Virtual Recruiting & Social Media Center

Standard Operating
Procedures: Virtual
Recruiting & Social Media
16 April 2012
Chapter 1 Basic Information .......................................................................................... 6
Mission ....................................................................................................................... 6
1-1 VRC Section Responsibilities ................................................................................. 6
1-1.1 Prospecting Branch Operations ............................................................. 6
1-1.2 Social media and Public Awareness ..................................................... 7
1-1.3 Electronic Mail Requirements................................................................ 10
1-1.4 Army Language Program ...................................................................... 11
1-1.5 Critical Army Medical Officer Specialty Leads ................................... 12
1-1.6 Blue to Green (BTG) Recruiting Program.............................................. 14
1-1.7 Army Referral System - Sergeant Major of the Army Recruiting Team
(ARS - Smart) ................................................................................................................. 15
1-1.8 Lead Refinement Requirement ............................................................. 16
1-1.9 Processing Branch Operations ............................................................... 19
1-1.10 Sustainment Branch Operations .......................................................... 21
1-1.11 The Family Information Cell .................................................................. 24
Chapter 2 General Operational Procedures ......................................................... 27
2-1 Policy
2-2 Hours of Operation ............................................................................................... 28
2-3 Government Furnished Equipment Control ..................................................... 31
2-3.1 Key Control .............................................................................................. 31
2-4 Army Reserve & National Guard Employees ................................................... 31
2-5 Personnel Qualifications and Hiring……………………………………………....32
2-5.1 Basic Qualifications for Hire ............................................................................ 33
2-6 Personal Information………………………………………………………………...35
2-7 Contractor ID Badges……………………………………………………………….35
2-8 CAC Card.............................................................................................................. 36
2-8.1 Renew, change, or lost CAC card...................................................... 36
2-9 AKO Access........................................................................................................... 36
2-10 Dress Code .......................................................................................................... 36
2-10.1 Men ........................................................................................................ 37
2-10.2 Women .................................................................................................. 37
2-10.3 Men and Women................................................................................. 38
2-11 Personnel Conduct…………………………………………………………………39
2-12 Employees Pending Law Violations……………………………………………..40
2-13 Prohibited Actions/Items…………………………………………………………..40
2-14 Parking ................................................................................................................. 41
2-15 Reveille and Retreat Procedures ..................................................................... 41
2-16 Service Interruptions ........................................................................................... 42
2-17 Inclement Weather ............................................................................................ 42
2-18 Emergency Action Procedures ........................................................................ 43
2-18.1 Sources for Emergency Guidance.................................................... 43
2-18.2 Evacuating Building: ........................................................................... 43
2-18.2.1Tornado ........................................................................................................ 43
2-18.2.2Fire ................................................................................................................. 43
2-18.2.3Bomb Threat ................................................................................................ 44
2-19 Security ................................................................................................................ 45
2-19.1 Federal Building Regulations ..................................................................... 45
2-19.2 Foreign Travel by Employees .................................................................... 45
2-20 Maintenance of Computers and Work Areas .............................................. 46
2-20.1 Computer Workstation............................................................................... 46
2-20.2 Work Area .................................................................................................... 46
Chapter 3: Conduct of Virtual Recruiting Center .................................................. 48
Performance Standards ................................................................................... 48
Mandatory Training ........................................................................................... 48
“One Voice” Response Policy ......................................................................... 50
Mandated replies .............................................................................................. 51
Females in combat MOS: .......................................................................... 51
Immigration:................................................................................................. 51
Relinquish Custody (Single Parent): ......................................................... 52
Do Not Discuss ............................................................................................. 52
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT) ...................................................................... 52
Public Affairs Guidance ............................................................................. 52
3-4.7.1 U.S. Media Inquiries..................................................................................... 52
3-4.7.2 Foreign Media Inquiries .............................................................................. 53
3-4.7.3 Army- level Inquiries .................................................................................... 53
3-5 ASVAB Study Assistance .......................................................................................... 53
3-6 Bilingual Employees .................................................................................................. 53
3-7 Allegations of Recruiting Impropriety ................................................................... 53
3-8 Social Media Procedures ....................................................................................... 55
3-9 Threats Called In, Emailed, or Posted in a Chat Room or Forum ..................... 56
Emailed Threat ............................................................................................ 57
Threat in a Chat Room............................................................................... 58
Threat in a Forum ....................................................................................... 58
Suicide .......................................................................................................... 59
3.9.5 Bomb Threat………………………………..……………………………………...59
Appendix A: Building Evacuation………………………………………………………...60
Appendix B: Bomb Threat Card……………………………………………………….…..61
Appendix C: Exception for Hiring ................................................................................ 63
Appendix D: Sample of Format ................................................................................... 64
Chapter 1 Mission
he Virtual Recruiting and Social Media Center (VR/SMC) is a 21st century
division purposed to enhance the recruiting efforts of the United States
Army Recruiting Command (USAREC) and adjacent commands as
required through the employment of virtual information technologies. The VRC
also manages web- based collaborative platforms and leverages multiple social
media activities to support USAREC’s prospecting, processing, and Future Soldier
and Family requirements while continuously searching and testing new
VR/SMC Section Responsibilities
Prospecting Branch Operations
The Prospecting Branch shall manage and execute lead refinement operations
for all leads received from various sources, such as USAREC directed advertising
initiatives, referrals from the Army Referral System. Sergeant Major of the Army
Recruiting Team (ARS-SMART), customer service operations using various social
media sites, GoArmy email operations, 09L Translator/Interpreter Program and
Army Medical Detachment for all enlistment and commissioning programs. Most
leads begin inquiries and, based on the efforts of the contractor personnel, are
turned into someone wishing to speak to a Recruiter. The Army recruiter
Information Support System (ARISS) is utilized in the lead refinement center as the
lead capture, refinement and data input portion that is shared between
USAREC and the Cadet Command. These results are then distributed to
Recruiters allowing the force to receive leads that have been refined/validated
and have a stated interest in the Army opportunity.
When a lead is received, the team will query the ARISS Leads enterprise system
to see if an existing record currently exists. Team personnel will take appropriate
steps to annotate the record accordingly, and based on disposition code, file or
send to the appropriate Recruiting Center.
The leads enterprise system possesses an interchangeable component feature
allowing for an individual that applied for information from one Army
component or program to be transferred to another component or program on
consent of the individual based on qualifications, individual needs, interests and
In some cases, to include testing and evaluations, a lead may be transmitted
via email. In these cases, the contractor shall, as necessary, utilize or construct a
database system and custom applications to track these program leads that do
not currently have access to the ARISS Leads system.
1-1.2 Social Media and Public Awareness
The VR/SMC has several social media outreach platforms across all sections. The
Team will monitor and maintain social media sites which include eight Facebook
pages, two You Tube channels, one twitter account, and one Flickr account.
The team will monitor and record no more than three additional top ten Social
media sites quarterly and access their demographic composition, functionality,
audience and activity for potential use by USAREC activities. Reporting
requirements will be jointly developed by the contractor and the government.
The Analyst Specialist will provide analysis of web trends on designated and
emerging social media sites regardless of communication methods, (video,
forums, and blogging), to include, but not limited to, rules of site use, posting
restrictions, targeted audience and age, primary subject matter and number of
user volume.
The Analyst Specialist will conduct analysis of Facebook using Facebook
The team will respond to posts within 20 minutes of posting on the site and insert
their initials in parenthesis at the end of the post. The team will ensure all posts
are time stamped.
The team will develop and maintain a list of primary and alternate POCs within
USAREC and US Army Cadet Command (USACC) for providing information to
assist in preparing responses to specific inquiries.
The team will not obtain Personal Identifiable Information (PII) from users in an
open forum. When required, contractor shall direct users to submit an email
directly to the social media team.
The team will review all email responses to identify potential issues and trends
related to the enlistment process.
The team will ensure that its personnel do not utilize their personal social media
accounts or call to interact with site users for any reason, with the exception of
encountering and reporting any and all potential security threat/ risks and/or
concerns for an individual’s immediate health (anomalies).
The team will forward all inquiries interested in speaking to a recruiter to the call
center agents by posting the centers’ #1-800.
The team will man all designated social media sites from 0800-2400 hours EST six
days a week, exclusive of Federal holidays.
The team will monitor the following Facebook sites for questions regarding or
related to an Army program or enlistment opportunity and provide responses to
those posts:, and Army Medical Department.
The team will monitor, respond and maintain administrator status on,
US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC), U.S. Army Reserve, Future Soldier
Center, US Army Future Soldier Family, Future Soldier Center and USAREC You
Tube Channels, and, Flicker: Official Army Future Soldier Center.
The team will post approved video content on the USAREC and Future Soldier
Center YouTube Channel pages. USAREC G7/9 Marketing and Advertising
Directorate will provide approval prior to posting.
The team will ensure all personnel assigned to this mission are cross trained and
use cross-messaging (example: someone asks about Dental Officer positions on
USAREC's command page). The responder would answer as AMEDD on the
USAREC page) on all designated sites. Current sites include US Army Recruiting
Command, GoArmy, 09L, and Army Medical Department Official
Facebook pages, as well as Flickr and the USAREC You Tube Channel. Other
sites may be included.
The team will ensure all postings in a foreign language on the 09L /Interpreter
/Translator Facebook page are translated into English below the foreign
language post. The team will obtain discussion trends for weekly and monthly
The team will coordinate with other administrators of sites in order to synchronize
posting efforts on, US Army Recruiting Command (USAREC), U.S.
Army Reserve, Future Soldier Center, US Army Future Soldier Family, Future Soldier
Center, USAREC You Tube Channels, and Flicker: Official Army Future Soldier
The team will notify the poster of an inappropriate post by commenting on the
post to reword and repost if foul language was used. If the post is not removed
in a reasonable amount of time, 1-2 minutes, then the contractor shall copy and
file the post prior to removing it.
The team will alert monitored Facebook site administrators of postings that
appear to be inappropriate telephonically or by email. Contractor shall send a
screen shot of the inappropriate posting to the appropriate site administrator to
determine if they want to remove the post from their site as well as to the
government program manager.
The team will not hide or delete posts without the knowledge of the
government’s program manager.
The team will manage web based marketing campaigns developed by USAREC
and/or higher headquarters which may require any combination of
communication methods. The government will provide training on Epiphany or
similar software related to this task, working with the originator(s) of the
campaign to plan, to execute and evaluate results and reporting requirements.
