K.I.S.S. PLAN FOR HEALTH CARE (Keep It Simple Stupid) NOT THE PUBLIC OPTION, THE SELF-INSURED OPTION WITH DEFINED CONTRIBUTIONS FROM GOVERNMENT & BUSINESS A VISION FOR THE FUTURE OF RI & US HEALTH CARE IMPROVE ACCESS, FINANCE & COST “MOVE TO DE FACTO SINGLE PAYER AS NEW FED. EXCHANGE IN RI” SIMILAR TO BEACON IN WORKER COMP., FED. 330 CLINICS, AND RI PSEUBA (2011-H5901) www.ribetter.org April, 2013 ribetter@gmail.com. SUMMARY & CONTENTS PART 1: RI HEALTH SLIDE 8 TO 25: Brief overview of how $8 billion is spent on health care in RI each year. A proposal to create a single buyer’s co-op (RI Life & Health Trust) to act as a market counter-weight to providers, achieve 100% financial & geographic access and re-orient care away from fee-for-service & hospitals and toward prevention & primary care. Use life insurance to fund cost. Business & Government contribute to the Co-Op on a fixed per person, % of payroll and/or % of revenue, etc basis at their current level. Future increases are capped at inflation under 5 to 10 year contracts with the Co-Op. Business & Government have no vote in Co-Op, only individual patients & working families vote. Co-Op negotiates agreements with providers in a public process, any costs not covered by Business & Government contributions are paid for by patients & working families who vote to support or reject the agreements/plans proposed annually. Maximize transparent “arms-length” market transaction between paying patient & provider. Minimize lobbying, politics, and unsustainable growth. All stakeholders have clear transparency what resources are available & the customer can say “NO”. SLIDE 26 TO 42: Primary Care requirements in RI. Pay Parity, no Fee-for-Service, Prevention. SLIDE 43 TO 49: Hospital costs in RI. Shrink & Focus. No Fee-for-Service. SLIDE 50 TO 78: Appendix A-D detail data tables on RI. PART 2: GOING NATIONAL SLIDE 79 TO 247: Appendix E-L Taking the above RI example and applying it to the national health care market. Effectively reducing the number of health care customers in the country to 185 buyer Co-Op’s (each 1 to 2 mil people, 1 to 2 RI’s) and looking at how we spend $2.3 trillion on health. As in RI, reduce hospital costs and drug costs to fund added nursing homes & home care (2x increase in +65 pop.). Limit cost to inflation. HOW WE SPEND $2.3T SAVE $360B 15% (re-invest in Nursing Homes & Home Care) CURRENT COSTS: MOVE TO (see appendix A & B) MD/Other fees $484B 21% Dental $ 115B 5% Hosp-546m OP other $285B 12% MD FEEs (slide 80): 135k Surgeons $68b 25k Psychiatrists $10b 118k Medical $73b Hosp-138m OP ER $ 95B 4% Hosp-25m OP Surg. $ 30B 1% Hosp-39m inpatient $402B 18% Drugs Nursing Homes Non-Durables Home Care Other TOTAL $ 270B 12% $ 135B 6% $ 137B 6% $ 74B 3% $ 273B 12% $2,300B MD PRIMARY CARE: 122k Gen. Practices $146b 50k Geriatric $61b 49k Pediatric $59b 47k Ob/Gyn $56b 101k Dentists $95b 52k Optometrists $33b 111k Diet/Nutri $8b 39k Ath. Trainers $3b TOTAL $461b Also, this population will double 10-20 yrs see A5/A6, global waiver Hospitals $527b Drugs Nursing Homes Non-Durables Home Care Other TOTAL $185b $135b $137b $74b $273b $1,943b Primary Care is 660m 1/2hr MD visits & 1B 1hr nurse visits per year. Should include routine lab, imaging, etc. 100% access. Shrink & focus hospitals to ER, Surgery & Inpatient. COST INCREASE 31% + INFLATION OVER NEXT 20 YEARS, +65 THEN STABLE 2010 POP: 309 mil (+65 40 mil) 2030 POP: 364 mil (+65 72 mil) +17%, (+180%) 2050 POP: 439 mil (+65 89 mil) +21%, (+24%) MD PRIMARY CARE: 122k Gen. Practices $146b 50k Geriatric $61b 49k Pediatric $59b 47k Ob/Gyn $56b 101k Dentists $95b 52k Optometrists $33b 111k Diet/Nutri $8b 39k Ath. Trainers $3b TOTAL $461b MD PRIMARY CARE: 129k Gen. Practices $155b +6% 90k Geriatric $108b +180% 56k Pediatric $68b +15% 49k Ob/Gyn $58b +4% 118k Dentists $111b +17% 61k Optometrists $39b +18% 130k Diet/Nutri $9b +17% 46k Ath. Trainers $4b +17% TOTAL $552b +20% MD FEEs: 135k Surgeons 58k Psychiatrists 281k Medical MD FEEs : 159k Surgeons 68k Psychiatrists 332k Medical $68b $15b $68b $80b +18% $18b +18% $80b +18% Hospitals +65 (15m dchg) $200b Hospitals <65 (24m dchg) $327b Hospitals +65 Hospitals <65 $360b +180% $353b +8% Drugs +65 (40mil pop) $55b Drugs <65 (270 m pop) $130b Nursing Homes (1.7m) $135b Non-Durables $137b Home Care (1.1b days) $74b Other $273b TOTAL $1,943b Drugs +65 (72mil) $100b +180% Drugs <65 ( 292 m) $140b +8% Nursing Homes $243b +180% Non-Durables $160b +17% Home Care $135b +180% Other $320b +17% TOTAL $2,541b +31% TURN HEALTH CARE ON IT’S HEAD HEALTH CARE, LIKE MANY MARKETS IN THE US, IS SO DOMINATED BY SELLERS & GOV’T LOBBYING AS TO NOT BE A MARKET AT ALL. BY REDUCING CUSTOMERS TO 185 SELF-INSURED BUYING GROUPS (CO-OPs), THIS DYNAMIC IS COMPLETELY CHANGED. CUSTOMER WOULD BE KNOWLEDGEABLE, FINANCIALLY STRONG AND HAVE THE ABILITY TO SAY “NO” TO SELLERS AND MAKE OTHER ARRANGEMENTS. THAT’S THE DEFINITION OF A MARKET. THAT’S WHAT “PATIENT-DRIVEN” REALLY LOOKS LIKES. LIMITING BUSINESS & GOVERNMENT TO DEFINED CONTRIBUTIONS, AND INSURERS TO BENEFIT MANAGERS, GIVES THEM CERTAINTY & SHIFTS RISK TO THE DIRECT “BUYER-SELLER RELATIONSHIP” COST REDUCTION WILL RESULT. USING LIFE INSURANCE REDUCES FINANCING TO A “CASH FLOW TIMING” EXERCISE. DEATH BENEFITS FROM BOOMERS WHO DO NOT MAKE OLD AGE, WILL PAY HEALTH COST OF THOSE BOOMERS WHO DO. IN 30 YEARS DEATH BENEFITS WILL EXCEED HEALTH COSTS AS THE +65 POPULATION BECOMES STABLE THEREAFTER. CO-OPs WOULD REPORT AS PUBLIC COMPANIES DO TODAY ON A QUARTERLY OR BIANNUAL BASIS. INCREASED FINANCIAL & HEALTH INFO WILL FURTHER REDUCE COST & IMPROVE HEALTH AWARENESS... a completely changed dynamic in the health market. NOT A ONE SIZE FITS ALL. THERE IS ONLY A LIMITED AMOUNT OF MONEY AVALABLE IN EACH OF THE 185 CO-OP MARKETS (SEE APPENDIX F). ALTHOUGH THERE WILL BE COMMON COVERAGES & PLANS AVAILABLE NATIONWIDE, LOCAL SOLUTIONS WILL DIFFER. LOCAL BUYERS (CO-OP) & SELLERS IN AGREEMENT. THIS PLAN SHOULD KEEP HEALTH COST AT $2.5 TRILLION +INFLATION OVER THE NEXT 20 YEARS AND CUT IT IN HALF AS % OF GDP. 100% ACCESS. BUS. & GOV’T FUND AT CURRENT LEVEL + POP. & INFLATION. NO CO-OP VOTE FUNDING FEDERAL PAYMENTS ($1.1 TRIL.) NOW: 2030: Medicare: $515B $600B +17% Medicaid: $365B $430B +17% All Other: $220B $260B +17% (APPENDIX E4, E7, E8, E9, I, J, K) (funding & spending below are ex-inflation) MD PRIMARY CARE NOW: 2030: $461B $552B 185 BUYER CO-OP’S HOSP: IP, OP-ER & Surg. NOW: 2030: $527B $713B (self-insured) STATE & LOCAL ($300B) NOW: 2030: Medicaid: $127B $150B +17% All Other: $200B $235B +17% (APPENDIX E4, E7, E8, E9, J, L) (Appendix F) each 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE $8B to $20B SPEND BUSINESS/ EMPLOYERS ($700B.) NOW: 2030: $743B $870B +17% (APPENDIX E4, E7, E8, E9) Patients & Working Families NOW: 2030: $220B $260B +17% POP: 310m 364m +17% HLDs 140m 165m +17% (APPENDIX E4 & E6) Local Markets within states LIFE INSURANCE $54T Benefits (A4, A5, E2) SPENDING NOW: $1,943B 2030: $2,541B +INFLATION MD FEES- Specialists NOW: 2030: $151B $178B Nurs. Homes & Home Care. NOW: 2030: $209B $378B DRUGS NOW: 2030: $185B $240B Non-Durables & Other. NOW: 2030: $410B $480B “PATIENT-DRIVEN” ANY OTHER INCREASE IS BORNE BY PAYING & CO-OP VOTING PATIENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1- RI HEALTH CARE: RI Trust: Fin Access: Geo Access: Primary: Hospital: MD Fees: Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: Appendix D: RI OVERVIEW (CO-OP, Life Ins, etc) FINANCIAL ACCESS IN RI GEOGRAPHIC ACCESS IN RI PRIMARY CARE IN RI HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI MD FEES IN RI (Specialists- not PC or Hosp EE’s) REVIEW OF RI HEALTH COSTS (by pop., service, cash flow, etc.) HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI (Detailed Activities) 25 MOST PROFITABLE HOSPITALS IN THE USA OUTPATIENT PRICING- HOSP. VS MD OFFICE IN RI PART 2- GOING NATIONAL: Appendix E1-12: EXPANDING RI MODEL NATIONALLY (maps) Appendix E13-21: POPULATION BY AGE (185 CO-OP’s DEFINED & MAP Links) Appendix E22-34: PRIMARY CARE COSTS BY CO-OP (# practices, etc) Appendix E35-44: HOSP. INPATIENT COSTS BY CO-OP (# beds, discharges, etc) Appendix E45-54: HOSP. OUTPATIENT ER & SURG. COSTS BY CO-OP Appendix E55-64: HOSP. OUTPATIENT OTHER COSTS BY CO-OP Appendix E65-70: HOSP. UTILIZATION RATES & EXCESS BEDS BY STATE & REGION Appendix E71-80: NURSING HOME BEDS & HOME CARE DAYS BY CO-OP Appendix E81-90: PRESCRIPTION DRUGS BY CO-OP Appendix E91-103: DOCTOR FEES (not Hosp. EE’s or Primary Care) Appendix E104-113: NON-DURABLES & OTHER (maps) Appendix F: TOTAL FUNDING & SPENDING by CO-OP (MAP Links) Appendix G: REIMBURSEMENT RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’S (maps) Appendix H: ECON. & DEMO. DIFFERENCES (185 CO-OP’s DEFINED & MAP Links) Appendix I: FED. MEDICARE FUNDING BY STATE Appendix J: FED. & STATE MEDICAID FUNDING BY STATE Appendix K: OTHER FED. HEALTH FUNDING BY STATE Appendix L: STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT PART 1: RI HEALTH COSTS NOW LET’S LOOK AT RHODE ISLAND HEALTH IN DETAIL. A “1 MILLION PERSON MICROCOSM” OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SYSTEM “PATIENT-DRIVEN” CHANGING THE DELIVERY SYSTEM: CHEAPER, BETTER RI HEALTH CARE COSTS $7.7B HEADED TO $9B, UNSUSTAINABLE THINGS WE CAN INFLUENCE: FINANCE & ACCESS: USE LIFE INS TO REDUCE IN-STATE BURDEN PAID BY RI FAMILIES, EMPLOYERS & GOV’T 40% NOW DURING BOOMER YEARS, 100% THEREAFTER. AVOID $2.4B PER YR & 100% ACCESS COST: REVERSE TREND OF HOSPITALS BUYING PRIMARY CARE PRACTICES AS “LOSS LEADER” TO DRIVE UP OUTPATIENT VOLUME AT 2X THE COST. 3 VISITS/YR FOR EVERY PERSON IN RI ($1.5B)? SAVE $.5B DRAMATICALLY IMPROVE CARE & 100% ACCESS. COST: 15M SCRIPTS $1B ($60/EA). LESS RETAIL , MORE NEGOTIATED PRICE PLAN. SAME COMPANIES NOW ANYWAY. COST: IT’S ESTIMATED THAT 1/3 OF INS PREMIUM IS CONSUMED BY INSURER AS ADMIN, RESERVE & PROFIT. NO HEALTH BENEFIT. LESS INSURER MORE BENEFIT MANAGER FOR A FEE. INS PROFIT WOULD IMPROVE AND MORE CARE FOR THE $. THE INS MODEL CONSUMES TOO MANY DOLLARS, WE NEED A BETTER CONDUIT. CREATE THE RI LIFE & HEALTH TRUST (RI L&HT) CREATE A DE FACTO SINGLE PAYER PLAN (IN ADDITION TO MEDICAID, MEDICARE & FED EE’s) RI LIFE & HEALTH TRUST TRUST IS PRIMARILY A BUYER’S CO-OP SEEKING VALUE AND ACCESS. SIMILAR TO FED. 330 CLINICS. AN EFFECTIVE COUNTER-WEIGHT TO PROVIDERS. ALSO SIMILAR TO BEACON IN WORKER’S. COMP. & RI PSEUBA (Public School Employee Universal Benefit Act) RI LIFE & HEALTH TRUST EMPLOYERS & GOV.’T CONTRIBUTE CURRENT PREMIUMS TO TRUST FOR SIMILAR PLAN RECEIVE A 40% REBATE/REFUND (see A7 for detail). COVERAGE IS NOT DEPENDEND ON EMPLOYMENT ALL SMALL / UN-INSURED EMPLOYERS MUST CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING: (EX: $500/EE/YR, 3 YR PHASE-IN) FAMILIES PAY BASED ON ABILITY (AGI) INSURERS (Blue Cross) BECOME BENEFIT MANAGERS 100% ACCESS/COVERAGE PATIENTS are free to purchase added coverage with their own funds through the TRUST or in the open market. TRUST focus is on health care as a “public utility” for all in the area. USE LIFE INS TO FINANCE BUY LIFE INS FOR 45-54 AGE GROUP $1M 30YR TERM INS POLICIES $2K PER PERSON PER YR COST CREATES $180B DEATH BENEFIT STREAM ASSIGN TO INVESTORS FOR $30B NOW $30B GENERATES $2B INCOME FOR REBATES 5% -10% OF DEATH BEN. TO FAMILY USE RI LIFE & HEALTH TRUST AS VEHICLE (SEE APPENDIX A4 FOR DETAILED DATA) OPPOSE THE LIFESPAN-CARE NE MERGER (will add cost, low volume procedures, more outpatient, like MA) (it costs $26k for 5 day stay at RI Hosp vs $16k at Kent) SUPPORT A BLUE CROSS-CARE NE MERGER (provider & payer focused on high volume inpatient procedures & true ER) (A market counter-weight to LifeSpan) B/C & others become benefit managers to the large self-insured CO-OP. Ins capital is not at risk. BECOME PART OF RI LIFE & HEALTH TRUST. RI LIFE & HEALTH TRUST PRIMARY TRUST FOCUS: FINANCE & ACCESS (SINGLE PAYER, LIFE INS, 100% COVERAGE) PRIMARY CARE (PAY PARITY, LOWER COST, BETTER HEALTH STATS) HIGH VOLUME LOW COST IN-PATIENT & TRUE ER (BLUE CROSS – CARE NE MERGER) (SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS) END FEE-FOR-SERVICE (As described herein for Hosp & Primary Care) DRUG COST REDUCTION (MORE NEGOTIATED MAIL ORDER LESS RETAIL) STATE WIDE WEB-BASED MED. RECORDS REQUIRE DIET & EXERCISE IN K-12. LEVERAGE PE. 100% FINANCIAL ACCCESS FAMILIES PAY BASED ON ABILITY EMPLOYERS PAY CURRENT RATE LESS TRUST REBATE ALL BUSINESSES MUST CONTRIBUTE NOT JUST EMPLOYERS & NEED NOT BE PAYROLL BASED (see A7 for added details, payroll based example) INSURERS BECOME BENEFIT MANAGERS SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITAL/ BULK DRUG SAVE 1/3 RI LIFE & HEALTH TRUST Table of Contents WHO PAYS? 100% ACCESS TOTAL HEALTH COSTS FED. MEDICARE/MEDICAID FED. EE PLANS IN-STATE COSTS STATE- MEDICAID STATE- EE/OTHER STATE- TRUST REFUND MUNI- EE/OTHER MUNI- TRUST REFUND FAMILIES/EE (based on $) EMPLOYERS/ OTHER ER TRUST REFUND TRUST PAYS BUSINESS FRIENDLY! NOW $7.7B ($2.3B) ($0.2B) $5.2B $.8B $.3B $0 $.4B $0 $1.0B $2.7B $0 $5.2B NEW $7.7B ($2.3B) ($0.2B) $5.2B $1.0B $.3B ($.6B) $.4B ($.2B) $.8B $2.7B ($1.1B) $3.3B -46% $1.9B $5.2B From investing Life Ins assign $30B BAL. STATE BUDGET! RI FAMILY’S PAYROLL DEDUCT (see A7) PEOPLE (EXEMPTS) RATE TOTAL PREM. $3.0B 2.0% < $20k $60M 290k/235k $11.2B 4.0% $445M 418k/198k AGI RANGE AGI (B$) TOTAL < $30K $30- $100K HOUSEHOLDS (RETURNS) $100- $200K $6.1B 4.0% $100/wk max $230M 132k/46k +$200K 4.0% $100/wk max $65M 37k/13k $7.1B NO TAX RETURN MEDICARE/ MEDICAID TOTAL 193k/?? $27.4B $1B today $800M 1,070k/492k $19K PAYS $7/ WK, $40K PAYS $30/ WK, $80K PAYS $60/ WK, $100K PAYS $77/WK, $200K PAYS $100/ WK Coverage is based on living or working in RI not employment and includes a life insurance benefit.. RI EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION (see A7) (Jobs < $20k would pay avg. of $125/mo/ee, Jobs > $20k would pay avg. $750/mo/ee. Scaled- $1k max) # OF EE’S # OF FIRMS TOTAL JOBS 1 to 19 23,000 100,000 $2B $150M 1st $10k wages 5%, next $10k 10% 100,000 $4.8B $900M > $30k-$60k , 20% of all wages 20 to 99 2,500 TOTAL WAGES PREMIUMS TO PAY ($3.6B X 20% + 15k jobs >$60k X $12k/ea.) +100 500 180,000 $8.7B $1,650M > $20k-$60k , 20% of all wages ($6.7B X 20% + 25k jobs >$60k X $12k/ea.) Gov’t Total 62,000 26,000 $3.5B 442,000 $19B $950M approx. same as today (in Fed EE) $3,650M + $150m than today, small co’s Employers who currently offer insurance would continue to contribute the same amount on a % of payroll or per Employee basis during a transitional period of several years to the above. New employers or those not offering insurance now would Contribute based on the above. Rebates from Trust income could be skewed to smaller employers to defray cost. Net cost to Employers after rebates could be 40% less than today, a true competitive advantage for the state. DEFINED CONTRIBUTION FOR BUSINESS 5-10 years. Cost risk shifts to TRUST. Coverage is based on living or working in RI not employment and includes a life insurance benefit. . RI EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION (see A7) (Jobs < $20k would pay avg. of $125/mo/ee, Jobs > $20k would pay avg. $750/mo/ee. Scaled- $1k max) INDUSTRY HEALTH CARE & SOCIAL ASSISTANCE RETAIL TRADE MANUFACTURING ACCOMMODATION & FOOD SERVICE FINANCE & INSURANCE ADMINISTRATIVE & WASTE SERVICES PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES WHOLESALE TRADE INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION & WAREHOUSING MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES ART, ENTERTAINMENT & RECREATION REAL ESTATE & RENTAL & LEASING UTILITIES AGRICULTURE, FISHING, HUNTING MINING TOTAL PRIVATE SECTOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT GRAND TOTAL TOTAL JOBS AVG TOTAL WAGES TOTAL PREMIUM WAGE ($ MIL) ($ MIL) 77,000 46,000 44,000 39,000 23,000 21,000 19,000 18,000 17,000 16,500 15,000 10,000 9,000 9,000 8,000 6,500 1,100 700 200 380,000 39,000 26,000 46,000 16,000 68,000 29,000 62,000 50,000 44,000 26,000 60,000 57,000 35,000 104,000 23,000 37,000 79,000 26,000 47,000 40,900 3,003 1,196 2,024 624 1,564 609 1,178 900 748 429 900 570 315 936 184 241 87 18 9 15,535 600 120 405 50 250 115 225 180 150 50 180 115 63 108 24 48 13 2 2 2,700 62,000 56,000 3,472 950 442,000 43,000 19,007 3,650 AVG. PREM PER EE/ MO 649 217 767 107 906 456 987 833 735 253 1,000 958 583 1,000 250 615 1,000 238 833 592 most pt , < $20k most pt , < $20k most pt , < $20k max $1k/ mo most pt , < $20k max $1k/ mo most pt , < $20k 1,277 same as today 688 Premiums would be 5% on 1st $10k in wages, 10% on next $10k, 15% on next $10k. From $30k to $60k its 20% of all wages. Rebates from Trust income could be skewed to smaller employers to defray cost. Net cost to Employers after rebates could be 40% less than what is shown above (which is today’s cost) , a true competitive advantage for the state. DEFINED CONTRIBUTION FOR BUSINESS 5-10 years. Cost risk shifts to TRUST. Coverage is based on living or working in RI not employment and includes a life insurance benefit. SAVE $1.3B 15% (re-invest in Nursing Homes & Home Care) RI CURRENT COSTS: MOVE TO (see appendix A & B) MD/Other fees $1.7B 22% Dental $ .3B 4% Hosp-2.2m OP other $1.1B 14% MD FEEs: 450 Surgeons 195 Psychiatrists 935 Medical Hosp-440k OP ER $ .3B 4% Hosp-82k OP Surg. $ .1B 1% Hosp-127k inpatient $1.3B 17% Drugs Nursing Homes Non-Durables Home Care Other TOTAL $ .9B 12% $ .7B 9% $ .3B 4% $ .2B 3% $ .8B 10% $7.7B PRIMARY CARE: 425 Gen. Practices 195 Geriatric 160 Pediatric 160 Ob/Gyn 350 Dentists 180 Optometrists 370 Diet/Nutri 130 Ath. Trainers TOTAL Also, this population will double 10-20 yrs see A5/A6, global waiver $510m $235m $190m $190m $330m $115m $ 25m $ 8m $1,603 $225m $50m $225m Hospitals $1,700m Drugs Nursing Homes Non-Durables Home Care Other TOTAL $600m $700m $300m $200m $800m $6,400 Primary Care is 2.3m 1/2hr MD visits & 3.8m 1hr nurse visits per year. Should include routine lab, imaging, etc. 100% access. Shrink & focus hospitals to ER, Surgery & Inpatient. 100% GEOGRAPHIC ACCESS PRIMARY CARE IN RI: 25 URBAN AREAS 25 NON-URBAN AREAS (NEXT 4 SLIDES) Table of Contents PRIMARY CARE GEOGRAPHIC ACCESS: 25 URBAN AREAS City/ Neighborhood POP (000) Med. Hsld INC ($000) 21 17 16 19 24 20 17 17 19 170 21 18 25 21 21 36 25 65 90 35 20 25 20 20 85 60 32 60 90 60 25 15 25 15 80 55 90 31 60 55 Pawtucket 1 Pawtucket 2 Pawtucket 3 TOTAL 27 20 26 73 51 32 40 41 E Providence 1 E Providence 2 TOTAL 18 30 48 52 47 50 Woonsocket 1 Woonsocket 2 TOTAL 20 23 43 50 30 40 CENTRAL FALLS 19 28 518 44 Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence TOTAL Warwick Warwick Warwick Warwick TOTAL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 Cranston Cranston Cranston Cranston TOTAL 1 2 3 4 GRAND TOTAL In each of the 25 areas the Trust would contract approx. 20 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k in each area. 25 URBAN AREAS DEFINED (with median household income) POP (000) Med. Hsld INC ($000) 21 17 16 19 24 20 17 17 19 170 21 18 25 21 21 36 25 65 90 35 Pilgrim HS, Wards 1&2, 02888 Edgewood, Pawtuxet, etc. Vets HS, Wards 3,6&7, 02889 Oakland Beach, Airport Tolgate HS, Wards 8&9, 02886 Malls, CCRI, Goddard Pk Conimicut & Warwick Neck, Wards 4&5, 02889 Warwick Total (poverty 6k 7%, non-english 5k 6%) 20 25 20 20 85 60 32 60 90 60 East HS: Park View, Wellington Ave, Washington 2nd Trail, Warwick Ave, Wards 1,2,3 02910/ 05 West of I-295, Wards 4 & part of 5 02921 West HS: Plainfield Pike, Budlong, Greening Ln, Atwood, Oaklawn, Phenix Wards 5/ 4 02920 Garden City, Dean Parkway, New London Ave, Pontiac Ave, ACI, Ward 6 02920 Cranston Total (poverty 6k 7%, non-english 16k 20%) 25 15 25 15 80 55 90 31 60 55 Pawtucket 1 Pawtucket 2 Pawtucket 3 East of Geo. Bennett Hwy. 02861 tracts 155,56,57,58,59,68,69,70 Tollman HS: W. of Geo Bennett Hwy & N. of Mineral Spring 02860a tracts 150, 51,52,53,54,60 Shea HS: W. of Geo. Bennett Hwy & S. of Mineral Spring 02860b tracts 161,63,64,65,66,67,71 Pawtucket Total (poverty 12k 17%, non-english 24k 33%) 27 20 26 73 51 32 40 41 East Providence 1 East Providence 2 02915 South of Vets. Mem. Pkwy, Wampanoag Trail, Heaven's Gate Cem. tracts 105.02, 107.01, 106 EP HS: 02914 & 16 North of Vets Mem. Pkwy etc. tracts 101.01, 101.02, 102, 103, 104, 105.01 East Providence Total (poverty 4k 9%, non-english 11k 24%) 18 30 48 52 47 50 Woonsocket 1 Woonsocket 2 Outer Rim: WHS & NE, E. of Manville Rd, S. of Logee St, W. of w School St tracts 173,75,77,84,85 Inner Circle: SW of WHS, W.of Manville Rd, N. of Logee St, E of w School St. tracts 174,176, 178-83 Woonsocket Total (poverty 8k 19%, non-english 10k 23% all zip code 02895) 20 23 43 50 30 40 CENTRAL FALLS CF Total (poverty 5k 26%, non-english 11k 58% all zip code 02863) 19 28 GRAND TOTAL GRAND TOTAL 518 44 City/Town Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Warwick Warwick Warwick Warwick Neighborhood 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 Cranston Cranston Cranston Cranston 1 2 3 4 Classical HS: Down Town, Smith Hill, Federal Hill & Valley Wards 12 &13, 02903/ 08/ 09 Alvarez HS: Elmwood & Upper South Providence Wards 9 & 11, 02907/ 05/ 03 Cooley HS: S. Elmwood, Lower South Providence & Washinton Park Ward 10 & 9, 02905/ 07 Central HS: West End & Reservoir Wards 8, 11, 13, 02907/ 09 Silver Lake, Hartford, Olneyville & Manton Wards 7,15, 6, 02909 MTP HS: Elmhurst & Mount Pleasant Wards 5 & 14, 02908/ 09 E3 HS: Charles & Wanskuck Wards 4 & 14, 02904/ 08 Hope HS: Blackstone, Hope & Mount Hope Wards 3 & 2, 02904/ 06 College Hill, Wayland & Fox Point Wards 1 & 2, 02906/ 03 Providence Total (poverty: 44k 26%, non-english 75k 44%) PRIMARY CARE GEOGRAPHIC ACCESS: 25 NON-URBAN AREAS City/ Neighborhood POP (000) Med. Hsld INC ($000) Barrington Bristol Warren 17 23 11 95 63 50 Portsmouth Middletown Newport Tiverton/ L Comp. 17 17 26 19 70 61 49 61 E Greenwich N King/Jamestown S Kingstown Narragansett Westerly 13 35 27 16 23 85 89 71 61 63 Charlestown, Hopkinton, Rich. 23 66 Cumberland Johnston Lincoln N Providence N Smithfield Smithfield 34 30 22 33 11 21 74 54 70 50 72 69 Burillville Coventry Exeter/ W Green. W Warwick 16 35 11 30 70 70 79 47 Foster,Glocester, Scituate 24 70 1 to 15 54 NM 534 66 Block Island GRAND TOTAL In each of the 25 areas the Trust would contract approx. 20 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k in each area. PRIMARY CARE GEOGRAPHIC ACCESS IT IS IMPORTANT TO REITERATE THAT EVERY PRIMARY CARE MD GENERATES APPROXIMATELY THE SAME INCOME, EVERY DENTIST GENERATES APPROXIMATELY THE SAME INCOME AND EVERY OPTOMETRIST GENERATES APPROXIMATELY THE SAME INCOME AS DEFINED HEREIN. THERE IS NO FINANCIAL ADVANTAGE TO LOCATING IN A MORE AFFLUENT AREA VS A LESS AFFLUENT AREA. PROVIDERS ARE COMPENSATED ON A PER PATIENT BASIS, BASED ON PATIENT AGE & HEALTH CONDITION NOT FEE-FOR-SERVICE BILLING EVENTS. EMPHASIS IS ON PATIENT CARE, AND IMPROVING THE HEALTH STATISTICS OF THE PATIENT ROSTER. PRIMARY CARE IN RI: MOVING BACK TO THE MD OFFICE FROM HOSP. OUTPATIENT (NEXT 16 SLIDES) Table of Contents PRIMARY CARE IN RI: EVERYONE SEES A DOCTOR 4 TO 8 TIMES PER YEAR MIN. PLUS 3 OB/GYN, TWO DENTIST VISITS & AN OPTOMETRIST IS SEEN EVERY TWO YEARS. THE ABOVE IS REQUIRED TO KEEP COVERAGE. PRIMARY CARE IN RI: THIS WOULD REQUIRE 940 MD OFFICES, 350 DENTISTS, 180 OPTOMETRISTS EACH DEFINED AS FOLLOWS 940 PRIMARY CARE PRACTICES (1) DOCTOR $250K + BEN. (3) NURSES $60K +BEN. (2) RECPT/ADMIN $45K +BEN. COST $350K $240K $120K RENT $6K/ MONTH UTILITIES PROPERTY. INS/TAX LIAB. INS (REFORMED) SUPPLIES EQUIP. RENT ($1M/5YR) OTHER TOTAL $70K $12K $12K $12K $120K $200K $64K $1,200K Includes a $50k to $100k performance bonus The above will support 2,400 ½ hr MD appointments per yr and 4,000 1 hr nurse appts. That’s 800 patients (+65 y/o or < 1 y/o at 8 times per year.) or 1,600 patients 4 times/ yr. PRIMARY PAY PARITY This leaves 700 hrs per year for MD professional development & Admin. 350 DENTAL PRACTICES (1) DENTIST $160K + BEN. (3) HYGIENISTS $70K +BEN. (1) RECPT/ADMIN $45K +BEN. COST $215K $280K $60K RENT $6K/ MONTH UTILITIES PROPERTY. INS/TAX LIAB. INS (REFORMED) SUPPLIES EQUIP. RENT ($500K/5YR) OTHER TOTAL $70K $12K $12K $12K $120K $100K $64K $945K The above will support 3,000 patient’s 1 hr cleanings twice per year (hygienists). And 1,500 1 hr procedures with the Dentist. Leaving 400 hrs per year for admin & professional development. The cost is $315/patient/yr (2 cleanings @ $75/ea + 1 hr procedure every other yr on average). 180 OPTOMETRIST PRACTICES (1) OPTOMETRIST $130K + BEN. (1) RECPT/ADMIN $45K +BEN. COST $175K $60K RENT $6K/ MONTH UTILITIES PROPERTY. INS/TAX LIAB. INS (REFORMED) SUPPLIES EQUIP. RENT ($500K/5YR) OTHER TOTAL $70K $12K $12K $12K $120K $100K $64K $625K The above will support 6,000 patient’s 1/2 hr exam every 2 years (3,000/yr) . Leaving 400 hrs for Admin & Professional development. The cost is $208 per patient every 2 yrs ($104/yr). 940 PC MD’s REQUIRED IN RI AGE RANGE POP. (000) # DOC’S POP. (000) # DOC’S 2007 ( Practices) 2027 (Practices) 0-1 (8x/ yr) 15 20 15 20 2-17 (4x/ yr) 220 140 225 140 18-64 (4x/ yr) 680 425 655 410 +65 (8x/ yr) 155 195 215 270 TOTAL 1,070 780 1,110 840 18-64 FEMALE OB/GYN (3X/ YR) 340 160 330 155 2007: # PC’s IS 940 (780+160) @ $1.2M/ EA = $1.1B 2027: # PC’s IS 995 (840+155) @ $1.2M/ EA = $1.2B EVERYBODY SEES A DOCTOR 4 OR 8 TIMES PER YR ON AVG. + OB/GYN. 100% ACCESS. LICENSED DOCTORS IN RI L ic ens ed 0-20 yrs L ic ens ed + 20 yrs L ic ens ed + 30 yrs PRIMARY CARE 940 PRACTICES: T otal G ov't/ C orp/ O ther H os pital-B as ed 525 768 71 98 5 62 601 928 P rimary C are: F amily P rac tic e Internal Medic ine P ediatric s O B -G Y N T O T AL P R IMAR Y C AR E 148 351 159 96 754 68 129 37 32 266 51 118 50 34 253 267 598 246 162 1,273 Medic al S pec ialis ts : Anes thes iolog y C ardiovas c ular D ermatolog y E merg enc y G as trolog y Neurolog y P s yc hiatry P ulmonary R adiolog y Urolog y All O ther S pec ialis ts T O T AL S P E C IAL IS T S 69 60 27 40 31 38 116 21 104 27 147 680 22 14 14 10 14 14 32 10 22 8 60 220 16 20 16 7 7 10 47 5 34 16 52 230 107 94 57 57 52 62 195 36 160 51 259 1,130 S urg eons : C olon & R ec tal H and Neurolog ic al O phthamolog y O rthopaedic P las tic T horac ic Vas c ular G eneral/ O ther T O T AL S UR G E O NS 3 6 15 48 69 9 9 5 26 190 1 0 2 20 28 5 1 1 57 115 1 1 8 29 38 7 6 4 51 145 5 7 25 97 135 21 16 10 134 450 2,917 770 695 4,382 T O T AL MD 's in R I Trust contracts with 620 of these 425 General + 195 Geriatric (need 75 more Geriatric 10-20 yrs) Trust contracts with 160 pediatricians Trust contracts with all OB/GYN •PAY PARITY WITH SPECIALISTS •LOWER TOTAL COST •BETTER HEALTH STATS OTHER LICENSED PROFESSIONALS Licensed 0-20 yrs Licensed +20 yrs Licensed +30 yrs Total Avg. Salary OPTOMETRISTS 105 53 59 217 130 DENTISTS 300 141 172 613 160 ATHLETIC TRAINERS DIETICIANS/NUTRITIONISTS DENTAL HYGIENISTS PSYCHOLOGIST PHYSICIAN'S ASSIST. RADIOLOGY TECH'S 134 370 964 643 318 1,480 45 50 70 90 85 50 LPN RN RN- NURSE PRACTITIONER RN- NURSE ANESTHESIOLOGY CERT. NURSE'S ASSIST. 2,038 15,791 619 236 13,839 40 60 85 150 25 PRIMARY CARE IN RI: THE TRUST WILL CONTRACT WITH 780 MD’S & 160 OB/GYN’S TO CARE FOR 800 TO 1,600 PATIENTS EACH (by age/health) PAYING $750 TO $1,500/EA/YR TO RECOVER $1.2M COST OF PRIMARY CARE OFFICE PRACTICE AS DEFINED. COST: $1.1B PER YEAR OR AVG. $187/VISIT PRIMARY CARE IN RI: CURRENTLY WE SPEND $1.5B ON HOSP. OUTPATIENT VISITS AND MD FEES ARE $1.7B A TOTAL OF $3.2B. RE-DIRECT $1.1B TO PRIMARY CARE AS DESCRIBED. NOTE: HOSP OUTPATIENT 2.3M VISITS + 440K ER VISITS PER YEAR. THAT’S NEARLY 3 VISITS FOR EVERY PERSON IN RI! LET’S GET 100% COVERAGE & MOVE MUCH OF THIS TO PRIMARY CARE OFFICE VISITS. BETTER OUTCOME, ½ COST. PRIMARY CARE IN RI: PC MD’S WOULD BE REQUIRED TO ACTIVELY CONTACT PATIENT ROSTER TO ENCOURAGE COMPLIANCE WITH VISITS, TESTING ETC INCLUDING LIFE INS ENROLL. FOR PC MD TO RECEIVE PAYMENT. “ACTIVE MEDICAL HOME CONCEPT” PRIMARY CARE IN RI: IF CONTACT IS LOST OR PATIENT NON-COMPLIANT COVERAGE IS LOST & PATIENT PAYS UNTIL BACK ON COMPLIANT ROSTER “ACTIVE MEDICAL HOME CONCEPT” PRIMARY CARE IN RI: PC MD’S WOULD SUBMIT THEIR ROSTERS FOR PAYMENT ONCE PER MONTH (LIKE A NURSING HOME) ALONG WITH COMPLIANCE STATUS OF EACH PATIENT BASED ON CLINICAL GUIDELINES AND SUBJECT TO AUDIT. PAYMENT IS $100K PER MONTH FOR 800 PATIENTS (< 1, +65) OR 1,600 OTHER PATIENTS BASED ON HEALTH & COMPLIANCE (includes Federal Payments). PAY RATE AND OFFICE CAPABILITY WOULD BE SET TO MINIMIZE OR ELIMINATE ANY OTHER BILLING (routine lab, imaging, etc). ACHIEVE PRIMARY PAY PARITY WITH SPECIALISTS ETC. “ACTIVE MEDICAL HOME CONCEPT” PRIMARY CARE IN RI: IF PATIENT SHOWS UP AT HOSPITAL WITH NO COVERAGE OR PC MD THEY ARE ASSIGNED ONE BASED ON AGE, ZIPCODE AND MD AVAIL. OR SELECT AN MD OF THEIR PREFERENCE. PC MD ACTIVELY ENGAGES PATIENT “ACTIVE MEDICAL HOME CONCEPT” PRIMARY CARE IN RI: PRACTICES THAT CONTRACT WITH THE TRUST WILL OPERATE LIKE A FRANCHISE. THE MD WILL RUN THEIR BUSINESS WITHIN STANDARD PROCEDURES SHARED AMONG ALL OFFICES. SAME SOFTWARE, E-MEDICAL RECORDS, ADMIN PROCEDURES, AND MEDICAL ROUTINES TO ENSURE CONSISTENT PATIENT & STAFF EXPERIENCE. NIGHT & WEEKEND HOURS REQUIRED. EMPHASIS IS ON HEALTH METRICS OF PATIENT ROSTER AND IMPROVING THEREON. NOT BILLING EVENTS. 100% ACCESS & CONVENIENT, NO 2 HOUR WAITS. DRIVE VOLUME TO OFFICE AWAY FROM HOSPITAL. BETTER HEALTH OUTCOME ½ THE COST. PRIMARY PAY PARITY. “ACTIVE MEDICAL HOME CONCEPT” PRIMARY CARE IN RI: THE TRUST WILL BE GOVERNED BY A BOARD WITH REPRESENTATION FROM PATIENTS, & MINORITY (or non-voting) EMPLOYERS, PROVIDERS, GOVERNMENT & UNIONS. “PATIENT-DRIVEN” PATIENT FEEDBACK WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT CONSIDERATION FOR PRIMARY CARE CONTRACT RENEWAL. CUSTOMER (TRUST) HAS OPTION TO SAY “NO”. TRUST IS PRIMARILY A BUYER’S CO-OP SEEKING VALUE AND ACCESS. SIMILAR TO FED. 330 CLINICS. “ACTIVE MEDICAL HOME CONCEPT” HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI: MOVING BACK TO THE MD OFFICE FROM HOSP. OUTPATIENT (NEXT 6 SLIDES) Table of Contents WHAT HOSPITALS DO FOR US EACH YEAR IN RI AT A COST OF $2.8B • IN-PATIENT SURGERIES: 36,500 DISCHARGES* $ 609M (B3) (300 CRITICAL PATIENTS AND 500 RECOVERING PATIENTS ON AVG., 24/7) • IN-PATIENT MENTAL HEALTH: 12,400 $ 129M (B3) (300 PATIENTS ON AVG. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, 24/7) • IN-PATIENT ALL OTHER MEDICAL: 78,000** $ 592M (B3) (800 PATIENTS ON AVG. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, 24/7) • OUT-PATIENT ER: 440,000 VISITS $ 300M (B4) (300 SERIOUS PATIENTS & 100 WAITING ON AVG. