Ireland was 78.7 years, just over one year above the EU average. Read more here. Use of Self-Reported Health and ageing populations Self-Reported Health (SRH) is thought of by many as a “one-size fits all” measure of the overall health level of a population and thus has been suggested as a possible solution to measuring health outcomes and determining health needs in this rapidly ageing population group. But has it earned this title? This article by assesses the use of SRH as a measure. Read more here Effectiveness of Assistive Living Technologies The Sustainable Living Integrating Older Adults with Technologies and Advancements in Regeneration (SLIOTAR) project aims to review the effectiveness of the Assistive Living Technologies and Social Interventions used in the Great Northern Haven Complex, Dundalk, Co Louth, Ireland. This is an on-going research project with a report on the findings due to be published in the first quarter of 2015. Read more here. Ageing linked to farm fatalities A long term geo-demographic study conducted by Teagasc and the ROI's Health Service Executive has found that certain farmer behaviours and ageing profiles are the main factors in deaths on Irish farms.The overall aim of the research is to uncover trends that will be of assistance in reducing the number of deaths on Irish farms. Read more here. Fit for Frailty Part 2 A new guidance document recently launched by the British Geriatrics Society with support from Age UK and the Royal College of General Practitioners offers a new perspective on commissioning and designing health services for older patients with frailty. 'Fit for Frailty Part 2' provides detailed guidance on how the commissioning and management of services for people living with frailty in community settings can (and does) work in practice. Read more here. Linking research to policy-making Calls have been made for closer integration of research evidence in the decisionmaking process of the European Union. Findings from a survey of European policymakers showed that even though policymakers expressed a clear desire for increased links between research initiatives and the decision-making process, they rarely viewed scientific evidence as relevant in a policymaking context. Read the full article here. Reducing muscle strength and ageing The American National Centre for Health Statistics recently published national estimates of muscle strength in older adults in the United States in 2011-2012 based on maximum hand grip strength. Weak muscle strength is clinically relevant because of its associations with mobility impairment. The report shows that 5% of adults aged 60 and over had weak muscle strength, 13% had intermediate muscle strength while 82% had normal muscle strength. The prevalence of reduced (weak and intermediate) muscle strength increased with age while the prevalence of normal strength decreased with age. Read more here. Inactivity and older people in Ireland Physical inactivity is the 4th leading cause of death worldwide. Inactivity increases the risk of many adverse health conditions including diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and breast and colon cancers, and shortens life expectancy. This study led by Dr Elaine Murtagh and funded by CARDI (Datamining 2013) examined the issue of inactivity in older people and its impacts. Read the published study here. Impact of alcohol across age groups A new study from University College London of people older than 50 largely examines the impact of alcohol across age groups. It finds that unless you are a woman over 65, alcohol consumption is unlikely to forestall your death. Published in the journal BMJ Open, the study suggests that many studies finding health benefits from alcohol consumption have generally been overstated in recent research. Read the research paper here. Serious illness and the over-50s With demand for National Health Service (NHS) services already under pressure, new analysis by the International Longevity Centre – UK and supported by Engage Mutual predicts the NHS may have to support up to one million more older people with serious illnesses within the next ten years.The research also reveals that whilst the number of older people with a serious illness will increase, improvements in health may actually result in a fall in the proportion of older people suffering one of the five conditions explored. Read more here. Personalised Care and Support Planning The ‘Personalised Care and Support Planning Handbook’ produced by the NHS Care Coalition looks at the best ways to locally implement personalised care and support planning. It provides practical support for local health systems hoping to introduce and sustain care and support planning at a local level, and give people with long term conditions more control over their lives.To download a copy click here. An Irish National Survey of Dementia in Long Term Residential Care A report from The Dementia Services Information and Development Centre titled 'An Irish National Survey of Dementia in Long Term Residential Care' was recently launched by Professor Davis Coakley. The report showed that only 11% of all the Irish facilities surveyed have dedicated dementia units despite an expected increase in demand for long-term dementia care arising as a result of population ageing. Read more here. Design for dementia New research published by the National Disability Authority’s Centre for Excellence in Universal Design (ROI) recommends that by following the principles of universal design - combined with a collaborative approach to design - it is possible for people living with dementia, their families and carers to live longer and happier lives in their own homes. Read more here. Read more research and policy publications here>> Events 10th World Conference on Elder Abuse and WEAAD 2015 Lead-up The 10th World Conference on Elder Abuse and WEAAD 2015 Lead-up will be held on Wednesday 22 April 2015 at University College Dublin. The theme is 'Advances in elder abuse research, practice & legislation'. Registration closes 15 April 2015. For more information contact: Amanda Phelan tel: 00353 1 7166482 e-mail: U3A Walking Festival Monaghan University of the Third Age (U3A) will host a walking festival on Thursday and Friday 16 and 17 April. More information on the U3A Walking Festival can be found at or by ringing or texting 00 353 87 3432275. Building an evidence base for active ageing policies The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion are organising a seminar 'Building an evidence base for active ageing policies: active ageing index and its potential' in Brussels on Thursday and Friday 16 and 17 April. The seminar will be dedicated to the studies focusing on how to achieve better outcomes through appropriate policies including those that address life course determinants of active and healthy ageing. For more information click here Social Inclusion Forum The 2015 Annual Social Inclusion Forum will take place at Croke Park, Dublin on Wednesday 25 March. The forum is part of the institutional framework put in place by the ROI Government to support the development of the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007-2016. The theme for this year is social policy innovation for social inclusion. Find out more and register here. Commission on the Voluntary Sector and Ageing Report The Commission on the Voluntary Sector and Ageing, chaired by Lynne Berry OBE, has been looking at what issues the voluntary sector in England faces over the next two decades as a result of the demographic shifts expected. The independent commission has been meeting for the last 18 months and will launch its final report on Thursday 19 March in London. Find out more and register. European summit on innovation for active and healthy ageing The European Innovation Partnership for Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP on AHA) will host a summit on Monday and Tuesday 9-10 March 2015. The event will bring together EU representatives across several portfolios, business leaders, national and regional authorities, leading global innovators and media. The summit will also have a dedicated exhibition area to showcase the achievements of the EIP on AHA and other related research and innovation projects. More information here. Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference Alzheimer’s Research UK Conference 2015 will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday 10-11 March at the Senate House, London. This meeting is the UK’s largest dementia research conference covering a wide range of topics. More information here. Evolve Biomed 2015 Evolve Biomed 2015 will take place on Wednesday and Thursday 29-30 April 2015 at the RDS Dublin. It is a science and technology forum for early-career biomedical researchers to explore the latest advances in biomedical innovation and gain insights into how their expertise can be applied to develop breakthroughs that impact healthcare. A full programme is now available visit: International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2015 will take place Thursday-Sunday 23-26 April 2015 in Dublin. Click here for more information and to reserve your place. Northern Ireland Stroke Conference 2015 The Northern Ireland Multidisciplinary Association for Stroke Teams and UK Stroke Forum will host the Northern Ireland Stroke Conference on Wednesday 20 May at La Mon Hotel & Country Club, near Belfast. Early bird registration ends 9 March. Click here to book your place. Women and ageing The University of Limerick will host a conference on women and ageing Wednesday-Friday 20-22 May. The aim of this conference is to provide an opportunity to discuss intersections of the cultural, social and medical dimensions of women and ageing. It will engage with discourses on ageing in their various cultural manifestations through the ages but also across different cultures, genres and media. Read more here. Public Health Annual Scientific Conference: Call for abstracts The Public Health Agency and Partners will be hosting the fourth Public Health Annual Scientific Conference in Belfast on Wednesday 10 June. The theme of the conference will be Making Life Better – Improving health and care for adults. It will focus on how public health innovations, research and practice are meeting the needs of our adult population between the ages of 18-64 years. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 4pm on Wednesday 11 March 2015. Submissions to be emailed to: Creative writing workshops for bereaved people Creative writing workshops for bereaved people aged over 60 are to be offered in Belfast and Derry/Londonderry on Tuesday 10 and Monday 9 March respectively. Ideal for people who are novices at writing or may have always wanted to write but had no idea where to start and also for those who have some experience. It will demystify the process for participants and they will get a taste of the writing life, improve their writing skills and develop new ways to stretch their creative muscles. Read more here. More events here>> Funding, Awards & Training Opportunities ESRC: Secondary Data Analysis Initiative The Economic and Social Research Council has announced a call for the third phase of the Secondary Data Analysis Initiative. The aim of this call is to deliver high-quality, high-impact research through the deeper exploitation of existing data resources. It will fund projects of up to £200,000. More information can be found on the ESRC website. British Geriatrics Society Masters Scholarship Awards Applications are now open for the 2015/16 British Geriatrics Society Masters Scholarship Award. For more information, eligibility criteria and details on how to apply click here. The deadline for applications is Friday 31 July. Labex SIGNALIFE: PhD opportunities The Labex SIGNALIFE in France is currently seeking applications from outstanding students in the Life Sciences for a total of 20 highly competitive, fully funded PhD positions in the area of Cell Signalling. This will be the third recruitment for this PhD program, a 3-year PhD starting September 2015. The application deadline is Tuesday March 31 2015. Read more here. HRB Research Leaders Awards 2015 The Health Research Board identified as one of its key goals the need to build capacity to conduct high quality Population Health and Health Services Research (PH/HSR) in Ireland. Higher Education Institutions in Ireland along with partner organisations in health and social care are invited to nominate outstanding individuals with a track record in PH/HSR to become HRB Research Leaders.The closing date is Tuesday 31 March 2015. Read more here. Dementia Elevator training The Dementia Elevator team at Dublin City University will be offering retail training to promote dementia awareness and give customer-facing retail staff skills to engage effectively with customers who may have dementia. The training will be solution-focused with opportunities for interaction and reflection. It is suitable for all types of retail outlets and pharmacies. More information here. HERA Joint Research Programme The Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA) Network is pleased to announce a new HERA Joint Research Programme (HERA JRP) on 'Uses of the Past'. With up to €20 million available the research programme will fund new and exciting humanities-centred projects involving researchers from four or more countries. Deadline for applications is Thursday 9 April 2015. More information here. More funding news here>> CARDI Staff CARDI has been developed by leaders from the ageing field across Ireland (North and South). Roger O’Sullivan Director Paul Mc Gill CARDI Steering group If you want to explore how to be involved in progressing ageing research or want to find out more about our work please contact our team. Professor Davis Coakley Co-Chair of CARDI Professor Robert Stout Strategic Research Officer Co-Chair of CARDI Nicola Donnelly Owen Metcalfe Communications Officer – New Media Institute of Public Health Conor Breen Professor Eamon O’Shea Policy Officer – Research Translation Irish Centre for Social Gerontology Janet ElliottAdministrative Officer Robin Webster Age Action Ireland Dr Roger O’Sullivan Director of CARDI This work has been made possible through funding by The Atlantic Philanthropies, augmented by grants from the Department of Health and the Health & Social Care Research & Development Office, Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland. CARDI is hosted by the Institute of Public Health in Ireland. follow on Twitter friend on Facebook forward to a friend Unsubscribe Update preferences View in browser Copyright © 2015 CARDI, All rights reserved. This is a monthly newsletter from The Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland. Find out more at Our mailing address is: CARDI Forestview Purdy's Lane Belfast, Co Antrim BT8 7ZX United Kingdom Add us to your address book