The team will submit an After Action Report (AAR) for designated
campaigns/initiatives within five days of completion.
1-1.3 Electronic Mail Requirements
The team will respond professionally, accurately and expeditiously to all inquires
generated by and for questions regarding enlistment
information, options, benefits, and processing policies. Expeditious is defined as
“within 24 hours of receipt” of an e-mail during scheduled work week and 36-48
hours of extended weekends and holiday when operations are closed.
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a lead before 0900
or after 2100 hours of any time zone unless otherwise directed by the Army lead.
The team will maintain a bilingual (Spanish) capability for email operations
during hours of required operations.
The team will develop, maintain and post a listing of frequently asked questions,
responses, outside web links and phone/ web apps. The list shall be maintained
and validated as policy/business rules change, or at a minimum of once per
The team will be responsible for the clarity and integrity of all responses to
incoming emails.
The team will track daily production of email and chat room volume and
annotate any significant world event that may occur for analysis comparison.
The team will immediately report all email operational errors, such as a
noticeable drop in incoming emails or multiple duplicates of received emails, no
visitors entering the open chat rooms, or reported errors from the public and
observed data base errors.
The team will track all down time of email operations lasting 15 minutes or longer
during scheduled work hours. In the case of access or equipment failure, the
contractor shall contact the TRADOC Forward G6 Customer Service Center
(CSC) via email. If email is not operational, the contractor shall contact CSC
Telephonically (502-626-1700). Trouble ticket numbers will be issued by the CSC.
The contractor shall provide a monthly report of all tracked down time to the
COR in MS Excel format and rolled up year to date, within five days of month’s
The team will jointly develop (with USAREC) tracking, control, and follow up
procedures to measure effectiveness of electronic mail operation procedures
and formulate trend analysis and best practices within 30 days of award. The
contractor shall present these procedures, analysis and practices to the COR in
MSWord and MS PowerPoint format.
The team will identify any potential applicant that wishes to speak with a
Recruiter and forward the lead to the lead refinement center.
The team will maintain and archive all electronic mail responses for analytical
and historical purposes
1-1.4 Army Language Recruiting Programs
The Command is responsible to recruit qualified personnel with specific critical
language skills. The 09L Interpreter/Translator specialty requires specific
language skills that may change based on needs of the Army. The Skilled
Linguist program has several languages associated with the program and can
also change at the needs of the Army. The 09L program and skilled linguists are
similar, however qualifications vary. Both must validate their language skills and
meet basic enlistment qualifications. However, 09L applicants may process for
enlistment with a valid I-551 Card (commonly referred to as a Green Card) and
does not require a specific security clearance. Skilled linguists must be US citizens
and qualify for specific clearances.
The team will operate this function from 0800-2400 hours Monday through Friday
EST, exclusive of Federal holidays.
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a lead before 0900
or after 2100 hours in any time zone unless requested by the Army lead.
The team will provide, during all hours of required operations, qualified bilingual
personnel who can read, write and speak the required languages in support of
the 09L Recruiting Program as well as can clearly read, write and speak English.
Languages currently required are Pashtu, Farsi and Dari.
The team will refine leads and identify those personnel who state they possess
the ability to speak a foreign language.
The team will utilize web based platforms such as chat, email and social media
operations to generate interest and leads in conjunction with marketing and
advertising strategies.
The team will conduct both inbound and outbound telephonic customer service
operations for a dedicated 1-800 number to determine qualifications and
request information from the lead.
The team will perform data entry into designated databases ensuring all fields
are complete and accurate.
The team will determine the qualification status of each lead they work and
annotate the lead record with the appropriate code (provided by the
government) via the ARISS Leads system.
The team will notify the recruiting station via electronic mail of the name and zip
code of each qualified lead after it inputs the lead’s qualifications into the ARISS
The team will make bilingual employees available, when needed, to perform
translation and or interpretation.
Reporting requirements will be jointly developed between the government and
1-1.5 Critical Army Medical Officer Specialty Leads
The team will operate the Medical Officer Specialty Leads branch. Medical
Recruiting Brigade receives lead lists containing thousands of potential leads for
critical medical specialties. Medical Recruiting Battalions (MRBns) purchase
and/or acquire lists with the names and demographic information of
professional medical personnel from state licensing boards, professional
associations, TAIRs, school presentations, local conventions, and other recruiting
activities needed by the Army’s Medical Department (AMEDD). Currently, the
MRBns conduct asynchronous operations by performing outbound follow-up
calls and emails, making outbound cold calls from lists that are both MRBn and
recruiter generated, and having recruiters field inbound calls.
The team will operate this function from 0800-2400 hours Monday through Friday
EST, exclusive of Federal holidays.
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a lead before 0900
or after 2100 hours in any time zone unless requested by the lead.
In cases where incomplete demographic information exists (no telephone
number or email address), contractor shall bypass lead and disposition as no
The team will research/collect data from leads and input such data and
statements into the ARISS leads record e.g., assign the correct lead source to all
inbound calls.
The team will ensure all fields in the ARISS leads database are complete and
The team will contact leads via telephonic or electronic mail to determine
interest and qualifications in AMEDD accessioning programs.
The team will determine the qualification status of each lead worked and
annotate the lead record with the appropriate code (provided by the
government) via the ARISS Leads system.
The team will provide personnel who are trained and familiar with the
qualifications for each medical and health care program for Active Duty and
Reserve AMEDD programs in order to communicate effectively with each
applicant and to answer all questions.
The team will ensure contact with each lead is attempted within 24 – 36 hours of
The team will seek resolutions to policy, eligibility, and program changes from
the Medical Recruiting Brigade Operations Section point of contact.
The team will notify the recruiting station via electronic mail of the name and zip
code of each qualified lead they have input into the ARISS system.
The team will, along with the Medical Recruiting Brigade, (MRB) define
requirements for reports and frequency.
1-1.6 Blue to Green (BTG) Recruiting Program
The BTG program is a coordinated Defense Department initiative allowing
officers and enlisted personnel the opportunity to transition from sister-services to
the Army. Currently, those with interest in the program are referred to Blue to Green page where they complete a Business Reply Card
(BRC) that is received and identified in the subject line in the GoArmy inbox. An
informational form letter is sent to the inquirer based on their service and status
(Enlisted or Officer)
The team will provide informational oversight for BTG operations to include
database management, email operations, statistical analysis and customer
service for users worldwide.
The team will address all inquiries via electronic mail generated from the website in support of BTG as required.
The team will maintain all electronic informational letters for both officer and
enlisted program requirements and POCs, and ensure such are current and
correct no less than quarterly.
The team will monitor BTG content for accuracy and functionality of the BTG
informational web page located on to Green. The
contractor shall report all web page content and functionality errors to
USAAC G-7 for action in writing through the COR.
The team will liaison with USAREC, US Army Human Resources Command (HRC),
and/or other outside agencies to facilitate BTG transfers and information as
The team will operate this function Monday through Friday from 0800-1630 hrs,
exclusive of Federal holidays.
The team will ensure that all inquiries from enlisted personnel are informed that
they are subject to the US Army prior service business rules and are always
referred to the local recruiting station or Center.
1-1.7 Army Referral System – Sergeant Major of the Army Recruiting Team (ARS-
The ARS-SMART Recruiting Program is a web-based referral system for Soldiers,
Future Soldiers, Veterans, Department of Defense (DOC) Civilians and the
general public to submit names and contact information of perspective leads
with a possible interest in an Army program. The Sergeant Major of the Army
(SMA) monitors the progress of the program. Access to customer service agents
for this program is 0800-2400 hours, Monday through Friday EST.
The team will provide oversight for ARS-SMART operations to include database
management, email operations, statistical analysis, and customer service for
users worldwide.
The team will operate this function from 0800-2400 hours Monday through Friday
EST, exclusive of Federal holidays.
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a lead before 0900
or after 2100 hours in any time zone unless requested by the lead.
The team will contact all submitted referrals and conduct refinement operations
in accordance with procedures outlined in the ARISS Leads enterprise system.
The contractor shall annotate the SMART local database with disposition of
contact to be tracked as an ARS-SMART lead.
The team will maintain the current database and applications to track and
maintain/archive data that correlates, matches, and authenticates referrals for
SMA and possible Chief of Staff Army recognition. The contractor shall ensure
that duplicate records are not processed. Reports will be jointly developed
between contractor and USAREC.
The team will create monthly reports and prepare trend analysis, as required by
USAREC, and forward this information to designated USAREC representatives, to
include the ARS-SMART Program Manager.
The team will provide SMART account technical assistance to Army users and
the public.
The team will provide instructions and information on the ARS-SMART Program
and relevant websites to sponsors, if necessary, to ensure accurate and
complete submission of referral data in the ARS-SMART website.
The team will assist sponsors in establishing their accounts to support the
program, if necessary.
The team will assist Future Soldiers in establishing their ARS-SMART account in
accordance with the Future Soldier Training Program (FSTP). Training will be
provided by the government.
1-1.8 Lead Refinement Requirements
The team will conduct refinement for all leads that are generated by various
sources and processed via automated systems through the ARISS leads system.
Contractor call center agents shall contact all leads to determine their
qualifications and interest in an Army program. Contractor shall enter those that
are qualified and request to speak with a recruiter into the Army Recruiter
Information Support System (ARISS). Contractor shall annotate the records of
those leads found unqualified or no longer interested with the reason and
corresponding record disposition code maintained in the leads system.
The team will train all personnel twice a month ensuring they are knowledgeable
on options and benefits of Army and Army Reserve, Army Medical Department
(AMEDD), Chaplain, and ROTC recruiting programs or “Special Programs”.
The team, when required based mission requirements shall jointly develop (with
USAREC) a storage and reporting system, utilizing Microsoft Office products such
as ACCESS or Excel in cases where existing government furnished systems do not
possess the capability or timely changes will not allow the command to meet
the mission requirement in a timely manner.
Contact methodology shall be jointly developed and refined based on mission
and marketing strategy. The team will develop methodology way.
The team will call each lead four times and send two emails to each lead with
one call being after 1800 hours in the leads time zone before applying the
Unable to Contact disposition
The team will provide trained personnel to staff a cell dedicated to primarily
refine specific leads to support USAREC or USACC adjacent command’s mission
and transformation initiatives.
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a lead before 0900
or after 2100 hours in any time zone unless requested by the lead.
