Educators Workshop June 18, 19 2013 Oakton Community College Deb Newberry Billie Copley Plan of attack – Day 1 Introductions Workshop Overview A bit about Nanotechnology Introduction to Nano-Link Nano-Link Educational Content Activity 1 – XL Polymer Part 1 Lay the foundation Critical Thinking Major Concepts Atomic Structure Priorities of Forces and Interactions Activity 2 Salt and Water or Water and Salt Activity 1 revisited XL Polymer Activity 3 Ring Polymer Plan of attack Introduction Nanotechnology Critical Thinking Aspects Models and Assumptions Hands on Activities Forces and Interactions Scientific Method Optics, Index of Refraction Sense of Scale SA/Vol ratio Nanotechnology is….. the ability to observe, image, study, measure and manipulate at the molecular and atomic scale. 1959 Feynman gives after-dinner talk describing molecular machines building with atomic precision 1974 Taniguchi uses term "nano-technology" in paper on ion-sputter machining 1981 STM invented 1986 AFM invented 1985 Buckyball discovered 1989 IBM logo spelled in individual atoms 1997 First company founded: Zyvex Over the last several decades… Modifications Improvements New ‘scopes Why is understanding the molecular or atomic level structure of a material important? Atomic (electronic) structure Molecular structure Physical characteristics Electrical characteristics Biological characteristics Dakota County Technical College Nanoscience Technology Program Course Outline and Credit Allocation rev. 2011 Semester 1 at DCTC Semester 2 at DCTC Semester 3 at DCTC Semester 4 At Univ. of MN Course Name Credits Course Name Credits Course Name Credits Course Name Credits BIOL 1500 General Biology 4 CHEM 1500 Introduction to Chemistry 4 NANO 2101 Nano Electronics 3 MT 3111 Elem. of Micro Manufacturing 3 PHYS 1100 College Physics I 4 PHYS 1200 College Physics II 4 NANO 2111 Nanobiotechnology/ Agriculture 3 MT 3112 Elem. of Micro Mfg Lab 1 ENGL 1100 Writing & Research Skills 3 SPEE 1020 Interpersonal Communication 3 NANO 2121 Nanomaterials 3 MT 3121 Thin Films Deposition 3 MATS 1300 College Algebra 4 MATS 1250 Principles of Statistical Analysis 4 NANO 2131 Manufacturing, Quality Assurance 2 MT 3131 Intro to Materials Characterization 3 NANO 1100 Fund. of Nano I 3 NANO 1200 Fund of Nano II 3 NANO 2140 Interdisciplinary Lab 3 MT 3132 Materials 1 Characterization Lab NANO 1210 Computer Simulation 1 NANO 2151 Career Planning and Industry 1 MT 3141 Principles and Applications of Bionanotechnology 3 NANO 1222 Student Lab Experience and Research 3 MT 3142 Nanoparticles & Biotechnology Lab 1 NANO 2970 Internship 2 Credits 18 Credits 19 Credits 15 Credits 17 Lead Institution: Dakota County Technical College University Partner: University of Minnesota PI: Deb Newberry Dakota County Technical College Nanoscience Technology Program Course Outline and Credit Allocation rev. 2011 Semester 1 at DCTC Semester 2 at DCTC Semester 3 at DCTC Semester 4 At Univ. of MN Course Name Credits Course Name Credits Course Name Credits Course Name Credits BIOL 1500 General Biology 4 CHEM 1500 Introduction to Chemistry 4 NANO 2101 Nano Electronics 3 MT 3111 Elem. of Micro Manufacturing 3 PHYS 1100 College Physics I 4 PHYS 1200 College Physics II 4 NANO 2111 Nanobiotechnology/ Agriculture 3 MT 3112 Elem. of Micro Mfg Lab 1 ENGL 1100 Writing & Research Skills 3 SPEE 1020 Interpersonal Communication 3 NANO 2121 Nanomaterials 3 MT 3121 Thin Films Deposition 3 MATS 1300 College Algebra 4 MATS 1250 Principles of Statistical Analysis 4 NANO 2131 Manufacturing, Quality Assurance 2 MT 3131 Intro to Materials Characterization 3 NANO 1100 Fund. of Nano I 3 NANO 1200 Fund of Nano II 3 NANO 2140 Interdisciplinary Lab 3 MT 3132 Materials 1 Characterization Lab NANO 1210 Computer Simulation 1 NANO 2151 Career Planning and Industry 1 MT 3141 Principles and Applications of Bionanotechnology 3 NANO 1222 Student Lab Experience and Research 3 MT 3142 Nanoparticles & Biotechnology Lab 1 NANO 2970 Internship 2 Credits 18 Credits 19 Credits 15 Credits 17 Outcomes SKAs Module Table of Contents •Team/group work •Data Analysis •Critical Thinking •Inquiry Learning •Topic specific •3 to 5 hours of class time •Background information on the topic •Prerequisites •List of companion traditional concepts •Lecture Power Points – Nano Concepts •As Appropriate: •Demonstrations •Activities •Experiments •Student Assessment •Topics for Discussion •Models, Simulations, animations •Related journal articles and worksheets Nano Infusion Project A Nano-Link Center Dissemination Activity Go to – find project information Register at the website Sign up for Nano Infusion Project Tell us about you and number of students We also do educator workshops You