

Semester Schedule

Psychology 105, Section 300 – online

Version 1.0a April 19, 2014

All Chapter and Appendix reading assignments are in the textbook.

All times are Mountain Time (MDT and MST).

Except as noted:

A chapter is covered each week, with some exceptions. After each unit of 5 or 6 chapters, there is a “Unit Consolidation,” in which no new material is introduced; instead, you’ll submit an essay and a presentation and take an exam.

 Most chapters begin with a pretest on Monday and end with a Quiz on the following Monday; exceptions due to holidays or extra time on some chapters are noted.

 For most chapters (except as noted) you will submit the following items. In some cases, Assignments may consist of posting on a blog; you’ll see instructions in the chapter’s learning module.

Pretests for the upcoming chapter begin the week on Monday night – these are due with previous chapter materials and can be found in the learning module for that chapter.





 Most work is due on Mondays, by 11:59 PM; see attached schedule for exceptions

Pretests are due on the day we BEGIN a chapter, mostly Mondays (same day as prior chapter is completed).

Initial post to each Discussion Forum is due the next Friday.

Quiz, Assignment, Blog post, and Discussion Forum comments for a chapter are due the next Monday, by 11:59 PM.

 At the end of each unit (the course contains 2 units), during the Unit Consolidation week, you will create a presentation, deliver your presentation in a discussion, write an essay, and take an exam. The second unit exam will be combined with the final exam. Check the schedule for due dates.

 Exams will be available for several days; you may take them at any time during their availability period. Check the schedule for days and times.

 Materials for each week will be posted at least a week in advance of due dates, usually more. Most materials in Unit 1 will be available from the beginning of the semester. You don’t have to wait until the last minute to turn work in – it will be gladly accepted before the deadline.

It is YOUR responsibility to keep track of due dates.

To help you, in this schedule, there is a check-box  next to each item that you should do.

 Print out this schedule and check off items as you complete them. Make sure that the date on your printed copy is the same as the version that is in the Course Menu, which is the latest, official version.

 Please notify the instructor if you find errors, if you can’t find materials listed here, or if links are broken.

See the end of the schedule for some important UNM-LA dates.

Use this schedule in addition to the Learn Calendar (available from the Course Menu). The Learn Calendar contains links to items that must be turned in via Learn, but it does not contain reading assignments or videos. If you see a conflict between this schedule and the calendar, please notify the instructor immediately.

This Semester Schedule is subject to change. Changes to this schedule will be announced.

Details of the schedule begin on next page

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Learning Module Due Date Pts

Week 1 – Do First! Jan 20 – Jan 27

Materials can be found in the Week 1 – Do First! Learning Module and Course Orientation and Resources Folder on the Home Page in the Course Menu (on the left side of the Learn window).

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Overview: Orientation to Blackboard Learn and This Course

 Course Tour – Video Tour of This Classroom

 Readings for this week, which Include:

 Syllabus

 Semester Schedule

 How Learn Is Used In This Class

 Setting Up Your Computer To Work With Learn

 Navigation Guide and Tool Use

 Create a Backup Plan

 Where to Get Help and Technical Support

 Netiquette

 Online Learning at UNM-LA Student Guide (if this is your first online course)

 Required vs. Optional vs. Extra Credit

 Use Review Status to Keep Track of Your Work

Look over and become familiar with

 How to Use Learn (Tutorials)

 Course Orientation and Resources folder contents (in the Course Menu)

 Learn Calendar (in the Course Menu)

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion Forum 00-I – Introduce Yourself (initial post

 Discussion Forum 00-I – Introduce Yourself (comments)

 Course Message from Instructor

 Student Background Survey

 Assignment 00 – Assignment with Attachment

 Blog 00 – First Reflection

 Notes on Taking Quizzes

 Quiz 00 – over material in Week 1 – Do First

Complete Pretest 01, which is the first item that deals with course content; you’ll find the

Jan 24 - Fri 3

Jan 27 - Mon 2

Jan 27 5

Jan 27

Jan 27

Jan 27

Jan 27

Jan 27




25 pretest for each week near the bottom of the prior week’s learning module

 Pretest 01 – in Week 1 – Do First! Jan 27 5

Week 2 – Chapter 1: Thinking Critically With Psychological Science Jan 27 – Feb 3

Materials are in the Learning Modules section of the Course Menu, in the Week 2 – Chapter 1 module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 1

 Chapter 1 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 1

 Textbook, Appendix A

 Textbook, Appendix C

 Videos – Chapter 1

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 01 – initial post

 Discussion 01 - comments

 Assignment 01 – What Topics Interest Psychologists?

