CMT_401_CM_11_1_11 - College of Engineering and

Course Modification Proposal – Page 1/10
College: [Engineering & Computer Science] Department: [CEAM]
1. Current Catalog Entry Information:
Subject Abbreviation and Number: [CMT401/L]
Lecture Course Title: [CMT 401 Construction Contract Administration]
Activity/Lab course title: [CMT 401L Construction Contract Administration Lab]
Lecture Course Units: [2]
Activity/Lab Course Units: [1]
General Education Section [
] (if applicable)
2. Date of Proposed Implementation: (Semester/Year): [Fall] / [2013] Comments
3. Course Level:
[ X]Undergraduate Only
[ ]Graduate Only
[ ]Graduate/Undergraduate
4. Nature of Request:
[ ] Delete Lecture (Note: Record of course will remain in inactive course file)
[X ] Delete Activity/Lab (Note: Record of course will remain in inactive course file)
[ X ] Change unit value:
Lecture: From [ 2 ] units to [ 3 ] units
Activity/Lab: From [ 1 ] units to [ 0 ] units
[ ] Change course type (classification) such as lecture-discussion, laboratory, activity, etc.:
Lecture: From [ ] units @ [C- ] to [ ] units @ [C- ]
Activity/Lab: From [ ] units @ [ C- ] to [ ] units @ [ C- ]
[ ] Change course title to:
Lecture: []
Activity/Lab: []
[ ] Change course abbreviation “Short title” (Maximum of 17 characters and spaces) to
Lecture: new Short Title: []
Activity/Lab: new Short Title: []
[X] Change current catalog course description (See current and proposed catalog course descriptions
Notes: If grading is NC/CR only, please state in course description. If a course numbered less than
500 is available for graduate credit, please state “Available for graduate credit in the catalog
] Change subject abbreviation number to: (Example: HSCI 100 to PT 105) [ ]
[X] Change requisites (Prerequisites, Corequisites, Preparatory, Recommended Corequisites)
Lecture: From: [Prerequisite: BLAW 280, CMT 210/L and Corequisite CMT 401L]
To: [Prerequisite: BLAW 280, CMT 210/L]
Activity/ Lab: From: [ ]
To: []
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] Change Current Basis of Grading
From: [ ]Credit/No Credit Only
To: [ ]Credit/No Credit Only
]Letter Grade Only
]Letter Grade Only
]CR/NC or Letter Grade
]CR/NC or Letter Grade
] Add course to GE Section [
] Remove course from GE Section [
] Change course to a Community Service Learning course (CS)
] Allow multiple enrollments within a semester.
] Change number of times this course may be taken:
May be taken for credit for a total of [ ] times, or for a maximum of [ ] units
] Multiple enrollments are allowed within a semester
] Crosslist this course with [
] Other: [
5. Justification and Clarification of Request (See below.)
6. Estimated Impact on Resources Within the Department, for Other Departments and
the University. (See below.)
7. Impact on Other Departments’ Programs (See below.)
8. Indicate which of the Program’s Measurable Student Learning Outcomes are addressed in
this course. (See below.)
9. If this is a General Education course, indicate how the General Education Measurable
Student Learning Outcomes (from the appropriate section) are addressed in this course.
10. Methods of Assessment for Measurable Student Learning Outcomes (See below.)
A. Assessment tools
B. Describe the procedure dept/program will use to ensure the faculty teaching the course will be
involved in the assessment process (refer to the university’s policy on assessment.)
11. Record of Consultation: (Normally all consultation should be with a department chair or program
coordinator.) If more space is needed attach statement and supporting memoranda.
Department Chair/Program Coordinator
[ 8/26/2011 ] [CEAM/CECS ]
[Faculty ]
[Ileana Costea]
[Hamid Johari ]
[Ali Amini ]
[Steven Stepanek ]
Consultation with the Oviatt Library is recommended for course modifications to ensure the
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availability of appropriate resources to support proposed course curriculum.
Collection Development Coordinator, Mary Woodley
Please send an email to:
[ 10/7/2011 ]
12. Approvals:
Department Chair/Program Coordinator:
College (Dean or Associate Dean):
Educational Policies Committee:
Graduate Studies Committee:
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Current CMT Course Description
CMT 401/L. Construction Contract Administration and Lab (2/1)
Prerequisite: BLAW 280, CMT 210/L and corequisite CMT 401L. Administration of contract
documents including invitation to bid, addenda, proposals, change orders, subcontracts, liens, claims,
waivers, arbitration, general and supplemental conditions, and CSI specifications. Two hours lecturediscussion; three hours technical activity-lab per week
Proposed CMT Course Description
CMT 401. Construction Contract Administration (3)
Prerequisite: BLAW 280, CMT 210/L. Administration of contract documents including invitation to bid,
addenda, proposals, change orders, subcontracts, liens, claims, waivers, arbitration, general and
supplemental conditions, and CSI specifications. Three hours lecture-discussion per week
5. Justification and Clarification of Request
Canceling CMT 401 Lab and adding one unit to the CMT 401 lecture is being made in response to the
findings to our program assessment. Some of the lab materials are already covered in other classes. The
remaining lab materials can be covered as part of the lecture materials.
