Here is what you do - Centerville Public Schools

The Brain's Building Blocks Journal Review
Review a journal article on the following topics and present them to the class.
 it must be a true ARTICLE or JOURNAL not a news brief, obituary, etc.
 it cannot be a movie or other arts review, travel item, or feature that does not
relate to current news
 it must have been published within one YEAR
If you have any questions about the appropriateness of your choice of journal article,
please see me.
Here is what you do:
1. Find a JOURANL article that is published within the last year of your scheduled
2. Summarize the story in 100-150 words or less on a sheet of paper. Include the what,
who, when, where, why, and how.
3. Write a response to the story in about 100 words. Express your personal opinions
on the article. Make sure you have a clear topic sentence.
4. Create three questions related to the article to be used during your presentation to
spark discussion among your peers. These should not be factual/quiz-type questions,
but rather thoughtful questions that inspire everyone to think about and formulate
opinions on your article. (Completed on the separate sheet of paper.)
5. Create a visual to use during the brief presentation detailing the important concepts
of your topic and major points of interest in your journal article. Include an APA
citation of the article you use on your presentation. Expectable presentation visuals
include: PowerPoint, Google App, Prezi, handmade poster or you can be creative.
6. Give a 2-minute presentation on your scheduled day that includes a summary of the
topic that you have been assigned and then a summary of the journal.
After sharing your presentation with the class, you hand in your summary, response,
and questions. You will receive a performance and effort grade for this assignment.
A. Overview: Human Brain
Development of the Brain
Structure of the Brain
Growth of new neurons
B. Neuron: Cellular Structure of the brain
Cell Body of the Neuron
Alzheimer ’s disease
C. Neuron Versus Nerves
Reattaching Limbs
Transplanting a face
Peripheral Nervous System
Central Nervous System
D. Sending Information
Action Potential
E. Transmitters
New Transmitters (Endorphins, Anadaminde, Nitric Oxide, Orexin)
F. Reflex Responses
Afferent (Sensory Neurons)
Efferent (Motor Neurons)
G. Research Focus
Phantom Limbs
H. Plants and Drugs
Cocaine and Reuptake
NIMH - Press Room
Press releases, media advisories, and much more. From the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH).
Science Daily
Great source for the latest research news in the field of psychology
All Things Human
All Things Human asks & answers questions about what makes us human by
exploring current news about psychology, anthropology, the mind, sexuality,
sociology and evolution.
Clinical Psychology News and Articles From Clinically Psyched
Clinically Psyched offers breaking news in clinical psychology, abnormal psychology,
neuroscience, neurotheology and more. Visit Clinically Psyched for clinical psychology
articles and updates.
Mental Health News
Mental Health News publishes links to the latest mental health news from around the
Mental Health News
A compilation of mental health news regarding conditions such as depression,
anxiety, attention deficit disorder, and bipolar disorder updated daily from the most
trusted sources.
Neuroscience Forum
Current Neuroscience Education and Research Discussion Forum. Includes
Neuroscience news articles.
Neuroscience News
Neuroscience News offers neuroscience research news for neuroscientists and
neuroscience students, neuroscience links, neuroscience jobs, neuroscience forum,
neuroscience research articles and more.
Neuroscience news at
Find neuroscience articles on sleep science, stem cells and bioethics and more.
Psychiatric News
Psychiatric News is the newspaper of the American Psychiatric Association (APA).
Psychiatric News is the principal and official means of communication between APA
and its members about policies, politics, and legislative and judicial issues affecting
psychiatry, as well as the actions and policies of APA itself. The newspaper also
serves as a source of clinical and research news pertinent to the field of psychiatry.
Psychology News and Research Briefs
Brief summaries of the latest news related to mental health and mental illness, as
well as brief abstracts of the latest research in anxiety, depression, ADHD, learning
disabilities, and more.
PsycPORT: Latest News
A collection of news stories compiled from a large number of news sources. An APA
ScienceDaily Magazine -- Mind & Brain News
Recent news articles on mental health and neurology.
The National Psychologist
The National Psychologist is published six times a year, in January, March, May, July,
September, and November. This publication is intended to keep psychologists
informed about practice issues.