
Unit 8 - Medical Physics
Nikki Kelso
Aims of this Session
Production of and uses of thermographic images
Introduce the production of & dangers of using x- rays
Stochastic & Non Stochastic effects
Somatic & Hereditary effects
Uses of Radioisotopes & Nuclear Medicine
Production & uses of Medical Ultrasound
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
• Infra-red detectors pick
up IR radiation
• Amount of radiation
increases with
temperature therefore
thermography allows you
to visualise variations in
• computer algorithms used to
interpret data and produce a
usable image
Why is this Useful?
Certain pathologies cause temperature
Thermography detects these with high sensitivity
& accuracy
Non – invasive
NO Ionising Radiation used
Types of Diagnosis
Sports injuries
Breast cancer
Monitoring of post
operative infection
What we do in Radiology Departments
Plain film radiography
Contrast studies
Computerised Tomography
Radioisotope imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging
Bone density measurement
Positron emission
X Rays
Discovered in 1895 by
“X” Rays because he didn’t
know what they were!
An ionising radiation at a
higher level on EM spectrum
Higher frequency or
shorter wavelength
X-ray Production
X rays, the risks and dangers.
Ionising Radiation – potentially damaging
Damage is influenced by:
amount of body tissue irradiated
type of body tissue irradiated
dose received
dose rate
Risk minimised using “ALARA” principle
Precautionary Measures
Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999
IR(ME)R 2000
In Practice we use
radiation protection
ALARA principle
Staff Protection
Not place themselves in the primary beam
Use of the inverse square law
Use of lead glass panels
Use of lead rubber coats/thyroid shields/lead
Limit of time spent in fluoroscopy: especially
during pregnancy
QA of the equipment
Dose monitoring
Patient Protection
Correct exposure factors
QA done daily on equipment
Collimation of the primary beam
Correct focus/film distance
Use of appropriate lead rubber protection
where appropriate ie gonads/eyes/thyroid
Appropriate examination
Well trained staff
X Ray Effects
Stochastic – no threshold for damage
Non stochastic – a quantifiable threshold
Effects can take place in somatic cells or be
passed on (hereditary)
Stochastic Effects
Probability of the effect of radiation which can be
either radiation induced cancers or genetic effects.
No safe dose limit
Statistically generated
Lower doses of radiation
Non Stochastic Effects
Also called deterministic effects
There is usually a threshold below which the
effect will not occur
Examples are erythema (skin reddening) or
epilation (hair loss)
Doses are large eg following radiotherapy or as a
result of a radiation accident (Chernobyl)
Damage caused by radiation
SOMATIC caused to the individual
GENETIC passed onto future generations
How are effects measured?
• Sievert is unit of measurement – equivalent to a
deposit of 1 joule of energy per kilogram mass of
• Relates dose absorbed in tissue to biological damage
caused – “effective” dose
• This will depend on the type of radiation
• Typical background radiation results in an effective
dose of 2.4 mSv/year
Examples of Doses
We’re all exposed to background radiation
= few days
= few weeks
= Few months or a year
CT Chest = few years
Additional risk of cancer per exam
1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,000,000
Risk of cancer 1 in 3
Image production
• Basic form uses
photographic film
• Denser structures attenuate
the x-rays
• When film is exposed to x rays
it turns black
• Image is contrast between two
• Contrast can be manipulated
using exposure factors and
other aids such as contrast
Variations in Contrast
Using contrast media
Factors affecting contrast
Transmission – x-ray photons that pass through the
patient unchanged.
Absorbtion – x-ray photons that transfer their energy to
the patient.
Absorbtion is proportional to the degree of attenuation –
thickness, density & atomic number
Scatter – radiation that changes direction or is modified
by decrease in energy as it passes through a body
Attenuation – process that x-rays lose power as it travels
through matter
Plain film radiography
Mobile Radiography
Mobile unit can be
moved to patients
bedside, A&E dept or
Can be mains or battery
Can produce images as
good as purpose built
Digital imaging
Images stored on
No films
Image manipulation
Multiple viewing
Physical principles
remain the same
But because its Windows
“C” arm for angiography
Ultrasound uses sound
waves to produce images
Becoming highly skilled
Increasingly specialised
Images are very dependent
on the ultrasonographers
Ultrasound images
Ultrasound images
Computerised Tomography
CT explained
tomos – slice
graphia – describing
Where digital geometry processing is used to
generate a three-dimensional image of the
internals of an object from a large series of two
dimensional x-ray images taken around a single
axis of rotation.
CT in practice
Data is obtained digitally
Algorithms allow
manipulation of data
Windowing is process of
using a variety of Hounsfield
Setting a top and bottom of
range allows various tissue
types to be imaged
Can “get rid” of what you
are not interested in
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
The latest imaging tool
Images are similar in appearance to CT but
produced without radiation
Technology utilises radio waves and a huge
magnet to produce images
The magnet must be kept cool to allow
superconductivity. It has to be cooled with liquid
helium to -270 degrees.
MR scanner
MR Precautions
Not everybody can have an
MRI scan
Metal implants eg cardiac
pacemakers, aneurysm clips
Metallic foreign bodies
Pregnant women
MRI Images
CT versus MR
Principles of data
collection are the
MR is Non Ionising
Better at imaging
softer tissue
Which Modality to use
What are you attempting to image?
What level of information do you wish to obtain?
How do you wish to manipulate it?
What protection measures need to be considered?
Radioisotope Imaging
What is an isotope?
Nuclei of atoms consist of protons and neutrons.
The number of protons is called the atomic number
The number of protons and neutrons is called the
mass number
All the atoms of one element with the same atomic
number but different mass number are called
Isotopes behave chemically the same
some of the radioisotopes will be radioactive ie emit
By attaching these radioactive isotopes to certain
pharmaceuticals we can use the emitted radiation
to produce images
Most commonly used isotope is Technetium99m
because it decays by gamma emission
What is Radioactivity?
Certain elements have isotopes which are unstable
The unstable atoms emit particles or energy
The particles or energy are radiation
The process is unpredictable
It is measured in Becquerels – 1 Bq is one
“decay” event per second
Radiation Types
Alpha – helium
nuclei stopped by
Beta – electron, can
be stopped by light
Gamma – EM
photon, requires
dense material to
Half Life
The time taken for half of the atoms of a given
sample to decay
Stays the same for a given isotope regardless of
the actual quantity
Expressed as a unit of time
Can be validated using experimentation and
computer modeling
Uses for Isotopes
Nuclear Medicine
Branch of imaging
science which uses
unsealed radioactive
Gamma sources are
isotope of choice
How does it work?
Radioactive isotopes are labelled with
Now known as radiopharmaceuticals
Introduced into the body
Pharmaceuticals influence tissue type which
absorbs isotope
Gamma emission is detected by a gamma camera
Image is digitally produced
Gamma Camera
Detects individual Gamma
Builds up an image over a
period of several minutes
Useful to show biological
(metabolic) processes eg
infections/secondary boney
cancer deposits
Why do we use Nuclear Medicine?
Radiopharmaceuticals do not cause much harm in
proportion to benefit derived
Body will excrete material
Radioactivity is short lived – matter of hours
Can be used to image anatomy and physiology
Can be integrated with other modalities (PET)
Most useful isotopes are not natural
Must be produced by reactors
Side product of used nuclear fuel
Used uranium fuel has a content of
Easily extracted
Technetium99 is a daughter product
A few micrograms of molybdenum99
will produce enough technetium 99 to
image 10,000 patients
Radioisotope/NM Images
Positron Emission Tomography
latest radiology tool to image patients
Cyclotron – particle
3-30 MeV
Positron Emission Tomography