supply: educators and facility NL supplies: materials, content, trainers, food and stipends Module Focus Effervescent Tablets Surface area to volume ratio Magic Sand Superhydrophobicity Crystals Part 1 Self Assembly Crystals Part 2 Unit Cells Cross-Link Polymer Fluid and polymer interactions Ring-Polymer Fluid and polymer interactions Chemistry Biology Chemistry Magic Fish Scientific Method General Sunscreen Physics Thin Films Nano particles and light interaction Interaction with light Memory Metals Crystalline structure of metals Light Emitting Diodes Part 1 Energy band structure Energy and wavelength Physics Material Science Physics Light Emitting Diodes Part 2 Device operation Physics What’s wrong with this picture? Water and Salt Atomic Structure Physics Quantum at the nanoscale Atomic structure Dissolving process Temperature dependence Non uniform charge distribution Non Non uniform charge distribution Chemistry Sense of Scale Biology Biology Hydrophobic and hydrophilic Molecular structure Mixing fluids (turbulent and lamiar plow) Material Properties - Strength Physics Material science Material Science Phenomena at the nanoscale Molecular structures Lab on a Chip Optics as sensors Physics Sensors Diffusion Chemistry Size dependent interactions Molecular interactions Micelles: Biology and Soap Protein Folding Micro Fluidics Carbon Nanotubes Part 1 Diffraction Gratings Nanoparticles in Solution Traditional Sciences Algebra and graphing Chemistry Physics Physics Chemistry Material Science Physics Nano Concept Application Correlation Status Reactivity and surface area Priorities of Forces and Interactions Material structure Batteries, catalytic converters Water purification Material structure Material structure Priorities of Forces and Interactions Priorities of Forces and Interactions General Drug delivery Complete and distributed Complete and distributed Complete and distributed In process (3/13) Complete and distributed Complete and distributed Complete and distributed In beta test Size dependent interactions Size dependent interactions Nanoscale properties Quantum at the nanoscale Critical thinking Absorbent material Design of experiments Sunscreen Decorative products Springs Complete and distributed Distributed Energy efficient lighting In beta test (2/13) Solid state In process (3/13) In beta test (2/13) Geckos and Jumping spiders Supersaturated solutions Detergent Drug interactions Automobiles Targeted systems In beta test (2/13) In process (3/13) In process (3/13) In beta test (2/13) In process (3/13) In process (5/13) In process (5/13) Why is understanding the molecular or atomic level structure of a material important? Atomic (electronic) structure Molecular structure Physical characteristics Electrical characteristics Biological characteristics Activity 1 XL Polymers part 1 In the Emerging Technology Arena…… Employers need employees with multiple Skills, Knowledge and Abilities (SKAs) Concepts: Sense of Scale Surface area/volume Forces and Interactions Material Properties Critical Thinking: Requires multi-disciplinary knowledge Investigations Design of Experiments Data Analysis Statistical Understanding Concepts Multi-disciplinary Counter intuitive Unique set of capabilities Critical Thinking 21st HandsOn Century Skills: Multi-disciplinary team player Oral and written communication Variety of Audiences Life long learning Not everyone speaks the same technical language 21st Century Skills Hands-On Equipment Operation Sample Preparation Equipment Maintenance Equipment strengths and weaknesses Various Applications Is Expensive Need many pieces 1991 WHAT WORK REQUIRES OF SCHOOLS A SCANS REPORT FOR AMERICA 2000 THE SECRETARY’S COMMISSION ON ACHIEVING NECESSARY SKILLS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR JUNE 1991 SCANS Report 1991 FIVE COMPETENCIES Resources: Identifies, organizes, plans, and allocates resources A. Time & Selects goal-relevant activities, ranks them, allocates time, and prepares and follows schedules B. Money & Uses or prepares budgets, makes forecasts, keeps records, and makes adjustments to meet objectives C. Material and Facilities & Acquires, stores, allocates, and uses materials or space efficiently D. Human Resources & Assesses skills and distributes work accordingly, evaluates performance and provides Feedback Interpersonal: Works with others A. Participates as a Member of a Team & contributes to group effort B. Teaches Others New Skills C. Serves Clients/Customers & works to satisfy customers’ expectations D. Exercises Leadership & communicates ideas to justify position, persuades and convinces others, responsibly challenges existing procedures and policies E. Negotiates & works toward