Vernon Hills High School
Carpet Removal and Replacement Bid Specifications
Scope of Project
Base Bid
A. First Floor Administration Wing and First Floor Classrooms to include: Rooms – 1580,
1590, 1590 A, 1570, 1550, 1530, 1516, 1514, 1514A, 1518, 1515A, 1515, 1510, 1210, 1601,
1601A, 1601C, Ticket Booth
Rooms listed above (Section A): Furniture and equipment will need to be removed and replaced by contractor in order to remove the old and install the new carpet. Shelving file cabinets and desks will include the books on the shelves. If they are removed they will have to be identified and replaced in same rooms in same order. Bid also to include replacing furniture and books per layout. Care will be taken to protect fixtures, pictures, and items not required to be moved or that are permanently affixed.
Remove and discard the existing carpet.
Contractor must field measure the area of carpet that is to be replaced.
Project is to be started on Monday, June 13, 2011 and completed by Friday, July 15,
Replace 4” vinyl cove base with Flexco #2000 TPR Base Delft Pansy.
A.1 First Floor Administration Wing and First Floor Classrooms to include: 1200, 1201, 1203,
1204, 1207, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1110, 1110A, 1110B.
Rooms listed above (Section A.1): Furniture and equipment will be removed and replaced by owner in order to remove the old and install the new carpet.
Remove and discard the existing carpet.
Contractor must field measure the area of carpet that is to be replaced.
Project is to be started on Monday, June 13, 2011 and completed by Friday, July 15,
Replace 4” vinyl cove base with Flexco #2000 TPR Base Delft Pansy.
Alternate Bid #1
First Floor Administration Wing and First Floor Classrooms to include: 1311 , 1311A,
1311B, 1311C, 1311D, 1311E, 1309 including editing suites, Mens Dressing Room,
Women’s Dressing Room, and room 1800. Room 1600 Auditorium entries, vestibules and stairways and Studio Theater room 1305 entries, vestibules and stairways. MIDI Lab room
1428 and music practice rooms, 1300A, 1312, and the Art room office.
The rooms listed above in Alternate Bid #1: Furniture and equipment will be removed and replaced by owner in order to remove the old and install the new carpet.
Remove and discard the existing carpet.
Contractor must field measure the area of carpet that is to be replaced.
Project is to be started on Monday, June 13, 2011 and completed by Friday, July 15,
Replac e 4” vinyl cove base with Flexco #2000 TPR Base Delft Pansy.
Carpet Specifications
1. Lees Faculty IV is the carpet being specified (see data sheet enclosed). Color #4127 Blue
No substitutes and/or alternates for this product shall be accepted and/or approved for use on this project.
Submittals for Information:
A. Manufacturer’s Installation Instructions: Indicate special procedures, perimeter conditions requiring special attention, and any and all other installation instructions as required per manufacturer’s written recommendations.
Submittal at Project Closeout:
A. Maintenance Data: Include manufacturer’s written maintenance procedures, manufacturer’s written recommended maintenance materials, and manufacturer’s suggested written schedule of cleaning.
Quality Assurance:
A. Manufacturer Qualifications: Company specializing in manufacturing specified carpet materials with minimum twenty years documented experience.
B. Installer Qualifications: Company specializing in stalling specified carpet materials with minimum five years documented experience and as approved and/or licensed for installation of same in writing by carpet materials manufacturer.
Environmental Requirements:
A. Store materials in area of installation for 48 hours prior to installation.
B. Maintain minimum 70 degrees F (21 degrees C) ambient temperature 3 days prior to, during, and 24 hours after installation.
C. Ventilate installation area during installation and for 3 days after installation.
A. Sub-floor Filler: Type recommended by flooring material manufacturer.
B. Moldings and Edge Strips: Rubber.
C. Seam Adhesive: Recommended by manufacturer.
D. Contact Adhesive: Recommended by carpet manufacturer.
A. Verify that floor surfaces are smooth and flat within tolerances as allowed by carpet manufacturer and are ready to receive work.
B. Verify that concrete floors are ready for carpet installation by testing for moisture emission rate and alkalinity. Obtain written instructions from carpet manufacturer if test results are not within specified limits as defined by carpet manufacture.
1. Moisture emission rate: Not greater than 3 lb. per sq. ft. per 24 hours when tested using calcium chloride moisture test kit for 72 hours.
