Construct Validity: A Universal Validity System or Just AnotheTest

Construct Validity: A Universal
Validity System
Susan Embretson
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Maryland
Conference on the Concept of Validity
• Validity is a controversial concept in
educational and psychological testing
• Research on educational and psychological
tests during the last half of the 20th century
was guided by distinction of types of validity
• Criterion-related validity, content validity and
construct validity
• Construct validity is the most problematic
type of validity
• It involves theory and the relationship of data to
 Yet the most controversial type of validity became
the sole type of validity in the revised joint
standards for educational and psychological tests
 In the current standards “Validity refers to the degree to
which evidence and theory support the interpretations of
test scores entailed by proposed uses of test”
 Content validity and criterion-related validity are two of
five different kinds of evidence.
 Reflects substantial impact from Messick’s (1989) thesis
of a single type of validity (construct validity) with
several different aspects.
Overview of the validity concept
Current issues on validity
Discontent with construct validity for educational tests
Need for content validity
Critique of content validity as basis for educational
Universal system for construct validity
Applies to all tests
Achievement tests
Ability tests
History of the Construct Validity
Concept: Origins
• American Psychological Association (1954). Technical
recommendations for psychological tests and diagnostic
techniques. Psychological Bulletin, 51, 2, 1-38.
• Prepared by a joint committee of the American Psychological
Association, American Educational Research Association, and
National Council on Measurements Used in Education.
– “Validity information indicates to the test user the degree to
which the test is capable of achieving certain aims. … “Thus, a
vocabulary test might be used simply as a measure of present
vocabulary, as a predictor of college success, as a means of
discriminating schizophrenics from organics, or as a means of
making inferences about "intellectual capacity.“
– “We can distinguish among the four types of validity by noting
that each involves a different emphasis on the criterion. (p. 13)
Implications of Original Views
• Same test can be used in different ways
• Relevant type of validity depends on test
• The types of validity differ in the
importance of the behaviors involved in
the test
More Recent Views on Types of
• Standards for Educational and Psychological
Testing (1954; 1966; 1974, 1985, 1999)
• 1985
– “Traditionally, the various means of accumulating
validity evidence have been grouped into categories
called content-related, criterion-related and constructrelated evidence of validity. …” “These categories are
convenient.…but the use of category labels does not
imply that there are distinct types of validity…”
– “An ideal validation includes several types of
evidence, which span all three of the traditional
Conceptualizations of Validity:
Psychological Testing Textbooks
• “All validity analyses address the same basic question:
Does the test measure knowledge and characteristics
that are appropriate to its purpose. There are three
types of validity analysis, each answering this question in
a slight different way.” (Friedenberg,1995)
• “ …..the types of validity are potentially independent of
one another.” (Murphy & Davidshofer,1988)
• “There are three types of evidence: (1) construct-related,
(2) criterion-related, and (3) content-related.” …..”It is
important to emphasize that categories for grouping
different types of validity are convenient; however, the
use of categories does not imply that there are distinct
forms of validity.” Kaplan & Saccuszzo (1993)
Most Recent View on Validity
• Standards for Educational & Psychological Testing 1999
• “Validity refers to the degee to which evidence and
theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed
by proposed uses of tests”. (p.9)
• “These sources of evidence may illuminate different
aspects of validity, but they do not represent distinct
types of validity. Validity is a unitary concept.”
• “The wide variety of tests and circumstances makes it
natural that some types of evidence will be especially
critical in a given case, whereas other types will be less
useful.” (p. 9)
• “Because a validity argument typically depends on more
than one proposition, strong evidence in support of one in
no way diminishes the need for evidence to support
others. (p. 11).
Implications of 1999 Validity Concept
No distinct types of validity
Multiple sources of evidence for single test aim
Example-Mathematical achievement test used to
assess readiness for more advanced course
Propositions for inference
1) Certain skills are prerequisite for advanced course
2) Content domain structure for the test represents skills
3) Test scores represent domain performance
4) Test scores are not unduly influenced by irrelevant variables,
such as writing ability, spatial ability, anxiety etc.
5) Success in advanced course can be assessed
6) Test scores are related to success in advanced curriculum
Current Issues with the Validity
Concept: Educational Testing
 Lissitz and Samuelson (2007)
 Propose some changes in terminology and
emphasis in the validity concept
 Argue that “construct validity as it currently
exists has little to offer test construction in
educational testing”.
 In fact, their system leads to a most startling
 Construct validity is irrelevant to defining what
is measured by an educational test!!
