Resources Portfolio - Sex Education Part 1 of 3

Resources Portfolio
An Analysis of the Resources Available
for the Teaching of Sex Education
Part 1 of 2
Group B Aardvarks
Ambili Abraham
Asma Begum
Camilla West
Celyn Birkinshaw
Sapna Shrestha Kanu
Introduction………………………………………………………… 3-4
Textbook Resources………………………………………………… 5-7
Video Resources …………………………………………………… 8-10
ICT Resources…………….………………………………………. 11-13
Practical/ Model Resources.……………………………………… 14-15
Worksheet Resources……………………………………………... 16-18
Appendix 1 - Email exchanges between contributors……………19-23
Appendix 2 – Textbook Resource Details…………………...……24-27
Appendix 3 – Video Resource Details………………………….... 28-29
Appendix 4 – ICT Resource Details…………………………….. 30-33
Appendix 5 – Practical/Model Resource Details………………... 34-40
Appendix 6 – Worksheet Resource Details……………………… 41-58
This portfolio consists of an analysis of the resources available for Sex Education. A
wide range of resources were investigated. Five categories of resources were
identified and allocated to the following people:
Ambili Abraham
Asma Begum
Camilla West
Celyn Birkinshaw
Sapna Shrestha Kanu
In addition to assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each resource, this study
also focused on whether the resources re-enforced equality. To address this question,
the group agreed to systematically evaluate the resources based on the following
 Beliefs
 Race
 Sexuality
 Gender
The group selected Camilla West as the coordinator. We held several meetings to
initially discuss what resources that we had found, how we would perform the
analysis, and finally to discuss our findings. We found that regular weekly meetings
helped us keep each other informed on each individual’s progress and ensured that we
were all on the right track. Camilla completed her draft first and following a group
discussion over its structure, it was distributed to others so they could structure their
work in a similar manner to ensure consistency in our approach.
Over the course of the meetings, the group discovered that resources vary widely in
their depth and breadth. We found that many resources would be good to be used in
combination with each other, rather than used in isolation. Some resources, such as
the worksheets, showed limited one dimensional views of the world focused on one
belief system and/or one race. Very few addressed equality issues, especially the older
resources. Homosexuality was rarely mentioned and gender differences were also
often not addressed.
All the resources had limitations. For example, the practicals/models demonstration
requires additional planning of detailed teacher commentary, which could be tailored
to meet with the student needs, whereas others such as the Likeitis ICT resource could
be used by students unaided by teachers. Indeed it is perhaps more important that
those resources used by students alone are analysed more carefully before use.
Fortunately, we found the Likeitis has been developed quite carefully and all equality
issues we had identified were addressed in some capacity. We found the informal
slang and highlighted issues and myths that students would commonly encounter
would really help students identify with the information. The order in which the
resources are to be used, must be considered, for example the video series reviewed
assumed prior knowledge of the students about sex. We discovered that resources,
such as textbooks, can often focus only on the biological facts, so it is important to
seek others, within or in another genre that will also include additional social
relationship elements.
Resources should be used with care and caution as they may inadvertently promote
views which are not in keeping with a schools core values and/or respect pupils’
personal beliefs. Certain resources also may be misleading, inaccurate or biased, such
as the worksheets questionable opinions on contraception. The lack of diversity and
equality highlighted in many of the resources also should be noted when they are
being selected and used, to ensure students receive a balanced view of the world. With
such an important subject matter it is particularly important to show students
resources with images and an ethos that they can identify with, so they can realise that
the advice is pertinent to them and their situation. Indeed sex education at school may
be the only time that students receive informed accurate advice. Sex education can
help children make informed decisions and help avoid unintended, often life-changing
consequences. Over the course of this study, we have all realised that sex education is
not just an academic requirement, but a life skill acquisition and as a result can have a
huge social impact by reducing peer pressured sex, unwanted pregnancies and STD
Textbook Resources
Two textbooks were reviewed:
1) Let’s talk about sex
2) How sex works
1) Let’s talk about sex
The book “Let’s talk about sex” talks about growing up, puberty, sex and sexual
health with the aid of illustrations and ‘witty’ yet accurate cartoons making it very
easy to read and follow. It covers almost all the essential aspects of sex education and
is highly successful in reducing anxieties surrounding the topic.
