ORIENTATION Grants Development Office Grants Development Office Who We Are Grants Development – GDO (“Pre-Award”) is part of the Division of Academic Affairs, Office of Academic Programs o Kathy Meeker, Director o Christine Barberio, Senior Grantswriter Sponsored Programs (“Post-Award”) is part of the Division of Finance & Administration o Denise Straut, Director o Aleksandra Andreic, Sponsored Programs Manager o Melissa Nicosia, Human Resources Manager o Kimala Clark, Purchasing/Travel o Lara Woods, Payroll / Cost Share Grants Development Office GDO’s Mission ″The Grants Development Office assists faculty, staff, and external collaborators, when relevant, with conceptualizing, planning, preparing and submitting proposals for externally funded grants; and promotes academic excellence at the College through facilitation and support of research, creativity, and scholarly activity, including that which engages students.″ Mission Statement, June 1, 2010 Grants Development Office Pre- and Post-Award Services Pre-Award Post-Award (Grants Development Office) (Sponsored Programs) Helps you identify, apply for, and obtain the funding Helps you manage the funding and comply with various policies, both internal and external We collaborate closely. By working with us, you can design a program for external funding that complies with guidelines, avoids conflicts, and provides maximum flexibility. Grants Development Office Institutional Relations It is the policy of the College that all grants and contracts submitted to external sponsors must be cleared through the Grants Development Office (grants and some contracts) and/or Sponsored Programs (contracts), and approved by the College’s Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR). Link to Policy Library: http://policies.oneonta.edu/ Grants Development Office Research Foundation for SUNY Regardless of value, all externally funded awards to SUNY Oneonta for research, training, programs, curriculum development, etc. are fiscally administered by the Research Foundation for SUNY (RF). The RF is a private, nonprofit educational corporation whose primary responsibility is the administration of externally funded contracts and grants for and on behalf of the State University of New York. Grants Development Office Sponsored Program Activity For fiscal year 2013-2014: SUNY Oneonta ranked second (behind Buffalo State College) of the twenty-one SUNY University Colleges and Technology Colleges in sponsored program expenditures. (SUNY Oneonta total = ~$6.5 million in direct and indirect costs.) Source: Research Foundation for SUNY Grants Development Office Proposal Preparation We help to: o o o o o o o o o Brainstorm project ideas Research funding opportunities Strategize approaches for seeking funds Develop and edit proposal narratives Draft proposal budgets Facilitate the support of administration and external partners Ensure compliance with sponsor requirements Work with Sponsored Programs to secure campus approvals for submission Submit applications, electronically or otherwise Grants Development Office Recent Grant-Seeking Activity 32 grant proposals submitted in 2013/14 (requesting a total of ~$4.3 million) 9 grants awarded in 2013/14 (total funding = ~$2.5 million) Current RF grant portfolio includes awards from: NSF, NIH, NASA, US Dept of Education, American Psychological Assoc, Spencer Fdn, NYC DEP, SUNY competitive grant programs, and others Grants Development Office Grant-Seeking Resources Grants Development Office Life of the Mind Celebration of Teaching in all Forms Showcase of Faculty Accomplishment o Research / Scholarly Activity o Performing Arts / Creative Activity o Student Engagement o Service Learning Held in conjunction with the CGHH Lecture in Environmental Education and Communication The GDO organizes and produces the Life of the Mind Grants Development Office Life of the Mind (cont.) The 2013 LOTM featured: 65 presentations o 119 faculty, students and collaborators o Nearly 30 departments and affiliated institutions o The full program with abstracts is available at: http://www.oneonta.edu/academics/lotm/ LIFE OF THE MIND V – November 6, 2014 Grants Development Office The GDO organizes and produces Student Research & Creative Activity Day; the 2014 SRCA Day featured: o o o o 127 projects 191 student co-authors 73 faculty sponsors Keynote Speaker: Chuck Bogosta ‘80 (Executive VP, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; President, International and Commercial Services Division; President, UPMC CancerCenter) For full program including abstracts see http://www.oneonta.edu/advancement/grants/SRD.asp Grants Development Office Faculty Grant Programs Administered by the GDO o Competitively peer-reviewed campus grant programs that fund research ($3,000 max) and creative activity ($2,000 max) projects o Funded from Research Foundation for SUNY indirect cost recovery (and a 3-year StAR award) o Applications due in early spring semester for funding on a fiscal year basis (July 1 to June 30) o 2014 round: 23 awards (17 research, 6 creative activity) totaling ~$56,000 http://www.oneonta.edu/advancement/grants/small.asp Grants Development Office Student Grant Program Administered by the GDO Student Grant Program for Research and Creative Activity o o o o o o $1,500 maximum request per project (+ fellowships) Submitted by student(s) with faculty sponsorship Funded by College at Oneonta Foundation, Alumni Association, and others (~$60,000 in 2013/14) Applications reviewed by Committee on Research; 47 grants totaling ~$77,000 awarded in 2013/14 Recipients present at SRCA Day See www.oneonta.edu/academics/frc/ for guidelines Grants Development Office Other Services o Promotion of faculty and student research and scholarly activity through special projects and initiatives o Outreach (campus and community) o Grant writing workshops/classes o Support to the College’s significant private fund raising efforts o Service on College Committees Grants Development Office We THANK YOU and look forward to working with you!