 Content validity becomes primary in determining
what an educational test measures
Critique of Content Validity as Basis
for Educational Testing
• Content validity is not up to the burden of
defining what is measured by a test
• Relying on content validity evidence, as
available in practice, to determine the meaning
of educational tests could have detrimental
impact on test quality
• Giving content validity primacy for educational
tests could lead to very different types and
standards of evidence for educational and
psychological tests
Validity in Educational Tests
Response to Lissitz & Samuelson
• Background
• Embretson, S. E. (1983). Construct validity:
Construct representation versus nomothetic span.
Psychological Bulletin, 93, 179-197.
• Construct representation
• Establishes the meaning of test scores from
Identifying the theoretical mechanisms that
underlie test performance (i.e., the processes,
strategies and knowledge)
• Nomothetic span
• Establishes the significance of test scores by
Identifying the network of relationships of test
scores with other variables
Validity in Lissitz and Samuelson’s
Taxonomy of test evaluation procedures
1) Investigative Focus
Internal sources = analysis of the test and its items
Provides evidence about what is measured
External sources =relationship of test scores to
other measures & criteria
Provides evidence about impact, utility and trait theory
2) Perspective
Theoretical orientation = concern with measuring
Practical orientation = concern with measuring
Figure 2. Taxonomy of Test
Evaluation Procedures
Internal Latent
External Nomological
Content and
Utility and
Figure 1. The Structure of the
Technical Evaluation of Educational
Latent Process
Theory (Nomological)
Utility (Criterion)
Implications for Validity
System represents best current practices
Internal meaning (validity) established
For educational tests, content and reliability evidence
Evidence based on internal structure (i.e., reliability, etc.)
Evidence based on test content
For psychological tests, depends on latent processes
Evidence based on response processes
Evidence based on internal structure (item correlations)
But, notice the limitations
Response process and test content evidence are not
relevant to both types of tests
External evidence based on relations to other variables
has no role in validity
Internal Evidence for Educational
Tests Part I
 Reliability concept in the Lissitz and
Samuelson framework is generally
multifaceted and traditional
 Item interrelationships
 Relationship of test scores over conditions or
 Differential item functioning (DIF)
 Adverse impact
 (Perhaps adverse impact and DIF could be
considered as external information)
Internal Evidence for Educational
Tests Part II
• Concept of Content Validity
• Previous test standards (1985)**
 Content validity was a type of evidence that
“…..demonstrates the degree to which a sample of
items, tasks or questions on a test are representative
of some defined universe or domain of content”
 Two important elements added by L&S
 Cognitive complexity level
 “whether the test covers the relevant instructional or content
domain and the coverage is at the right level of cognitive
 Test development procedures
 Information about item writer credentials and quality control
Test Blueprints as Content Validity
 Blueprints represent domain strcture by
specifying percentages of test items that should
fall in various categories
 Example- test blueprint for NAEP for
 Five content strands
 Three levels of complexity
 Majority of states employ similar strands
 But, blueprints and other forms of test
specifications (along with reliability evidence)
are not sufficient to establish meaning for an
educational test
1. Domain Structure is a Theory
Which Changes Over Time
 NAEP framework, particularly for cognitive
complexity, has evolved (NAGB, 2006)
 Views on complexity level also may
change based on empirical evidence, such
as item difficulty modeling, task
decomposition and other methods
 Changes in domain structure also could
evolve in response to recommendations of
panels of experts.
 National Mathematics Advisory Panel
2. Reliability of Classifications is
Not Well Documented
Scant evidence that items can be reliably classified
into the blueprint categories
Certain factors in an achievement domain may
make these categorizations difficult
For example, in mathematics a single real-world
problem may involve algebra and number sense, as
well as measurement content
Item could be classified into three of the five strands.