However the book does not contain any form of activities/questions at the end of each
section which could be used to assess learning when using this as a sex education
How does is reinforce equality in terms of beliefs, race, sexuality,
The book is not very successful in promoting equality in terms of religious
beliefs/faith. For instance, the section on ‘masturbation’ in the chapter “Perfectly
normal” states that ‘some people’ think masturbation is wrong/harmful and that some
religions call it a ‘sin’. However it doesn’t really explain why they might think it is
wrong. This is then followed by statements which reinforce the fact that ‘masturbation
cannot harm you’, it is perfectly normal and defines it as ‘playing with yourself’.
The book uses cartoon illustrations of babies, boys, girls, men and women with
different skin and hair colour throughout the book addressing the different racial and
ethnic diversity in our society.
This resource is highly successful in reinforcing equality in terms of sexuality and
reducing the anxieties that surround it. A whole chapter in the book is dedicated to
sexuality under the section “what is sex?”. The chapter titled ‘straight and gay’ starts
off by defining the terms ‘straight/heterosexual’, ‘gay/homosexual’ and ‘bisexual’ in
simple terms. It presents homosexuality in a positive shade using examples from
history, e.g. ‘The Ancient Greeks’ who thought that love between two men was the
highest form of love. It also briefly touches on the facts that decide a person’s
sexuality, i.e. a person’s biological make up and experiences during childhood. It also
highlights the fact that certain cultures and people may disapprove of homosexuals
and discusses the reasons behind this. Finally the chapter concludes by stating that
being hetero/homo/bisexual doesn’t make one different from others and directs the
reader to possible sources to seek advice.
Both genders have been equally addressed by this resource. The section on ‘Our
Bodies’ has specific chapters addressing both genders. Similarly, section on ‘puberty’
also equally addresses both genders through chapters such as ‘The travels of the egg’
and ‘The travels of the sperm’. With regard to the other sections in the books, each
chapter has been written addressing both genders and their feelings.
2) How sex works
The book ‘How sex works’ is a detailed factual guide on growing up, starting
relationships and becoming sexually mature. It is very well illustrated and uses
photographs and images (e.g. the male and female reproductive system) which are
realistic and are suitable to incorporate in lessons. The question and answer section at
the end of each chapter is an excellent aid for teachers as it prepares them to answer
the possible questions that pupils might have regarding the topic.
However, this resource does not provide any questions/activities which could be used
to assess learning after each section.
How does is reinforce equality in terms of beliefs, race, sexuality,
This resource is highly unsuccessful in promoting equality in terms of different
religious beliefs. It doesn’t address any religious point of views in any of the sections.
However in the ‘relationships and emotions’ section, readers are encouraged to
uphold their views on sex outside marriage if they have any strong cultural, religious
and personal views.
The book is not quite successful in reinforcing equality in terms of race. Illustrations
and photographs used in the book do not equally represent different racial/ethnic
groups in our society.
The book dedicates a chapter on sexuality under the ‘Relationships and emotions’
section and is quite successful in reinforcing equality. This chapter is successful in
reducing anxiety among young people as it talks about various aspects including
expressing sexuality, what causes these feelings, coming to terms with homosexuality
and telling parents. It also highlights the prejudice against homosexuals in the society
and how it can make one feel isolated. However it does provide the reader with
support on how to deal with such situations and directs them to support groups and
advice lines for further support.
This resource is successful in reinforcing equality in terms of gender to a certain
extent. The section on ‘understanding your body’ dedicates separate chapters to both
genders. However, only three chapters are devoted to males in comparison to the five
chapters which are devoted to females. Both genders are equally addressed in other
sections including ‘What happens during sex’.
The book “Let’s talk about sex” is almost successful in reinforcing equality in terms
of sexuality, gender and race. However it fails to reinforce equality in terms of beliefs
to a certain extent. The use of simplified terminology and the presentation of each
topic with cartoon illustrations make it a good resource which can be used to reduce
anxiety among students surrounding the topic and can be used by both teens/preteens as an independent reading resource.
The second book, “How sex works”, fails to reinforce equality in terms of beliefs and
race. Secondly, it contains much detailed factual information which makes it suitable
to be used in only secondary schools. However, the subject matter presented is highly
accurate. It is much more successful in providing support to students especially on
dealing with peer pressure, starting a relationship and making decisions when
compared to the first book. This is a good resource which can be improved if both
race and beliefs are equally addressed.
In conclusion, both textbooks are excellent PSHE/sex education resources as they do
cover varied aspects of sex education. However, assessment for learning in the form
of questions/activities needs to be incorporated before they can be used as resources.
