Diversity of life review sheet Adapted from http://www.mcwdn.org

Diversity of life review sheet
Adapted from http://www.mcwdn.org/Animals/Animals.html
40 questions… 25 from text, notes, lab, website 15 hardy Weinberg
From Notes/ Labs/ Chart/ Internet resource
What feeding strategy is used by all animals?
What are the 3 layers of tissue? What do they become?
What is a coelom?
What feature is shared by all chordates?
What feature is shared by all vertebrates?
What feature is shared by all mammals?
What are the different types of mammals? (birthing strategy) Examples
Match the organism with the correct phylum
Hydra information: Symmetry, digestion, reproductive system, nervous system
Sponges (Porifera)
1.Sponges have these all over their bodies:
2. Sponges mainly live
3. Sponges are more than one cell
4. Sponges circulation consists of
5. When two living things live off of each other this is called
6. A sponge has
7. Which of these is not a use of sponges by man?
8. The sponge skeleton is made of
Flatworms (Plathelminthes)
1. t/f Flatworms are the most complicated and complex of the worm groups.
2. A living thing that lives off another living thing called a host is
3. A flatworm reproduces by
4. The flatworm has __________________ (nervous system)
5. t/f A flatworm has one opening to take in food and get rid of wastes.
6. A tapeworm has____________ symmetry
Roundworm (nemotoda)
1. t/f Many roundworms are parasites.
2. Whish of these is true about the roundworm? Five sense organs, two nerve cords, well developed brain
3. Roundworms reproduce by
4. Roundworms have __________ (symmetry)
5.t/f Roundworms give their young a great deal of care.
6.t/f Roundworms are more complex and complicated that earthworms.
Segmented worm: Earthworm (Annelida)
1. t/f Earthworms are the most highly developed worms.
2. t/f Earthworms have segmented bodies
3. Which of these do NOT help the earthworm move? Tiny bristles called setae, Two sets of muscles to make it thin and fat, An inner
4. t/f An earthworm has a complex or complicated brain and nervous system.
5. An earthworm takes in oxygen through
6. Earthworms reproduce by
7. Earthworms have multiple
Clam (Mollusca)
1. The type of shellfish that lives in two shells connected by a muscular hinge, also called bivalves.
2. This type of shellfish consists of one shell that it carries on its back.
3. These shell fish have a definite head surrounded by tentacles.
4. Mollusks reproduce by
5. t/f All shellfish or mollusks live in the sea.
6. The tubes that bring water into the mollusks are called
7.t/f Shellfish or mollusks are in the same phylum as regular fish.
Crayfish (Arthropod)
1. The arthropod group is the first animal group to have
2. t/f Insects are the largest animal group in numbers.
3. t/f Insects have the largest range in sizes in the animal kingdom.
4.t/f Most insects live on land
5.t/f Insects have an inner skeleton
6. The series of stages an insect goes through as it changes from an egg to an adult insect is called
7. Insects have this many legs
8. The three basic body parts of an insect are:
Sea Star (Echinodermata)
1. Echinoderms means
2. Echinoderms live in
3. An echinoderm moves with
4. Echinoderms take in oxygen with
5. t/f An echinoderm has radial symmetry.
6. t/f If some echinoderms have part of their bodies cut off, they can regrow.
Frog (Chordata: Amphibian)
1. The word amphibian means
2. Estivation means
3. t/f Amphibians are among the largest vertebrates
4. Amphibians are cold blooded
5. Which group of animals are amphibians?
6. Amphibians have
7. The amphibian’s babies are called