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, 24/7) • OUT-PATIENT SURGERIES: 82,000 $ 100M (B4) (350 PATIENTS, 235 DAYS PER YR, 8 HRS PER DAY ON AVG.) • OUT-PATIENT ALL OTHER: 2.2 million VISITS (50k mental health visits, 650k imaging, 1.3m lab visits, 200k misc. visits) $1,154M (B5) $2,884M 2.2m out patient visits (not ER, not Surgery). Cost $1.1B. Drive much of this back to the PC Office. SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS TO: IN-PATIENT, OP-ER & OP-SURGERY. This is +2 visits for every man, woman & child in the state!! Over use and most should be included in PC. * excludes births ** includes births HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI $2.8B (BY FACILITY) WAGES & OTHER TOTAL BENEFITS COSTS DEP'N COSTS FACILITY Bradley Butler Kent Landmark Memorial Miriam Newport Rehab Hosp RI RI Hospital Roger Williams St Joseph's South County Westerly Woman & Infants TOTAL 40 50 141 71 108 155 57 23 470 87 107 53 45 207 1,614 10 17 101 70 61 145 44 10 383 75 69 48 30 107 1,170 1 3 9 3 4 9 6 2 30 6 5 6 4 12 100 51 70 251 144 173 309 107 35 883 168 181 107 79 326 2,884 CAPEX 2 6 9 2 4 38 7 2 66 7 5 18 2 18 186 # EE's 798 1,000 2,300 1,021 1,675 2,475 981 450 6,863 1,400 1,873 1,021 821 3,100 25,778 STAFFED IN-PATIENT DISBEDS DAYS CHARGES 60 105 338 131 159 193 123 43 562 156 275 86 71 137 2,439 19,105 35,954 82,401 35,584 38,191 64,761 27,851 14,777 165,968 39,034 77,954 21,292 17,726 48,651 689,249 Includes outpatient costs VA Med Center: $156m costs, 3,169 discharges, 17,750 in-patient days, 1,187 ee's. 86 beds. 925 4,147 14,561 7,150 7,765 12,797 6,045 918 30,004 7,890 11,016 5,357 4,629 13,580 126,784 HOSPITALS IN RI RECEIVE APPROX. THE SAME REVENUE AS THE 25 MOST PROFITABLE HOSP’S IN THE USA (APPEND. C) EACH RECEIVE APPROX. $1.1 MILLION PER YEAR, PER BED. BUT THE 25 MOST PROFITABLE COST 30% LESS THAN RI. CERTAINLY SOME OF THIS IS GEOGRAPHIC BUT CERTAINLY SOME OF THE DIFFERENCE IS NOT. 2.2 MIL. OUT-PATIENT VISTS (not ER, not Surgery) at 2x cost of PC SETTING FOR EXAMPLE (APPEND. D). MINIMIZE & MOVE TO PC ALSO, HOSP’S IN RI EMPLOY 9,000 MD’S, NURSES & C.N.A.’S BUT THEY EMPLOY 17,000 OTHER PEOPLE, NEARLY A 2:1 RATIO. HOW MANY OF THESE “OTHER PEOPLE” ARE NOT ADDING VALUE TO THE DELIVERY OF HEALTH CARE? LET’S STREAMLINE HOSPITALS & BILLING PROCESS: 300 SURGICAL/CRITICAL BEDS @ $1.15M 500 SURGICAL/RECOVERY BEDS @ $528K 300 MENTAL HEALTH BEDS @ $430K 800 MEDICAL BEDS @ $740K 1,900 IN-PATIENT BEDS (127K discharges, 689k days) ** $345M $264M $129M $592M $1,330M 440K ER VISITS @ $680/EA AVG. 82K OUT-PATIENT SURGERIES @ $1,200/EA AVG. $300M $100M 2.2 MILLION OTHER OUT-PATIENT VISITS $1,154M (to PC) (most “OP Other” move to PC office, heavy scrutiny, cut rates) TOTAL HOSPITAL COSTS $2,884M ** Each facility will submit a bill once per month to recover cost of having beds available & staffed, subject to audit. Utilization would be reviewed periodically. Under-utilized beds would be shifted to needed facilities or de-funded if not needed. Adding beds to the system, and/or rate increases would be scrutinized in public. THE CUSTOMER (TRUST) WOULD HAVE THE OPTION OF “NO”. Facilities would bill ER Visits & OP Surgeries at fixed rates once per month to recover costs to a max number allowed per year for the facility. Exceeding this number would be scrutinized. SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS AND SPECIALISTS IF THE PATIENT HAS A GENUINE NEED FOR ON GOING, LONG TERM SPECIALIST TREATMENT, THEN THE SPECIALIST CAN BE DESIGNATED THE PRIMARY CARE MD. COMPENSATION WOULD BE AS PC, NOT VIA ½ HOUR ($100) REFERRALS. THE OBJECT OF PRIMARY CARE IS TO MANAGE BEHAVIOR IN ORDER TO IMPROVE HEALTH STATISTICS, QUALITY OF LIFE AND AVOID CHRONIC DISEASE. AND/OR MANAGE CHRONIC DISEASE IN ORDER TO MINIMIZE OR ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR HOSPITAL CARE & SPECIALISTS THRU IMPROVED HEALTH STATISTICS & QUALITY OF LIFE. “ACTIVE MEDICAL HOME CONCEPT” MDs & SPECIALISTS (NOT HOSP EEs OR PC) ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITAL ACTIVITY: 158 SURGEONS: 31,500 OPERATIONS @ $3,500/EA 107 ANESTHESIOLOGISTS: 25,000 @ $1,500/EA $105M (B3) $ 50M (B3) 235 SURGEONS/SPECIALISTS: 82,000 OUTPATIENT SURGERIES @ $1,000/EA $ 85M (B4) 135 RADIOLOGISTS: 475,000 OUTPATIENT IMAGES $ 60M (B5) (drive to PC) @ $125/EA 635 TOTAL ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITALS (EST) $300M ALL OTHER MD/ SPECIALISTS (approx. 945) ** $200M GRAND TOTAL (SLIDE 19 & 32) $500M ** Each PC doctor would be given $200k of non-Hosp. “Specialist Referrals” per year based on patient roster. They would decide how to “spend” them ($100/referral). Table of Contents APPENDIX A REVIEW OF HEALTH COSTS IN RI (NEXT 7 SLIDES) Table of Contents RI HEALTH COSTS BY POPULATION: 1,070K PEOPLE, $7.7B, $7,200/PERSON A1 Uninsured 100k people 2007 est. MedicaidElderly/disabled 57k people $1.3 billion $23,435/person medicaid- elderly/disabled 17% medicaid- families & children 5% Private Plans 526k people $3.7 billion $7,035/person Who Pays? ER’s $2.7 billion Fed $2.5 billion State $1.1 billion Muni $0.4 billion EE’s $1.0 billion 17% GDP 26% Gen. Fund MedicaidFam & Child. 130k people $0.4 billion $3,045/person private plans 50% Medicare 154k people $1.4 billion $8,903/person medicare 17% federal employees 2% muni employees 5% State ee 35k people $0.3 billion $8,000/person state employees 4% Fed ee 18k people $0.2 billion $8,000/person Muni ee 50k people $.4 billion $8,000/ person INFLATION 10%, DEMOGRAPHICS MOVING TO $23K/PERSON, CAN’T SUSTAIN RI HEALTH COSTS BY SERVICE: 1,070K PEOPLE, $7.7B, $7,200/PERSON A2 2007 est. Hosp- Inpatient 127k admissions 689k patient days 5.4 days avg. stay $1.3 billion $1,900/day 2,439 beds staffed 14 hosp’s 77% utilization other 10% dental 4% Nursing Home 8,600 beds 85 homes $0.7 billion $81k/ bed 92% utilization home care 3% hosp-inpatient 17% nursing home 9% hosp-outpatient 19% non-durables 4% Hosp- Outpatient 2.2m visits + 440k ER visits $1.5 billion $550/ visit Drugs 12% Hosp Required at 2X cost? physicians/other 22% Drugs 15m scripts $0.9 billion $841/ person $60/ script Physicians 4,500 MDs $1.7 billion $1,600/person $377k/ MD avg. HOSP OUTPATIENT: 3 VISITS/YR FOR EVERY PERSON IN RI? $60 PER SCRIPT? Health Cost (bil $) A3 RI HEALTH COST TREND (IN CONSTANT 2007 $) 9.3 8.8 8.3 7.8 7.3 6.8 6.3 5.8 5.3 4.8 4.3 3.8 3.3 2.8 2.3 8.6 8.5 7.7 5.2 8.0 7.8 7.5 5.3 7.3 5.1 4.7 4.7 4.6 4.4 3.9 3.4 2.5 2007 3.3 3.1 2.7 2.5 2017 2027 Total 2037 Fed $ 2047 2057 2067 In-State (ex Fed) (SEE TABLE 3 (A6) FOR DETAIL) LET’S CUT THE YELLOW LINE BY 40% USING LIFE INSURANCE A4 TABLE 1: RI HEALTH CARE CASH FLOW (USING LIFE INS. ASSIGNMENT) 2007 2017 2027 2037 2047 2057 2067 2077 2087 2097 7.7 (2.5) 5.2 7.8 (2.5) 5.3 8.5 (3.4) 5.1 8.6 (3.9) 4.7 8.0 (3.3) 4.7 7.5 (3.1) 4.4 7.3 (2.7) 4.6 7.7 (3.3) 4.4 7.7 (3.3) 4.4 7.6 (3.2) 4.4 0.3 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 CASH OUT (table 3 for details): HEALTH COST (bil $)/ yr Less: FED $/ yr IN-STATE $/ yr (bil) Life Prem's (bil $) (@ $2k/ea- Table 2) TOTAL CASH OUT/ yr 5.5 6.0 6.0 5.6 5.5 (25.0) (80.0) (75.0) 25.0 80.0 75.0 5.2 5.4 5.2 5.2 5.2 60.0 55.0 55.0 70.0 60.0 (In-State & Life Prem's) CASH IN (table 2 for details): Assign Death Ben. (bil $)* 30.0 Death Benefits (bil $) 10yr INVEST. INCOME/ yr 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 (3.2) (2.5) (2.7) (4.2) (3.2) (@ 8% ON $30 Bil) NET IN-STATE COST/ yr 3.1 3.6 3.6 3.2 3.1 [------- +40% REDUCTION IN HEALTH BURDEN ----------------] [------- DEATH BENEFITS EXCEED HEALTH COSTS ---------------] *Assign 30 years ($180 bil) of future death benefits to investors for $30 bil today (pv using 4%-5% discount). Invest funds at 8% to offset baby boomer health costs netting 40% reduction in out-of-pocket costs paid by RI Families, Employers & Governments. After the 30 year assignment period, On-going Death benefits from a fully insured population, will equal or exceed health costs. NOTE: 2007 constant dollars. As future prices inflate, so will the face value of life ins. Demographic impact on cost is considered in the above per table 3. Medical inflation that exceeds general inflation however, will be an additional burden not reflected above. 40% REDUCTION NOW, +100% REDUCTION FOR OUR KIDS & GRAND KIDS NOW THAT’S A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE! A5 TABLE 2: AGE RI POP. TREND BY AGE (CONSTANT 2007 DOLLARS) Baseline 2007 POP (000) 2017 2027 2037 2047 2057 2067 2077 2087 2097 135 100 110 140 170 160 100 75 80 120 135 100 110 140 170 160 80 75 120 120 135 100 110 140 170 135 80 120 120 120 135 100 110 140 140 85 120 120 120 120 135 100 110 120 85 120 120 120 120 120 135 100 95 75 120 120 120 120 120 120 135 85 55 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 115 50 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 100 65 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 100 60 0-9 10-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 +75 TOTAL POP 1,070 Births Deaths ins. Deaths 1,090 1,110 120 100 1,070 120 100 25 1,030 120 160 50 ins. Deaths ins. Deaths 30 Death Benefit (bil $) $ 25 $ 80 $ 1,005 995 1,005 1,005 1,000 120 160 85 120 145 85 120 130 75 120 110 55 120 120 50 120 125 65 ins exp ins exp ins exp ins exp ins exp ins exp 55 20 45 15 40 15 20 35 50 20 40 20 75 $ 60 $ 55 $ 55 $ 70 $ 60 Insured Lives 160 330 445 475 415 405 395 405 405 400 Prem's (mil $) (@ $2k/ea 320 660 890 890 830 810 790 810 810 800 Death benefit based on purchasing $1m 30 yr term policies for 45-54 age group at $1,500 to $2,000 per yr per person assumes half out live policy period. Population assumes 12k births per year, no signifigant change in average life expectancy, and deaths are in the 65-74 group (early death is insured). Migration is assumed neutral. BUY LIFE INSURANCE FOR 45-54 AGE GROUP TO FUND HEALTH COSTS A6 TABLE 3: RI POP. TREND BY PAYER (CONSTANT 2007 DOLLARS) 2007 2017 2027 2037 2047 2057 2067 2077 2087 2097 RI TOTAL Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) 1,070 7.2 7,700 1,090 7.2 7,809 1,110 7.7 8,517 1,070 8.1 8,627 1,030 7.8 7,990 1,005 7.5 7,505 995 7.4 7,328 1,005 7.7 7,707 1,005 7.7 7,707 1,000 7.6 7,590 Medicaid- Elderly/Disabled Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) 57 23.4 1,300 65 23.4 1,521 90 23.4 2,106 110 23.4 2,574 90 23.4 2,106 75 23.4 1,755 70 23.4 1,638 85 23.4 1,989 85 23.4 1,989 80 23.4 1,872 130 3.0 400 150 3.0 450 140 3.0 420 130 3.0 390 130 3.0 390 130 3.0 390 125 3.0 375 125 3.0 375 125 3.0 375 125 3.0 375 154 8.9 1,400 160 8.9 1,424 225 8.9 2,003 240 8.9 2,136 225 8.9 2,003 190 8.9 1,691 165 8.9 1,469 200 8.9 1,780 200 8.9 1,780 200 8.9 1,780 State Employee Plans Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) 35 8.0 300 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 35 8.0 280 Federal Employee Plans Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) 18 8.0 200 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 18 8.0 144 Medicaid- Fam & Child. Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) Medicare Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) Uninsured Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) Private Plans Population (000) Cost/ Person (000) Total Cost (000) 100 576 7.1 4,100 100 562 7.1 3,990 100 502 7.1 3,564 100 437 7.1 3,103 100 432 7.1 3,067 100 457 7.1 3,245 100 482 7.1 3,422 100 442 7.1 3,139 100 442 7.1 3,139 100 442 7.1 3,139 A7 SCHEDULE OF PREM. PAID & REBATE EARNED BY WAGE LEVEL EE pays 2% of wages or AGI if < $20k 4% if > $20k Max $100/wk ER pays 5% 1st $10k wages Then 10% Next $10k & 15% next $10k 20% > $30k Max $1k/mo. ANNUAL WAGES (or AGI) 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 ANNUAL EE PREM. 100 200 300 800 1,000 1,200 % ANNUAL ER PREM. (GROSS) 2.0% 2.0% 2.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,250 3,000 % 5.0% 5.0% 6.7% 7.5% 9.0% 10.0% $3.0 BIL $60 MIL $140 MIL FROM APPROX 170K JOBS (EST) @$18k avg, 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 55,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,800 3,200 3,600 4,000 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 7,000 8,000 9,000 10,000 11,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 4,400 4,800 5,200 5,200 5,200 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 3.5% 2.6% 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 12,000 350 700 1,300 2,300 3,250 4,200 (100) (200) (400) (600) (900) (1,200) $200 MIL 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 17.1% 15.0% 13.3% 12.0% $11.2 BIL $445 MIL $2,595 MIL FROM APPROX 247K JOBS (EST) @ $45k avg, 110,000 120,000 130,000 150,000 200,000 TRUST REBATE TO ER TOTAL PREM. 10.9% 10.0% 9.2% 8.0% 6.0% % 150 300 600 900 1,350 1,800 3.0% 3.0% 4.0% 4.5% 5.4% 6.0% 4,200 4,800 5,400 6,000 6,600 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 12.0% 10.3% 9.0% 8.0% 7.2% 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 7,200 6.5% 6.0% 5.5% 4.8% 3.6% 7,200 3.6% ($55 MIL) 8,400 9,600 10,800 12,000 13,200 14,400 14,800 15,200 15,600 16,000 $3,040 MIL ANNUAL ER PREM. (NET) (2,800) (3,200) (3,600) (4,000) (4,400) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) ($1,040 MIL) 16,400 16,800 17,200 17,200 17,200 (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) (4,800) $6.1 BIL $230 MIL $725 MIL $955 MIL ($290 MIL) FROM APPROX 15K JOBS (EST) @ $150k avg, & $3.8B SE, INVEST. +200,000 5,200 12,000 17,200 (4,800) $7.1 BIL $65 MIL $190 MIL $255 MIL FROM APPROX 10K JOBS (EST) @ $250k avg, & $4.6B SE, INVEST. ($75 MIL) GRAND TOTAL FROM APPROX 442K JOBS (EST) @ $43k avg, & $8.4B SE, INVEST. $27.4 BIL $800 MIL $3,650 MIL STATE MEDICAID SPENDING FED. MEDICAID & MEDICARE SPENDING TOTAL RI HEALTH CARE SPENDING $4,450 MIL ($1,460 MIL) $1,000 MIL $2,300 MIL ($440 MIL) $7,750 MIL ($1,900 MIL) BACK APPENDIX B HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI (NEXT 6 SLIDES) Table of Contents B1: HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI $2.8B (BY PRIMARY DIAGNOSIS) Primary Diagnosis Avg Discharges Stay Patient Days % Days 110% Beds Needed Cost / Day Total ($mil) Heart Disease Other Circulatory 15,579 5,695 4.9 6.0 76,337 34,170 11.1% 5.0% 230 105 3,500 3,500 267 120 Births & Related Respiratory Mental Disease Digestive Injury & Poisioning Cancer (neoplasms) Musculoskeletal Genitourinary (urogenital) Endocdrine (nutrition, metabolic, immune) 14,963 12,875 12,378 11,636 9,621 6,870 6,811 6,565 4,626 3.1 5.9 8.7 5.4 6.2 7.1 4.1 4.1 4.6 46,385 75,963 107,689 62,834 59,650 48,777 27,925 26,917 21,280 6.7% 11.0% 15.6% 9.1% 8.7% 7.1% 4.1% 3.9% 3.1% 140 230 325 190 180 150 85 80 65 2,900 1,600 1,200 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 135 122 129 101 95 78 45 43 34 19,165 126,784 5.3 5.4 101,323 689,249 14.7% 100.0% 305 2,085 1,600 1,930 162 1,330 680 1,200 525 550 300 100 1,154 1,554 All Other TOTAL IN-PATIENT 440,000 ER visits (8 hrs/ea avg) 82,000 Out Patient Surgeries (8 hrs/ea avg.) 2,200,000 Out Patient- other visits TOTAL OUT-PATIENT TOTAL HOSPITAL COSTS 2.2m out patient visits (not ER, not Surgery). Cost $1.1B. Drive much of this back to the PC Office. SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS TO: IN-PATIENT, OP-ER & OP-SURGERY 2,884 B2: HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI $2.8B (BY ACTIVITY) ($ Millions) COST ACTIVITY 36,500 In-Patient Surgeries (8 days avg) InNursing Patient Payroll $ Days (4,000) 292,000 C.N.A. Hosp MD Payroll $ Payroll $ (4,000) (928) 107 43 109 Other Payroll $ (16,850) Other Hosp Costs 75 275 Total Hosp Costs 108,000 18 8 11 60 32 (635) 609 $16,000/ea 12,400 In-Patient Mental Disease (8.7 days) Non-Hosp MD Costs 155 $5,000/ea 129 - $10,400/ea 77,884 All Other In-Patient (3.7 days avg.) 289,249 48 20 30 227 267 592 - $7,600/ea TOTAL IN-PATIENT (126,784 discharges) 82,000 Out Patient Surgeries (8 hrs/ea avg.) 689,249 173 71 35 6 $1200/ea 150 362 574 14 45 1,330 100 $1,200/ea 440,000 ER visits (8 hrs/ea avg) TOTAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURGERY $680/ea Imaging: 650k visits $900/ea 72 107 - 30 36 - 30 30 33 47 135 180 23 287 275 155 85 $1,000/ea 300 400 TOTAL HOSPITAL COSTS $600/ea $350/ea $420/ea $525/ea 689,249 - - 85 585 $900/ea Mental Health: 50k visits Lab: 1.3m visits (7m tests @ $65) Misc: 200k visits TOTAL OUT-PATIENT OTHER (2.2 MIL VISITS) - 60 $125/ea 48 16 64 20 7 27 7 33 7 70 15 160 15 477 8 194 39 516 30 455 84 1,154 - 344 134 250 886 1,270 2,884 300 2.2m out patient visits (not ER, not Surgery). Cost $1.1B. Drive much of this back to the PC Office. SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS TO: IN-PATIENT, OP-ER & OP-SURGERY 60 B3: HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI $2.8B (BY ACTIVITY: IN-PATIENT DETAIL) ($ Millions) COST ACTIVITY 36,500 In-Patient Surgeries (8 days avg): 183 Surgeons (200/yr/ea) 25 are Hosp EE's 157 Anesthesiologists 50 are Hosp EE's 26 RN- Anesthesiologists 26 are Hosp EE's 300 Critical Patients (3 days) 900 Nurses (1:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 900 C.N.A.'s (5:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 200 MD's 500 Recovery Patients (5 days) 375 Nurses (4:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 375 C.N.A.'s (20:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 75 MD's Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL IN-PATIENT: SURGERY InNursing Patient Payroll $ Days (4,000) C.N.A. Hosp MD Payroll $ Payroll $ (4,000) (928) Other Payroll $ (16,850) Other Hosp Costs Total Hosp Costs 275 275 17 23 5 72 30 50 30 13 19 350 609 Non-Hosp MD Costs (635) 292,000 17 23 5 72 30 50 30 13 19 292,000 107 43 109 75 75 105 50 300 beds X $1.15m/bed 500 beds x $528k/bed 155 $16,000/ea 12,400 In-Patient Mental Disease (8.7 days): $5,000/ea 108,000 40 Psychiatrists 40 are Hosp EE's 300 Patients (8.7 days) 225 Nurses (4:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 225 C.N.A.'s Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL IN-PATIENT: MENTAL DISEASE 108,000 77,884 All Other In-Patient (3.7 days avg.) 289,249 11 32 32 11 18 8 92 129 300 beds x $430k/bed - 800 beds x $740k/bed - 18 8 18 8 11 60 60 (20:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 120 MD's 800 Patients (3.7 days) 600 Nurses (4:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 600 C.N.A.'s Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL IN-PATIENT: ALL OTHER MEDICAL 289,249 48 20 30 227 227 267 267 30 48 20 494 592 TOTAL IN-PATIENT (126,784 discharges) 689,249 173 71 150 362 574 1,330 155 72 35 64 171 30 6 27 63 30 70 100 33 14 477 524 135 45 516 696 300 100 1,154 1,554 85 60 145 344 134 250 886 1,270 2,884 300 440,000 ER visits (8 hrs/ea avg) 82,000 Out Patient Surgeries (8 hrs/ea avg.) 2,200,000 Out Patient- other visits TOTAL OUT-PATIENT TOTAL HOSPITAL COSTS 30 48 20 $680/ea $1200/ea $525/ea 689,249 B4: HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI $2.8B (BY ACTIVITY: OUT-PATIENT ER & SURGERY DETAIL) ($ Millions) COST ACTIVITY InNursing C.N.A. Hosp MD Patient Payroll $ Payroll $ Payroll $ Days (4,000) (4,000) (928) TOTAL IN-PATIENT (126,784 discharges) 689,249 440,000 Out-Patient ER Visits (8 hrs/ea avg): N/A 300 Critical Patients 900 Nurses (1:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 900 C.N.A.'s (7:1 x 3 shifts) ALSO 120 MD's Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL OUT-PATIENT: ER 82,000 Out-Patient Surgeries (8 hrs/ea avg.) 235 Surgeons/Specialists (350/ea/yr) 175 RN- Anesthesiologists all are Hosp EE's 350 Patients (open 235 days/yr) (2:1 x 1 shift) ALSO 175 C.N.A.'s Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL OUT-PATIENT: SURGERIES 173 71 150 Other Payroll $ (16,850) Other Hosp Costs Total Hosp Costs 362 574 1,330 135 135 72 30 30 168 300 72 30 30 $680/visit 72 30 30 33 33 MENTAL DISEASE (50k visits) IMAGING (650k visits) LAB (1.3m visits) MISC. (200k visits) TOTAL OUT-PATIENT: OTHER Visits (635) 155 - N/A 85 35 35 6 $1,200/ea 35 6 14 14 - 45 45 6 59 100 $1,200/ea 2,200,000 Out Patient- other visits: Non-Hosp MD Costs 85 $1,000/ea N/A $525/visit 48 16 64 20 7 27 7 23 33 7 70 15 287 160 15 477 8 275 194 39 516 30 585 455 84 1,154 60 60 $125/ea GRAND TOTAL OUT-PATIENT TOTAL HOSPITAL COSTS 689,249 171 63 100 524 696 1,554 145 344 134 250 886 1,270 2,884 300 B5: HOSPITAL COSTS IN RI $2.8B (BY ACTIVITY: OUT-PATIENT 2.2M OTHER VISITS DETAIL) ($ Millions) COST ACTIVITY TOTAL IN-PATIENT (126,784 discharges) InNursing Patient Payroll $ Days (4,000) 689,249 C.N.A. Payroll $ (4,000) Total Hosp Costs 150 362 574 1,330 30 33 135 300 14 45 100 15 15 8 8 7 23 30 275 275 13 23 549 585 72 30 TOTAL OUT-PATIENT: SURGERIES $1,200/ea 35 6 Imaging: 650k visits @ $900/ea 2,800 Patients (open 235 days/yr) 1/2 hr ea (1:1 x 1 shift) 200 TECHS 185 Radiologists 50 are Hosp. EE's Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL IMAGING (650k visits) Other Hosp Costs 71 $680/ea Mental Health: 50k visits @ $600/ea 25 Psychiatrists 25 are Hosp EE's (1 hr/ea) Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL MENTAL DISEASE (50k visits) Other Payroll $ (16,850) 173 TOTAL OUT-PATIENT: ER 2,200,000 Out Patient- other visits: Hosp MD Payroll $ (928) - Non-Hosp MD Costs (635) 155 85 N/A 7 $600/ea - - 7 13 23 $900/ea - - 23 274 287 - 60 60 $125/ea Lab: 1.3m visits @ $350/ea (7m tests @ $65) 50 Pathologists 175 Phlebotomists/techs (1.3m @ 15 mins) 600 Nurses & 600 C.N.A.'s Allocate 150 MD's residents, part time, etc. Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL LAB (1.3m visits) 13 194 194 13 7 68 20 347 455 - - 7 48 20 20 $350/ea 48 20 16 7 33 153 160 Misc: 200k visits @ $420/ea 200 Nurses & 200 C.N.A.'s Allocate 50 MD's residents, part time, etc. Allocated Facility Costs TOTAL MISC. (200k visits) $420/ea 16 7 7 15 15 39 39 23 7 54 84 TOTAL OUT-PATIENT: OTHER (2.2m Visits) $525/visit 64 27 70 477 516 1,154 60 171 63 100 524 696 1,554 145 344 134 250 886 1,270 2,884 300 7 TOTAL OUT-PATIENT ALL TOTAL HOSPITAL COSTS 689,249 B6: MD’S EMPLOYED BY RI HOSPITALS (INCLUDED IN THE $2.8B COST OF HOSPITALS) SPECIALTY NUMBER EMPLOYED ANESTHESIOLOGY CARDIO ER FAMILY GASTRO HEMA ID INTERNAL MED. NEPHROLOGY NEUROLOGY OB-GYN PATHOLOGY PEDI PSYCHIATRISTS PULMONARY RADIOLOGY SURGEONS OTHER 50 15 125 30 13 14 20 174 7 11 28 51 85 91 14 50 25 125 TOTAL NUMBER (EST) 928 EST. COST SALARY & BEN. (million $) 250 APPENDIX C TOP 25 MOST PROFITABLE HOSPITALS IN THE USA Table of Contents C1: 25 MOST PROFITABLE HOSPITALS IN THE USA RANK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 NAME LOCATION OWNER FLOWERS DEL SOL METHODIST ST LUKES SETON SWEDISH DOCTORS OH STATE ST MARK'S NORTHRIDGE LUTHERAN ERLANGER REGIONAL SUTTER EASTERN ID CONROE MED. CNTR. ST LUKE'S MED. CITY MEMORIAL ST FRANCIS MED. CNTR. LAS PALMAS NORTHWEST ST. MARY'S DOLTHAN, AL EL PASO, TX ROCHESTER, MN CEDAR RAPIDS, IA AUSTIN, TX ENGLEWOOD, CO AUGUSTA, GA COLUMBUS, OH SALT LAKE CITY, UT NORTHRIDGE, CA FORT WAYNE, IN CHATTANOSA, TN HUDSON, FL SACRAMENTO, CA IDAHO FALLS, ID CONROE, TX PLANO, TX JACKSONVILLE, FL DALLAS, TX LAS CRUCES, NM MONROE, LA AURORA, CO EL PASO, TX SPRINGDALE, AK ROCHESTER, MN CHS HCA MAYO * IA HEALTH * ASCENSION * HCA HCA UNIV MED. * HCA CATHOLIC * CHS ERLANGER * HCA SUTTER * HCA HCA HCA ASCENSION * HCA CHS/LIFE PT CATHOLIC * HCA HCA CHS MAYO * TOTAL PATIENT REVENUE (MIL $) BEDS 389 243 446 263 432 447 272 1,980 283 458 431 400 185 688 231 261 254 309 567 220 377 336 203 230 701 235 304 336 296 405 296 215 835 250 335 380 521 268 627 242 258 403 204 677 286 500 259 247 249 821 1,655,319 799,342 1,327,381 888,514 1,066,667 1,510,135 1,265,116 2,371,257 1,132,000 1,367,164 1,134,211 767,754 690,299 1,097,289 954,545 1,011,628 630,273 1,514,706 837,518 769,231 754,000 1,297,297 821,862 923,695 853,837 53 45 37 36 34 33 33 32 31 30 30 29 28 28 28 28 28 27 26 26 26 26 25 25 24 778,000 439,638 836,250 568,649 704,000 1,011,791 847,628 1,612,455 781,080 957,015 793,947 545,106 497,015 790,048 687,273 728,372 453,797 1,105,735 619,764 569,231 557,960 960,000 616,397 692,771 648,916 10,606 9,449 1,122,447 30 752,113 REVENUE PER BED OP% COST PER BED * THESE ARE NON-PROFIT OWNERS. HCA = HOSPITAL CORP OF AMERICA- NASHVILLE, TN CHS = COMMUNITY HEALTH SYSTEMS- BRENTWOOD, TN. ASCENSION HEALTH- ST LOUIS, MO APPROX. SAME REVENUE AS HOSP’S IN RI ($1.1 M/ BED). BUT COST 30% LESS APPENDIX D HOSPITAL OUTPATIENT PRICES HOSP. 50% TO +200% MORE THAN PC AND A COMPLETE LACK OF PRICE TRANSPARENCY RI SPENDS $1.5B OUT-PATIENT FOLLOWING IS PRICE DATA FOR RI ON 247 MOST COMMON HOSP. OUT-PATIENT PROCEDURES (NEXT 11 SLIDES) Table of Contents D1: SUMMARY OF PRICES IN RI FOR 247 COMMON PROCEDURES (DETALED ON THE NEXT 10 SLIDES... HOSP 50% TO +200% MORE EXPENSIVE) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Facility Rank Low Avg High 505 907 2,247 LAB AVERAGE (86 tests) 28 65 OTHER LAB AVERAGE (14 tests) 35 MISC. PROCEDURE AVG. (67) 212 TOTAL IMAGING AVERAGE (74) OTHER (6) #N/A HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 1,027 2,404 427 -28% 705 -31% 833 -65% 176 28 65 176 22 -21% 34 -48% 47 -73% 72 94 35 72 94 22 -37% 23 -68% 23 -75% 691 2,359 330 915 2,690 198 -40% 270 -70% 375 -86% #N/A 118 #N/A 120 224 #N/A 157 High 593 #N/A 88 High IDTF/OFFICE Total Low Avg 331 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A ATTACHED IS DETAIL PRICING INFORMATION FOR RI ON THE 247 MOST COMMON HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT PROCEDURES, AS COMPILED BY THE CENTER FOR MEDICARE AND MEDICAID SERVICES (CMS) AND REPORTED ON WWW.MYMEDICALEXPENSES.COM (JUNE 2010). RANK: THE LOWER THE NUMBER THE MORE COMMON THE PROCEDURE. IDTF: INDEPENDENT DIAGNOSTIC & TEST FACILITY. HCPCS: HOSPITAL COMMON PROCEDURE CODING SYSTEM (USED BY MEDICARE) #N/A D2: TYPICAL IMAGING PRICES IN RI ( 1 of 3) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Facility Rank Low Avg High HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg High IDTF/OFFICE Total Low Avg High Ct abdomen w/dye Ct abdomen w/o & w/dye Ct abdomen w/o dye Ct angiography, chest Ct head/brain w/o & w/dye Ct head/brain w/o dye Ct lumbar spine w/o dye Ct maxillofacial w/o dye Ct neck spine w/o dye Ct pelvis w/dye Ct pelvis w/o & w/dye Ct pelvis w/o dye Ct soft tissue neck w/dye Ct thorax w/dye Ct thorax w/o dye CT AVERAGE 69 70 68 37 27 26 42 28 41 48 49 47 29 36 35 1,225 1,087 858 1,133 1,056 709 958 325 872 1,049 1,331 858 949 949 774 942 1,494 1,474 1,040 1,885 1,439 990 1,005 1,236 1,709 1,588 1,392 941 1,930 1,391 932 1,363 3,765 4,998 6,758 3,663 2,877 4,557 2,602 3,290 3,968 3,687 3,911 2,568 3,221 11,357 6,218 4,496 155 170 145 217 175 105 160 129 140 140 165 148 176 155 140 155 192 216 183 280 217 145 193 185 168 181 213 174 229 192 175 196 253 296 238 339 246 172 245 199 201 221 232 213 238 242 221 237 1,380 1,257 1,003 1,350 1,231 814 1,118 454 1,012 1,189 1,496 1,006 1,125 1,104 914 1,097 1,686 1,690 1,223 2,165 1,656 1,135 1,198 1,421 1,877 1,769 1,605 1,115 2,159 1,583 1,107 1,559 4,018 5,294 6,996 4,002 3,123 4,729 2,847 3,489 4,169 3,908 4,143 2,781 3,459 11,599 6,439 4,733 602 793 524 1,089 673 448 541 488 675 613 746 587 607 672 513 638 -42% 1,233 1,480 932 2,123 1,236 808 1,030 801 1,066 1,216 1,467 1,008 1,055 1,252 1,029 1,182 -24% 1,297 1,560 1,088 2,232 1,368 904 1,111 911 1,126 1,279 1,584 1,101 1,112 1,354 1,121 1,276 -73% Mri brain w/o & w/dye Mri brain w/o dye Mri jnt of lwr extre w/o dye Mri joint upr extrem w/o dye Mri lumbar spine w/o & w/dye Mri lumbar spine w/o dye Mri neck spine w/o dye MRI AVERAGE 31 1,152 30 852 65 852 56 852 45 1,152 44 852 43 1,807 1,074 3,272 1,428 1,824 1,427 3,395 1,099 2,493 2,134 6,013 4,472 4,376 2,718 4,040 5,510 4,933 4,580 310 203 122 139 305 223 234 219 418 263 262 262 446 256 268 311 606 308 375 375 473 300 282 388 1,462 1,055 974 991 1,457 1,075 2,041 1,293 3,690 1,691 2,086 1,689 3,841 1,355 2,761 2,445 6,619 4,780 4,751 3,093 4,513 5,810 5,215 4,968 1,990 906 994 1,057 1,914 886 926 1,238 -4% 3,789 1,838 1,712 1,746 3,520 1,841 1,781 2,317 -5% 4,411 2,029 2,019 2,091 4,280 2,252 2,101 2,740 -45% D3: TYPICAL IMAGING PRICES IN RI ( 2 of 3) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Chest x-ray Cine/vid x-ray, throat/esoph Contrast x-ray, esophagus X-ray exam of abdomen X-ray exam of ankle X-ray exam of elbow X-ray exam of finger(s) X-ray exam of foot X-ray exam of hand X-ray exam of hip X-ray exam of humerus X-ray exam of knee, 1 or 2 X-ray exam of knee, 3 X-ray exam of lower leg X-ray exam of lower spine X-ray exam of neck spine X-ray exam of pelvis X-ray exam of ribs X-ray exam of ribs/chest X-ray exam of shoulder X-ray exam of thigh X-ray exam of thoracic spine X-ray exam of wrist X-ray exam series, abdomen X-ray exam, knee, 4 or more X-Ray AVERAGE Rank Low Facility Avg High 32 72 71 66 63 52 55 64 54 57 51 59 60 62 40 38 46 33 34 50 58 39 53 67 61 91 205 231 151 77 82 62 77 77 88 82 56 84 118 98 91 95 112 132 83 82 96 77 119 93 102 214 310 467 211 270 135 136 204 117 200 221 208 201 273 253 288 190 206 371 158 149 246 169 232 228 226 312 873 1,548 265 313 313 294 312 312 588 330 335 588 313 455 339 312 312 447 339 357 393 312 436 455 434 HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 21 54 57 24 14 20 18 17 18 25 19 16 20 18 25 25 20 29 36 20 23 25 14 41 25 25 29 78 67 28 26 29 24 27 26 36 26 27 29 28 37 37 28 34 45 29 28 33 27 55 39 35 36 106 80 36 42 33 35 95 38 45 36 46 47 37 57 42 37 46 49 43 36 45 39 75 61 50 112 259 288 175 91 102 80 94 95 113 101 72 104 136 123 116 115 141 168 103 105 121 91 160 118 127 243 388 534 239 296 164 160 231 143 236 247 235 230 301 290 325 218 240 416 187 177 279 196 287 267 261 High 348 979 1,628 301 355 346 329 407 350 633 366 381 635 350 512 381 349 358 496 382 393 438 351 511 516 484 IDTF/OFFICE Total Low Avg 55 259 148 58 56 57 45 53 58 60 51 46 58 45 67 58 49 66 73 59 55 59 56 74 69 69 -45% 89 388 149 97 111 106 95 102 107 108 92 90 110 103 138 117 94 87 143 125 95 102 117 80 142 119 -54% High 107 979 150 115 161 138 133 142 172 166 159 137 160 149 242 157 139 112 185 181 152 135 157 86 171 183 -62% D4: TYPICAL IMAGING PRICES IN RI ( 3 of 3) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Transvaginal us, non-ob Us exam abdo back wall, comp Us exam abdo back wall, lim Us exam of head and neck Us exam, abdom, complete Us exam, breast(s) Us exam, pelvic, complete ULTRA-SOUND AVERAGE Bone imaging, whole body Cardiac rehab/monitor Doppler color flow add-on Doppler echo exam, heart ECG monitor/record, 24 hrs ECG monitor/report, 24 hrs Echo exam of abdomen Echo exam of heart Echo guidance radiotherapy Echo guide for biopsy Echo transthoracic Fluoroscope examination Heart function add-on Heart image (3d), multiple Heart wall motion add-on Pet image w/ct, skull-thigh Polysomnography, 4 or more Rhythm ECG, tracing Telephone analy, pacemaker Telephonic analy, pacemaker OTHER IMAGING AVERAGE Rank Facility Low Avg High HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg High IDTF/OFFICE Total Low Avg High 80 313 78 378 79 #N/A 74 278 76 389 75 227 81 313 316 704 575 #N/A 542 511 671 534 590 895 1,996 #N/A 884 1,115 3,909 1,214 1,669 74 82 #N/A 65 91 65 85 77 105 107 #N/A 85 126 80 105 101 165 153 #N/A 119 154 123 150 144 387 460 #N/A 343 480 292 398 393 809 682 #N/A 627 637 751 639 691 1,060 2,149 #N/A 1,003 1,269 4,032 1,364 1,813 189 157 151 202 192 149 132 170 -57% 390 419 152 319 429 255 348 360 -48% 441 524 156 385 530 364 507 459 -75% 86 345 219 54 214 100 213 0 210 117 211 204 77 283 212 382 83 0 82 380 214 401 73 127 89 470 87 2,374 88 330 90 4,279 231 1,372 209 47 217 0 218 0 563 1,354 129 387 192 296 459 541 1,521 0 808 1,849 698 864 5,337 1,438 4,530 2,050 104 0 0 1,128 1,888 862 512 598 584 713 1,677 3,919 0 1,237 3,995 9,135 1,681 7,970 1,687 4,825 4,254 367 0 0 2,295 111 0 6 34 0 0 74 60 70 68 210 26 59 142 62 296 310 0 24 28 79 129 0 45 83 0 0 86 168 90 102 234 106 95 252 98 371 359 0 35 32 114 157 0 170 130 0 0 108 250 93 199 282 200 150 327 130 436 527 0 53 40 163 456 54 106 34 117 204 357 442 70 448 611 153 529 2,516 392 4,575 1,682 47 24 28 642 1,483 129 432 275 296 459 627 1,689 90 910 2,083 804 959 5,589 1,536 4,901 2,409 104 35 32 1,242 2,045 862 682 728 584 713 1,785 4,169 93 1,436 4,277 9,335 1,831 8,297 1,817 5,261 4,781 367 53 40 2,458 740 54 171 154 90 225 149 342 70 310 488 96 209 972 208 4,521 1,517 23 130 109 529 -18% 796 129 288 251 120 334 285 486 90 415 533 161 258 1,426 272 4,782 2,033 65 163 137 651 -48% 813 862 445 406 130 336 352 881 93 682 565 174 333 1,531 304 5,172 2,457 75 199 154 798 -67% D5: TYPICAL LAB PRICES IN RI ( 1 of 4) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Alanine amino (ALT) (SGPT) Antinuclear antibodies Assay alkaline phosphatase Assay of amylase Assay of blood lipoprotein Assay of blood/uric acid Assay of calcium Assay of ck (cpk) Assay of creatinine Assay of digoxin Assay of ethanol Assay of ferritin Assay of free thyroxine Assay of gammaglobulin igm Assay of GGT Assay of iron Assay of lipase Assay of magnesium Assay of parathormone Assay of phenytoin, total Assay of phosphorus Assay of protein, serum Assay of psa, total Assay of serum albumin Assay of serum potassium Assay of serum sodium Assay of total thyroxine Assay of troponin, quant Assay of urea nitrogen Rank 153 168 142 111 137 156 115 118 120 99 110 123 150 125 131 133 136 138 141 101 143 146 145 108 144 148 149 154 155 Facility Low Avg 18 34 9 22 20 15 5 24 14 31 67 54 39 19 34 29 20 17 87 40 12 29 65 27 15 21 50 77 14 32 77 36 59 56 34 35 43 36 85 88 118 86 83 51 44 61 53 106 78 39 30 93 37 32 33 62 106 27 High 49 136 49 90 90 41 190 106 62 126 136 132 207 145 77 44 263 75 190 142 49 49 159 62 49 49 81 129 36 HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 34 9 22 20 15 5 24 14 31 67 54 39 19 34 29 20 17 87 40 12 29 65 27 15 21 50 77 14 32 77 36 59 56 34 35 43 36 85 88 118 86 83 51 44 61 53 106 78 39 30 93 37 32 33 62 106 27 High 49 136 49 90 90 41 190 106 62 126 136 132 207 145 77 44 263 75 190 142 49 49 159 62 49 49 81 129 36 INDEPENDENT LAB Total Low Avg High 12 18 9 18 20 13 9 19 9 35 17 35 23 15 17 11 10 19 103 48 16 5 42 8 9 12 23 34 10 16 52 11 31 31 17 13 33 15 55 18 54 57 26 20 24 28 30 148 61 16 12 62 12 18 16 32 94 12 22 80 25 49 46 19 35 36 23 55 26 60 60 53 33 33 37 60 156 70 20 20 98 35 32 20 33 128 14 D6: TYPICAL LAB