" PIZZA RAW MATERIAL INVENTORY PLANNING TYPE M-O (R) WITH MRP " (Case Study at XYZ Restaurant Pizza Jakarta) Industrial Engineering Program Faculty of Engineering, University of Mercu Buana South Meruya Jl Raya, Kembangan, Jakarta, 11650 Email : Ryanvirgounpermana@gmail.com ABSTRACT XYZ pizza restaurant is a restaurant franchise (franchise) which is engaged in the international food industry specializing serves fast food (fast food) in the form of toasted bread (pizza) with the content of sauces, vegetables, meat and cheese topping in each topping. Pizza MO (r) is one of the most dominant Pizza ordered by the consumer, in undergoing an operational common obstacle faced is in the process of ordering and procurement of raw materials that do not correspond to the actual situation. Consequently, in carrying out its production operations there several times orders and stock in excess of actual demand so may result in losses in excess costs. It can be concluded that the restaurant is still no shortage and difficulties in implementing the supply planning in production. Forecasting method that has been done (linear, constant and quadratic), with all the consideration and look of the actual data that occurred on the chosen method Restaurant Linear used for forecasting Pizza MO (r). Of the four methods Material Requirement Planning (MRP), namely, (LFL, EOQ, POQ, LUC) the size of the lot sizing gives various results and save costs varying messages different, and POQ MRP method theoretically gives the minimum total cost. Keywords: Raw material inventory, forecasting, MRP (Material Requirement Planning), Pizza MO (r). 1 2 5. The raw material requirements planning (MRP) in this study was conducted using lot size: Lot for Lot (LFL) Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Period Order Quantity (POQ) Least Unit Cost (LUC) 1.INTRODUCTION Restaurant Pizza XYZ is a restaurant franchise (franchise) which is engaged in the international food industry specializing serves fast food (fast food) in the form of toasted bread (pizza) with the contents of sauces, vegetables, meat and cheese topping in each topping. Restaurant Pizza XYZ is founded in 2007 in Jl.Pos Pengumben Raya, West Jakarta. In undergoing an operation often faced obstacles are in the process of ordering and procurement of raw materials that do not correspond to the actual circumstances that occur in living production. As a result, In carrying out its production operations there several times order and procurement (stock) in excess of actual demand so may result in losses in excess costs. So there is a shortage and difficulties in production planning. Products that will be discussed is a product of the pizza type of MO (R) which is the dominant variant of the product from Restaurant Pizza XYZ. This pizza has a composition: Dough (bread), Sauce (Sauce), Beef Burger (Beef Chopped), saussage (sausage) and Cheese mix (cheese) that all the raw materials in the message in several companies in Jakarta and there is a direct import from country New Zealand (New Zealand). 1.4 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES 1. Determine the appropriate forecasting method for estimating a minimum of request that will come. 2. Determine the MRP method in accordance with the raw material requirements planning pizza MO (R) with the appropriate MRP method. 3. Select the minimum inventory cost. 2. LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Production In general, production / operations is an activity associated with the creation / manufacture of goods, services, or a combination thereof, through the transformation process of input resources and production of the desired output operations (Herjanto, 1999). The term production tends to be associated with the plant, machinery or assembly lines because at first the techniques and methods in production management is used to operate the plant or other assembly activities, but on the other there also can be produced even if not in the form of finished goods or products that could be called by services (Herjanto, 1999). 1.2 FORMULATION OF THE PROBLEM 1. How to determine the appropriate planning forecasting method to estimate the minimal demand that will come. 2. Can do and make pizza raw material requirements planning MO (R) with the appropriate MRP method. 