6. Estimated Impact on Resources within the Department, for other Departments and the
The lab is classified as C15. Based on this classification, the workload K-factor is 1.5 units. Canceling the
lab and adding 1 unit to the Lecture time will result in 0.5 units saving.
7. Impact on other Departments’ programs (Attach)
8. Indicate which of the Program’s Measurable Student Learning Outcomes are addressed in this
This course enables students to develop the following skills and competencies:
1. function effectively on teams
2. an ability to identify, analyze, and solve technical problems
3. an ability to communicate effectively
4. commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement
5. an ability to understand professional, ethical, and social responsibilities
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Assessment of Course Objective
Program Student Learning Outcome
a) an ability to demonstrate an appropriate mastery of the knowledge, techniques, skills,
and modern tools of their disciplines
b) an ability to apply current knowledge and adapt to emerging applications of
mathematics, science, engineering, and technology
c) an ability to conduct, analyze, and interpret experiments and apply experimental
results to improve processes
d) an ability to apply creativity in the design of systems, components, or processes
appropriate to program objectives
e) an ability to function effectively on teams
f) an ability to identify, analyze, and solve technical problems
g) an ability to communicate effectively
h) an ability to recognize the need for, and possess the ability to pursue lifelong learning
i) an ability to understand professional, ethical, and social responsibilities
j) an ability to recognize contemporary professional, societal, and global issues and
awareness of and respect for diversity
k) a commitment to quality, timeliness and continuous improvement
l) knowledge of construction contracts, documents, specifications and codes
m) knowledge of construction methods and materials
n) knowledge of construction surveying
o) knowledge of statics and strength of materials
p) knowledge of material quantity and cost estimates of projects
q) knowledge of productivity software to solve technical problems
r) knowledge of construction accounting and economics
s) an ability to utilize modern instruments, methods and techniques
t) knowledge of construction law and ethics
u) knowledge of soils, and foundations
v) knowledge of scheduling and project management
w) knowledge of construction safety
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Directions: Assess the how well ________ (course) contributes to the program’s student learning outcomes by rating each course objective for that
course with an I, P or D.
An extensive understanding of how to administer
a contract in the construction phase
A general understanding of contract
documentation, specification and drawings,
construction laws and labor relations,
construction safety, meetings and negotiations,
CPM, CCOs and the entire construction
operation from the administrative point of view
knowledge about ethics in construction
Student Learning Outcome w
Student Learning Outcome v
Student Learning Outcome u
Student Learning Outcome t
Student Learning Outcome s
Student Learning Outcome r
Student Learning Outcome q
Student Learning Outcome p
Student Learning Outcome o
Student Learning Outcome n
Student Learning Outcome m
Student Learning Outcome l
Student Learning Outcome k
Student Learning Outcome h
1. Communicate in
Student Learning
Sign i2
Language (ASL) with
Student Learning
Outcome j
Deaf People.
Student Learning Outcome g
Student Learning Outcome f
Student Learning Outcome e
Student Learning Outcome d
Student Learning Outcome c
Student Learning Outcome b
Course Objectives
Student Learning Outcome a
I=introduced (basic level of proficiency is expected)
P=practiced (proficient/intermediate level of proficiency is expected)
D=demonstrated (highest level/most advanced level of proficiency is expected)
Course Objectives
An extensive understanding of how to administer a contract in the
construction phase
Assessments of Student Performance
Assessment will be based on the knowledge students will learn from
Assignments, Exams & Quizzes
A general understanding of contract documentation, specification and
drawings, construction laws and labor relations, construction safety,
meetings and negotiations, CPM, CCOs and the entire construction
operation from the administrative point of view
knowledge about ethics in construction
Assessment will be based on the knowledge students will learn from Term
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Assessment will be based on the knowledge students will learn from
Course Modification Proposal – Page 1/10
Methods of Assessment for Measurable Student Learning Outcomes
A. Assessment Tools
The assessment tools used in this course are standard for the department and include:
1. Student performance on homework in-class laboratory experience and exams;
2. A written student assessment of their own success at meeting the course learning outcomes;
3. Student evaluation of the course;
4. Senior exit interviews;
5. Employer surveys; and
6. The Educational Benchmark, Inc. survey.
B. Procedure to Assure Faculty Involvement in Assessment
The department has a formal process for assessment, which was developed as a part of the
ACCE accreditation process. The details of the process can be found in “Program Self-Study
Report for Construction Management Technology Program, Submitted by: Construction
Management Technology Program, California State University Northridge, September 2009.”
As a part of this process every faculty member is required to do a personal assessment of the
courses they teach on a regular basis. These assessments are kept on file in the department
office and presented at the accreditation visit.
