Integrating Chemical Information Instruction into the Community College Chemistry Curriculum SOUNDS DULL! Chicago-2007 BOB LANDOLT TEXAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY ONLINE ACCESS IS THE ANSWER BUT WHAT ARE THE QUESTIONS? Chicago-2007 BOB LANDOLT TEXAS WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY QUESTIONS ARISE BECAUSE: • COMMUNITY COLLEGES ARE PUIs (Primarily Undergraduate Institutions) • RESEARCH INCREASINGLY IS IMPORTANT • TRANSFERABILITY CRUCIAL • MULTIPLE CAREER PATHS SERVED • PURPOSE(S) OF SCIENCE EDUCATION PURPOSE(S) OF SCIENCE EDUCATION (Faculty View of Student): Students’ View of Their Situation: 1944 Cartoon, From Morrison and Boyd, 6th Ed. 1992, p. 474-(Note Bump on Donald’s Head) Heart-Cut Question: HOW to “Distinguish Sense from Nonsense?” David Saxon, 1983, President, U. California, “Educating students for life in a technological society is enormously difficult ...ability to distinguish sense from nonsense is an indispensable aspect….” "The Place of Science and Technology in the Liberal Arts Curriculum" David S. Saxon Leonardo, Vol. 16, No. 4 (Autumn, 1983), pp. 316-319 “Education is entirely an inner condition… unlike training, … not really "about" the world outside of the person. It must include--the ability to distinguish sense from nonsense, …not only in others, but in the self.” “The Panamanian Panda Paradigm,” ‘INFORMATICS’ Challenges for PUI Chemistry Generally SOARING COSTS! FEW SCIENCE LIBRARIANS! ELECTRONIC SEARCHING REQUIRES SPECIAL EXPERTISE (?) ACS 2-Year Program Guidelines (S57): “Because of the increasing volume and complexity of chemical literature, students are no longer able to acquire skills in information retrieval without some formal instruction.” Skills (e.g., using Chemical Abstracts, other compilations): integrating them into courses through library exercises and/or research papers online interactive computer file experiences. Accomplished by: cooperative library arrangements and electronic access. ABOUT TRANSFERABILITY? •ACS Library Guidelines (4 Year Schools) •\cpt\library.html • CA full abstracts access required! • CA online? Students must have good, timely access. • Minimum of 14 current journals subscriptions • Online journals acceptable if full material routinely is accessible to students. • Computer access by students must not be unduly limited by cost or impractical access times. NEEDS OF MULTIPLE CAREER PATHS? • CHEMISTRY FOR SCIENCE MAJORS • NURSING AND OTHER HEALTH SPECIALTIES • ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE/SAFETY ORIENTATION • LIBERAL ARTS/ NON-SCIENCE MAJORS From “Today’s Chemist At Work,” ACS Publications, Feb. 2003, p80 RESEARCH? • Community Colleges Tackle Research, C&E NEWS, October 16, 2006, • Community College Led Advances in Undergraduate Education, Tom Higgins,, Harold Washington College, • Summer ‘URP’/ ‘RUI’/ ‘SURFing’ RESOURCES HUGE AND GROWING! Date Wed Jul 19 13:09:04 EDT 2006 28,885,178 organic and inorganic Count substances 57,673,004 sequences, CAS RN 894495-18-2 is the most recent CAS Registry Number ~8 MONTHS LATER Date Fri., Mar. 16 19:22:37 EDT 2007 31,095,401 organic and inorganic Count substances ~2 million more 58,703,712 sequences ~1 million CAS RN 927021-36-1, the most recent CAS Registry Number as of above date UCAIR (a) UNDERGRADUATE COOPERATIVE ACCESS To INFORMATION RESOURCES (a) WONDERFUL TIME FOR PUIs! SIZE AND LOCATION NEUTRALIZED AS LIMITING FACTORS: THE INTERNET RESOURCES ARE ONLINE CONSORTIA UCAIR OBJECTIVES Provide FACULTY with fundamental sophistication in Chemical Informatics. Teach STUDENTS to determine if information exists, how to retrieve it and assess its quality. Enable DECISION-MAKERS to see