SEWPACAdditional qualification details Question 6: Name: David Donnelly Qualifications and Experience: Coxswain David has over twenty years’ experience working in three countries in the field of marine mammal research. His knowledge of marine mammals in the wild has led to him being involved in a number of research projects practicing various disciplines including Genetics/biopsy, Acoustics, DTAG, Satellite tagging, Population surveys, Aerial surveys, Photo ID and Strandings. David has worked with Monash University, Australian National University, University of Queensland and University of Sydney. In addition to this, David has been involved in both State and Commonwealth Government initiatives involving cetaceans. He is currently part of a large team working alongside the oil and gas industry investigating the effects of underwater sound on humpback whales. As a Coxswain, David has exceptional skills in manoeuvring both small and large sized vessels in close proximity to cetaceans. He also successfully completed the 2011 season of this project. Name: Kylie Owen Qualifications and Experience: BSc (Hon). Kylie has been involved with a number of cetacean research projects around Australia over the last 10 years with experience on a number of different projects focusing on genetics/biopsy, habitat usage, anthropogenic impacts and population surveys. She has experience at maneuvering small vessels in close proximity to cetaceans and at interpreting cetacean behaviour. She completed her BSc in marine biology and zoology at the University of Melbourne and an honours research project at Monash University on the foraging ecology of bottlenose dolphins in Victoria. She assisted with two humpback whale research projects carried out by the Cetacean Ecology and Acoustics Laboratory in 2010 during which time she received training in a number of techniques to be used in this study. She also successfully completed the 2011 season of this project. Name: Dr Rebecca Dunlop Qualifications and Experience: BSc PhD Rebecca has been researching animal behaviour for over 12 years (obtaining her Bachelor of Science honours degree and PhD in Queens University, Belfast) but has been specifically studying large cetaceans in Australian waters for the last 8 years. Her field experience on humpback whales over the last 8 years ranges from population surveys (primarily land-based and aerial) of west coast and east coast Australian and New Zealand humpback whales, land-based behavioural data collection (from theodolites linked to a Cyclops tracker programme), acoustic data collection (from semipermanently moored arrays, data loggers and hydrophone recordings from boats) and boat-based data collection (biopsies, fluke-i.d. photographs, behavioural data collection and tagging). She was part of the first team in Australia to successfully deploy DTAGs and has had three field seasons of DTAG deployment, recovery and analysis experience. Name: Dr Mike Noad Qualifications and Experience: BVSc PhD Mike has a Bachelor of Veterinary Science and completed his PhD on humpback whale song analysis. Mike has 16 years’ experience with working with humpback whales in the field, particularly with 1 acoustics and behaviour. This includes 3 seasons deploying D-tags and he was a part of the first team in Australia to successfully deploy D-tags. 2