Similarly, classifying items for mathematical complexity
also can be difficult
Abstract definitions of the various levels in many systems
3. Unrepresentative Samples from
 Practical limitations on testing conditions
may lead to unrepresentative samples of
the content domain
 More objective item formats, such as multiple
choice and limited constructed response have
long been favored
 Reliably and inexpensively scored
 But these formats may not elicit the deeper
levels of reasoning that experts believe
should be assessed for the subject matter
4. Irrelevant Item Solving
 Using content specifications, along with item
writer credentials and item quality control, may
not be sufficient to assure high quality tests
 Leighton and Gierl (2007) view content specifications
as one of three cognitive models for making
inferences about examinee’s thinking processes
 For the cognitive model of test specifications for
inferences is that no evidence is provided that examinees are
in fact using the presumed skills and knowledge to solve
NAEP Validity Study for
Mathematics: Grade 4 and Grade 8
 Mathematicians examined items from NAEP and
some state accountability tests
 Small percent of items deemed flawed (3-7%),
 Larger percent of items deemed marginal (23-30%)
 Marginal items had construct-irrelevant difficulties
problems with pattern specifications
unduly complicated presentation
unclear or misleading language
excessively time-consuming processes
 Marginal items previously had survived both contentrelated and empirical methods of evaluation
Examples of Irrelevant Knowledge,
Skills and Abilities
• Source
• National Mathematics Advisory Panel (2008).
Foundations for success: The final report of
the National Mathematics Advisory Panel.
Washington, DC: Department of Education
• Method- logical-theoretical analysis by
mathematicians & curriculum experts
• Mathematics involves aspects of logical
analysis, spatial ability and verbal reasoning,
yet their role can be excessive
Dependence on Non-Mathematical
Dependence on Logic, Not
Excessive Dependence on Spatial
Excessive Dependence on
Reasoning and Minimal
Implication for Educational Tests
 Identifying irrelevant sources of item
performance requires more than content-related
 Latent process evidence is relevant
 E.g., methods include cognitive analysis (e.g., item difficulty
modeling), verbal reports of examinees and factor analysis
 External sources of evidence may provide needed
 Example: Implications of the correlation of an algebra test
with a test of English
 If this correlation is too high, it may suggest a failure in the
system of internal evidence that supports test meaning
Construct Validity as a Universal
System and a Unifying Concept
 Features
 Consistent with current Test Standards (1999)
 Consistent with many of Lissitz and
Samuelson’s distinctions and elaborations
 Validity Concept
 Universal
 All sources of evidence are included
 Appropriate for both educational and psychological
 Interactive
 Evidence in one category is influenced or informed
by adequacy in the other categories
Categories of Evidence in the
Validity System
• Eleven categories of evidence
– Categories apply to both educational and
psychological tests
• Consistent with most validity frameworks and the
current Test Standards (1999), it is postulated
that tests differ in which categories in the system
are most crucial to test meaning, depending on
its intended use
• Even so, most categories of evidence are
potentially relevant to a test
A Universal Validity System
Internal Meaning
Internal Categories of Evidence
Logic/Theoretical Analysis
Theory of the subject matter content,
specification of areas and their
Latent Process Studies
Studies on content interrelationships,
prerequisite skills, impact of task features &
testing conditions on responses, etc.
Testing Conditions
Available test administration methods, scoring
mechanisms (raters, machine scoring, computer
algorithms), testing time, locations, etc.
Item Design Principles
Scientific evidence and knowledge about
how features of items impact the KSAs
applied by examinees-- Formats, item
context, complexity and specific content
Internal Categories of Evidence
Domain Structure
Specification of content areas and levels, as
well as relative importance and
Test Specifications
Blueprints specifying domain structure
representation, constraints on item features,
specification of testing conditions
Psychometric Properties
Item interrelationships, DIF, reliability,
relationship of item psychometric properties
to content & stimulus features, reliability
Scoring Models
Psychometric models and procedures to
combine responses within and between items,
weighting of items, item selection standards,
relationship of scores to proficiency
categories, etc. Decisions about
dimensionality, guessing, elimination of
poorly fitting items etc. impacts scores and
their relationships
External Categories of Evidence
Relationship of scores to external variables,
criteria & categories
Other Measures
Relationship of scores to other tests of
knowledge, skills and abilities
Consequences of test use, adverse impact,
proficiency levels & etc
The Universal System of Validity
• Test Specifications is the most essential
category: it determines (with Scoring Models)
• Representation of domain structure
• Psychometric properties of the test
• External relationships of test scores
• Preceding Test Specifications are categories of
scientific evidence, knowledge and theory
• Domain Structure
• Item Design Principles
• In turn preceded by
• Latent Process Studies
• Logical/Theoretical Analysis
• Testing Conditions
General Features of Validity
 Test meaning is determined by internal sources