1.3 LIMITATION OF PROBLEMS 1. Discussion of issues only concerning the raw material for making pizza products MO (R) in the XYZ pizza restaurant. 2. The production process is observed production of pizza types MO (R). 3. The data used for forecasting methods only 6 months in 2014, ie in January 2014 - June 2014. This is because every week a different order quantity and order booking takes place every 1 week so that the data used was for 24 weeks. 4. The forecasting method used is the method of Linear, quadratic method Constant and methods. 2.1.1 Definition of Inventory Inventories are a number of materials, supplied parts and materials in the process contained in persuhaan for the production process, as well as finished goods / products provided to meet the demand from consumers or subscription at any time (Rangkuti, 2002). Inventories have important functions that can boost a company's operational efficiency. With the supply of the production process is not hampered by a shortage of raw materials. In addition, the procedure for obtaining and storing raw materials needed can be implemented with minimum cost (Bedworth and Bailey, 1982). 2 3 • 2.2 Definition of Forecasting Interviews Forecasting is an allegation against future demand based on several variables forecasters, often based on time series data or historical. Activities forecasting is a business function that is trying to estimate the sale and use of the products so that the products can be created role in the right quantity. (Gaspersz, 2004). Conducting interviews to the Management PIC restaurants Pizza XYZ. 2.3 Definition of Planning (MRP) The study was conducted in Spanish Pizza XYZ Jakarta. This company is a company engaged in the industry of fast food restaurants (fast food). In this company underwent its production operations using the system Make to order. Below is a flow diagram of research used by the author. Material • Observation Make observations to the restaurant to see how the production process runs. Requirement Material arrangement has the sense of a regulation that covers issues related to the inventory system at the same time information systems, material procurement system in order to achieve timely, right quantity, materials, and appropriately priced. The control system then known as the raw material requirements planning or in foreign terms is known as MRP (Material Requirement Planning), (Yamit, 1996). Material Requirement Planning (MRP) can be defined as a technique or set of systematic procedures in the determination of the quantity and time in the process control requirements of the material components of demand are interdependent (Dependent demand items). 2.4 Purpose MRP An MRP system is basically aimed to design a system capable of generating information to support appropriate action in the form of cancellation of orders, reordering, or rescheduling. This action is a hold at the same time to make purchases and / or production. The purpose of the raw material requirements planning is as follows (Yamit, 1996) a) Ensuring availability of material, item, or component when it needs to meet the master production schedule and ensure the availability of the finished product for the consumer. b) Keep inventory levels at a minimum condition c) Plan the activities of shipping, and purchasing activities 3.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The research method used in this research is the practical work: 3 4 4. DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING 22 23 24 300 Data requests Pizza MO (r) for 6 months (24 weeks) in 2014 at XYZ Restaurant Pizza is as follows: Total 95 96 99 2359 Table 4.1 Demand Pizza MO (r) (period January 2014-June 2014) Periode Bulan Januari Febuary Maret April Mei Juni Periode Demand Minggu 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 4.1 Product Structure Data (Bill Of Materials) One of the data is needed for MRP is a must to know the components or product structure that will be in production. 