PRICES IN RI ( 2 of 4) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Assay of urine creatinine Assay thyroid stim hormone Assay, bld/serum cholesterol Assay, dipropylacetic acid Assay, glucose, blood quant Automated reticulocyte count Bilirubin, direct Bilirubin, total Bl smear w/diff wbc count Blood culture for bacteria Blood folic acid serum Blood typing, ABO Blood typing, Rh (D) Carcinoembryonic antigen Complete cbc w/auto diff wbc Comprehen metabolic panel C-reactive protein Creatine, MB fraction Cultr bacteria, except blood Culture aerobic identify Culture screen only Culture, bacteria, other Drug screen, qualitate/multi Drug screen, single Electrolyte panel Fibrin degradation, quant Flowcytometry/tc, add-on Fungus isolation culture Rank 121 151 117 100 128 161 113 112 157 178 124 172 173 116 160 93 169 119 180 181 182 179 97 98 92 163 190 185 Facility Low Avg 16 51 13 42 14 36 19 22 13 76 34 16 18 48 16 27 15 36 49 22 15 43 54 5 10 34 8 39 56 115 41 108 37 40 35 35 28 98 85 17 18 138 64 113 30 85 62 50 74 115 55 44 110 36 69 105 High 96 280 62 150 59 58 62 62 185 184 140 39 40 265 133 1,185 121 131 356 181 147 151 112 276 362 102 305 111 HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 51 13 42 14 36 19 22 13 76 34 16 18 48 16 27 15 36 49 22 15 43 54 5 10 34 8 39 56 115 41 108 37 40 35 35 28 98 85 17 18 138 64 113 30 85 62 50 74 115 55 44 110 36 69 105 High 96 280 62 150 59 58 62 62 185 184 140 39 40 265 133 1,185 121 131 356 181 147 151 112 276 362 102 305 111 INDEPENDENT LAB Total Low Avg High 8 47 11 34 8 11 4 6 8 29 41 8 10 75 25 24 14 22 39 14 19 17 14 11 20 79 44 55 10 53 16 57 17 29 11 9 15 60 43 17 19 92 31 54 33 66 57 15 29 45 24 20 25 94 45 55 31 65 20 84 20 30 22 20 16 64 56 24 22 101 40 61 53 67 108 28 33 65 138 64 28 106 56 69 D7: TYPICAL LAB PRICES IN RI ( 3 of 4) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Glycosylated hemoglobin test Hematocrit Hemoglobin Hepatic function panel Iron binding test Lactate (LD) (LDH) enzyme Lipid panel Metabolic panel total ca Microalbumin, quantitative Microbe susceptible, mic Mycobacteria culture Natriuretic peptide Protein e-phoresis, serum Prothrombin time RBC antibody screen Rbc sed rate, automated Rbc sed rate, nonautomated Renal function panel Routine venipuncture Smear, fluorescent/acid stai Smear, gram stain Thromboplastin time, partial Transferase (AST) (SGOT) Urinalysis nonauto w/o scope Urinalysis, auto w/scope Urinalysis, auto, w/o scope Urinalysis, nonauto w/scope Urine bacteria culture Urine culture/colony count LAB AVERAGE (86 tests) Rank 132 158 159 96 134 135 94 91 109 187 186 140 147 164 170 166 165 95 11 189 188 167 152 105 104 106 103 184 183 Facility Low Avg 33 11 11 39 21 18 26 23 18 23 26 70 23 17 37 15 15 63 4 13 12 20 18 4 28 17 20 21 31 28 59 22 21 142 69 40 134 95 93 79 58 232 95 68 60 62 28 172 12 65 50 44 39 10 36 35 36 54 110 65 High 136 40 32 488 79 166 285 700 142 83 116 446 173 89 90 93 42 494 2,359 111 59 105 83 23 56 40 38 81 111 176 HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 6 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 62 6 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 71 17 0 0 0 0 24 0 0 0 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 33 11 11 39 21 18 26 23 18 23 26 70 73 23 37 15 15 63 9 13 12 20 18 16 28 17 20 21 31 28 59 22 21 142 69 40 134 95 93 79 58 232 157 74 60 62 28 172 28 65 50 44 39 26 36 35 36 54 110 65 High 136 40 32 488 79 166 285 700 142 83 116 446 244 106 90 93 42 494 2,383 111 59 105 83 41 56 40 38 81 111 176 INDEPENDENT LAB Total Low Avg High 26 12 12 23 24 17 31 23 15 24 30 63 30 15 15 30 10 24 5 15 12 17 12 20 9 13 9 24 23 22 -21% 44 17 16 28 30 20 78 29 32 30 31 157 41 22 26 31 18 30 9 16 18 36 15 25 16 17 12 27 30 34 -48% 60 21 20 40 31 23 78 40 40 36 83 186 61 30 29 32 18 34 20 18 48 41 23 25 47 17 16 39 55 47 -73% D8: TYPICAL LAB PRICES IN RI ( 4 of 4) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Assay of tacrolimus Assay of myoglobin Blood gases w/o2 saturation Blood gases: pH, pO2 & pCO2 Blood typing, antigen screen Blood typing, RBC antigens Compatibility test, antiglob Compatibility test, spin Coombs test, indirect, qual Fibrin degrade, semiquant Glucose blood test Occult blood, feces Reagent strip/blood glucose Urine pregnancy test OTHER LAB AVERAGE (14 tests) Facility Rank Low Avg High HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 102 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 139 75 101 111 0 0 0 127 54 227 251 0 0 0 126 54 108 171 0 0 0 174 41 54 116 0 0 0 175 15 53 57 0 0 0 177 20 21 72 0 0 0 176 41 47 54 0 0 0 171 60 60 60 0 0 0 162 53 88 92 0 0 0 130 14 14 15 0 0 0 114 6 30 58 0 0 0 129 16 16 25 0 0 0 107 11 113 135 0 0 0 35 72 94 High #N/A #N/A #N/A 75 101 111 54 227 251 54 108 171 41 54 116 15 53 57 20 21 72 41 47 54 60 60 60 53 88 92 14 14 15 6 30 58 16 16 25 11 113 135 35 72 94 PREF. PROVIDER Total Low Avg 15 27 59 41 21 21 33 33 12 15 5 7 5 13 22 -37% 23 27 59 41 22 22 34 34 12 15 5 7 6 13 23 -68% High 26 27 59 41 22 22 35 35 12 15 5 7 7 13 23 -75% D9: MISC. PROCEDURE PRICES IN RI ( 1 of 3) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Admin influenza virus vac Airway inhalation treatment Application of paste boot Apply forearm splint Blood transfusion service Breathing capacity test Capillary blood draw Cardiovascular stress test Cataract surg w/iol, 1 stage Colon ca scrn not hi rsk ind Colonoscopy and biopsy Debride skin, full Debride skin, partial Debride skin/tissue Destruct premalg les, 2-14 Destruct premalg lesion Diagnostic colonoscopy Drain/inject, joint/bursa Electrocardiogram, tracing Evaluate pt use of inhaler Evaluation of wheezing Extracranial study Extremity study Eye exam & treatment Eye exam established pat Facility Rank Low Avg 243 227 9 8 13 222 12 208 25 244 18 2 1 3 6 5 17 7 206 228 223 220 221 203 202 15 24 165 82 137 23 0 394 724 556 700 43 56 145 60 16 80 41 36 29 162 604 330 0 0 23 144 485 131 2,997 250 0 635 5,847 1,709 1,630 259 195 306 433 451 1,955 262 173 99 368 718 687 0 0 High 3,221 1,898 1,003 549 18,931 481 0 1,118 8,611 2,436 4,901 3,708 846 7,356 1,370 1,010 4,701 3,158 6,572 1,903 574 2,857 1,519 0 0 HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 16 19 66 73 0 23 15 0 440 506 675 72 37 90 15 90 557 97 0 26 31 52 28 94 77 21 30 132 104 0 43 18 0 2,170 793 1,002 91 79 168 31 151 928 188 0 28 70 124 116 123 106 47 38 225 175 0 63 18 0 2,767 1,300 1,382 236 205 350 88 227 1,267 330 0 41 95 208 211 163 113 31 43 231 155 137 46 15 394 1,164 1,062 1,375 115 93 235 75 106 637 138 36 55 193 656 358 94 77 44 174 617 235 2,997 293 18 635 8,017 2,502 2,632 350 274 474 464 602 2,883 450 173 127 438 842 803 123 106 High 3,268 1,936 1,228 724 18,931 544 18 1,118 11,378 3,736 6,283 3,944 1,051 7,706 1,458 1,237 5,968 3,488 6,572 1,944 669 3,065 1,730 163 113 IDTF/OFFICE Total Low Avg 15 28 50 75 152 50 8 75 2 455 685 45 36 65 6 68 494 96 25 25 92 340 219 93 65 25 41 128 134 154 75 12 197 132 860 895 95 76 148 26 97 796 160 45 38 191 440 342 126 90 High 37 70 209 212 155 96 16 314 1,753 1,025 1,000 202 121 266 98 177 1,002 312 65 60 259 799 623 172 120 D10: MISC. PROCEDURE PRICES IN RI ( 2 of 3) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Flu vaccine, 3 yrs & >, im Gait training therapy Group psychotherapy Immunization admin Inj foramen epidural l/s Inj paravertebral l/s add-on Inject spine l/s (cd) Insert temp bladder cath Left heart catheterization Lesion removal colonoscopy Lesion remove colonoscopy Measure airflow resistance Measure blood oxygen level Medication management Monoxide diffusing capacity Motion fluoroscopy/swallow Motor nerve conduction test Office/outpatient visit, est Office/outpatient visit, new Ophth dx imaging post seg Oth resp proc, group Place needle in vein Pneumococcal vaccine Psy dx interview Psytx, off, 45-50 min Facility Rank Low Avg 192 0 236 35 200 75 191 15 24 177 23 48 22 367 21 0 216 4,998 20 111 19 332 226 58 230 8 201 0 229 127 205 293 232 243 240 66 239 66 204 0 247 76 10 68 195 0 197 165 199 140 13 83 222 45 839 3,360 942 365 7,252 1,645 2,215 93 77 0 203 580 309 155 80 0 76 200 88 780 140 High 42 88 600 1,229 1,827 7,841 2,260 1,213 14,808 7,246 3,812 348 518 0 460 754 1,126 207 207 0 123 664 119 814 140 HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg 15 0 31 11 332 119 247 117 557 900 808 32 5 72 20 0 41 49 49 37 0 25 0 140 95 21 0 52 35 599 358 554 194 1,522 1,186 996 37 25 95 52 0 86 103 103 74 0 88 0 227 144 29 0 94 39 1,277 675 896 280 1,752 1,700 1,423 60 40 120 78 0 119 208 208 88 0 110 0 326 201 15 35 106 26 509 167 614 117 5,555 1,011 1,140 90 13 72 147 293 284 115 115 37 76 93 0 305 235 34 83 274 80 1,438 3,718 1,496 559 8,774 2,831 3,211 130 102 95 255 580 395 258 183 74 76 288 88 1,007 284 High 71 88 694 1,268 3,104 8,516 3,156 1,493 16,560 8,946 5,235 408 558 120 538 754 1,245 415 415 88 123 774 119 1,140 341 IDTF/OFFICE Total Low Avg 11 23 31 16 321 150 376 112 3,884 1,013 838 62 6 66 109 250 100 62 62 76 39 41 11 120 85 19 40 55 28 871 381 643 162 3,929 1,138 1,220 71 26 87 183 251 145 102 102 127 39 53 42 189 110 High 33 71 66 36 1,600 791 808 250 4,018 1,235 1,261 88 40 105 231 254 273 220 220 170 40 85 50 250 155 D11: MISC. PROCEDURE PRICES IN RI ( 3 of 3) HCPCS Hospital Common Procedure Service Description Facility Rank Low Avg High HOSPITAL OUT PATIENT Physician Total Low Avg High Low Avg High Psytx, office, 20-30 min Pt evaluation Radiation treatment delivery Repair superficial wound(s) Residual lung capacity Self care mngment training Sense nerve conduction test Td vaccine > 7, im Td vaccine no prsrv >/= 7 im Ther/proph/diag inj, sc/im Therapeutic activities Therapeutic exercises Thoracic gas volume Upper GI endoscopy, biopsy Uppr gi endoscopy, diagnosis Vitamin B-12 Withdrawal of arterial blood MISC. PROCEDURE AVG. (67) 198 234 84 4 224 238 233 194 193 196 237 235 225 16 15 122 14 185 261 810 22 125 45 95 0 14 10 66 48 68 274 215 34 38 212 185 263 949 205 274 67 247 32 15 572 94 80 126 1,985 1,457 85 114 691 185 275 2,857 810 386 118 331 46 392 14,619 137 114 427 6,313 4,657 138 1,069 2,359 65 0 0 98 30 0 43 23 0 16 0 0 18 470 322 0 48 118 95 0 0 148 51 0 83 24 0 43 0 0 31 772 652 0 70 224 119 0 0 327 81 0 114 24 0 92 0 0 43 1,020 956 0 100 331 250 261 810 120 155 45 138 23 14 26 66 48 86 744 537 34 86 330 280 263 949 353 325 67 330 56 15 615 94 80 157 2,757 2,109 85 184 915 304 275 2,857 1,137 467 118 445 70 392 14,711 137 114 470 7,333 5,613 138 1,169 2,690 Emergency dept visit HYPERBARIC Oxygen Oth resp proc, indiv Radiation tx delivery, imrt Therapeutic procd strg endur Transmission of ecg 241 242 246 85 245 207 75 375 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 107 427 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 786 562 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 40 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 69 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 87 0 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 115 375 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 176 427 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 873 562 #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A IDTF/OFFICE Total Low Avg 56 69 300 160 106 27 88 5 5 19 25 23 59 544 555 32 50 198 -40% 69 125 320 225 143 39 134 23 37 36 48 55 59 698 660 45 65 270 -70% High 98 182 360 300 208 55 329 40 48 66 80 68 80 852 745 62 70 375 -86% #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A #N/A 24 26 27 1,800 1,805 1,840 39 39 40 #N/A #N/A #N/A Table of Contents PART 2: GOING NATIONAL ESTIMATE ON EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY (APPENDIX E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L) APPENDIX E ESTIMATE ON EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY (NEXT 22 SLIDES) Table of Contents E1: 185 BUYER’S CO-OPs (MARKETS) (see Appendix E13-21 for CO-OP definition) EMPLOYERS & Gov’t CONTRIBUTE CURRENT PREMIUMS TO COOP FOR SIMILAR PLAN RECEIVE A 40% REBATE/REFUND (see A7 for RI example). COVERAGE IS NOT DEPENDEND ON EMPLOYMENT ALL SMALL / UN-INSURED EMPLOYERS MUST CONTRIBUTE SOMETHING: (EX: $500/EE/YR, 3 YR PHASE-IN, see RI example slide 17, 18 & A7) FAMILIES PAY BASED ON ABILITY (AGI) INSURERS (Blue Cross) BECOME BENEFIT MANAGERS 100% ACCESS/COVERAGE (see RI example slide 16) PATIENTS are free to purchase added coverage with their own funds through the Co-OP or in the open market. CO-OP focus is on health care as a “public utility” for all in the area. E2: USE LIFE INS TO FINANCE BUY LIFE INS FOR 45-54 AGE GROUP $1M 30YR TERM INS POLICIES (54m lives). $2K PER PERSON PER YR COST CREATES $54T DEATH BENEFIT STREAM ASSIGN TO INVESTORS FOR $9T NOW $9T GENERATES $720B INCOME FOR REBATES 5% -10% OF DEATH BEN. TO FAMILY USE 185 CO-OPs AS VEHICLE (see appendix A4 for RI example, appendix E13 co-ops defined) BACK E3: HOW WE SPEND $2.3T SAVE $360B 15% (re-invest in Nursing Homes & Home Care) CURRENT COSTS: MOVE TO (see appendix A & B) MD/Other fees $484B 21% Dental $ 115B 5% Hosp-546m OP other $285B 12% MD FEEs (slide 80): 135k Surgeons $68b 25k Psychiatrists $10b 118k Medical $73b Hosp-138m OP ER $ 95B 4% Hosp-25m OP Surg. $ 30B 1% Hosp-39m inpatient $402B 18% Drugs Nursing Homes Non-Durables Home Care Other TOTAL $ 270B 12% $ 135B 6% $ 137B 6% $ 74B 3% $ 273B 12% $2,300B MD PRIMARY CARE: 122k Gen. Practices $146b 50k Geriatric $61b 49k Pediatric $59b 47k Ob/Gyn $56b 101k Dentists $95b 52k Optometrists $33b 111k Diet/Nutri $8b 39k Ath. Trainers $3b TOTAL $461b Also, this population will double 10-20 yrs see A5/A6, global waiver Hospitals $527b Drugs Nursing Homes Non-Durables Home Care Other TOTAL $185b $135b $137b $74b $273b $1,943b Primary Care is 660m 1/2hr MD visits & 1B 1hr nurse visits per year. Should include routine lab, imaging, etc. 100% access. Shrink & focus hospitals to ER, Surgery & Inpatient. E4: WHO PAYS? 100% ACCESS FED. MEDICARE FED. MEDICAID FED. EE, Retired, Military, etc FED. CO-OP REFUND STATE- MEDICAID STATE- EE/Retired/OTHER STATE- CO-OP REFUND MUNI- EE/Retired/OTHER MUNI- CO-OP REFUND FAMILIES/EE (based on $) EMPLOYERS/ OTHER ER CO-OP REFUND CO-OP PAYS BUSINESS FRIENDLY! NOW $.5T $.3T $.2T $0 $.1T $.05T $0 $.15T $0 $.3T $.7T $0 $2.3T NEW $.5T $.3T $.2T ($.3T) $.1T $.05T ($.06T) $.15T ($.06T) $.3T $.7T ($.3T) $1.58T -33% $.72T $2.3T From investing Life Ins assign $9T BAL. GOV’T BUDGETS! E5: 268K PC MD’s REQUIRED IN USA AGE RANGE POP. (000) # DOC’S POP. (000) # DOC’S 2010 est ( Practices) 2030 est (Practices) 0-1 (8x/ yr) 4,316 5,395 4,532 5,665 2-17 (4x/ yr) 70,116 43,822 81,175 50,734 18-64 (4x/ yr) 195,109 121,943 206,424 129,015 +65 (8x/ yr) 40,244 50,305 71,453 89,316 TOTAL 309,785 221,465 363,584 274,730 18-64 FEMALE OB/GYN (3X/ YR) 97,513 46,435 102,995 49,100 2010: # PC’s IS 267,900 (221,465+46,435) @ $1.2M/ EA = $321.5B 2030: # PC’s IS 324k (275+49 @ $1.2M/ EA = $389B EVERYBODY SEES A DOCTOR 4 OR 8 TIMES PER YR ON AVG. + OB/GYN. 100% ACCESS. E6: US FAMILY’S PAYROLL DEDUCT (see A7) PEOPLE (EXEMPTS) RATE TOTAL PREM. $937B 2.0% < $20k $20B 106m/65m $3,122B 4.0% $125B 125m/55m AGI RANGE AGI (B$) TOTAL < $30K $30- $100K HOUSEHOLDS (RETURNS) $100- $200K $1,801B 4.0% $100/wk max $70B 38m/14m +$200K 4.0% $100/wk max $30B 13m/6m $1,766B NO TAX RETURN MEDICARE/ MEDICAID TOTAL 28m/?? $7,626B $300B today $245B 310m/140m $19K PAYS $7/ WK, $40K PAYS $30/ WK, $80K PAYS $60/ WK, $100K PAYS $77/WK, $200K PAYS $100/ WK Coverage is based on living or working in RI not employment and includes a life insurance benefit. BACK E7: US EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION (see A7) (Jobs < $20k would pay avg. of $125/mo/ee, Jobs > $20k would pay avg. $750/mo/ee. Scaled- $1k max) # OF EE’S # OF FIRMS TOTAL JOBS 1 to 19 7.75 mil 28 mil 20 to 99 880,000 34 mil TOTAL WAGES PREMIUMS TO PAY $.7T $60B $1.5T $300B > $30k-$60k , 20% of all wages 1st $10k wages 5%, next $10k 10% , 15% ($1.2T X 20% + 4m jobs >$60k X $12k/ea.) +100 175,000 47 mil $2.4T $340B > $30k-$60k , 20% of all wages ($1.2T X 20% + 7m jobs >$60k X $12k/ea.) Gov’t Total 23 mil 8.8 mil 132 mil $1.1T $400B $5.7T $1,100B approx. same as today (in Fed EE) (Private $700B + Gov’t $400B) Employers who currently offer insurance would continue to contribute the same amount on a % of payroll or per Employee basis during a transitional period of several years to the above. New employers or those not offering insurance now would Contribute based on the above. Rebates from Trust income could be skewed to smaller employers to defray cost. Net cost to Employers after rebates could be 40% less than today, a true competitive advantage for the state. (** non-farm jobs & wages). DEFINED CONTRIBUTION FOR BUSINESS 5-10 years. Cost risk shifts to TRUST. Coverage is based on living or working in USA not employment and includes a life insurance benefit. BACK E8: US EMPLOYER’S CONTRIBUTION (see A7) (Jobs < $20k would pay avg. of $125/mo/ee, Jobs > $20k would pay avg. $750/mo/ee. Scaled- $1k max) INDUSTRY JOBS (mils) AVG TOTAL WAGES TOTAL PREMIUM WAGE ($ BIL) ($ BIL) HEALTH CARE & SOCIAL ASSISTANCE RETAIL TRADE MANUFACTURING ACCOMMODATION & FOOD SERVICE FINANCE & INSURANCE ADMINISTRATIVE & WASTE SERVICES PROFESSIONAL & TECHNICAL SERVICES CONSTRUCTION EDUCATIONAL SERVICES OTHER SERVICES WHOLESALE TRADE INFORMATION TRANSPORTATION & WAREHOUSING MANAGEMENT OF COMPANIES ART, ENTERTAINMENT & RECREATION REAL ESTATE & RENTAL & LEASING UTILITIES AGRICULTURE, FISHING, HUNTING MINING TOTAL PRIVATE SECTOR (non-farm) 16.7 14.4 11.6 11.2 5.6 7.8 7.5 5.7 3.4 4.6 5.4 2.6 4.2 1.9 2.0 1.9 0.6 1.1 0.8 109.0 38,600 23,900 49,700 15,600 78,200 29,500 68,100 45,100 37,700 26,700 57,000 65,300 39,600 87,400 29,400 39,600 77,300 23,900 80,100 41,400 644.6 344.2 576.5 174.7 437.9 230.1 510.8 257.1 128.2 122.8 307.8 169.8 166.3 166.1 58.8 75.2 46.4 26.3 64.1 4,507.6 129 30 115 12 67 23 90 51 26 11 62 31 33 23 6 15 7 2 10 743 23.0 52,000 1,196.0 132.0 43,200 5,703.6 240 110 1,093 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT GRAND TOTAL AVG. PREM PER EE/ MO 643 175 828 88 1,000 245 1,000 750 628 209 950 1,000 660 1,000 245 660 1,000 175 1,000 568 most pt , < $20k most pt , < $20k max $1k/ mo max $1k/ mo most pt , < $20k max $1k/ mo max $1k/ mo most pt , < $20k max $1k/ mo most pt , < $20k max $1k/ mo 870 same as today mil/retire/ other 690 1st Premiums would be 5% on $10k in wages, 10% on next $10k, 15% on next $10k. From $30k to $60k its 20% of all wages. Rebates from Trust income could be skewed to smaller employers to defray cost. Net cost to Employers after rebates could be 40% less than what is shown above (which is today’s cost) , a true competitive advantage for the state. DEFINED CONTRIBUTION FOR BUSINESS 5-10 years. Cost risk shifts to TRUST. Coverage is based on living or working in USA not employment and includes a life insurance benefit. BACK E9: NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CO-OP’S A NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CO-OP’s WOULD BE ESTABLISHED TO NEGOTIATE CONTRACTS WITH MULTI-STATE BUSINESSES AND EMPLOYERS TO ASSESS THE BUSINESS’S HEALTH CONTRIBUTION. THE NATIONAL COUNCIL WILL DISTRIBUTE THE FUNDS TO THE 185 CO-OP’s ON A PER CAPITA BASIS. ANY BUSINESS THAT BENEFITS FROM OPERATING IN THE USA, MUST CONTRIBUTE TO THE HEALTH (AND FRANKLY SOC. SECURITY) SYSTEMS. THE EXAMPLES SHOWN HERE BASE THIS ASSESMENT ON EMPLOYMENT. THE ASSESMENT CAN BE BASED ON: REVENUE, PROFIT, ASSETS, ETC. A BUSINESS CAN NOT BE ALLOWED TO AVOID THIS OBLIGATION SIMPLY BY SHIFTING EMPLOYMENT OUTSIDE THE USA. ANY BUSINESS THAT OPERATES IN THE USA SHOULD BE REQUIRED TO PRODUCE & EMPLOY HERE AS WELL (AS MOST OF OUR TRADING PARTNERS REQUIRE. WTO NOTWITHSTANDING). THIS MATH IS BECOMING APPARENT IN GOV’T BUDGETS, PERSISTENTLY HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT, STAGNANT WAGES & GROWING INCOME INEQUALITY. THE NATIONAL COUNCIL WOULD ALSO MANAGE PUCHASING AGREEMENTS WITH PHARMA & DEVICE MANUFACTURERS, ETC. TO ENSURE THE CO-OP’s OBTAIN THE BEST AVAILABLE PRICING ON COMMONLY PURCHASED ITEMS. “PATIENT-DRIVEN” 10K PEOPLE/DAY FOR NEXT 18 YRS WILL TURN 65 in USA. CHANGE THE DELIVERY SYSTEM: CHEAPER/ BETTER E10: WHAT HOSPITALS DO FOR US EACH YEAR IN THE USA AT A COST OF $810B • IN-PATIENT SURGERIES: 11.3 Mil. DISCHARGES $ 191B (E17) (94k CRITICAL PATIENTS AND 157k RECOVERING PATIENTS ON AVG., 24/7) • IN-PATIENT MENTAL HEALTH: 3.8 Mil. $ 39B (E17) (93k PATIENTS ON AVG. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, 24/7) • IN-PATIENT ALL OTHER MEDICAL: 22.9 Mil. $ 172B (E17) (232k PATIENTS ON AVG. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, 24/7, INCLUDES BIRTHS) • OUT-PATIENT ER: 138 Mil. VISITS $ 94B (E19) (84k SERIOUS PATIENTS & 28k WAITING ON AVG. ALL DAY, EVERYDAY, 24/7) • OUT-PATIENT SURGERIES: 24.4 Mil. $ 29B (E19) (108k PATIENTS, 235 DAYS PER YR, 8 HRS PER DAY ON AVG.) • OUT-PATIENT ALL OTHER: 546 million VISITS (11m mental health visits, 158m imaging, 322m lab visits, 55m misc. visits) $ 285B (E21) $ 810B 546m out patient visits (not ER, not Surgery). Cost $285B. Drive much of this back to the PC Office. SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS TO: IN-PATIENT, OP-ER & OP-SURGERY. This is nearly 2 visits for every man, woman & child in the USA!! Over use and most should be included in PC. E11: LET’S STREAMLINE USA HOSPITALS & BILLING PROCESS: 94,000 SURGICAL/CRITICAL BEDS @ $1.15M 157,000 SURGICAL/RECOVERY BEDS @ $528K 93,000 MENTAL HEALTH BEDS @ $430K 232,000 MEDICAL BEDS @ $740K 576,000 IN-PATIENT BEDS (38.2m discharges, 209.7m days) ** $108B $83B $39B $172B $402B 138 mil. ER VISITS @ $680/EA AVG. 24.4 mil. OUT-PATIENT SURGERIES @ $1,200/EA AVG. $94B $29B 546 MILLION OTHER OUT-PATIENT VISITS $285B (to PC) (most “OP Other” move to PC office, heavy scrutiny, cut rates) TOTAL HOSPITAL COSTS $810B ** Each facility will submit a bill once per month to recover cost of having beds available & staffed, subject to audit. Utilization would be reviewed periodically. Under-utilized beds would be shifted to needed facilities or de-funded if not needed. Adding beds to the system, and/or rate increases would be scrutinized in public. THE CUSTOMER (CO-OP) WOULD HAVE THE OPTION OF “NO”. Facilities would bill ER Visits & OP Surgeries at fixed rates once per month to recover costs to a max number allowed per year for the facility. Exceeding this number would be scrutinized. E12: USA MDs & SPECIALISTS (NOT HOSP EEs OR PC) ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITAL ACTIVITY: 49k SURGEONS: 9.75 Mil OPERATIONS @ $3,500/EA 26k ANESTHESIOLOGISTS: 8 Mil @ $1,500/EA $ 34B (B3 RI example) $ 12B (B3 RI example) 69k SURGEONS/SPECIALISTS: 24.3 Mil OUTPATIENT SURGERIES @ $1,000/EA $ 24B (B4 RI example) 34k RADIOLOGISTS: 118.8 Mil OUTPATIENT IMAGES $ 15B (B5) (drive to PC) @ $125/EA 178k TOTAL ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITALS (EST) $ 85B ALL OTHER MD/ SPECIALISTS (approx. 100k) ** $ 66B 278k GRAND TOTAL $151B ** Each PC doctor would be given $200k of non-Hosp. “Specialist Referrals” per year based on patient roster. They would decide how to “spend” them ($100/referral). Table of Contents E13-21: POPULATION by AGE (US CENSUS 2010) EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 9 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. Table of Contents STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) POP. TOTAL 2010 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) MAP 2,001,679 1,233,703 1,544,354 4,779,736 25,508 15,292 20,197 60,997 443,396 274,265 354,062 1,071,724 1,269,549 764,962 954,561 2,989,073 263,225 179,184 215,534 657,943 MAP 710,231 10,796 176,705 468,042 54,688 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) MAP 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 1,179,761 1,445,632 1,708,721 2,057,903 6,392,017 16,060 23,997 19,310 29,150 88,517 292,340 386,939 364,163 495,649 1,539,090 741,325 915,025 986,199 1,239,290 3,881,839 130,037 119,670 339,049 293,814 882,571 AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL MAP 1,607,881 1,308,037 2,915,918 21,007 18,538 39,545 359,184 312,839 672,023 992,255 792,057 1,784,311 235,436 184,603 420,039 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties MAP 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 1,409,306 1,600,926 2,516,107 1,510,271 2,099,049 2,219,119 2,137,451 2,154,468 1,208,518 1,588,948 1,548,183 2,478,708 2,189,641 2,053,756 1,307,402 1,962,439 1,057,644 1,836,911 980,833 1,931,907 1,462,369 37,253,956 17,693 20,236 43,606 19,634 30,463 26,399 28,524 25,679 18,541 24,400 17,984 33,029 32,407 31,964 16,212 27,369 9,863 25,761 12,331 25,660 18,801 506,554 328,859 364,545 723,725 324,433 528,478 435,762 493,250 471,006 327,267 432,617 322,905 586,671 592,273 571,043 265,821 462,918 151,570 423,279 204,256 449,436 345,967 8,806,083 891,774 1,032,021 1,511,397 1,000,022 1,346,403 1,481,123 1,396,065 1,382,086 747,166 957,044 976,055 1,553,353 1,308,829 1,267,678 886,693 1,236,900 745,865 1,186,513 639,939 1,222,879 922,350 23,692,154 170,980 184,124 237,380 166,183 193,705 275,834 219,613 275,697 115,544 174,887 231,239 305,654 256,132 183,071 138,676 235,253 150,346 201,358 124,307 233,932 175,250 4,249,165 Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) 656,489 389,138 492,242 1,537,870 <18 % +65 % Serv. Areas 23.4% 13.2% 23.5% 14.5% 24.2% 14.0% 23.7% 13.8% 100 62 78 240 224,660 26.4% 7.7% 36 372,122 456,432 500,933 617,890 1,947,376 26.1% 11.0% 28.4% 8.3% 22.4% 19.8% 25.5% 14.3% 25.5% 13.8% 55 73 87 106 321 505,324 23.6% 14.6% 402,700 25.3% 14.1% 908,025 24.4% 14.4% 81 66 147 452,721 520,186 744,648 510,668 676,254 761,025 702,806 706,370 379,311 480,135 487,443 790,067 658,421 639,187 439,424 618,300 370,064 591,855 324,168 607,548 470,041 11,930,642 24.6% 12.1% 24.0% 11.5% 30.5% 9.4% 22.8% 11.0% 26.6% 9.2% 20.8% 12.4% 24.4% 10.3% 23.1% 12.8% 28.6% 9.6% 28.8% 11.0% 22.0% 14.9% 25.0% 12.3% 28.5% 11.7% 29.4% 8.9% 21.6% 10.6% 25.0% 12.0% 15.3% 14.2% 24.4% 11.0% 22.1% 12.7% 24.6% 12.1% 24.9% 12.0% 25.0% 11.4% 71 80 126 76 110 113 103 105 61 80 77 124 110 103 66 98 53 92 49 97 73 1,867 STATE/ CO-OP POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP. TOTAL 2010 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) <18 % +65 % Serv. Areas CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL MAP 920,962 1,394,219 1,706,476 1,007,539 5,029,196 11,801 18,717 25,589 12,789 68,896 203,395 319,823 400,784 233,268 1,157,271 604,795 877,187 1,113,294 657,767 3,253,042 100,970 178,491 166,810 103,716 549,987 301,869 23.4% 11.0% 434,327 24.3% 12.8% 559,038 25.0% 9.8% 326,887 24.4% 10.3% 1,622,121 24.4% 10.9% 46 70 86 50 252 CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL MAP 1,794,791 1,779,306 3,574,097 19,394 21,028 40,422 379,048 401,378 780,426 1,137,510 1,108,931 2,246,441 258,839 247,969 506,808 581,427 22.2% 14.4% 573,661 23.7% 13.9% 1,155,088 23.0% 14.2% 90 89 179 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) MAP 601,723 6,499 94,591 432,037 68,596 228,116 16.8% 11.4% 30 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) MAP 897,934 11,134 194,493 563,005 129,302 290,510 22.9% 14.4% 41 MAP 1,748,066 1,744,241 1,345,596 2,569,525 1,148,158 1,116,602 1,865,726 1,203,429 1,422,685 2,491,514 2,145,768 18,801,310 20,627 18,764 17,485 30,600 12,142 12,129 22,815 11,800 17,151 26,713 24,412 214,639 370,940 338,242 302,673 527,155 211,900 227,064 406,643 216,155 287,476 467,910 432,517 3,788,675 1,106,526 1,006,861 862,506 1,647,273 716,602 657,276 1,202,498 663,631 927,872 1,396,553 1,349,483 11,537,081 249,973 380,374 162,933 364,496 207,515 220,133 233,770 311,842 190,186 600,337 339,356 3,260,915 570,967 22.4% 14.3% 517,851 20.5% 21.8% 442,485 23.8% 12.1% 847,565 21.7% 14.2% 360,834 19.5% 18.1% 333,864 21.4% 19.7% 614,211 23.0% 12.5% 341,586 18.9% 25.9% 460,983 21.4% 13.4% 711,914 19.9% 24.1% 696,198 21.3% 15.8% 5,898,458 21.3% 17.3% 88 88 68 129 58 56 94 60 71 125 108 945 MAP 2,037,768 2,268,285 2,308,236 1,696,353 1,377,011 9,687,653 28,412 31,035 34,455 24,550 18,943 137,395 497,721 540,847 592,059 401,465 321,911 2,354,002 1,265,904 1,476,463 1,486,793 1,067,604 858,219 6,154,983 245,731 219,941 194,929 202,734 177,938 1,041,273 644,462 25.8% 12.1% 759,811 25.2% 9.7% 767,149 27.1% 8.4% 544,033 25.1% 12.0% 439,212 24.8% 12.9% 3,154,668 25.7% 10.7% 102 114 116 85 69 486 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP. TOTAL 2010 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) <18 % +65 % Serv. Areas 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) MAP 1,360,301 17,412 285,935 862,431 194,523 430,353 22.3% 14.3% 68 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) MAP 1,567,582 24,454 405,063 943,684 194,380 470,898 27.4% 12.4% 79 20,298 10,859 37,199 28,683 24,512 21,401 24,154 167,106 370,674 205,538 588,049 517,081 470,460 382,012 429,937 2,963,750 965,053 540,646 1,795,268 1,273,311 1,266,522 1,019,046 1,235,401 8,095,247 171,461 120,338 275,082 229,970 255,572 244,257 307,849 1,604,529 487,848 25.6% 11.2% 281,751 24.7% 13.7% 924,563 23.2% 10.2% 647,052 26.6% 11.2% 641,783 24.5% 12.7% 515,750 24.2% 14.7% 623,512 22.7% 15.4% 4,122,259 24.4% 12.5% 77 44 136 102 101 84 100 643 IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL MAP 1,527,486 877,381 2,695,598 2,049,045 2,017,066 1,666,715 1,997,341 12,830,632 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 counts) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) MAP 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 1,650,660 1,580,791 2,049,590 1,202,761 6,483,802 21,056 22,022 28,977 14,691 86,746 373,221 384,192 495,223 269,480 1,522,115 1,033,524 962,913 1,280,617 756,998 4,034,052 222,859 211,664 244,773 161,593 840,889 523,406 23.9% 13.5% 489,112 25.7% 13.4% 655,040 25.6% 11.9% 381,929 23.6% 13.4% 2,049,488 24.8% 13.0% 83 79 103 60 325 IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL MAP 1,734,313 1,312,042 3,046,355 23,591 16,851 40,442 398,072 289,319 687,391 1,051,442 814,373 1,865,814 261,208 191,500 452,708 530,597 24.3% 15.1% 411,339 23.3% 14.6% 941,936 23.9% 14.9% 87 66 153 KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL MAP 1,414,509 1,438,609 2,853,118 20,515 20,605 41,120 344,178 342,910 687,088 843,672 905,201 1,748,873 206,144 169,893 376,037 424,257 25.8% 14.6% 457,556 25.3% 11.8% 881,813 25.5% 13.2% 71 72 143 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL MAP 2,108,136 2,231,231 4,339,367 27,102 29,454 56,556 464,789 502,316 967,105 1,344,465 1,392,863 2,737,328 271,780 306,598 578,378 680,919 23.3% 12.9% 709,464 23.8% 13.7% 1,390,383 23.6% 13.3% 106 112 218 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) MAP 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 2,086,508 2,446,864 4,533,372 29,658 33,241 62,899 496,897 558,448 1,055,344 1,288,617 1,568,935 2,857,552 271,336 286,241 557,576 657,146 25.2% 13.0% 801,166 24.2% 11.7% 1,458,313 24.7% 12.3% 105 123 228 LA1 LA2 STATE/ CO-OP POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) MD1 MD2 MD3 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL POP. TOTAL 2010 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) <18 % +65 % Serv. Areas MAP 1,328,361 13,815 261,156 842,181 211,209 430,354 20.7% 15.9% 67 MAP 2,574,261 1,457,776 1,741,515 5,773,552 31,310 18,632 23,008 72,951 552,292 326,091 396,462 1,274,844 1,645,741 926,455 1,141,219 3,713,415 344,918 186,597 180,826 712,342 855,819 22.7% 13.4% 475,290 23.6% 12.8% 586,340 24.1% 10.4% 1,917,448 23.3% 12.3% 129 73 88 290 16,712 17,135 21,587 18,136 73,570 282,655 303,722 415,868 345,735 1,347,981 985,217 985,324 1,217,373 1,035,480 4,223,393 180,598 196,904 301,821 223,362 902,685 511,585 20.4% 12.3% 506,816 21.3% 13.1% 630,861 22.4% 15.4% 533,634 22.4% 13.8% 2,182,896 21.7% 13.8% 74 75 98 81 328 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL MAP 1,465,182 1,503,085 1,956,649 1,622,713 6,547,629 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + Wayne) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) MAP 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 2,069,580 2,518,013 1,854,393 2,239,292 1,202,362 9,883,640 24,530 31,763 21,291 27,935 13,707 119,226 455,963 587,923 403,231 507,047 269,789 2,223,955 1,311,641 1,566,080 1,160,228 1,378,610 760,154 6,176,714 277,445 332,246 269,643 325,699 158,712 1,363,745 664,754 23.2% 13.4% 809,911 24.6% 13.2% 592,880 22.9% 14.5% 