agreements involving exchange of resources, resolves divergent interests F. Works with Diversity & works well with men and women from diverse backgrounds Information: Acquires and uses information A. Acquires and Evaluates Information B. Organizes and Maintains Information C. Interprets and Communicates Information D. Uses Computers to Process Information Systems: Understands complex inter-relationships A. Understands Systems & knows how social, organizational, and technological systems work and operates effectively with them B. Monitors and Corrects Performance & distinguishes trends, predicts impacts on system operations, diagnoses deviations in systems’ performance and corrects malfunctions C. Improves or Designs Systems Technology: Works with a variety of technologies A. Selects Technology & chooses procedures, tools or equipment including computers and related technologies B. Applies Technology to Task & Understands overall intent and proper procedures for setup and operation of equipment C. Maintains and Troubleshoots Equipment & Prevents, identifies, or solves problems with equipment, including computers and other technologies. P21 2009 July 2012 NAS Report Business and political leaders are increasingly asking schools to integrate development of skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration into the teaching and learning of academic subjects. Collectively these skills are often referred to as “21st century skills” or “deeper learning.” Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century, a new report from the National Research Council, more clearly defines these terms and lays the groundwork for policy and further research in the field. The new report: clarifies the meaning of “deeper learning” and “21st century skills.” Deeper learning is the process through which a person becomes capable of taking what was learned in one situation and applying it to new situations. Through deeper learning, students develop 21st century competencies – transferable expertise within a given subject area, including both knowledge and skills. examines links between 21st century competencies and adult outcomes. Research on links between 21st century competencies and adult outcomes has been limited so far. Cognitive competencies – those related to thinking, reasoning and memory – show consistent, positive correlations of modest size with desirable outcomes in education, work, and health. Being conscientious is also correlated with desirable outcomes. identifies instructional methods that can support students’ development of transferable knowledge and skills in a subject area. examines the Common Core State Standards in math and English language arts and NRC’s K-12 science education framework to assess how well they support deeper learning and 21 st century competencies. All three documents highlight the importance of helping students understand the general principles underlying specific content, a hallmark of deeper learning. recommends that state and federal governments establish policies and programs to support students’ acquisition of transferable knowledge and skills. Knowledge Transfer and Critical Thinking The ability to apply or find and assimilate information from {perhaps} diverse areas and apply that information to understand, describe or explain observed or inferred phenomena. Determine interactions, priorities, feasibility of processes or interactions – analyze and optimize The “Big Ideas” of Nanoscale Science* Sense of Scale Surface area to volume ratio Density, force and pressure Surface tension Priority of forces at different size scales Material/Surface properties Understanding of these concepts requires an integration of the disciplines of math, biology, chemistry, physics and engineering Get info into traditional courses - tie into existing standards *These ideas are a result of efforts by several NSF funded groups to determine the priority knowledge concepts required to understand nanoscience concepts. This work has been carried out over the last 5 years. In general, the listed below are a consensus from the working groups. © Deb Newberry 2008 Select representative Tables of content from college level biology, chemistry, physics and material science textbooks Distribute the Tables of Contents to Industry, Academia and Nanoscience Students (with internships) and request ranking of the criticality of the topics listed in the Table of Contents as those topics apply to Nanoscience Evaluate and correlate results to determine if common critical content topics exist Correlate resulting critical content to “big ideas/concepts” of nanoscience Find and review Existing science Standards or competencies Evaluate of