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Course Outline and Syllabus
California State University Northridge
Department of Civil Engineering & Applied Mechanics
CMT401: Construction Contract Administration (3 Units)
Fall 2013
9:00 a.m.– 11:50 a.m. S
JD 1565E
Ayman Jabbouri
Tel: (818) 677-2166
Course Web Page: None listed
Office Hours: by appointment only
 Catalog Description:
Administration of contract documents including invitation to bid, addenda, proposals, change orders,
subcontracts, liens, claims, waivers, arbitration, general and supplemental conditions, and CSI
specifications. Three hours lecture-discussion per week
Course Prerequisite: BLAW 280 & senior standing or consent of instructor
Course Objectives
After completing this course, the student will have:
1. An extensive understanding of how to administer a contract in the construction phase (5.61, 5.63,
2. A general understanding of contract documentation, specification and drawings, construction laws
and labor relations, construction safety, meetings and negotiations, CPM, CCOs and the entire
construction operation from the administrative point of view (5.62, 5.63, 5.65).
3. More knowledge about ethics in construction
Fisk, Ed, Construction Project Administration, 9th edition
1. Smith, William David, Smith, Holland, McGraw-Hill on-Site Guide to building Codes 2000, McGraw Hill, 2001.
2. Rubin, Robert A. Guy, Sammie D., Maevis, Alfred C. Fairweather, Virginia, Construction Claims,
Prevention and Resolution, Boston, Kluwer, 1992.
3. Leibing, Ralph W., Registered Architect, Construction Contract Administration, Prentice Hall, 1998.
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Grade Distribution
Exams (I and II Tests)
Exam III
Term Project
Grading Scale
A 90% - 100%
B 80% - 84%
C 70% - 79%
D 50% - 65%
A- 85%- 89%
B- 75%- 79%
C- 65%- 69%
F Below 50%
General Policies
1. Students are expected to be present for every class meeting. Any anticipated absences should be
cleared with the instructor in advance, when possible, with a typed written memorandum stating the
date, reason, and proof for absence or the absence will be considered unexcused.
2. Students have to come to class on time. If you know that you’ll need to leave before the class is over,
try to sit as close to the door as possible so as not to disrupt others. Similarly, if you arrive in class
late, enter the classroom as quietly as possible and take the first available seat.
3. Full attention in class is required. Accordingly, activities such as reading newspapers, emails, online
chats, text messaging, working on other classes assignments and sleeping is not allowed in class.
4. When you have a question or comment, please raise your hand first as a courtesy to your classmates
and the professor. Remember, your questions are NOT an imposition – they are welcome.
5. Cell phone must be turned off or on vibration mode before the start of class. If a call has to be
answered, student must go out of classroom without disruption.
6. Students who copy projects from some other sources will receive an F in the course. Where two
or more students submit nearly identical projects all students involved will receive an F in the
7. Identical solution on exams, indicating copying, will result in an F in the course for both
students involved. Additional disciplinary action may be taken by the college as well
Exam Policies:
 Anticipated exam time frame is specified below. If any of these dates represent a conflict, please
notify the instructor for possible changes of exam dates.
 Quizzes are usually unannounced.
 Make-up tests and quizzes will be allowed for only exceptional circumstances and proven medical
 Midterm exams are not comprehensive. However, the final exam is comprehensive with emphasis
on the latest material covered.
Assignment Policies:
 Consultation with other students for solving assignments is acceptable. But each student must
report his/her work independently. All identical assignments may receive a score of zero on that
 Assignments are due by class time. one week from the date they are assigned
 Late assignments will receive point deduction at the rate of 10% per day. No assignment will be
accepted after graded assignments are returned except for proven medical emergencies.
 Most exam problems will be similar to assignment problems. Therefore, solving assignments is a
key in being successful in exams.
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Students with Disabilities
Any students with disabilities or other special needs and who need special accommodations in this course,
are invited to share these concerns or requests with the instructor as soon as possible.
Academic Dishonesty
All work in this course must be completed in a manner consistent with Section 41301, Title 5, California
Code of Regulations, as published in the University Catalog.
8/21 Introduction to Contract Administration
8/28 The Project Delivery System
Authority and Responsibility of CM
Resident Project Representative Office
9/11 Responsibilities
9/18 Specification and Drawings
Using the Specification in Contract
Exam I
9/2 Ethics
10/09 Construction Laws and Labor Relations
Construction Safety
10/16 Meeting and Negotiations
Risk Allocation and Liability Sharing
10/23 Preconstruction Operations
Planning for Construction
10/30 NO CLASS
Exam II
11/13 Value Engineering
Measurements and Payments
11/20 Construction Materials and Workmanship
Change Orders, Claims and Disputes
11/27 Project Closeout
12/5 Final Exam
* The schedule is subject to change by the instructor
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Ch. 1
Ch. 2
ACCE Areas of
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 19
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 20
Ch. 21