690,784 23.9% 14.5% 391,964 23.6% 13.2% 3,150,294 23.7% 13.8% 104 127 93 112 60 496 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL MAP 1,001,172 2,391,592 1,911,161 5,303,925 13,138 32,632 25,303 71,074 225,489 550,444 437,559 1,213,492 604,686 1,524,907 1,206,192 3,335,785 157,858 283,609 242,106 683,574 300,578 23.8% 15.8% 769,295 24.4% 11.9% 611,123 24.2% 12.7% 1,680,995 24.2% 12.9% 50 120 96 266 MAP 1,578,620 1,388,677 2,967,297 22,698 19,484 42,183 387,443 326,578 714,021 974,022 857,755 1,831,776 194,457 184,860 379,317 503,001 26.0% 12.3% 438,591 24.9% 13.3% 941,592 25.5% 12.8% 79 70 149 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) MAP 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 1,766,862 1,491,846 1,782,328 947,891 5,988,927 22,825 20,464 22,330 12,349 77,968 389,314 345,125 399,078 213,878 1,347,395 1,084,865 929,609 1,122,215 588,044 3,724,733 269,859 196,648 238,705 133,621 838,832 549,849 23.3% 15.3% 474,632 24.5% 13.2% 582,965 23.6% 13.4% 292,915 23.9% 14.1% 1,900,361 23.8% 14.0% 89 75 90 47 301 MS1 MS2 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP. TOTAL 2010 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) <18 % +65 % Serv. Areas 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) MAP 989,415 12,467 211,141 619,374 146,433 308,448 22.6% 14.8% 50 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) MAP 1,826,341 26,299 432,112 1,121,373 246,556 565,172 25.1% 13.5% 92 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL MAP 2,000,560 699,991 2,700,551 28,211 9,149 37,360 470,141 156,854 626,995 1,270,464 441,231 1,711,695 231,744 92,757 324,501 631,269 24.9% 11.6% 216,508 23.7% 13.3% 847,777 24.6% 12.0% 100 36 136 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) MAP 1,316,470 13,955 273,036 851,756 177,723 431,840 21.8% 13.5% 66 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL MAP 1,655,681 1,396,740 1,406,342 2,378,397 1,954,734 8,791,894 19,865 17,278 16,954 27,703 26,507 108,307 369,188 313,935 312,408 530,738 431,437 1,957,705 996,182 874,355 880,161 1,516,584 1,273,071 5,540,353 270,446 191,173 196,820 303,372 223,719 1,185,529 512,870 23.5% 16.3% 447,955 23.7% 13.7% 454,975 23.4% 14.0% 772,976 23.5% 12.8% 654,092 23.4% 11.4% 2,842,868 23.5% 13.5% 83 70 71 119 98 441 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) MAP 2,059,179 28,829 490,085 1,268,454 271,812 641,838 25.2% 13.2% 104 1,953,167 1,385,108 1,453,693 2,230,722 1,339,532 1,493,350 2,504,700 2,054,603 1,733,323 1,363,694 1,866,210 19,378,102 20,522 20,500 15,687 26,323 14,735 17,323 35,567 20,849 22,438 15,248 21,581 230,772 394,569 347,939 300,368 435,437 297,376 341,081 558,047 323,074 417,970 286,325 392,458 4,094,644 1,252,881 871,233 908,540 1,483,430 822,473 933,344 1,623,046 1,437,058 1,058,157 870,115 1,174,771 12,435,046 285,196 145,436 229,099 285,532 204,948 201,602 288,041 273,622 234,759 192,006 277,400 2,617,641 629,912 21.3% 14.6% 462,625 26.6% 10.5% 467,825 21.7% 15.8% 765,450 20.7% 12.8% 424,396 23.3% 15.3% 474,139 24.0% 13.5% 856,968 23.7% 11.5% 758,278 16.7% 13.3% 542,020 25.4% 13.5% 443,522 22.1% 14.1% 595,118 22.2% 14.9% 6,420,251 22.3% 13.5% 98 69 73 112 67 75 125 103 87 68 94 971 NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) MAP 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OK1 OK2 OR1 OR2 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) POP. TOTAL 2010 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) <18 % +65 % Serv. Areas MAP 1,975,131 1,967,145 1,480,919 2,004,517 2,107,771 9,535,483 27,467 25,517 19,362 29,451 24,570 126,367 474,270 436,346 310,482 491,130 443,026 2,155,254 1,255,549 1,247,429 938,765 1,276,876 1,301,019 6,019,638 217,844 257,854 212,310 207,059 339,157 1,234,224 643,828 25.4% 11.0% 645,611 23.5% 13.1% 475,710 22.3% 14.3% 655,490 26.0% 10.3% 666,098 22.2% 16.1% 3,086,735 23.9% 12.9% 99 99 74 100 106 478 MAP 672,591 8,878 141,110 425,078 97,526 210,413 22.3% 14.5% 34 1,999,639 1,526,892 2,315,442 1,078,588 2,024,133 1,623,402 968,408 23,092 20,391 27,012 13,721 26,744 20,607 12,291 433,137 353,028 513,412 252,379 452,295 373,549 217,808 1,228,355 958,149 1,422,140 660,842 1,307,863 994,862 603,562 315,056 195,324 352,878 151,646 237,231 234,384 134,747 MAP 11,536,504 143,858 2,595,608 7,175,773 MAP 2,221,941 1,529,410 3,751,351 31,966 20,894 52,860 519,064 357,689 876,753 MAP 1,762,158 2,068,916 3,831,074 20,959 26,515 47,475 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) MAP 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 1,571,225 1,401,807 1,546,058 2,013,034 1,984,102 1,526,006 1,731,501 928,646 12,702,379 17,045 15,131 17,800 25,119 23,136 20,143 18,003 9,404 145,782 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 631,131 493,994 737,853 334,541 662,899 507,886 309,382 100 77 116 54 102 81 49 1,621,265 22.8% 15.8% 24.5% 12.8% 23.3% 15.2% 24.7% 14.1% 23.7% 11.7% 24.3% 14.4% 23.8% 13.9% 3,677,687 23.7% 14.1% 1,377,310 937,834 2,315,144 293,601 212,993 506,594 693,588 24.8% 13.2% 475,304 24.8% 13.9% 1,168,891 24.8% 13.5% 111 77 188 369,610 448,751 818,361 1,086,376 1,345,731 2,432,107 285,213 247,919 533,131 548,822 22.2% 16.2% 679,354 23.0% 12.0% 1,228,176 22.6% 13.9% 88 104 192 326,921 276,167 319,863 458,882 434,663 323,639 329,233 181,029 2,650,396 972,857 883,924 954,870 1,239,864 1,234,302 997,577 1,087,607 575,375 7,946,375 254,401 226,585 253,525 289,170 292,001 184,647 296,658 162,838 1,959,826 497,076 21.9% 16.2% 443,483 20.8% 16.2% 483,900 21.8% 16.4% 630,010 24.0% 14.4% 636,105 23.1% 14.7% 526,948 22.5% 12.1% 564,590 20.1% 17.1% 293,459 20.5% 17.5% 4,075,572 22.0% 15.4% 79 70 78 101 99 77 86 47 637 579 STATE/ CO-OP POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) <18 % +65 % Serv. Areas MAP 1,052,567 11,578 212,619 676,801 151,570 349,906 21.3% 14.4% 50 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL MAP 1,632,247 1,500,049 1,493,068 4,625,364 21,358 19,563 19,614 60,534 351,492 332,572 337,991 1,022,055 1,026,851 950,423 933,545 2,910,818 232,546 197,491 201,919 631,956 526,917 22.8% 14.2% 488,392 23.5% 13.2% 480,376 24.0% 13.5% 1,495,686 23.4% 13.7% 82 75 75 232 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) MAP 814,180 11,887 190,844 495,021 116,428 247,511 24.9% 14.3% 41 MAP 1,546,161 1,438,739 1,614,887 1,746,318 6,346,105 21,054 20,251 20,417 19,882 81,605 369,743 328,034 359,454 358,062 1,415,293 967,628 929,824 1,009,862 1,091,774 3,999,086 187,736 160,630 225,154 276,600 850,120 500,632 25.3% 12.1% 475,275 24.2% 11.2% 514,938 23.5% 13.9% 557,003 21.6% 15.8% 2,047,848 23.6% 13.4% 78 72 81 88 319 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) MAP 14 TEXAS- TOTAL 1,158,243 2,225,009 1,669,145 2,099,451 1,993,008 1,148,672 2,368,139 1,462,994 900,774 1,612,106 2,202,568 2,725,273 1,982,809 1,597,370 25,145,561 17,173 33,928 22,766 34,011 33,105 17,096 38,364 21,096 13,089 24,923 33,741 41,167 33,585 21,237 385,283 281,093 538,909 397,950 510,251 565,346 306,138 615,799 385,235 228,286 423,072 573,010 711,442 580,870 361,836 6,479,237 712,460 1,457,665 1,042,209 1,367,108 1,240,453 714,279 1,506,539 906,913 578,049 970,741 1,382,661 1,665,022 1,146,203 989,554 15,679,855 147,517 194,507 206,220 188,081 154,104 111,159 207,438 149,750 81,349 193,370 213,156 307,642 222,151 224,743 2,601,187 350,463 25.8% 12.7% 729,513 25.7% 8.7% 517,789 25.2% 12.4% 680,638 25.9% 9.0% 628,024 30.0% 7.7% 359,432 28.1% 9.7% 762,105 27.6% 8.8% 460,109 27.8% 10.2% 293,429 26.8% 9.0% 492,616 27.8% 12.0% 702,669 27.5% 9.7% 845,278 27.6% 11.3% 583,027 31.0% 11.2% 492,673 24.0% 14.1% 7,897,765 27.3% 10.3% 58 112 84 105 100 58 119 74 45 81 111 137 100 80 1,264 1,799,952 963,933 2,763,885 33,235 19,615 52,850 518,858 299,151 818,009 1,089,867 553,203 1,643,069 157,993 91,964 249,956 542,306 30.7% 8.8% 275,417 33.1% 9.5% 817,723 31.5% 9.0% 91 48 139 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) SC1 SC2 SC3 POP. TOTAL 2010 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL MAP POPULATION BY AGE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) STATE/ CO-OP WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 Age 0-1 yrs (8x/ yr) Age 2-17 yrs (4x/ yr) Age 18-64 yrs (4x/ yr) Age +65 yrs (8x/ yr) Female 18-64 yrs (3x/ yr) <18 % +65 Serv. % Areas MAP 625,741 6,383 123,146 404,854 91,358 MAP 2,525,351 1,977,338 1,768,418 1,729,917 8,001,024 35,887 21,771 22,996 21,297 101,951 587,816 386,998 390,573 386,464 1,751,852 1,667,021 1,253,183 1,142,722 1,107,531 5,170,456 234,627 315,386 212,127 214,625 976,765 843,351 640,761 581,679 566,483 2,632,275 24.7% 9.3% 20.7% 16.0% 23.4% 12.0% 23.6% 12.4% 23.2% 12.2% 127 99 89 87 402 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL MAP 1,495,054 1,931,249 1,611,556 1,686,681 6,724,540 21,563 23,947 19,571 22,667 87,748 363,087 389,340 345,307 395,135 1,492,869 917,829 1,307,456 1,028,291 1,063,073 4,316,649 192,574 210,506 218,388 205,807 827,275 458,578 656,343 513,527 538,608 2,167,056 25.7% 12.9% 21.4% 10.9% 22.6% 13.6% 24.8% 12.2% 23.5% 12.3% 75 97 81 85 338 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) MAP 1,852,994 20,754 366,522 1,169,239 296,479 592,804 20.9% 16.0% 93 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL MAP 1,224,523 1,149,195 2,237,110 1,076,158 5,686,986 14,984 14,164 29,293 13,199 71,640 270,386 245,917 519,292 231,469 1,267,065 758,805 739,767 1,402,415 669,656 3,570,643 180,347 149,348 286,110 161,833 777,639 379,197 23.3% 14.7% 369,106 22.6% 13.0% 715,965 24.5% 12.8% 334,344 22.7% 15.0% 1,798,612 23.5% 13.7% 61 58 112 54 285 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) MAP 563,626 8,003 127,267 358,466 69,890 175,648 24.0% 12.4% 29 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 POP. TOTAL 2010 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL 185 USA TOTAL MAP 308,745,538 4,036,340 70,181,692 205,261 20.7% 14.6% 32 194,252,112 40,275,395 98,780,683 24.0% 13.0% 15,490 E22-34: $450B PRIMARY CARE COST Primary Care MDs, Dentists & Optometrists required by CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 13 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents PRIMARY CARE NOTES: The number and type of primary care practices depicted on the next 11 slides are based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21. The following assumptions apply: Population age 0-1 & +65 see a doctor an average of 8 times per year. The population 2 to 64 sees a doctor 4 times per year on average. Female population 18 to 64 see an OB/GYN an average of 3 times per year. A dentist is seen twice a year and an optometrist is visited once every two years. As a result in each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. Referrals to specialists would be in addition to these visits. The composition and cost of each practice type is detailed on slides 28-30 in the Rhode Island example and on the next three slides. Primary Care MD practices cost $1.2 mil per year and service 800 to 1,600 patients depending on age and health status of the patient roster. The payment would be fixed, the number of patients would be negotiated With the CO-OP based on a public formula as above. Each dental practice costs $945k per year and services approximately 2,900 patients and each optometrist practice costs $625k per year and services approximately 5,000 patients (2,500/yr). RI cost is presented here for uniformity & simplicity, geographic COLA’s are applied in appendices F thru J. Therefore as an example, the Mesa Arizona area CO-OP (AZ1) would contract with 1,006 primary care MDs (203 Pedi’s, 163 Gerri’s, 177 OB/GYN & 463 general), 386 dentists and 198 optometrists at a total cost of nearly $1.7 billion. This to provide care to ALL its population of nearly 1.2 million people (approximately $1,440 per person, per year (at RI cost). 268,000 PRIMARY CARE PRACTICES (1) DOCTOR $250K + BEN. (3) NURSES $60K +BEN. (2) RECPT/ADMIN $45K +BEN. COST $350K $240K $120K RENT $6K/ MONTH UTILITIES PROPERTY. INS/TAX LIAB. INS (REFORMED) SUPPLIES EQUIP. RENT ($1M/5YR) OTHER TOTAL $70K $12K $12K $12K $120K $200K $64K $1,200K Includes a $50k to $100k performance bonus The above will support 2,400 ½ hr MD appointments per yr and 4,000 1 hr nurse appts. That’s 800 patients (+65 y/o or < 1 y/o at 8 times per year.) or 1,600 patients 4 times/ yr. PRIMARY PAY PARITY This leaves 700 hrs per year for MD professional development & Admin. 101,000 DENTAL PRACTICES (1) DENTIST $160K + BEN. (3) HYGIENISTS $70K +BEN. (1) RECPT/ADMIN $45K +BEN. COST $215K $280K $60K RENT $6K/ MONTH UTILITIES PROPERTY. INS/TAX LIAB. INS (REFORMED) SUPPLIES EQUIP. RENT ($500K/5YR) OTHER TOTAL $70K $12K $12K $12K $120K $100K $64K $945K The above will support 3,000 patient’s 1 hr cleanings twice per year (hygienists). And 1,500 1 hr procedures with the Dentist. Leaving 400 hrs per year for admin & professional development. The cost is $315/patient/yr (2 cleanings @ $75/ea + 1 hr procedure every other yr on average). 52,000 OPTOMETRIST PRACTICES (1) OPTOMETRIST $130K + BEN. (1) RECPT/ADMIN $45K +BEN. COST $175K $60K RENT $6K/ MONTH UTILITIES PROPERTY. INS/TAX LIAB. INS (REFORMED) SUPPLIES EQUIP. RENT ($500K/5YR) OTHER TOTAL $70K $12K $12K $12K $120K $100K $64K $625K The above will support 6,000 patient’s 1/2 hr exam every 2 years (3,000/yr) . Leaving 400 hrs for Admin & Professional development. The cost is $208 per patient every 2 yrs ($104/yr). STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) POP. TOTAL 2010 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) 2,001,679 1,233,703 1,544,354 4,779,736 100 62 78 240 32 19 25 76 277 171 221 670 793 478 597 1,868 329 224 269 822 313 185 234 732 1,744 1,078 1,347 4,169 655 404 505 1,564 337 208 260 804 $2,922 $1,805 $2,256 6,983 710,231 36 13 110 293 68 107 592 232 119 $1,004 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 1,179,761 1,445,632 1,708,721 2,057,903 6,392,017 55 73 87 106 321 20 30 24 36 111 183 242 228 310 962 463 572 616 775 2,426 163 150 424 367 1,103 177 217 239 294 927 1,006 1,211 1,530 1,782 5,529 386 473 559 673 2,091 198 243 287 346 1,075 $1,696 $2,052 $2,544 $2,991 9,283 AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 1,607,881 1,308,037 2,915,918 81 66 147 26 23 49 224 196 420 620 495 1,115 294 231 525 241 192 432 1,406 1,136 2,542 526 428 954 271 220 491 $2,353 $1,905 4,258 1,409,306 71 1,600,926 80 2,516,107 126 1,510,271 76 2,099,049 110 2,219,119 113 2,137,451 103 2,154,468 105 1,208,518 61 1,588,948 80 1,548,183 77 2,478,708 124 2,189,641 110 2,053,756 103 1,307,402 66 1,962,439 98 1,057,644 53 1,836,911 92 980,833 49 1,931,907 97 1,462,369 73 37,253,956 1,867 22 25 55 25 38 33 36 32 23 30 22 41 41 40 20 34 12 32 15 32 24 633 206 228 452 203 330 272 308 294 205 270 202 367 370 357 166 289 95 265 128 281 216 5,504 557 645 945 625 842 926 873 864 467 598 610 971 818 792 554 773 466 742 400 764 576 14,808 214 230 297 208 242 345 275 345 144 219 289 382 320 229 173 294 188 252 155 292 219 5,311 216 248 355 243 322 362 335 336 181 229 232 376 314 304 209 294 176 282 154 289 224 5,681 1,214 1,376 2,103 1,303 1,774 1,938 1,826 1,871 1,020 1,346 1,355 2,137 1,862 1,722 1,123 1,685 937 1,572 853 1,659 1,259 31,937 461 524 823 494 687 726 699 705 395 520 506 811 716 672 428 642 346 601 321 632 478 12,186 237 269 423 254 353 373 360 362 203 267 260 417 368 346 220 330 178 309 165 325 246 6,267 $2,041 $2,314 $3,566 $2,190 $2,998 $3,245 $3,076 $3,138 $1,724 $2,274 $2,268 $3,591 $3,142 $2,918 $1,889 $2,835 $1,563 $2,647 $1,430 $2,791 $2,117 53,758 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP. TOTAL 2010 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 920,962 1,394,219 1,706,476 1,007,539 5,029,196 46 70 86 50 252 15 23 32 16 86 127 200 250 146 723 378 548 696 411 2,033 126 223 209 130 687 144 207 266 156 772 790 1,201 1,453 858 4,302 301 456 558 330 1,645 155 235 287 170 846 CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL 1,794,791 1,779,306 3,574,097 90 89 179 24 26 51 237 251 488 711 693 1,404 324 310 634 277 273 550 1,573 1,553 3,126 587 582 1,169 302 $2,631 299 $2,601 601 5,232 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 601,723 30 8 59 270 86 109 532 197 101 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 897,934 41 14 122 352 162 138 787 294 151 $1,317 1,748,066 1,744,241 1,345,596 2,569,525 1,148,158 1,116,602 1,865,726 1,203,429 1,422,685 2,491,514 2,145,768 18,801,310 88 88 68 129 58 56 94 60 71 125 108 945 26 23 22 38 15 15 29 15 21 33 31 268 232 211 189 329 132 142 254 135 180 292 270 2,368 692 629 539 1,030 448 411 752 415 580 873 843 7,211 312 475 204 456 259 275 292 390 238 750 424 4,076 272 247 211 404 172 159 292 163 220 339 332 2,809 1,534 1,586 1,164 2,256 1,027 1,002 1,619 1,117 1,238 2,288 1,900 16,732 572 571 440 841 376 365 610 394 465 815 702 6,150 294 293 226 432 193 188 314 202 239 419 361 3,163 $2,564 $2,626 $1,955 $3,772 $1,708 $1,665 $2,716 $1,839 $2,075 $3,778 $3,169 27,867 2,037,768 2,268,285 2,308,236 1,696,353 1,377,011 9,687,653 102 114 116 85 69 486 36 39 43 31 24 172 311 338 370 251 201 1,471 791 923 929 667 536 3,847 307 275 244 253 222 1,302 307 362 365 259 209 1,502 1,752 1,936 1,951 1,461 1,193 8,294 667 742 755 555 450 3,169 343 382 388 285 232 1,630 $2,946 $3,263 $3,298 $2,456 $2,002 13,966 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL $1,329 $2,019 $2,451 $1,447 7,246 $887 STATE/ CO-OP $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP. TOTAL 2010 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 1,360,301 68 22 179 539 243 205 1,188 445 229 $1,989 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 1,567,582 79 31 253 590 243 224 1,341 513 264 $2,258 IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 1,527,486 877,381 2,695,598 2,049,045 2,017,066 1,666,715 1,997,341 12,830,632 77 44 136 102 101 84 100 643 25 14 46 36 31 27 30 209 232 128 368 323 294 239 269 1,852 603 338 1,122 796 792 637 772 5,060 214 150 344 287 319 305 385 2,006 232 134 440 308 306 246 297 1,963 1,307 765 2,320 1,750 1,741 1,453 1,753 11,089 500 287 882 670 660 545 653 4,197 257 148 453 345 339 280 336 2,159 $2,201 $1,281 $3,901 $2,949 $2,925 $2,434 $2,931 18,623 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 1,650,660 1,580,791 2,049,590 1,202,761 6,483,802 83 79 103 60 325 26 28 36 18 108 233 240 310 168 951 646 602 800 473 2,521 279 265 306 202 1,051 249 233 312 182 976 1,433 1,367 1,764 1,044 5,608 540 517 670 393 2,121 278 266 345 202 1,091 $2,404 $2,295 $2,966 $1,751 9,416 IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 1,734,313 1,312,042 3,046,355 87 66 153 29 21 51 249 181 430 657 509 1,166 327 239 566 253 196 449 1,515 1,146 2,661 567 429 997 292 $2,536 221 $1,919 513 4,455 KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 1,414,509 1,438,609 2,853,118 71 72 143 26 26 51 215 214 429 527 566 1,093 258 212 470 202 218 420 1,228 1,236 2,464 463 471 933 238 242 480 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 2,108,136 2,231,231 4,339,367 106 112 218 34 37 71 290 314 604 840 871 1,711 340 383 723 324 338 662 1,829 1,942 3,771 690 730 1,419 355 $3,068 375 $3,255 730 6,323 LA1 LA2 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 2,086,508 2,446,864 4,533,372 105 123 228 37 42 79 311 349 660 805 981 1,786 339 358 697 313 382 694 1,805 2,110 3,916 683 800 1,483 351 $3,031 412 $3,546 763 6,577 $2,059 $2,079 4,139 STATE/ CO-OP $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP. TOTAL 2010 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 1,328,361 67 17 163 526 264 205 1,176 435 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 2,574,261 1,457,776 1,741,515 5,773,552 129 73 88 290 39 23 29 91 345 204 248 797 1,029 579 713 2,321 431 233 226 890 408 226 279 913 2,252 1,266 1,495 5,012 842 477 570 1,889 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 1,465,182 1,503,085 1,956,649 1,622,713 6,547,629 74 75 98 81 328 21 21 27 23 92 177 190 260 216 842 616 616 761 647 2,640 226 246 377 279 1,128 244 241 300 254 1,039 1,283 1,315 1,725 1,419 5,742 479 492 640 531 2,142 246 253 329 273 1,102 $2,146 $2,200 $2,881 $2,375 9,603 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 2,069,580 2,518,013 1,854,393 2,239,292 1,202,362 9,883,640 104 127 93 112 60 496 31 40 27 35 17 149 285 367 252 317 169 1,390 820 979 725 862 475 3,860 347 415 337 407 198 1,705 317 386 282 329 187 1,500 1,799 2,187 1,623 1,950 1,046 8,604 677 824 607 733 393 3,233 348 424 312 377 202 1,663 $3,016 $3,667 $2,716 $3,267 $1,753 14,420 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 1,001,172 2,391,592 1,911,161 5,303,925 50 120 96 266 16 41 32 89 141 344 273 758 378 953 754 2,085 197 355 303 854 143 366 291 800 876 2,059 1,653 4,587 328 782 625 1,735 MS1 MS2 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 1,578,620 1,388,677 2,967,297 79 70 149 28 24 53 242 204 446 609 536 1,145 243 231 474 240 209 448 1,362 1,204 2,566 516 454 971 266 234 499 $2,288 $2,021 4,309 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 1,766,862 1,491,846 1,782,328 947,891 5,988,927 89 75 90 47 301 29 26 28 15 97 243 216 249 134 842 678 581 701 368 2,328 337 246 298 167 1,049 262 226 278 139 905 1,549 1,294 1,555 823 5,221 578 488 583 310 1,959 297 251 300 159 1,008 $2,591 $2,171 $2,604 $1,380 8,746 223 $1,961 433 $3,768 245 $2,123 293 $2,516 971 8,407 168 $1,466 402 $3,461 322 $2,775 892 7,702 $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP. TOTAL 2010 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 989,415 50 16 132 387 183 147 865 324 166 $1,447 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 1,826,341 92 33 270 701 308 269 1,581 597 307 $2,654 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) NEVADA.- TOTAL 2,000,560 699,991 2,700,551 100 36 136 35 11 47 294 98 392 794 276 1,070 290 116 406 301 103 404 1,713 604 2,318 654 229 883 337 118 454 $2,885 $1,015 3,900 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 1,316,470 66 17 171 532 222 206 1,148 431 221 $1,923 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 1,655,681 1,396,740 1,406,342 2,378,397 1,954,734 8,791,894 83 70 71 119 98 441 25 22 21 35 33 135 231 196 195 332 270 1,224 623 546 550 948 796 3,463 338 239 246 379 280 1,482 244 213 217 368 311 1,354 1,460 1,217 1,229 2,062 1,690 7,657 542 457 460 778 639 2,876 279 235 237 400 329 1,479 $2,438 $2,039 $2,058 $3,459 $2,837 12,831 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) 2,059,179 104 36 306 793 340 306 1,781 674 346 $2,990 NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) NEW YORK.- TOTAL 1,953,167 1,385,108 1,453,693 2,230,722 1,339,532 1,493,350 2,504,700 2,054,603 1,733,323 1,363,694 1,866,210 19,378,102 98 69 73 112 67 75 125 103 87 68 94 971 26 26 20 33 18 22 44 26 28 19 27 288 247 217 188 272 186 213 349 202 261 179 245 2,559 783 545 568 927 514 583 1,014 898 661 544 734 7,772 356 182 286 357 256 252 360 342 293 240 347 3,272 300 220 223 364 202 226 408 361 258 211 283 3,057 1,712 1,190 1,284 1,954 1,177 1,296 2,176 1,829 1,502 1,193 1,637 16,949 639 453 476 730 438 489 819 672 567 446 610 6,339 329 233 245 375 225 251 421 346 292 229 314 3,260 $2,863 $2,001 $2,143 $3,268 $1,967 $2,174 $3,649 $3,046 $2,521 $1,997 $2,737 28,366 STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) POP. TOTAL 2010 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) 1,975,131 1,967,145 1,480,919 2,004,517 2,107,771 9,535,483 99 99 74 100 106 478 34 32 24 37 31 158 296 273 194 307 277 1,347 785 780 587 798 813 3,762 272 322 265 259 424 1,543 307 307 227 312 317 1,470 1,694 1,714 1,297 1,713 1,862 8,280 646 643 484 656 689 3,119 332 331 249 337 355 1,604 $2,851 $2,872 $2,170 $2,886 $3,107 13,886 672,591 34 11 88 266 122 100 587 220 113 $983 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL 1,999,639 1,526,892 2,315,442 1,078,588 2,024,133 1,623,402 968,408 11,536,504 100 77 116 54 102 81 49 579 29 25 34 17 33 26 15 180 271 221 321 158 283 233 136 1,622 768 599 889 413 817 622 377 4,485 394 244 441 190 297 293 168 2,027 301 235 351 159 316 242 147 1,751 1,762 1,324 2,036 937 1,746 1,416 844 10,065 654 499 757 353 662 531 317 3,774 336 257 390 181 341 273 163 1,941 $2,942 $2,222 $3,402 $1,571 $2,933 $2,372 $1,415 16,857 OK1 OK2 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 2,221,941 1,529,410 3,751,351 111 77 188 40 26 66 324 224 548 861 586 1,447 367 266 633 330 226 557 1,922 1,328 3,251 727 500 1,227 374 257 631 $3,227 $2,228 5,455 OR1 OR2 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 1,762,158 2,068,916 3,831,074 88 104 192 26 33 59 231 280 511 679 841 1,520 357 310 666 261 324 585 1,554 1,788 3,342 576 677 1,253 296 $2,595 348 $3,003 645 5,598 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 1,571,225 1,401,807 1,546,058 2,013,034 1,984,102 1,526,006 1,731,501 928,646 12,702,379 79 70 78 101 99 77 86 47 637 21 19 22 31 29 25 23 12 182 204 173 200 287 272 202 206 113 1,656 608 552 597 775 771 623 680 360 4,966 318 283 317 361 365 231 371 204 2,450 237 211 230 300 303 251 269 140 1,941 1,388 1,238 1,366 1,755 1,740 1,333 1,548 828 11,196 514 459 506 658 649 499 566 304 4,155 264 236 260 339 334 257 291 156 2,137 $2,317 $2,067 $2,280 $2,939 $2,910 $2,231 $2,575 $1,378 18,697 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 1,052,567 50 14 133 423 189 167 926 344 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL 1,632,247 1,500,049 1,493,068 4,625,364 82 75 75 232 27 24 25 76 220 208 211 639 642 594 583 1,819 291 247 252 790 251 233 229 712 1,430 1,306 1,300 4,036 534 491 488 1,513 814,180 41 15 119 309 146 118 707 266 137 $1,186 1,546,161 1,438,739 1,614,887 1,746,318 6,346,105 78 72 81 88 319 26 25 26 25 102 231 205 225 224 885 605 581 631 682 2,499 235 201 281 346 1,063 238 226 245 265 975 1,335 1,239 1,408 1,542 5,524 506 471 528 571 2,076 260 242 272 294 1,068 $2,243 $2,082 $2,359 $2,574 9,258 1,158,243 58 2,225,009 112 1,669,145 84 2,099,451 105 1,993,008 100 1,148,672 58 2,368,139 119 1,462,994 74 900,774 45 1,612,106 81 2,202,568 111 2,725,273 137 1,982,809 100 1,597,370 80 25,145,561 1,264 21 42 28 43 41 21 48 26 16 31 42 51 42 27 482 176 337 249 319 353 191 385 241 143 264 358 445 363 226 4,050 445 911 651 854 775 446 942 567 361 607 864 1,041 716 618 9,800 184 243 258 235 193 139 259 187 102 242 266 385 278 281 3,251 167 347 247 324 299 171 363 219 140 235 335 403 278 235 3,761 994 1,881 1,433 1,775 1,662 969 1,997 1,240 762 1,379 1,866 2,324 1,677 1,387 21,343 379 728 546 687 652 376 775 479 295 527 720 891 649 523 8,226 195 374 281 353 335 193 398 246 152 271 371 458 334 269 4,230 $1,672 $3,179 $2,411 $3,000 $2,820 $1,639 $3,377 $2,094 $1,287 $2,322 $3,151 $3,918 $2,833 $2,326 36,029 42 25 66 324 187 511 681 346 1,027 197 115 312 258 131 389 1,503 803 2,306 589 315 904 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 POP. TOTAL 2010 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL 1,799,952 963,933 2,763,885 91 48 139 177 $1,548 275 $2,392 252 $2,188 251 $2,179 778 6,759 303 $2,549 162 $1,363 465 3,912 STATE/ CO-OP $450B PRIMARY CARE COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) POP. TOTAL 2010 Serv. Pedi. Pedi. Gen. Gerri. OB/GYN # Prim. Care # Dental Optometrist TOTAL Areas 0-1 yrs 2-17 yrs 18-64 yrs +65 yrs 18-64 yrs Practices Practices Practices COST 20k/ea (8x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (4x/ yr) (8x/ yr) (3x/ yr) ($1.2m/ EA) ($945k/ EA)($625k/ EA) ($Mils) 625,741 32 8 77 253 114 98 550 205 105 $919 VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL 2,525,351 1,977,338 1,768,418 1,729,917 8,001,024 127 99 89 87 402 45 27 29 27 127 367 242 244 242 1,095 1,042 783 714 692 3,232 293 394 265 268 1,221 402 305 277 270 1,253 2,149 1,752 1,529 1,498 6,928 826 647 578 566 2,617 425 333 298 291 1,346 $3,625 $2,921 $2,568 $2,515 11,629 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL 1,495,054 1,931,249 1,611,556 1,686,681 6,724,540 75 97 81 85 338 27 30 24 28 110 227 243 216 247 933 574 817 643 664 2,698 241 263 273 257 1,034 218 313 245 256 1,032 1,287 1,666 1,400 1,453 5,807 489 632 527 552 2,200 252 325 271 284 1,131 $2,163 $2,799 $2,348 $2,443 9,754 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 1,852,994 93 26 229 731 371 282 1,639 606 312 $2,734 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 1,224,523 1,149,195 2,237,110 1,076,158 5,686,986 61 58 112 54 285 19 18 37 16 90 169 154 325 145 792 474 462 877 419 2,232 225 187 358 202 972 181 176 341 159 856 1,068 996 1,936 941 4,942 401 376 732 352 1,860 206 193 376 181 957 $1,789 $1,672 $3,250 $1,575 8,286 563,626 29 10 80 224 87 84 485 184 95 $815 308,745,538 15,490 5,045 50,344 47,038 267,699 100,996 51,942 449,145 TOTAL (@ RI Costs above) $321,249 $95,441 $32,464 $449,154 TOTAL (@ Local Cost) ** $293,343 $87,161 $29,647 $410,152 -8.7% WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 185 USA TOTAL ** After Geographic COLA's see Appendices F-J 43,864 121,408 E35-44: $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST ICU, Recovery, MHSA & Other Medical Beds required by CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 9 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT NOTES: The number and type of hospital in-patient visits depicted on the next 8 slides are based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21 and utilization rates E65-68. The following methods & assumptions apply: The number of hospital in-patient visits per 1,000 people in each state per the AHA Annual Survey Copyright 2012 (http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=386&cat=8 at August 2012) was used to calculate the estimated total number of in-patient visits in each state (35.2 million total USA). Since this excludes Federal Hospitals, Rehab Hospitals and MHSA Hospitals 9% was added to the rates to account for this activity at these facilities. This totaled 38.2 million In-Patient visits or 124 per 1,000 people for the USA as a whole (vs. 114 in the AHA data). This national total is consistent with the RI experience (121/k) & The National Health Statistics Report. However IP usage rates vary widely by state & within states. DC, WV & PA had the highest rates (at 238/k, 164/k & 155/k) with VT, AK & UT the lowest (at 86/k, 87/k & 88/k). DC, WV & PA are 2.5 times the VT, AK or UT rate! Within each state, the total number of IP visits for the state were apportioned to the individual CO-Ops (markets within states) based on the +65 population at a 4:1 ratio. As an example, FL has a 142/1k rate (+65 375 & <65 93) the Ocala & Hudson area in Florida (CO-OP FL8) has the highest % +65 population at 26% (see E13-21). Its estimated IP rate is 166 per 1,000 people (applying +65 375 & <65 93). Whereas Jacksonville (FL3) has just 12% +65 and an estimated IP rate of 127 per 1,000 people or 24% less (after applying rates). Fewer beds, less funding needed for hospital in-patient visits. The total IP visits were further detailed into three groups based on the RI experience. That is 30% of the visits are estimated to be Surgery visits (11.5 mil), 10% are estimated to be MHSA visits (3.8 mil), 60% are Other medical visits including births (22.9 mil). Surgery visits consist of 3 days in ICU & 5 days in recovery, MHSA average 8.7 days and Other Medical visits average 3.7 days. The total average stay is 5.4 days. The preceding suggests the need for 94k ICU beds, 157k Recovery beds, 91k MHSA beds & 233k Other Medical beds for a total 575k beds and 210 mil IP days of care in the USA as a whole as detailed by CO-OP in the next eight slides. These data are consistent with the RI experience, the national Medicare statistics, the first listed discharge report & HCUP (bulletin #62). The staffing and cost of each bed type is detailed on B3 in the Rhode Island example. ICU beds would be funded at $1.15 million each per year, Recovery beds $528k, Medical beds $740k and MHSA beds $430k to allow the hospital to recover the cost of having the beds available & staffed under agreement with the local CO-OP. It’s not about billing the patient, it’s about having the capability available to the community as agreed with the community (CO-OP of patients). RI cost is presented here for uniformity & simplicity, geographic COLA’s are applied in appendices F thru J. STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) # In-Pat. Visits per 1,000 # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries Discharges (30%) est/ yr est/ yr # In-Pat. MHSA (10%) est/ yr # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) # MHSA Beds 8.7 days ($430k) # Other Med. Beds 3.7 days ($740k) TOTAL # IP Days 5.4 days est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) 144 148 147 146 288,299 182,977 226,315 697,591 86,490 54,893 67,895 209,277 28,830 18,298 22,632 69,759 172,979 109,786 135,789 418,555 711 451 558 1,720 1,185 752 930 2,867 687 436 539 1,663 1,753 1,113 1,376 4,243 1,582,762 1,004,543 1,242,469 3,829,774 3,036 1,927 2,383 7,346 87 61,809 18,543 6,181 37,085 152 254 147 376 339,330 651 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 114 106 136 122 121 133,927 153,844 232,972 250,948 771,692 40,178 46,153 69,892 75,284 231,508 13,393 15,384 23,297 25,095 77,169 80,356 92,306 139,783 150,569 463,015 330 379 574 619 1,903 550 632 957 1,031 3,171 319 367 555 598 1,839 815 936 1,417 1,526 4,694 735,262 844,604 1,279,018 1,377,705 4,236,589 1,410 1,620 2,453 2,643 8,127 AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 139 137 138 223,379 179,644 403,024 67,014 53,893 120,907 22,338 17,964 40,302 134,028 107,787 241,814 551 443 994 918 738 1,656 532 428 961 1,359 1,093 2,451 1,226,353 986,248 2,212,601 2,352 1,892 4,244 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 101 100 95 99 95 102 97 103 96 99 108 102 100 94 98 101 106 99 103 101 101 100 142,930 160,081 239,840 149,317 199,107 226,553 207,804 221,738 115,543 157,107 166,825 252,502 219,919 193,352 128,089 198,388 112,244 181,438 100,675 195,830 147,822 3,717,104 42,879 48,024 71,952 44,795 59,732 67,966 62,341 66,521 34,663 47,132 50,048 75,751 65,976 58,006 38,427 59,516 33,673 54,431 30,203 58,749 44,347 1,115,131 14,293 85,758 16,008 96,048 23,984 143,904 14,932 89,590 19,911 119,464 22,655 135,932 20,780 124,682 22,174 133,043 11,554 69,326 15,711 94,264 16,683 100,095 25,250 151,501 21,992 131,952 19,335 116,011 12,809 76,853 19,839 119,033 11,224 67,346 18,144 108,863 10,068 60,405 19,583 117,498 14,782 88,693 371,710 2,230,262 352 395 591 368 491 559 512 547 285 387 411 623 542 477 316 489 277 447 248 483 364 9,165 587 658 986 614 818 931 854 911 475 646 686 1,038 904 795 526 815 461 746 414 805 607 15,276 341 382 572 356 475 540 495 529 275 374 398 602 524 461 305 473 268 432 240 467 352 8,860 869 784,687 974 878,842 1,459 1,316,720 908 819,753 1,211 1,093,097 1,378 1,243,778 1,264 1,140,843 1,349 1,217,342 703 634,332 956 862,516 1,015 915,872 1,536 1,386,237 1,338 1,207,357 1,176 1,061,502 779 703,206 1,207 1,089,148 683 616,219 1,104 996,096 612 552,706 1,191 1,075,105 899 811,542 22,608 20,406,901 1,505 1,686 2,526 1,572 2,097 2,386 2,188 2,335 1,217 1,655 1,757 2,659 2,316 2,036 1,349 2,089 1,182 1,911 1,060 2,062 1,557 39,146 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 STATE/ CO-OP $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # In-Pat. # In-Pat. # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries MHSA Visits Discharges (30%) (10%) per 1,000 est/ yr est/ yr est/ yr # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) # MHSA Beds 8.7 days ($430k) # Other TOTAL # Med. Beds IP Days 3.7 days 5.4 days ($740k) est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 97 101 95 96 97 89,646 141,403 161,604 96,575 489,228 26,894 42,421 48,481 28,973 146,769 8,965 14,140 16,160 9,658 48,923 53,787 84,842 96,963 57,945 293,537 221 349 398 238 1,206 368 581 664 397 2,011 214 337 385 230 1,166 545 860 983 587 2,976 492,155 776,303 887,209 530,198 2,685,864 944 1,489 1,702 1,017 5,152 CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL 125 124 124 224,221 220,015 444,237 67,266 66,005 133,271 22,422 22,002 44,424 134,533 132,009 266,542 553 543 1,095 921 904 1,826 534 524 1,059 1,364 1,338 2,702 1,230,976 1,207,884 2,438,860 2,361 2,317 4,678 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 238 143,210 42,963 14,321 85,926 353 589 341 871 786,223 1,508 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 123 110,446 33,134 11,045 66,268 272 454 263 672 606,349 1,163 133 154 127 133 144 149 128 166 131 161 138 142 233,063 269,480 171,088 341,754 165,298 165,922 239,436 199,858 185,942 401,006 295,255 2,668,100 69,919 80,844 51,326 102,526 49,589 49,776 71,831 59,958 55,783 120,302 88,576 800,430 23,306 139,838 26,948 161,688 17,109 102,653 34,175 205,052 16,530 99,179 16,592 99,553 23,944 143,661 19,986 119,915 18,594 111,565 40,101 240,604 29,525 177,153 266,810 1,600,860 575 664 422 843 408 409 590 493 458 989 728 6,579 958 1,107 703 1,404 679 682 984 821 764 1,648 1,213 10,965 556 642 408 815 394 395 571 476 443 956 704 6,360 1,418 1,279,514 1,639 1,479,444 1,041 939,270 2,079 1,876,227 1,005 907,485 1,009 910,910 1,456 1,314,502 1,216 1,097,223 1,131 1,020,822 2,439 2,201,523 1,796 1,620,948 16,228 14,647,869 2,454 2,838 1,802 3,599 1,741 1,747 2,522 2,105 1,958 4,223 3,109 28,098 111 105 102 111 113 108 226,246 238,496 235,504 187,885 155,844 1,043,977 67,874 71,549 70,651 56,366 46,753 313,193 22,625 23,850 23,550 18,789 15,584 104,398 558 588 581 463 384 2,574 930 980 968 772 640 4,290 539 568 561 448 371 2,488 1,376 1,451 1,432 1,143 948 6,350 2,383 2,512 2,480 1,979 1,641 10,994 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL 135,748 143,098 141,303 112,731 93,507 626,386 1,242,091 1,309,345 1,292,919 1,031,491 855,586 5,731,433 STATE/ CO-OP $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # In-Pat. # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries Visits Discharges (30%) per 1,000 est/ yr est/ yr # In-Pat. MHSA (10%) est/ yr # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) # MHSA Beds 8.7 days ($430k) # Other TOTAL # Med. Beds IP Days 3.7 days 5.4 days ($740k) est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 88 120,235 36,071 12,024 72,141 296 494 287 731 660,093 1,266 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 91 142,846 42,854 14,285 85,708 352 587 340 869 784,226 1,504 19,434 116,602 11,809 70,856 33,481 200,886 26,068 156,409 26,525 159,152 22,897 137,383 27,887 167,324 168,102 1,008,612 479 291 826 643 654 565 688 4,145 799 485 1,376 1,071 1,090 941 1,146 6,908 463 281 798 621 632 546 665 4,007 1,182 718 2,036 1,586 1,613 1,393 1,696 10,224 1,066,905 648,336 1,838,109 1,431,141 1,456,242 1,257,052 1,531,014 9,228,799 2,047 1,244 3,526 2,745 2,793 2,411 2,937 17,703 IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 127 135 124 127 132 137 140 131 194,336 118,094 334,810 260,681 265,253 228,971 278,873 1,681,020 58,301 35,428 100,443 78,204 79,576 68,691 83,662 504,306 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 counts) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 123 122 118 122 121 202,219 193,196 242,690 147,139 785,244 60,666 57,959 72,807 44,142 235,573 20,222 19,320 24,269 14,714 78,524 121,332 115,918 145,614 88,283 471,147 499 476 598 363 1,936 831 794 997 605 3,227 482 460 578 351 1,872 1,230 1,175 1,476 895 4,776 1,110,185 1,060,648 1,332,366 807,793 4,310,992 2,130 2,035 2,556 1,550 8,270 IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 123 121 122 212,552 159,236 371,787 63,765 47,771 111,536 21,255 15,924 37,179 127,531 95,541 223,072 524 393 917 873 654 1,528 507 380 886 1,293 969 2,261 1,166,908 874,203 2,041,111 2,238 1,677 3,915 KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 120 113 116 169,353 162,218 331,570 50,806 48,665 99,471 16,935 16,222 33,157 101,612 97,331 198,942 418 400 818 696 667 1,363 404 387 790 1,030 987 2,017 929,746 890,574 1,820,321 1,783 1,708 3,492 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 152 154 153 319,746 344,688 664,434 95,924 103,406 199,330 31,975 34,469 66,443 191,848 206,813 398,660 788 850 1,638 1,314 1,417 2,731 762 822 1,584 1,945 2,096 4,041 1,755,405 1,892,338 3,647,743 3,367 3,630 6,997 LA1 LA2 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 152 148 150 317,241 361,454 678,695 95,172 108,436 203,609 31,724 36,145 67,870 190,345 216,872 407,217 782 891 1,673 1,304 1,485 2,789 756 862 1,618 1,930 2,198 4,128 1,741,656 1,984,382 3,726,037 3,341 3,807 7,147 STATE/ CO-OP $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # In-Pat. # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries Visits Discharges (30%) per 1,000 est/ yr est/ yr # In-Pat. MHSA (10%) est/ yr # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) # MHSA Beds 8.7 days ($430k) # Other TOTAL # Med. Beds IP Days 3.7 days 5.4 days ($740k) est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 120 159,024 47,707 15,902 95,414 392 654 379 967 873,040 1,675 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 136 134 127 133 350,260 195,739 221,252 767,251 105,078 58,722 66,376 230,175 35,026 19,574 22,125 76,725 210,156 117,443 132,751 460,351 864 483 546 1,892 1,439 804 909 3,153 835 467 527 1,829 2,130 1,191 1,346 4,667 1,922,925 1,074,607 1,214,676 4,212,209 3,689 2,061 2,330 8,080 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 133 135 142 137 137 194,656 203,170 278,083 222,566 898,475 58,397 60,951 83,425 66,770 269,543 19,466 20,317 27,808 22,257 89,848 116,794 121,902 166,850 133,539 539,085 480 501 686 549 2,215 800 835 1,143 915 3,692 464 484 663 530 2,142 1,184 1,236 1,691 1,354 5,465 1,068,663 1,115,406 1,526,675 1,221,885 4,932,629 2,050 2,140 2,929 2,344 9,462 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + Wayne) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 132 132 136 136 132 133 273,890 331,716 251,431 303,643 158,414 1,319,093 82,167 99,515 75,429 91,093 47,524 395,728 27,389 33,172 25,143 30,364 15,841 131,909 164,334 199,029 150,858 182,186 95,048 791,456 675 818 620 749 391 3,253 1,126 1,363 1,033 1,248 651 5,421 653 791 599 724 378 3,144 1,666 2,018 1,529 1,847 964 8,023 1,503,655 1,821,119 1,380,355 1,667,002 869,691 7,241,822 2,884 3,493 2,648 3,198 1,668 13,892 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 128 118 120 121 128,619 282,658 229,945 641,221 38,586 84,797 68,984 192,366 12,862 28,266 22,995 64,122 77,171 169,595 137,967 384,733 317 697 567 1,581 529 1,162 945 2,635 307 674 548 1,528 782 1,719 1,399 3,900 706,117 1,551,790 1,262,398 3,520,305 1,355 2,977 2,422 6,753 MS1 MS2 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 147 150 148 231,310 208,019 439,329 69,393 62,406 131,799 23,131 20,802 43,933 138,786 124,811 263,597 570 513 1,083 951 855 1,805 551 496 1,047 1,407 1,265 2,672 1,269,892 1,142,024 2,411,916 2,436 2,191 4,627 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 153 146 147 149 149 270,231 217,964 261,636 141,327 891,158 81,069 65,389 78,491 42,398 267,347 27,023 21,796 26,164 14,133 89,116 162,138 130,778 156,982 84,796 534,695 666 537 645 348 2,197 1,111 896 1,075 581 3,662 644 520 624 337 2,124 1,644 1,326 1,591 860 5,420 1,483,566 1,196,622 1,436,383 775,884 4,892,455 2,846 2,295 2,755 1,488 9,385 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # MHSA # Other TOTAL # Beds Med. Beds IP Days 8.7 days 3.7 days 5.4 days ($430k) ($740k) est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) 107 106,065 31,819 10,606 63,639 262 436 253 645 582,296 1,117 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 124 226,466 67,940 22,647 135,880 558 931 540 1,377 1,243,300 2,385 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL 96 100 97 192,792 70,013 262,805 57,838 21,004 78,841 19,279 7,001 26,280 115,675 42,008 157,683 475 173 648 792 288 1,080 460 167 626 1,173 426 1,598 1,058,427 384,372 1,442,799 2,030 737 2,768 99 130,740 39,222 13,074 78,444 322 537 312 795 717,761 1,377 140 132 133 130 126 132 231,596 184,763 187,277 308,259 245,998 1,157,893 69,479 55,429 56,183 92,478 73,799 347,368 23,160 18,476 18,728 30,826 24,600 115,789 138,958 110,858 112,366 184,955 147,599 694,736 571 456 462 760 607 2,855 952 759 770 1,267 1,011 4,758 552 440 446 735 586 2,760 1,409 1,124 1,139 1,875 1,496 7,043 1,271,463 1,014,351 1,028,151 1,692,340 1,350,527 6,356,832 2,439 1,946 1,972 3,246 2,591 12,194 98 202,177 60,653 20,218 121,306 499 831 482 1,230 1,109,953 2,129 144 132 147 138 146 141 135 140 141 142 145 141 280,875 182,142 214,099 308,732 195,438 209,816 336,882 287,547 243,760 193,971 269,841 2,723,102 84,263 54,643 64,230 92,620 58,631 62,945 101,065 86,264 73,128 58,191 80,952 816,931 28,088 168,525 18,214 109,285 21,410 128,459 30,873 185,239 19,544 117,263 20,982 125,889 33,688 202,129 28,755 172,528 24,376 146,256 19,397 116,383 26,984 161,905 272,310 1,633,861 693 449 528 761 482 517 831 709 601 478 665 6,714 1,154 749 880 1,269 803 862 1,384 1,182 1,002 797 1,109 11,191 669 434 510 736 466 500 803 685 581 462 643 6,491 1,708 1,542,006 1,108 999,958 1,302 1,175,403 1,878 1,694,938 1,189 1,072,953 1,276 1,151,888 2,049 1,849,483 1,749 1,578,632 1,483 1,338,242 1,180 1,064,902 1,641 1,481,427 16,562 14,949,832 2,958 1,918 2,255 3,251 2,058 2,210 3,548 3,028 2,567 2,043 2,842 28,678 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 # In-Pat. # In-Pat. # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries MHSA Visits Discharges (30%) (10%) per 1,000 est/ yr est/ yr est/ yr NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # In-Pat. # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries Visits Discharges (30%) per 1,000 est/ yr est/ yr # In-Pat. MHSA (10%) est/ yr # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) # MHSA Beds 8.7 days ($430k) # Other Med. Beds 3.7 days ($740k) TOTAL # IP Days 5.4 days est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 113 118 122 111 126 118 223,436 232,960 180,017 223,184 265,645 1,125,243 67,031 69,888 54,005 66,955 79,694 337,573 22,344 23,296 18,002 22,318 26,565 112,524 134,062 139,776 108,010 133,910 159,387 675,146 551 574 444 550 655 2,775 918 957 740 917 1,092 4,624 533 555 429 532 633 2,682 1,359 1,417 1,095 1,357 1,616 6,844 1,226,666 1,278,951 988,295 1,225,281 1,458,394 6,177,585 2,353 2,453 1,896 2,350 2,798 11,850 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) 153 102,644 30,793 10,264 61,586 253 422 245 624 563,516 1,081 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL 148 139 146 143 136 144 142 143 296,056 212,263 339,172 154,111 274,769 233,827 137,939 1,648,136 88,817 63,679 101,752 46,233 82,431 70,148 41,382 494,441 29,606 21,226 33,917 15,411 27,477 23,383 13,794 164,814 177,634 127,358 203,503 92,467 164,861 140,296 82,763 988,882 730 523 836 380 678 577 340 4,064 1,217 872 1,394 633 1,129 961 567 6,773 706 506 808 367 655 557 329 3,928 1,801 1,291 2,063 937 1,671 1,422 839 10,024 1,625,347 1,165,323 1,862,053 846,069 1,508,480 1,283,712 757,284 9,048,268 3,118 2,235 3,572 1,623 2,894 2,462 1,453 17,357 OK1 OK2 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 123 125 124 273,922 191,457 465,379 82,177 57,437 139,614 27,392 19,146 46,538 164,353 114,874 279,228 675 472 1,148 1,126 787 1,913 653 456 1,109 1,666 1,164 2,831 1,503,834 1,051,099 2,554,933 2,885 2,016 4,901 OR1 OR2 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 96 87 91 168,680 181,003 349,682 50,604 54,301 104,905 16,868 18,100 34,968 101,208 108,602 209,809 416 446 862 693 744 1,437 402 431 833 1,026 1,101 2,127 926,052 993,705 1,919,757 1,776 1,906 3,683 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 158 158 158 152 153 144 161 162 155 247,659 220,830 244,732 305,349 303,231 220,241 278,222 150,430 1,970,693 74,298 66,249 73,420 91,605 90,969 66,072 83,466 45,129 591,208 24,766 148,595 22,083 132,498 24,473 146,839 30,535 183,209 30,323 181,939 22,024 132,144 27,822 166,933 15,043 90,258 197,069 1,182,416 611 545 603 753 748 543 686 371 4,859 1,018 908 1,006 1,255 1,246 905 1,143 618 8,099 590 526 583 728 723 525 663 359 4,697 1,506 1,359,648 1,343 1,212,356 1,489 1,343,577 1,857 1,676,364 1,844 1,664,739 1,340 1,209,122 1,692 1,527,437 915 825,862 11,986 10,819,105 2,608 2,326 2,577 3,216 3,193 2,319 2,930 1,584 20,754 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # In-Pat. # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries Visits Discharges (30%) per 1,000 est/ yr est/ yr # In-Pat. MHSA (10%) est/ yr # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) # MHSA Beds 8.7 days ($430k) # Other TOTAL # Med. Beds IP Days 3.7 days 5.4 days ($740k) est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 128 134,729 40,419 13,473 80,837 332 554 321 819 739,662 1,419 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL 124 121 122 123 202,928 182,129 182,720 567,777 60,878 54,639 54,816 170,333 20,293 18,213 18,272 56,778 121,757 109,278 109,632 340,666 500 449 451 1,400 834 748 751 2,333 484 434 436 1,353 1,234 1,108 1,111 3,453 1,114,075 999,890 1,003,133 3,117,098 2,137 1,918 1,924 5,979 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) 135 109,921 32,976 10,992 65,953 271 452 262 669 603,468 1,158 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL 139 136 145 151 143 215,111 195,751 233,802 263,231 907,894 64,533 58,725 70,141 78,969 272,368 21,511 19,575 23,380 26,323 90,789 129,067 117,450 140,281 157,938 544,737 530 483 576 649 2,239 884 804 961 1,082 3,731 513 467 557 627 2,164 1,308 1,191 1,422 1,601 5,522 1,180,962 1,074,671 1,283,572 1,445,136 4,984,340 2,265 2,061 2,462 2,772 9,561 117 107 117 108 105 110 107 111 108 116 110 114 114 121 111 136,068 238,725 194,463 226,414 208,702 125,983 254,188 162,541 97,310 186,338 241,573 310,097 225,187 193,086 2,800,675 40,820 71,617 58,339 67,924 62,611 37,795 76,257 48,762 29,193 55,901 72,472 93,029 67,556 57,926 840,203 13,607 81,641 23,872 143,235 19,446 116,678 22,641 135,848 20,870 125,221 12,598 75,590 25,419 152,513 16,254 97,524 9,731 58,386 18,634 111,803 24,157 144,944 31,010 186,058 22,519 135,112 19,309 115,852 280,068 1,680,405 336 589 479 558 515 311 627 401 240 459 596 765 555 476 6,906 559 981 799 930 858 518 1,045 668 400 766 993 1,274 925 794 11,510 324 569 464 540 497 300 606 387 232 444 576 739 537 460 6,676 828 747,011 1,452 1,310,600 1,183 1,067,604 1,377 1,243,013 1,269 1,145,775 766 691,645 1,546 1,395,494 989 892,349 592 534,231 1,133 1,022,997 1,469 1,326,236 1,886 1,702,432 1,370 1,236,278 1,174 1,060,042 17,034 15,375,707 1,433 2,514 2,048 2,384 2,198 1,327 2,677 1,712 1,025 1,962 2,544 3,266 2,371 2,033 29,495 88 89 88 157,533 85,916 243,449 47,260 25,775 73,035 15,753 8,592 24,345 388 212 600 647 353 1,000 375 205 580 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL 94,520 51,549 146,069 958 523 1,481 864,857 471,677 1,336,534 1,659 905 2,564 STATE/ CO-OP $402B HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) # In-Pat. MHSA (10%) est/ yr # In-Pat. # Surg # Surg Other Beds/ICU Beds/rec. (60%) 3 days 5 days est/ yr ($1.15m) ($528k) # MHSA Beds 8.7 days ($430k) # Other TOTAL # Med. Beds IP Days 3.7 days 5.4 days ($740k) est/ yr TOTAL IN-PAT. COST ($Mils) 86 53,881 16,164 5,388 32,328 133 221 128 328 295,804 567 98 113 104 105 105 246,829 224,078 184,038 181,696 836,641 74,049 67,223 55,211 54,509 250,992 24,683 22,408 18,404 18,170 83,664 148,098 134,447 110,423 109,018 501,985 609 553 454 448 2,063 1,014 921 756 747 3,438 588 534 439 433 1,994 1,501 1,363 1,119 1,105 5,089 1,355,093 1,230,188 1,010,366 997,511 4,593,159 2,599 2,360 1,938 1,913 8,811 96 92 97 94 95 143,452 177,005 156,976 159,354 636,787 43,036 53,101 47,093 47,806 191,036 14,345 17,700 15,698 15,935 63,679 86,071 106,203 94,186 95,613 382,072 354 436 387 393 1,570 590 727 645 655 2,617 342 422 374 380 1,518 873 1,077 955 969 3,873 787,553 971,756 861,798 874,855 3,495,963 1,511 1,864 1,653 1,678 6,706 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 164 303,101 90,930 30,310 181,860 747 1,246 722 1,844 1,664,023 3,192 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 115 111 111 116 113 141,245 127,779 247,635 124,933 641,592 42,374 38,334 74,291 37,480 192,478 14,125 12,778 24,764 12,493 64,159 84,747 76,667 148,581 74,960 384,955 348 315 611 308 1,582 580 525 1,018 513 2,637 337 305 590 298 1,529 859 777 1,506 760 3,902 775,436 701,507 1,359,518 685,880 3,522,341 1,487 1,346 2,608 1,316 6,757 96 54,097 16,229 5,410 32,458 133 222 129 329 296,994 570 38,203,374 11,461,012 3,820,337 22,922,024 94,200 157,000 91,060 VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 # In-Pat. # In-Pat. TOTAL # Surgeries Visits Discharges (30%) per 1,000 est/ yr est/ yr 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 185 USA TOTAL 124 232,360 209,736,521 402,329 NOTE: "Other" Medical includes Births. TOTAL IN-PATIENT @ RI Costs above $108,330 $82,896 $39,156 $171,947 $402,329 "'* after Geographic COLA's see Appendices F thru J TOTAL IN-PATIENT @ Local Costs (**) $98,543 $75,407 $35,618 $156,411 $365,979 -9.0% E45-54: $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT COST ER VISITS & OP SURGERIES by CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 9 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURGERY NOTES: The number and type of hospital out-patient ER & Surgery visits depicted on the next 8 slides are based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21 and utilization rates E65-68. The following methods & assumptions apply: ER Visits: The number of ER visits per 1,000 people in each state per the AHA Annual Survey Copyright 2012 (http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=388&cat=8 at August 2012) was used to calculate the estimated total number of ER visits in each state. This totaled 127 million ER visits or 411 per 1,000 people for the USA as a whole. This national total is consistent with the RI experience (418/k) & The National Health Statistics Report #8. Since the AHA data exclude Federal, Rehab & MHSA Hospitals, 9% was added to account for this activity at these facilities. Resulting in 138 million OP “ER” visits or 447 per 1,000 people. However ER usage rates vary widely by state & within states. DC, WV & ME had the highest rates (at 776/k, 711/k & 649/k) with HI, CA & UT the lowest (at 292/k, 319/k & 328/k). WV, ME & DC are more than double the HI, CA or UT rate! Within each state, the total number of ER visits for the state were apportioned to the individual CO-Ops (markets within states) using the % of the state’s total poverty population that resides in each geographic CO-OP (appendix H). The poverty population is used as a proxy for: low income, high un-insurance rates, densely populated urban areas, high concentration of minorities, children, crime & accidents. All of which drive increased use of the ER. Although the +65 population used the ER 490/k (40% more than <65), the <1 population, young minorities, urban areas and other groups have usage rates nearly 900/k or 2.5x the average. Since poverty is not the only factor, no CO-OP was reported with a rate lower than HI’s 292k although 19 CO-Ops (10 in CA) with low poverty calculated lower. Likewise, no CO-OP was reported higher than 735/k although the Bronx (NY2) & Philadelphia (PA6) with high concentration of the state’s poverty population calculated above this rate. DC at 776 is an exception. OP Surgery Visits: Per National Health Statistics Report #11 (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nhsr/nhsr011.pdf pg. 12) There were 30.8 million procedures performed during 19.9 million visits to hospital based out-patient surgical facilities or 67 visits per 1k people in 2006. Since these data exclude Federal, Rehab & MHSA Hospitals, 9% was added to account for this activity at these facilities & 2% per year 2007-10 for population growth & aging. Resulting in 24 million OP “Surgery” visits or 79 per 1,000 people. This is consistent with the RI experience and this NHS report (revised Sept 2009). NOTE: The 17 mil visits to non-hospital free standing surgi-centers referenced in the NHS report are included in MD fees & “non-durable/other costs”, not here. Usage rates vary widely by state (FL 108, WV 105 vs CO 55, UT 54). The total number of OP Surgery visits in a state were apportioned to CO-OP’s based on the +65 population at a 4:1 ratio. As an example, FL has a 108/k rate (+65 296 & <65 69) the Ocala & Hudson area in Florida (CO-OP FL8) has the highest % +65 population at 26% (see E13-21). It’s estimated OP surgery rate is 127 per 1,000 people (after applying the +65 & <65 rates). Whereas Jacksonville (FL3) has just 12% +65 and an estimated OP surgery rate of 97 per 1,000 people or 24% less (after applying rates). Fewer beds, less funding needed for hospital out-patient surgeries. Each ER visit would be funded at $680 and Each OP Surgery at $1,200 (hosp cost plus $1,000 non-hosp MD). RI cost is presented here (see B4) for uniformity & simplicity, geographic COLA’s are applied in appendices F,G,H & J. It’s not about billing the patient, it’s about having the capability available to the community as agreed with the community (CO-OP of patients) and allowing the Hospital to recover the cost thereof. STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AR1 AR2 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 532 465 564 525 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) 452 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 307 440 355 402 380 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL # Out-Pat. ER Visits est/ yr State Rank COST ($mils) ER Visits ($680/EA) COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 13 1,065,842 574,007 871,329 2,511,178 725 390 593 1,708 99 102 101 100 197,978 125,778 155,505 479,261 238 151 187 575 28 321,273 218 70 49,546 59 40 361,839 636,738 605,862 827,148 2,431,587 246 433 412 562 1,653 55 51 67 59 59 64,986 74,321 114,297 122,324 375,928 78 89 137 147 451 513 513 513 17 825,462 671,541 1,497,003 561 457 1,018 102 101 101 163,509 131,558 295,068 196 158 354 292 min. 292 min. 402 * 292 min. 516 * 292 min. 309 292 min. 299 * 329 * 294 * 303 309 * 318 * 317 292 min. 292 min. 292 min. 292 min. 299 292 min. 319 412,217 467,808 1,010,285 441,154 1,083,690 648,122 659,593 628,943 361,922 523,493 454,963 750,301 676,105 653,433 414,952 573,616 308,545 537,241 286,003 578,531 426,881 50 11,897,796 280 318 687 300 737 441 449 428 246 356 309 510 460 444 282 390 210 365 194 393 290 8,091 57 57 54 56 54 58 55 58 54 56 61 58 57 53 55 57 60 56 58 57 57 57 81,030 90,708 135,672 84,576 112,610 128,466 117,633 125,770 65,367 88,988 94,766 143,169 124,634 109,325 72,528 112,457 63,730 102,766 57,098 111,017 83,793 2,106,102 97 109 163 101 135 154 141 151 78 107 114 172 150 131 87 135 76 123 69 133 101 2,527 STATE/ CO-OP CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CT1 CT2 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 COST # Out-Pat. ($mils) ER Visits ER Visits est/ yr ($680/EA) State Rank CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 381 365 390 292 min. 362 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 43 351,260 509,250 664,955 294,500 1,819,965 239 346 452 200 1,238 55 58 54 54 55 51,010 80,743 91,732 54,878 278,363 61 97 110 66 334 470 542 506 20 843,514 964,122 1,807,635 574 656 1,229 67 66 67 120,517 118,263 238,780 145 142 287 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 776 1 466,985 318 138 83,297 100 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 493 22 442,394 301 101 91,024 109 32 661,469 736,970 522,251 1,312,986 615,778 468,590 713,904 505,133 747,037 1,035,069 898,679 8,217,865 450 501 355 893 419 319 485 343 508 704 611 5,588 102 118 97 101 110 114 98 127 99 123 105 108 177,529 206,258 130,099 260,299 126,238 126,843 182,134 153,292 141,536 307,299 225,148 2,036,677 213 248 156 312 151 152 219 184 170 369 270 2,444 25 877,958 908,838 916,789 939,972 812,570 4,456,127 597 618 623 639 553 3,030 97 92 89 97 99 94 197,677 208,415 205,821 164,162 136,158 912,233 237 250 247 197 163 1,095 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL 378 423 388 511 536 420 383 420 525 415 419 437 431 401 397 554 590 460 STATE/ CO-OP IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IA1 IA2 KS1 KS2 KY1 KY2 LA1 LA2 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 COST # Out-Pat. ($mils) ER Visits ER Visits est/ yr ($680/EA) State Rank COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 292 51 397,371 270 60 81,550 98 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 340 47 533,103 363 77 121,315 146 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 406 395 713 293 292 min. 436 522 456 26 619,797 346,815 1,920,767 599,443 589,625 726,794 1,042,652 5,845,893 421 236 1,306 408 401 494 709 3,975 78 83 76 78 81 84 86 81 119,454 72,592 205,798 160,235 163,048 140,748 171,424 1,033,298 143 87 247 192 196 169 206 1,240 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 counts) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 543 541 545 500 535 12 896,407 855,534 1,117,224 600,901 3,470,066 610 582 760 409 2,360 82 82 80 82 81 135,926 129,851 162,961 98,898 527,636 163 156 196 119 633 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 423 456 437 33 733,146 598,385 1,331,531 499 407 905 85 84 85 147,739 110,655 258,394 177 133 310 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 398 380 389 39 562,882 547,352 1,110,234 383 372 755 84 79 82 119,241 114,034 233,275 143 137 280 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 664 536 598 8 1,399,932 1,196,789 2,596,721 952 814 1,766 98 100 99 206,904 223,157 430,061 248 268 516 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 645 566 603 7 1,346,456 1,386,125 2,732,581 916 943 1,858 99 96 97 205,889 234,342 440,231 247 281 528 STATE/ CO-OP MD1 MD2 MD3 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MN1 MN2 MN3 MS1 MS2 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 649 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 568 392 369 463 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 711 376 418 621 524 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + Wayne) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 459 607 559 480 314 502 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 432 349 381 376 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 658 589 626 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 633 471 424 581 522 COST # Out-Pat. ($mils) ER Visits ER Visits est/ yr ($680/EA) State Rank COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 3 861,509 586 83 110,041 132 24 1,462,039 570,741 641,818 2,674,598 994 388 436 1,819 99 98 93 97 255,901 142,983 161,499 560,383 307 172 194 672 15 1,041,973 564,879 817,510 1,008,494 3,432,856 709 384 556 686 2,334 64 65 69 66 66 94,264 98,351 134,476 107,707 434,798 113 118 161 129 522 21 949,150 1,528,014 1,037,375 1,073,923 377,968 4,966,430 645 1,039 705 730 257 3,377 82 82 84 84 82 83 170,063 205,944 156,211 188,651 98,351 819,220 204 247 187 226 118 983 41 432,957 833,912 727,672 1,994,541 294 567 495 1,356 86 79 81 81 86,229 189,169 153,951 429,348 103 227 185 515 4 1,038,948 817,571 1,856,519 706 556 1,262 97 99 98 153,152 137,778 290,930 184 165 349 16 1,118,603 702,169 755,771 550,336 3,126,879 761 477 514 374 2,126 86 82 82 83 83 151,194 121,980 146,417 79,083 498,673 181 146 176 95 598 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 COST # Out-Pat. ($mils) ER Visits ER Visits est/ yr ($680/EA) State Rank COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 393 38 389,325 265 81 79,806 96 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 417 35 762,443 518 82 149,303 179 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL 331 328 330 48 662,385 229,526 891,911 450 156 606 57 59 57 113,773 41,475 155,249 137 50 186 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 553 10 727,521 495 80 104,752 126 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 316 485 448 293 580 416 36 522,492 676,828 629,923 697,355 1,134,170 3,660,769 355 460 428 474 771 2,489 71 67 67 65 63 66 116,808 93,179 94,448 155,455 124,051 583,942 140 112 113 187 149 701 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) 446 30 918,003 624 78 161,604 194 27 707,479 1,018,704 651,230 905,182 391,260 435,812 1,700,407 996,173 541,751 569,432 869,379 8,786,807 481 693 443 616 266 296 1,156 677 368 387 591 5,975 68 62 70 65 69 66 64 66 67 67 68 66 132,890 86,004 101,347 145,948 92,495 99,220 159,153 135,966 115,274 91,751 127,684 1,287,731 159 103 122 175 111 119 191 163 138 110 153 1,545 NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL 362 735 max 448 406 292 min. 292 min. 679 485 313 418 466 453 STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OK1 OK2 OR1 OR2 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 COST # Out-Pat. ($mils) ER