Video Resources
In this section, the following video resources were reviewed:
BBC Teenagers and Sex
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Last accessed on 09/11/2013
The video resource is a four part series created by the BBC, which follows a group of
girls and a group of boys. Each episode has a specific focus and introduces different
aspects of sex education; such as contraception, sexually transmitted diseases,
pregnancy etc. Each video is roughly 3-4 minutes long and is intended for classroom
use. Each video also comes with recommended ideas the teacher using the resource
can use to discuss in the classroom. Accompanying the videos is a brief introductory
paragraph about the clip and some important key words.
The first clip opens with a group of girls discussing what boys they find attractive.
The atmosphere created is a relaxed one where the girls seem to be enjoying a drink at
a shop. This is relatable to the children as conversations they might have about boys
or sex will take place outside of school when they are in their own friendship groups.
This clip addresses misconceptions the girls might have such as the presence of pubic
hair is to keep the vagina “warm”. This is done throughout the clip, as voices are
played to represent what the characters are thinking at that very point. This may
include questions, feelings and general opinions. This might help students feel more
comfortable as it may be similar to the questions they are also thinking. There are four
different characters within each group, each with very different personalities. Some
who are boastful about having sex, others who like to keep it private and a shy
character who feels conscious being the only one who has not been very sexually
active. This is advantageous as it represents a wide range of personalities that may be
present in the classroom.
The second clip focuses on talking about contraception to prevent unwanted
pregnancies and transmission of sexual diseases. The boys and girls ask questions to
the teacher and the teacher praises the student for a “good question” which results in
more information being given to the students, and addressing any misconceptions
students may have had, or simply answered a question other students were
embarrassed of asking. Teacher introduces an anonymous question box to address this
issue, this could also be used in the classroom to aid the teacher when he/she might
not have time to answer everybody’s questions. The four clips each focus on different
aspects of sex education. Clip three starts to focus more on intercourse. The last clip
shows the two characters who had sex in the previous clip discuss what happened
with their friends and the possibility of pregnancy. Questions were asked such as –
“Did she/he enjoy it?”, “Did you use a condom?” Having clips which focus on
different issues allows a broader content to be covered. The clips are all filmed in
different locations. This feature is good as sex education conversations and situations
can arise anywhere, it is more realistic and more relatable to the students in the
locations used by the clips.
Another advantage of this video series is that it follows through with the same set of
characters; it almost tells a story or journey that the characters go through as they
discover more about sex. The language used is casual slang, which may be more
easily understood by school children.
In the four videos there are no actual facts or information directly being given to the
students, as the whole series is based on a group of teenagers addressing issues they
already have ideas or misconceptions through role play. This would not be a good
resource to use when first introducing sex education as all the characters have prior
knowledge, such as they know what an STI is, they know what the clitoris is. These
are quite specific, and students will not be familiar with some terms when watching
the clips if they have not previously been taught. The video does not discuss any
issues about sexuality, nor does it discuss any beliefs characters may have, which is
very important in reinforcing an equal and moving society.
How does is reinforce equality in terms of beliefs, race, sexuality,
This resource covers no religious beliefs in all four clips.
All four clips follow the same group of characters, there are four girls and four boys.
Amongst the four, there is one black male character and one black female character.
Apart from these characters, there is no other differentiation of race or representation
of various races in these videos.
There is no discussion of homosexuality, all relationships focus on heterosexual
The clip alternates between a group of girls and a group of boys who are also
discussing how they have been sexually active. The feelings and viewpoints of both
girls and boys are represented equally in all four clips. Each topic area, for example
contraception, is discussed by the girls and by the boys. However they do not seem to
mix and talk about sex together where both genders are present apart from clip three,
where two of the characters actually have sex. It covers what boys may expect from
sex and how this might differ from what girls expect.
This resource does not fully reinforce equality in terms of beliefs and sexuality, so it
may be not representative to be used in classrooms today. However it is relatable to
students as it not only addresses important issues such as contraception, pregnancy
and STI’s, but it also looks at peer pressure and making the right decision about sex.
This is beneficial as students might feel more secure after watching these clips. A
range of issues are discussed, however clips are quite short. To improve the videos,
longer episodes could be produced to go into more detail about certain issues, as the
videos only briefly touch on key issues and do not really go into much detail.
