u8 lesson revision lesson

Learning Aims
In this unit you will:
 Understand the organisations
in the media industry
 Understand professional
work practices
 Know about employment in
the digital media sectors
To revise the topic media industry in context for the exam
on Thursday.
By the end of the lesson, we will
 Discussed all the elements on
the topic for revision sheet in
preparation for the exam.
These may be a good technique to use when revising.
 State owned and commercial broadcasters.
 Responsibilities and requirements of State
owned and commercial broadcasters.
 The difference between state owned and
commercial broadcasters.
 Regulatory organisations.
 The role of the BBC Trust.
 Private broadcasting companies.
 Responsibilities of a private broadcasting
 Public funding
 Sources of public funding.
 Benefits and drawbacks of public funding.
 .
 Sources of private funding.
 Benefits and drawbacks of private funding
 Types of media organisation - one example for each type of
 Media conglomerates
 Parent companies
 Subsidiaries
 Characteristics on International media organisations
 Characteristics of National media organisations
 Characteristics of Local media organisations
 Characteristics of community media organisations.
 Synergies
 Horizontal and vertical integration.
 Public service broadcaster: state owned or commercial
 Private companies
 Regulatory Organisations
Name a state owned public service
Name a commercial broadcaster?
What is the difference?
Responsibilities of a public service broadcasting:
 Serve the public
 Promote education, literacy and stimulate creativity.
 Show diverse programmes serving all communities in the UK
 Represent minority interests and promote different cultures and
 Support technical advances.
Requirements of a public service broadcasting:
 Serving the audience (majority and minority)
 Create quality programming including: regional programming,
children's programming, news and current affairs.
 Digital media access to public service content.
One of the major responsibilities and requirements of the BBC is to
serve the majority and the minority of its audience in the UK.
A company whose shares may not be
offered to the public for sale and which
operates under legal requirements less
strict than those for a public company.
Can you name a private media
Responsibilities of private companies in
Deliver profits
Identify new markets
Increase audience share
Lead technological innovation
Expand markets and market share
Eliminate competition
Commercial success
Purpose and role
The purpose of the BBC Trust is to work on behalf of licence
fee payers, ensuring the BBC provides high quality output
and good value for all UK citizens, and to protect the
independence of the BBC.
Ofcom is the communications regulator
in the UK.
They regulate the TV and radio sectors,
fixed line telecoms, mobiles, postal
services, plus the airwaves over which
wireless devices operate.
Our main legal duties are to ensure:
 The UK has a wide range of electronic communications services,
including high-speed services such as broadband;
 A wide range of high-quality television and radio programmes
are provided, appealing to a range of tastes and interests;
 Television and radio services are provided by a range of different
 People who watch television and listen to the radio are protected
from harmful or offensive material;
 People are protected from being treated unfairly in television and
radio programmes, and from having their privacy invaded;
 A universal postal service is provided in the UK - this means a
six days a week, universally priced delivery and collection
service across the country; and
 The radio spectrum (the airwaves used by everyone from taxi
firms and boat owners, to mobile-phone companies and
broadcasters) is used in the most effective way.
We are not responsible for regulating:
 Disputes between you and your
telecoms provider;
 Premium-rate services, including
mobile-phone text services and
 The content of television and radio
 Complaints about accuracy in BBC
 The BBC TV licence fee;
 post offices; or newspapers and
Money provided, especially by an organization or government,
for a particular purpose.
Name an public service broadcaster that is funded by the
Public funded media organisations need government
support to be able to function.
Government support aims to:
Give public access to a diverse choice of media products
Media literacy
Give a sense of national identity
Offer training and employment opportunities,
participation in media and creative arts
• Competition
Can you name a public funded organisation?
Sources of public funding:
Licence fee
Taxpayers’ money
lottery funding
Benefits of public funding are:
Guaranteed income
Prominence in TV listings and guides
Always available on digital- terrestrial television
Can cater for minority audiences
Offer cultural value
High-quality output
Access to national events
Audience appreciation
Drawbacks of public funding are:
Compulsory licence fee
Privileged positions in the market place
Unfair competition for commercial origination
Reduced audience share
Does not represent value for money for the consumer
Lack of audience appreciation
There are different sources of private funding in the media
industry. Here are some of the following :
Share floatation
Private investment incentives
As there are benefits government funding,
there are also benefits of private funding:
Increased revenue
Increased marketing
Wider international distribution
Guaranteed income
Drawbacks of private funding:
Reliance on popularity for future productions
Budgetary considerations
A media conglomerate, international media institution is a
company that owns large numbers of companies in various mass
media such as television, radio, publishing, movies, and the
British Sky
Broadcasting Group Plc
The Walt Disney
Parent Company
The Walt Disney
American Broadcasting
Company (ABC)
Disney Pixar
Marvel Comics
Walt Disney Pictures
Entertainment Sports
and programming network
You need to understand the different characteristics of media
The following are different types of media organisations:
 International media organisations
 National media organisations
 Local media organisations
 Community media organisation
The characteristics of a International Media
Organisation are:
 Global presence
 Mainstream products
 Market led
 Profit driven
 Use synergy - Using one company to
support and promote the activities of
another company.
Can you name an international media
The characteristics of a National Media Organisation are:
 National coverage and distribution
 Wider recruitment and training
 Compete with local markets
 Compete with international markets
Can you name a national media
The characteristics of a Local Media Organisation are:
 provide local services
 audiences defined by geographical location
 focus on local issues and content
 close relationship with audience
 falling circulations
 expansion into digital markets
Can you name a local media organisation?
The characteristics of a Community Media
Organisation are:
 serving the needs of a community or particular
 wide community participation
 audience defined by a small geographical area or
special interest
 key role of volunteers within the organisation
 not-for-profit organisation
 diverse content, gives training opportunities
Community media organisations ensuring that a
diverse range
of views and opinions are presented through
the media.
Organisations that own companies
throughout the different stages of the
production process.
Organisations that own more than one
company across a media sector.
 control over production
 unfair economical influence
 distribution and exhibition
 Unfair political influence
 greater synergies
 increased profits
 Increased profit
 Reduce choice and competition
 Increased market share
 Reduce media plurality
 Greater influence
 Possible bias over balance
 Agenda setting
 Control of information
 Institutional synergies
 Reduced workforce
Using one company to support and promote
the activities of another company.
These may be a good technique to use when revising.
 State owned and commercial broadcasters.
 Roles and responsibilities of State owned
and commercial broadcasters.
 The difference between state owned and
commercial broadcasters.
 The role of the BBC Trust.
 Private broadcasting companies.
 Responsibilities of a private broadcasting
 Public funding
 Sources of public funding.
 Benefits and drawbacks of public funding.
 Sources of private funding.
 Benefits and drawbacks of private funding.
 Types of media organisation - one example for each type of
 Media conglomerates
 Parent companies
 Subsidiaries
 Characteristics on International media organisations
 Characteristics of National media organisations
 Characteristics of Local media organisations
 Characteristics of community media organisations.
 Synergies
 Horizontal and vertical integration.
State two responsibilities of a private media broadcaster. (2 marks)
Use your topics to revise sheet to inform your
research and revision.
Participate in computer research.