PRT 3202 EERIMENTAL DESIGN AND ANALYSIS SEMESTER 1 2013/14 Dr. Anuar Abd. Rahim Blok B, Tingkat 1, Bilik 42 Fakulti Pertanian Jabatan Pengurusan Tanah (Department of Land Management) Email: Tel: 03-89474857 0122678842 EVALUATION Assignments 40 % Mid-term 20 % Final Examination 40 % PRINCIPLES OF EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN EXPERIMENT TREATMENT EXPERIMENTAL UNIT SAMPLE REPLICATION RANDOMIZATION VARIABLES CONTROL RESPONSES EXPERIMEMTAL ERROR TYPES OF EXPERIMENT SELECTION OF TEST SITE UNIFORMITY OF EXPERIMENTAL SITE PROCEDURE OF PLANNING AN EXPERIMENT TYPES OF MEASUREMENT/DATA HYPHOTHESIS TESTING METHODS OF ERROR CONTROL IN EXPERIMENT PLOT SIZE AND SHAPE UNIFORMINTY OF EXPERIMENTAL PLOT EXPERIMENT Experiment is an investigation to obtain new information or proving the result of earlier experiment TREATMENT Procedure whose effect a material to be tested and compared with other treatments Example: Type of fertilizer - NPK Blue and NPK Yellow EXPERIMENTAL UNIT This is the unit of material that receives a treatment or where the treatment is given Example : - a plant - an animal - a square meter plot REPLICATION Repetition or appearance of a treatment more than once in an experiment RANDOMIZATION Arrangement of treatments of experimental unit so as that each experimental unit has the same chance to be selected to receive a treatment VARIABLES Characteristics of the experimental unit that can be measured VARIABLES QUANTITATIVE QUALITATIVE DISCREET CONTINUOUS DATA Characteristics Count Status Measurement Digital Examples: Variable Data Weight 75 kg Speed of a lorry 35 km hr Number of female student 54 Colour of a flower purple -1 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS Arrangement of experimental unit that contains treatments and replications into various designs to estimate and control experimental error so as to interpret results accurately. The major among experimental designs is the way in which experimental units are classified or grouped. An experimental design can be simple or complex. It is, however, advisable to choose a less complicated design that best provides the desired precision. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effect of N rate(0, 45, 90, 135 and 180 kg N ha-1) with four replications on yield of maize cobs Examples: Complete Randomized Design (CRD) Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) Latin Square Design Split Plot Design Complete Randomized Design It is used when an area or location or experimental materials are homogeneous. For completely randomized design (CRD), each experimental unit has the same chance of receiving a treatment in completely randomized manner. Randomized Complete Block Design In this design treatments are assigned at random to a group of experimental units called the block. A block consists of uniform experimental units. The main aim of this design is to keep the variability among experimental units within a block as small as possible and to maximize differences among the blocks. Latin Square Design Latin square design handles two known sources of variation among experimental units simultaneously. It treats the sources as two independent blocking criteria: row-blocking and column-blocking. This is achieved by making sure that every treatment occurs only once in each row-block and once in each column-block. This helps to remove variability from the experimental error associated with both these effects. ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE (ANOVA) Analysis of variance (ANOVA) is to determine the ratio of between samples to the variance of within samples that is the F distribution. The value of F is used to reject or accept the null hypothesis. It is used to analyze the variances of treatments or events for significant differences between treatment variances, particularly in situations where more than two treatments are involved. ANOVA can on only be used to ascertain if the treatment differences are significant or not. F = s2, calculated from sample mean s2, calculate from variance between individual sample = sa2 (variance between samples) sd2 (variance within samples) HYPHOTHESIS TESTING FOR MORE THAN TWO MEANS F Distribution TESTING OF HYPOTHESIS HYPOTHESIS Null Alternative Null Hypothesis Statement indicating that a parameter having certain value Alternative Hypothesis Statement indicating that a parameter having value that differ from null hypothesis Critical area Probability level Critical value Critical area area to reject null hypothesis Probability level Critical value Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) Source of Variation Between (B) Within (W) Total (T) df Sum of Squares Mean Square (SS) (MS) F Below are yield (t/ha) for 5 varieties of corn Variety V1 3.8 4.6 4.6 4.8 V2 5.2 5.0 6.7 6.1 V3 8.8 6.3 7.4 8.3 V4 10.9 9.4 11.3 12.4 V5 7.3 8.6 7.2 7.8 Test at α = 0.05 whether there a significant difference among the means HYPOTHESIS TESTING State your hypothesis Choose your probability level Choose your statistics Calculation Result Conclusion Analisis Varian (ANOVA) Sumber variasi Antara (A) Dalam (D) Jumlah (J) dk Jumlah kuasa dua Min kuasa dua (JKD) (MKD) F ANALYSIS VARIANCE FOR ONE FACTOR EXPERIMENT ARRANGED IN DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS CRD RCBD LATIN SQUARE COMPARISON OF MEANS Comparison of means is conducted when HO is being rejected during the process of ANOVA. When HO is rejected, there is at least one significant difference between the treatment means. There are various methods of to compare for significant difference between the treatments means. The means of more than two means are often compared for significant difference using Least Significant Difference (LSD) test, Duncan New Multiple Range (DMRT) test, Tukey’s test, Scheffe’s test, Student –Newman-Keul’s test (SNK), Dunnett’s test and Contrast. However, more often than not, such tests are misused. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of clear understanding of what pair and group comparisons as well as what the structure of treatments under investigation are. There are two types of pair comparison namely planned and unplanned pair. MEANS SEPARATION LSD Tukey CONTRAST LSD = tα/2 2 MS (within) r TUKEY (HSD) CONTRAST 1. Calculate the total 2. Assign the coefficient for the means selected to see the difference 3. Determine Σci2, Q and r 4. Calculate MSQ 5. Calculate F CONTRAST T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 ci2 Q r MSQ F DATA TRANSFORMATION Data that are not conformed to normal distribution need to be transformed to normalize the data. Usually discrete data are required to be transformed so as various statistical analyses can be carried out. LOG TRANSFORMATION conducted when the variance or stanadard deviation increase proportionally with the mean Examples number of insects per plot number of eggs of insect per plant number of leaves per plant If there is zero, convert all the data to log(x+1) SQUARE ROOT TRANSFORMATION conducted for low value data or occurrence of unique/weird situation Examples •number of plants with disease •number of weeds per plot If there is zero, use x + 0.5 can also be used for percentage data 0 – 30 or 70 - 100 ARC SINE TRANSFORMATION conducted for ratio, number and percentages Criteria 1: If percentages fall between 30-70, no transformation Criteria 2: If percentages fall between 0-30 atau 70-100, use square root transformation Criteria 3: If di not qualifies for criteria 1 and 2 use 1 or 2, use arc sine When there is 0 (1/4n) When there is 100 (100 - 1/4n) NON-PARAMETRIC TEST Sign test – one sample Sign test – two samples Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Percentage octane content in petrol A are as the following: 97.0, 94.7, 96.8, 99.8, 96.3, 98.6, 95.4, 92.7, 97.7, 97.1, 96.9, 94.4 Test = 98.0 compare to < 98.0 at = 0.05 Sign test – two samples (paired) Two types of paper was judged by 10 judges to determine which which paper is softer based on the scale 1 to10. Higher value indicate is more soft. Judge 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Paper A 6 8 4 9 4 7 6 5 6 8 Paper B 4 5 5 8 1 9 2 3 7 2 Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney Rank Test Reaction time (min) of two types of medicine are as the following: Medicine P : 1.96, 2.24, 1.71, 2.41, 1.62, 1.93 Medicine Q : 2.11, 2.43, 2.07, 2.71, 2.50, 2.84, 2.88 1. Arrange all data 2. Determine R1 3. Determine U 4. Determine Z CHI SQUARE CHI SQUARE YATE’S CORRECTION CHI SQUARE Test of Goodness-of-fit Test of Independance Test of Goodness-of-fit 1000 respondents were interviewed on their preference on the type of car Data are as the following: Honda Proton Nissan Ford Mazda 187 221 193 204 195 O E 187 200 221 200 193 200 204 200 195 200 (O-E) dk = 5-1 (O-E)2 2 Test of Independance Test on the statement that defected materials obtained from two machines (A and B) is independent from the machines that generate them Defect Normal Total Mechine A 10 30 40 Mechine B 6 54 60 16 84 Total O E (O-E) (O-E)2 dk = (row - 1) x (column – 1) 2 Row Total x Column Total E = Overall Total FACTORIAL EXPERIMENT Factorial experiment is conducted for more than one factor with the intention to check not only the effect of each factor but whether there is interaction or not among the factors. It is one in which the treatment consists of all possible combinations of the selected levels of two or more factors. TWO FACTORS EXPERIMENT A factorial experiment (3 x 3) to evaluate the effect of N rate (0, 90, dan 180 kg N ha-1) and source of N [Urea, (NH4)2SO4 dan KNO3] with 4 replications TWO FACTORS EXPERIMENT Main effect Interaction Effect TWO FACTORS EXPERIMENT CRD RCBD Split plot TWO FACTORS EXPERIMENT ANOVA CRD RCBD Split Plot TWO FACTORS EXPERIMENT COMPARISON OF MEANS LSD Tukey Contrast EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT SIZES OF EXPERIMENTAL UNITS ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS Year Location Season EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT SIZES OF EXPERIMENTAL UNITS Split Plot Design For factorial experiment with two factors where the experimental materials do not allow for the treatment combinations to be arranged in the usual manner. Contains main plot and sub-plot. Sub-plot is arranged within the main plot First factor is arranged in the main plot and the second factor is arranged in the sub- plot Treatments in the main plot and sub-plot are arranged randomly Precision: main plot < sub-plot Error term is separated for main plot and sub-plot. EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT SIZES OF EXPERIMENTAL UNITS EXPERIMENT WITH REPEATED DATA For perennial crops rubber and oil palm data can be repeated from the same experimental unit in different years or seasons. REPEATED MEASURES An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of N rate (0, 50, 100 dan 150 kg ha-1) on maize yield using RCBD with 4 replictions N content (g kg-1) in the leaf tissue was sampled at 25 days and 40 days after planting. EXPERIMENT WITH DIFFERENT SIZES OF EXPERIMENTAL UNITS ANALYSIS OF DATA FROM SERIES OF EXPERIMENTS Year Location Season LOCATION An experiment on the effect 7 varieties on the yield of sweet corn using RCBD with 3 replications was conducted at 11 locations Test = 0.05 whether there is an effect of location, varieties and interaction on the yield of sweet corn Test of variance homogeneity 1. Test for two variances 2. Test for more than two variances TWO VARIANCES F = higher variance lower variance More than two variances Test = 0.05 for the homogeinety of the following variances S12 = 11.459848 S22 = 17.696970 S32 = 10.106818 df for each variance = 20 2 = 2.3026(f) (k log sp2 - log si2) 1 + [(k + 1) / 3 kf ] SEASON An experiment on the effect of rate of N (0, 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1) on yield of paddy was conducted using RCBD with 4 replications and 3 seasons of planting Test at = 0.05 whether period, rate of N and interaction influence the yield of padi