2. Alkalinity: pH range of 5-9.
A. Remove sub-floor ridges and bumps. Fill minor or local low spots, cracks, joints, holes, and other defects with sub-floor filler.
B. Removal and discarding of old carpet. Contractor to remove discarded carpet from site.
C. Apply, trowel, and float filler to achieve smooth, flat, hard surface. Prohibit traffic until filler is cured.
D. Vacuum clean substrate.
A. Install carpet in accordance with carpet manufacturer’s written instructions and CRI 104.
B. Verify carpet match before cutting to ensure minimal variation between dye lots.
C. Lay out carpet and locate seams in accordance with shop drawings: a. Locate seams in area of least traffic, out of areas of pivoting traffic, and parallel to main traffic. b. Do not locate seams perpendicular through door openings. c. Align run of pile in same direction as anticipated traffic and in same direction of adjacent pieces. d. Locate change of color or pattern between rooms under door centerline. e. Provide monolithic color, pattern, and texture match within any one area.
D. Install carpet tight and flat on sub-floor, well fastened at edges, with a uniform appearance.
E. Double cut carpet seams, with accurate pattern match. Make cuts straight, true, and unfrayed. Apply seam adhesive to cut edges of woven carpet immediately.
F. Apply contact adhesive to floor uniformly at rate recommended by manufacturer. After sufficient open time, press carpet into adhesive.
G. Apply seam adhesive to the base of the edge glued down. Lay adjoining piece with seam straight, not overlapped or peaked, and free of gaps.
H. Roll with appropriate roller for complete contact of adhesive to carpet backing.
I. Trim carpet neatly at walls and around interruptions.
INSTALLATION BASE (replace existing only, if any)
A. Fit top set base joints tight and vertical. Install base on solid backing: adhere tightly to wall surfaces. Miter or form internal corners. Form external corners at the job site using base material.
B. Scribe and fit to door frames and other obstructions.
C. Install vinyl base after floors are laid. Apply plastic filler to masonry walls to receive vinyl base, to prevent joints in masonry showing through base. Install wall base as recommended by the manufacturer. Cut and fit neatly at trim and other projection.
D. Where angle corners occur, score back of base so that an “easy” fit is accomplished.
9. Cleaning:
A. Contract Closeout: Cleaning installed work.
B. Remove excess adhesive without damage, from floor, base, and wall surfaces.
C. Clean and vacuum carpet surfaces.
10. A. The work under this heading includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, apparatus, tools, transportation, protection, and services necessary for and reasonably incidental to, the proper execution and completion of all carpet and vinyl base work as indicated during mandatory pre-bid tour and hereinafter specified.
B. All work to be completed during the hours of, 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. Monday thru
Bonding Requirements
1. Each proposal must be accompanied by a bidder’s bond or a certified check payable to the owner, equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, the proper contract will be executed and performance bond filed.
Governing Laws and Regulations
1. The bidder is responsible for ascertaining and complying with all ordinances, codes, and laws governing business practices and construction in the project location, including acquisition of necessary permits.
The bidder shall furnish bonds covering faithful performance of the contract and payment of all obligations arising there under. Bond shall be furnished in such manner as the owner may prescribe, and issued by a surety company acceptable to the owner. The bidder shall be responsible for the cost of the bonds. The bidder shall deliver bonds to the owner no later than the date of the execution of the contract.
Prevailing Wage Rates: Contracts for work under this bid will obligate the contractor and his subcontractors to the prevailing wage provisions of Chapter 48, Sections 393-1 through 395-
12, Illinois Revised Statutes providing for the payment of prevailing rate of wage to all laborers, workmen, and mechanics engaged on the work.
Bid Form
Bid to:
Community High School District #128
50 North Lakeview Parkway
Suite 101
Vernon Hills, IL. 60061
Vernon Hills High School
Carpet Removal and Replacement Bid
Bids Due:
Yasmine Dada, Assistant Superintendent for Business
April 27, 2011 at 2:00pm
Firm Name:
Authorized Signature: ___________________________________________________
Signer’s Title:
Base Bid
First Floor Administration Wing and First Floor Classrooms
Carpet Removal and Replacement
Bid Amount: $ _________________________
Alternate #1
First Floor Administration Wing and First Floor Classrooms :
Alternate #1 Bid Amount $____ _____________________