ICT Resources
Two ICT resources were reviewed:
1) Formative assessment in PSHE: Sex, drugs alcohol and tobacco
1) Formative assessment in PSHE: Sex, drugs alcohol and
Last accessed on 27/10/2013
This ICT resource is entirely assessment focused and contains no factual content. The
website provides a series of multiple choice and ‘drag and drop’ format quizzes to
assess the knowledge of all pupils on sex education. After the class has completed the
quizzes, it will automatically mark and collate results to provide the teacher with
immediate analysis. These features enable the teacher to make a formative assessment
of pupils’ prior knowledge before the topic is discussed. It also can be used to assess
their learning after the topic is taught, to enable further modification of lesson plans to
address any confusion or misunderstandings.
The contraception identification quiz uses real life pictures of different forms of
contraception. Some of the questions are repeated for reinforcement of understanding.
It has increasingly more advanced tests which can be used for differentiation in the
classroom and it is possible to select which students to send assignments to. It gives
formative student feedback for each question. The tests are auto marked and give the
teacher analytical feedback. Detailed teachers’ notes are provided to help teachers
cover the various issues.
The website contains no factual content and can only be used for assessment
purposes. The correct answers are not given as you go along.
How does it reinforce equality in terms of beliefs, race, sexuality,
This resource is very poor in this context:
It does not address different beliefs.
It does not address different races. In the “contraception: identification” quiz two
photos of Caucasian women were used.
It addresses sexuality in a very limited way: there are a few questions asking about the
legal age of consent for heterosexual and homosexual sex in England, Scotland and
Wales and in Northern Ireland.
Gender is addressed in a very limited way: there are a few questions which are
specifically for males and females. For example: What is the age of consent for
females? How a boy can protect himself against STIs? The tests are not separated for
boys and girls to take individually.
This user-friendly website contains extensive, accurate coverage across sex education
issues. There is lots of information, so it can be used over several lessons. The main
segments should be covered, with the additional section of “Dear Doctor” to be used
as extension work for those who want the answers to more practical questions
regarding sex and relationships. Quizzes can be used to assess pupils’ learning.
The website is easy to access, is in an interactive funky format, contains animation
and uses slang to help engage with its intended audience. It gives clear information on
help-lines and clinics for pupils with further questions. It tackles unfamiliar taboo
issues and myths not normally spoken about. To assess children’s learning “Quiz
Mania” provides a certificate once 16-20 questions are answered correctly.
There are no photographs, just illustrations which are sometimes simplistic e.g. the
male and female genitals show no hair; the clitoris is not shown (although it is
described where it is in another section). In one of the questions in the quiz, it
assumes the person taking the quiz is female. Occasionally, the advice is questionable:
“if you wouldn’t put it in your mouth, don’t put it in your vagina!”
How does it reinforce equality in terms of beliefs, race, sexuality,
This resource is very good in this context:
The website highlights physical differences e.g. Circumcision for religious or health
reasons. Religions who do not believe in contraception may not like that the website
does not have a huge focus on abstinence. Therefore at religious schools the teacher
would have to reinforce to the children the school’s policy on religious beliefs.
Illustrations of boys and girls with different skin and hair colours are used to address
racial diversity. However, the ‘girl’s bits’ and ‘boy’s bits’ section feature illustrations
which are pink in colouration.
There is a dedicated section on sexuality which is addressed in a sensitive way. It is
pretty brief, but has a gay and lesbian switchboard number attached for further help
and support. The website explains that both boys and girls have sexual feelings.
Homosexuality is addressed further in the ‘Dear Doctor’ section.
Most sections address both genders, although some parts are split by gender such as
girls and boys ‘bits’. There are highlighted sections for only girls to read: “Girls …
you need to know about smear tests.” The website occasionally addresses answers for
each gender separately e,g. sex for the ‘first time’. When answering a question from a
boy about getting a date, equality is highlighted: “Traditionally, girls used to wait for
the lads to make the first move, but these days equality rules, so be ready to say 'yes'
if she asks first (usually via her best mate)!”
Formative assessment in PSHE is an excellent resource for the teacher for
Assessment for Learning, which can be used both prior to and after teaching sex
education, but it is limited in scope as it can only to be used in this respect. It does not
cover all the issues in sex education and cannot be used to address any equality issues. is an excellent resource for children to use independently. All of the
issues in sex education are addressed and it has been designed to tackle myths and
incorporate equality issues. The quiz function allows students to test their knowledge
although it does not give the teacher any indication of specifically what they do and
don’t know. This resource does not get the children to discuss amongst themselves
about sex, so it should be used in conjunction with other lessons and resources.
