Hadronic Physics Report from the Town Meeting October 25 Sebastian Kuhn, Old Dominion University Agenda Town Meeting “Hadronic Physics” * 7:00 Medium Energy Physics Overview - Roy Holt * 7:40 The future of hadron physics - Craig Roberts * 8:00 Nucleon structure with Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV - Latifa Elouadhriri * 8:20 QCD and nuclei - Larry Weinstein * 8:40 The RHIC spin program - Elke Aschenauer * 9:00 Hadronic physics at other facilities - Jen-Chieh Peng * 9:20 Open Mic - opportunity to present a few slides o Mark Pitt o Seamus Riordan * 9:40 Discussion and Closeout * 10:00 Adjourn http://www.odu.edu/~skuhn/HadronTownMeet Central Questions in Hadronic Physics What is the Nature of Confinement? Spectroscopy and form factors of hadrons The role of gluonic excitations Hadronization What is the Internal Structure of the Nucleon? (1D → 3D) How are spin and momentum distributed among partons? Correlations and 3D structure Orbital angular momentum of quarks How do Nuclear Properties Emerge from Quarks and Gluons? Are nucleons modified inside the nucleus? Hadrons C.D. Roberts, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2008) 50 M. Bhagwat & P.C. Tandy, AIP Conf.Proc. 842 (2006) 225-227 *Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking Hadrons Meson Spectroscopy -> Anomalies Search for exotic hadrons, e.g. hybrid mesons Precision experimental study of valence region, and theoretical computation of distribution functions and distribution amplitudes Accurate elastic and transition form factor data drive paradigmatic shifts in our pictures of hadrons and their structure; e.g., role of orbital angular momentum and nonpointlike diquark correlations scale at which p-QCD effects become evident strangeness content meson-cloud effects Valence Glue NSAC milestone HP15 (2018) Excited Glue Exotics and hybrids are truly novel states They’re not matter as we know it In possessing valence glue, such states confound the distinction between matter fields and force carriers But they’re only exotic in a quantum mechanics based on constituent-quark degrees-offreedom Plot credit: NP2010 They’re natural in quantum field theory, far from the nonrelativistic (potential model) limit No symmetry forbids them, QCD interaction promotes them, so they very probably exist! Longitudinal Structure NSAC milestone HP14 (2018) JLab@12 GeV has unique capability to define the valence region SU(6) Helicity conservation 1 Scalar diquark in units of h 1 ò Dg(x,Q2) dx xmin 0.8 2 Q = 10 GeV 2 forward h 0.6 RHIC 500 GeV +BONuS 12 GeV Projected 0.4 DSSV++ DIS RHIC 200 GeV 0.2 0 10 -3 10 E.C. -2 -1 Aschenauer 10 x min Transverse Quark Motion PhT SIDIS NSAC Milestone HP13 (2015) “Test unique QCD predictions for relations between singletransverse spin phenomena in p-p scattering and those observed in deep-inelastic scattering.” JLab @12 GeV, COMPASS-II, RHIC-spin, polarized FNAL, FAIR/PANDA… Drell-Yan Nucleon Tomography Quark angular momentum (Ji’s sum rule) ò1( H(x,x,t=0) + E(x,x,t=0) ) x dx = Jquark -1 =1/2 DS + D Lz X. Ji, Phy.Rev.Lett.78,610(1997) Nucleons in Nuclei L. Weinstein et al, PRL 106, 052301 (2011) , J. Arrington et al, arXiv:1206.6343 J. Seeley et al, PRL 103 (2009) SRC Scaling factors xB ≥ 1.5 Flavor, isospin and spin dependence of EMC effect? JLab@12, Drell-Yan, MINERvA 11 JLab 12 GeV experiments, incl. nuclear structure, nucleon modifications and Color Transparency N. Fomin et al, PRL 108, 092502 (2012) CT, Hadronization and All That R( z, , pT2 , Q 2 ) h DIS h DIS ( A) ( D) What governs the transition of quarks and gluons into pions and nucleons? NSAC 2007 Production length Parton energy loss Formation length Color transparency Hadron multiplicity pT broadening CEBAF @ 12 GeV + CLAS12: ideal facility to study light quark hadronization: 12 GeV Anticipated Data: 1035 cm-2s-1 W. Brooks, K. Hafidi, K. Joo et al. Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV Upgrade is designed to build on existing facility: vast majority of accelerator and experimental equipment have continued use Upgrade arc magnets and supplies Add 5 cryomodules 20 cryomodules CHL upgrade Add arc The completion of the 12 GeV Upgrade of CEBAF was ranked the highest priority in the 2007 NSAC Long Range Plan. Enhanced capabilities in existing Halls New Hall Maintain capability to deliver lower pass beam energies: 2.2, 4.4, 6.6…. 