detail and language Determine subset of standards and competencies that relate to common critical content areas NanoScience To Traditional Science Concept Correlation Trad. Concept NS1 NS2 NS 3 NS4 NS 5 NS6 Physics Classical physics – macro level: NS7 NS8 NS9 The “Big” Ideas or Concepts of Nanotechnology NA X Electricity and Magnetism: X X Light and Optics: X Atomic Physics: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Materials Science Introductory Materials Properties: Atomic Structure: X X X X X X X X X Polymers: X X X Ceramics: X X X X X X Chemistry Aqueous solutions and Solubility: X X Water: X X Structure of atoms X X Chemical Reactions: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Biology Atoms and Molecules: X Biotechnology: X Immune System: X X X X X X X X NS 1: Sense of Scale NS2: Surface Area to Volume Ratio NS3: Nature/Structure of Matter NS 4: Forces and Interactions NS 5: Size Dependent Properties NS 6: Self Assembly NS 7: Societal Impacts NS 8: Tools of Nanoscience (AFM, SEM, XRD, TEM etc.) NS 9: Simulation All Models are Wrong! Simulations and Models Often supplement lectures and labs in nanoscience education All can serve a purpose but educators and students must be aware of the inherent sometimes covert assumptions or implications in each model Some assumptions are made by the model designer or creator and may or may not be conveyed to the user Just because a model is simple does not necessarily imply absolute correctness Consider the classic drawing of an atom What is wrong with this picture? Stationary objects Solid circles Circular orbits Equally Spaced 2D Removing the “implied” conceptions Atoms and their components are NOT solid ------ reduces physical impact (hitting) interactions Not stationary ----ever changing charge distributions ---- atomic and molecular interactions, protein folding, DNA structure, material properties Non circular or spherical charge distribution ---- molecular structure and interactions Non uniform spacing of electrons from nucleus ----- colors 3D and not 2D ----- interactions, molecular structure + time - two monosaccharides, glucose and fructose, are joined together. [source] Ref: Sucrose— ordinary table sugar. The colors show the relative negative electrical potential on an an arbitrarilydefined molecular surface. Notice that sucrose is a "double sugar" ( a disaccharide) in which two monosaccharides, glucose and fructose, are joined together. [source ] In this image of a molecule that helps regulate calcium ion concentration in the brain, the colors depict the "hydrophobic potential"— the tendency of different parts of the molecule to attract (blue) or repel (brown) water. [source] Why does salt dissolve in water? Think about how the “models” you have in your mind may or may not influence your response Atomic model Water molecule model Salt crystal model What are some forces and interactions that influence material? •Electrostatic •Magnetic •Gravitational •Weak force (nuclear) •Strong force (nuclear) •Thermal •Vibration •Adhesion •Surface tension •Brownian •Friction •Chemical ( ionic, covalent, metallic) •Hydrogen bonding •van der Waals •Quantum Why does salt dissolve in water? Water is a dipole molecule and the covalent bond “poster child Ref: Ref: Why does salt dissolve in water? Water is a dipole molecule and the covalent bond “poster child Salt is held together in a crystalline form, is the poster child of ionic bonding Hence a salt crystal s a checker board of ions (negative and positive charge) Ionic Bonding - Example 3s1 3p6 Sodium Atom Na Sodium Ion Na+ I O N I C B O N D 2-15 Chlorine Atom Cl Chlorine Ion Cl - Figure 2.10 (a) (b) (a) A schematic illustration of a cross section from solid NaCl. NaCl is made of Cland Na+ ions arranged alternatingly so that the oppositely charged ions are closest to each other and attract each other. There are also repulsive forces between the like ions. In equilibrium the net force acting on any ion is zero. (b) Solid NaCl. Why does salt dissolve in water? Water is a dipole molecule and the covalent bond “poster child Salt is held together in a crystalline form, is the poster child of ionic bonding Hence a salt crystal s a checker board of ions (negative and positive charge) So when salt is introduced to water – opposites attract and likes repel should be the rule of the day And the strongest wins Hydrogen bonds between water molecules Ionic bonds in salt crystal Adhesive type bonds that will form between the salt ions and water Ref: Why does more salt dissolve in hot water than cold? Activity 2 – Salt and Water Salt and Water Summary Priority of forces – which bond (or group of bonds) is stronger? Sense of scale: How many water