Both are free resources available online, are available anytime on the web and are
easy to administer. Consequently students can use the resources in their own time,
outside of lessons which can help to get over their embarrassment in front of their
peers. The two resources would be used best in combination with each other as they
are complimentary in their uses. However, it is important to note that some of the
questions in the Formative Assessment quizzes are quite advanced and will not have
been covered fully by the Likeitis website.
Practical/Model Resources
Models, condom usage pages and topics for discussion were considered:
Models: Bananas and/or poles and condoms.
Condom usage advice pages:
NHS page about condoms
Last accessed on 15/01/2013
Pope asks Catholics about divorce, contraception, gay marriage, Jeff Kunerth,,0,
Last accessed on 4/11/2013
The practical that people tend to recall from secondary sex education involves rolling
a condom onto a banana, or a pole, or some other object that resembles an erect penis.
The factors that pupils are expected to familiarise themselves with are: safely
unpacking a condom, coming into contact with the spermicide, learning to pinch the
teat of the condom closed and then rolling it onto an object that is physically similar
to an erect penis with the spermicide on the inside (penis side), experiencing the
fragility and elasticity of a condom, discussion and learning how to take off the
condom and dispose of it appropriately.
This is a classic demonstration and it is unlikely to cause anxiety about sex. It tends to
be memorable and the learning outcomes can be made clear and misconceptions will
usually be simple to clear up. The demonstration can include different shapes and
sizes of condoms to highlight their availability. It is useful for male homosexuals and
heterosexual couples. The object used to represent the penis can potentially be
different colours to ensure racial equality. Participation in the activity is open to males
and females. This is an opportunity to stimulate positive discussion that will lead
pupils towards having a better understanding about sex.
A lack of sensitivity may stimulate resentment in terms of differing religious views
and beliefs. The key learning may not be clear in an environment where different
beliefs become the dominant theme of discussion. Female homosexuals may feel
discouraged from taking part. If the object used to replicate a penis is clearly intended
to look like it relates to a particular racial group then some pupils may feel excluded.
There is the potential to miss any worthwhile social aspects that are associated with a
successful sexual relationship.
It does not necessarily relate well across religious boundaries. In a newspaper article
entitled Pope asks Catholics about divorce, contraception, gay marriage (see
Appendix 2) there appears to be some interest in the public opinion regarding these
issues, but currently contraception does not fare well with Catholicism. It is applicable
for homosexuals although the purpose of sperm for reproduction is lost.
How does it reinforce equality in terms of beliefs, race, sexuality,
Sensitivity towards differing beliefs amongst people should be taken into account.
However, the demonstration itself has some measure of validity, regardless of the
beliefs of the individual, and may help to provide an informed basis for intelligent
discussion to any individual.
There is no exclusivity in terms of race with this demonstration. Any discussion may
promote awareness of racial issues and the teacher can guide these discussions to
meet any practical considerations that are raised.
The question of the suitability of condoms and whether some types are better than
others for male homosexuals may be raised. The demonstration itself does nothing to
either include or exclude various sexual preferences and it is left to the professional
judgement of the teacher to choose how to discuss these factors.
Both males and females may benefit from the demonstration. Who is going to put the
condom on the man’s penis is a subjective social element that pupils should be made
comfortable to discuss.
Learning how to put a condom on by doing it is undoubtedly worthwhile for anyone
who intends to take such precautions. The demonstration is a simple and easy to
grasp. There are certainly considerations that may help to promote positive learning
patterns by the learners, most of which are attainable to the teacher through
maintaining a sensitive, intelligent and informed approach.
A practical demonstration by the teacher can be made more effective if the pupils are
each given the chance to try it out for themselves. A bunch of bananas will allow for
the activity to be quick and effective.
The practical should be followed by a Q&A activity which can be based around
structuring the contents of the NHS page about condoms into a series of questions:
Models and practical work can be memorable and enjoyable. The physical presence of
models can stimulate our senses and they offer an additional teaching resource to 2D
visual aids and written word.
Worksheets as a resource are used widely in many subjects, especially in science.