110 100 105 100 99 88 65 63 103 102 101 105 102 99 95 105 106 115 90 118 98 Table 4.2 Data structure of the product Pizza M-O (r) OR/R ML-O Bahan-Bahan Dough (R) Sauce Beef Burger Sausage Cheese Mix 4 Satuan Price Balls Batch Kg Kg Batch IDR 1,316 IDR 55,247 IDR 31,201 IDR 42,961 IDR 1,290,870 Berat Bersih 1 4500 1000 1000 25640 Ball Gr Gr Gr Gr 1 Jumlah Bahan 1 68 40 40 90 Porsi Satuan Ball Gr Gr Gr Gr IDR 12,089 Total IDR 1,316 IDR 835 IDR 1,248 IDR 1,718 IDR 4,531 5 4.2 Costs of Raw Material Inventory Here is a table of data Under the cost structure of each raw material on Pizza MO (r). Table 4.3 Structure of Product Raw Material Costs Pizza Type MO (r) BIAYA PESAN BIAYA SIMPAN TOTAL IDR IDR IDR 50,000 604 50,604 Dough ® (LEVEL 1) BIAYA PESAN IDR BIAYA SIMPAN IDR TOTAL IDR 50,000 66 50,066 Sauce (LEVEL 1) BIAYA PESAN IDR BIAYA SIMPAN IDR TOTAL IDR 50,000 21 50,021 Beef Burger (LEVEL 1) BIAYA PESAN IDR BIAYA SIMPAN IDR TOTAL IDR 50,000 39 50,039 Sausage (LEVEL 1) BIAYA PESAN IDR BIAYA SIMPAN IDR TOTAL IDR 50,000 54 50,054 Cheese Mix (LEVEL 1) BIAYA PESAN IDR BIAYA SIMPAN IDR TOTAL IDR 50,000 45 50,045 Pizza M-O (LEVEL 0) Tabel 4.4 Fourth Error Value Analysis Forecasting Method Metode MAD Linier -1.185 Konstan 0.94 Kuadratik 207.82 MSE 183.13 -59.54 4.01 5 MAPE -5.2 0.40 15.06 SSE 14.13 8.06 5.94 6 Pe riode Grafik Tingkat Kesalahan Peramalan 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 Linier Konstan Kuadratik MAD MSE MAPE SSE -1.185 183.13 -5.2 14.13 0.94 -59.54 0.40 8.06 207.82 4.01 15.06 5.94 Graph 4.1 Fourth Error Value Analysis Forecasting Method Based on the three forecasting methods used, the accuracy of forecasting the first value the smallest mistake is the constant method, the method of quadratic and linear method. However, with a view of some of the considerations that exist and the actual demand data that exist in every week is different, the results of discussions with the management of PIC Restaurant Pizza, the linear method will be used to provide a minimum safety stock to existing demand. So with that, for forecasting products Pizza MO (r) will be using a linear method. T 1 2 Januari 3 4 5 6 Fe buary 7 8 9 10 Mare t 11 12 13 14 April 15 16 17 18 Me i 19 20 21 22 Juni 23 24 Forecast 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 102 JIP 95 95 96 96 96 96 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 102 The following table will be used as a reference for analyzing the results of the data pengolahaan Material Requirement Planning (MRP) products Pizza MO (r) in the XYZ Restaurant Pizza, Jakarta. Table 4.6 Total Cost Book & Storage Cost Method LFL 4.3 Requirements Planning Based on MRP TOTAL BIAYA UNTUK METODE L4L Biaya Biaya Material Pesan Simpan total Pizza M-O IDR IDR (r) 1,200,000 1,200,000 IDR IDR DOUGH 1,200,000 1,200,000 IDR IDR IDR SAUCE 1,200,000 249 1,200,249 BEEF IDR IDR IDR BURGER 1,200,000 1,307 1,201,307 IDR IDR IDR SAUSSAGE 1,200,000 1,810 1,201,810 CHEESE IDR IDR IDR MIX 400,000 584 400,584 IDR IDR IDR TOTAL 6,400,000 3,950 6,403,950 MRP have parts that affect the calculation, namely: product structure data, inventory data, and the master production schedule data obtained from the results of forecasting has been done before: Table 4.5 Results of Forecasting Demand Pizza MO (r) 2015 6 7 Table 4.7 Total Cost Book & Storage Cost Method EOQ Table 4.10 Total Cost Book & Storage Costs all MRP method TOTAL BIAYA UNTUK METODE EOQ Material Pizza M-O (r) DOUGH SAUCE BEEF BURGER SAUSSAGE CHEESE MIX TOTAL Biaya Pesan IDR 950,000 IDR 300,000 IDR 850,000 IDR 1,150,000 IDR 1,150,000 IDR 400,000 IDR 4,800,000 Biaya Simpan IDR 881,350 IDR 272,316 IDR 459 IDR 1,307 IDR 1,810 IDR 584 IDR 1,157,826 TOTAL BIAYA SEMUA METODE total IDR 1,831,350 IDR 572,316 IDR 850,459 IDR 1,151,307 IDR 1,151,810 IDR 400,584 IDR 5,957,826 Pizza M-O (r) DOUGH SAUCE BEEF BURGER SAUSSAGE CHEESE MIX TOTAL Biaya Simpan IDR 713,324 IDR 291,060 IDR 249 IDR 1,307 IDR 1,810 IDR 584 IDR 1,008,334 Biaya Simpan L4L IDR 6,400,000 IDR 3,950 IDR 6,403,950 EOQ IDR 4,800,000 IDR 1,157,826 IDR 5,957,826 POQ IDR 4,900,000 IDR 1,008,334 IDR 5,908,334 LUC IDR 6,050,000 IDR IDR 6,134,338 84,338 TOTAL Based on the three forecasting methods used to predict the pizza, the forecasting accuracy of the smallest error value is constant method. However, with a view of some of the considerations that exist and the actual demand data that exist in every week is different, the results of discussions with the management of PIC Restaurant Pizza, the linear method will be used to provide a minimum safety stock to existing demand. So with that, for forecasting products Pizza MO (r) will use a linear method TOTAL BIAYA UNTUK METODE POQ Biaya Pesan IDR 600,000 IDR 300,000 IDR 1,200,000 IDR 1,200,000 IDR 1,200,000 IDR 400,000 IDR 4,900,000 Biaya Pesan 5. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS Table 4.8 Total Cost Book & Storage Cost Method POQ Material METODE total IDR 1,313,324 IDR 591,060 IDR 1,200,249 IDR 1,201,307 IDR 1,201,810 IDR 400,584 IDR 5,908,334 Based on the results obtained by processing the overall cost of the fourth technique above lot size looks so different from each method used. And can be seen in the table that the method EOQ obtain total lowest cost material message with £ 4,800,000, - but has a cost savings and highest among other methods, namely, £ 1,157,826, -. In the method shown POQ total cost of messaging £ 4,900,000, - and the cost savings and £ 1,008,334, - In the end that resulted in the cost of providing the minimum theoretical material is POQ method to be used in the planning of raw material inventory Pizza kinds MO (r). Table 4.9 Total Cost Book & Storage Cost Method LUC TOTAL BIAYA UNTUK METODE LUC Biaya Biaya Material Pesan Simpan total Pizza M-O IDR IDR (r) 1,200,000 1,200,000 IDR IDR IDR DOUGH 1,200,000 75,900 1,275,900 IDR IDR IDR SAUCE 850,000 459 850,459 BEEF IDR IDR IDR BURGER 1,200,000 3,101 1,203,101 IDR IDR IDR SAUSSAGE 1,200,000 4,294 1,204,294 CHEESE IDR IDR IDR MIX 400,000 584 400,584 IDR IDR IDR TOTAL 6,050,000 84,338 6,134,338 6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 Conclusion • 7 Of the three methods of forecasting has been done (linear, constant and quadratic), forecasting with Constant method gives the best results. It is seen from the value of MAD, MAPE, MSE, SEE (mean absolute percentage error) the smallest compared to other methods (linear and quadratic), but with all the 8 • • • • consideration and look of the actual data that occurred at the chosen restaurant Linear Method used for Forecasting Pizza MO (r). Of the four methods Material Requirement Planning (MRP), which has been carried out, namely, (LFL, EOQ, POQ, LUC) the size of the lot sizing gives various results and save costs varying messages different, To Lowest Cost messages contained in the MRP method EOQ that is equal to IDR. 4,800,000, - and the cost of the highest message contained in the LFL MRP method amounted to IDR. 6,400,000, -. To Save Costs lowest for the MRP method LFL is equal to IDR. 3950, and save costs is highest in the MRP method EOQ IDR. 1,157,826, -. Of the four methods theoretically POQ MRP method that gives the lowest total cost of USD. 5,908,334, - • • 6.2 Suggestions Here are some there are some suggestions that can be taken by the authors to be considered to be the input for the company and further research activities to improve the planning of the company's existing inventory system. This certainly meant that the inventory planning company can do better for smooth production processes. These suggestions are as follows: • • • In forecasting should look at the data and stock chart patterns resulting from DEMAND, then use more than one method of forecasting, because by using more than one method we can see and compare the results obtained from other forecasting. To be more accurate forecasting can use computer programs such as Microsoft Excel, WinQ Software SB, and Software POM In the procurement of raw materials should companies use the system FIFO (First In, Fist Out). This is because the company is engaged in the food industry, to keep to higienisan raw materials and deliver consistently good quality food products and nutritious for customers who consume them. 8 The restaurant can also use the MRP system in order to be able to order a material with appropriate capacity, on time and with minimal costs so there is no accumulation of raw materials that would have an impact on storage costs enormous. To maintain sales (Sales) well, then this restaurant should always be on sale and clicking Update from any existing menus. Thus providing the innovation, and the creation of new flavors for the food lovers. 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