The team will maintain a bilingual (Spanish) capability for email during all hours
of operations.
The team will send the first of two emails as stated in to all leads received
for the day that possess an email address.
The team will maintain and track customer service records on all leads received.
Customer service records will be provided by the government via automated
The team will maintain close coordination with Recruiting center commanders
(RCCs) and Recruiting Station commanders (RSCs) via government provided
automation systems, telephone and/or email.
The team will coordinate with USAREC on developing, manning and executing a
re-contact strategy utilizing multiple electronic and video platforms.
The team will develop, maintain and disseminate reports to USAREC and
supported commands and/or units as required. The reports will include but are
not limited to market analysis, trend analysis, contact feedback, contact
volume, contact length and workload requirement. The reports may be
generated daily, weekly, monthly, semi-annually or as required by the
The team will respond to RCCs and RSC’s inquiries received through the ARISS
Leads Feedback option on the same duty day or NLT 24 hours after receipt.
The team will report monthly by lead source Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
encountered regarding programs and options for consideration of incorporation
into marketing strategies.
The team will report monthly to the COR all impacts on operations, i.e., system
down time, functionality, weather related issues, program changes, what
worked, and what improvements are needed to better serve customers and
improve efficiencies.
The team will record the number of leads received from various prospecting
methods, i.e. chat room, email, SMART and Future Soldier referrals, social media
and other lead sources and programs.
The team will track and advise the command on best business practices that
result in more efficient operations to include, but not limited to, adding or
reducing qualification questions, hours of branch operation and contact
The teams training shall focus programs and incentives available no less than
bimonthly. The team will be trained to speak to Active duty, Reserve, ROTC or
designated lead source program opportunities, qualifications and options
based on the lead’s goals and interests.
The team will ensure that all electronic lead records are clearly annotated with
appropriate disposition codes.
The team will ensure that data inputted into the fields of the electronic record
are accurate and complete.
The team will not operate or use personal cell phones, earphones or headsets
while engaged with a lead or conducting call center operations.
The team will follow established procedures when encountering and reporting
any and all potential security threat/ risks and/or concerns to an individual’s
immediate health (anomalies) discovered during conversation to HQ USARECG3 Command Operations Center IAW published Standard Operating Procedures.
The team will ensure that all personnel in the branch are aware of policy and
regulatory changes.
1-1.9 Processing Branch Operations
This branch has the responsibility in a virtual recruiting environment to provide
customer service assistance, qualification screening, and quality control checks
to unsponsored persons that choose to electronically initiate their recruiting
program application(s) online. USAREC may offer this functionality to adjacent
commands and special mission programs. Currently, there are 20,000
unsponsored applications residing in the Army Career Explorer (ACE) and Apply
online depository. The ACE program is located on the website
where a user may enter personal information to relative interests and abilities to
determine job opportunities they may qualify for in the Army. Users may also
begin the enlistment process through an application process provided on the
website. Field recruiters who come across a prospective applicant can refer the
individual to the ACE site to begin the enlistment packet and those applications
are marked as “Sponsored and currently not worked by this branch".
Those individuals are to receive their assistance from the Recruiting Support
Team (RST) members located in the local Recruiting Center(s) or Station(s) where
the individual will be processed for enlistment and remain at that station until
they ship to training. Unsponsored persons are those individuals that go to and begin their packets on their own initiative. The processing
branch will primarily focus support on. USAREC may direct processing support
actions of sponsored applicants be included within this cell based on mission
support strategies. The possibility remains that expansion of requirements of this
branch can include scheduling applicants for ASVAB testing.
The team will operate the processing branch using electronic mail; telephonic
and video technologies, and ensure submitted information is complete and
The team will operate this function from 0800-2400 hours Monday through Friday
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a lead before 0900
a.m. or after 2100 hours or in any time zone unless requested by the lead.
The team will ensure that each processor possesses examples of all current
applications to use as a reference during customer service and quality control
The team will receive access to current and future programs similar to Army
Career Explorer and Apply online programs as needed. Primarily, only
unsponsored applications will be contacted by the processing teams for
qualification screening and assistance.
The team will search the ARISS Enterprise lead system to verify if an active,
inactive or terminated record exists.
The team will utilize the active record or revive the inactive or terminated record
when qualifying the applicant. Should the applicant have previously been
permanently disqualified, the contractor shall determine the reason of initial
disqualification and enter any new information obtained. Then they shall enter
the disposition code regardless of the status.
The team will create a new record in cases where the applicant does not
appear in the system and perform the qualification process and properly
disposition the record.
The team will not work any application where the lead record indicates recruiter
remarks dated within the last 30 days. The contractor shall notify the appropriate
Center or station support team making them aware that a former applicant or
prospect had initiated an online packet and turn the processing over to them.
The team will NOT make any corrections, add or delete information to an
applicant record. Only the applicant will make changes as the applicant and
the processor can share the view of the document.
The team will work with the applicant until the application is complete and
inform the applicant that their record will be forwarded to their local recruiting
center or station to continue their processing. The contractor shall provide the
applicant with the address and contact information to that center or station.
The team will complete the application and ensure that the final qualification
checks are correct and complete prior to forwarding the packet to the
appropriate Recruiting Center or Station.
The team may be required to obtain copies of source documents for
clarification of qualifications or to validate responses the applicant made on the
enlistment forms.
The team will maintain a daily status of all electronic applications being worked.
The team will only review and perform quality control validation of applicant
records annotating a processing log with the deficiencies or additional
information require completing the record. The contractor shall ensure that the
information is passed to the appropriate shift to follow up with after telephonic
contact is suspended for the day. The team will not make telephonic contact
between the hours of 2100 hours in all time zones to 0900 in all time zones hours
without the applicant’s permission.
The team will jointly develop reporting requirements with USAREC personnel.
1-1.10 Sustainment Branch Operations
The Sustainment Branch operates in coordination with the Prepotency Office
located in HQ, USAREC G-3 Plans and Programs Division. The intent is to provide
a forum where Future Soldiers and their families can share information and
experiences. All inquiries received are responded to in a timely and professional
manner and are always advised to contact their recruiter or Future Soldier
Leader at their recruiting center or station. This operation can expect to process
an estimated 175,000 emails annually, and moderate an estimated 2,200
chatters per month for FS’ and families. The contractor shall provide direct
contact support for subordinate commander requests for Future Soldier contact
of up to 20 recruiting battalions annually. The contractor shall provide typical
information such as changes to qualifications or programs, welcome letters,
birthday greetings, ten day, 30 day, 90 day (pre-ship) information letters and
specific requirements that must be met prior to shipping in order to maintain
their eligibility and participation in the New Recruit Survey (NRS) to Future Soldiers
and families.
The team will operate this function from 0800-2400 hours Monday through Friday
EST, exclusive of Federal holidays.
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a Future Soldier
before 0900 or after 2100 hours in any time zone unless requested by the Future
The team will operate a proactive Future Soldier Center (FSC) by providing
timely information to FS through web-based Questions & Answers, chat, email,
social media platforms and on-line community interaction.
The team will act as a recruiter early warning system on FS potential delays or
disinterest in shipping to BCT by communicating this information to RCCs and
Company Headquarters as soon as possible. Contact information is provided via
government automated systems.
The team will manage the activities contained in the “”
website and its content for accuracy and adherence to policy changes.
The team will conduct telephone customer service operations for a 1-800 phone
The team will be professional and courteous when responding to all email
inquiries in “close to real time” (within 24 hours during scheduled work day).
Within 30 days of contract start date, the contractor shall jointly develop with
USAREC a checklist for standardized responses to questions and report monthly
FS’s Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). An electronic copy of the checklist will
be provided to the COR upon completion.
The team will develop, maintain, and disseminate reports in coordination with
USAREC and the designated COR. The reports will include but not be limited to,
market analysis, trend analysis, contact feedback, contact volume, contact
length and workload requirement. Reports are generated on a monthly basis,
but can also be on an “as needed” basis
The team will moderate discussions with FS and their family members during all
regularly scheduled chat/video sessions.
The team will conduct specialty chat operations as needed. Specialty chat
includes but is not limited to MOS Specific topics, Special Forces, Basic Training
and Ranger chat. Specialty chat is subject to change based on mission and
marketing strategy.
The team will contact training bases to facilitate scheduling specialty chat
sessions. Specialty chat is designed to convey subjects pertaining to the FS’
pending Army training and lifestyle. The scheduling will be jointly accomplished
with the assistance of government representatives.
The team will maintain close coordination with Recruiting Center/Station
Commanders and Recruiting Company Headquarters in order to minimize FS
The team will maintain all chat and e-mail logs and transcripts that may be
requested by Recruiting Center/Station Commanders and/or the Recruiting
Company Headquarters to expedite recruiter intervention in cases where
potential ship issues arise.
The team will notify Recruiting Center/Station Commanders and Recruiting
Company Leadership of invalid FS AKO accounts and discovered issues that
potentially may prevent a FS from shipping to training, i.e. new law or medical
issues, educational and negative statements made in various media platforms
The team will acknowledge all individuals entering a chat room or specialty
chat session within 30 seconds.
The team will provide the FS with the following informational letters: a Welcome
letter within 15 days of enlistment, Birthday letter, 30 and ten day pre-ship (these
days are prior to their scheduled ship date to training) letters. The contractor
shall send additional informational letters as required. The format, content and
frequency of these letters will be jointly developed with USAREC. The information
forwarded to FS and their families may change depending on command policy
changes and/or mission requirements.
1-1.11 The Family Information Cell
The team will operate the Family Information Cell. It is an internal element to the
Sustainment Branch that provides most basic information and assistance to both
spouses and family members (influencers) of Future Soldiers. The cell’s mission is
to dispel myths and rumors, alleviate anxieties, educate, and stress the
importance of enrollment and completion of Army Family Team Building (AFTB)
courses. This will be accomplished through the utilization of Chat, Email,
Telephone and various forms of social media to assist a family’s smooth transition
into the Army Family. Assistance shall be available to families from enlistment to
first duty assignment. Currently, the cell has 28,455 registered members. Current
average for Army and Army Reserve is 20% of all enlistments.
The team will operate this function from 0800-2400 hours Monday through Friday
The team will not make any telephonic attempts to contact a lead before 0900
or after 2100 hours in any time zone unless requested by the family member.