They allow for a focus on a specific topic or issue and can be used as a source of
information, a way of assessment or as an activity during the lesson. There are many
worksheets available for any given topic within sex education in science, such as the
menstrual cycle, puberty and reproduction (see appendix). However, due to the
abundance of worksheets available it becomes difficult to select the one that is most
appropriate for the aims of your lesson. Our criteria for this portfolio focuses on ethics
and equality (see appendix), which meant finding a resource to fit these criteria, was a
little more challenging.
The worksheet that I have chosen to review is:
Respect in Relationships, Right to Life Charitable Trust
Last accessed on 22/10/2013
This resource was produced by the Right to Life Charitable Trust and explores issues
such as: when is the right time to have sex, before or after the legal age; pregnancy;
birth control; sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and touches upon sex in
Christianity. The worksheet comprises of five activities each with its own explanation
and details about the specific topic being addressed. For example, the first section of
the worksheet is about sex at a young age and the age of consent. Before the activity
is given the student is presented with the facts of the age of consent in Britain and in
other countries. The activity then follows and asks students to work in pairs or small
groups and discuss whether they think this is the right age for consensual sex? It then
poses a moral question about a teacher starting a relationship with a sixth former, who
is above the legal age of 16? The worksheet wants students to think about the
emotional and physical consequences of sex.
This is a well presented worksheet, containing a lot of information for students to
discuss before attempting the activities. The activities are varied and involve a range
of skills, such as discussion, internet searching and using them to find specific
information. It introduces students to a range of topics within sex education. It
provides numerous links to websites that contains more information on specific topics
that are not included within the worksheet, such as homosexuality.
As this worksheet comes from the Right to Life Charitable Trust the views within it
are very biased. Statements such as “Both types of contraceptive pill can be said to
keep the body in a permanently morbid unnatural state” and “All other methods of socalled contraception will sometime cause early absorption depending on how
accurately they are used” in regards to birth control are very misleading and can cause
some confusion as to the function of contraception. The worksheet present facts
which are in line with a more Christian moral view, with one of the activities asking
students to calculate the percentage of unwanted pregnancies that would occur in their
class, even with the use of birth control. It states “The only way to avoid pregnancy is
to abstain from sex.” Again this is a very biased view and would not be appropriate if
you wanted to teach sex education in a value-neutral way. The entire worksheet seems
to presents birth control methods as being unreliable, with only having damaging
effects on a person’s body. The way in which the information is presented is, in my
opinion, telling young people not to have sex as they are not emotionally ready for it.
If you do chose to have sex in your teens then there is a high probability that you will
catch an STI and/or get pregnant as a result of your method of birth control not
working affectively. By describing some forms on birth control as those that stop
implantation of the embryo and so causes an early abortion, can cause guilt within
some people, who may then decide not to use contraception at all.
The creators of the worksheet seem to be more concerned with giving students a
negative view of the topic discussed and imposing their views on the reader, instead
of giving both the positive and negatives for each argument, then allowing the reader
to make an informed decision. The ‘facts’ given throughout this worksheet are also
questionable, for example “You will be at no risk of pregnancy or catching a STI if
you do not have sex. Neither will you catch a STI if you only have sex with one
mutually uninfected partner for life who only ever has had sex with you.”
Although this worksheets provides students with extra website links in order to find
out more information, there where however a few broken links given, which did not
direct the students to the correct web pages.
How does it reinforce equality in terms of beliefs, race, sexuality,
As this worksheet was produced by the Right to Life Charitable Trust, it is very
biased towards strong Christian beliefs. Within the worksheet there is a section
headed ‘Christian attitudes to sex’ in which quotes from the bible are given such as
“even to look at another person with lust was to commit adultery and was wrong”,
again this evokes guilt and very strong views which may be uncomfortable for some
to read. It does not reference any other religions or beliefs.
There are many pictures within the worksheet that only contain Caucasian models.
There are no other races represented in any of the pictures.
There is no mention of sexuality, the enjoyment of sex or even homosexuality. There
is a hyperlink given to another website that has numerous links to information on
sexuality and homosexuality.
The tone of the worksheet is very much geared towards female students, although
there is reference to boys in the pressure to conform activity and in some of the
introductions; the information given is more relevant for girls. This is especially seen
in the birth control and STI sections of the worksheet. Detailed information is only
given about female birth control, such as the pill and the coil, with reference to the
affects these have on the female body. There is little information given on male birth
control, although condoms are mentioned, no further information on how they work
or how they should be used is provided. Again in the STI section there is only
reference to the affects these have on the female body.
