September 21 - Athletics Ontario

Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors
of Athletics Ontario
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Lobby Boardroom
3 Concorde Gate, Toronto, ON
10:29 am
Present: Lisa Ferdinand (Vice-Chair), John Craig (staff), Roman Olszewski (staff), Leslie Estwick (departed
3:27 pm), Sharon Stewart, David Watt, John Stevenson, (joined via conference call 11:16 am).
Guests: Richard Parkinson, Brian Levine, Rob Guy (via conference call), Jacquie Downing (via conference
1. Adoption of Agenda:
Motion: to adopt the agenda as amended.
Estwick and Stewart
2. Adoption of Minutes of previous meeting: Lisa asked that the minutes of the July 23 meeting be
amended to reflect the length of service that David would stay on the Board.
Motion: to adopt the minutes with amendments as presented.
Stewart and Estwick
3. AOO Executive Committee Organization and Operation: Jacquie Downing advised that she was
making the presentation to the AO Board because she was part of the original sub-committee and she is
the only person who has been a part of the review committee since the beginning.
She provided some rationale for a proposed change to the document, “Organization and Operation of
the Athletics Ontario Officials’ Executive Committee”. She spoke specifically about the two places where
there are proposed changes: Page 10 – section on Officials recognition; and an administrative change on
page 11 – last sentence should not be there.
Motion: to accept the amended officials' document as tabled.
Estwick and Stewart
4. Toronto International Games Reports: Documents relating to the 2011-2013 Toronto International
Track and Field Games were reviewed, including information relating to budgets.
5. Toronto International Track and Field Games and 2014 Proposal: Brian, John Craig and Richard made
a presentation about the Toronto International Games, the successes and challenges of the past three
years, and the reasons Athletics Ontario should consider continuing to support the Games in the near
future. The presenters asked for a commitment to support the Games on a multi-year basis as they are
asking sponsors, corporate partners and government agencies to commit to a similar period of time.
ACTION: John, Brian and Richard will provide an itemized budget and a business plan for the 2014-16
Toronto International Games to the Board in time for the next Board meeting (October 8, 2013) for
review and consideration.
6. Pan Am Games and Legacy Program: There was general discussion about the state of the legacy
promise for the new and existing facilities at the Toronto Track and Field Centre and York University.
7. 2013 Canada Summer Games Reports: Roman reported on the Games and Team Ontario’s
participation and advised that Athletics Ontario won the men’s event and placed second in the women’s
team event – this because we did not have a female wheelchair athlete on the team. Options for
improving the team selection process were discussed. Team manager’s responsibilities, challenges and
reports were also discussed.
Roman also talked about the team uniforms and challenges with them with respect to mission uniforms
and team uniforms. Sizes were mismatched and not consistent.
ACTION: Roman is to file a final report based on other reports received from Team Staff.
ACTION: Roman is to present recommendations to the Technical Committee based on those staff
reports. This would include things like timelines for Games preparation, team selection and uniforms
8. Carried Forward Action Items Review: Lisa reviewed the Carry Forward Items document and updated
There was some discussion on the Seed Time Policy review and the technology available to assist in the
ACTION: Roman is to provide the Directors with a recommendation on the provision of seed times by
the November AGM.
ACTION: John Craig is to ask Anthony for an update on AO Rankings as shown in the Carry Forward
Action: John is to ask Anthony to post the new dates for our AGM on the website.
9. AO Audited Financial Statements:
Dave presented the audited financial statements for 2012-13 and offered a brief review.
Roman asked about GST as it affects our programs and this item will be referred to the Finance
John Craig and David provided some history and answers to questions about fluctuations in Bingo and
Lottery revenues.
ACTION: David will provide six month comparison financial reports so Directors have a clearer
understanding of the Association’s fiscal position and can make more sound decisions on expenditures.
ACTION: David will provide some guidance on restructuring the budget to reflect the line items in the
Financial Statement. He will work with John Craig and Wendy to do this.
10. Managing Director Report: John Craig provided a written report and highlighted some important
items in the report. The Directors recommended that John Craig and Sue Wise represent Athletics
Ontario at the Athletics Canada Semi-Annual General Meeting in Vancouver on October 4-6.
11. Fee Increase Proposal by Athletics Canada: John Craig discussed the proposal from Athletics Canada
for a fee increase. The proposal would see an increase in most membership fees that are sent to
Athletics Canada. This can be through a single increase or a phased-in increase over several years. The
increase is important as a revenue stream for Athletics Canada and would reverse a reduction of these
fees initiated in 2005.
In return for the increase, Athletics Canada would eliminate self-funded national teams and provide full
funding for all national teams.
There was discussion of some of the implications of such an increase, including a reduced ability to
increase Athletics Ontario’s own fees, increased funding to AC from Sport Canada, and the size of the
proposed increase.
Lisa proposed we membership fees for AO Senior and Junior athletes not exceed $150.
ACTION: John Craig will find out more information on the proposal and the self-funded teams involved
at the Athletics Canada SAGM in Vancouver in October.
Motion: that Athletics Ontario approve in principle the proposed increase in membership fees to
Athletics Canada but that the size, increments and time frame of such an increase be determined at a
future meeting when more information has been gathered.