Visits ER Visits est/ yr ($680/EA) State Rank NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 432 544 562 437 476 486 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) 571 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL 606 560 617 512 735 518 595 603 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 510 513 511 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 398 307 349 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 532 691 513 423 292 min. 735 max 578 563 525 COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 23 853,590 1,071,103 832,628 875,539 1,002,719 4,635,580 580 728 566 595 682 3,152 94 99 101 93 105 98 185,987 194,283 150,287 185,651 222,083 938,292 223 233 180 223 266 1,126 9 384,157 261 84 56,451 68 6 1,212,772 855,481 1,428,473 552,229 1,488,316 840,137 576,450 6,953,859 825 582 971 376 1,012 571 392 4,729 86 81 86 83 79 84 83 83 172,869 123,763 197,997 89,914 160,117 136,449 80,473 961,583 207 149 238 108 192 164 97 1,154 19 1,132,725 785,003 1,917,728 770 534 1,304 99 101 100 219,968 153,821 373,788 264 185 449 44 702,004 634,274 1,336,279 477 431 909 63 57 60 111,793 118,840 230,633 134 143 277 14 836,383 968,245 792,522 851,536 580,099 1,121,452 1,000,756 522,583 6,673,576 569 658 539 579 394 763 681 355 4,538 68 68 68 65 66 62 69 69 67 106,316 94,800 105,045 131,241 130,299 94,817 119,364 64,523 846,405 128 114 126 157 156 114 143 77 1,016 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 512 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL COST # Out-Pat. ($mils) ER Visits ER Visits est/ yr ($680/EA) State Rank COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 18 539,230 367 86 90,637 109 326 322 293 342 46 532,364 482,837 437,163 1,452,364 362 328 297 988 101 99 100 100 165,321 148,342 148,835 462,498 198 178 179 555 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) 347 45 282,211 192 84 68,334 82 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL 582 425 463 494 536 11 899,887 611,800 747,903 862,694 3,122,284 612 416 509 587 2,123 97 94 101 105 99 149,401 135,909 162,474 183,026 630,810 179 163 195 220 757 419 339 385 506 299 292 min. 451 292 min. 292 min. 487 341 454 709 480 421 485,820 754,531 642,824 1,063,008 596,088 335,068 1,067,737 427,024 262,734 785,711 750,442 1,236,113 1,406,596 766,046 34 10,579,743 330 513 437 723 405 228 726 290 179 534 510 841 956 521 7,194 79 71 78 72 70 73 71 74 72 77 73 76 76 81 74 91,079 158,882 130,101 150,740 138,675 83,968 169,179 108,424 64,793 124,605 161,009 207,163 150,420 129,463 1,868,500 109 191 156 181 166 101 203 130 78 150 193 249 181 155 2,242 529,754 377,049 906,803 360 256 617 54 55 54 96,597 52,757 149,354 116 63 179 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL 294 391 328 49 STATE/ CO-OP VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 $123B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT ER & SURG COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. ER Visits per 1,000 COST # Out-Pat. ($mils) ER Visits ER Visits est/ yr ($680/EA) State Rank 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) 615 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL 292 min. 608 458 458 443 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL COST # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. ($mils) Surg Visits Surg Visits OP Surg Visits per 1,000 est/ yr ($1,200/EA) 5 384,681 262 81 50,472 61 31 737,038 1,202,091 809,297 792,348 3,540,773 501 817 550 539 2,408 90 105 96 97 97 228,084 207,725 170,302 168,169 774,280 274 249 204 202 929 502 295 336 373 371 42 751,261 569,231 541,765 629,858 2,492,115 511 387 368 428 1,695 59 56 60 58 58 88,163 108,674 96,506 97,903 391,247 106 130 116 117 469 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 711 2 1,316,886 895 105 193,897 233 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 350 400 456 417 414 37 428,286 459,129 1,019,647 448,487 2,355,550 291 312 693 305 1,602 85 81 81 85 83 103,569 93,575 181,319 91,628 470,091 124 112 218 110 564 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 447 29 251,884 171 77 43,619 52 138,063,118 $93,883 79 24,338,711 $29,206 185 USA TOTAL (@ RI Costs above) 447 $123 Bil HOSP. OP-ER VISITS @ Local Costs ($mils) HOSP. OP-Surg. VISITS @ Local Costs ($mils) TOTAL "'* after Geographic COLA's see Appendices F thru J $85,182 $26,433 111,615 -9.3% -9.5% -9.3% Non-Hosp Facilities Total OP Surg Visits 54 16,639,655 133 40,978,366 19,968 $49,174 E55-64: $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT “OTHER” MHSA, IMAGING, LAB & MISC by CO-OP (NOT ER, NOT SURGERY) EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 9 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT “OTHER” NOTES: The number and type of hospital out-patient “other” visits (excludes OP-ER & OP-Surgeries) depicted on the next 8 slides are based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21 and utilization rates in E65-68. The following methods & assumptions apply: The number of hospital out-patient visits per 1,000 people in each state per the AHA Annual Survey Copyright 2012 (http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=392&cat=8&sub=217&yr=138&typ=1&sort=a&rgnhl=1 at August 2012) was used to calculate the estimated total number of OP “other” visits in each state. The total OP visits per 1,000 for the state less the OP-ER & OP-Surgery rate (E45-54) equals the OP-”Other” rate shown on the next 8 slides. This totaled 501 million OP-”Other” visits or 1,623 per 1,000 people for the USA as a whole. This national total is consistent with the RI experience (1,942/k) & The National Health Statistics Report. Since the AHA data excludes Federal, Rehab & MHSA Hospitals, 9% was added to account for this activity at these facilities. Resulting in 546 million OP “other” visits or 1,769 per 1,000 people. However OP-”Other” (not ER or Surgery) usage rates vary widely by state & within states. VT, ND & ME had the highest rates (at 5,1428/k, 4,315/k & 4,166/k) with NV, FL & AZ the lowest (at 688/k, 857/k & 941/k). VT, ND & ME are 5 times the NV, FL or AZ rate! Within each state, the total number of OP-”Other” visits for the state were apportioned to the individual CO-Ops (markets within states) based on the +65 population at a 4:1 ratio. As an example, FL has a 857/1k rate (+65 2,300 & <65 554) the Ocala & Hudson area in Florida (CO-OP FL8) has the highest % +65 population at 26% (see E13-21). Its estimated OP “Other” rate is 1,006 per 1,000 people (applying +65 2,300 & <65 554). Whereas Jacksonville (FL3) has just 12% +65 and an estimated OP “Other” rate of 766 per 1,000 people or 24% less (after applying the 2,300 & 554 to its population). Fewer beds, less funding needed for hospital out-patient “other” visits. The total OP “Other” visits were further detailed into four groups based on the RI experience. That is 2% of the visits are estimated to be MHSA visits, 29% are estimated to be Imaging visits, 59% are Lab visits, and 10% are misc visits. Each MHSA visit would be funded at $600, each Imaging visit at $900 hosp cost (plus $125 non-hosp MD), each Lab visit $350 and each misc visit at $420. RI cost is presented here (see B5) for uniformity & simplicity, geographic COLA’s are applied in appendices F thru J. It’s not about billing the patient, it’s about having the capability available to the community as agreed with the community (CO-OP of patients) and allowing the Hospital to recover the cost thereof. MUCH OF THIS ACTIVITY SHOULD BE DRIVEN BACK TO THE PRIMARY CARE OFFICE AT LESS THAN HALF THE COST. THE CO-OP WOULD HEAVILY SCRUTINIZE OP (not ER or Surgery) BEFORE INCLUDING IN HOSPITAL FUNDING. STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AR1 AR2 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 1,361 1,401 1,385 1,379 2,724,253 1,728,729 2,138,326 6,591,308 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) 2,200 1,562,238 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 883 826 1,067 951 941 1,042,104 1,194,416 1,822,892 1,957,147 6,016,559 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 1,265 1,251 1,259 2,034,653 1,636,608 3,671,261 1,152 1,136 1,084 1,124 1,079 1,160 1,105 1,169 1,087 1,124 1,223 1,157 1,141 1,071 1,114 1,149 1,205 1,123 1,166 1,152 1,148 1,134 1,623,818 1,818,998 2,727,061 1,696,951 2,264,068 2,573,634 2,362,166 2,518,671 1,313,712 1,785,472 1,893,844 2,868,493 2,498,802 2,198,858 1,455,868 2,253,959 1,274,459 2,062,022 1,143,584 2,224,820 1,679,465 42,238,726 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 37 54,485 34,575 42,767 131,826 790,033 501,331 620,115 1,911,479 1,607,309 1,019,950 1,261,613 3,888,872 272,425 172,873 213,833 659,131 1,421 902 1,115 3,437 22 31,245 453,049 921,721 156,224 815 49 20,842 23,888 36,458 39,143 120,331 302,210 346,381 528,639 567,573 1,744,802 614,841 704,706 1,075,506 1,154,717 3,549,770 104,210 119,442 182,289 195,715 601,656 543 623 951 1,021 3,138 41 40,693 32,732 73,425 590,049 474,616 1,064,666 1,200,445 965,599 2,166,044 203,465 163,661 367,126 1,061 853 1,915 32,476 470,907 958,053 36,380 527,510 1,073,209 54,541 790,848 1,608,966 33,939 492,116 1,001,201 45,281 656,580 1,335,800 51,473 746,354 1,518,444 47,243 685,028 1,393,678 50,373 730,415 1,486,016 26,274 380,977 775,090 35,709 517,787 1,053,429 37,877 549,215 1,117,368 57,370 831,863 1,692,411 49,976 724,653 1,474,293 43,977 637,669 1,297,326 29,117 422,202 858,962 45,079 653,648 1,329,836 25,489 369,593 751,931 41,240 597,986 1,216,593 22,872 331,639 674,714 44,496 645,198 1,312,644 33,589 487,045 990,884 844,775 12,249,230 24,920,848 162,382 181,900 272,706 169,695 226,407 257,363 236,217 251,867 131,371 178,547 189,384 286,849 249,880 219,886 145,587 225,396 127,446 206,202 114,358 222,482 167,946 4,223,873 847 949 1,422 885 1,181 1,342 1,232 1,313 685 931 988 1,496 1,303 1,147 759 1,175 665 1,075 596 1,160 876 22,027 43 STATE/ CO-OP CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CT1 CT2 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 1,364 1,422 1,327 1,343 1,363 1,256,115 1,982,211 2,263,713 1,352,983 6,855,022 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL 1,957 1,937 1,947 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 38 25,122 39,644 45,274 27,060 137,100 364,273 574,841 656,477 392,365 1,987,956 741,108 1,169,505 1,335,591 798,260 4,044,463 125,612 198,221 226,371 135,298 685,502 655 1,034 1,181 706 3,575 3,511,871 3,445,985 6,957,856 25 70,237 68,920 139,157 1,018,443 999,336 2,017,778 2,072,004 2,033,131 4,105,135 351,187 344,598 695,786 1,831 1,797 3,629 3,267 1,965,560 7 39,311 570,012 1,159,680 196,556 1,025 1,571 1,410,648 32 28,213 409,088 832,282 141,065 736 805 935 766 803 870 899 774 1,006 788 975 831 857 1,406,341 1,630,922 1,031,284 2,062,093 999,036 1,003,432 1,443,579 1,211,140 1,121,518 2,428,749 1,782,819 16,120,913 50 28,127 32,618 20,626 41,242 19,981 20,069 28,872 24,223 22,430 48,575 35,656 322,418 407,839 472,967 299,072 598,007 289,720 290,995 418,638 351,231 325,240 704,337 517,018 4,675,065 829,741 962,244 608,457 1,216,635 589,431 592,025 851,711 714,573 661,695 1,432,962 1,051,863 9,511,339 140,634 163,092 103,128 206,209 99,904 100,343 144,358 121,114 112,152 242,875 178,282 1,612,091 733 851 538 1,075 521 523 753 632 585 1,267 930 8,407 1,081 1,024 994 1,078 1,102 1,049 2,202,287 2,322,328 2,293,648 1,828,910 1,516,817 10,163,990 45 44,046 46,447 45,873 36,578 30,336 203,280 638,663 673,475 665,158 530,384 439,877 2,947,557 1,299,349 1,370,173 1,353,252 1,079,057 894,922 5,996,754 220,229 232,233 229,365 182,891 151,682 1,016,399 1,148 1,211 1,196 954 791 5,301 STATE/ CO-OP IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IA1 IA2 KS1 KS2 KY1 KY2 LA1 LA2 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 1,401 1,906,318 36 38,126 552,832 1,124,728 190,632 994 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 1,776 2,783,892 29 55,678 807,329 1,642,496 278,389 1,452 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 2,163 2,286 2,113 2,163 2,235 2,332 2,370 2,226 3,304,459 2,005,799 5,695,896 4,432,588 4,507,323 3,887,499 4,733,296 28,566,858 19 66,089 40,116 113,918 88,652 90,146 77,750 94,666 571,337 958,293 1,949,631 581,682 1,183,421 1,651,810 3,360,578 1,285,450 2,615,227 1,307,124 2,659,320 1,127,375 2,293,624 1,372,656 2,792,644 8,284,389 16,854,446 330,446 200,580 569,590 443,259 450,732 388,750 473,330 2,856,686 1,723 1,046 2,970 2,312 2,351 2,027 2,468 14,898 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 counts) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 2,559 2,552 2,471 2,555 2,529 4,223,378 4,034,687 5,064,222 3,072,908 16,395,195 14 84,468 80,694 101,284 61,458 327,904 1,224,779 1,170,059 1,468,625 891,143 4,754,606 2,491,793 2,380,465 2,987,891 1,813,016 9,673,165 422,338 403,469 506,422 307,291 1,639,519 2,202 2,104 2,641 1,603 8,550 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 3,434 3,400 3,419 5,954,881 4,460,770 10,415,651 4 119,098 89,215 208,313 1,726,915 1,293,623 3,020,539 3,513,380 2,631,855 6,145,234 595,488 446,077 1,041,565 3,105 2,326 5,432 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 2,138 2,015 2,076 3,023,784 2,898,291 5,922,075 24 60,476 57,966 118,441 876,897 840,504 1,717,402 1,784,032 1,709,992 3,494,024 302,378 289,829 592,207 1,577 1,511 3,088 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 1,901 1,937 1,920 4,008,415 4,321,678 8,330,093 27 80,168 86,434 166,602 1,162,440 1,253,287 2,415,727 2,364,965 2,549,790 4,914,755 400,841 432,168 833,009 2,090 2,254 4,344 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 2,299 2,234 2,264 4,796,700 5,467,335 10,264,036 18 95,934 109,347 205,281 1,391,043 1,585,527 2,976,570 2,830,053 3,225,728 6,055,781 479,670 546,734 1,026,404 2,501 2,851 5,353 STATE/ CO-OP MD1 MD2 MD3 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MN1 MN2 MN3 MS1 MS2 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 4,166 5,534,108 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 1,041 1,027 971 1,017 2,680,780 1,497,836 1,691,652 5,870,269 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 2,929 2,980 3,134 3,024 3,025 4,291,195 4,479,054 6,131,182 4,906,782 19,808,213 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + Wayne) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 2,730 2,717 2,799 2,799 2,717 2,754 5,649,505 6,841,242 5,190,322 6,268,171 3,267,105 27,216,344 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 1,927 1,773 1,805 1,814 1,928,970 4,241,083 3,449,824 9,619,877 949 970 959 1,498,416 1,347,533 2,845,949 3,077 2,940 2,954 3,000 2,994 5,436,618 4,385,963 5,264,647 2,843,586 17,930,813 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 3 110,682 1,604,891 3,265,124 553,411 2,886 47 53,616 29,957 33,833 117,405 777,426 434,373 490,579 1,702,378 1,581,660 883,723 998,075 3,463,459 268,078 149,784 169,165 587,027 1,398 781 882 3,061 9 85,824 89,581 122,624 98,136 396,164 1,244,446 2,531,805 1,298,926 2,642,642 1,778,043 3,617,397 1,422,967 2,895,001 5,744,382 11,686,845 429,119 447,905 613,118 490,678 1,980,821 2,238 2,336 3,197 2,559 10,330 11 112,990 136,825 103,806 125,363 65,342 544,327 1,638,356 3,333,208 1,983,960 4,036,333 1,505,193 3,062,290 1,817,770 3,698,221 947,460 1,927,592 7,892,740 16,057,643 564,950 684,124 519,032 626,817 326,711 2,721,634 2,946 3,568 2,707 3,269 1,704 14,193 28 38,579 84,822 68,996 192,398 559,401 1,229,914 1,000,449 2,789,764 1,138,092 2,502,239 2,035,396 5,675,727 192,897 424,108 344,982 961,988 1,006 2,212 1,799 5,017 48 29,968 26,951 56,919 434,541 390,785 825,325 884,066 795,044 1,679,110 149,842 134,753 284,595 781 703 1,484 10 108,732 87,719 105,293 56,872 358,616 1,576,619 3,207,604 1,271,929 2,587,718 1,526,748 3,106,141 824,640 1,677,716 5,199,936 10,579,179 543,662 438,596 526,465 284,359 1,793,081 2,835 2,287 2,746 1,483 9,351 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 3,380 3,344,396 5 66,888 969,875 1,973,193 334,440 1,744 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 2,223 4,059,365 20 81,187 1,177,216 2,395,025 405,936 2,117 681 707 688 1,362,305 495,087 1,857,392 51 27,246 9,902 37,148 395,069 143,575 538,644 803,760 292,101 1,095,861 136,231 49,509 185,739 710 258 969 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 3,323 4,374,765 6 87,495 1,268,682 2,581,111 437,476 2,281 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 1,590 1,503 1,513 1,473 1,430 1,497 2,631,961 2,099,824 2,128,380 3,503,399 2,795,863 13,159,426 34 52,639 41,996 42,568 70,068 55,917 263,189 763,269 608,949 617,230 1,015,986 810,800 3,816,234 1,552,857 1,238,896 1,255,744 2,067,005 1,649,559 7,764,062 263,196 209,982 212,838 350,340 279,586 1,315,943 1,373 1,095 1,110 1,827 1,458 6,863 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) 1,924 3,961,303 26 79,226 1,148,778 2,337,169 396,130 2,066 2,555 2,335 2,617 2,458 2,593 2,496 2,389 2,486 2,498 2,527 2,569 2,496 4,990,548 3,234,111 3,804,713 5,483,976 3,472,860 3,727,347 5,982,723 5,108,085 4,330,393 3,446,181 4,794,675 48,375,612 99,811 1,447,259 2,944,423 64,682 937,892 1,908,126 76,094 1,103,367 2,244,781 109,680 1,590,353 3,235,546 69,457 1,007,129 2,048,988 74,547 1,080,931 2,199,135 119,654 1,734,990 3,529,807 102,162 1,481,345 3,013,770 86,608 1,255,814 2,554,932 68,924 999,392 2,033,247 95,894 1,390,456 2,828,859 967,512 14,028,927 28,541,611 499,055 323,411 380,471 548,398 347,286 372,735 598,272 510,808 433,039 344,618 479,468 4,837,561 2,603 1,687 1,984 2,860 1,811 1,944 3,120 2,664 2,258 1,797 2,500 25,228 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL 15 STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OK1 OK2 OR1 OR2 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 1,437 1,505 1,545 1,415 1,602 1,500 2,838,965 2,960,307 2,287,686 2,835,645 3,376,144 14,298,747 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) 4,315 2,902,457 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL 2,790 2,620 2,760 2,693 2,558 2,714 2,684 2,692 5,578,777 4,000,194 6,391,340 2,904,170 5,178,339 4,406,342 2,599,421 31,058,583 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 1,023 1,038 1,029 2,272,335 1,588,217 3,860,552 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 2,315 2,117 2,208 4,078,527 4,379,592 8,458,118 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 2,757 2,755 2,768 2,655 2,674 2,528 2,809 2,832 2,714 4,331,242 3,862,074 4,279,719 5,343,950 5,306,142 3,858,166 4,864,063 2,629,548 34,474,903 # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 33 56,779 59,206 45,754 56,713 67,523 285,975 823,300 858,489 663,429 822,337 979,082 4,146,637 1,674,989 1,746,581 1,349,735 1,673,030 1,991,925 8,436,261 283,896 296,031 228,769 283,564 337,614 1,429,875 1,481 1,544 1,193 1,479 1,761 7,457 2 58,049 841,712 1,712,449 290,246 1,514 13 111,576 80,004 127,827 58,083 103,567 88,127 51,988 621,172 1,617,845 3,291,478 1,160,056 2,360,114 1,853,489 3,770,891 842,209 1,713,460 1,501,718 3,055,220 1,277,839 2,599,742 753,832 1,533,659 9,006,989 18,324,564 557,878 400,019 639,134 290,417 517,834 440,634 259,942 3,105,858 2,909 2,086 3,333 1,515 2,701 2,298 1,356 16,197 46 45,447 31,764 77,211 658,977 460,583 1,119,560 1,340,678 937,048 2,277,726 227,234 158,822 386,055 1,185 828 2,013 21 81,571 87,592 169,162 1,182,773 1,270,082 2,452,854 2,406,331 2,583,959 4,990,290 407,853 437,959 845,812 2,127 2,284 4,411 12 86,625 77,241 85,594 106,879 106,123 77,163 97,281 52,591 689,498 1,256,060 2,555,433 1,120,002 2,278,624 1,241,118 2,525,034 1,549,745 3,152,930 1,538,781 3,130,624 1,118,868 2,276,318 1,410,578 2,869,797 762,569 1,551,433 9,997,722 20,340,193 433,124 386,207 427,972 534,395 530,614 385,817 486,406 262,955 3,447,490 2,259 2,014 2,232 2,787 2,767 2,012 2,537 1,371 17,979 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 2,117 2,228,115 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL 1,070 1,046 1,054 1,057 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 23 44,562 646,153 1,314,588 222,811 1,162 1,747,212 1,568,840 1,573,691 4,889,743 44 34,944 31,377 31,474 97,795 506,692 454,964 456,370 1,418,025 1,030,855 925,616 928,477 2,884,948 174,721 156,884 157,369 488,974 911 818 821 2,550 2,296 1,869,673 17 37,393 542,205 1,103,107 186,967 975 1,288 1,260 1,340 1,395 1,324 1,991,647 1,812,655 2,164,152 2,435,958 8,404,412 40 39,833 36,253 43,283 48,719 168,088 577,578 525,670 627,604 706,428 2,437,279 1,175,072 1,069,466 1,276,850 1,437,215 4,958,603 199,165 181,265 216,415 243,596 840,441 1,039 945 1,129 1,270 4,383 1,222 1,114 1,212 1,120 1,087 1,140 1,115 1,155 1,122 1,202 1,140 1,183 1,181 1,259 1,158 1,415,873 2,479,184 2,023,168 2,351,610 2,166,178 1,308,993 2,639,799 1,689,325 1,010,730 1,938,313 2,510,008 3,224,585 2,341,545 2,010,363 29,109,676 42 28,317 49,584 40,463 47,032 43,324 26,180 52,796 33,787 20,215 38,766 50,200 64,492 46,831 40,207 582,194 410,603 835,365 718,963 1,462,719 586,719 1,193,669 681,967 1,387,450 628,192 1,278,045 379,608 772,306 765,542 1,557,482 489,904 996,702 293,112 596,331 562,111 1,143,605 727,902 1,480,905 935,130 1,902,505 679,048 1,381,511 583,005 1,186,114 8,441,806 17,174,709 141,587 247,918 202,317 235,161 216,618 130,899 263,980 168,933 101,073 193,831 251,001 322,459 234,154 201,036 2,910,968 738 1,293 1,055 1,226 1,130 683 1,377 881 527 1,011 1,309 1,682 1,221 1,048 15,181 1,756 1,789 1,768 3,161,240 1,724,568 4,885,808 30 63,225 34,491 97,716 316,124 172,457 488,581 1,649 899 2,548 916,760 500,125 1,416,884 1,865,131 1,017,495 2,882,627 STATE/ CO-OP VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 $285B HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT "OTHER" COST (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. Other Visits Other Visits per 1,000 no ER or Surg (ex ER & Surg) est/ yr 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) 5,142 3,217,794 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL 1,247 1,445 1,327 1,339 1,333 3,148,023 2,856,709 2,346,769 2,316,853 10,668,354 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL 1,498 1,433 1,520 1,476 1,479 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. # Out-Pat. MHSA Imaging Lab Misc. Visits (2%) Visits (29%) Visits (59%) Visits (10%) ($600/EA) ($900/EA) ($350/EA) ($420/EA) State Rank TOTAL OP OTHER COST ($ Mils) 1 64,356 933,160 1,898,498 321,779 1,678 39 62,960 57,134 46,935 46,337 213,367 912,927 828,446 680,563 671,887 3,093,823 1,857,333 1,685,459 1,384,594 1,366,943 6,294,329 314,802 285,671 234,677 231,685 1,066,835 1,642 1,490 1,224 1,208 5,564 2,239,451 2,767,158 2,449,464 2,488,872 9,944,945 35 44,789 55,343 48,989 49,777 198,899 649,441 802,476 710,345 721,773 2,884,034 1,321,276 1,632,623 1,445,184 1,468,435 5,867,518 223,945 276,716 244,946 248,887 994,495 1,168 1,443 1,277 1,298 5,186 3,097 5,738,284 8 114,766 1,664,102 3,385,587 573,828 2,993 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 2,353 2,268 2,258 2,368 2,301 2,881,008 2,606,034 5,050,414 2,548,327 13,085,784 16 57,620 52,121 101,008 50,967 261,716 835,492 755,750 1,464,620 739,015 3,794,877 1,699,795 1,537,560 2,979,744 1,503,513 7,720,612 288,101 260,603 505,041 254,833 1,308,578 1,502 1,359 2,634 1,329 6,824 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 1,597 899,908 31 17,998 260,973 530,946 89,991 469 1,769 546,091,885 10,921,838 158,366,647 322,194,212 54,609,188 $284,787 185 USA TOTAL OP OTHER VISITS USA TOTAL OP OTHER @ RI costs above $6,553 $142,530 $112,768 $22,936 $284,787 USA TOTAL OP OTHER @ Local Cost (after Geographic Colas append. F-J) $5,994 $130,374 $103,150 $20,980 $260,499 -9% E65-70 : HOSPITAL UTILIZATION RATES BY STATE & REGION EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 4 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents HOSPITAL UTILIZATION NOTES: The number and type of hospital visits depicted on the next 2 slides are based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21. The following methods & assumptions apply: The number of hospital visits per 1,000 people in each state per the AHA Annual Survey Copyright 2012 (http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=392&cat=8&sub=217&yr=138&typ=1&sort=a&rgnhl=1 at August 2012) was used to calculate the estimated total number of In-Patient & Out Patient visits in each state. The total OP visits per 1,000 for the state less the OP-ER & OP-Surgery rate (E45-54) equals the OP-”Other” rate. Since the AHA data excludes Federal, Rehab & MHSA Hospitals, 9% was added to account for this activity at these facilities. However Hospital usage rates vary widely by state & within states. For example VT, ND & ME had the highest OP “other” rates (at 5,142/k, 4,315/k & 4,166/k) with NV, FL & AZ the lowest (at 688/k, 857/k & 941/k). VT, ND & ME are 5 times the NV, FL or AZ rate! Within each state, the total number of IP & OP visits for the state were apportioned to the individual CO-Ops (markets within states) based on the +65 population at a 4:1 ratio (consistent with the RI experience and national statistics). As an example, FL has an 857/1k OP “other” rate (+65 2,300 & <65 554) the Ocala & Hudson area in Florida (CO-OP FL8) has the highest % +65 population at 26% (see E13-21). Its estimated OP “Other” rate is 1,006 per 1,000 people (applying +65 2,300 & <65 554). Whereas Jacksonville (FL3) has just 12% +65 and an estimated OP “Other” rate of 766 per 1,000 people or 24% less (after applying the 2,300 & 554 rates to its population). Fewer beds, less funding needed for hospital out-patient “other” visits. ER VISITS: Within each state, the total number of ER visits for the state were apportioned to the individual CO-Ops (markets within states) using the % of the state’s total poverty population that resides in each geographic CO-OP (appendix H). The poverty population is used as a proxy for: low income, high un-insurance rates, densely populated urban areas, high concentration of minorities, children, crime & accidents. All of which drive increased use of the ER. Although the +65 population used the ER 490/k (40% more than <65), the <1 population, young minorities, urban areas and other groups have usage rates nearly 900/k or 2.5x the average. Accordingly, +65 population was used to apportion IP, OP Surgery & OP Other visits to CO-Ops within states and the poverty population was used to apportion ER visits. MUCH OF THE OP “other” ACTIVITY SHOULD BE DRIVEN BACK TO THE PRIMARY CARE OFFICE AT LESS THAN HALF THE COST. THE CO-OP WOULD HEAVILY SCRUTINIZE OP (not ER or Surgery) BEFORE INCLUDING IN HOSPITAL FUNDING. SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS IN MARKETS WITH SUFFICIENT POPULATIONS & ALTERNATIVES. HOSPITAL UTILIZATION RATES BY STATE & REGION (9% higher than AHA data at August 2012 to include Federal, ReHab & MHSA hospitals) STATE IP State Rank OP IP OP State Total Total Rank rate/1k rate/1k OP ER rate/1k OP Surg. rate/1k OP Other rate/1k POP IP IP OP OP OP OP Total Total Surg. Surg. Other Other un+65 <65 +65 <65 +65 <65 insured Poverty rate/1k rate/1k rate/1k rate/1k rate/1k rate/1k Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Michigan Minnesota Missouri Nebraska North Dakota Ohio South Dakota Wisconsin Midwest Total 20 30 27 33 18 28 7 22 5 10 16 34 18 14 6 25 12 28 10 20 2 11 19 17 131 121 122 116 133 121 149 124 153 143 135 113 131 2,763 3,145 3,942 2,547 3,338 2,271 3,599 2,722 4,970 3,379 2,727 2,797 3,095 456 535 437 389 502 376 522 417 571 603 347 414 487 81 81 85 82 83 81 83 82 84 83 84 83 82 2,226 2,529 3,419 2,076 2,754 1,814 2,994 2,223 4,315 2,692 2,296 2,301 2,526 12,830,632 6,483,802 3,046,355 2,853,118 9,883,640 5,303,925 5,988,927 1,826,341 672,591 11,536,504 814,180 5,686,986 66,927,001 15% 14% 12% 13% 13% 9% 14% 12% 12% 14% 13% 9% 13% 13.3% 14.4% 11.8% 13.2% 16.1% 10.9% 14.6% 12.2% 11.7% 15.1% 14.2% 12.4% 13.9% 390 350 340 335 380 350 430 355 427 405 380 320 373 94 87 84 83 94 87 103 88 106 100 94 80 93 238 238 244 238 238 236 238 234 235 238 240 239 239 58 6,605 58 7,420 57 9,650 58 6,000 58 7,995 58 5,220 58 8,500 58 6,340 58 12,070 58 7,600 58 6,470 58 6,570 58 7,316 1,600 1,800 2,331 1,480 1,915 1,310 2,097 1,580 3,000 1,890 1,600 1,625 1,780 Connecticut Maine Massachusetts New Hampshire New Jersey New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Vermont Northeast Total 24 31 15 40 19 13 3 21 51 26 3 9 5 35 15 13 22 1 124 120 137 99 132 141 155 128 86 139 2,519 4,898 3,616 3,955 1,979 3,016 3,306 2,715 5,838 3,050 506 649 524 553 416 453 525 512 615 486 67 83 66 80 66 66 67 86 81 68 1,947 4,166 3,025 3,323 1,497 2,496 2,714 2,117 5,142 2,497 3,574,097 1,328,361 6,547,629 1,316,470 8,791,894 19,378,102 12,702,379 1,052,567 625,741 55,317,240 11% 10% 5% 10% 15% 15% 11% 12% 9% 12% 9.3% 12.6% 10.3% 8.6% 9.4% 14.2% 12.5% 12.0% 11.5% 12.0% 350 330 395 281 380 400 430 360 244 392 87 80 96 71 93 100 105 89 59 97 192 230 187 231 191 191 185 240 225 193 46 5,500 55 11,310 47 8,700 56 9,490 47 4,300 47 7,179 45 7,425 60 5,915 56 14,455 47 7,095 1,360 2,815 2,118 2,360 1,060 1,765 1,855 1,478 3,550 1,742 STATE IP State Rank OP State Rank IP Total rate/1k OP Total rate/1k OP ER rate/1k OP Surg. rate/1k OP Other rate/1k POP IP Total un+65 insured Poverty rate/1k IP Total <65 rate/1k OP Surg. +65 rate/1k OP Surg. <65 rate/1k OP Other +65 rate/1k OP Other <65 rate/1k Alabama Arkansas DC, Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Mississippi North Carolina Oklahoma South Carolina Tennessee Texas Virginia West Virginia South Total 9 14 1 25 12 36 4 6 17 8 32 23 26 11 35 38 2 34 38 4 30 49 45 23 16 46 42 33 44 48 36 43 39 7 146 138 238 123 142 108 153 150 133 148 118 124 123 143 111 105 164 128 2,005 1,874 4,182 2,165 1,402 1,604 2,618 2,964 1,577 1,683 2,085 1,640 1,499 1,960 1,652 1,872 3,912 1,829 525 513 776 493 437 460 598 603 463 626 486 511 342 536 421 443 711 475 100 101 138 101 108 94 99 97 97 98 98 100 100 99 74 97 105 95 1,379 1,259 3,267 1,571 857 1,049 1,920 2,264 1,017 959 1,500 1,029 1,057 1,324 1,158 1,333 3,097 1,259 4,779,736 2,915,918 601,723 897,934 18,801,310 9,687,653 4,339,367 4,533,372 5,773,552 2,967,297 9,535,483 3,751,351 4,625,364 6,346,105 25,145,561 8,001,024 1,852,994 114,555,744 16% 19% 12% 12% 21% 20% 15% 17% 13% 19% 18% 18% 19% 15% 25% 13% 14% 19% 17.5% 18.5% 17.6% 11.2% 15.0% 16.6% 18.4% 17.6% 9.2% 21.8% 16.2% 16.1% 17.1% 17.2% 17.1% 10.6% 17.8% 16.0% 415 395 708 350 375 330 440 440 395 435 340 355 355 415 340 310 445 366 103 95 178 85 93 81 109 109 96 106 85 88 86 101 85 76 110 92 296 292 420 294 296 295 295 290 289 282 290 283 290 289 233 282 281 274 69 69 102 69 69 70 69 70 70 71 70 71 70 70 56 71 71 68 3,980 3,510 9,730 4,430 2,300 3,200 5,595 6,650 3,000 2,800 4,345 2,945 3,000 3,803 3,565 3,920 8,400 3,616 964 880 2,435 1,090 554 790 1,355 1,649 738 689 1,077 730 750 941 880 973 2,087 906 Alaska Arizona California Colorado Hawaii Idaho Montana Nevada New Mexico Oregon Utah Washington Wyoming West Total 50 29 39 43 48 47 37 42 41 46 49 45 44 21 50 47 40 41 29 8 51 27 24 31 37 32 87 121 100 97 88 91 107 97 98 91 88 95 96 100 2,722 1,381 1,510 1,781 1,754 2,193 3,855 1,076 2,448 2,616 2,150 1,908 2,121 1,717 452 380 319 362 292 340 393 330 446 349 328 371 447 342 70 59 57 55 60 77 81 57 78 60 54 58 77 59 2,200 941 1,134 1,363 1,401 1,776 3,380 688 1,924 2,208 1,768 1,479 1,597 1,316 710,231 6,392,017 37,253,956 5,029,196 1,360,301 1,567,582 989,415 2,700,551 2,059,179 3,831,074 2,763,885 6,724,540 563,626 71,945,553 16% 19% 19% 14% 8% 17% 17% 21% 21% 17% 14% 13% 16% 18% 9.1% 16.5% 14.2% 12.6% 10.4% 14.4% 15.0% 12.4% 18.2% 14.3% 11.7% 12.3% 10.2% 13.9% 285 340 300 295 246 269 298 290 283 260 280 285 280 295 71 85 74 73 62 66 74 71 70 64 69 68 70 73 225 168 170 172 168 228 223 171 200 173 175 174 229 175 57 41 42 41 42 56 56 42 60 42 42 42 56 43 7,230 2,695 3,400 4,100 3,955 5,210 9,370 2,100 5,570 6,280 5,600 4,325 4,685 3,915 1,780 655 842 1,027 975 1,290 2,340 495 1,370 1,550 1,387 1,080 1,160 966 124 2,296 79 1,769 308,745,538 16% 13.8% 356 89 USA Total 447 231 56 5,182 1,257 [----- BEDS STAFFED 2010 -------] State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut DC, Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York POP 4,779,736 710,231 6,392,017 2,915,918 37,253,956 5,029,196 3,574,097 601,723 897,934 18,801,310 9,687,653 1,360,301 1,567,582 12,830,632 6,483,802 3,046,355 2,853,118 4,339,367 4,533,372 1,328,361 5,773,552 6,547,629 9,883,640 5,303,925 2,967,297 5,988,927 989,415 1,826,341 2,700,551 1,316,470 8,791,894 2,059,179 19,378,102 Beds per 1k # beds 3.2 2.2 2.1 3.2 1.9 2.0 2.3 5.7 2.4 2.8 2.6 2.3 2.1 2.6 2.7 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.4 2.7 2.0 2.4 2.6 2.9 4.4 3.1 3.7 4.0 1.9 2.2 2.4 1.9 3.1 15,068 1,535 13,340 9,433 70,260 10,168 8,084 3,442 2,151 53,199 25,448 3,140 3,368 33,277 17,740 10,063 9,944 14,215 15,384 3,573 11,657 15,671 25,639 15,327 12,913 18,722 3,686 7,230 5,184 2,850 21,073 3,962 59,466 [---BEDS USED 2010 +9%---] IP # beds Admissions (5.4 days) per 1k E35-44 146 87 121 138 100 97 124 238 123 142 108 88 91 131 121 122 116 153 150 120 133 137 133 121 148 149 107 124 97 99 132 98 141 10,493 930 11,607 6,062 55,909 7,359 6,682 2,154 1,661 40,131 15,703 1,808 2,149 25,284 11,811 5,592 4,987 9,994 10,208 2,392 11,540 13,514 19,841 9,645 6,608 13,404 1,595 3,406 3,953 1,966 17,416 3,041 40,958 # beds Reduced from CO-OP activity <112 <112 <112 <112 <112 <112 <112 <112 (4,576) (605) (1,733) (3,371) (14,351) (2,809) (1,402) (1,288) (489) (13,068) (9,745) (1,332) (1,219) (7,993) (5,929) (4,471) (4,957) (4,222) (5,176) (1,181) (117) (2,157) (5,798) (5,682) (6,305) (5,318) (2,091) (3,824) (1,231) (884) (3,657) (921) (18,508) -30.4% -39.4% -13.0% -35.7% -20.4% -27.6% -17.3% -37.4% -22.8% -24.6% -38.3% -42.4% -36.2% -24.0% -33.4% -44.4% -49.8% -29.7% -33.6% -33.1% -1.0% -13.8% -22.6% -37.1% -48.8% -28.4% -56.7% -52.9% -23.8% -31.0% -17.4% -23.2% -31.1% [----- BEDS STAFFED 2010 -------] State North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total [---BEDS USED 2010 +9%---] IP # beds Admissions (5.4 days) per 1k E35-44 Beds per 1k # beds 9,535,483 672,591 11,536,504 3,751,351 3,831,074 12,702,379 1,052,567 4,625,364 814,180 6,346,105 25,145,561 2,763,885 625,741 8,001,024 6,724,540 1,852,994 5,686,986 563,626 2.4 5.0 3.0 3.0 1.7 3.1 2.4 2.7 5.0 3.3 2.4 1.8 2.1 2.2 1.7 3.9 2.4 3.5 22,949 3,336 34,317 11,139 6,407 39,866 2,478 12,465 4,097 20,795 61,086 5,063 1,288 17,695 11,503 7,294 13,510 1,955 118 153 143 124 91 155 128 123 135 143 111 88 86 105 95 164 113 96 308,745,538 2.6 803,457 124 POP 16,925 1,544 24,790 7,000 5,260 29,641 2,026 8,540 1,653 13,656 42,125 3,662 810 12,584 9,578 4,559 9,650 814 574,621 # beds Reduced from CO-OP activity <112 <112 <112 <112 <112 (6,024) (1,792) (9,527) (4,139) (1,147) (10,225) (452) (3,925) (2,443) (7,139) (18,961) (1,401) (477) (5,111) (1,925) (2,735) (3,860) (1,141) -26.3% -53.7% -27.8% -37.2% -17.9% -25.6% -18.2% -31.5% -59.6% -34.3% -31.0% -27.7% -37.1% -28.9% -16.7% -37.5% -28.6% -58.4% (228,836) -28.5% Beds Staffed: http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=384&cat=8 Beds Used: http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=386&cat=8 Data include staffed beds for community hospitals, which represent 85% of all hospitals. Federal hospitals, long term care hospitals, psychiatric hospitals, institutions for the mentally retarded, and alcoholism and other chemical dependency hospitals are not included. Community Hospitals:&nbsp;All nonfederal, short-term general, and specialty hospitals whose facilities and services are available to the public. Annual Survey Copyright 2012 by Health Forum LLC, an affiliate of the American Hospital Association, special data request, April 2012. Available at http://www.ahaonlinestore.comPopulation data from Annual Population Estimates by State, U.S. Census Bureau. NOTE: "<112" states with low IP utilization (< -10% of Nat'l Avg). These may see an increase with 100% financial access. 