 Blog 01 – Reflections on Chapter 1

 Quiz 01 - Chapter 1

 Pretest 02 – Chapter 2

Jan 31 - Fri

Jan 31

Jan 31

Jan 31

Jan 31

Jan 31 - Fri 12

Feb 3 - Mon 8

20 Feb 3

Feb 3

Feb 3

Feb 3




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Learning Module Due Date Pts

Weeks 3-4 – Chapter 2: The Biology of Mind (Neuroscience and Behavior) Feb 3 – Feb 17

Materials are in the Learning Modules section of the Course Menu, in the Weeks 3-4 – Chapter 2 module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 2

 Chapter 2 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 2

 Back to Basics: Neural Transmission

 3D Brain, specified sections

 Diagram – Visual pathways of the human brain

 Right-brain Left-brain myth

 Videos – Chapter 2

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 02a – initial post

 Discussion 02a- comments

 Assignment 02a – Brain and Behavior

 Discussion 02b – initial post

 Discussion 02b - comments

 Assignment 02b – Left brain, right brain

 Blog 02 – Reflections on Chapter2

 Quiz 02 - Chapter 2

 Pretest 03

Feb 7 Fri

Feb 7

Feb 7

Feb 7

Feb 14 Fri

Feb 14

Feb 14

Feb 7 - Fri 12

Feb 10 - Mon 8

Feb 10 20

Feb 14 - Fri 12

Feb 17 - Mon 8

20 Feb 17

Feb 17

Feb 17

Feb 17




Feb 17 – Feb 24 Week 5 – Chapter 3: Consciousness and the Two-Track Mind

Materials are in the Week 5 – Chapter 3 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 3

 Chapter 3 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 3 [If using Myers 7e, see new 8e materials in module]

 Changes to Names of Sleep Stages

 Videos – Chapter 3

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 03 – initial post

 Discussion 03 - comments

 Assignment 03 – Sleep Strategies

 Blog 03 – Reflections on Chapter 3

 Quiz 03 - Chapter 3

 Pretest 04

Week 6 – Chapter 4: Nature, Nurture, and Human Diversity

Materials are in the Week 6 – Chapter 4 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 4

 Chapter 4 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 4 (This is chapter 3 in Myers 7e)

 Epigenetics: Why Your DNA Isn’t Your Destiny

 Videos – Chapter 4

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 04 – initial post

 Discussion 04 – comments

 Assignment 04 – Bogle Family Tree

 Blog 04 – Reflections on Chapter 4

 Quiz 04 - Chapter 4

 Pretest 05

Feb 21 - Fri

Feb 21

Feb 21

Feb 21

Feb 21 - Fri

Feb 24 - Mon 8

Feb 24 20

Feb 24

Feb 24

Feb 24





Feb 24 – Mar 3

Feb 28 - Fri

Feb 28

Feb 28

Feb 28

Feb 28 - Fri 12

Mar 3 - Mon 8

Mar 3

Mar 3

Mar 3

Mar 3





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Learning Module Due Date Pts

Week 7 – Chapter 5: Developing Through the Lifespan

Materials are in the Week 7 – Chapter 5 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 5 ( This is chapter 4 in Myers 7e)

 Chapter 5 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 5

 The First 9 Months

 Key to Smarter Kids

 Videos – Chapter 5

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 05 – initial post

 Discussion 05 - comments

 Assignment 05 – Parenting Styles

 Blog 05 – Reflections on Chapter 5

 Quiz 05 – Chapter 5

Mar 3 – Mar 10

Mar 7 - Fri

Mar 7

Mar 7

Mar 7

Mar 7

Mar 7 - Fri

Mar 10- Mon 8

Mar 10 20

Mar 10

Mar 10




Week 8-9 – Unit 1 Consolidation, Spring Break

Materials are in the Weeks 8-9 - Unit 1 Consolidation/Exam learning module.

Note the changes in assignments and due dates these two weeks. Spring Break is Mar 16-22.

Mar 10 – Mar 24

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities

 Unit 1 Presentation and Discussion – Initial post (5 pts) including presentation (30 pts)

 Unit 1 Essay – see instructions in this learning module

 Unit 1 Exam – Take between 8 AM Mar 11 and 11:59 PM Mar 15

Location – Unit 1 Consolidation Folder

Duration – 2 hours

SPRING BREAK: Relax and have fun! Mar 16 – Mar 22

 Unit 1 Presentation and Discussion – comments on other student presentations

 Pretest 07

Mar 14 - Fri 35

Mar 14 - Fri 50

Mar 15

Mar 24- Mon

Mar 24




Mar 24 – Mar 31 Week 10 – Chapter 7: Learning

Materials are in the Week 10 – Chapter 7 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 7

 Chapter 7 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 7

 Reinforcement vs. Punishment: How to Decide

 Look over Unit 2 Essay, Presentation, & Discussion Instructions in the Unit 2

Consolidation learning module (due May 3)

 Videos – Chapter 7

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 07 – initial post

 Discussion 07 - comments

 Assignment 07 – Train Something (If you train a live pet, you may turn this assignment in April 7)

 Blog 07 – Reflections on Chapter 7

 Quiz 07 – Chapter 7

 Pretest 08

Mar 28 - Fri

Mar 28

Mar 28

Mar 28

Mar 31- Mon

Mar 31

Mar 28 - Fri

Mar 31

Mar 31

Mar 31







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Learning Module

Week 11 – Chapter 8: Memory

Materials are in the Week 11 – Chapter 8 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 8