The team will maintain a bilingual (Spanish) capability during all hours of
The team will conduct monthly chat sessions and maintain daily threaded
discussions and postings on topics/issues of concern and maintenance of the US
Army Future Soldier Family Facebook page. Examples include life in the Army,
what spouse’s (FS) can expect to experience, TRICARE, installation resources,
etc. The team will provide assistance to spouses/family members to find solutions
to any issues that may arise in regard to their transition into the Army Family. The
contractor shall utilize any and all approved assets and resources available.
The team will conduct both inbound and outbound telephone customer service
operations for a dedicated 800 number. The contractor shall provide operations
from 0800-2400 hours Monday through Friday EST, except federal holidays.
The team will conduct email operations by answering direct emails from FS and
or their family members within 24 hours of receipt.
The team will mentor spouses of Future Soldiers (FS) and encourage enrollment
and completion of the online Army Family Team Building (AFTB) training while
their Future Soldier is in Initial Military Training.
The team will communicate with Future Soldier spouses through telephonic,
electronic mail, video, chat or social media means to introduce the spouses to
Army service and the Army community.
The team will maintain information on electronic tools used by FIC personnel to
ensure accuracy, relevancy and consistency of message. Topics to be covered
are, but not limited to: TRICARE, Identification cards, Life as an Army spouse,
information for dependent children, military installation information, housing,
actions to be taken by them in case of an emergency and BCT/AIT graduation
information, etc.
The team will ensure that personnel in this operation are administrators,
moderators and content managers of varying communication platforms for
families and parents on and designated social media sites as
The team will invite and schedule spouses and family members, including minor
dependents to participate in monthly electronic group discussions on Contractor shall post schedules for parents and or families on
Future when available. Contractor shall arrange for guest speakers
to be scheduled to participate in discussions when possible with topics ranging
from Housing, JAG, TRICARE, Drill Sergeants, Army Community Service (ACS),
transportation and the American Red Cross as examples.
The team will not provide assistance to the families of soldiers no longer in the
The team will encourage and establish former FIC participants to act as
unofficial Point of Contacts (POCs)/ sponsors at Army installations to assist the
new families transition to by sharing/providing information of the community.
The team will receive a weekly list of contact information of all new Future
Soldiers who are married to establish contact and offer their services while they
prepare and depart for BCT.
The team will forward all potential security risks and/or concerns for an
individual’s immediate health (anomalies) discovered during a chat session to
HQ USAREC Security, USAREC chain of command, and COR, as appropriate.
The team will record all interactions with spouses on their spouse record,
describing the topic discussed and maintain a monthly top 10 Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) for possible inclusion into current and future printed
The team will manage all family activities contained in the “”
website and ensure that content is current and accurate.
Chapter 2 General Operational Procedures
2-1 Policy
The United States Army Recruiting Command communicates with the general
public on a daily basis in a variety of ways. V R C personnel are tasked with
communicating effectively, efficiently and professionally when responding to all
inquiries received through a multitude of web-based, electronic and telephonic
platforms. Your responsibility is to respond respectfully and accurately,
providing up-to-date responses with integrity and to serve as subject matter
experts in all Army recruiting/ enlistment programs, options and specialties.
You are the virtual ambassador for the Army and USAREC. How you respond to
inquiries has the potential to be news worthy, regardless if you are right or wrong,
in a matter of minutes. You must keep in mind you are taken at your word and
that your word is viewed as the Army’s policy. As a virtual recruiter you WILL NOT
engage in conversations (written or oral) whose topics are political, religious or
regarding current operations such as unit movements or operational locations.
The Command’s Public Affairs Office publishes talking points and guidance
which are provided to all employees. Should you receive an inquiry that you do
not know how to handle, do NOT assume- ask your supervisor and a response
will be provided for you.
It is the responsibility of all employees to be right 100% of the time; there is NO
guess work in the execution of your duties, regardless of which branch of the
VRC you are assigned to. We do recognize that an employee may make an
honest mistake. When this happens, immediately provide the correct
information to your inquirer and inform your supervisor.
Chain of Command Policy
PURPOSE: Establish the lines of authority utilizing qualified personnel within the
VR/SMC. This policy is an administrative tool that will provide our employees with
an expeditious process to resolve issues of concern at the lowest possible level.
All concerns will be initiated at the lowest supervisory level and will be forwarded
up the lines of authority until a resolution is reached.
APPLICABILITY: This policy shall apply to all members of the V R / S M C .
ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN: Should an issue arise the employee will bring the issue in
question to the attention of their Team Leader. The Team Leader will take the
appropriate action to rectify the issue in accordance with established
V R / S M C policies and procedures. It is important to document everything
concerning the issue, i.e., time, date, details, and actions taken. Should the
course of action be considered unsatisfactory by the employee and/or Team
Leader, the Team Leader will forward the issue and all documentation to the
Deputy Program Manager. In each case, should at any time the employee or
immediate supervisor feel the need to do so the issue/concern will be forwarded
up the chain of command as identified below.
Chain of Command:
Team Leader
Deputy Program Manager
Program Manager
Vice President MID West Operations
Corporate Human Resources
At no time should any employee circumvent or step outside the established
company chain of command. The employee should give the appropriate level
supervisor the opportunity to handle and rectify the situation. Should the issue
involve the employee's immediate supervisor; the employee will voice the
concern in an open discussion with the immediate supervisor to give that
supervisor the opportunity to handle the situation. The next level supervisor in
the chain of command will be notified and given the chance to handle the
situation should the employee and immediate supervisor fail to rectify/correct
the issue or concern.
Should the issue or concern directly involve the first supervisor in the employees'
chain of command, and should the employee feel the issue cannot be rectified
by discussion with this supervisor; the employee will take the issue/concern to the
next level in the chain of command.
V R / S M C Program Manager has an “Open Door Policy” which is available to
all employees. You will go through your chain of command prior to using this
policy and see if the problem can be handled at the lowest level.
No contractor will go directly to the government employee with any personal /
operational issues / problems. Contactors will utilize the chain of command listed
Failure to follow these directives may result in adverse disciplinary actions and/or
negative performance counseling’s initiated upon the employee.
Hours of Operation
The VR/SMC operates 16 hours daily Monday through Friday 0800-2400 EST.,
exclusive of Federal holidays. It is the responsibility of all employees to be in their
assigned place of duty on time. They must inform their supervisor of any issues
which may preclude them from performing their duties as scheduled.
Hours of operation may vary in support of the mission, individual contract
personnel’s hours will be adjusted accordingly.
The VR/SMC does not operate on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Martin
Luther King Day, Presidents Day, and Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor
Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.
Personnel assigned to the VRC do not participate in Command training
holidays; it is a work day unless personal leave or time off is approved by their
supervisor, or the contract company has approved a holiday. This also includes
announced 59 minute rules or other early release of uniformed or GS personnel
within the building.
NSI and TSU Employees:
Electronic time sheets will be updated at the beginning of each shift daily. All
NSI employees will electronically sign and submit their timesheet by 10:00 a.m.
every Monday. Supervisors will ensure compliance with established time sheet
completion procedures and timesheet approval submissions are conducted in a
timely manner.
Employees will requesting vacation time will complete a request for leave and
form and submit through their supervisor. Supervisors will validate the number of
vacation hours the employee has prior to approving request. If they do not have
enough hours accrued; the supervisor will notify Program Manager.
Two weeks advance notice with the exception being emergency matters or the
employee may risk having the short notice time off request disapproved due to
mission requirements.
Employees who are on leave when time sheets are due must coordinate with
their supervisor to ensure timely submission of time sheets.
Overtime is not authorized. Individuals who need time off for appointments or
sick days can make those hours up as long as it’s in the same work week. Prior
coordination with your supervisor is required.
If the employee can’t make the time up during that work week the employee
must utilize leave time or those hours will be charged as leave without pay.
CLI Employees:
All CLI employees will be required to access and annotate their timesheets daily
before leaving upon completion of their shift. All timesheets will be closed out
every other Friday and approved by their supervisor. Supervisors will ensure
compliance with established time sheet completion procedures and timesheet
approval submissions are conducted in a timely manner.
Employees will requesting vacation time will complete a request for leave and
form and submit through their supervisor. Supervisors will validate the number of
vacation hours the employee has prior to approving request. If they do not have
enough hours accrued; the supervisor will notify Program Manager.
Two weeks advance notice with the exception being emergency matters or the
employee may risk having the short notice time off request disapproved due to
mission requirements.
Employees who are on leave when time sheets are due must coordinate with
their supervisor to ensure timely submission of time sheets.
Overtime is not authorized. Individuals who need time off for appointments or
sick days can make those hours up as long as it’s in the same work week. Prior
coordination with your supervisor is required.
If the employee can’t make the time up during that work week the employee
must utilize leave time or those hours will be charged as leave without pay.
2-3 Government Furnished Equipment Control
A contract individual will be assigned as the Government Furnished Equipment
Coordinator and will track all equipment (computers, appliances, furniture, etc)
turned in or issued in the VRC and conduct joint inventories with government
representatives or as required.
2-3.1 Key Control
A key Control custodian will be assigned to control and account for all keys
within the division. Storage and main door key issuance will be approved by the
government division representative.
Keys will be inventoried and reported to the government monthly. Lost keys will
be reported to both the Site Manager and government representative once it is
determined that the key cannot be found.
In a case where locks must be changed or rekeyed a cost may be incurred and
or the employee may or may not be re-issued a key in the future
Army Reserve and National Guard Employees
All current Army Reserve and National Guard employees must provide a copy of
their monthly & annual drill schedules to their Supervisor upon publication.
The employee will alert their supervisor of any unexpected musters or activations
at the earliest possible time. Orders must be turned into their supervisor and in a
case when orders may not be ready by deployment time a letter from their unit
leadership will suffice with their name, rank unit and the dates of deployment
must be on the letter in lieu of published orders and when they receive their
orders, they must be faxed to V I R T U A L R E C R U I T I N G C E N T E R A T 5 0 2 - 6 2 6 1289 ATTN SITE MAN AGER.
2-5 Personnel Qualifications and Hiring
Personnel hired shall demonstrate character that presents the Army values and
be aware that their character could be questioned due to previous
employment or off-duty actions. Government employees (civilians or military)
whose employment would result in a conflict with the Defense Joint Ethics
Regulation (DJER) (5 CFR 2635) are not authorized. All personnel hired must be
citizens of the United States in order to obtain access to a government network.