Stevenson and Stewart
12. Technical Director Report: Roman reviewed his report as written.
13. Risk Management Manual Updates: Roman spoke to the current Risk Management manual and
suggested we find someone who will update it and bring it up to current standards.
ACTION: Lisa will manage the updating of the manual.
14. Technical Committee Report: Roman read the motions which were passed at Technical Committee
meetings this week.
Motion: to approve the recommended motions from the Technical Committee.
Stevenson and Stewart
15. Championship Committee Report: Sharon submitted a written report (attached herewith).
16. Governance Committee Report: Lisa provided a report and went over the second draft of the by-law
amendments. She spoke specifically to the items of significant and other important changes.
Motion: to accept the proposed changes to the bylaws with non-material changes as presented.
Stevenson and Estwick
17. Events Calendar Review: Changes and amendments to the schedule were made by Lisa. The Board
meeting scheduled for October 6th will be moved to October 8th.
18. New Business:
Motion: to accept the High Performance Management Program (HPMP) as developed by John Craig and
Sue Wise in 2011 and update by Sue in September 2013.
Sue has submitted a request that the Board approve a grant application that requires Board approval of
the HPMP.
ACTION: Lisa will contact the Directors for an email vote on the HPMP project on Monday, September
23, 2013.
ACTION: John Craig will follow up with Anthony regarding a concern from a member that mailed
communications, paid for as a subscription, are not arriving as requested.
18. Adjournment
Motion: to adjourn the meeting.
Stevenson and Stewart
Technical Committee motions referred to Board for Approval (September 21, 2013)
MOTION: That the Indoor Combined events and Indoor Relay Championships be held in the same meet,
commencing 2014.
MOTION: That the dates of the 2014 Indoor Championships be as follows:
Youth-Senior: Feb. 15-16
Bantam-Midget-Junior: March 1-2
Relays and Combined Events: Sunday, March 23
MOTION: That, commencing on January 1, 2014, all AO record applications must be made on the record
application form with supporting documents attached, within 30 days of the date of the record-setting
performance. Applications are not required to be submitted if the performance was achieved in certain
competitions, which are listed on the application form.
MOTION: That the dates of the two major 2014 outdoor championships be as follows:
Junior-Senior: July 12-13
Bantam-Midget-Youth: August 2-3
Athletics Ontario Championships Committee Meeting
Wednesday, September 18, 2013 @ 7:00 pm
Welcome and opening remarks Sharon
5 min
Ad hoc committee items for
Bid Kit
Bid Sheet
Championship Agreement
Change in name from
Championships Committee to
Competition Committee
recommended for the AGM in
10 min Bid Kit and CHA should be ONE
document which clearly outlines all the
expectations from both the bid kit and
the P&P for both AO and the HOC. The
bid sheet should be renamed the Bid
Application and be more detailed to
reflect the criteria for selection. Also,
the Bid Application should stipulate that
the HOC has read the Championships
Hosting Agreement, prior to submitting
the Bid App.
Document to be ready for October 5
Board Meeting.
Cost Revenue Sharing needs to be dealt
with ASAP by the finance committee or
the Board.
NO increase to entry fees. AO must
show how the $7.00 increase from last
year was spent to enhance the
Bid Selection
Technical Package - Schedule
Meet Management
a. Photo timing
b. Entries, seeding, sheets,
c. Check in procedures
d. Meet Director Duties
e. Awards, Announcing
10 min Draft document with details of bid
selection to be used as Bid
Application. Will be edited and
polished. Ready for October 5 Bd.
Bid Applications to go the
Championships Committee, then
Bid Selection to the Board.
Members of CC who are bidding
will not participate in selection
due to conflict of interest.
10 min Schedules have been proposed.
Tech committee will review. Will
discuss at next CC meeting.
Proposal to use Trackie for entries
was strongly supported. Service
fees to be absorbed into the
current entry fees.
Flow chart for procedures created
by Colin.
No changes to the current check
in procedure.
10 min To be titled the Competition
Duties outlined in P&P and
Hosting Agreement.
5 min P&P 220.1 Motion to NOT award
medals to non-Ontario athletes.
Strongly supported.
AO to purchase a portable
podium to be used consistently at
all championships.
Awards ceremony to be
scheduled into the meet schedule
as close to the end of the event as
possible. Needs to be clearly
communicated in the Tech Pkg.
Field Events to be walked over to
the podium.
Need to have an Awards
f. Officials
g. Technical Delegate
Meet feedback
Meet evaluation
Coordinator with assistant
available for the duration of the
competition. Add to P&P.
Need to have sound system heard
from all competition areas. Both
Track and Field announcers are
needed and work together. Must
have wireless mics.
Template of Medal Ceremony
script to be an appendix with the
10 min Draft of changes for P&P to show
the responsibilities of
Competition Director in
communication with the AOOEC
Director of Availability. Most
importantly, “The AOOEC shall be
responsible for producing the
officials assignments based on the
available/confirmed officials and
sending it to the CD and the AO
Tech Delegate.
Request a list to show the number
of volunteers required for each
Report after the Tech Committee mtg.
10 min Monkey Survey for membership
Draft document for evaluation.
3 members of CC to complete
evaluation. Schedule to be
determined by availability for
each meet.
Next Step:
Meeting will be scheduled for late October to deal with outstanding items.