The photographs show more girls than boys. Each boy is also coupled with a girl.
This seems to suggest that only heterosexual relationships are valid.
In conclusion I think the format of the worksheet, if it contained correct and unbiased
information would be very effective within a classroom. It would be a complete ‘go
to’ worksheet that contains both the relevant material and extensions activities that
allow further discussion of the material presented.
When using this worksheet in the classroom, it has to be made clear to the students,
who produced the resource, with an explanation as to their views and the aims of their
Appendix 1
Email exchanges between contributors
The following pages contain the email thread detailing the dates of the meetings that
the group had and also contains brief summaries of the meetings.
From: West, Camilla
Sent: 27 November 2013 07:23
To: Begum, Asma; Birkinshaw, Celyn; Shrestha Kanu, Sapna; West, Camilla; Abraham, Ambili
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Dear all
Can you please scan/ photo and paste into a word document pictures of your
resources. Can you please give a title of the resource and when you accessed it. You
can add further anotatations and descriptions of the resource if you wish.
I need this by Friday as I will compile the final document this weekend for hand in on
Camilla West
Sent from Samsung Mobile
-------- Original message -------From: "Begum, Asma" <>
Date: 25/11/2013 17:24 (GMT+00:00)
To: "Birkinshaw, Celyn" <>,"Shrestha Kanu, Sapna"
<>,"West, Camilla"
<>,"Abraham, Ambili" <>
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
I have also attached mine.
From: Birkinshaw, Celyn
Sent: 25 November 2013 00:35
To: Shrestha Kanu, Sapna; West, Camilla; Abraham, Ambili; Begum, Asma
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Hi all,
I have attached my section.
Best regards,
From: Shrestha Kanu, Sapna
Sent: 22 November 2013 16:25
To: West, Camilla; Abraham, Ambili; Begum, Asma
Cc: Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Hi Everyone,
Please see a copy of my final draft.
From: Shrestha Kanu, Sapna
Sent: 18 November 2013 18:50
To: West, Camilla; Abraham, Ambili; Begum, Asma
Cc: Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Hi All,
In our meeting today at lunchtime, the following points were discussed:
1. Formatting: Please could everyone use the font Times New Roman, in size 18
for the title, size 14 for the subheading and size 12 for the main body of text,
with the headings and subheadings all in bold.
2. Could everyone please send their final draft to Camilla by latest Friday 22nd
November, so that she is able to put it all together and write an introduction.
Please make sure you attach your pages for the appendix.
3. Introduction: Please send Camilla any specific ideas you may have for the
contents of the introduction. Please also send your conclusion on
the effectiveness of your resource.
4. Next meeting: We should meet up next Monday to discuss any final points.
Let me know what time is best for everyone. I suggest lunchtime?
Thanks everyone. I hope you all have a lovely week in school. See you all next
From: West, Camilla
Sent: 01 November 2013 13:07
To: Abraham, Ambili; Shrestha Kanu, Sapna; Begum, Asma
Cc: Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
As promised here is a copy of my draft which you can use for formatting.
From: Abraham, Ambili
Sent: 27 October 2013 21:59
To: Shrestha Kanu, Sapna; Begum, Asma; West, Camilla
Cc: Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Hey guys....
I am free to meet tomorrow lunch time.
See you all tomorrow
From: Shrestha Kanu, Sapna
Sent: 27 October 2013 21:06:50
To: Begum, Asma; West, Camilla
Cc: Abraham, Ambili; Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Lunchtime is good for me too.
See you all tomorrow.
From: Begum, Asma
Sent: 27 October 2013 15:01
To: West, Camilla
Cc: Abraham, Ambili; Shrestha Kanu, Sapna; Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: RE: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Hi everyone,
Lunch time sounds good to me. Is that okay with everyone else?
From: West, Camilla
Sent: 27 October 2013 07:44
To: Abraham, Ambili; Begum, Asma; Shrestha Kanu, Sapna; Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: Meetup for the Resources Portfolio
Hello there
It appears that we have not finalised a time for our meeting on Monday. I now have
my tutorial on Monday at 4.30pm as I am doing the shell primary science day the
following Monday.
So an we either meet at lunchtime tomorrow or after the sessions on Tuesday?
Kind regards
From: West, Camilla
Sent: 21 October 2013 17:33
To: Abraham, Ambili; Begum, Asma; Shrestha Kanu, Sapna; Birkinshaw, Celyn
Subject: Resources Portfolio
Dear Group "B" Aardvarks
Following our group discussions we have all agreed to do Sex Education as our
Resources Portfolio.
