Class of 2006 Orientation - Princeton Township High School

Welcome Class of 2011
Who Are These Teens?
Iraq has always been a problem.
They have only known two presidents.
They are wireless, yet always connected.
They don’t remember when “cut and paste” involved scissors.
Computers have always fit in their backpack.
Stores have always had scanners at the checkout.
Pay-Per-View television has always been an option.
“Texting” is their email.
Starbucks has always been just around the corner.
They have always “dissed” what they don’t like.
Disneyland has always been in Europe and Asia.
They have always preferred to go out in groups as opposed to
Madden has always been a game, not a Super Bowl winning
Source: Beloit College Class of 2010 Mindset List
The Plugged-In Generation
Technology is like a knife and fork to teens…
 Cell phones - 49% have one, not just used for
talking, but delivering content
Computers - 96% have regular access - use the
Web, blogging, IM
iPod - 29% of MP3 players owners
have participated in a podcast
 Multitasking - Students today spend 1/4 of their
time multi-tasking up 10 percent in the last five years.
2006 Stamats
Key Demographic Realities
“Generation M” - Millennials, Multitaskers, Media!!!
By 2010, four states: California, Florida, New York.
and Texas will contain one-third of the nation’s youth.
Students of color will represent 80% of the increase
in college-aged students between 1995 and 2015.
Over the next 20 years, 15-20 million people who live
in the North will move to the South.
Nearly 80% of this population currently live in homes
with Internet access.
57% of today’s college freshmen are women.
50% of today’s students begin their education at twoinstitutions.
2006 Stamats
P.H.S. Mission Statement
The mission of Princeton High School
District 500 is to provide all students with
opportunities and guidance to acquire the
academic, technological, and life skills
essential for responsible citizenship and to
realize that learning is a life-long process in
which they are expected to take responsibility.
The programs to accomplish these goals will
be provided in a safe environment that
recognizes diversity and assures equitable
treatment for all.
“ The Three Guarantees ”
Registration Timetable and Procedures
Monday, January 29
 Parent Presentation - 6:30 - 7:15 - Aud.
Student Tours - 6:30 - meet in the South Gym
Thursday - February 8
Registration Meeting - A-L - 3:30 - 4:30
Registration Meeting - M-Z - 5:00 - 6:00
Bring your course selection sheet and a pencil to this meeting
Monday - February 12
Make-up Registration Meeting - 4:00 - 5:00
Bring your course selection sheet and a pencil to this meeting.
PHS Fast Facts
Approximately 644
students attend PHS
The Class of 2011 has
166 students.
The Class of 2010
median GPA is 3.44 on
a 4.000 scale.
The Class of 2010 had
77 members earn
Regular Honor Roll or
High Roll term 2.
43 teachers
2 guidance counselors
Five staff members will
retire at the end of this
The P.H.S web page
address is:
4 Block Basics
85 minute class periods
 4 classes each day
 10 minute passing periods
 8:00 a.m. - 2:45 p.m.
 Closed campus
 4 terms in a school year
 9 weeks = 1 term = 1/2 credit
 18 weeks = 2 terms = 1 credit
PHS Graduation Requirements
3 credits of English
3 credits of math
2 credits of science
3 credits of social
(1) Geography or
World History
(1) American History
(1/2) American
(1/2) Consumer
2 credits of foreign
language, fine art or
technical education
1/2 credit of computer
1/2 credit of health
1/2 credit of speech
4 credits of P.E.
9 elective credits
27 1/2 total credits
Service Learning Requirement
24 hours of community based service
16 hours must come from the community
8 of the 24 hours can be related to school
group/organization projects
All hours must be completed by the 3rd term
of the senior year.
Ms. Schmidt, Service Learning Coordinator
assists students with finding projects.
Alternative Written
Research Project
The Illinois Board of Higher Education College
Admission Requirements
4 credits of English
3 credits of math in
Algebra I, Geometry,
and Algebra II
3 credits of lab
science - Earth
Science, Biology,
BSA, and Chemistry
3 credits of social
2 credits of foreign
language, fine art or
technical education*
15 credits additional course
work in math,
science, and
computer science
Freshman Course
Students register for 8 credits including:
 1 credit in English, math, science, and
 1/2 credit in social studies and computer
 3 additional credits and 1 alternate credit
Factors in Selection Considerations
 8th grade teacher recommendations
 Recent standardized test score results
 Student’s level of personal interest
Non-factors in Selection
 Is my friend taking the same course?