Personnel will possess skills to perform all functions of this contract to provide
flexibility when cyclical workload changes, be computer literate, and
demonstrate working knowledge of the internet, social media and current office
Any personnel hired as former recruiters, linguists or IT/IM must provide proof of
experience such as discharge papers, diplomas, or letters of reference
pertaining to their skills in regard to the position they are being considered for.
There will be at least two persons during all hours of operation in the Processing
Branch that are thoroughly familiar with military recruiting regulations and
Vacancies will filled within ten work days of loss, fifteen days for vacancies
requiring specialized skills (i.e., linguists, former recruiters, and IT/IM personnel).
2-5.1 Basic Qualifications for Hire
Due to the nature of our mission, it is imperative that employees have recent,
demonstrable experience in the Army or Army Family, and the ability to
communicate such in an engaging, trustworthy manner. Therefore, we will
consider qualified:
Former Army Recruiters and have served in that capacity within the last five
years, and who pass a background check with USAREC Recruiting Standards
Personnel who possess previous honorable military service within the last three
years (does not include General "under Honorable" discharges), or are currently
serving in good standing with a Reserve component are qualified.
Contractor personnel shall read, write, speak and understand the English
The Company is committed to providing a safe and productive workplace for its
employees. In keeping with this commitment, the following rules regarding
alcohol and drugs of abuse have been established for all staff members,
regardless of rank or position, including both regular and temporary employees.
The rules apply during working hours to all employees of the Company while
they are on Company premises or elsewhere on Company business.
All new hires are required to take and pass a drug screening test within 72 hours
from date of hire. Offer letters will be given during the hiring process but are
contingent upon a favorable drug screening result. If an unfavorably result is
received the employee will be terminated immediately.
The manufacture, distribution, possession, sale, or purchase of controlled
substances of abuse on Company property is prohibited.
Being under the influence of illegal drugs, alcohol, or substances of abuse on
Company property is prohibited.
Working while under the influence of prescription drugs that impair performance
is prohibited.
So that there is no question about what these rules signify, please note the
following definitions:
Controlled substance of abuse: Any substance listed in Schedules I-V of Section
202 of the Controlled Substance Act, as amended.
Drug paraphernalia: Equipment, a product, or material that is used or intended
for use in concealing an illegal drug, or otherwise introducing into the human
body an illegal drug or controlled substance.
Illegal drug:
a. Any drug or derivative thereof whose use, possession, sale, transfer,
attempted sale or transfer, manufacture, or storage is illegal or regulated under
any federal, state, or local law or regulation.
b. Any drug, including – but not limited to – a prescription drug, used for any
reason other than that prescribed by a physician.
c. Inhalants used illegally.
Under the influence: A state of not having the normal use of mental or physical
faculties resulting from the voluntary introduction into the body of an alcoholic
beverage, drug, or substance of abuse.
Consistent with the rules listed above, any of the following actions constitutes a
violation of the Company’s policy on drugs and may subject an employee to
disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination.
Using, selling, purchasing, transferring, manufacturing, or storing an illegal drug
or drug paraphernalia, or attempting to or assisting another to do so, while in the
course of employment.
Working or reporting to work, conducting Company business or being on
Company property while under the influence of an illegal drug or alcohol, or in
an impaired condition.
Personnel who perform services as family support operators will be spouses of
current Soldiers or retirees separated less than five years with a minimum of three
permanent change of station (PCS) moves prior to separation. Family support
operators must also complete the Army Family Team Building (AFTB) on-line
course within 30 days of employment.
Contractor employees shall have and/or obtain and maintain a favorable
Personnel Security Investigation (PSI) of a National Agency Check with Local
Agency and Credit Check (NACLC). A favorable NACLC shall be completed or
action submitted to the Security Manager, USAREC, prior to employment.
Personal Information
All personnel will ensure that the V R / S M C and their supervisors have accurate,
up-to-date, personal contact information for the Alert Roster. If a phone
number (home or cell) changes it is the employee’s responsibility to give the
new number to their supervisor.
Alert or Recall Rosters will be updated monthly.
All questions regarding employment verification or requests for references
should be directed to the appropriate Supervisor.
Under no circumstance will personnel release any personal information to
ANYONE. This includes information requests on Soldiers.
It is the employee’s responsibility to keep the Supervisor and their Administrative
Section informed on the following:
Change in home or cell phone number
Mailing address
New law violations (other than minor traffic)
VRC Human Resources information
a). Change in Marital status
b). Change in number of dependents
Enlistment into Reserve or National Guard
2-7 Contractor ID Badges
All employees will be issued a company ID Badge and will be worn so that the ID
Badge is visible. The ID Badge will be worn at all times when while in the USAREC
Headquarters building. Personnel without a badge will be denied entrance to
the Government location.
CAC Cards
It is the employee’s responsibility to have their Common Access Card (CAC)
card with them at all times. During in-processing, it is the responsibility of the
new employee to obtain their CAC within 5 working days of hire. Retirees have
3 working days after official retirement to obtain their card. Employees that
terminate employment in the VRC must turn in to their supervisor their USAREC
badge, CAC card, as well as any keys or equipment issued. All employees MUST
have their CAC Card in their possession in order to access their computer to do
their job.
Renew, change or lost CAC Card
Any current employee, who needs to re-new, change, or obtain a new CAC for
any reason, must notify the HR Asst. and Site Manager FIRST before going to get
a new card.
2-9 AKO Access
As a government contracted employee it is mandatory you establish and
maintain an active AKO email account. If you cannot access your AKO
account please contact the AKO Help Desk (1-866-335-2769). If your password
has expired you will receive an automatic message to reset your password once
you try to log in. If you were sponsored and your account has been terminated
or placed inactive immediately contact the VRC Human Resources
Your AKO email account has a direct link to your CAC card. Failing to maintain
your AKO account can result in your privileges being suspended or revoked.
2-10 Dress Code
a. In order to ensure an appropriate level of professional appearance by all
employees is maintained at a level conducive to good business operations; If a
supervisor determines at his or her discretion that any article of clothing or
accessory worn or used by an employee is inappropriate, the employee will be
asked to remove the item in question when appropriate, or if not able to be
removed the employee will be sent home to remove the item.
b. The following are the approved dress code standards for all Social Media
Division Personnel:
2-10.1 Men
Hair will be kept neat and presentable in appearance; ponytails or
faddish haircuts, designs or length past the bottom of shirt collar is
Clean-shaven - You may have a mustache if kept neat and trimmed.
Goatees, Handle Bar styled mustaches, long fading sideburns or beards
are not authorized.
Facial jewelry, such as earrings or facial piercing, of any kind is not
A “Business Shirt” (long or short sleeved) or Polo shirt will be worn. Business
shirts designed to be tucked in, will be tucked in at all times.
If a shirt (polo or business type with collar) is worn, it will have sleeves, be
tucked in and will not display any advertising type logos (other than the
brand logo of the shirt, and then it must be less than ½ inch long), or prints
that display illegal or illicit pictures.
Pants or slacks will be clean, pressed and presentable and worn with a
belt. Denim jeans or leather of any color will not be authorized.
Footwear will be a dress or casual shoe. No tennis shoes (or other strictly
athletic footwear), sandals, thongs or open toe shoes.
2-10.2 Women
Hair will be kept neat and presentable in appearance. Hairnets, hair
rollers, and other hair maintenance items are not authorized.
Hair color must be within the range of natural colors (blond, brunette,
black, or red). Excessive makeup is not authorized. What is considered
“excessive” will be determined by your supervisor.
Facial piercing (does not included traditional earrings for earlobes) is not
Professional looking wear may include skirts, slacks or dresses. Denim jeans
or leather attire are not authorized. Dress length may not rise higher than
two inches above the knee. Clothing must be clean, pressed, and
Clothing that may offend or provide the perception of being “too
revealing” to others is not authorized; i.e. sleeveless dresses, shirts or tops
that expose the underarm and provide excess cleavage exposure; tube
tops. No holes or cuts are authorized in clothing regardless if they are
purchased that way or not. Leggings and tights are not acceptable
substitutes for pants.
Footwear will be a dress or casual shoe. Dress sandals are ok if they are
professional in style. No slippers. Professional dress open toe shoes are
2-10.3 Men and Women
Headgear may not be worn in the building.
T-shirts will not be worn as outer garments. This includes trying to hide it
with outerwear, although they may be worn as layering pieces (under a
shirt, cardigan, etc).
Logo T-shirts, fitted or not, are not authorized at any time.
Printed shirts / logo polo-style shirts are not authorized unless logo is military
in nature or non-sports related. Examples: Aero, Polo, Hollister, etc. are
fine, UK and UofL are not.
Clothing with college logos is not authorized.
Sunglasses will not be worn in the workplace unless documented as
medically necessary.
All VR/SMC personnel may be issued company apparel (polo shirt) that
will be worn at the Site Manager’s discretion and WILL be worn during all
scheduled visitor briefings (VIP briefings.)
The VR/SMC Site Manager will dictate the dates (spring and fall) when the
shirts will begin to be worn and cease to be worn due to change in
Additionally, when “polo shirt” policy is not in effect, the official dress is
professional for all VR/SMC personnel.
All shirts, skirts and dresses will be clean and pressed.
NOTE: The above is not all-inclusive and specialty wear or individual
inquiries can be addressed on a case by case basis PRIOR to being worn.
If you have any questions or comments, please address them to your shift
2-11 Personal Conduct
All personnel assigned will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all
times, in or out of the office, during duty hours.
The VR/SMC is a designated destination for most VIP visitors to the headquarters.
Not all visits are announced, some are designated as a drop in brief. For this
reason all personnel within the VR/SMC will maintain a professional bearing at all
At no time will personnel disseminate information regarding statistics, operational
information regarding V R / S M C business practices, or daily operations outside
of this office without the government representative’s knowledge.
Orderly shift changes will occur so not to disturb the other offices in the building.
Personnel will not enter the VR/SMC during briefings.
VR/SMC personnel can at times be called upon to present a brief to a visitor.
When waiting between shifts, you should not linger by the security desk. You
may wait outside (weather permitting), or in the foyer (by the flags) but we are
required to keep the noise to a minimum.
Your shift supervisor may allow employees to establish a coffee fund, birthday
fund, or other morale related activities. In no case will any employee be
coerced into participation nor will the government intervene or be in any way
associated with it.
2-12 Employees Pending Law Violations
Any employee that receives any citation or is charged with other than minor
traffic violations must inform the Site Manager who will notify both G3 Security
Division and the COR via email.