of information
 Test significance is determined by external
sources of information
 Content aspects of the test are central to test
 Test specifications, which includes test content and
test development procedures, have a central role in
determining test meaning
 Test specifications also determine the psychometric
properties of tests, including reliability information
General Features of the Universal
Validity System
 Broad system of evidence is relevant to
support Test Specifications
 Item Design Principles --Relevancy of
examinees’ responses to the intended domain
 Domain Structure --Regarded as a theory
 Other preceding evidence
 Latent Process Studies
 Logical/theoretical analyses of the domain
 Testing Conditions
General Features of the Universal
Validity System
 Interactions among components
 Internal evidence  expectations for external
 External evidence informs adequacy of
evidence from internal sources
 Potential inadequacies arise when
 Hypotheses are not confirmed
 Unintended consequences of test use
 System of evidence includes both
theoretical and practical elements
 Relevant to educational and psychological
The Universal System of Validity
• Example of Feedback
• Speeded math test to emphasize
automatic numerical processes
• External evidence-- strong adverse impact
• Internal evidence categories to question
• Item Design
• Relationship of item speededness to automaticity
• Domain Structure
• Heavy emphasis on the automaticity of numerical skills
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Achievement
Current emphasis
Test specification
Central to standards-based testing
Domain structures
Essential to blueprints
Scoring models & Psychometric properties
State-of-art in large scale testing
Underemphasized areas
Item design principles
Research basis is emerging
Latent process studies
Important in establishing construct-relevancy of student responses
Logical/Theoretical Analysis
Important in defining domain structure
Implications of feedback from studies on
Utility, Other Measures, Impact
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Achievement
• Example: Item Design & Latent Process
• Item response format for mathematics items
• Katz, I.R., Bennett, R.E., & Berger, A.E. (2000).
Effects of response format on difficulty of SATMathematics items: It’s not the strategy. Journal of
Educational Measurement, 37(1), 39-57.
• Mathematical & non-mathematical item
• National Mathematics Advisory Panel
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Personality
Current emphasis
Logical/Theoretical Analysis
I.e., personality theories
Prediction of job performance
Other Measures
Factor analytic studies
Underemphasized areas
Test Specifications
Domain Structure
Item Design Principles
Latent Process Studies
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Personality
Test Specifications & Domain Structure
Ignoring domain structure  Lack of
convergent validity
Multifaceted personality constructs
Unbalanced or uncontrolled item set
Best represented facet emphasizied in item selection
Item selection will not be consistent
Example– Conscientiousness construct facets
Dependabilty, Achievement (Moutafi et al 2006)
Opposing relationship to commitment
Duty (-), Achievement Striving (+)
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Personality
Test Specifications & Domain Structure
• Example of structure in personality
– Facet theory to
• Define domain membership
• Define domain structure & observations
• Roskam, E. & Broers, N. (1996). Constructing
questionnaires: An application of facet design and item
response theory to the study of lonesomeness. In G.
Engelhard & M. Wilson (Eds.). Objective Measurement:
Theory into Practice Volume 3. Norwood, NJ: Ablex
Publishing. Pp. 349-385.
Facet Theory Approach to Measure
of Lonesomeness
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Personality
Item Design Principles & Latent Process Studies
Most measures are self-report format
Basis of self-report may involve strong
construct-irrelevant aspects
Tasks require judgments about relevance of
statement to own behavior and then reliably
California Psychological Inventory items
When in a group of people I usually do what the others want
rather than make suggestions
There have been a few times when I have been very mean to
another person.
I am a good mixer.
I am a better talker than listener.
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Personality
• Science of self-report is emerging and linked to
cognitive psychology
• Stone, A. A., Turkkan, J. S., Bachrach, C.A., Jobe, J. B.,
Kurtzman, H. S. & Cain, V. S. (2000). The science of selfreport. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum Publishers.
• Studies on how item and test design impacts
self-report accuracy
– Self-reports under optimal conditions are biased
• Daily diaries of dietary self-reports contain insufficient
calories to sustain life
• Smith, A. F., Jobe, J. B., & Mingay, D. M. (1991b). Retrieval
from memory of dietary information. Applied Cognitive
Psychology, 5, 269-296.
• Personality inventories are far less optimal for reliable
Application to Educational and
Psychological Tests: Personality
Mechanisms in self-report
Response styles
Social desirability
Memory & Context
When memory information is sufficient, other
methods are applied
Information earlier in the questionnaire
Ambiguity of issue discussed
Moods evoked by earlier questions
Self-Report Context Effects
 History of validity shows changes in the
 Notion of types still apparent
 Construct validity is a universal system of
evidence relevant to diverse tests
 Construct validity is appropriate for
educational tests
 Content aspect is not sufficient