molecules, how many salt (Na and Cl) atoms Strengths of bonds, temperature dependence, pressure dependence Temperature can cause bonds to break, releasing dipole molecules to bond with molecules in the crystalline salt Physical Models Danger of using magnets to represent positive and negative CHARGE Round and solid atoms Mechanical electrical interactions instead of Summary Physical models and simulations add a great deal of insight and student understanding into micro and nano scale phenomena Educators and student must stay alert to inherent assumptions in any model or simulation – whether overt or covert Lesson Approach Provide/teach/remind Do activity Ponder/research/discuss/explain NanoScience Foundations Water is an electrically dipole molecule Most of the time positive and negatively charged regions Atoms and molecules most of the time have a non uniform charge distribution Opposites attract and likes repel Different types of bonds (atomic level – ionic, covalent) (molecular level – hydrogen, London, Keenan, Debye etc.) Forces and Interactions Interaction Strength Effective Distance Electrostatic 0.1 – 10 kJ/mol 0.4 – 20 nm Van der Waals 10 – 100 kJ/mol 0.4 – 30 nm Chemical bonding 100 – 1000 kJ/mol 0.1 – 0.2 nm Covalent, ionic and hydrogen bonding Van der Waals forces are a combination of Keesom, Debye and London forces These different forces arise because of the pairing variations between induced and permanent charge {non-uniform} distributions NanoScience Foundations Water is an electrically dipole molecule Most of the time positive and negatively charged regions Atoms and molecules most of the time have a non uniform charge distribution Opposites attract and likes repel Different types of bonds (atomic level – ionic, covalent) (molecular level – hydrogen, London, Keenan, Debye etc.) Each type of bond can have different strengths dependent upon the elements involved Which bonds are stronger will determine whether materials join together or break apart Ref: Wellesley College Ref: Wellesley College NanoScience Foundations Water is an electrically dipole molecule Most of the time positive and negatively charged regions Atoms and molecules most of the time have a non uniform charge distribution Opposites attract and likes repel Different types of bonds (atomic level – ionic, covalent) (molecular level – hydrogen, London, Keenan, Debye etc.) Each type of bond can have different strengths dependent upon the elements involved Which bonds are stronger will determine whether materials join together or break apart It is all a matter of priority of forces and interactions Example Cross-Linked Polymers (Insta Snow) •Appropriate for multiple grade levels •Include physics, chemistry and math principles •Can be used for inquiry based learning activities •Brainstorming applications and non technical aspects Polymers – Now we’re talking - molecules Let’s play Experiment – observe – document - ponder Cross-Linked Polymers Physics: Molecular bonding strength, priorities of forces Chemistry: Atomic and molecular structure determining interaction Molecular Charge distribution Critical thinking – different liquids, ratios, temperature Experiment – Observe – Document – Ponder Applications: Environmental clean up, medicine delivery Polymers Two Variations on a Theme Cross-linked Ringed Cross-Linked Polymer Each bond between atoms has a specific strength A different atom or molecule introduced into this polymer “system” can form or break bonds dependent upon the relative strengths Changes in bonds will result in a change in the atomic arrangement (molecular structure) and potentially change the properties of the “system” Cross Link and Ring Polymers Materials Concept(s) Variations Questions Middle School Cross-Linked polymer powder Water Petri Dishes Transfer pipettes or small flexible plastic cups Food coloring (optional) By adding water to the XL polymer the arrangement of atoms is changed therefore changing the material properties High School + Different liquids (oil, salt water, soap, glycerin, alcohol etc.) Access to hot and cold water College + Stopwatches Video camera Beakers, scales Raman Spectrometer SEM + Interaction is dependent upon the type of liquid and also the temperature of the liquid + Use liquid and temperature variations to define inequality equations for the various forces and interactions (cohesive, adhesive, vibrational etc. None + Molecular structure and attributes of the liquid Temperature dependency + Time of interaction, amount of dry and liquid materials Different concentrations of liquids i.e. salt and water, water and soap Can you think of other examples where + What are the forces and + Using the Raman, which chemical adding