Any employee who receives a citation or is charged with a crime on Fort Knox
will be accompanied to court by their supervisor.
Upon learning of employee misconduct, the contractor shall report the incident
to the COR within one business day. Personnel who no longer meet suitability
standards shall be immediately removed from contract duties. The COR shall be
notified immediately, by the contractor, of all terminations of contract
personnel, regardless of cause or reason or when any suitability issues or
unfavorable information is discovered or known. The contractor shall issue a
letter informing terminated employees they can no longer enter the
government facility.
Prohibited Items / Actions
VR/SMC personnel are prohibited from bringing weapons or explosive material
on to Fort Knox. Prohibited weapons are rifles, handguns, crossbows, archery
(bows or arrows), martial arts weapons, hunting knives, other knives or tools with
a blade over 3", or anything similar to any of the weapons listed. Explosive
material includes anything used with solid or liquid explosive devices, or anything
similar. Possession or apprehension by post or building authorities may lead to
Personnel are limited to the first floor of Bldg 1307 from the gym to the west of
the VR/SMC and the Medical Recruiting Brigade last exit to the East. Exceptions
are when on official business and their supervisor is aware or designated
personnel can search for responses to inquiries from the Subject Matter Expert’s
(SME) office.
VR/SMC employees arriving for their shift in an unfit condition to perform their
duties will be turned over to the Site manager. Unfit is described as sleeping,
working or suspected of working under the influence of drugs or alcohol is
Falsifying any government document or official report is strictly prohibited. All
documents, emails, and online postings produced by employees within the
division are to be considered official government reports.
Smoking is allowed in designated areas only. Chewing tobacco is not
authorized in the work place.
Threatening, fighting or any aggressive physical action against another person,
except in proven self-defense, is prohibited. The employee will be escorted from
the building until the next duty day unless law enforcement or emergency
services are called.
At NO time, will an employee contact another command or entity outside HQ
USAREC without the knowledge of the government’s agent within the VRC
Cellular and Smart phones and headphones, of any type, will not be worn or
used by division personnel while on duty in the VRC. Texting within the VRC is
strictly prohibited.
Use of fans and small electronic heaters may be authorized seasonally, but must
be stored away from site and unplugged at the end of shift. Failure to do so will
result in loss of privileges.
2-14 Parking
Personnel will park on the North side of Bldg 1307 in appropriate marked parking
spaces only. No parking is authorized in the front of Bldg 1307 (the flag pole
side). Post police will randomly search the parking lots to ensure vehicles are not
parked in reserved spots (handicap, Commander, CSM, etc) without the proper
plates or identification. Any vehicle that is found parked where it should not be
will be towed without warning.
2-15 Reveille and Retreat Procedures
Reveille is at 0630 hrs and Retreat is observed at 1700 hrs on Fort Knox.
At the request of Ft. Knox leadership, all personnel, military and civilian, are to
render honors to the flag. If you are in a vehicle, you are expected to safely
stop the vehicle, exit, and render honors.
Soldiers, in or out of uniform, will face toward the flag and assume the position of
“Attention.” During “To the Colors” or the national anthem, Soldiers will remain at
the position of attention and render the hand salute if in uniform or place their
right hand over their heart; hats will be removed if Soldiers are not in uniform. If
in a vehicle and the “Retreat” or “Reveille” is heard, the Soldier will stop, depart
the vehicle and render the proper military courtesy. If on a bus or truck, the
senior occupant will dismount and render proper courtesy.
Civilians will stop, and at the request of Fort Knox leadership, are asked to depart
the vehicle. To ensure everyone's safety on the installation roadways during
Reveille & Retreat it is imperative everyone is informed and complies.
2-16 Service Interruptions
Any time an employee finds that an application, internet service, CISCO service,
or other service is down, they must report the downtime immediately to their
supervisor. Any time a fault is detected in individual operating systems
(computer, telephone, etc.) the CSC will be contacted by email and a work
order or case number will be obtained for tracking purposes. It is the
responsibility of the Site Manager to ensure that all outages are both recorded
and reported immediately if any server, electronic mail, or other computer
and/or telecommunications related interruptions/outages impede VRC
Operations. If directed, notify the Service Oversight Center (SOC) at 6-1700 for
immediate assistance.
2-17 Inclement Weather or Work Delays
In the case of inclement weather, it is the responsibility of the On-Duty Supervisor
to evaluate the situation and release employees as needed. Releasing
employees in waves based on commuting distance and obtaining confirmation
that all have arrived safely and is reported to the Program Manager. During
severe weather, road conditions and adjustments to work hours or reporting
times will be the responsibility of the employee by contacting USAREC toll free
number 1-800-223-3735.
The contractor will publish monthly current alert/notification rosters and provide
the Division Chief with a separate copy identifying the leadership team.
2-18 Emergency Action Procedures
When the Fire Alarm Sounds, listen to the announcement for the type of
emergency declared.
Emergency action procedures related to tornado, fire, bomb/terrorist threats, or
building evacuation are available for quick reference in Appendix B. Threat
procedure cards are kept at the end of each row.
Reaction Teams have been identified to manage control and provide guidance
on procedures to follow. The individual are not solely responsible but have been
identified for extreme situations. The contractor will ensure that each exit has a
current personnel roster by name and by shift so in the case of evacuation;
accountability can be maintained and reported. Reaction Teams will be
posted by shift supervisors.
Sources for Emergency Guidance
Review USAREC polices on Emergencies Guidance and Reporting located on
your desktop. Click on the icon.
2-18.2 Evacuating Building
All personnel will follow the appropriate procedure.
2-18.2.1 Tornado
Quickly gather your personal belongings and exit the room through the
entrance doors and proceed to the building’s basement, only using the stairs, in
an orderly fashion.
You will check in with your supervisor for accountability. You are to remain there
until given the “All Clear” and then return to your place of duty.
2-18.2.2 Fire
Quickly gather your personal belongings and exit the room through the nearest
door on the north side of the room (next to break rooms).
Proceed to the G3 VRC Rally Point (Appendix A).
Shift supervisors will conduct accountability checks. You are to remain at
the rally point until given the “All Clear” then return to your place of duty.
2-18.2.3 Bomb Threat
If you receive a Bomb via phone call, remain calm, inform your supervisor
of the Bomb Threat.
Your supervisor will bring you a copy of the Bomb Threat Card (Appendix
B) or you can open the Emergencies Guidance and Reporting located on
your desktop and click on Bomb Threat.
Gather as much information as possible IAW Bomb Threat Card and turn
information over to the USAREC Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
Email IAW the Emergency Procedures Email list.
All Personnel will:
Remain calm and quickly gather your personal belongings, to include
lunch boxes or packages you brought to work.
Exit the room through the nearest door on the North side of the room (next
to break rooms) and proceed to the Social Media Division Rally Point
(Appendix A).
Shift supervisors will conduct accountability checks.. You are to remain
there until given the “All Clear” then return to your place of duty.
2-19 Security
2-19.1 Compliance with Federal Building Regulations
The contractor, any employees or representatives of the contractor, entering the
government facilities or government-leased facilities shall conform to security
regulations which may be in effect during the contract period and will be
subject to such security checks as may be deemed necessary to assure that no
violations occur.
2-19.2 Foreign Travel by Employees
Any employee who plans to visit outside the United States must, within 30 days of
travel, receive a Security/Antiterrorism Travel Briefing from the command security
specialist. This briefing must be documented in the employee’s personnel file.
2-20 Maintenance of Workstations and Areas
2-20.1 Computer Workstation
Contractor personnel accessing any computer device will be subject to checks
or investigations. Contractor personnel shall maintain a favorable suitability
investigation during the term of employment.
You will not use government supplied property for personal use. You will not
remove any government property without proper approval. Damage or theft of
personal or government property is strictly prohibited. If government equipment
is damaged, depending on the circumstances, you may be held liable for repair
or replacement.
The computer you are assigned is the property of USAREC, and is monitored for
improper usage. Receiving of personal e-mails is authorized as long as it is at a
minimum. The Internet, e-mail and Telephone usage policy (contained in
Employee Handbook) is strictly adhered to and enforced. Sending, receiving or
forwarding e-mails, chain e-mails, photos or other materials (i.e. jokes) that are
pornographic, racial, in bad taste or offensive to anyone is not authorized.
Anyone retransmitting such materials or chain letters will be in violation of
established Command Policies. The responsible employee will be issued a
warning memorandum that are both required and approved in advance to
being installed. Programs found on systems not in compliance with the
aforementioned and/or have no prior approval will be deleted and the
responsible employee issued a warning memorandum.
Personnel WILL NOT add any programs or applications to their work station
without knowledge of the government program manager or the Contracting
Officer’s Representative (COR) at anytime.
Personnel will not change, exchange, or disconnect any peripherals to the
system, including keyboards, mice, etc. Any workstation equipment found to be
damaged, missing, or unserviceable will be reported to the Project Manager via
your supervisor immediately upon discovery.
Employees are reminded that they are not authorized to log into their Personal
Home email accounts from their workstations.
Use of RO-All, BDE-All, HQ-All, CMD-All when sending e-mails is prohibited.
Work Area
The VR/SMC has to maintain itself in cleaning; there is minimal cleaning service.
There will be a time you will be scheduled for cleaning detail. All Shift personnel
are responsible for the cleanliness of all appliances used, the break room within
the Center and their work stations.
Personnel are responsible to ensure that their workstation and all break room
equipment and appliances located within the VRC are thoroughly cleaned
every two weeks, and that all appliances are empty, rinsed, and unplugged at
the end of the night shift. Quarterly all freezers will be defrosted at a minimum.
Trash will be collected at the end of each shift from the entire center and
deposited into the building’s dumpster behind the gate loading dock. Keys for
the gate can be obtained from the Watch Officer’s desk and returned. At no
time will the trash be deposited in any restrooms in Bldg 1307.
Trash removed from the center will exit through the alarmed doors only. Key will
be made available by the Site Manager. Alarms will be rearmed at return.
With work stations being shared you must have respect for the employee you
are sharing with. Personal items, if left at the workstation, must not impede any
other employee’s comfort or duty performance. When VIP visits or briefings are
scheduled, all employees will clear their desk and work area of all personal items
the night before.
Chapter 3 Conduct of Virtual Recruiting Center
Performance Standards
Employee performance standards will be adhered to in accordance with
established policy and/or communicated through periodic employee
performance appraisals from their supervisors.