 Is the class too easy for me?
 Is the class too difficult for me?
The Freshman English Requirement
• Essentials in Literature
• Themes in Literature
• Each course is two terms and is
worth one credit. Students will take
one course as a freshman and the
other course as a sophomore.
English continued
Language Arts is a one term English
elective course designed to prepare
students for a regular high school
English course.
Enrollment in Language Arts is based
on 8th grade teacher recommendation.
This course does not fulfill the English
graduation requirement.
Math Curriculum
Pre-Algebra and Algebra I Part 1 (2)
Algebra I Part I and Algebra I Part 2 (2)
Algebra I
Geometry with Basic
Each math class is worth 1 credit
Science Curriculum
Applied Science I (Freshmen may also
enroll in Applied Science II)
 Earth Science - (lab science)
 Biology - (lab science)
 All science courses are 2 terms
and are worth 1 credit
 Lab sciences are college prep courses
Social Studies Curriculum
World History - Socrates to Napoleon
World History - Napoleon to the World
Introduction to World Geography
Regional Geography
Students should complete 2 of these 4
courses during 9th and 10th grade
Each class is 1 term and worth 1/2
Keyboarding and Computer Literacy
Keyboarding and Computer Literacy
1 term class worth 1/2 credit that is
required during the freshman year.
Proficiency test at PHS
Wednesday, March 21
at 3:15. Call Guidance
to register.
Art Curriculum
Art 101
Commercial Art I
Fine Art I
All art classes are 2 terms and are
worth 1 credit.
Students must successfully complete
Art 101 before taking an additional art
Foreign Language Available to Freshmen
Foreign Language Choices
Spanish I
Spanish II
German I
German II
Business Curriculum
Business and Technology Concepts
2 term class that is worth 1 credit
Technical and Agriculture Curriculum
Introduction to Technology (1)
 Introduction of Agriculture
Industries (1)
 Conservation (1/2)
Family and Consumer Science
Introduction to Family and Consumer Science
- 2 terms - 1 credit
Personal Effectiveness - 1 term - 1/2 credit.
Foods and Nutrition I - 1 term - 1/2 credit
Child Development - 1 term - 1/2 credit
Parenting - 1 term - 1/2 credit
Music Curriculum
 Band
- 1 credit
 Beginning Band - 1 credit
 Chamber Choir - 1 credit
Music Continued
Voice Class
 Music Survey
Music History in Western Cultures
 Foundations of Music Theory
 Piano Keyboard Skills I
 Piano Keyboard Skills II
 Jazz Improvisation
All of these music courses are worth 1/2
Physical Education
Physical Education - 2 term class worth 1
credit - P.E. does not have to be taken in
consecutive terms and is required by the
State of Illinois for graduation. A uniform is
required. The Logan Junior High P.E. uniform
can be worn next year.
Athletic Physical Education - Students
selected for Athletic Physical Education must
participate in a team sport during the school
Driver Education
Driver Education - Students enrolling in this
class must reach the age of 15 on or before
September 1, 2007.
Additional fees are charged.
Driver Education is a no credit course.
Students taking Driver Education will register
for a total of 7 1/2 credits.
Special Needs and 504 Services
Mrs. Diane Smith is the Special Needs
Coordinator and 504 Coordinator at Princeton
High School. Mrs. Smith will conduct
freshmen interviews with incoming IEP
Reminder: 504 Plans that are currently in
place do not carry over to PHS. Parents must
initiate a new 504 Plan once the student has
enrolled at PHS. Parents may contact Mrs.
Smith after August 15, 2007.
Tentative 2007-2008 Calendar
Monday, August 6
Fall Sports Meeting
Wed., August 8 1st
day of practice for
football, golf, soccer
and girls tennis.
Monday, August 13
1st day of practice
for other fall sports
Friday, August 17 Blue/White Night
Wed., August 22
Registration and
Monday, August 27
1st day of
To schedule an individual registration
Elena Hilmes at 875-3308 ext 229
 For general registration questions:
Mr. Church (A-L) at 875-3308 ext. 231
Mrs. Dullard (M-Z)at 875-3308 ext. 227
Thank you for attending!