6k fewer excess beds than shown. E71-80: $209B LONG TERM CARE NURSING HOME & HOME CARE by CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 9 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents NURSING HOME & HOME CARE NOTES: The number and type of Nursing Home Beds & Home Care Days depicted on the next 8 slides are based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21. The following methods & assumptions apply: NURSING HOME BEDS: The number of certified nursing home beds in each state (2009) came from Table 2 "Nursing, Facilities, Staffing, Residents, and Facility Deficiencies, 2005 Through 2010," Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of California, San Francisco, accessed January 2012. Available at http://www.pascenter.org. Based on the Online Survey, Certification, and Reporting system (OSCAR), Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and posted on www.statehealthfacts.org December 2012. This total for each state was apportioned to individual CO-Ops (markets within states) based on the +65 population in each area. For example, there are 26,662 certified nursing home beds in Alabama. That’s 41 beds per 1,000 people +65. Therefore, CO-OP AL1 would be funded for 10,667 beds, AL2: 7,261 beds and AL3: 8,734 beds based on the +65 population in each area (E13-21) and the state’s ratio of 41 beds per 1,000 +65. Each bed is funded at $81k per year. RI cost is presented here for uniformity & simplicity, geographic COLA’s are applied in appendices F thru J. It’s not about billing the patient, it’s about having the capability available to the community as agreed with the community (CO-OP of patients) and allowing the Nursing Facility to recover the cost thereof. HOME CARE DAYS: The following two data sources were used. (A) Percent of total health care dollars spent on Home care in each state per: Distribution of Health Care Expenditures by Service by State of Residence (in millions), 2009. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2011). Health Expenditures by State of Residence. Retrieved (December 2011) at /www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/resident-state-estimates.zip and posted on www.statehealthfacts.org December 2012. (B) Total Health Spending in each state per: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2011). Health Expenditures by State of Residence. Retrieved (December 2011) at http://www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/residentstate-estimates.zip and posted on www.statehealthfacts.org December 2012. (A) X (B) = total spending in each state on Home Care. Divide this by the health COLA vs RI (appendix H) and this yields total home care spending in each state at a constant RI cost. Divide this by the cost of one home care day in RI ($67) and this yields the estimated total number of home care days in each state. Apportion to CO-Ops based on +65 population. Example: Alabama 3.1% x $29.5b / .80 = $1.173b / $67= 17.5 mil Home Care Days, or 27 days per person +65. STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AR1 AR2 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 41 41 41 41 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) 12 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 18 18 18 18 18 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 60 60 60 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) State Rank Home Care Days per +65 28 10,667 7,261 8,734 26,662 864 588 707 2,160 27 27 27 27 51 682 55 13 49 2,370 2,181 6,178 5,354 16,083 192 177 500 434 1,303 16 16 16 16 16 7 14,198 11,132 25,330 1,150 902 2,052 15 15 15 42 4,822 5,192 6,694 4,686 5,462 7,779 6,193 7,775 3,258 4,932 6,521 8,619 7,223 5,163 3,911 6,634 4,240 5,678 3,505 6,597 4,942 119,826 391 421 542 380 442 630 502 630 264 399 528 698 585 418 317 537 343 460 284 534 400 9,706 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 Total # Home Care Days (mils) State Rank COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 16 7.00 4.77 5.73 17.50 469 319 384 1,173 45 0.73 49 41 2.05 1.88 5.34 4.63 13.90 137 126 358 310 931 43 3.48 2.73 6.22 233 183 416 8 5.53 5.95 7.68 5.37 6.26 8.92 7.10 8.91 3.74 5.65 7.48 9.88 8.28 5.92 4.48 7.61 4.86 6.51 4.02 7.56 5.67 137.39 370 399 514 360 420 598 476 597 250 379 501 662 555 397 300 510 326 436 269 507 380 9,205 STATE/ CO-OP CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CT1 CT2 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 37 37 37 37 37 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL State Rank # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) Home Care Days per +65 30 3,701 6,543 6,115 3,802 20,162 300 530 495 308 1,633 20 20 20 20 20 56 56 56 14 14,538 13,927 28,465 1,178 1,128 2,306 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 35 34 2,408 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 32 38 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 36 36 36 36 36 36 Total # Home Care Days (mils) State Rank COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 30 1.97 3.49 3.26 2.03 10.75 132 234 218 136 720 26 26 26 17 6.77 6.49 13.26 454 435 888 195 91 1 6.24 418 4,168 338 22 25 2.87 193 44 6,318 9,614 4,118 9,213 5,245 5,564 5,909 7,882 4,807 15,174 8,578 82,423 512 779 334 746 425 451 479 638 389 1,229 695 6,676 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 7.46 11.36 4.86 10.88 6.20 6.57 6.98 9.31 5.68 17.92 10.13 97.36 500 761 326 729 415 440 468 624 380 1,201 679 6,523 31 8,818 7,893 6,995 7,275 6,385 37,366 714 639 567 589 517 3,027 20 20 20 20 20 20 29 4.91 4.40 3.90 4.05 3.56 20.81 329 295 261 271 238 1,394 STATE/ CO-OP IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IA1 IA2 KS1 KS2 KY1 KY2 LA1 LA2 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) State Rank Home Care Days per +65 Total # Home Care Days (mils) State Rank COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 16 50 3,184 258 12 47 2.25 151 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 32 39 6,153 498 15 42 3.01 202 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 8 10,215 7,169 16,389 13,701 15,226 14,552 18,341 95,593 827 581 1,327 1,110 1,233 1,179 1,486 7,743 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 24 3.84 2.70 6.16 5.15 5.73 5.47 6.90 35.96 257 181 413 345 384 367 462 2,409 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 counts) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 59 59 59 59 59 10 13,055 12,399 14,339 9,466 49,259 1,057 1,004 1,161 767 3,990 17 17 17 17 17 37 3.78 3.59 4.15 2.74 14.24 253 240 278 183 954 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 70 70 70 1 18,221 13,359 31,580 1,476 1,082 2,558 16 16 16 39 4.20 3.08 7.28 281 206 488 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 61 61 61 6 12,477 10,283 22,760 1,011 833 1,844 16 16 16 40 3.25 2.68 5.93 218 180 397 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 45 45 45 23 12,192 13,754 25,946 988 1,114 2,102 23 23 23 23 6.12 6.90 13.02 410 462 872 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 63 63 63 4 17,072 18,009 35,081 1,383 1,459 2,842 40 40 40 5 10.95 11.56 22.51 734 774 1,508 STATE/ CO-OP MD1 MD2 MD3 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MN1 MN2 MN3 MS1 MS2 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 34 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 38 38 38 38 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 54 54 54 54 54 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + Wayne) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 35 35 35 35 35 35 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 47 47 47 47 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 49 49 49 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 62 62 62 62 62 # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) State Rank Home Care Days per +65 36 7,105 576 19 29 13,018 7,043 6,825 26,886 1,054 570 553 2,178 19 19 19 19 15 9,700 10,576 16,211 11,997 48,484 786 857 1,313 972 3,927 40 40 40 40 40 35 9,596 11,492 9,327 11,265 5,490 47,170 777 931 755 913 445 3,821 32 32 32 32 32 32 19 7,409 13,310 11,362 32,081 600 1,078 920 2,599 39 39 39 39 17 9,489 9,021 18,510 769 731 1,499 28 28 28 5 16,836 12,269 14,893 8,336 52,334 1,364 994 1,206 675 4,239 20 20 20 20 20 Total # Home Care Days (mils) State Rank COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 34 3.93 263 31 6.72 3.64 3.53 13.89 451 244 236 930 6 7.26 7.91 12.13 8.98 36.28 486 530 813 601 2,431 9 8.91 10.67 8.66 10.46 5.10 43.80 597 715 580 701 341 2,934 7 6.12 10.99 9.39 26.50 410 737 629 1,775 14 5.42 5.15 10.58 363 345 709 28 5.51 4.02 4.88 2.73 17.14 369 269 327 183 1,148 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) State Rank Home Care Days per +65 Total # Home Care Days (mils) State Rank COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 47 18 6,952 563 12 46 1.81 122 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 64 3 15,674 1,270 11 48 2.65 178 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL 18 18 18 48 4,186 1,676 5,862 339 136 475 23 23 23 21 5.31 2.13 7.44 356 142 498 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 44 25 7,742 627 21 27 3.69 247 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 43 43 43 43 43 43 26 11,684 8,259 8,503 13,107 9,665 51,219 946 669 689 1,062 783 4,149 23 23 23 23 23 23 20 6.32 4.47 4.60 7.09 5.23 27.70 423 299 308 475 350 1,856 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) 25 45 6,707 543 79 2 21.53 1,442 22 12,862 6,559 10,332 12,878 9,243 9,092 12,991 12,340 10,588 8,660 12,511 118,057 1,042 531 837 1,043 749 736 1,052 1,000 858 701 1,013 9,563 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 4 12.03 6.13 9.66 12.04 8.64 8.50 12.15 11.54 9.90 8.10 11.70 110.39 806 411 647 807 579 570 814 773 663 543 784 7,396 NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OK1 OK2 OR1 OR2 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 35 35 35 35 35 35 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) 67 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 58 58 58 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 23 23 23 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) State Rank Home Care Days per +65 33 7,704 9,119 7,508 7,323 11,994 43,648 624 739 608 593 972 3,535 26 26 26 26 26 26 2 6,491 526 6 13 18,037 11,183 20,203 8,682 13,582 13,419 7,714 92,820 1,461 906 1,636 703 1,100 1,087 625 7,518 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 11 17,055 12,373 29,428 1,381 1,002 2,384 30 30 30 47 6,576 5,717 12,293 533 463 996 14 14 14 21 11,539 10,278 11,500 13,116 13,245 8,375 13,456 7,386 88,896 935 832 931 1,062 1,073 678 1,090 598 7,201 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 State Rank Total # Home Care Days (mils) COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 19 5.60 6.62 5.45 5.32 8.71 31.70 375 444 365 356 584 2,124 51 0.54 36 15 8.76 5.43 9.81 4.21 6.59 6.51 3.74 45.06 587 364 657 282 442 436 251 3,019 11 8.89 6.45 15.34 596 432 1,028 44 4.06 3.53 7.58 272 236 508 32 4.84 4.31 4.82 5.50 5.55 3.51 5.64 3.10 37.27 324 289 323 368 372 235 378 207 2,497 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 57 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) State Rank Home Care Days per +65 12 8,694 704 23 30 30 30 30 41 6,923 5,880 6,011 18,814 561 476 487 1,524 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) 60 9 6,936 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL 44 44 44 44 44 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 31 31 31 Total # Home Care Days (mils) State Rank COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 22 3.43 230 19 19 19 19 35 4.33 3.67 3.76 11.76 290 246 252 788 562 6 50 0.76 51 24 8,264 7,071 9,911 12,176 37,422 669 573 803 986 3,031 26 26 26 26 26 18 4.84 4.14 5.80 7.13 21.92 324 277 389 478 1,468 16 7,317 9,648 10,229 9,330 7,644 5,514 10,290 7,428 4,035 9,592 10,573 15,260 11,020 11,148 129,030 593 782 829 756 619 447 833 602 327 777 856 1,236 893 903 10,451 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 3 6.44 8.50 9.01 8.22 6.73 4.86 9.06 6.54 3.55 8.45 9.31 13.44 9.70 9.82 113.62 432 569 604 550 451 325 607 438 238 566 624 900 650 658 7,613 40 4,842 2,819 7,661 392 228 621 31 31 31 10 4.92 2.86 7.79 330 192 522 STATE/ CO-OP VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 $209B NURSING HOME & HOME CARE (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Nursing Home Beds per 1k +65 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) 36 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL 33 33 33 33 33 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL State Rank # Nursing COST Home ($mils) Beds ($81k/ EA) Home Care Days per +65 32 3,276 265 28 37 7,708 10,361 6,969 7,051 32,090 624 839 564 571 2,599 17 17 17 17 17 26 26 26 26 26 43 5,098 5,573 5,781 5,448 21,900 413 451 468 441 1,774 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 24 46 7,162 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 46 46 46 46 46 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 42 185 USA TOTAL (@ RI Costs above) NURSING HOME BEDS @ Local Costs ($mils) HOME CARE DAYS @ Local Costs ($mils) TOTAL "'* after Geographic COLA's see Appendices F thru J Total # Home Care Days (mils) COST ($mils) ($67/ Day) 13 2.58 173 38 3.96 5.32 3.58 3.62 16.49 265 357 240 243 1,105 17 17 17 17 17 36 3.33 3.64 3.78 3.56 14.32 223 244 253 239 959 580 19 33 5.60 375 20 8,350 6,915 13,247 7,493 36,005 676 560 1,073 607 2,916 21 21 21 21 21 26 3.84 3.18 6.10 3.45 16.58 258 213 409 231 1,111 27 2,965 240 11 49 0.75 50 1,663,445 $134,739 28 1,112 $74,478 41 $122,019 $70,187 $192,206 State Rank -9.4% -5.8% -8.1% $209 BIL E81-90: $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS BY STATE & CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 9 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents PRESCRIPTION DRUG NOTES: The number and type of drug prescriptions depicted on the next 8 slides are based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21. The following methods & assumptions apply: RETAIL PRESCRIPTIONS: The number of retail prescriptions (2011) per person for age groups 0-18, 1964 and 65+ came from IMS’s Vector One database posted on statehealthfacts.org December 2012. This per person total for each age group and state was applied to individual CO-Op (markets within states) populations (E13-21) to derive the total number of retail prescriptions in each geographic area within each state. This totaled 3.75 billion retail prescriptions nationally. NON-RETAIL PRESCRIPTIONS: IMS also estimates that retail prescriptions (chain pharmacy stores, grocery stores, big box & independent pharmacies) account for 83% of the market with mail order and other delivery formats (not included in the per person data above) adding an additional 17%. This is consistent with www.NACDS.org data as well. Accordingly, this added 750 million prescriptions to the above retail amount. Total prescriptions nationwide (retail & non-retail): 4.5 billion. USAGE PER PERSON: varies widely by state within each age group. 0-18 is lowest in DC (2.3), AK (2.4), NV (2.6) & VT (2.9) compared to IA (7.2), KY (6.6), DE (6.4) & WV (6.0). 19-64 is lowest in DC (7.7), AK (8.4), TX (8.8) & NC (9.8) compared to KY (19.8), WV (19.4), TN (17.8) & VT (17.5). 65+ is lowest in AK (18.3), DC (20.4), NM (21.5) & NC (22.1) compared to KY (40.4), MS (39.5), WV (37.3) & ND (36.7). In all age groups the highest states are more than double the rate of the lowest states! STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 2,578,975 1,592,564 2,058,424 6,229,963 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) 2.4 450,002 8.4 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 1,070,755 1,426,839 1,331,388 1,822,144 5,651,126 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 4.9 4.9 4.9 1,862,934 13.6 1,623,749 13.6 3,486,683 13.6 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA8 CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA9 CA-LA Southeast CA10 CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA11 CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA12 CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA13 CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA14 CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA15 CA-San Diego (City of) CA16 CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA17 CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA18 CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA19 CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA20 CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA21 CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 3.3 1,143,619 3.3 1,269,779 3.3 2,532,191 3.3 1,135,419 3.3 1,844,506 3.3 1,525,133 3.3 1,721,853 3.3 1,639,059 3.3 1,141,167 3.3 1,508,155 3.3 1,124,935 3.3 2,045,011 3.3 2,061,443 3.3 1,989,925 3.3 930,709 3.3 1,617,946 3.3 532,728 3.3 1,481,833 3.3 714,737 3.3 1,567,819 3.3 1,203,735 3.3 30,731,701 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 9.9 21,201,476 12,774,865 15,941,172 49,917,513 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ Age All #/EA 35.6 35.6 35.6 35.6 9,373,441 6,380,740 7,675,161 23,429,342 16.6 16.8 16.6 16.6 3,931,555 18.3 1,000,787 7.6 3,008,510 2,768,674 7,844,187 6,797,643 20,419,014 11.1 10.6 12.3 11.5 11.4 8,976,734 11,090,021 11,909,801 14,993,694 46,970,251 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 22.8 13,494,661 29.3 10,771,972 29.3 24,266,633 29.3 8,828,566 10,217,004 14,962,827 9,900,214 13,329,387 14,663,116 13,821,045 13,682,656 7,396,945 9,474,735 9,662,946 15,378,198 12,957,411 12,550,007 8,778,258 12,245,306 7,384,066 11,746,475 6,335,397 12,106,497 9,131,270 234,552,328 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 6,898,271 13.8 5,408,863 13.6 12,307,134 13.7 5,043,920 5,431,656 7,002,699 4,902,401 5,714,293 8,137,116 6,478,575 8,133,056 3,408,541 5,159,179 6,821,538 9,016,803 7,555,895 5,400,592 4,090,948 6,939,954 4,435,211 5,940,060 3,667,056 6,900,986 5,169,889 125,350,369 10.7 10.6 9.7 10.6 10.0 11.0 10.3 10.9 9.9 10.2 11.4 10.7 10.3 9.7 10.6 10.6 11.7 10.4 10.9 10.7 10.6 10.5 Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) 33,153,893 6,632,370 20,748,169 4,150,630 25,674,757 5,136,184 79,576,819 15,919,184 Total # Scripts (100%) COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 39,786,262 24,898,799 30,810,941 95,496,002 2,387 1,494 1,849 5,730 1,076,727 6,459,071 388 13,055,999 2,611,826 15,285,535 3,057,841 21,085,376 4,218,087 23,613,481 4,723,830 73,040,390 14,611,584 15,667,825 18,343,375 25,303,464 28,337,310 87,651,975 940 1,101 1,518 1,700 5,259 22,255,866 17,804,584 40,060,450 4,452,242 3,561,772 8,014,013 26,708,107 21,366,356 48,074,463 1,602 1,282 2,884 15,016,106 3,003,942 16,918,439 3,384,500 24,497,717 4,900,719 15,938,034 3,188,372 20,888,186 4,178,640 24,325,366 4,866,241 22,021,473 4,405,352 23,454,771 4,692,080 11,946,653 2,389,904 16,142,069 3,229,189 17,609,419 3,522,729 26,440,012 5,289,272 22,574,748 4,516,033 19,940,525 3,989,062 13,799,914 2,760,645 20,803,206 4,161,640 12,352,005 2,470,994 19,168,369 3,834,594 10,717,190 2,143,952 20,575,303 4,116,048 15,504,894 3,101,723 390,634,397 78,145,631 18,020,048 20,302,938 29,398,436 19,126,406 25,066,826 29,191,607 26,426,824 28,146,851 14,336,557 19,371,258 21,132,148 31,729,284 27,090,782 23,929,587 16,560,560 24,964,846 14,822,998 23,002,963 12,861,142 24,691,351 18,606,617 468,780,028 1,081 1,218 1,764 1,148 1,504 1,751 1,586 1,689 860 1,162 1,268 1,904 1,625 1,436 994 1,498 889 1,380 772 1,481 1,116 28,127 5,382,344 STATE/ CO-OP $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 688,630 1,083,329 1,364,392 787,381 3,923,733 CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL 3.6 3.6 3.6 1,434,390 10.8 1,520,664 10.8 2,955,054 10.8 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 2.3 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 6.4 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL 232,506 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.2 6,168,907 8,947,308 11,355,596 6,709,221 33,181,033 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ Age All #/EA Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) (100%) Total # Scripts COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 22.2 2,241,544 9.9 3,962,510 10.0 3,703,174 9.6 2,302,487 9.7 12,209,715 9.8 9,099,081 13,993,148 16,423,162 9,799,090 49,314,480 1,820,253 2,799,301 3,285,421 1,960,288 9,865,263 10,919,333 16,792,449 19,708,583 11,759,378 59,179,743 655 1,008 1,183 706 3,551 12,285,113 24.2 11,976,452 24.2 24,261,565 24.2 6,263,903 11.1 6,000,840 11.0 12,264,743 11.0 19,983,405 19,497,956 39,481,362 3,997,640 3,900,527 7,898,168 23,981,046 23,398,484 47,379,529 1,439 1,404 2,843 7.7 3,326,686 20.4 1,399,367 8.2 4,958,559 991,950 5,950,508 357 1,316,012 15.9 8,951,773 24.7 3,193,772 15.0 13,461,557 2,692,958 16,154,515 969 4.1 1,605,424 4.1 1,463,726 4.1 1,312,645 4.1 2,286,799 4.1 918,571 4.1 980,690 4.1 1,760,776 4.1 934,617 4.1 1,248,971 4.1 2,027,957 4.1 1,873,411 4.1 16,413,587 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 12,614,394 11,478,215 9,832,565 18,778,917 8,169,258 7,492,945 13,708,477 7,565,396 10,577,745 15,920,702 15,384,105 131,522,719 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 25.9 6,474,312 9,851,681 4,219,963 9,440,439 5,374,630 5,701,455 6,054,655 8,076,719 4,925,807 15,548,738 8,789,309 84,457,710 11.8 20,694,130 13.1 22,793,621 11.4 15,365,173 11.9 30,506,155 12.6 14,462,460 12.7 14,175,090 11.5 21,523,908 13.8 16,576,732 11.8 16,752,523 13.4 33,497,398 12.1 26,046,826 12.4 232,394,016 4,139,819 24,833,949 4,559,818 27,353,440 3,073,772 18,438,945 6,102,695 36,608,851 2,893,186 17,355,646 2,835,698 17,010,788 4,305,815 25,829,723 3,316,142 19,892,874 3,351,309 20,103,832 6,701,088 40,198,486 5,210,615 31,257,441 46,489,959 278,883,975 1,490 1,641 1,106 2,197 1,041 1,021 1,550 1,194 1,206 2,412 1,875 16,733 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 15,064,263 17,569,908 17,692,833 12,704,483 10,212,812 73,244,299 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 7,691,372 6,884,151 6,101,278 6,345,587 5,569,453 32,591,841 12.2 24,860,166 4,973,227 29,833,393 11.8 26,741,584 5,349,600 32,091,184 11.4 26,300,168 5,261,296 31,561,464 12.2 20,754,130 4,151,822 24,905,952 12.5 17,145,680 3,429,959 20,575,639 12.0 115,801,728 23,165,904 138,967,632 1,790 1,925 1,894 1,494 1,235 8,338 2,104,531 2,287,525 2,506,057 1,704,060 1,363,415 9,965,588 STATE/ CO-OP $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ Age All #/EA Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) (100%) Total # Scripts COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 4.2 1,274,058 11.1 9,572,982 29.0 5,641,168 12.1 16,488,208 3,298,433 19,786,642 1,187 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 3.4 1,460,359 13.0 12,267,897 28.8 5,598,149 12.3 19,326,405 3,866,209 23,192,614 1,392 IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 4.4 1,720,276 4.4 952,147 4.4 2,751,092 4.4 2,401,362 4.4 2,177,879 4.4 1,775,014 4.4 1,997,999 4.4 13,775,769 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11.4 11,001,609 6,163,360 20,466,058 14,515,744 14,438,346 11,617,120 14,083,577 92,285,812 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 29.9 5,126,676 3,598,119 8,224,940 6,876,106 7,641,601 7,303,286 9,204,680 47,975,406 11.7 12.2 11.7 11.6 12.0 12.4 12.7 12.0 17,848,561 3,570,569 10,713,625 2,143,239 31,442,090 6,289,927 23,793,211 4,759,784 24,257,825 4,852,729 20,695,420 4,140,077 25,286,256 5,058,465 154,036,988 30,814,792 21,419,130 12,856,864 37,732,017 28,552,996 29,110,555 24,835,497 30,344,721 184,851,780 1,285 771 2,264 1,713 1,747 1,490 1,821 11,091 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 counts) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1,340,539 1,381,128 1,782,279 966,181 5,470,128 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 11,885,528 11,073,501 14,727,099 8,705,473 46,391,601 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 25.3 5,638,345 5,355,089 6,192,755 4,088,292 21,274,482 11.4 11.3 11.1 11.4 11.3 18,864,413 3,773,788 17,809,719 3,562,799 22,702,133 4,541,516 13,759,946 2,752,650 73,136,211 14,630,753 22,638,201 21,372,518 27,243,649 16,512,595 87,766,963 1,358 1,282 1,635 991 5,266 IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 7.2 7.2 7.2 3,035,978 14.9 2,204,421 14.9 5,240,398 14.9 15,666,479 34.8 12,134,150 34.8 27,800,629 34.8 9,090,036 16.0 6,664,198 16.0 15,754,234 16.0 27,792,492 21,002,769 48,795,261 5,559,833 4,201,562 9,761,395 33,352,325 25,204,331 58,556,656 2,001 1,512 3,513 KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 4.1 4.1 4.1 1,495,239 12.1 1,490,411 12.1 2,985,650 12.1 10,208,433 26.9 10,952,933 26.9 21,161,366 26.9 5,545,287 12.2 4,570,121 11.8 10,115,407 12.0 17,248,958 17,013,465 34,262,423 3,450,620 3,403,510 6,854,129 20,699,578 20,416,975 41,116,552 1,242 1,225 2,467 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 6.6 6.6 6.6 3,246,482 19.8 3,509,682 19.8 6,756,164 19.8 26,620,409 40.4 27,578,686 40.4 54,199,095 40.4 10,979,897 19.4 12,386,562 19.5 23,366,459 19.4 40,846,788 8,171,318 43,474,930 8,697,073 84,321,718 16,868,391 49,018,107 52,172,003 101,190,109 2,941 3,130 6,071 LA1 LA2 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 5.9 5.9 5.9 3,106,675 13.8 3,490,960 13.8 6,597,635 13.8 17,782,919 32.7 21,651,303 32.7 39,434,222 32.7 8,872,674 14.3 9,360,074 14.1 18,232,749 14.2 29,762,268 5,953,882 34,502,338 6,902,124 64,264,606 12,856,006 35,716,151 41,404,462 77,120,612 2,143 2,484 4,627 STATE/ CO-OP $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ Age All #/EA Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) (100%) 20,650,434 4,131,078 24,781,513 1,487 Total # Scripts COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 5.2 1,429,848 15.7 13,222,240 28.4 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 2,159,327 1,275,477 1,552,039 4,986,842 10.4 10.4 10.4 10.4 17,115,704 9,635,136 11,868,677 38,619,517 22.6 22.6 22.6 22.6 7,795,156 4,217,096 4,086,670 16,098,922 10.5 10.4 10.1 10.3 27,070,186 5,415,337 15,127,709 3,026,268 17,507,386 3,502,318 59,705,281 11,943,922 32,485,523 18,153,977 21,009,704 71,649,203 1,949 1,089 1,261 4,299 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1,017,848 1,090,914 1,487,347 1,237,164 4,833,273 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10.6 10,443,303 10,444,432 12,904,149 10,976,083 44,767,967 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 24.5 4,424,647 4,824,151 7,394,626 5,472,361 22,115,785 10.8 10.9 11.1 10.9 11.0 15,885,797 3,177,922 16,359,497 3,272,685 21,786,122 4,358,270 17,685,608 3,537,971 71,717,025 14,346,848 19,063,719 19,632,182 26,144,393 21,223,579 86,063,873 1,144 1,178 1,569 1,273 5,164 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + Wayne) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 4.4 2,114,171 4.4 2,726,622 4.4 1,867,897 4.4 2,353,923 4.4 1,247,383 4.4 10,309,995 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 12.8 16,789,010 20,045,826 14,850,920 17,646,212 9,729,973 79,061,942 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 23.7 6,575,452 7,874,233 6,390,534 7,719,070 3,761,469 32,320,757 12.3 12.2 12.5 12.4 12.3 12.3 25,478,633 5,096,950 30,646,680 6,130,807 23,109,351 4,622,980 27,719,205 5,545,171 14,738,825 2,948,473 121,692,695 24,344,380 30,575,583 36,777,488 27,732,331 33,264,376 17,687,298 146,037,075 1,835 2,207 1,664 1,996 1,061 8,762 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 906,783 2,215,691 1,758,879 4,881,352 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.6 7,014,363 17,688,918 13,991,825 38,695,106 27.7 27.7 27.7 27.7 4,372,680 7,855,963 6,706,349 18,934,991 12.3 11.6 11.8 11.8 12,293,826 2,459,355 27,760,571 5,553,447 22,457,052 4,492,488 62,511,449 12,505,290 14,753,181 33,314,018 26,949,540 75,016,740 885 1,999 1,617 4,501 MS1 MS2 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 5.7 5.7 5.7 2,337,806 15.9 1,972,552 15.9 4,310,358 15.9 15,486,945 39.5 13,638,301 39.5 29,125,245 39.5 7,681,049 16.2 7,301,989 16.5 14,983,038 16.3 25,505,800 22,912,841 48,418,641 5,102,384 4,583,668 9,686,052 30,608,184 27,496,510 58,104,694 1,836 1,650 3,486 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 1,772,195 1,572,035 1,812,054 972,773 6,129,058 14,103,243 12,084,915 14,588,797 7,644,569 48,421,524 7,124,269 5,191,498 6,301,808 3,527,593 22,145,168 22,999,708 4,601,046 18,848,448 3,770,594 22,702,660 4,541,622 12,144,935 2,429,570 76,695,750 15,342,831 27,600,753 22,619,042 27,244,281 14,574,505 92,038,581 1,656 1,357 1,635 874 5,522 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 26.4 5,998,347 15.5 13.0 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.8 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ Age All #/EA Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) (100%) Total # Scripts COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 3.3 737,906 11.2 6,936,986 26.1 3,821,912 11.6 11,496,804 2,299,913 13,796,717 828 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 5.2 2,383,740 13.1 14,689,991 31.9 7,865,138 13.7 24,938,869 4,988,971 29,927,840 1,796 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL 2.6 2.6 2.6 1,295,715 11.0 431,608 11.0 1,727,323 11.0 13,975,103 24.5 4,853,540 24.5 18,828,643 24.5 5,677,733 10.5 2,272,548 10.8 7,950,281 10.6 20,948,551 7,557,696 28,506,247 4,190,716 1,511,902 5,702,618 25,139,267 9,069,598 34,208,865 1,508 544 2,053 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 5.1 1,463,651 13.9 11,839,410 25.3 4,496,403 13.5 17,799,464 3,560,747 21,360,212 1,282 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 1,828,551 1,556,699 1,547,999 2,624,674 2,152,335 9,710,258 11,655,330 10,229,951 10,297,882 17,744,029 14,894,936 64,822,128 12.8 21,218,623 4,244,743 25,463,367 12.4 17,254,187 3,451,666 20,705,852 12.4 17,474,923 3,495,823 20,970,746 12.2 29,045,143 5,810,423 34,855,565 12.0 23,445,633 4,690,252 28,135,885 12.3 108,438,509 21,692,907 130,131,416 1,528 1,242 1,258 2,091 1,688 7,808 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) 3.4 1,764,305 10.2 NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL 4.5 1,867,909 4.5 1,657,974 4.5 1,422,245 4.5 2,077,918 4.5 1,404,499 4.5 1,612,818 4.5 2,671,263 4.5 1,547,655 4.5 1,981,834 4.5 1,357,078 4.5 1,863,177 4.5 19,464,369 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 11.7 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 12.