What is the problem? Much research has been carried out in

What is the problem?
Much research has been carried out in “learning difficulties”, which focused on discussion of
psychology of learning, or problem where students lose interest in mathematics. Students
nowadays tend to describe this subject by using the following terms such as “boring”,
“abstract” and “too many homework”. This problem appears not only among the so-called
“weak” students, but also among the excellent students, whom we thought that they are
performing in the subject. This particular group of students, who often score high marks in
the subjects, are surprisingly to be found that they don’t really enjoy it. Instead, they take it as
a “task” which is compulsory to be completed in order to achieve the higher level of their
study. Nevertheless, there are also a few students who regard mathematics as an “simple and
tedious calculation work”. This misconception will lead to boredness in mathematics, and
hence lose interest. One of the consequences of the problem of losing interest in mathematics
is, it may lead to the mathematical anxiety.
Why is there a problem?
Regarding the cause of losing interest among the students in mathematics, many research
pointed the fingers to the teachers and the education systems which are examination-oriented.
No doubt mathematics has been included in the compulsory subject of most public
examinations in the world such as STPM and A-Level. Students have to pass either one of
these examinations with flying colours in order to further their studies in the country or
overseas. This results in a society system which focuses so much on the importance of
Beneath such condition, the teachers have been urged to teach the syllabus based on the
examination-formatted questions. Plenty of examples and exercises are provided instead of
conceptual learning. Students experience the tension of calculation practicing before they
could enjoy the fun and beauty of logical mathematics. The interesting mathematical facts
such are ignored by the teachers due to the short of time given to teach the subject.
What are possible solutions to the problem?
The first possible solution is to adjust the existing mathematics syllabus to be more on
conceptual understanding. Conceptual learning is usually defined as “the comprehension of
mathematical concepts, operations and relations”. The Education Ministry has to study again
the appropriateness of the curriculum specification nowadays to the true objectives of the
mathematics education. Do the students be able to achieve the ten objectives listed in the
Syllabus Mathematics of Integrated Curriculum for Secondary School? Moreover, the
ministry has to ask whether the students enjoy the curriculum with lots of skills and facts.
For teachers, the possible solution that might be taken would be using technologies such as
mathematical and graphing software. This enables students to visualize the abstract
mathematical concepts on the screen. The class activities could be more variety as there are
plenty of choices of software to use such as Geogebra, Geometry Sketchpad and Autograph.
Interactive teaching and learning is enabled by the aid of internet access.
The schools might take initiative to organize more activities such as mathematics competition
and exhibition to give more exposition to the students about the true values of this field of
knowledge. Hoping to increase students’ interest in mathematics by enhancing creative
thinking, students not only experience mathematics through lessons and examinations, but
also through wide spectrum of the colours of mathematics, for example the history, the latest
technological issues and the future development.
What would happen if you solved the problem in each of these ways?
Students lose interest in mathematics.
To adjust the existing
mathematics syllabus to be
more on conceptual
Using technologies such as
mathematical and graphing
software in class activities.
To organize more activities
to give more exposition to
the students about the true
values of this field of
Using technologies such as mathematical and
graphing software in class activities.
Teachers have to spend time to do selfenrichment to learn the software in
addition to design lesson plan and do
paper works.
The schools need more budgets to install
the equipments like LCD projector, the
notebooks and software, which is
worried to lead to the vandalism.
Cont. This is valuable to do because at the same
time teachers’ quality are improved in the
sense of creativity.
Cont. The installation is essential as a step to
implement the technologies in education.
The schools have to consider wisely on
the budgets of the equipments.
Students are attracted to the software and
games but not the content of the lesson
itself. The focus of the lesson might be
The class activities are varying and
interesting. Students are not only doing
calculation but also explore the concepts
through the softwares.
Cont. As students pay attention to the software,
they are actually exposed to a
mathematical communication
environment unconsciously, so it is
worthy to introduce the software to the
Pro. The students will experience the fun of
mathematics instead of just listening to
teachers’ lectures.
The Ministry of Education organizes courses about utilizing software in class for the
teacher. Through these in-services courses the teachers can share their experiences of
their own. Teachers are also trained for the maintenance of the hardware to prevent
vandalism and damage. Besides, software should be authorized to the schools by freeof-charge so that all the students of the schools scattered in every places of the country
have the equivalence chances to explore and enjoy learning mathematics through
What is the best solution to the problem?
Through the skillful problem solving model, we can conclude that the best solution to the
problem of students losing interest in mathematics is integrating technologies in the lessons.