 Chapter 8 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 8

 Studying Tips Based on Research in Learning and Memory

 Seven Sins of Memory

 The Spacing Effect

 Videos – Chapter 8

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 08 – initial post

 Discussion 08 – comments

 Assignment 08 – Sins of Memory

 Blog 08 – Reflections on Chapter 8

 Quiz 08 – Chapter 8

 Pretest 15

Week 12 – Chapter 15: Social Psychology

Materials are in the Week 12 – Chapter 15 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 15

 Chapter 15 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 15

 The Stanford Prison Experiment

 Videos – Chapter 15

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 015 – initial post

 Discussion 015 – comments

 Assignment 015 – Bias and Prejudice: Implicit Associations Test

 Blog 015 – Reflections on Chapter 15

 Quiz 015 – Chapter 15

 Pretest 11

Week 13– Chapter 11: Emotions, Stress, and Health

Materials are in the Week 13– Chapter 11 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 11

 Chapter 11 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 11

 Strategies for Calming and Relaxing

 Test Anxiety & Systematic Desensitization

 Videos – Chapter 11

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 11 – initial post

 Discussion 11 – comments

 Assignment 11 – Managing Your Stress

 Blog 11 – Reflections on Chapter 11

 Quiz 11 – Chapter 11

 Pretest 13


Due Date Pts

Mar 31 – Apr 7

Apr 4 – Fri

Apr 4

Apr 4

Apr 4

Apr 4

Apr 4

Apr 4 – Fri

Apr 7 - Mon 8

Apr 7 20

Apr 7

Apr 7

Apr 7





Apr 7 – Apr 14

Apr 11 – Fri

Apr 11

Apr 11

Apr 11

Apr 11 – Fri 12

Apr 14 - Mon 8

Apr 14 20

Apr 14

Apr 14

Apr 14




Apr 14 – Apr 21

Apr 18 – Fri

Apr 18

Apr 18

Apr 18

Apr 18

Apr 18 – Fri 12

Apr 21 - Mon 8

Apr 21 20

Apr 21

Apr 21

Apr 21




5 of 6

Learning Module

Week 14– Chapter 13: Psychological Disorders

Materials are in the Week 14 – Chapter 13 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 13

 Chapter 13 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 13

 Beware of Medical Student Syndrome!

 Cognitive Distortions and Rational Alternatives

 Videos – Chapter 13

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 13 – initial post

 Discussion 13 – comments

 Assignment 13/14 DUE NEXT WEEK

 Blog 13 – Reflections on Chapter 13

 Quiz 13 – Chapter 13

 Pretest 14

Week 15– Chapter 14: Therapy

Materials are in the Week 15 – Chapter 14 learning module.

Resources: Read or Watch:

 Readings for Chapter 14

 Chapter 14 – Overview and Myths

 Textbook, Chapter 14

 Test Anxiety and Systematic Desensitization (also in Ch. 11)

 Videos – Chapter 14

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities:

 Discussion 14 – initial post

 Discussion 14 – comments

 Assignment 13/14 - Cognitive Distortions and Rational Alternatives

 Blog 14 – Reflections on Chapter 14

 Quiz 14 – Chapter 14

Week 16 – Unit2 Consolidation, Unit 2/Final Exam

Note the changes in assignments and due dates

Materials are in the Week 16 – Unit 2 Consolidation/Exam learning module.

Assigned Work – DO: Complete the following activities

 Unit 2 Presentation and Discussion – Initial post (5 pts) including presentation (30 pts)

 Unit 2 Essay – see instructions in this learning module

 Unit 2 Presentation and Discussion – comments on other student presentations

 Blog – Whole Course

 Last day to take all Make-up Quizzes and Extra Credit Quizzes (optional)

 Unit 2/Final Exam – Take between 8 AM May 9 and 11:59 PM May 14

Location – Unit 2 Consolidation Folder

Duration – 2.5 hours

Due Date Pts

Apr 21 – Apr 28

Apr 25 – Fri

Apr 25

Apr 25

Apr 25

Apr 25

Apr 25 – Fri 12

Apr 28 - Mon 8


Apr 28

Apr 28

Apr 28




April 28 – May 5

May 2 – Fri

May 2

May 2

May 2

May 2 – Fri

May 5 - Mon 8

May 5

May 5

May 5





May 5 – May 14

May 9 - Fri 35

May 9 - Fri 100

May 12- Mon 10

May 12- Mon 10

May 13- Tue

May 14- Wed 200

NOTE: All Make-up Quizzes and Extra Credit Quizzes must be completed by May 13 at 11:59 PM.


Last day to drop a course with 100% tuition refund

 Spring Break

Last day to drop a course without Student Services approval

Last day to drop a course with Student Services approval

Feb 7

Mar 16-22

Apr 18

May 9

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