Energy deposition Radiation-induced material modifications Lattice Electrons nuclear, elastic energy deposition Ionising energy deposition Small linear regime Strong non -linear regime Frenkel-pair creation linear cascades Classical radiolysis Non-linear cascades High LET effects Tracks regime Synergy? The displacement spectrum T 1 d σ (E1 ,T) W(T) = N T dT D σ D (E1 ) Td dT T1/2 N T d σ (E ,T) D 1 = 2 Abromeit C. JNM 216 (1994) 78 ! 1 Td σ D (E1 ) Nuclear reactions Nuclear reactions elastic V. M Agramovich and V; V; Kirsanov Physics of rad effects in crystals R. A. Johnson and A; N Orlov Eds. N-H 1986 The cascades: the mean free path T> 150 5 keV 100 50 50 keV 0 TRIM -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 (Å) Averback R. S. JNM 216 (1994) 49 Cascades sub-cascades Linear-non linear 150 5 keV Linear All the atoms in movement collide with atoms at rest dpa makes sense 100 50 50 keV 0 -50 0 50 100 150 Sub-cascades One dense cascade 200 250 Non-linear Atoms in movement collide together collective motion of atoms local melting shock-wave generation Recombinations: one dpa is not a defect Low T, low T1/2 z = “resistivity” defect/ “Kinchin and Pease”dpa 0.004 0.003 concentration dc =σ D linear regime:1 dpa = 1 defect dΦ dc =σ D (1-V0 c)2 dΦ dc =(σ D (1-V0 c) 2 -σ r c) σr 10 σD dΦ Exemple : Cu sd 140 barns n0 135 volumes atomiques sr 4000 barns 0.002 0.001 0.000 0 5E+19 1E+20 fluence High T Low T, high T1/2 Radiation-enhanced diffusion Transient and stationary regimes Influence of: permanent sinks flux T1/2 Td Averback R. S. JNM 216 (1994) 49 Recombinations: cascades NiAl Au 0.1 ps 0.62 ps 5 ps 17.7 ps Averback R. S. JNM 216 (1994) 49 0.3 ps 3.2 ps 0.5 ps 1 ps 2 ps 6 ps 11.5 ps 23 ps PKA 10 keV Inelastic damage What happens to the projectile Stopping power range stragglings What happens to the solid What happens to: the projectile : secondary particles: electrons recoils Projectile ion : the atomic processes proton on hydrogen proton on aluminium V p Ve Projectile ion: the electronic stopping; high velocity Bethe 1 Corrections : • • • • Relativistic Density Deep levels Effective charge I=9,2 Z 800 mean ionization potential [eV] 4 Z12e4 2mev12 dE NZ2 ln 2 dx e I mev Rn 600 400 Xe Kr 200 Ar 0 0 20 40 2 e4 2 4 Zeff 1 C 2mev1 dE 2 ln NZ2 ln 1 2 Z2 dx e mev2 I 1 60 80 100 Z2 Projectile ion: the electronic stopping pouvoir d'arrêt nucléaire dE/dx (MeV / cm) pouvoir d'arrêt élec tronique The Bragg peak 10 U 5 Kr 10 10 10 4 Ar 3 U 2 H 10 1 H 0,001 0,01 Ar 0,1 1 énergie (MeV / uma) 1000 C 12.5 MeV/A 600 e (dE/dx) (keV/µm) 800 400 200 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Parcours (µm) 700 10 Kr 100 Projectile: Swift heavy ions Secondary particles: electrons Velocity effect Projectile: photons electrons Secondary particles: electrons Compton photons 60Co photoelectric photons X 250 keV électrons 3H 5,5 keV The (dE/dx)e distributions Bragg peak of electrons Fraction of the dose (dE/dx)e of the projectile over a given thickness (dE/dx)e of the secondary electrons (dE/dx)e (keV/µm) Projectile: low energy heavy ions Secondary particles: recoils The recoils makes the inelastic energy deposition Xe 100keV Projectile: (100 to 50) keV (dE/dx)n ≈ 2.5 (dE/dx)e Radiolysis Low LET Radiolysis is the creation of permanent defects due to the non-radiative recombination of an elementary excitation (a hole-electron