Life & Works of Rizal *Why do we need to study history? *How significant is Rizal to our History? *What is History then? 1. Chronological records of significant events in the past often with explanations of their cause. 4. The interpretative & imaginative study of the surviving records of the past either written or not in order to determine the meaning & scope of human existence 3. The reconstruction of the past based on written records, oral history, cultural artifacts, & folk traditions. 2. Record of the past & study of antiquity Written or Inscribed Sources Oral Or Visual Sources Kinds of Sources of History Folklore & Oral Literature Oral History Through Interviews A. Written or Inscribed Sources of History Birth & Death Certificates Surveyor’s Note Marriage Certificates Books Directories Souvenir Programs Church Records School Records Letters/Diaries Government Records Local Newspapers Hospital Records Census Reports Police Records Title Deeds Business Records Skeletal remains Tools, weapons, & Utensils Heirlooms Photographs Graphic/Vis ual Sources of History Arts & Crafts Old Structures & Landmarks Significance of Studying History Projecting conditions of a given time & space. • History is the only branch of knowledge that can provide information & corresponding interpretations of period of history. Explaining the cause of things & events. • History provide the root cause of events by tracing to what happen in the past. Bridging the gap between the past & present. • The present being the result of the past, the Philippine& the Filipinos are what they are today because of what happen in the past. The nature & the extent of the contemporary problems can best be understood in the light of the historical roots. Promotes Nationalism & Patriotism • History is the best are of human knowledge that can help in promoting nationalism & patriotism. It inspires & develops a sense of national pride & sense of devotion to the country by recording the exploits & struggles of forefathers to win freedom & independence. Projecting the future. • Events & development of the future may be envisioned by using history as the basis. Circumstances of the past have been observed to contribute to the unfolding of recent significant event. History allows us to speculate intelligently the future. Present & future intelligent actions spring from sound knowledge of the past Jose Protacio Mercado Y Alonso Rizal *What is your initial perception about Rizal? *What is the best word can you describe about him? *For 5 minutes go out & select an object that could best represent Rizal & explain how the said object represented Rizal. Maria Lucia Jose (Pepe) Concepcion Olympia Josefa Narcisa Trinidad Paciano Saturnina Francisco Mercado & Teodora Alonso Soledad Meaning:1. Rizal- a fields where wheat when cut while still green, sprouts again. 2. Mercado- market Rizal- 7th child of Teodora Alonso Realonda and Francisco Mercado Rizal. -born June 19, 1861 in Calamba Laguna. -baptize in the Catholic Church with Fr. Rufino Collantes as the officiating priest. -his godfather is Fr. Pedro Cansaňas. *At the age of three, Rizal learn to read due to the tutorial of his mother. *His mother taught him to read The Spanish book called the Children’s Friend. *Being a devoted Catholic his mother named Rizal after St. Joseph. Don Francisco Mercado (1818-1898) -Rizal Father was born in Biňan, Laguna. -He studied Latin and Philosophy at the College of San Jose in Manila. -He become tenant farmer of the Dominican-owned hacienda. -Rizal fondly called him in his memoire “a model of father. Mercado-they were having such name because originally their paternal Ancestors were merchants Juan Mercado-Francisco’s father thrice becomes mayor of Biňan Donya Teodora Alonso Realonda (1826-1911) -She was educated at the College of Santa Rosa (a well known college for girls in the city during that time. -It was from Donya Teodora that Rizal inherited his passion in rhetoric and literature. Lorenzo Alberto Alonso- father Of Teodora deputy for the Phil. in Spanish Cortes. Jose Alberto- brother of Teodora who was educated abroad & could speak various languages. A knight in the order of Isabel the Catholic Manuel de Quintos- grandfather of Teodora who become well-known Lawyer of Manila. Having educated parents it is main reason why Rizal was also greatly inclined to education and seeking of knowledge. Paciano who is 10yrs older than him. -considered by Rizal as the Noblest Filipinos -one of de la Torre’s young generation s of liberals -housemate & disciple of Burgos -Rizal considered him more than a brother and treated him a second father *Concepcion died at a very young age (3yrs old). Since she was next to Rizal so they were close and her death was considered as the first sorrow of Rizal. Rizal’s Ancestry On his Paternal side:Rizal’s great great grand father, Domingo Lamco is a Chinese immigrant from Fukien City On his maternal side: his great great grand father Eugenio Ursua has Japanese ancestry. Could Afford Lavish Party Library w/ voluminous books Big House Could Afford Education Could Hire Aya/ Maids Indication that Rizal’s Family is Rich Horse Carriage Childhood in Calamba Laguna •Rizal had many beautiful childhood memories in his native town. Having a happy home, morally upright parents and scenic and panoramic town is enough to mold him into an upright citizen •Calamba was a hacienda town, which belonged to the Dominican order. Rizal love his town so much that at the age of 15 he compose a poem that describe and reminisce his youthful years in Calamba. The poem was entitled Un Recuerdo a Mi Pueblo (in Memory of my town) Earliest Childhood Memories •Because Rizal was sickly and undersized child, he was given the tenderest care by his parents, His father built a little nipa cottage in the garden for him to play on the daytime. They even employed a kind old woman as an aya (nurse maid) to look after his comfort. His aya also related him stories regarding fairy tales aswang, nuno at tikbalang. •Born and bred in a wholesome atmosphere of Catholicism, Rizal grew up a devoted Catholic. He take part in the family prayers read the bible, go to church, take part in novenas and join in any religious activities, at a very young age, he was very serious that he even mock as Manong Jose. He also visits and hears the sound philosophy of Fr. Leoncio Lopez. Read about the story of The Young Moth. What is the moral lesson of the story? What are the parallelis m of the story to Rizal’s life? *Cite instances in your life that are similar to what happen to the young moth. Events that awaken Rizal from Spanish brutalities 1. The execution OF GOMBURZA IN Feb 17, 1872 Saldua- the witness who incriminated GomBurza but was also executed 2. The imprisonment of his mother Don Antonio Vivencio- mayor who arrested his mother as accomplice of Jose Alberto in poisoning the latter’s wife. -he later beg Donya Teodora’s forgiveness Don Francisco Macaida & Manuel Marzano- two famous lawyers of Manila that defended his mother Donya Teodora- freed after 2 ½ years in prison -symbolized the case of Sisa in Noli Artistic Talents •Artistic talents can be considered genuine to Rizal. At the age of 5 he began to make sketches with his pencil to would in clay and wax which attracted his fancy. During his boyhood in Calamba, he was requested by the mayor to paint the spoil religious banner. He painted in oil colors a new banner that delighted the town’s folk because it was better than the original. •There is an interesting anecdote about Rizal: (One day when he was about six years old his sister laugh at him for spending so much time making those images rather than participating in their games. He answer them “All right laugh at me now! Someday when I die, people will make monuments and images of me. Poetic Inclination •Since early boyhood, Rizal often scribbled verses on loose sheets of paper on the textbook of his sister, Donya Teodora, who is a lover of literature notice this inclination an d encourage him to write poetry. •It was in his Mother that Rizal inherited his passion in poetry. That’s why, through the guidance of his mother, he was able to write his first poem at the age of 8. The poem was all about the love of native language and it was entitled “Sa Aking Mga Kabata / to My Fellow Children)” •At the age of 8 Rizal was also able to wrote his first dramatic work which was a tagalong comedy, It was stage in Calamba festival a Goberndorcillo from Paete happen to witness it. He like it so much that he purchased the manuscript and stage it in Paete during its town fiesta. •In Ateneo, fr. Villaclara urge him to stop communing w/ the muses But it was Fr. Sanchez who inspire him to continue writing.