- ms economics

Topic of presentation
 Tehmina
 Maryam khalid
 Naseema khan
 Yasmeen khan
The IDR models reject the emphasis on GNP
growth rate as the principal index of
IDR models view developing countries as
beset by institutional, political, and economic
rigidities both domestic and international.
IDR models argue that developing countries
are up in a dominance and dependence
relationship with rich countries.
The Neocolonial dependence Model
The False-Paradigm Model
The Dualistic Development Thesis
According to this model underdevelopment is
viewed as the result of highly unequal
international capitalist system or rich-poor
country relationship.
Elite ruling class in developed countries are
responsible for underdevelopment.
Development is externally induced
phenomenon in contrast to other theories
stress on internal constraints.
Pakistan inherited poverty and underdevelopment
at the end of British colonial rule. Pakistan was
enforced into a neo-colonial capitalist model in
which authoritarianism and economic growth
were blended together.
In Pakistan the alliance of bureaucracy, army and
feudal elite centralized the authority in their
hands by cooperating with the forces of capitalist
world system under the influence of US.
The economic planning of Pakistan is under the
influence of world capitalist system and US not
according to the needs of the people which is
hindering the growth and promoting the
phenomena of underdevelopment in Pakistan.
According to this model underdevelopment of
third world countries is the result of wrong
and irrelevant advice given by international
“Expert” advisers from developed countries
and also from multi-lateral donor
organizations such as IMF, World Bank, UNDP
Dualism represents the increasing gap
between rich and poor nations and rich and
poor people at all levels.
Some developing countries of rich industrial
sector with coexistence of poor peasants are
example of this thesis.
Do not offer any policy prescription for
how poor countries can initiate and sustain
economic development
Actual experience of developing countries
that have pursued policy of autarky/closed
economy has been negative.