risks and responsibilities of organisations

Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare and
Victorian Council of Social Service
Responding to the Royal
Commission into Institutional
Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
Wednesday 1 May 2013
Organisational Governance- Risks and
Peter Johnstone OAM
Chairman, VincentCare Victoria
PJ Governance 1 May 2013
Sexual abuse – Two levels of
1. The actual sexual abuse of children
2. The aggravation of those abuses by
organisations responsible for the abusers
– failing to act in accordance with the
organisation’s basic values, and
– protecting abusers, protecting the organisation,
failing to protect children, and exposing further
children to abuse.
PJ Governance 1 May 2013
Corporate governance
the processes by which organisations are directed,
controlled and held to account
organisations achieving their missions in an
accountable and ethical manner, focused on
outcomes and managing risks
boards and managers meeting their
responsibilities for effective and ethical leadership
authority, accountability, stewardship, leadership,
direction and control exercised in the organisation
culture promoting values
PJ Governance 1 May 2013
The Royal Commission into Institutional
Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
• “inquire into institutional responses to allegations and
incidents of child sexual abuse and related matters.”
– seek justice for victims
– ensure necessary changes to society and its institutions to
prevent such scandalous situation ever recurring.
• The Letters Patent require that
– best practice (be) identified so that it may be followed in the
• to protect against the occurrence of child sexual abuse and
• to respond appropriately when any allegations and incidents of child
sexual abuse occur, including holding perpetrators to account and
providing justice to victims.
PJ Governance 1 May 2013
The Challenge for Organisations
• What went wrong that has led to this major
• The governance of my organisation and others
• What can we contribute to the Royal
• What are the principles that will guide our
• What are the risks of inadequate responses –
risks to organisations and to children?
PJ Governance 1 May 2013
Organisational Responsibilities
Accountability and Values
Recruitment and Supervision
Reporting of crime to civil authorities
Governance structures
PJ Governance 1 May 2013
The Obvious Questions
• How could this happen: particularly totally inadequate
and at times criminal responses by organisations that
claim lofty ideals?
– - organisations whose very purpose is the good of others
whether grounded in religious or humanitarian motives.
• What steps do organisations need to take to ensure
that such dysfunctional and irresponsible
organisational behaviour cannot occur again?
– Much present governance has been shown to be woefully
PJ Governance 1 May 2013
PJ Governance 1 May 2013