Department of Biology and Biochemistry SSLC Meeting th 5 December 2013 1) Present and Apologies: Present: Ruth Massey, Charlotte Prichard, Theresa Carlsen, Luke Pattison, Katherine Meynihan, Amelia Au Yeung, Alexandra Webster, Adam Jellett, Abigail Johnson, Karina Bradshaw (librarian), Cath Haines (SEO Science), Chris Todd, Teresa Buckley, Lyndsey Moore. Apologies: Paul Whitley, Megan Endean 2) Approval of minutes from 14/11/13. Minor typo noted on item 8, should read “to raise”. 3) Review of feedback policy (CMT). Chris Todd has received no feedback from students. 4) Weighting of final year modules coursework: “protein synthesis, folding and turnover” and “entrepreneurial biotechnology” (Adam Jellett). Course work for theses unit constitutes 20% of the overall score and the Depts expectation for 20% is that it should take up approximately 20hrs. Student representative need to circulate this information to the affected students and if students report spending significantly more time than this on the coursework, specific number of hours needs to be collected and provided to staff for reconsideration. 5) “Genes and Genomes” module content (Adam Jellett) Concerns were raised that this unit seemed to require significantly more work than other units. For example, each lecture would recommend at least 10 additional papers to read. RCM and CMT discussed how units differ in requirements and this is likely to be one where synthesis of ideas and evaluation and analysis of facts is required, rather than reading much beyond those recommended papers. CMT will talk to Tony Perry and ask him to explain and elaborate on this to students. 6) Prior Notice of Exam Questions (Lyndsey Moore) Concerns was raised over a specific lecturer providing exam questions in advance of the exam. It was discussed that this is an alternative approach to assessing material, and that the expectation of a lecturer might be different, having provided the question in advance. But this would not affect the overall outcome of the unit. To ensure no students are disadvantaged should they have missed this lecture, the question has now been emailed to all student taking the unit. 7) Library Matters (Karina Bradshaw) It was discussed that BUCS are aware that not all USB ports on computers in the library work, and they are monitoring PC activity. Students should report the PC number to BUCS so they can repair it. 7 and 28 day loans have now been issued until 8th of January, unless reserved by another student. KB also asked that representatives publicise e-lounges distributed across the campus for use in busy times. 8) A.O.B. Placement Feedback: a sheet is now in place to collect this information (CMT) Minutes taken by Ruth Massey