WHY RAW????? Reasons For The Raw Lifestyle •ENERGY (electronegative energy) •Enzymes •Nutrient Density •Fiber •Water/Hydration •pH •Avoiding Toxins/Synthetic Hormones •Avoiding Additives •Build Better CELL MEMBRANES / Capacitors / Batteries Free radical theory of aging Denham Harman, M.D., Ph.D. (1954) Aging occurs as cells are permanently damaged by continual attacks from chemical particles known as free radicals. (Oxidation) Each 24 hours, approximately 1 trillion molecules of oxygen pass through every cell of the body. This results in 100,000 free radical hits or wounds on the cellular DNA. Dr. Bruce N. Ames, geneticist; University of California at Berkeley. ENERGY • Cooked food steals energy • Raw Food Adds energy • Nutrient Density with lots of green and brightly colored foods builds strong cell membrane = better battery with more CAPACITY to store a charge. • GOOD FAT builds the framework (omega 3’s from green food/flax/walnuts/hemp seed/pumpkin seed/chia/ I don’t have energy to maintain fluid balance. Cellular Necrosis - The cause of death is usually insufficient cellular energy to maintain the membrane pumps that keep certain ions inside of the cell and water out. William R. Clark, Professor Emeritus of Immunology at UCLA, A Means to an End The Biological Basis of Aging and Death. Pg 26. Since 1970 there have been over 2000 studies that have utilized Impedance Plythesmography (Fluid and Nutrition Analysis). The overwhelming conclusion is that THE FIRST SIGN OF FAILING HEALTH is a shift of fluid from the inside of the cell to the outside of the cell. NOTE: water is required for EVERY biologic process!! O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 Increased extra- cellular fluid (ECF) compresses the blood vessels and reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the cell. 3 outcomes of low oxygen: According to 1932 Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Otto Warburg. 1. Fatigue or Atrophy Toxic ECF 2. Death of tissue or organism 3. Mutation (Cancer) 80% VS 50% “ We know, for example, that cells tend to lose water as they age, probably reflecting an alteration in the function of the membrane pumps discussed earlier. This cellular dehydration in turn affects how the organism looks; newborn infants are about 80 percent water, whereas water is less than 50 percent of the mass of the wizened, older individual.” William R. Clark, Professor Emeritus of Immunology at UCLA, A Means to an End The Biological Basis of Aging and Death. Pg 38. The Brain of Your Cells Is... The Cell MemBRAIN! It interprets the environment and tells DNA what to do! We are MASTERS OF OUR FATE NOT Victims of our Genes! THE PRIMACY OF DNA IS DEAD!! Take the DNA out of a cell, the cell lives on. Take the cell membrane out of the cell… the cell dies immediately! Cell membrane interprets your inner environment and sends signals to DNA to carry out the appropriate actions. “IT’S THE ENVIRONMENT, STUPID!” We are the drivers of our own biology by the way we create, interact with, and, most important, interpret our environment. Create A Quality Membrane! Cell membranes that are not made of fluid and resilient fats (EPA/DHA) and low in the basic framework of vitamin C and the potent antioxidants...Bioflavonoids (colorful foods, citrus whites and peels, onions, blueberries, cherries, grapes, etc.) will break open too easily and spill out the contents of the membrane causing an inflammatory/immune reaction. Lack of Omega 3 also means... BAD CELLUALAR COMMUNCATION Cell Membrane Health Can Be Measured by Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)!! Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) 1. Body Composition 2. Fluid Distribution 3. Tissue Health 4. Recommendations Electrical Model of the Human Body Capacitive Reactance Electrical Resistance Body Composition Testing (BIA) Actual Program Participant BIA Capacitance (function of healthy cell membranes) 5’4”, 118# 5’4”, 118# Both of these patents are 5’4” tall and weigh 118#. BMI values and height / weight tables consider them to be optimal. Does height and weight tell the whole story? Height (in) Weight (lbs) Sex Resistance Reactance TBW (L)31.7 TBW (%) Fat (%) 21% Fat (lbs) BCM (lbs) BCM (%) FFM (lbs) ICW (L)14.4 ICW (%) ECW (%) ECW (L)17.4 Phase angle Capacitance Impedance 64 118 F 541 31 32.9 59% 19% 24.2 34.7 29% 93.6 20.6 45% 55% 12.3 3.3 ??? 676 64 118 F 487 76 61% 22.2 49.7 42% 96.3 63% 37% 8.9 ??? 1778 BIA testing lead to further testing and a diagnosis of cancer. World Class Athlete with an outstanding phase angle. Pesticides 1,000,000,000 Pounds per year “Approximately one billion pounds of pesticide active ingredient are used annually in the U.S., and over 16,000 pesticide products are being marketed in the U.S. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that 10,00020,000 physician-diagnosed pesticide poisonings occur each year” http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/to pics/pesticides/ NOTES BELOW Pesticides may be the major source of excitotoxicity in the U.S. Russell Blaylock, MD IAACN 9-3-5, Orlando Florida The increasing risk of breast cancer and other cancers has paralleled the proliferation of synthetic chemicals since World War II. An estimated 85,000 synthetic chemicals are registered in the United States, yet Ana M. Soto, M.D. “85,000 synthetic chemicals are registered” 7% are screenable. toxicological screening data are available for only 7 percent of these chemicals. http://tuftsjournal.tufts.edu/archive/ 2003/february/oped/index.shtml Below 7% is approximately 1 in 14 200 chemicals found in newborns Theoretically could be 2800. 200 Chemicals + Agent Orange “In a study of newborn blood released by the Environmental Working Group, an average of 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants were found in umbilical cord blood from 10 babies.” “Eighteen different forms of dioxin were also found in the samples, according to the report.” Zwillich, T. Study Shows Toxic Chemicals in Newborns WebMD Medical News Reviewed http://my.webmd.com/content/Article/108/1 09035.htm ARTICLE BELOW http://www.childliverdisease.org/corporate/payroll “Rep. Louise Slaughter (D-N.Y.) told reporters Thursday that she was one of several who anonymously donated blood for a continuation of the analysis. More than 270 toxic chemicals were found in her blood, said Slaughter, who is 75 years old.” 200 + Toxins, Minimal DHA = poor brain development “Obesity is at once the prototypical model of a complex genetic disease and a product of lifestyle exposures choice.”during This apparent paradox has led to the critical periods of development of two distinct fields of obesity research, one biological and one have significant psychological.” “environmental development can “environmental exposures during deleterious impact critical periods of development can have significant deleterious impact on brain on brain development with subsequent development impact on brain function.” Nabel, E. et al. Obesity on the brain Nature Neuroscience 8, 552 - 553 (2005) ARTICLE BELOW Foods for Detoxification • Cruciferous vegetables : Broccoli, cabbage, Kale, Collards, Brussel Sprouts, bok choy, arugula, cauliflower, watercress (induce phase 2 packaging) • High ellagic acid content foods: raspberries, strawberries, cranberries, walnuts, pecans, pomegranates) • Green Food (plant nutrients) – grass drinks,. Helps balance your pH and gives you tons of antioxidants plus the power of chelation of heavy metals. “These all dovetail with findings that in every species from worms to monkeys, calorie restriction increases longevity. The leanest animals also look and act younger. In the only calorie analysis of people, "The results clearly suggest that humans react to such a nutritional regimen similarly to other vertebrates.”” Fumento M. Study feeds public a myth about fat http://www.detnews.com/2005/editorial/050 5/18/A13-181615.htm ARTICLE BELOW Eat Less Live Longer Feel Better! “It is suggested that a low rate of mitochondrial free radical generation extends lifespan both in long-lived and in caloric-restricted animals by determining the rate of oxidative attack and accumulation of somatic mutations in mitochondrial DNA.” Barja G. Aging in vertebrates, and the effect of caloric restriction: a mitochondrial free radical production-DNA damage mechanism? Biol Rev Camb Philos Soc. 2004 May;79(2):235-51. PMID: 15191224 PubMed Eat Less below and Protect your mitochondria! Enzymes • Denatured at 108 degrees • Destroyed at 118 degrees • Cooked food draws from your energy reserves to digest the food = fatigue Voltage • Electrical potential – Normal cells have an electronegative potential across the cell membrane at -20 to -25mV – Young healthy cell functions are about -30mV – -10 mV = sick and tired – Chronic disease is Low voltage – Cancer (-5 to +50mV) – Anti oxidants donate electrons – Above 7.0 is alkaline and has electrons to donate and heal Acid/Alkaline and Electronegativity • pH of 0 = +400mV (will steal electrons and create lots of free radicals and oxidative damage • pH of 7 = 0mV (still no electrons to give but at least not causing damage • pH of 14 = -400mV (intensely charged and donates electrons to be a powerful anti-oxidant • Blood is 7.35 to 7.45 (body will use buffering systems to keep it there or you’ll die.)