one material to another changes interactions between the bonds were broken with different the properties? atoms/mers in the polymer and the liquids Can you think of possible applications molecules of the liquid? Define relative strengths of the for a material such as the cross-linked Does the molecular structure of the different bonds polymer? liquid impact the reaction? If so, Define the charge distribution of the how? liquid molecules and the influence on the interaction with the cross linked polymers Thank you!!!! Scientific Method Using Magic Fish Superhydrophobicity Superhydrophobic Surface Middle School High School College Materials Magic sand or similar materials Paper, glue sticks Water Transfer pipettes or small flexible plastic cups Food coloring (optional) Pepper + Petri dishes Glass slides Protractor Different liquids (oil, salt water, soap, glycerin, alcohol etc.) Access to hot and cold water + Hot plates Video camera Concept(s) Different priorities of forces or interactions can result in different phenomena Cohesive and Adhesive forces + Interaction is dependent upon the type of liquid Inequality equations Surface tensove + Use liquid and temperature variations to define inequality equations for the various forces and interactions (cohesive, adhesive, vibrational etc. Variations None + Molecular structure and attributes of the liquid, i.e., cohesive strength Temperature dependency + Temperature Type and amount of dry materials on the superhydrophobic surface liquid materials Different concentrations of liquids i.e. salt and water, water and soap Questions Can you think of other examples where adding one material to another changes the properties? Can you think of possible applications for a material such as magic sand + What are the forces and interactions between the liquid and the surface? Does the molecular structure of the liquid impact the reaction? If so, how? + Using the collected data relationship between cohesive strength and temperature or different liquids. Define relative strengths of the different bonds The Basics Add arrows to represent different forces and interactions Label the forces and interactions Write inequality equations for different situations Room temp Hi/low temp Different fluids Change or add materials onto surface Crystal Growing Activity Variations and Discussion Questions Impurities Add pepper, sand, metal shavings, food dye etc. to the solution Different concentrations Temperature dependence Can you dissolve the crystal? Determine speed of crystallization Measure largest crystal Can you control the boundaries or shape of the crystal? Use different starting materials – results in different chapes Use dissolving medium other than water or water + Surface Area and Surface Area to volume ratio © Deb Newberry 2008 A scanning electron microscope (SEM) micrograph of the foot of the jumping spider E. arcuata. In addition to the tarsal claws, a tuft of hair called a scopula is found at the tip of the foot, which is what the spider uses to attach itself to surfaces. The long hairs which are distributed over the entire foot are sensitive to touch. Magnification 200x. Ref: © Deb Newberry 2008 This SEM view of the underside of the scopula reveals the single hairs (setae) that make up the scopula. The oval represents the estimated scopula area (which is 0.032 m2). Magnification 270x. This larger magnification of the underside shows that single setae are densely covered with numerous smaller hairs, called setules. The setule density averages 2.1 million setules per square millimetre. Magnification 3000x. Ref: © Deb Newberry 2008 This view of the setae from above shows that there are fewer setules on the upper side of the setae. Magnification 3000x. Ref: This SEM shows the setules on the underside of one seta. They are very dense and broaden toward the tip and end in a triangular sail-like area. Magnification 8750x. © Deb Newberry 2008 The triangular tips of the setules stick to surfaces directly, by the van der Waals force. The average setule area (within each triangle) in this SEM micrograph is 0.00017 m2. Magnification 20000x. Ref: Vol = a3 Surface area = 6 a2 a a a Cell sizes Surface tension Nanotex pants © Deb Newberry 2008 The Aspirin Calculation Math practice Sense of Scale © Deb Newberry 2007 Assuming the aspirin is a true cylinder (using the center height) how many aspirin molecules are in the tablet? Given that a 200 mg tablet has these dimensions Diameter = 10.3 mm Height = 4.2 mm Radius = 5.15 mm © Deb Newberry 2007 Volume of a Cylinder = area of base x height Volume = π R2 h Vol. = 3.14 x (5.15mm)2 x 4.2 mm = 350 mm3 Change units from cubic millimeters (mm3) to cubic nanometers (nm3 ) Assume 