Viral Client Services: IT Support in a Distributed Environment


Viral Client Services: IT Support in a Distributed Environment

University of Waterloo

Stephen Markan , Lisa Tomalty


• Waterloo’s IT support model

• How it’s evolving

• Challenges/strengths

• How we share knowledge and collaborate

• Support tools we use

• Recommendations and resources

• Questions

About Waterloo

• 29,000 full- and part-time undergrads

• 4,800 full- and part-time grad students

• 5 satellite campuses: Cambridge, Kitchener,

Stratford, United Arab Emirates, Huntsville

• 6 faculties

• 4 affiliated colleges

• 10 faculty-based schools

• 950+ FTE faculty members plus sessionals, etc.

• >2000 FTE staff plus contracts, casuals, etc.

IT Support Models

• Central IT department

• Faculty computing groups (6 faculties)

• IT Liaisons to each faculty from main IT department

• Helpdesks

– Main IT helpdesk

– Faculty/Residence helpdesks

– After hours helpdesk (located in the library)

IT Support Models

• Academic support & Faculty area computer support reps (some faculties)

– Department level basic IT support/liaison

– Non-IT staff

– Involved in IT update meetings, training available

• Working Groups

– Computing Committees, etc.

– Members from across campus

Working Groups

• UCIST (University Committee On Information Systems and Technology)

• CTSC (Computing Technology and Services Committee)

• WAC (Web Advisory Committee)

• PDAG (Professional Development Advisory Group)

• WatITis (the UW Information Technology conference)

• FACCUS (Faculty Computing User Support Group)

• CNAG (Campus Networks Advisory Group)

• CSAG (Computing Systems Advisory Group)

• STAC (Student’s Technical Advisory Committee)


What is viral?

• Liaisons, Academic/faculty support reps

• Projects reaching out to campus units for participation

• Centralization by integration

– Brings key staff from faculty/unit support groups together with main IT department


– Builds bridges

• Campus Partnerships (committees, groups)

• Central after hours helpdesk for all faculties/units

• SEW training courses and PDAG

Evolving …

• From IT Task Force Report

– Consolidate Active Directory forests

– Increased support, unified email services, RT system

– Create a support model that links the main IT department with other

IT groups on campus

– Development of a set of preferred configurations of desktop equipment across campus

• Satellite IT activities

– Main campus IT liaison to off site locations to ensure systems are compatible with the wider University systems

• Include diverse representation in central IT projects (that affect the campus)

• Information Security policies


Waterloo Area

Support Challenges

• Satellite campuses (5)

• Collaboration – ensuring representation from across units

• External partner support (research and admin)

• Software/version differences

• Joint programs across universities (e.g. Tri university library consortium) (web sites/students)

• Video conferencing (different protocols)

• Changes/recommendations ruffle feathers

• Inclusivity diversity time resources legislation…

Support Strengths

• Communication

– Committees/groups, Liaisons, Email lists

• Cooperation/Collaboration

– Relationships across campus

– Joint projects (e.g. AD Consolidation, Desktop


• Allows for specialization of knowledge

– Reduces the need for individuals in smaller areas to be ‘jack of all trades’

Sharing Knowledge

• PDAG Presentations

• IT Committees/groups

• Isthd mail list

• Liaisons and local area support reps (email/meetings)

• Newsletters

• Training

– Change initiated training: new WCMS, Office 2010,

Exchange Calendar, accessibility, etc.

– Productivity: Office, Web Writing

– Central applications (Financial, Student systems, HR, etc.)

– Web based training (


Support Tools

• Request Tracker

– Main IT department, faculties, departments (e.g.

Pharmacy), groups (e.g. Federation of Students)

– Service Updates

• Bomgar/Remote Assistance

• IST Notice Board/isthd mail list (subscribers from across campus)

• Chats (



• SharePoint/Exchange

• Unified standards

– Standard versions of software (e.g. MS Office)

• MS campus licensing agreement makes this easier

– Naming conventions (room bookings, printers, account names)

Soft skills training and development


• Provide IT seminars regularly for:

– Communication of IT initiatives and information sharing

– Professional development (internal/external)

• Connect IT groups (working groups, liaisons, committees, projects)

• Focus on people

– Encourage soft skills development in IT staff

• Training/Support

– Hire support people who can explain complicated topics in an easy to understand manner

• Deploying Something?

– Do it to IT first (reduces ruffled feathers)



• Communication

– Before, during and after and after…

• List your services on your website so that clients can easily find information

• Monitor your request tracking system

• Have an escalation process in place

• Campus wide projects

– Be inclusive (faculties, library, administrative areas, etc.)

– Wear your university hat

– Work toward common goals



• (remote support)


(current Request

Tracker system)




(online training)


Thank you! Merci!
