Supporting Professional Practice Midwives and Medicines Brenda Devine Senior Professional Officer LSA Conference Jan 2015 Professional Accountability Professional standards expected of midwives are contained in:•Midwives Rules and Standards (NMC 2012) •Standards for Medicines Management (NMC 2010) •The Code (NMC, 2008) Medicine Legislation • • • • The Medicines Act 1968 The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2002 The Human Medicines Regulations 2012 Aim To explore and develop evidence-based guidance, and educational support arrangements that will be of benefit to the midwifery workforce in providing clarity in relation to medicines management whilst ensuring safe, best practice. A Regional Approach • Establishment of Steering Group • Objectives agreed : 1. Develop a range of guidance and educational learning resources 2. Development of a Regional Medicine Maternity Kardex 3. Agree monographs for the list of Midwives exemptions Regional Awareness Develop an implementation strategy for the dissemination of learning to the midwifery workforce through education and the development of practice Products Regional Maternity Services Medicine Kardex Awareness Days E-learning resource Accessed through NIPEC at Midwives and Medicines (NI) 2014 A guide to support your professional practice ENTER Contents Section 1 Foreword Section 2 Introduction Section 3 Aim of this Resource Section 4 Classification of Medicines • • • • • Human Medicines Regulations 2012 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2002 Categories Quiz Stop Safer Management of Controlled Drugs Section 5 • • • • Role of the Midwife Midwives Exemptions Other Methods used in the Administration of Medicines NMC Standards for medicines management Midwives Practice (Home Birth & Midwife Supply Order) Section 6 Scenarios Section 7 Student Midwives Section 8 Final Quiz Section 9 References PREVIOUS NEXT Foreword This resource has been developed through a partnership arrangement with midwives and pharmacists from Northern Ireland (NI). It has been adapted from NHS Education for Scotland (NES) (2012) for use by midwives in NI. An important part of a midwife’s role is an understanding of medicines management, particularly what a midwife can and cannot supply and administer. The professional standards expected of midwives are contained in the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Standards for Medicines Management (NMC,2010) Despite the legislation, there has been confusion around midwives’ responsibilities in relation to the supply and administration of medicines, in particular around Midwives Exemptions, Patient Group Directions (PGD) and relevant statutory legislation. This resource will provide clear messages for midwives about their role and responsibilities when supplying and administering medicines. Charlotte Mc Ardle Chief Nursing Officer, DHSSPS CONTENTS PREVIOUS NEXT Interactive Quiz Test your own knowledge of what you have learned so far … Write down your answers to the questions below. 1. What does a ‘GSL’ medicine stand for? 2. Does a GSL medicine need a prescription? 3. Where can these medicines be obtained? 4. Can you, a registered midwife supply a GSL medicine? Click here to check your answers CONTENTS PREVIOUS NEXT Interactive Quiz 1. What does a ‘GSL’ medicine stand for? ‘GSL’ stands for General Sales List Medicine 2. Does a GSL medicine need a prescription? No, neither a prescription nor a supervision of a pharmacist is required. 3. Where can these medicines be obtained? These medicines can be bought from retail outlets. 4. Can you, a registered midwife supply a GSL medicine? Yes, the registered midwife can, in the course of her professional practice, supply but not offer for sale all medical products on the General Sales List. CONTENTS PREVIOUS NEXT Contents Section 1 Foreword Section 2 Introduction Section 3 Aim of this Resource Section 4 Classification of Medicines • • • • • Human Medicines Regulations 2012 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2002 Categories Quiz Stop Safer Management of Controlled Drugs Section 5 • • • • Role of the Midwife Midwives Exemptions Other Methods used in the Administration of Medicines NMC Standards for medicines management Midwives Practice (Home Birth & Midwife Supply Order) Section 6 Scenarios Section 7 Student Midwives Section 8 Final Quiz Section 9 References PREVIOUS NEXT Midwives Exemptions – Commonly used in Northern Ireland The link below will take you through to a list of commonly used types of medicines that you as a midwife can supply and administer during your midwifery practice whilst working in NI. Please click here CONTEN PREVIOUS NEXT Midwives Exemptions – Commonly used in Northern Ireland The link below will take you through to a list of commonly used types of medicines that you as a midwife can supply and administer during your midwifery practice whilst working in NI. Please click here CONTENTS PREVIOUS NEXT Contents Section 1 Foreword Section 2 Introduction Section 3 Aim of this Resource Section 4 Classification of Medicines • • • • • Human Medicines Regulations 2012 Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2002 Categories Quiz Stop Safer Management of Controlled Drugs Section 5 • • • • Role of the Midwife Midwives Exemptions Other Methods used in the Administration of Medicines NMC Standards for medicines management Midwives Practice (Home Birth & Midwife Supply Order) Section 6 Scenarios Section 7 Student Midwives Section 8 Final Quiz Section 9 References PREVIOUS NEXT Final Quiz Multiple Choice Questionnaire - requires 100% pass mark to obtain certificate Remember to obtain your certificate and take it with you to your annual midwifery supervision review with your supervisor of midwives. To undertake the NI Midwives and Medicines assessment please click on the link against your organisation Northern Health and Social Care Trust employees: http://elearning Southern Health and Social Care Trust employees: Western Health and Social Care Trust employees: South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust employees: Belfast Health and Social Care Trust employees: Clinical Education Centre employees: NIPEC employees : Public Health Agency employees: CONTENTS PREVIOUS NEXT Questions Thanks for listening Contact details: 028 9023 8192