1 nm spherical aspirin molecule occupies 1 cubic nm of space Divide volume of cylinder by volume of aspirin spheres 3.50 1020 nm 3 Number of aspirin molecules 3.50 1020 molecules 3 1 nm © Deb Newberry 2007 How long would it take to assemble the aspirin molecule by molecule? Time required = number required ÷ rate of assembly 3.50 1020 molecules 1 min 1 hour 1 day 1 year 1.94 1015 seconds 61.6 million years 180,000 molecules/ sec 60 sec 60 min 24 hours 365 days 61.6 million years Superhydrophobicity: A Comparison of Forces Magic Sand (Steve Spangler Science) Use rubber cement and attach a layer to paper Water drops can also pick up pepper scattered on surface Hydrophobicity is a combination of physical structure (the bumps) and chemistry (the relative strength of “bonding” forces) Use capillary tubes of different diameters Use glass slides – coat with oil, soap, wax, etc and observe drops of water, oil etc. and interactions Crystal Structure Module Outline Atoms to Molecules Classes of Molecules Arrangement makes all the difference Amorphous versus crystalline Crystals and unit cells Miller indicies Which direction At the nanoscale Characterizing and studying crystals Applications Atoms to Molecules: A Review Each element (unique atom) that exists or can be created on earth has a unique combination of protons, electrons and neutrons This uniqueness is defined by the periodic table Neutrons and protons are located in the nucleus of the atoms and the electrons move around the nucleus in probabilistically defined regions Specific properties of each element are determined by the number of protons, electrons and neutrons There are specific rules that define the specific energy value and distance of an electron from the nucleus of the atom Atoms to Molecules: A Review cont. Combination of specific elements is predominantly dependent on the number of electrons of the elements The electrons that occupy regions furthest away from the nucleus of an atom have a significant influence on the atomic properties of an element The outermost electrons in a group of nearby atoms will influence the type and strength of any bonding (attraction) that may occur among that group of atoms Groups of atoms are called molecules Molecular Structures The type of element – which determines it’s electron configuration will determine the structure and properties of the resulting molecule Crystals Proteins Polymers Cells Solid Arrangements Amorphous (left) and crystalline (right) Matter without a regular arrangement of atoms is called amorphous or noncrystalline Matter composed of atoms arranged in a definitive pattern with a repeating structure is called a crystal The repeating structure is called a unit cell Ref: SCME The Unit Cell Unit cell configuration for a crystal structure The unit cell is the simplest repeating unit in a crystal In a single crystal, all unit cells are identical and oriented the same way (fixed distance and fixed orientation) The opposite faces of a unit cell are parallel (see graphic of unit cell) The edge of the unit cell connects equivalent points. The resulting structure is a lattice Ref: SCME All Unit Cells Are Not Alike There are several different configurations for unit cells The Simple Cubic Structure is a unit cell consisting of one atom. Confused? You probably see eight atoms, correct? Remember that unit cells form a lattice and the edge of the unit cell connects to equivalent points Therefore, each of the atoms you see in the simple cubic structure contributes ONLY 1/8 of itself to the unit cell. As the crystal structure forms, seven more unit cells bond with each of the eight atoms Ref: SCME Carbon Unit Cell This is the unit cell for Silicon (Si), Germanium (Ge), and carbon (C). Identify the "face-centered atoms” This unit cell can combine with other unit cells in a variety of ways. To see variety of structures formed by the carbon unit cell, Google image Carbon structures. You should find structures such a carbon sheets, carbon nanotubes, bucky balls (also called fullerenes), and diamonds Ref: SCME Amorphous When a solid's atoms are randomly "arranged" in a non-predictable order, the solid is referred to as amorphous. Which of the following are amorphous solids? Styrofoam Window glass Salt Amorphous solid structure of Silica Glass Wax and paraffin A tiled floor Peanut brittle Ref: SCME Polycrystalline Crystalline matter is either single crystal or polycrystalline (poly being "many") In both materials the atoms are arranged in a pattern consistent with the unit cell A good quality diamond is a single crystal. Cheaper diamonds are polycrystalline Some metals and metal alloys are polycrystalline As like diamonds (carbon), silicon can