20 cryomodules Add 5 cryomodules Scope of the project includes: • Doubling the accelerator beam energy • New experimental Hall and beamline • Upgrades to existing Experimental Halls Jefferson Lab at 12 GeV Hall D – exploring origin of confinement by studying hybrid mesons and rare decays Hall B – understanding nucleon structure via PDFs, TMDs and generalized parton distributions Hall C – precision determination of valence quark properties in nucleons and nuclei Hall A – form factors, GPDs, nucleon structure Future new experiments (e.g., SoLID and MOLLER) 12 GeV – Upgrade Status Hall D – equipment installation in progress Hall D Interior Two high-gradient 12 GeV cryomodules installed and delivering high quality beam; third moved to tunnel CHL-2 equipment (compressors, coldboxes) in place Third C-100 Cryomodule transferred to tunnel Hall B Pre-Shower Calorimeter Central Helium Liquefier-2 installation CLAS12 R2 final DC Superconducting magnets under construction All major detector systems under construction All 48 Hall D BCAL modules on site (U. Regina) Region 2 DC CLAS12 completed (Old Dominion U.) Performance Index: schedule 95% ; cost 96% Hall C Dipole Prototype Coil Other Physics Topics @ JLab 12 GeV Testing the Standard Model Parity Violating DIS: SoLID (and a rich program in hadronic Physics) Parity Violating Möller Scattering Direct Search for “Dark Photons” APEX, Dark light, HPS RHIC Spin Program STAR Preliminary Run 2012 AL p+p ® W± ® e± + n e s=510 GeV 25 < ET < 50 GeV 15 0.5 W - 2 Q = 10 GeV 2 DSSV++ Dc2 0 -0.5 DSSV: arXiv:0904.3821 DSSV+: DSSV+COMPASS DSSV++: DSSV+ & RHIC 2009 10 Rel lumi syst Dc = 2% in DSSV analysis 2 W+ 5 DSSV DSSV08 RHICBOS DSSV08 CHE NLO -1 DSSV+ DSSV08 L0 with D c =1 pdf error 2 0 3.4% beam pol scale uncertainty not shown Remaining syst <10% of stat errors -1 0 RHIC W±-data will constrain - s = 510 GeV 0 < q < 3 GeV/c s = 510 GeV 0 < q < 3 GeV/c 0.15 T 0.35 T Projection, Ldt=500 pb -1 0.04 0.1 s = 510 GeV 0 < q < 1 GeV/c 4 < mg * < 8 GeV/c arXiv: 0903.3629 2 0.2 -0.02 0.8 2 Q = 10 GeV forward h 0 -0.04 RHIC 500 GeV DIS RHIC 200 GeV DSSV++ 0.2 -0.06 -0.05 0.1 2 0.4 0.15 Projection, Ldt=500 pb -1 -0.08 0.05 -0.1 PHENIX arXiv: 0912.1319 0 -0.1 0 -2 xmin 0 0.05 0.2 2 ò Dg(x,Q2) dx arXiv: 0903.3629 0.25 0.1 Dg(x,Q ) dx 1 0.6 T 0.02 STAR ò 1 Expected asymmetries in Drell-Yan Projection, Ldt=500 pb -1 STAR 0.3 AN AN AN 0.4 Expected asymmetries for W + -bosons 0 0.2 0.05 and Transverse Asymmetries Expected asymmetries for W -bosons -0.1 1 2 lepton h in units of h -2 -1 0 1 2 y W -0.15 -2 -1 0 1 2 y -4 -2 0 2 4 y W g* 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 xmin Other Facilities Fermilab: Drell-Yan (pol. and unpol.), Neutrinos (Minera), Project X? HigS (TUNL), Mainz, Bonn: Spectroscopy, ChPT Tests, form factors, polarizabilities few-body nuclei COMPASS II (CERN): 1-3D SFs, Drell-Yan, GPDs , Primakoff GSI / FAIR (Panda, PAX,…): Hadron Spectroscopy, Drell-Yan J-PARC (strangeness), BES, PSI, … …and ongoing analyses of existing data (JLAB, HERMES, RHIC,…) Theory NSAC milestones HP3 (2009) completed, HP7 (2012) Baryon spectrum from EBAC & Bonn-Ga (PDG12) Lattice-QCD Significant progress in the last five years This must continue Bound-state problem in continuum quantum field theory Significant progress, too Must also continue Completed and planned experiments will deliver the pieces of the puzzle that is QCD. Theory must be developed to explain how they fit together Kamano, Nakamura, Lee et al., 2012 Hadron physics must deploy a diverse array of probes and tools in order to define and solve the problems of confinement and its relationship with Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking Summary and Outlook Hadronic Physics is poised for an exciting time, major breakthroughs There is only one high-energy, high-intensity electron scattering lab left worldwide: Jefferson Lab @ 12 GeV Large investment, extensive program (>7 years) Nearing completion, large contributions from users >50 approved proposals with 600 authors and 125 spokespersons RHIC spin program will provide complementary data Many other labs can make important contributions Long-term goal for the community: EIC > 7 years!