how institutional resources may be used efficiently. UCAIR IN A NUTSHELL! (‘E’=ELECTRONIC; PUI= PRIMARILY UNDERGRADUATE INSTITUTIONS) 1993 4 TEXAS PUIs-CHEMICAL INFORMATICS LITERACY 1998 30 TEXAS PUIs- CHEMICAL ABSTRACTS ‘E’ ACCESS 2000 24 U.S PUIs- ACS JOURNALS ‘E’ ACCESS 2003 10 PUIs-ACS JOURNALS ARCHIVES ‘E’ ACCESS 2006- PROTOTYPE WORKSHOP AT COMMUNITY COLLEGE “HCC-Central organic chemistry students seem to be having fun as Dr. Robert Landolt checks out their progress.” Reproduced, with consent from The Egalitarian, the Newspaper of the Houston Community College Central Campus Searching CA Command Language: “Standard Transmission” User Friendly Software: “Automatic Transmission” Web-based STN Easy: (chemistry’s “Google”} “Taking a Taxi” SciFinder Scholar: “Chauffer-Driven Limo” Starting Point! DROP-DOWN MENUS SELECT BY WORD, CAS#, DATE, ETC. WITH ACADEMIC DISCOUNT (10-20%), COST < $5-10 STUDENTS SHOULD INCLUDE COST FACTORS AS PART OF THEIR REPORT! UCAIR ‘ON THE ROAD’ PUIs USING ACS WEB EDITIONS AT 24 SCHOOLS FOR18 MONTHS Journals Use Profile (57,650) JACS Env. Sci. & Tech. J. Phys. Chem. 10.1% 12.2% 14.2% J. Org.C hem. 9.3% 8.7% Analyt. C hem. Biochem . 10.3% 8.0% 2.0% 2.3% 6.3% 2.4% 3.9% 3.1% 3.6%3.6% Inorg. Chem . J. Ag. & Food Chem. Langmuir 14 @ <2% each Chem. R ev. Org. Letters Organom et. Macrom ol. J. Med. Chem . USE IN COURSES Physical Adv. Analytical Biochemistry Adv. Inorganic Analytical (i.e., Quant.) Organic 8.0% 5.8% 9.5% 8.0% 5.8% 8.8% 4.4% 5.8% 8.8% 5.8% 12.4% 5.8% 6.6% 4.4% Adv. Organic Adv. Physical Chemical Lit. Gen. Chem Non-Majors Other (i.e. Adv. Lab) Research Seminar WHAT’S NEXT? • ESTABLISH COLLABORATIONS – Two Year College Chemistry Conferences (Consortium) --2YC3 – Resource Publishers, including ACS Pubs, STN, Merck, CRC, etc. – Undergraduate Library Community • Create Problem-Oriented Exercises – Teaching Chemistry – Open-Ended – Internet Deliverables • On-campus, Regional and/or Online Workshops FAMILIER TO ORGANIC STUDENTS? EFFORT TRADITIONAL VIEW YEAR application skill 1 2 3 4 G. SCHOOL EFFORT UCAIR APPROACH AT PUIs YEAR application skill 1 2 3 Both Steps Earlier and Easier 4 G. SCHOOL Usually the time it takes a system to become outdated is just about the same amount of time it takes me to understand it! EFFORT PROJECTED APPROACH AT COMMUNITY COLLEGES YEAR Not Just Skills 1 2 3 WHAT’S NEEDED? 4 G. SCHOOL NEEDED: A DROMEDARY! THANKS TO WIKIPEDIA FOR BOTH CAMELS! EFFORT PROJECTED APPROACH AT COMMUNITY COLLEGES Skill/Application* lower YEAR 1 2 *Through Problem-Oriented Activities Integrated into Course PROBLEM-ORIENTED “LAB” FOR ENTRY LEVEL COURSES ”FOOD ADDITIVES” • IDENTIFY 10-20 “ADDITIVES” • LOCATE LD50s and Safety/Health Issues Function in product Do ‘pluses’ out weigh ‘minuses?’ • REPORTS INVOLVE 3 COMPONENTS TASK FORCE APPROACH COOPERATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING PLAN OF ATTACK NEEDS TO BE AGREED UPON JOB TO BE BROKEN INTO SUBTASKS CAS#’S MUST BE DETERMINED INDIVIDUALS CHOSEN FOR ROLES CO-LEADERS! REPORT COMPILERS REQUIRED REPORT FORMAT THREE CLEARLY LABELED SECTIONS INTRODUCTION-A PROBLEM STATEMENT EXPERIMENTAL-WHAT WAS DONE RESULTS/ CONCLUSIONS/ EVALUATION (REFERENCES PROPERLY FOOTNOTED!) REPORT MUST BE SIGNED BY EVERY TEAM MEMBER, UNDER STATEMENT: “I have contributed to and read this report” ______________(TYPED NAME) SIGNATURE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACS PUBLICATIONS DIVISION CA/STN INTERNATIONAL THE WELCH FOUNDATION CAMILLE AND HENRI DREYFUS FOUNDATION RESEARCH CORPORATION Your Task Force PROBLEM • PROVIDE A REPORT • SUITABLE FOR THE EPA on the • ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT of • CHLORINATED BENZENES in the • OCEAN ENVIRONMENT