be either polycrystalline or crystalline Polycrystalline Diamond [Courtesy of Prof. Dean Aslam, Michigan State University] Diamond Crystal High quality diamonds consists of tight, dense carbon lattices as illustrated in this image of a diamond structure The less compact the carbon lattices, the less valuable the diamond Other crystal solids include gemstones, salt, sugar, some metals, pure silicon, and germanium Ref: SCME A Closer Look at Silicon: The Silicon Atom Silicon crystal is widely used in micro and nanotechnologies A Silicon (Si) atom has four valence electrons that are shared with four other atoms to form four covalent bonds when forming a crystal By sharing electrons this way, each atom’s valence shell is complete This results in solid matter that is electrically stable and a poor conductor of heat Ref: SCME The Silicon (Si) Crystal In the graphic below, notice that the outer energy level has four electrons and space for four more. On the right, you can see that each Si atom is bonded to four other Si atoms. In other words, each "electron space" is filled by one electron from one other Si atom. The figure on the right is a two-dimensional crystal lattice or sheet Ref: SCME Crystal Orientation – Si Planes The orientation of Si crystal denotes which crystal plane is exposed on the surface (refer to the graphic below) The left most image is a Si crystal The middle images show two different planes of the Si crystal. Think of looking at the same crystal from two different directions The images on the right are looking at the faces of two plane Same crystal, same distance between unit cells, and same orientation of unit cells. However, looking at different planes, presents a different picture Ref: SCME Material Properties of Silicon Planes The material properties of a silicon structure change depending on the plane exposed and its arrangement or orientation of atoms This orientation affects the properties of the structure the number of atoms on the surface the strudtures conductivity and reaction potential Crystal Planes Planes are the second level or organization in crystal structure They describe the orientation of the crystal, which is dependent on the orientation of the individual unit cells within the crystal Each type of plane is unique, differing in atom count and binding energies and therefore in chemical, electrical and physical properties The Miller Index helps us to identify crystal planes Ref: SCME The Miller Index The Miller index is a roadmap or compass for identifying the crystal planes of crystals. Miller indices are three digits notations that indicate planes and direction within a crystal. These notations are based on the Cartesian coordinate system of x, y, and z Referring to the graphic x-axis vector is denoted [1,0,0] y-axis vector is denoted [0,1,0] z-axis vector is denoted [0,0,1] (Think of the "1" as being "1 unit" out from the origin or 0,0,0 Ref: SCME Identifying the Crystal Plane Crystal planes are perpendicular to their corresponding axis. For example, the plane perpendicular to the [1,0,0] axis or x-axis is the (1,0,0) plane (shown in the figure) Each crystal plane has a unique notation (1,0,0) or (100) is perpendicular to the x-axis (0,1,0) or (010) is perpendicular to the y-axis (0,0,1) or (001) is perpendicular to the z-axis Before going to the next slide, make sure you can see how each plane is perpendicular to its corresponding axis Ref: SCME The (100) Plane The (100) plane is perpendicular to the x-axis, but parallel with the y and z axes. Can you see this in the graphic? If not, start with the point at which the (100) plane touches the x-axis. Is the plane perpendicular to the x-axis? Now move along the bottom edge of the plane toward the right. Is this edge parallel to the y-axis? You should now be able to see that the vertical edge of the (100) plane is parallel to the z-axis Ref: SCME What’s What? What are the Miller indices for each of these planes? Ref: SCME What’s What? What are the Miller indices for each of these planes? (110) (111) Ref: SCME Crystal Structure is Critical for Many Disciplines and Applications Chemistry, Physics, EE, Chem. E etc. Crystal structure determining properties Growth of Si Boule or other crystal structures Chemical reactivity dependencies – etch rates Contaminant impact Relaxation time Resistance Aspects of Physics and Chemistry Theory of Operation Chemical interactions Time and temperature dependence Atomic and Molecular Forces and Interactions Examples and Applications SETs Spintronics Photonics Plasmonics Multi-disciplinary Aspects Fluids, Lab on a chip Sensors Quality assurance and testing Coatings Energy can appear as different colors of light Thank you!!!!