Lecture 5 • Assignment 1 • Polymorphic markers • MusY marker • Polyacrylamide electrophoresis • Article 2 discussion Assignment 1 Would you like the due date for the assignment moved to Oct 27, 2008? The sequence marked with an X is the one that you are to analyze. If you have another sequence file that does not have an X in its name do not analyze for the assignment!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Example sequence GGTAANGGAACTGGAATCCAAACTCTCTGAAGCTGAGAAGGAATTCATCGA AGGAGCACCAACACGTAGCAAACGATCACCATCCGAGTGGATACCAAGGCCACCCGAAAAATACAGTCTTACTGGGCACA GAGCTCCTATCAACAGAGTTATTTTCCATCCGGTCTTTAGTCTTATAGTATCTGCCAGCGAAGATGCCACTATCAAGGTG TGGGACTTCGAGAGCGGCGAATTCGAAAGAACGTTGAAGGGGCACACCGACAGCGTGCAGGACGTTTCCTTCGACGTCTC CGGGAAACTGTTAGTCTCATGCAGTGCGGACATGTCTATTAAGTTATGGGACTTTCACCAGTCATTCGCCTGCGTGAAAA CCATGCACGGACATGATCACAGTGTCAGCTCTGTCGCATTTGTGCCACAAGGGGATTTCGTAGTGAGCGCCTCTAGGGAT AAGACCATCAAAATATGGGAAGTAGCGACAGGGTATTGTGTCAAAACGTTAACGGGGCACAGAGAATGGGTACGGATGGC CAGAGTCAGTCCTTGTGGAGAATTAATAGCTAGTTGCTCGAACGATCAAACAGTACGGGTTTGGCACGTGGCAACAAAGG AAACGAAGGTCGAACTCAGAGACCACGAACACGTAGTGGAGTGTATCGCATGGGCACCGGACAGTGCAAGAGCATCGATC AACGCTGCTGCAGGGGCGGACAATAAGGGAGCCCATGAAGGACCTTTCCTCGCATCTGGCTCGCGAGACAAAGTAATTCG TGTATGGGATGTCGGTGCCGGTGTTTGTCTCTTCGCCCTATTGGGCCACGACAACTGGGTTCGCGGCATCGTCTTCCATC CTGGTGGCAAGTTCATCGTCAGTGNCTCTGACGACAAGANCCTGCGAGTATNGGANACGCGCAACANANGGGTAATGAAA ACCCTCNAAGCGCACGTCCACTTCTGCNCCTCCNTTGATTTCACAAAAGCCATCCTTACGTGGTCNCCGGTAGTG Step into liquid Taken from Vallee et al., 2001 Taken from Tarricone et al., Neuron 2004 Mouse Murder Mystery 5 Greta’s last case DNA isolation • Why can we isolate ancient DNA but not RNA? • What should a good DNA isolation protocol do? • What will the agarose gel in experiment 2 tell us? Isolation of Genomic DNA using Commercial DNAzol DNAzol 100% Ethanol 75% Ethanol Homogenize Precipitate Wash X2 dH2O DNA You will be assigned primer pairs individually for Experiment 2 These are your primers no help may be given to you by your group mates. Look up your assigned primer pair before arriving in the lab! You are expected to have worked out the master mix before you arrive. The TA will check for this. The assigned primer pairs are posted on the web. What do the primers detect? • 3G5, 5G4, and 6G2 detect autosomal DNA polymorphisms. • MusY detects Y chromosome DNA. List of primers for PCR Name Primer Name Primer 3G5 For TGTCCCTGCTCAG AGAA CAGA T 6G2 For TTCTTCACCTGCCT TCTTCCAC 3G5 Rev AAA CACGATAA CAC TGGGGG 6G2 Rev CCCTTTGCTTACCC AAG TTGCT 5G4 For AGTAGGCAGA TAA GGGGTTTCC MusY For TCCTTGGGCTCTTC ATTATT CTTAAC 5G4 Rev TACAGCATCTAGTG AAT GGGGG MusY Rev GAGAAC CACGTTG GTTTGAGAT G What is a DNA polymorphism? How are you going to use DNA polymorphisms in this experiment? Example from previous Year 5G4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 6 7 6G2 1 What do we need to know about the DNA polymorphisms to have an effective analysis? What does it mean when we get a PCR product with MusY primers? Androgen insensitivity syndrome Polyacylamide gel electrophoresis Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis To separate PCR products differing in only a few bp in length (for example, microsatellite markers), 6-10% PA gels are used. Mixture of DNA molecules Step by Step Instructions on how to assemble the polyacrylamide gel apparatus is posted on the course website The TAs will be providing a demonstration in this week’s lab Taken from Morrison and Boyd 3rd ed. So what do we need to spot when looking at the procedure? • What molecule has the double bond. • What produces the free radicals. The reaction Component 30% acrylamide/bis 5X TBE 10% APS temed water total Volume 4ml 3ml 45l 15l 7.9 15ml Questions • • • • What has the double bonds? What is the function of bis acrylamide? What is the source of free radicals? What does temed do? How the gel is made Paper 2 The antiobesity gene Obesity rates and calories available Marion Nestle Scientific American Vol 297 2007 Supermarkets Ground Zero Reagan in the early 1980s deregulated agriculture. Farmers grow more food due to competitive forces. The “shareholder value movement” of early 1980s. Forced food companies to expand sales promoting: Between meals snacking Larger portions Eating in Book and Clothing stores. These were once taboo. Marion Nestle Scientific American Vol 297 2007 Supermarkets Ground Zero On entering a store see something colourful, aromatic and enticing. Aisles and aisle-ends jam-packed with products: impulse buying. Food companies pay supermarkets for prominent positions and large displays. Checkout lines plastered with candy and other junk food items. Marion Nestle Scientific American Vol 297 2007 1,000 calories: 59 sugar cubes Marion Nestle Scientific American Vol 297 2007 Global obesity and global famine Scientific American Vol 297 2007 Mexico’s problem living next to Coca Cola nation Scientific American Vol 297 2007 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7