Porifera Cnidaria - WHS-Rambo-Wiki

The sponges
* Nearly 7000 marine
species, 150 freshwater
* A few are radially
symmetrical but most
are asymmetrical
* Sponge larva are freeswimming and adults
are attached for life
* Produce chemicals that
repel predators offering
companies potential
human uses
* Sponges lack specialized organs or tissues
* Sponges contain several cell types with
specialized functions
* In fact, if you put a sponge in a blender and
then let it sit the cells will seek one another
out and reassemble the entire sponge!
Johan Swanepoel
* Choanocyte: also known
as collar cells
* Flagellated cells
* Pump of a sponge
* Circulates water
* Collects food
* Takes in sperm
* Spicules: needles of
calcium carbonate or
* Form the skeleton of the
sponge providing
protection and
structural support
* Can be rigid or fexible
depending on the
species and environment
* Gas exchange: Water circulation, diffusion
* Circulation: diffusion for gases, amoebocytes
* Excretion: Amoebocytes
* Digestion: Collar cells
* Reproduction: Asexual by budding, fragmentation
and gemmules, sexually with sperm and egg
* Response to environment: forms gemmules in harsh
* Movement: larva are free-swimming, adults are
Eric Yao
The jellyfish, anemones, corals, and
* Radially symmetrical
* More than 10,000
marine species, very
few freshwater
* Development of true
* Interior gut cavity
specialized for
* Epidermis contains
nematocysts for
defense and capturing
* Cnidarians have two
body forms:
* Polyp
* Medusa
* Cnidarians have a
hydrostatic skeleton
* Water pressure
maintains the shape of
the organism while
allowing light weight
and buoyancy
Unknown source
* Nematocysts:
* For prey capture and
* Unique to the
In a few species the
venom injected is
strong enough to kill
a human
* Typically many
thousands of
nematocysts on a
single tentacle
Jonathan Wojcik (?)
* Gas Exchange: diffusion
* Circulation: diffusion
* Excretion: through gastrovascular cavity
* Digestion/feeding: nematocysts-covered tentacles
push food into the gastrovascular cavity
* Reproduction: asexual by budding and fragmentation,
sexual by releasing egg & sperm into water
* Response to environment: respond to pressure of
water, some can sense light and gravity
* Movement: some motile, some planktonic, some
* Cnidarians are separated into 4 classes:
* Class Anthozoa: Sea Anemones and coral
© Copyright NeoSmart Technologies, 2004-2010
* Cnidarians are separated into 4 classes:
* Class Anthozoa: Sea Anemones and coral
Unknown source
* Cnidarians are separated into 4 classes:
* Class Cubozoa: Box Jellies
* Can be deadly!
* Pictured is Chironex fleckeri, one of the most
dangerous animals in the world, this jelly fish has
enough venom to kill 60 adult humans!
Unknown source
* Cnidarians are separated into 4 classes:
* Class Hydrozoa: Hydras
* Most colonial
* Such as the Portuguese Man-o-war
Unknown source
* Cnidarians are separated into 4 classes:
* Class Scyphozoa: Jellyfish
National Geographic