pair) The radiolysis yield G G= Quantum yield N (mol) E i (J) N η= N e-h in a linear regime: G = N Ei 3 E g Ne-h c (mol/kg) D(J/kg) Ei This is the “Kinchin and Pease” for inelastic damage 3 Eg The radiolysis yield G Typical, yields (could be zero) Organic: a few 10-7 mol/J 100 eV alkali halides (10-8 to 10-9) mol/J 1 – 10 keV The yield concept is never use for elastic damage If one dpa = one defect (z=1) G= NA σD dE dx n For ions (7 10-8 to 1.5 10-7) mol/J The low LET radiolysis conditions The available energy, Egap (in fact Ex < Egap) > the formation energy of the Frenkel pair. the radiolysis can only occurs in insulators or wide band-gap semiconductors. The excitation must be localised on one atomic (or molecular) site Non-radiative transitions, allowing an efficient kinetic energy transfer to an atom, must prevail over radiative transitions Could work in alkali halides (anions and cations) alkaline-earth halides Difficult in oxides Frenkel cation Frenkel anion Ex Egap Low LET radiolysis versus ballistic damage 1) Radiolysis is not universal, not easily predictable 2) Is in essence temperature dependent 3) Spans over a wide time scale 4) Occurs generally on one sub-lattice (anions) 5) Radiolysis occurs occasionally when it occurs, it is with a good energetic efficiency. Elastic damage occurs every time but with a relatively poor energetic efficiency. Charge-carriers self-trapping Self trapping of charge carriers results from a competition between deformation and polarisation of the lattice STE: Se et chalcogenides STE: BeO-YAG MgO, Al2O3 STE Self trapped holes AgCl KCl AgCl KCl CaF2 CaF2 c-SiO2 STE Luminescence STE have several luminescence states a strong Stokes shift very variable lifetime: ns to ms STE-defect conversion Correlation - anticorrelation STE luminescence and defect creation Correlation conversion thermal STE triplet -> F +H small S/D Temporal dynamics Elastic damage : 25 keV Cu cascade over at 10 ps only numerical simulations Radiolysis: fast processes (ps) charge-carrier trapping conversion from STE highly excited stated slow processes (µs to ms) from STE triplet states Also measurements!! metastable defects Conversion STE-defects a-SiO2 Transient defects c-SiO2 Also in SrTiO3, MgO, Al2O3 Resistant and sensitive materials Resistant: Metals, semi-conductors. crystalline Oxides. c-SiO2 (flux) NaAlSi3O8 : metastables (SrTiO3, MgO, Al2O3, c-SiO2) Sensitive: Alkali halides Alkaline-earth halides CaF2, MgF2, SrF2 : Gmeta , Gstable very low KMgF3, BaF1.1B 0.9, AlF3 (flux?), LiYF4: may be Silver halides AgCl; AgBr Amorphous solids a-SiO2 , a-As2Se3, a-As2S3, a-Se, a-As Water and organic mater (bio matter) Energy deposition Radiation-induced material modifications Lattice Electrons nuclear, elastic energy deposition Ionising energy deposition Small linear regime Strong non -linear regime Frenkel-pair creation linear cascades Classical radiolysis Non-linear cascades High LET effects Tracks regime Synergy? “Classical” track formation in insulators MICA YIG LET threshold Amorphisation fluctuations critical size induced stress S. Bouffard et al. Phil. Mag. A 81 (2001) 2841 M. Toulemonde, F. Studer Phil. Mag. A 58 (1988) 799 Etching of the amorphous core GSI image Nanotechonology (ITT) M. Toulemonde et al. J. Appl Phys. 68 (1990) 1545 Less common High LET effects Vierge 450 400 (11-1)M 4.0E+12 1.0E+13 (111)M 350 Nbe de coups 1.0E+12 ZrO2 1.2E+13 1.6E+13 300 2.4E+13 250 (101)Q 200 150 100 50 0 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 Canaux Crystal to crystal transformations can exist monoclinic-> tetragonal Two process (incubation fluence) Unexpected High LET effects Some metals are sensitive to high LET radiation High Tc superconductors are sensitive to high LET radiation (pinning of vortices) Unexpected High LET effects Plastic instability of amorphous materials: the hammering effect 1.7 1013 Co75Si15B10 Xe/cm2; 2.8 MeV/A; 50K Klaumünzer et al. Mat. Res. 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Nastasi, J. W. Mayer and J. K. Hirvonen, Ion-Solid Interaction, Fundamentals and Applications Cambridge Solid State Science Series, 1996 R. A. Johnson and A. N. Orlov Eds Physics of Radiation Effects in Crystals, North-Holland, 1986 Specific to radiolysis N. Itoh and A. M. Stoneham Material Modification by Electronic Excitation, Cambridge University Press, 2001 Projectile: electron capture Very very slow HCI H. Kurtz et al, Phys. Rev. A49 (1994) 4693 proton on hydrogen V p Ve Bibliography Never go to the beach without a good book More specific to radiolysis N. Itoh and A. M. Stoneham Material Modification by Electronic Excitation, Cambridge University Press, 2001 F. Agullo-Lopez, C. R. A. Catlow, P. D. Townsend Point defects in materials Academic Press 1988 N. Itoh ed Defects Processes induced by electronic excitation in insulators World Scientific 1989 K. S. Song, R. T. Williams Self-trapped excitons Springer-Verlag 1993 P. D. Townsend, P. J. Chandler, L. Zhang Optical effects of ion implantation Cambridge 1994 0.004 Low T, low T1/2 dc =σ D linear regime:1 dpa = 1 defect dΦ dc =σ D (1-V0 c)2 dΦ dc =(σ D (1-V0 c) 2 -σ r c) dΦ concentration 0.003 0.002 Exemple : Cu sd 140 barns n0 135 volumes atomiques sr 4000 barns 0.001 0.000 0 5E+19 1E+20 fluence 8 c s d c (s d (1 V0c )2 s r c ) F c F (s d (1 V0c )2 s r c ) d 2 F s d (1 V0 ) s r d F F ~ 1 µ.cm / % defect 6 d/ d .cm3/e-) c s d (1 V0c )2 7 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 8 .cm) J. Dural et al, J. de Physique 38 (1977) 1007 The (dE/dx)e distributions Bragg peak of electrons Fraction of the dose (dE/dx)e of the projectile over a given thickness (dE/dx)e of the secondary electrons (dE/dx)e (keV/µm) Low LET radiolysis: organics; water The primary species aq. e 2 * 2 ; HO ; HO Fragmentation of H2O+ Hole migration dissociation H3O+ OH 0.3 nm Fragmentation of H2O* 0.8 nm O (3P) H Up to 60 reactions Distances empirically < 10-12 s 10-12 s < blobs and short tracks < 10-7 s in bulk >10-7 s Low LET radiolysis: only role of heterogeneity Rendement d'électrons solvatés 6 G molecules/100 eV 5 4 H 30 MeV/u 3 2 C 30 MeV/u Kr 65 MeV/u 1 0 -12 10 -11 10 10 -10 -9 10 t (s) 10 -8 10 -7 10 -6 Low LET radiolysis: specific role; multi-ionisation Double ionisation and superoxide OOH° Ar C H Gervais-B; Beuve-M; Oliver-GH; Galassi-ME Radiation-Physics-and-Chemistry. 2006; 75(4): 493-513 Projectile: photons electrons Secondary particles: electrons 100 énergie photons Fraction 80 60 Co lobes (E<100 eV) 60 40 traces courtes 20 lobes 100eV<E<500 eV 0 10 spurs E<100 eV blobs E de 100 à 500 eV 3 Primary electron Short track E< 5000 eV 4 5 6 10 10 10 énergie initiale de l'électron (en eV) Annex track E> 5000 eV 10 7 Luminescence quenching 1 1 R1 NR (T )