"Tn jpkh f,i ug isÿ fõ" hehs mjrd ÿkafka wNsu;hhs ls;= iñ÷ka Tn l=i ;=< ckauh ukq ixy;sfha wNsudkhhs fkl úO udj;a meg¿Kq uxif, i. u. fmkajk B;,hhs úuqla;s fjr<g hkakg fjfyfik Trejg uqyqfoa mE ;rejhs mqk .ehqu( kfuda lkH uõ ls;= iñ÷ fj; iqndyq,H foõ l,ajdrs isma tó urshkS - osjH i;am%ido uys,dfjkS hkak - yrs mdr fmkajkak - cmud, rdcsKsfhkS iafkafykS - iaj¾. wjHdc wdpdrsKS wrfKa Tfn oekqu ,en ÿ,n - i. fcreif,u fj; "fï uu iñ÷ka odish fjñ" hehs ie< flrefõ Tn weoys,a,hs t<sifn;=ka neye olskak hkakg Tn fhduq flrefõ wdorhhs jirla mdid fcreif,ug f.dia wjk; jQfha ms<sfj;ghs l,ajdrsh u; .e,q isrs reêfrg uqiq jQfha Tfn f,a l÷,hs fn;af,fyfï .juvqfõ ksy~j ish,a, isf;a ksoka flrejd kdirf;a jvquvqfõ mqnqÿj foõ mq;= osú u. osrs flrejd ldkdfõ ux., idfog ú;a foaj mq;=g weúá,s flrejd mq;= lshkd foa l=ula jqj;a th lrkak wmg;a wK flrejd mq;= hd hq;= u. ks;ru miqmi fijKe,a,la fuks Tn isáfha fn;af,fyfï mq;= ke<jQ Wl=,u mq;= u< isrerg hyk jqfha .sks osõ ú,iska Y=oaOd;au odfkos isáfha Tn Y%djl l=áfha Tnuhs wïfï wm <Õ bkafka osú .ufka reÿ fmdr msáfha "Tn jpkh f,i ug isÿ fõ" hehs mjrd ÿkafka wNsu;hhs "Fiat voluntas tua" you said and surrendered your will ls;= iñ÷ka Tn l=i ;=< ckauh ukq ikqyr wNsudkhhs You bore the Son of God and that became our pride fkl úO udj;a meg¿Kq uxif, i. u. fmkajk B;,hhs At life's crossroads you are the arrow that points to heaven úuqla;s fjr<g hkakg fjfyfik Trejg uqyqfoa mE ;rejhs You are the Star of the Sea leading the marooned sails ashore mqk .ehqu( kfuda lkH uõ urshkS - osjH i;am%ido uys,dfjkS (Ecclesia de Eucharistia Chapter 6) Ave, Virgin Mother Mary, You are the woman of the Eucharist ls;= iñ÷ fj; hkak - yrs mdr fmkajkak - cmud, rdcsKsfhkS Show us the right path to reach out to Christ our Lord, O Queen of the Rosary iqndyq,H foõ iafkafykS - iaj¾. wjHdc wdpdrsKS (At the school of Mary... EE Chapter 6) Superabundant of God's love you are - the authentic heavenly teacher you are l,ajdrs isma wrfKa Tfn oekqu ,en ÿ,n - kj fcreif,u fj; tó At your school of Calvary I learn your unique catechism and reach heavenly Jerusalem "fï uu iñ÷ka odish fjñ" hehs ie< flrefõ Tn weoys,a,hs When you said I am God's handmaid we see your limitless faith t<sifn;=ka neye olskak hkakg Tn fhduq flrefõ wdorhhs It is love that inspired you to visit your cousin Elizabeth jirla mdid fcreif,ug f.dia wjk; jQfha ioyughs Your annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem reflected loyalty to God l,ajdrsh u; .e,q isrs reêfrg uqiq jQfha Tfn f,a l÷,hs Your tears mingled with the blood that flowed out on Calvary fn;af,fyfï .juvqfõ ksy~j ish,a, isf;a ksoka flrejd At the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem you bore everything in your heart kdirf;a jvquvqfõ mqnqÿj foõ mq;= osú u. osrs flrejd You inspired Jesus to pursue His way in Nazareth ldkdfõ ux., idfog ú;a foaj mq;=g weúá,s flrejd You pleaded with Jesus to help at Cana wedding feast mq;= lshkd foa l=ula jqj;a th lrkak wmg;a wK flrejd You ask us to do anything he says because you know Him best mq;= hd hq;= u. ks;ru miqmi fijKe,a,la fuks Tn isáfha You were always behind your Son in the path He showed us fn;af,fyfï mq;= ke<jQ Wl=,u mq;= u< isrerg hyk jqfha The lap that fondled the child in Bethlehem received His corpse .sks osõ ú,iska Y=oaOd;au odfkos isáfha Tn Y%djl l=áfha When the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire you were there Tnuhs wïfï wm <Õ bkafka osú .ufka reÿ fmdr msáfha You are always beside us as we battle through our life on earth You said "Fiat voluntas tua" and surrendered your will You bore the Son of God and that became the pride of humankind At life's crossroads you are the arrow that points to heaven You are the Star of the Sea leading the marooned sail ashore Chorus: Ave, Virgin Mother Mary, the "woman of the Eucharist" Show us the right path to reach out to Christ, O Queen of the Rosary Superabundant of God's love you are - the authentic heavenly teacher you are At your school of Calvary I learn your unique catechism and reach heavenly Jerusalem When you said I am God's handmaid we see your limitless faith It is love that inspired you to visit your cousin Elizabeth Your annual pilgrimage to Jerusalem reflected loyalty to God Your tears mingled with the blood that flowed out on Calvary At nativity in Bethlehem you bore everything in your heart You inspired Jesus to pursue His way in Nazareth You pleaded with Jesus to help at Cana wedding feast You ask us to do anything he says because you know Him best You were always supportive of your Son in the Way He showed The lap that fondled the child in Bethlehem received His corpse When the Holy Spirit descended in tongues of fire you were there You are always beside us as we battle through our life on earth