Lesson 21

You need your lit book
And vocab. flashcards or list
Lesson 21
9/14, 9/17
Warm-Up: Vocab Practice
aqua means ___________
arch means ___________ or ___________
astr or astro means ___________
audio means ___________
aut or auto means ___________
The split between his parents was amicable.
A. friendly
B. hateful
C. sleepy
Vocab. Practice
Vocab. quiz is NEXT CLASS! Use this time wisely
You have 10 minutes to practice your vocab. words by:
Inside/Outside Circle
Pass back papers!
10 Steps test: If you would like, you may get an SRT pass from me to
redo the test and regain some points (summative—60%)
Vocab test: 25 points total (summative—60%)
Pop quiz: 8 points (2 points each)
Teacher Survey
On a scrap piece of paper, match the teacher to the job
you think he or she held previously
Antigone and Whale Rider
In groups: discuss the similarities you were able to find
between Antigone and the movie Whale Rider
We have connected Antigone to a nonfiction article,
(“What Happened That Day”) a movie, (Whale Rider) and
real life (teacher survey)
Major themes:
Standing up for what’s right (civil disobedience)
Gender bias
Recap Scene 3
Who has come to speak with Creon? What is his
attitude toward Creon at this point?
Creon says that ___________ is the greatest evil that
society faces. What does this say about Creon?
Haimon requests that Creon does what?
How does Creon react to this request?
Recap Scene 3
“Then she must die. But her death with cause another.”
Haimon means that ___________ will die
Creon thinks that Haimon means he will kill ___________
Haimon’s attitude toward Creon has changed. How is he
acting now?
How will Antigone be killed?
Scene 4
Characters in Scene:
Groups: Tati, Breanne, Brady
Taylor, Hannah, Aiyoub
Quinn, Katie, Tiara, Chelsea
Adriana, Riley, Alyssa
Shane, Luke, Jessica, Nicole
Keep up with your study guide. It will be due for points.
Vocab. quiz is next class! Study for homework!
Vocabulary Homework:
Crossword Puzzle for practice- Fun and learning ~ yes!