Anita Murray Ph.D. Candidate +61-4-3218-0409 Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory School of Veterinary Science University of Queensland Gatton, Qld 4343 Australia EDUCATION Ph.D., University of Queensland, expected matriculation 2014 Thesis: Social and Environmental Influences on the Structure of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Song M.A., Columbia University in the city of New York, 2007 Thesis: A Characterization and Comparison of Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) Song from the Southern Indian Ocean. B.Sc. cum laude, San Francisco State University, 2002 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Acoustic Coordinator (9/2010-11/2011) Peregian Beach, Queensland, Australia BRAHSS-Behavioural Responses of Australian Humpback whales to Seismic Surveys Coordinated acoustic recording equipment, acoustic data collection, and analysis of humpback whale song Acoustic Analyst (5/2007-12/2010) Ithaca, New York, USA Bioacoustic Research Program, Laboratory of Ornithology, Cornell University Acoustic analysis using XBAT and Raven, design/document research protocols, generate technical reports Acoustic Analyst (8/2008) Andros Island, Bahamas BRS-Behavioral Response Study Acoustically tracked beaked, sperm, and pilot whales using the AUTEC sensor array and Navy acoustic software Research Assistant (12/2005-5/2007) New York, New York, USA & Antongil Bay, Madagascar Ocean Giants Program, Wildlife Conservation Society Boat based focal recordings of humpback whale song, acoustic analysis using Raven, and photo-identification Marine Mammal Observer (4/2005-7/2005) Anchorage, Alaska, USA Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Survey, LGL Alaska Research Associates, Inc. Shore and boat based observations of beluga whale movement patterns, as well as, photo identification Research Assistant (1/2004-5/2006) Brooklyn, New York, USA OLMS-Behavior and Cognition Laboratory, New York Aquarium, Wildlife Conservation Society Performed mirror self-recognition, and bioacoustics studies involving walruses, and elephants at the Bronx Zoo Volunteer (9/2003-11/2003) Peregian Beach, Queensland, Australia HARC-Humpback whale Acoustic Research Collaboration Passive acoustic tracking with hydrophone array and Ishmael acoustic software, visual tracking utilizing a theodolite Research Assistant (1/2003-7/2003) Kaikoura, New Zealand New Zealand Dusky Dolphin Project, Marine Mammal Research Program, Texas A&M University Theodolite tracking of dusky dolphin movement patterns and boat based photo-identification Intern (9/2002-12/2002) Galveston, Texas, USA Marine Mammal Research Program, Behavioral Ecology Lab, Texas A&M University Matching dorsal fins of bottlenose dolphins using Finscan 1.5.1 Research Assistant (1/2001-5/2002) San Francisco, California, USA Harbor Seal Ecology Survey, San Francisco State University Shore and boat based radio tracking of harbor seal movement patterns, habitat use, and site fidelity PUBLICATIONS Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles Murray. A., Rice, A., Clark, C.W. (2013) Extended seasonal occurrence of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in Massachusetts Bay. Journal of Marine Biology Association, doi:10.1017/S0025315412001968. Morano, J., Rice, A., Tielens, J., Estabrook, B., Murray, A., Roberts, B., Clark, C. W. (2012) Year-round presence of right whales in Massachusetts Bay: Acoustically monitoring for a critically endangered marine mammal in a highly urbanized migration corridor. Conservation Biology. 26(4): 698-707. Murray, A., Cerchio, S., McCauley, R., Jenner, C.S., Razafindrakoto, Y., Coughran, D., McKay, S., Rosenbaum, H. (2012) Minimal similarity in songs suggests limited exchange between humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the southern Indian Ocean. Marine Mammal Science. 28(1): E41-57. International Whaling Commission Papers Murray, A., Cerchio, S., McCauley, R., Jenner, C.S., Razafindrakoto, Y., Coughran, D., McKay, S. Rosenbaum, H. (2009) Comparison of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) songs in the southern Indian Ocean indicates limited exchange between populations wintering off Madagascar and Western Australia. Paper SC/61/SH9 presented to the International Whaling Commission, Intercessional Workshop for the Comprehensive Assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales. Cerchio, S., Ersts, P., Pomilla, C., Loo, J., Razafindrakoto, Y., Matt, L., Andrianrivelo, N., Mindon, G., Dushane, J., Murray, A., Collins, T., and Rosenbaum, H. (2009) Updated estimates of abundance for humpback whale breeding stock C3 off Madagascar, 2000-2006. Paper SC/61/SH7 presented to the International Whaling Commission, Intercessional Workshop for the Comprehensive Assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales. Cerchio, S., Pomilla, C., Ersts, P., Razafindrakoto, Y., Leslie, M., Andrianrivelo, N., Collins, T., Dushane, J., Murray, A., Weber, D., and Rosenbaum, H. (2006) Estimation of abundance of breeding stock C3 of humpback whales, assessed through photographic and genotypic mark-recapture data from Antongil Bay, Madagascar. Paper SC/A06/HW9 presented to the IWC, Intersessional Workshop for the Comprehensive Assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales. Collins, T., Cerchio, S., Pomilla, C., Ngouessono, S., Mbadinga, N., Dushane, J., Murray, A., Weber, D., Ersts, P., Rosenbaum, H. (2006) An estimate of abundance using mark recapture data for breeding stock B1: Gabon. Paper SC/A06/HW10 presented to the IWC, Intersessional Workshop for the Comprehensive Assessment of Southern Hemisphere humpback whales. Conference Presentations Charif, R., Warde, A., Ponirakis, D., Murray, A., Muirhead, C., Pitzrick, M., Clark, C.W., Wisdom, S., Rae, C. (2010) Results and insights from operational acoustic monitoring networks in the Chukchi Sea, Summer-Fall 2006 and 2008. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 127:1758. Roberts, B., Burke, E., Dedrick, S., Diamond, C., Estabrook, B., Evans-Wilent, J., Fitzpatrick, D., Howard, B., McCarthy, C., Morano, J., Muirhead, C., Murray, A., Nelson, D.V., Pelkie, C., Pitzrick, M., Ponirakis, D., Rahaman, A., Rowland, E., Salisbury, D., Speidel, K., Tielens, J., Tremblay, C., Warde, A., Wurtzell, K., and Clarke, C.W. (2009) Seasonal Occurrence and Distribution of North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) in Massachusetts Bay and Cape Cod Bay based on Passive Acoustic Monitoring: May 2007 – May 2009. North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium, New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA USA. Warde, A., Biedron, I., Mihnovets, N., Diamond, C., Estabrook, B., Evans-Wilet, J., Fitzpatrick, D., Howard, B., McCarthy, C., Michalec, J., Morano, J., Muirhead, C., Murray, A., Nelson, D.V., Pelkie, C., Pitzrick, M., Ponirakis, D., Roberts, B., Tielens, J., and Clark, C.W. (2009) Seasonal Occurrence and Distribution of North Atlantic Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis) off New York Harbor and Long Island using Passive Acoustic Monitoring. North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium, New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA USA. Tremblay, C., Clark, C.W., Kemp, J., Newhal, K., Diamond, C., Estabrook, B., Howard, B., McCarthy, C., Morano, J., Muirhead, C., Murray, A., Nelson, D. V., Pitzrick, M., Ponirakis, D., Roberts, D., Rowland, E., Tielens, J., Warde, A. (2008) An update on acoustic monitoring systems in Massachusetts Bay: near-real-time reporting to mitigate LNG ship strikes, seasonal occurrences of calling right whales and quantification of ambient noise. North Atlantic Right Whale Consortium, New Bedford Whaling Museum, New Bedford, MA USA. Clark, C.W., Tremblay, C., Fowler, M., Ponirakis, D., Diamond, C., McCarthy, C., Morano, J., Muirhead, C., Murray, A., Rowland, E., Vannicola, K., Warde, A. (2008) Monitoring, measuring and describing ocean noise over ecologically viable scales with applications to impacts on large whales. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 123:2987. Conference Posters Murray, A., Cerchio, S., McCauley, R., Jenner, C.S., Razafindrakoto, Y., Coughran, D., McKay, S. Rosenbaum, H. (2009) Comparison of humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) songs in the southern Indian Ocean indicates limited exchange between populations wintering off Madagascar and Western Australia. 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Tremblay, C. J.; Clark, C. W., Kemp, J., Newhall, K., Diamond, C., Estabrook, B., Howard, B., McCarthy, C., Morano, J., Muirhead, C., Murray, A., Nelson, D., Pitzrick, M., Ponirakis, D., Roberts, B., Rowland, E., Spaulding, E., Tielens, J., Warde, A. (2009) Cetacean acoustic monitoring systems in Massachusetts Bay: Near-real-time species detection to mitigate LNG ship strikes, seasonal occurrences of calling right whales, and quantification of ambient noise. 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Bierdon, I., Mihnovets, N., Warde, A., Michalec, J., Clark, C., Diamond, C., Estabrook, B., Howard, B., McCarthy, C., Morano, J., Muirhead, C., Murray, A., Nelson, D., Pitzrick, M., Ponirakis, D., Roberts, B., Rowland, E., Tielens, J. (2009) Determining the Seasonal Distribution of Cetaceans in New York Coastal Waters using Passive Acoustic Monitoring. 18th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. Alliger, A., Murray, A., and Reiss, D. (2005) Pacific walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) acoustic repertoires: evidence for ultra and infrasonic signals. 16th Society for Marine Mammal Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in San Diego, California, USA. Media Coverage Revkin, A. C. (2012, March 20) Humpback whales yield some sonic secrets to science. The New York Times. Eilperin, J. (2012, February 7) Humpbacks singing a different tune. The Washington Post. Bryner, J. (2012, February 2) Humpback whales share the seas, but not their songs. Science on SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS 2012 Marine Mammal Research Fund at the Ocean Foundation, Pacific Life Foundation, $24,800 USD (awarded but declined due to lack of additional funding) 2011-2014 International Postgraduate Research Scholarship, Australian Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education University of Queensland Centennial Scholarship, University of Queensland AWARDS AND NOMINATIONS Graduate Student Research Award, Best Conservation Applications/Implications, Columbia University in the City of New York, 2007 Nominated for Student Representative, Biology Department Honors Convocation, San Francisco State University, 2002 Dean’s list, San Francisco State University, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, and 2002 COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS Research Higher Degree Committee – Student Representative Australian New Zealand Student Chapter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy – Co-Coordinator Centre for Marine Science Enhancing Communication Working Group – Student Representative SOCIETY MEMBERSHIPS Society for Marine Mammalogy The Acoustical Society of America REFERENCES Dr. Michael Noad Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory University of Queensland Telephone: +61-7-5460-1876 E-mail: Dr. Rebecca Dunlop Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory University of Queensland Telephone: +61-7-5460-1963 E-mail: Dr. Anne Goldizen Behavioural Ecology Research Group University of Queensland Telephone: +61-7-3378-6909 E-mail: Dr. Christopher Clark Bioacoustics Research Program Cornell University Telephone: +11-607-254-1108 E-mail: Dr. Salvatore Cerchio Ocean Giants Program Wildlife Conservation Society Telephone: +11-212-313-8721 E-mail: