Recognised application - organisations Introduction This document provides the application form for organisations applying for endorsement by Skills for Care as a Recognised training provider. This application form has four sections: Section 1: Section 2: Section 3: Section 4: Applicant’s organisation details Applicant’s responses Applicant’s evidence Applicant’s checklist 4-5 6-19 20 21 Please complete the form electronically. Information for applicants Please ensure that when you save (and later send) both your completed application form and supporting evidence that the file names includes the words ‘Stage 1 Recognition’ and your organisation’s name. E.g. ‘Stage 1 Recognition_Trainer_A.doc’ Evidence - You may attach evidence to support your application in a separate portfolio of up to 12 x A4 pages (approximately 5,000 words). Evidence can be used for more than one dimension with signposting as appropriate. Ensure that this file is named to include the words ‘Recognised Award’ and ‘Evidence’ and your organisation’s name. E.g. ‘Recognised Award _Evidence_Trainer_A.doc’ When completing Section 2, please ensure that you make reference to your supporting evidence for each of the dimensions, and that you clearly signpost to that evidence. Section 3 gives you an opportunity to number and list all your evidence; this will enable the reviewers to link your application to your evidence. When you have completed the application form, please email it, together with your evidence document to Skills for Care: Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 2 Section 1 – Applicants organisation details 1 2 Application reference number: Organisation name: 3 Organisation address: 4 5 Contact name and job title: Telephone number: 6 Email address: 7 Website (if applicable): * By ticking the box you confirm understanding of the issued terms and conditions 8 This application is for: 9 If B, parts of your organisation, please specify which parts: (PSO to complete) Postcode: Mobile: Office: A. Our whole organisation Yes / No B. Parts of our organisation Yes / No Part Details Faculty Yes/No School Yes/No Curriculum area Yes/No Department Yes/No Section Yes/No Team Yes/No Other Yes/No 10 For which awarding organisation(s) are you an accredited centre (if any)? (In relation to Adult social care learning and development) 11 Indicate the type of short courses that you offer from the following: Accredited short courses Bespoke short courses Qualifications Other Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Please state: Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 3 12 What is your overall success rate1 relating to the courses delivered and stated in 11 above for learners in adult social care in the last two years? Year Course Title Target % 13 How do you measure success on courses / programmes that do not lead to qualifications? Multiple choice Workbooks Test/observation of practical competence Questionnaires Reflective Practice Other (please state) 14 Which of the following quality marks / inspection outcomes do you currently hold? Quality marks/inspections Current Ofsted overall grade 1 or 2 Yes/No Matrix Yes/No Investors in People Yes/No Overall Success % Date awarded/expiry 15 In no more than 500 words, please outline your organisation’s mission, vision and values in relation to Adult Social Care learning and development. 1Success Rate = percentage of those starting a course or programme who pass the relevant assessment. Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 4 Section 2 – Applicants responses Dimension 1: Leadership and management (250 words max per criteria – covering a-e cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)) a) Statement and evidence reference: What systems and processes do you have that demonstrate and champion effective leadership and management? Evidence: b) Statement and evidence reference: Who are your external stakeholders and how do they influence your aims and objectives? Evidence: c) Statement and evidence reference: What are your SMART performance targets and how are they maintained and measured? Evidence: d) Statement and evidence reference: How have you performed against the targets set in 1c that demonstrates improvement or sustained high level performance? Evidence: Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 5 Section 2 – continued Dimension 2: Quality assurance (250 words max per criteria – covering a-e cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)) a) Statement and evidence reference: Explain your quality assurance cycle and how it is monitored and used to support organisational development? Evidence: b) Statement and evidence reference: Who is involved in programme design and how is high quality delivery maintained? Evidence: c) Statement and evidence reference: How do you learn by reflection and evaluation to improve organisational development? Evidence: d) Statement and evidence reference: Demonstrate how your learning and development provision has improved the quality of life for service users? Evidence: Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 6 \ Section 2 – continued Dimension 3: Resource management (250 words max per criteria – covering a-e cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)) a) Statement and evidence reference: How do you meet the resource and environmental needs of a diverse range of learners? Evidence: b) Statement and evidence reference: How do you manage operational and personal staff issues to maintain organisational aims and objectives? Evidence: c) Statement and evidence reference: How do you ensure your training materials are up to date? Evidence: d) Statement and evidence reference: How are resources and the learning environment checked to ensure they are safe, healthy and accessible? Evidence: Section 2 – continued Dimension 4: Staff development (250 words max per criteria – covering a-e cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)) a) Statement and evidence reference: How do you ensure staff meet the needs of the organisation and the sector? Evidence: b) Statement and evidence reference: How does staff professional development (including associates) influence and support the delivery of quality provision to meet the needs of the sector? Evidence: c) Statement and evidence reference: How do you monitor staff to maintain quality and competence? Evidence: d) Statement and evidence reference: How are staff (including associates) encouraged to take ownership and responsibility for the quality of provision and their own continuous professional development? Evidence: Section 2 – continued Dimension 5: Working with learners (250 words max per criteria – covering a-e cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)) a) Statement and evidence reference: How do learners access your information to make an informed decision about the programme and any additional support available? Evidence: b) Statement and evidence reference: How are the individual needs of the learner assessed? Evidence: c) Statement and evidence reference: How are the individual needs of the learner planned? Evidence: d) Statement and evidence reference: Demonstrate the phased evaluation of the learner journey and beyond? Evidence: e) Statement and evidence reference: How are future career opportunities and sector IAG delivered to learners? Evidence: f) Statement and evidence reference: Demonstrate how learners are made aware of the Social Care Commitment? (Ungraded criteria) Evidence: Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 9 Section 2 – continued Dimension 6: Working with adult social care employers (250 words max per criteria – covering a-e cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)) a) Statement and evidence reference: How does the organisation communicate / network with the sector to understand current needs and respond to specific training requirements? Evidence: b) Statement and evidence reference: How does the organisation identify / share good practice, business needs and promote the desired life choices for those who access services? Evidence: c) Statement and evidence reference: How are external stakeholders actively involved in the evaluation process? Evidence: d) Statement and evidence reference: Demonstrate how employers are made aware of the Social Care Commitment? (Ungraded criteria) Evidence: Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 10 Section 2 – continued Dimension 7: Embedding the Leadership Qualities Framework (250 words max per criteria – covering a-e cross referencing appropriate evidence (listed in Section 3)) a) Statement and evidence reference: How are learning techniques employed to encourage learners to be self-aware (compassionate and empathetic) and to understand their impact on others? Evidence b) Statement and evidence reference: How are productive internal and external adult social care relationships promoted? Evidence: c) Statement and evidence reference: How does delivery address the importance of listening and skilful communication? Evidence: Evidence: d) Statement and evidence reference: How does delivery demonstrate a commitment to the promotion of people’s differences, rights, dignity and social integration? Evidence: e) Statement and evidence reference: How does delivery drive a culture of continual improvement and excellence? Evidence:: Section 3 – Applicants evidence Evidence: Please number your evidence, which you are to submit as a supporting file of no more than 24 A4 pages. Ensure that the evidence numbers in Section 2 and your attached evidence match the list below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Application Form (Recognised - Organisation) v 4.0 November 2015 © Skills for Care 2015 12 Section 4 – Applicants checklist Have you: Checked that you have provided a full and complete response to each of the dimensions (Section 2) Completed the numbered evidence list (Section 3), giving each piece of evidence a unique number? Included your evidence in a supporting file Named your files correctly? Signed: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Role: ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________