On the 15th November, it was agreed that following people have been allocated the
following resources to focus on in order to write their section of the review:
Ambili - Textbooks
Asma - Videos: used by teacher
Sapna - Worksheets
Camilla- ICT (used by pupils)
Cellyn - Practicals/Models
Please correct me if I have got any of the details above wrong.
Following our meeting on 21st November, I was elected as the group leader.
At the meeting we agreed upon the main criteria on which to base our
Do these resources reenforce equality?
By which we will evaluate the following equalities:
> Beliefs
> Race
> Sexuality (homosexual and heterosexual)
> Gender
This criteria is in addition to the other questions that we should address in our
critical review, as set out in the PGCE handbook.
We have agreed to next meet on Monday 28th October to discuss the resources that
we have found, examined and intend to review.
We now have following week to go to our schools, go to various websites and
sources such as the Family Planning Association to find out what resources there are
and select ones which we intend to use for our portfolio review.
I look forward to discussing our findings at the next meeting on 28th October.
Kind regards
Camilla West
Appendix 2
Textbook Resource Details
Let’s talk about sex
by Robbie H. Harris, illustrated by Michael Emberley
Introduction: Lots of questions
 Changing bodies, growing up, sex and sexual health
Part 1: What is sex?
1. Girl or boy, female or male
Sex and gender
2. Making babies
Sexual reproduction
3. Strong feelings
Sexual desires
4. Making love
Sexual intercourse
5. Straight and gay
Heterosexuality and homosexuality
Part 2: Our bodies
6. The human body
All kinds of bodies
7. Outside and inside
The female sex organs
8. Outside and inside
The male sex organs
9. Words
Talking about bodies and sex
Part 3: Puberty
10. Changes and messages
Puberty and hormones
11. The travels of the egg
Female puberty
12. The travels of the sperm
Male puberty
13. Not all at once
Growing and changing bodies
14. More changes
Taking care of your body
15. Back and forth, up and down
New and changing feelings
16. Perfectly normal
Part 4: Families and babies
17. All sorts of families
Caring for babies and children
18. Instructions from mum and dad
The cell: genes and chromosomes
19. A kind of sharing
Cuddling, kissing, touching and sexual intercourse
20. Before birth
21. What a trip!
22. Other arrivals
More ways to have a baby and family
Part 5: Decisions
23. Planning ahead
Postponement, abstinence and contraception
24. Laws and rulings
Part 6: staying healthy
25. Talk about it
Sexual abuse
26. Check-up
Sexually transmitted diseases
27. Scientists working day and night
28. Staying healthy
Responsible choices
How sex works
by Elizabeth Fenwick and Richard Walker
Understanding your body
 Becoming a woman
 A girl at puberty
 The female body
 The menstrual cycle
 Your periods
 Becoming a man
 A boy at puberty
 Male reproductive system
 Your body’s sensuality
Relationships and emotions
 Your changing feelings
 You and your friends
 Your social life
 Looking at others
 Starting a relationship
 Your sexual preference
 Emotional decisions
What happens during sex
 Sexual intercourse
 The first time
 Enjoying sex
 Dealing with difficulties
 Choosing contraceptives
 Types of contraceptives
 Hormonal methods
 Condoms
 Barrier methods
 Other methods
Pregnancy and being a parent
 How pregnancy starts
 Childbirth
Unplanned pregnancy
Sex and health
 Looking after your body
 Infections
 HIV and AIDS
Problem areas
 Sex and the law
 Child sexual abuse
 Sexual harassment
 Indecent assault
Useful addresses
Appendix 3
Video Resource Details
1. BBC Teenagers and Sex
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Data accessed for all : 09/11/2013
Appendix 4
ICT Resource Details
Formative assessment in PSHE: Sex, drugs alcohol and
Last accessed on 27/10/2013
The sections that the assessments address are:
Contraception: split into 3 different sections:
General Knowledge
The effects
Sex and the Law
Sexually Transmitted Infections split into 2 sections
The teachers notes contain hypothetical situations relating to sex and relationships
which can be used for whole class discussion as a plenary.
Teenage pregnancy
Help and Advice
Peer pressure
Emergency contraception
Interactive Locker Room - separating rumours from the facts.
Dear Doctor – discussing different issues and scenarios.
E-greeting cards