Lesson plan Name of the teacher:B.BHARATHI Sub: Mathematics Name of the KV: ODF Eddumailaram Topic: Angles Date: 24.04.2013 Class : V Target competencies and Learning outcomes Activities planned Role definition of teacher Role definition of student Resources and aids required -to introduce the students the concept of angles as rotation and naming the angles. Introduces the lesson through rhyme and activities like “Head , shoulder, knees and toes , ears ,eyes, mouth and nose. Recites the poem and introduces . Recaps the previous knowledge about end point, line , a line segment ,a ray etc… Do actions for the rhyme and make different postures. Ppt Geo strips Colour paper Flash cards Work sheets Model of clock -to help children to learn about various angle types and their measurement of angles. *recognize angles in terms of rotation *With the help of paper stripes joined at one end Teacher will rotate and explains the concept of angle as amount of rotation *Classify and describe angles Explains through Origami *relate angles to shapes And Alphabets Learning out come. At the end of the lesson children will be able to – Explains the formation of angles with the help of geo strips Cut outs of alphabets will be used to classify the angles . Power point presentation will be used to explain the types of angles and the measure angles Able to answer the questions on previous knowledge Able to form the angles with the help of geo strips Forms various angles with paper folds and able to name the type angle formed. Able to identify the angles formed in the alphabets. Able to relate angles in the shapes they observed. Values/ correlation Able to identify the angles in the structures they see outside the class room. Page 2 Target competencies and Learning outcomes Activities planned Role definition of teacher Role definition of student Explains the types of angles by rotating the strips as--When the two line segments are perpendicular to each other as in letter ‘L’ a Right angle is formed. The measure of its is 90 degrees. An angle formed as in ‘A’ which is less than right angle and whose measure is less than 90 Is called an acute angle. Help the children to form angles with the given colour papers and faces of the clock. Folds the paper in different ways and reconises the angles formed An angle as in ‘Y ‘ whose measure is more than right angle (90) is called an Obtuse angle. The angles can be measured with a protractor. Resour ces and aids require d protrac tor Describes the protractor and explains how to measure the angle through the ppt Children will measure the angles with the help of protractor. Value s/ corre latio n