The Division Chief reserves the right to arrange through the Program/Site
Manager to schedule time to speak to all employees with all supervisors in
attendance pertaining to this or other pertinent subjects.
All inquiries receive by this division on any subject will be handled with respect,
dignity and integrity regardless of personal belief(s) or opinions.
Mandatory Training
Contract companies are required to train their personnel a minimum of twice
monthly on new and existing programs, policies, benefits and entitlements for
Future Soldiers, Soldiers, and their families. All contract employees shall undergo
an initial training program, provided by the contractor, for the work assigned
prior to performing duties. Employees will be cross trained in all sections they are
qualified to function in to assure maximum flexibility in accommodating the
mission of the command. The contract company shall provide weekly
sustainment training for all employees to ensure employees are updated on
requirements of the Virtual Recruiting and Social Media Center. All personnel,
regardless of their assigned section and level of experience, must be proficient
in their respective duty section’s requirements and those of the VRC overall.
All personnel, regardless of status assigned will complete all Information
Awareness (IA) and Anti-terrorism (AT) and Social Media(SM) and computer
security training (CST) plus any newly assigned required training requirements.
Certificates proving training will be maintained on file for each employee.
The government will provide formal training, training packages or train-thetrainer packages for new or changing equipment, software or business
processes, as required. The government will provide changes to Army Recruiting
Initiatives as they become available.
Training Specialist (Civilian Contracted) duties will include: Major Duties
Serves as the coordinators, consultants, evaluators, and troubleshooter s for the
V R / S M C and translates regulatory/doctrinal changes. Evaluate current
training program and identify the need to revise existing program. Develop
proposals for new policies or regulations to solve problems affecting the VR/SMC
Operations. Create, conduct, and supervise training and development
programs for V R / S M C employees. Training personnel are responsible for
developing skills, enhancing productivity and quality of work, and building
loyalty to the company. Construct an intensive training plan to cover the
complexity of the work environment, rapid pace of organizational and
technological change, and the growing number of jobs to ensure that each
employee has all of the required knowledge and tools to be successful. Plan,
organize, and direct a wide range of training activities. Identify and assess
training needs within VR/SMC Operations. The trainer may confer with managers
and supervisors; review monthly stats/trends or conduct surveys to the recruiters
to ensure that all training conducted was effective to increase productivity and
maintain standards.
1. Trainer/mentor for new recruiters during their orientation session will arrange
the implementation of the New Employee Training Program (Phase I Training).
Each new employee will be briefed by the Training Manager and receive a
mentor for their initial training. This four to seven week training plan will train
each new recruiter the basics of recruiting and the knowledge required for a
new employee. They will be required to achieve all GO’s on their tasks and
achieve 75% or above on all written examinations. If the employee fails to
meet this standard, he or she will be retained on that task and will be retested. They will be required to score 80% or higher to pass that task.
2. The trainer will complete an assessment of each new employee to determine
if refresher or sustainment training is required. The trainer may do
individualized training to strengthen a recruiter’s existing skills or teach new
ones. Sustainment Training (Phase II Training) will be planned and
coordinated throughout the calendar year and will cover a wide range of
subjects. During this training, exterior instructors may be planned and
coordinated well in advance to cover subjects that require a Subject Matter
Expert (SME). All training subjects are required to be conducted
weekly/monthly/or quarterly. The training package will consist of hands on
training, practical exercises, scenarios, product knowledge examinations,
and trivia games for MOS’s and AR 601-210. These exercises will validate the
results of the training conducted and what refresher training will be required.
3. The Training Manager will validate each employee on their employment
anniversary date (Phase III Training). During this validation each employee will
be required to complete a number of tasks hands on and written
examinations that will require an 80% to pass. The training will consist of daily
tasks, but also include all new changes over the year to ensure that every
employee is maintaining the standard. Also the results will be used to
determine individual or group trends that might require refresher training.
4. Conduct all required mandatory training from corporate and any training
required quarterly/annually.
“One Voice” Response Policy
All personnel are responsible to ensure that when responding to any inquiry/
question; it is answered in a timely manner with the correct response under the
“One Voice" policy. Regardless of section or shift an employee is assigned, the
response is essentially the same. Every employee is required to have access to
“Cyber Tools”. This application holds many responses to both Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) and more unusual questions ranging from policy and
regulatory to program questions. Employees are highly encouraged to bring to
their supervisor or Training Manager’s attention questions and correct responses
or updates to be added for all to use. It is essential that all responses are the
same regardless of section or shift assigned. This “One Voice” policy will continue
to maintain the VRC’s integrity while ensuring all communication with customers
is IAW current Army and Recruiting Command guidance and policies.
The site manager is responsible for ensuring a process is in place for any
employee to recommend questions and answers be added or changed when
out of date or inputted incorrectly to the Cyber Tool application and are
maintained through regularly scheduled reviews of content
All employees when answering telephone calls will first identify the location the
called just called. Then employee gives the greeting of the day, identify
themselves by name, and then identify themselves as a contractor. Example of
a call” Good Afternoon and thank you for calling the Virtual Recruiting and
Social Media Center. My name is Jane Doe with NSI, how may I help you?”
Mandated replies
When responding to a person telephonically or electronically; you WILL NOT give
your personal view or opinion. You WILL ONLY use the responses below:
3-4.1 Females in combat MOS
Policy set by Congress prohibits females from enlisting into fields dealing directly
with combat. This includes other training such as Rangers and Special Forces,
Infantry, Artillery, Combat Engineer, Scouts and Armor.
3-4.2 Single Parents
Single parents are not qualified for enlistment into Regular Army and Army
Reserve. Families are of the utmost concern to the Army. Soldiers may be
called to deploy at anytime, there is not always time to make arrangements for
their care. This would put children in a potentially hazardous position, and
hamper the unit readiness. The mission and the lives of Soldiers could be at risk if
you could not deploy when needed due to the care for your children.
3-4.3 Immigration
I regret to inform you that unless you are citizen with the U.S. or are a legal
resident alien of the U.S., you are not qualified to enlist in the United States Army.
Any office of the Immigration and Naturalization Service can provide
information concerning entry as a resident alien, their home page is: Their number is 1-800375-5283 (inside the U.S. only). Army regulations prohibit us from assisting or
sponsoring you in to the United States. I hope this information will assist you and
that you will be able to achieve your objectives. Once you have an I-551 (green
card) you can begin the process for enlistment.
3-4.4 Relinquish Custody (Single Parent)
It is not the intent or desire of the U.S. Army to require any person to relinquish
custody of his or her children to qualify for enlistment. Under no circumstances
will we advise, imply, or assist you with regard to surrender of custody for the
purpose of enlistment. You do not meet the dependent criteria for enlistment
due to being a single parent with one or more dependents.
3-4.5 Do Not Discuss
This site (forum, etc) is for recruiting information only. We cannot and will not
discuss any topics dealing with the current military operations, world events,
religion, or politics. I hope you understand. Thank you for your cooperation.
3-4.6 Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell (DADT)
Any applicant separated under DADT receiving a RE Code: 4 will be treated
(but not reclassified) as RE Code: 1 as long as the discharge was either
honorable or uncharacterized. If the discharge was uncharacterized, further
guidance will be needed. Re-accession is based on need, current prior service
business rules apply.
3-4.7 Public Affairs Guidance
The following statement has been received from Office of the Chief of Public
There will be no communication sent out from this office in regard to issues
concerning Army budget or downsizing. Until further direction is given, no
one will discuss anything related to Army budget cuts or downsizing, to
include retirement cuts, housing, etc.
If you are asked about anything related to this topic, explain that we do
not have any information at this time.
3-4.7.1 U.S. Media Queries
No employee will express their personal opinion while representing the United
States Army and USAREC. Should a media inquiry arrive at the VRC, forward the
inquiry to the Project Manager immediately. Do not attempt to answer any
questions or make any statements yourself.
3-4.7.2 Foreign media queries
Foreign media must first be coordinated with Kathleen Welker at (502) 626-0164.
3-4.7.3 Army-level queries
Refer all Army-level media queries to the Media Relations Division of Army Public
Affairs at (703) 697-8719.
3-5 ASVAB Study Assistance
No personnel may provide any prospect, applicant, or other person study
assistance for the ASVAB other than the website. Referring
persons to other websites, study guides, software, books, etc may be construed
as the Army endorsing a product, which is contrary to Joint Ethics Regulations
and U.S. Army regulations. Furthermore, such referral is considered a Recruiting
Impropriety and may be investigated as such and may lead to reprimand or
3-6 Bilingual Employees
Employees engaged in the formal conduct of the Center’s business, will only
speak English to avoid misunderstandings and permit proper supervision.
Bilingual employees may be called upon to provide translations for other
sections within the center and the command. Otherwise, bilingual employees
can speak their native language when they are on their break and lunch /
dinner times. When not performing translation duties, English should be spoken
to ensure no failure in communication between employees.
3-7 Allegations of Recruiting Impropriety
If anyone within the Virtual Recruiting Center receives information pertaining to
the subjects below, it will immediately be copied and given to the Social Media
Team Supervisor, including all electronic records (screenshots, emails, discussion
threads, or chat transcripts) pertaining to allegations. Examples include:
Recruiters gave advice to applicants, prospects, Future Soldiers, or Soldiers
about how to lose weight, including but not limited to dieting advice, use
of supplements, use of weight loss pills or laxatives, the wearing of rubber
jogging suits, plastic bags, and wet suits. Conversely, if the Recruiter
advised an underweight applicant to eat large quantities of foods or drink
large quantities of fluids on the way to the physical at MEPS.
Recruiters advised persons to conceal dependents or moral
disqualifications, or recruiters appeared in a court setting on behalf of
prospects, applicants, or Future Soldiers for any reason.
Recruiters advised persons to conceal medical disqualifications, to cease
medication, or to cover scars, tattoos, or other defects.
Recruiters advised persons to conceal drug usage through masking
agents or consumption of large quantities of water prior to urinalysis.
Recruiter assists applicant in obtaining education credentials other than
through graduation from a traditional high school or attendance in
Recruiter provided material assistance with the ASVAB other than the website, including study guides, answers, websites,
study sessions, or “ringers” (persons other than the applicant who take the
ASVAB for the purpose of that applicant’s enlistment).
You WILL NOT communicate or imply to the originator of the allegation that the
accused is wrong or guilty as we only have one side of the allegation. Simply
obtain the information and forward it appropriately. Regardless of the apparent
situation, no employee will denigrate any member of the United States Army
Recruiting Command, the Army, or any other government entity at any time.
Any records that are in existence, or that come into existence in the future,
meeting the above parameters must be segregated, protected from
destruction, brought to the attention of their supervisor and the government
program manager to be reported to the appropriate agency, and retained in
full until further notice. The sender of the information will be asked for an email to
explain the situation and contact number in the case additional information is
required. Examples of such records include, but are not limited to:
Screenshots of Facebook page postings
Chat room transcripts
Call documentation
Forum thread transcripts.
The Social Media Team Supervisor will consolidate the records and provide a
complete report to VR/SMC Division Manager, George Silva (global: Silva,
George J Mr GS USAREC) ph:6-0013. The
government may conduct an investigation of impropriety and misconduct,
perceived or real, at its discretion.
3-8 Social Media Procedures
Each section may have a Social Media outreach platform (i.e., chat room,
Facebook page, forum, etc), in addition to services provided by the Social
Media Team. Any social media outreach platform must have a minimum of two
Administrators; one of which must be USAREC and the second may be the SM
Analyst, SM Supervisor or a designated element approved by the Contract
Program Chief.
At no time will an employee create a page, chat, or forum using the Army
brand without prior approval from the Contract Program Chief. All Social Media
outreach platforms will follow the guidelines provided by the government with
regard to hours, posts, subject matter, and participation.
Employees will not post on a social media outreach platform operated by the
VRC except in their professional capacity, using their designated account.
Employees will not use their VRC designated social media accounts post as a
representative of the United States Army, USAREC, or other government entity
outside their duties in the VRC for any reason. Employees will not allow patrons
of the VRC operated platforms to contact them in any way via their personal
email, personal pages, or personal phone numbers or addresses. If for any
reason contact is made, the employee will report it immediately to the Social
Media Supervisor.
The Social Media Team Supervisor will observe all platforms to ensure that the
Army standard is upheld at all times and to ensure continuity of the Army
message and brand.
No photograph, video or audio file, or material created outside the Social
Media Team will be posted on any VRC social media outreach platform without
approval from the Social Media Supervisor. This is to ensure that there are no
copyright infringement issues or other legal implications.
If a patron of a VRC operated social media platform posts inappropriate
material, that material will be reported immediately to the Social Media
Supervisor in accordance with the Social Media Team SOP, and will be dealt
with accordingly. This includes crude language in postings, offensive
statements, photographs, and other similar materials. This does NOT mean that
patrons are not allowed to post conflicting opinions. It does mean that an
atmosphere of respect and consideration for all persons will be maintained at all
All personnel using social media outreach platforms will abide by guidelines and
procedures set forth by the Advertising and Public Affairs Division, including
monthly talking points and key messages cards that the A&PA Division provides
so individuals throughout the command can speak about the mission and
current topics in one voice. If you have questions about any of the talking
points, contact your supervisor.
Threats Called in, Emailed, or Posted in a Chat Room or Forum
A Threat is defined as any deliberate action when taken may cause harm or
destruction to person(s) or property. NO PERSON assigned to the Virtual
Recruiting Center has the authority to determine the validity or authenticity of
the Threat/Suicide.
ALL Threats/Suicides will be reported.
All threats received in the VRC are time sensitive and must be handled with
speed and accuracy. The goal is to have threats processed and forwarded
within 15 minutes of receipt.
A Threat is defined as any deliberate action when taken may cause harm or
destruction to person(s) or property.
All threats will be reported to the USAREC G3 COC Officer, the Site Manager,
The government representative and the Command Security Manager. The
command will then publish the threat or Suicide Threat as a Serious Incident
Report (SIR) An email detailing the threat will be sent to the following:
VRC Site Manager, Mark Hanshaw (global: Hanshaw, Mark A Mr CTR US
VRC Division Manager, George Silva (global: Silva, George J Mr GS
USAREC) ph:6-0013
G3 Operations Specialist, Peter Borosky (global: Borosky, Peter H Mr GS
USAREC) ph:6-1071
Anti Terrorism Officer, Robert Lesson (global: Lesson, Robert J Mr CIV USA
TRADOC USAREC) ph:6-1371
USAREC G3 COC Officer (guard desk): ph:
6-0823 / 0824
The SUBJECT line of the email will state either In Office: Suicide Threat or In Office:
Threat Message
3-9.1 Emailed Threat (GoArmy & SGT STAR)
Inform your supervisor of the Threat email immediately.
You must attach the original threat email to a new email before sending
it. Do this by copying the email from the mailbox; then open a new email
and paste it in the body of the email.
In the new email detail:
o What mailbox the email was in? Who found it?
o The date/time it was found?
If the IP Address is available in the email, your supervisor will do a lookup of
the IP and include the search results with the email.
Email IAW the above email list in paragraph 3-2.
3-9.2 Chat Room Threat
Determine if you are dealing with a Future Soldier or someone from the
general public.
Inform your supervisor there has been a threat posted in the chat room.
Screenshot your monitor by hitting the “PrtScn” button on your keyboard.
Open MS PowerPoint and paste the screenshot. Make necessary
adjustment so the wording can be read and save it with an appropriate
name in the CYBER_SHARED folder under THREATS
Your supervisor will direct you on how to retrieve the IP from the chat
room. Your supervisor will do a lookup the IP and attach it to a copy of the
chat room transcript (Appendix C).
Normally in this situation the person does not remain in the chat room. If
they should remain, engage them as if it were a called in Threat and
attempt to get more detailed information.
Email IAW the above email list in paragraph 3-2.
3-9.3 Threat in a Forum
Inform your supervisor of the Threat in the forum.
Copy the Threat message and all other posted messages from the sender
into a new email.
In the email detail:
What you know about the person making the posting.
Who found the Threat?
The date/time it was found?
If the IP Address is available in the email, your supervisor will do a lookup of
the IP and include the search results with the email.
Email IAW the above email list inparagraph 3-2.
3-9.4 Suicide
Ask them if they are a Future Soldier
If yes, For which Branch and Component (i.e.—Army Reserve)
Then follow the appropriate procedure.
3-9.5 Bomb Threat
If you receive a Bomb via phone call, remain calm, inform your supervisor
of the Bomb Threat.
Your supervisor will bring you a copy of the Bomb Threat Card (Appendix
B) or you can open the Emergencies Guidance and Reporting located on
your desktop and click on Bomb Threat.
Gather as much information as possible IAW Bomb Threat Card and turn
information over to the USAREC Emergency Operations Center (EOC).
Email IAW the above email list in paragraph 3-2.
Appendix: A
Building Evacuation:
VRC Employees will report to Rally Point #2
Appendix: B
Bomb Threat CardA Bomb Threat Card will be made
available for all telephone stations. You may also download a card here:
Appendix C
Exception for Hiring
, 2012
Memorandum for Record
Virtual Recruiting Center
Fort Knox, KY 40121
Subject: Personnel qualification and hiring requirements IAW the Performance Work Statement,
Virtual Recruiting Center W9124D-07-0070.
COMPANY NAME is requesting an exception to the Performance Work Statement, Virtual
Recruiting Center.
Prior Service: Yes or No
Date/Type of Discharge or N/A:
Reason for Exception:
Write a justification of why an exception should be granted. Please attach a copy of their DD214.
If additional space is required for justification, please continue on page 2.
Exception for Hiring
Subject: Personnel qualification and hiring requirements IAW Section 1.9 of the Performance
Work Statement, Virtual Recruiting Center W9124D-07-0070.
Contractor- Program/Deputy Program Manager
Government Contract Representative
Appendix D
Virtual Recruiting & Social Media Center
HQ USAREC, Ft Knox, KY 40212
13 December 2011
Subject: Establishment of the USAREC Information Hot Line 1-800 monitoring in the VRC
The VRC was tasked to establish a 1-800 call in number that allows all public inquiries to HQ USAREC to
come into one central location. The requirements are to log the call and direct the caller to the correct
office if needed or provide a correct response to the inquiry whether research is required or not to
obtain the information they are seeking. Since the VRC is operational from 0800 to 2400 hours Monday
thru Friday and interacts with the public on a daily basis regarding recruiting information and redirecting
inquiries, it would also allow for reduced calls received daily throughout the command’s headquarters to
offices and personnel not aware on how to respond or spend time trying to locate the information or
SME allowing for more productive work hours. It was the logical decision to task the VRC.
On 1 December 2012 the VRC was tasked with the following:
Duties and Requirements include:
Obtain a dedicated #800 to be used
Operation hours for phone line Monday thru Friday 0800-2000
Create a access DB to record all callers and their inquiries and responses
Open a ticket to record the caller, their inquiry and the final outcome of the action
Pass to appropriate directorate if the inquiry cannot be handled inside the office.
Monitor workload in the case that dedicated manpower is required
Given a very short time period to initiate this operation/action, initially an excel worksheet was utilized
to capture the data as stated above until an ACESS database was available. The spread sheet was used
for about 1 week. And all data on the spreadsheet was then entered into the database.
The center recycled the #800 number previously utilized as the command’s internal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
(DADT) number due to the demonstrated lack of need.
The Deputy G3 sent a HQ’s and Rctg support elements on Ft Knox less 3rd Rctg Bde regarding the
establishment of the new service and the #800. The VRC Division Chief also notified the Customer
Service Center (CSC) of the number and service to include the Watch Officer Desk located in the HQ Bldg
and manned 24/7
Two trainers where assigned on the day shift and a trainer and AMEDD Refinement caller on the night
shift where assigned the requirements of answering the phone line as an addition to their primary
duties with bi-lingual capabilities also available. A New calling pool was created (USAREC Information
Hotline), on the center’s Cisco telephone system, user profiles where moved to this calling pool, An
answering machine greeting and message was created by Mr. Ron Taylor, USAAC G6.. All in all the new
#877-437-6572 was up and running very smoothly and very quickly on short notice.
The first call was received on 1 Dec 12 and the ACESS database was delivered on 5 Dec 11.
Update 18 Jan 2012:
As of this day we have received an average about 5 calls per work day with the bulk coming in prior to
5pm EST. A vast majority of the questions being asked are from Soldiers who have been DA selected for
Recruiting duty followed by Recruit the Recruiter Team questions.
The senior trainer has been assigned as the responsible lead for oversight.
Program/Site/Branch Manager