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 12,938,233 21.5 15,786,295 10,977,535 11,447,602 18,691,220 10,363,155 11,760,131 20,450,375 18,106,933 13,332,773 10,963,447 14,802,114 156,681,580 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 29.8 7,734,742 5,467,536 5,629,042 8,676,440 6,398,363 33,906,123 5,843,950 10.0 8,498,827 4,334,003 6,827,141 8,508,866 6,107,462 6,007,747 8,583,607 8,153,923 6,995,814 5,721,788 8,266,511 78,005,688 20,546,488 4,110,284 24,656,772 1,479 13.4 26,153,031 5,231,862 31,384,893 12.3 16,969,512 3,394,717 20,364,229 13.5 19,696,988 3,940,343 23,637,332 13.1 29,278,003 5,857,006 35,135,009 13.3 17,875,117 3,575,881 21,450,998 13.0 19,380,696 3,877,070 23,257,766 12.7 31,705,244 6,342,571 38,047,815 13.5 27,808,510 5,563,037 33,371,547 12.9 22,310,421 4,463,155 26,773,576 13.2 18,042,313 3,609,329 21,651,641 13.4 24,931,802 4,987,557 29,919,359 13.1 254,151,638 50,842,527 304,994,165 1,883 1,222 1,418 2,108 1,287 1,395 2,283 2,002 1,606 1,299 1,795 18,300 STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ Age All #/EA Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) 4.2 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL 4.8 2,189,895 4.8 1,792,413 4.8 2,594,035 4.8 1,277,279 4.8 2,299,388 4.8 1,891,950 4.8 1,104,476 4.8 13,149,436 OK1 OK2 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 4.0 4.0 4.0 2,204,120 11.0 1,514,332 11.0 3,718,452 11.0 15,150,407 25.9 10,316,178 25.9 25,466,585 25.9 7,604,273 11.2 5,516,507 11.3 13,120,781 11.3 24,958,800 17,347,017 42,305,818 OR1 OR2 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 3.6 3.6 3.6 1,406,050 13.7 1,710,960 13.7 3,117,010 13.7 14,883,351 27.7 18,436,511 27.7 33,319,862 27.7 7,900,389 13.7 6,867,345 13.1 14,767,734 13.4 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 4.2 1,444,659 4.2 1,223,453 4.2 1,418,183 4.2 2,032,803 4.2 1,922,754 4.2 1,443,887 4.2 1,458,390 4.2 799,820 4.2 11,743,949 1,705,907 1,570,332 1,121,467 1,769,977 1,589,826 7,757,510 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 9.8 629,949 11.7 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.2 12,304,385 12,224,803 9,199,900 12,513,385 12,749,982 58,992,455 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 22.1 4,814,353 9.5 5,698,568 9.9 4,692,057 10.1 4,576,014 9.4 7,495,361 10.4 27,276,354 9.9 4,973,407 36.7 3,579,193 13.7 18,793,833 14,659,680 21,758,750 10,110,878 20,010,305 15,221,389 9,234,492 109,789,328 12,841,719 11,667,793 12,604,287 16,366,201 16,292,786 13,168,011 14,356,408 7,594,945 104,892,152 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 29.5 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 30.8 9,294,144 5,762,049 10,409,887 4,473,570 6,998,307 6,914,321 3,975,045 47,827,324 7,835,554 6,978,819 7,808,576 8,906,425 8,993,641 5,687,119 9,137,081 5,015,414 60,362,629 15.1 14.5 15.0 14.7 14.5 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.1 14.2 14.1 13.6 13.7 13.3 14.4 14.4 13.9 18,824,646 3,765,833 19,493,703 3,899,676 15,013,425 3,003,406 18,859,376 3,772,780 21,835,169 4,368,082 94,026,319 18,809,777 Total # Scripts (100%) COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 22,590,478 23,393,380 18,016,831 22,632,156 26,203,251 112,836,097 1,355 1,404 1,081 1,358 1,572 6,770 1,836,951 11,019,499 661 30,277,872 6,057,028 22,214,141 4,443,895 34,762,672 6,954,203 15,861,728 3,173,107 29,308,000 5,863,007 24,027,660 4,806,685 14,314,013 2,863,490 170,766,087 34,161,414 36,334,900 26,658,036 41,716,875 19,034,835 35,171,007 28,834,346 17,177,503 204,927,501 2,180 1,599 2,503 1,142 2,110 1,730 1,031 12,296 4,992,958 3,470,236 8,463,194 29,951,758 20,817,254 50,769,012 1,797 1,249 3,046 24,189,790 4,839,119 27,014,816 5,404,260 51,204,606 10,243,379 29,028,909 32,419,076 61,447,985 1,742 1,945 3,687 22,121,932 4,425,448 19,870,065 3,974,967 21,831,046 4,367,257 27,305,429 5,462,396 27,209,182 5,443,142 20,299,018 4,060,778 24,951,880 4,991,574 13,410,179 2,682,679 176,998,730 35,408,242 26,547,380 23,845,032 26,198,303 32,767,825 32,652,324 24,359,795 29,943,454 16,092,858 212,406,972 1,593 1,431 1,572 1,966 1,959 1,462 1,797 966 12,744 9,182,549 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 3.5 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) 4.6 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 784,689 11.2 1,528,686 1,443,754 1,466,178 4,438,618 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.2 932,562 11.4 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ 7,580,167 26.4 11,500,731 10,644,733 10,455,700 32,601,165 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 5,643,244 32.5 Age All #/EA 4,001,439 11.7 5,976,424 5,075,526 5,189,319 16,241,269 11.6 11.4 11.5 11.5 3,783,902 12.7 Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) (100%) 12,366,294 2,473,852 14,840,146 890 19,005,841 3,802,081 17,164,013 3,433,627 17,111,197 3,423,061 53,281,052 10,658,768 22,807,922 20,597,640 20,534,258 63,939,820 1,368 1,236 1,232 3,836 10,359,708 2,072,439 12,432,147 746 Total # Scripts COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 1,993,066 1,776,254 1,937,345 1,927,515 7,634,181 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17,223,772 16,550,860 17,975,535 19,433,572 71,183,739 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 39.3 7,378,030 6,312,770 8,848,546 10,870,384 33,409,731 17.2 17.1 17.8 18.5 17.7 26,594,868 5,320,250 24,639,884 4,929,160 28,761,426 5,753,666 32,231,472 6,447,842 112,227,651 22,450,917 31,915,119 29,569,044 34,515,092 38,679,313 134,678,568 1,915 1,774 2,071 2,321 8,081 4.1 1,222,891 4.1 2,348,632 4.1 1,724,938 4.1 2,231,474 4.1 2,453,650 4.1 1,325,260 4.1 2,682,066 4.1 1,665,956 4.1 989,640 4.1 1,836,779 4.1 2,487,679 4.1 3,085,697 4.1 2,519,267 4.1 1,570,600 4.1 28,144,529 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 8.8 6,269,644 12,827,455 9,171,439 12,030,547 10,915,985 6,285,653 13,257,543 7,980,834 5,086,833 8,542,525 12,167,416 14,652,193 10,086,583 8,708,074 137,982,725 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 24.6 3,628,926 4,784,862 5,073,002 4,626,803 3,790,954 2,734,515 5,102,965 3,683,859 2,001,188 4,756,892 5,243,638 7,567,994 5,464,912 5,528,680 63,989,189 9.6 9.0 9.6 9.0 8.6 9.0 8.9 9.1 9.0 9.4 9.0 9.3 9.1 9.9 9.2 11,121,461 2,224,826 19,960,948 3,993,148 15,969,378 3,194,642 18,888,824 3,778,672 17,160,590 3,432,942 10,345,428 2,069,582 21,042,574 4,209,525 13,330,648 2,666,770 8,077,662 1,615,920 15,136,196 3,027,966 19,898,733 3,980,702 25,305,885 5,062,392 18,070,763 3,615,020 15,807,353 3,162,229 230,116,443 46,034,335 13,346,287 23,954,096 19,164,020 22,667,496 20,593,531 12,415,010 25,252,099 15,997,418 9,693,582 18,164,162 23,879,435 30,368,276 21,685,783 18,969,583 276,150,778 801 1,437 1,150 1,360 1,236 745 1,515 960 582 1,090 1,433 1,822 1,301 1,138 16,569 21,571,298 11,436,492 33,007,790 1,294 686 1,980 2.9 2.9 2.9 1,601,069 11.4 924,423 11.4 2,525,492 11.4 12,424,480 25.0 6,306,510 25.0 18,730,990 25.0 3,949,814 10.0 2,299,096 9.9 6,248,910 10.0 17,975,363 9,530,029 27,505,392 3,595,935 1,906,463 5,502,399 STATE/ CO-OP $270B PRESCRIPTION DRUGS (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Age # Retail 0-18 Scripts #/EA Age 0-18 Age # Retail 19-64 Scripts #/EA Age 19-64 Age # Retail 65+ Scripts #/EA Age 65+ Age All #/EA Total # # Non- Retail Scripts (83%) Retail Scripts (17%) (100%) 10,929,443 2,186,413 13,115,856 787 Total # Scripts COST ($mils) ($60/ EA) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) 5.7 VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 2,307,702 1,512,445 1,530,207 1,508,717 6,859,071 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 18,337,228 13,785,014 12,569,937 12,182,836 56,875,015 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 25.7 6,029,915 8,105,418 5,451,666 5,515,868 25,102,867 10.6 11.8 11.1 11.1 11.1 26,674,845 5,336,249 32,011,094 23,402,877 4,681,699 28,084,576 19,551,809 3,911,300 23,463,110 19,207,421 3,842,406 23,049,827 88,836,953 17,771,655 106,608,607 1,921 1,685 1,408 1,383 6,397 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 1,384,742 1,487,834 1,313,559 1,504,084 5,690,220 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 10,922,166 15,558,721 12,236,659 12,650,571 51,368,117 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 24.1 4,641,040 5,073,198 5,263,145 4,959,942 19,937,325 11.3 11.5 11.7 11.3 11.4 16,947,948 3,390,403 22,119,754 4,425,012 18,813,364 3,763,576 19,114,597 3,823,837 76,995,662 15,402,828 20,338,352 26,544,766 22,576,939 22,938,434 92,398,490 1,220 1,593 1,355 1,376 5,544 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 6.0 2,323,654 19.4 22,683,241 37.3 11,058,668 19.5 36,065,563 7,214,844 43,280,407 2,597 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 1,170,019 1,066,332 2,249,196 1,003,142 5,488,689 9,788,585 9,542,989 18,091,156 8,638,562 46,061,292 5,139,901 4,256,404 8,154,147 4,612,248 22,162,701 16,098,506 3,220,474 14,865,725 2,973,858 28,494,499 5,700,268 14,253,952 2,851,475 73,712,682 14,746,075 19,318,980 17,839,583 34,194,767 17,105,427 88,458,756 1,159 1,070 2,052 1,026 5,308 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 3.8 7,729,921 464 4.1 305,238,742 11.9 2,315,312,962 28.0 1,128,777,806 12.1 3,749,329,510 750,045,877 4,499,375,388 $269,963 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 185 USA TOTAL # PRESCRIPTIONS USA TOTAL $ (MILS @ RI Costs above) 738,312 17.5 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 514,027 11.7 $18,314 7,084,952 34.0 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 28.5 4,194,054 24.8 $138,919 3,106,178 17.5 13.1 12.9 12.7 13.2 13.0 1,733,263 11.4 $67,727 6,441,343 $224,960 1,288,578 $45,003 PRESCRIPTION DRUGS @ Local Costs ($mils) *** "'* after Geographic COLA's see Appendices F thru J $269,963 $245,391 -9.1% E91-103: $151B DOCTOR FEES (NOT HOSP EE’s OR PRIMARY CARE) BY STATE & CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 12 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents DOCTOR FEE NOTES: (NOT HOSPITAL EE’s OR PRIMARY CARE) TOTAL DOCTORS BY STATE: The number of doctors in each state (2012) came from a special data request on State Licensing Information from Redi-Data, Inc. Data includes active MD’s & DO’s at November 2012 as posted at http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=934&cat=8 . This per state information totaled 836k active doctors for the USA or 27.1 doctors per 10k people using E13-21 for population. States varied widely from a high in MA (46 per 10k) & NY (36 per 10k) to a low in ID of just 17.5 per 10k with AR, MS, NV & WY all under 20 per 10k (less than half MA & NY!!). Some of this difference is certainly due to population demographics. The +65 and under 1 populations use doctors more than the general population. But this accounts for just 6.5% difference between the highest and lowest states. The balance is simply mal-distribution of resources due to reimbursement, insurance, doctor practice & lifestyle choices etc. CO-Ops are expected to contract with private practice doctors and support hospital budgets etc in their local areas which will better distribute resources. Accordingly a re-distribution of doctors among states is expected over time as depicted on the following slides. In total 8 states would likely see a reduction of 31k doctors with 30 states seeing an increase of 45k doctors. A doctor shortage of 14k today. Certainly there will be re-distribution within states as well. NOTE: obviously all doctors are free to contract with the CO-OP and/or solicit private pay patients. DOCTORS BY CO-OP: The total number of doctors expected in each CO-OP is presented in four groups: 1) Primary Care (per E22-34), 2) Hospital Activity (per E35-64) private practice doctors involved in hospital inpatient surgeries, outpatient surgeries & outpatient imaging, etc. 3) Doctors who are employees of hospitals, governments, corporations etc. and 4) All Other Private Practice Specialists not Primary Care, Hospital Related or Employees. Since Primary Care (E22-34) already considered population demographics, the number of doctors estimated in group 4 was set at 1/3 the primary care doctors in each CO-OP area (a patient sees a specialist once for every 3 visits to a PC doctor. Note: if patient has chronic condition specialist can be PC and see generalist 1/3). The number of doctors in group 3 was considered 1/3 of all doctors in the area consistent with RI and national stats. Finally the total number of doctors was between 25 & 30 per 10k (USA avg. 27.1 +/- 10% for aging, etc.). NOTE: there will be more or less in group 3 or 4 based on local markets and negotiation with CO-OP. USA MDs & SPECIALISTS (NOT HOSP EEs OR PC) ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITAL ACTIVITY: 49k SURGEONS: 9.75 Mil OPERATIONS @ $3,500/EA 26k ANESTHESIOLOGISTS: 8 Mil @ $1,500/EA $ 34B (B3 RI example) $ 12B (B3 RI example) 69k SURGEONS/SPECIALISTS: 24.3 Mil OUTPATIENT SURGERIES @ $1,000/EA $ 24B (B4 RI example) 34k RADIOLOGISTS: 118.8 Mil OUTPATIENT IMAGES $ 15B (B5) (drive to PC) @ $125/EA 178k TOTAL ASSOCIATED WITH HOSPITALS (EST) $ 85B ALL OTHER MD/ SPECIALISTS (approx. 100k) ** $ 66B 278k GRAND TOTAL $151B (SLIDE 75) ** Each PC doctor would be given $200k of non-Hosp. “Specialist Referrals” per year based on patient roster. They would decide how to “spend” them ($100/referral). STATE [--- BEFORE ---] Total # Doc's 2012 Expected [----- AFTER -----] per Doc Re-Dist. # Doc's per 10K from CO-OP after 10K POP Activity Re-Dist. POP STATES WITH EXCESS DOCTORS: Connecticut Maryland Massachusetts Michigan New York Pennsylvania Rhode Island Washington SUBTOTAL 12,268 20,060 30,091 31,172 68,898 41,437 4,055 18,773 226,754 # Doc's per Non-Hosp 10K Activity total # Doc's paid by per hosp govt 10K corp, other per 10K [-------- PVT PRACTICE DOC's PAID BY CO-OP ----------] 34.3 34.7 46.0 31.5 35.6 32.6 38.5 27.9 34.5 (1,700) (2,700) (10,000) (1,835) (9,500) (3,150) (700) (1,250) (30,835) 10,568 17,360 20,091 29,337 59,398 38,287 3,355 17,523 195,919 29.6 30.1 30.7 29.7 30.7 30.1 31.9 26.1 29.8 STATES NEEDING DOCTORS: Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado DC, Washington Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana # Primary # Doc's Care Doc's Hosp pd by CO-OP per Activity E22-34 10K E35-64 10,446 21.9 1,652 23.3 15,269 23.9 5,747 19.7 95,041 25.5 12,838 25.5 6,238 103.7 2,657 29.6 46,830 24.9 21,558 22.3 3,464 25.5 2,738 17.5 35,643 27.8 14,654 22.6 7,133 23.4 6,439 22.6 10,192 23.5 11,169 24.6 3,126 5,012 5,742 8,604 16,949 11,196 926 5,807 57,362 8.7 8.7 8.8 8.7 8.7 8.8 8.8 8.6 8.7 1,982 3,464 4,227 6,607 12,002 8,408 660 2,979 40,331 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.7 6.2 6.6 6.3 4.4 6.1 1,168 1,872 2,145 3,214 6,330 4,182 346 2,169 21,425 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.3 4,293 7,012 7,977 10,912 24,117 14,501 1,422 6,568 76,802 12.0 12.1 12.2 11.0 12.4 11.4 13.5 9.8 11.7 4,579 630 5,420 2,597 35,275 4,752 4,868 1,012 16,419 7,545 1,247 1,398 12,402 5,132 2,497 2,253 3,569 3,910 9.6 8.9 8.5 8.9 9.5 9.4 80.9 11.3 8.7 7.8 9.2 8.9 9.7 7.9 8.2 7.9 8.2 8.6 [-------- PVT PRACTICE DOC's PAID BY CO-OP ----------] 3,000 150 700 2,200 4,600 2,655 1,300 2,240 1,130 880 1,600 1,340 13,446 28.1 1,802 25.4 15,969 25.0 7,947 27.3 95,041 25.5 12,838 25.5 6,238 103.7 2,657 29.6 51,430 27.4 24,213 25.0 3,464 25.5 4,038 25.8 35,643 27.8 16,894 26.1 8,263 27.1 7,319 25.7 11,792 27.2 12,509 27.6 4,169 592 5,529 2,542 31,937 4,302 532 787 16,732 8,294 1,188 1,341 11,089 5,608 2,661 2,464 3,771 3,916 8.7 8.3 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.8 8.8 8.9 8.6 8.7 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.6 8.7 8.6 3,141 359 2,955 1,858 15,900 2,176 640 563 12,030 5,276 586 799 8,010 4,060 2,111 1,682 3,044 3,221 6.6 5.1 4.6 6.4 4.3 4.3 10.6 6.3 6.4 5.4 4.3 5.1 6.2 6.3 6.9 5.9 7.0 7.1 1,557 221 2,065 949 11,929 1,607 199 294 6,249 3,098 444 501 4,142 2,095 994 920 1,408 1,462 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 STATE [--- BEFORE ---] Total # Doc's 2012 Expected [----- AFTER -----] per Doc Re-Dist. # Doc's per 10K from CO-OP after 10K POP Activity Re-Dist. POP STATES NEEDING DOCTORS (continued): Maine Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming SUBTOTAL 4,109 15,412 5,681 16,824 2,072 4,495 5,221 3,683 25,117 4,841 23,253 1,649 34,656 8,064 10,380 10,424 1,874 16,526 54,508 5,741 2,022 20,688 4,750 15,256 1,061 610,027 30.9 29.1 19.1 28.1 20.9 24.6 19.3 28.0 28.6 23.5 24.4 24.5 30.0 21.5 27.1 22.5 23.0 26.0 21.7 20.8 32.3 25.9 25.6 26.8 18.8 25.1 GRAND TOTAL 836,781 27.1 # Primary Care Doc's pd by CO-OP per E22-34 10K # Doc's Hosp Activity E35-64 # Doc's per Non-Hosp 10K Activity total # Doc's paid by per hosp govt 10K corp, other per 10K [-------- PVT PRACTICE DOC's PAID BY CO-OP ----------] 575 650 280 360 45,085 4,109 15,412 7,681 17,339 2,622 4,895 6,821 3,683 25,117 5,241 25,278 1,924 34,656 9,504 10,380 11,924 2,154 17,466 62,808 6,941 2,022 21,263 5,400 15,536 1,421 653,100 30.9 29.1 25.9 29.0 26.5 26.8 25.3 28.0 28.6 25.5 26.5 28.6 30.0 25.3 27.1 25.8 26.5 27.5 25.0 25.1 32.3 26.6 29.1 27.3 25.2 26.9 1,176 4,587 2,566 5,221 865 1,581 2,318 1,148 7,657 1,781 8,280 587 10,065 3,251 3,342 4,036 707 5,524 21,343 2,306 550 6,928 1,639 4,942 485 210,337 8.9 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.5 8.3 8.8 8.7 8.8 8.7 8.6 8.7 969 3,076 1,866 4,279 643 1,121 1,072 826 4,747 1,103 5,766 542 7,895 2,216 1,867 2,734 526 4,097 12,616 1,206 449 4,509 1,502 3,409 286 137,733 7.3 5.8 6.3 7.1 6.5 6.1 4.0 6.3 5.4 5.4 6.0 8.1 6.8 5.9 4.9 5.9 6.5 6.5 5.0 4.4 7.2 5.6 8.1 6.0 5.1 5.7 439 1,713 959 1,950 323 591 866 429 2,860 665 3,093 219 3,759 1,214 1,248 1,507 264 2,063 7,972 861 205 2,588 612 1,846 181 78,561 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 1,525 6,035 2,290 5,889 792 1,602 2,566 1,279 9,853 1,693 8,139 576 12,937 2,822 3,922 3,647 657 5,782 20,877 2,568 817 7,238 1,647 5,340 469 226,469 11.5 11.4 7.7 9.8 8.0 8.8 9.5 9.7 11.2 8.2 8.5 8.6 11.2 7.5 10.2 7.9 8.1 9.1 8.3 9.3 13.1 9.0 8.9 9.4 8.3 9.3 14,250 849,019 27.5 267,699 8.7 178,064 5.8 99,986 3.2 303,270 9.8 2,000 515 550 400 1,600 400 2,025 275 1,440 1,500 280 940 8,300 1,200 278k Doc’s $151B Fees See next 8 slides STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) # Surgeons Not Hosp Employees (est 85%) # Anesthesiologists Not Hosp (est 70%) # Specialists Not Hosp Employees (est 100%) # Radiologists Not Hosp (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other Doc's Not Hosp Not PC total other Doc's MD FEES ($ mil) Total # Doc's Not Hosp Not PC Total MD FEES ($ mils) 368 233 289 889 195 124 153 473 566 359 444 1,369 169 107 133 410 620 394 487 1,501 652 402 503 1,557 430 265 332 1,028 1,950 1,226 1,522 4,698 1,051 659 819 2,529 79 42 142 97 167 221 146 580 313 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 171 196 297 320 984 91 104 158 170 523 186 212 327 349 1,074 65 74 113 122 374 255 293 445 479 1,471 381 467 552 665 2,065 252 308 364 439 1,363 893 1,054 1,447 1,626 5,020 507 601 810 917 2,834 AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 285 229 514 151 122 273 467 376 843 126 102 228 489 393 882 524 426 949 346 281 627 1,553 1,254 2,808 834 674 1,508 182 204 306 190 254 289 265 283 147 200 213 322 280 247 163 253 143 231 128 250 188 4,739 97 108 162 101 135 153 141 150 78 106 113 171 149 131 87 134 76 123 68 133 100 2,518 232 259 388 242 322 367 336 359 187 254 271 409 356 312 207 321 182 294 163 317 239 6,017 101 113 169 105 141 160 147 157 82 111 118 178 155 137 90 140 79 128 71 138 104 2,625 298 333 499 311 415 472 433 462 241 327 348 526 458 403 267 413 234 378 210 408 308 7,743 451 513 806 484 672 711 684 690 387 509 496 794 701 658 419 628 339 588 314 619 468 11,929 298 338 532 319 444 469 452 455 255 336 327 524 463 434 276 415 224 388 207 408 309 7,873 1,063 1,197 1,831 1,122 1,523 1,680 1,573 1,639 881 1,181 1,210 1,874 1,642 1,484 966 1,477 819 1,364 745 1,456 1,101 27,828 596 672 1,031 630 858 941 884 917 496 663 675 1,050 921 837 543 828 457 766 417 816 617 15,616 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Surgeons # Anesthe- # Specialists # RadiNot Hosp siologists Not Hosp ologists Employees Not Hosp Employees Not Hosp (est 85%) (est 70%) (est 100%) (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other total other Doc's Doc's Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mil) Total # Doc's Total Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mils) CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 114 180 206 123 624 61 96 109 65 331 146 231 262 157 795 78 123 141 84 426 193 305 348 208 1,055 294 445 545 322 1,607 194 294 360 212 1,061 693 1,075 1,264 751 3,783 388 599 708 421 2,116 CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL 286 281 566 152 149 301 344 338 682 218 214 432 487 478 964 586 581 1,168 387 384 771 1,587 1,563 3,149 874 861 1,735 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 183 97 238 122 310 199 131 838 441 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 141 75 260 88 263 294 194 857 457 297 344 218 436 211 212 305 255 237 511 376 3,402 158 183 116 232 112 112 162 135 126 272 200 1,807 507 589 372 744 361 362 520 438 404 878 643 5,819 87 101 64 128 62 62 90 75 70 151 111 1,002 497 576 365 729 353 354 511 428 397 858 630 5,697 581 580 447 854 382 371 620 400 473 828 713 6,249 383 383 295 564 252 245 409 264 312 547 471 4,125 1,631 1,797 1,217 2,393 1,127 1,120 1,698 1,303 1,310 2,640 2,044 18,279 881 959 660 1,293 605 599 920 692 709 1,404 1,101 9,821 288 304 300 240 199 1,331 153 162 160 127 106 707 565 595 588 469 389 2,606 137 144 143 114 94 632 531 560 553 441 366 2,449 652 725 738 542 440 3,098 430 479 487 358 291 2,044 1,795 1,931 1,928 1,492 1,228 8,374 961 1,038 1,040 799 656 4,494 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Surgeons Not Hosp Employees (est 85%) # Anesthe- # Specialists siologists Not Hosp Not Hosp Employees (est 70%) (est 100%) # Radiologists Not Hosp (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other Doc's Not Hosp Not PC total other Doc's MD FEES ($ mil) Total # Doc's Not Hosp Not PC Total MD FEES ($ mils) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 153 81 233 118 279 444 293 1,030 571 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 182 97 347 173 369 501 331 1,299 700 IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 248 151 427 332 338 292 356 2,143 132 80 227 177 180 155 189 1,139 341 207 588 458 466 402 490 2,952 205 125 354 275 280 242 294 1,775 444 270 765 596 606 523 637 3,840 493 283 870 661 651 538 645 4,142 325 187 574 437 430 355 426 2,734 1,419 846 2,466 1,904 1,915 1,629 1,973 12,151 769 457 1,339 1,032 1,036 878 1,062 6,573 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 counts) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 258 246 309 188 1,001 137 131 164 100 532 388 371 466 283 1,508 262 251 315 191 1,019 495 473 594 360 1,922 533 511 662 389 2,095 352 337 437 256 1,382 1,579 1,510 1,916 1,149 6,154 847 810 1,031 617 3,304 IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 271 203 474 144 108 252 422 316 738 370 277 647 566 424 991 566 428 994 373 282 656 1,773 1,332 3,105 940 707 1,646 KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 216 207 423 115 110 225 341 326 666 188 180 368 406 389 795 456 464 920 301 306 607 1,315 1,287 2,602 707 695 1,402 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 408 439 847 217 233 450 591 638 1,229 249 269 518 702 757 1,459 684 724 1,408 452 478 930 2,149 2,303 4,452 1,154 1,235 2,388 LA1 LA2 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 404 461 865 215 245 460 588 670 1,258 298 340 638 719 819 1,539 673 789 1,462 444 521 965 2,179 2,504 4,683 1,164 1,340 2,504 STATE/ CO-OP $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Surgeons Not Hosp Employees (est 85%) # Anesthe- # Specialists siologists Not Hosp Not Hosp Employees (est 70%) (est 100%) # Radiologists Not Hosp (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other total other Doc's Doc's Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mil) Total # Doc's Total Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mils) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 203 108 314 344 453 439 290 1,408 742 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 447 250 282 978 237 133 150 520 731 409 461 1,601 167 93 105 365 752 420 475 1,646 835 473 565 1,872 551 312 373 1,236 2,416 1,356 1,563 5,336 1,303 732 847 2,882 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 248 259 355 284 1,146 132 138 188 151 609 269 281 384 308 1,242 267 278 381 305 1,231 446 465 637 510 2,058 480 492 641 532 2,145 317 325 423 351 1,415 1,396 1,448 1,949 1,579 6,372 763 790 1,060 861 3,474 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + Wayne) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 349 423 321 387 202 1,682 186 225 170 206 107 894 486 588 446 539 281 2,341 351 425 323 390 203 1,691 654 792 601 726 378 3,152 673 819 603 728 391 3,214 444 540 398 481 258 2,121 2,045 2,480 1,863 2,249 1,184 9,821 1,099 1,333 999 1,206 636 5,273 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 164 360 293 818 87 191 156 434 246 540 440 1,227 120 264 214 598 294 646 525 1,465 323 773 617 1,713 213 510 407 1,131 941 2,128 1,721 4,790 507 1,156 933 2,596 MS1 MS2 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 295 265 560 157 141 298 438 394 831 93 84 177 473 426 899 510 449 959 337 296 633 1,492 1,332 2,824 810 722 1,531 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 345 278 334 180 1,136 183 148 177 96 604 432 349 418 226 1,425 338 273 327 177 1,114 625 504 605 327 2,062 575 486 580 309 1,950 380 321 383 204 1,287 1,873 1,532 1,837 987 6,229 1,005 825 989 531 3,349 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Radiologists Not Hosp (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other total other Doc's Doc's Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mil) Total # Doc's Total Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mils) 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 135 72 228 208 299 323 213 966 512 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 289 153 427 252 533 591 390 1,712 923 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL 246 89 335 131 47 178 325 119 444 85 31 115 384 139 523 641 224 866 423 148 571 1,427 510 1,938 807 288 1,094 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 167 89 299 272 382 429 283 1,255 665 295 236 239 393 314 1,476 157 125 127 209 167 784 334 266 270 444 354 1,668 164 130 132 218 174 818 468 373 378 623 497 2,340 539 454 457 774 636 2,860 355 300 302 511 420 1,888 1,488 1,212 1,225 2,037 1,644 7,607 823 673 680 1,134 917 4,227 258 137 462 246 513 665 439 1,768 952 358 232 273 394 249 268 430 367 311 247 344 3,472 190 123 145 209 132 142 228 195 165 131 183 1,845 380 246 290 417 264 283 455 388 329 262 365 3,679 310 201 236 341 216 232 372 317 269 214 298 3,006 608 394 463 668 423 454 729 622 527 420 584 5,891 638 452 475 729 438 488 818 671 566 445 610 6,330 421 299 313 481 289 322 540 443 374 294 402 4,178 1,876 1,255 1,419 2,089 1,299 1,413 2,302 1,939 1,641 1,301 1,799 18,332 1,029 693 777 1,149 712 776 1,269 1,065 901 714 986 10,069 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 # Surgeons # Anesthe- # Specialists Not Hosp siologists Not Hosp Employees Not Hosp Employees (est 85%) (est 70%) (est 100%) NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) # Surgeons Not Hosp Employees (est 85%) # Anesthe- # Specialists siologists Not Hosp Not Hosp Employees (est 70%) (est 100%) # Radiologists Not Hosp (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other total other Doc's Doc's Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mil) Total # Doc's Total Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mils) 285 297 230 285 339 1,435 151 158 122 151 180 762 531 555 429 530 635 2,681 176 184 142 176 210 889 533 556 430 532 635 2,686 641 638 480 650 684 3,093 423 421 317 429 451 2,041 1,785 1,832 1,403 1,793 2,047 8,859 956 977 747 961 1,086 4,727 131 70 161 180 259 219 145 761 404 377 271 432 196 350 298 176 2,101 201 144 230 104 186 158 93 1,116 494 354 566 257 457 390 230 2,747 347 249 397 180 322 274 162 1,930 682 489 781 355 633 539 318 3,796 652 498 754 351 660 529 316 3,759 430 328 498 232 435 349 208 2,481 2,070 1,514 2,380 1,090 1,975 1,649 976 11,655 1,112 817 1,279 587 1,068 888 526 6,277 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL OK1 OK2 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 349 244 593 186 130 315 628 439 1,068 141 99 240 613 428 1,041 719 495 1,214 475 327 801 2,024 1,407 3,431 1,087 755 1,842 OR1 OR2 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 215 231 446 114 123 237 319 340 659 253 272 526 426 456 883 574 674 1,248 379 445 824 1,476 1,639 3,116 805 901 1,707 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 316 282 312 389 387 281 355 192 2,513 168 150 166 207 205 149 188 102 1,335 304 271 300 375 372 271 341 184 2,418 269 240 266 332 330 240 302 163 2,142 523 466 517 645 641 466 588 318 4,163 517 461 509 663 653 502 570 306 4,182 341 305 336 437 431 332 376 202 2,760 1,574 1,403 1,553 1,966 1,947 1,443 1,757 947 12,590 865 771 853 1,083 1,072 797 964 519 6,923 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) # Surgeons Not Hosp Employees (est 85%) # Anesthe- # Specialists siologists Not Hosp Not Hosp Employees (est 70%) (est 100%) # Radiologists Not Hosp (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other total other Doc's Doc's Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mil) Total # Doc's Total Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mils) 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 172 91 259 138 314 346 228 1,006 542 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL 259 232 233 724 137 123 124 385 472 424 425 1,321 109 97 98 304 458 411 412 1,281 532 489 487 1,507 351 323 321 995 1,509 1,366 1,366 4,241 809 734 733 2,276 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) 140 74 195 116 252 264 174 790 426 274 250 298 336 1,158 146 133 158 178 615 427 388 464 523 1,802 124 113 134 151 522 463 422 504 567 1,956 503 468 525 568 2,063 332 309 347 375 1,362 1,473 1,351 1,580 1,756 6,160 795 730 850 942 3,317 173 304 248 289 266 161 324 207 124 238 308 395 287 246 3,571 92 162 132 153 141 85 172 110 66 126 164 210 153 131 1,897 260 454 372 431 396 240 483 310 185 356 460 592 430 370 5,339 88 154 126 146 135 81 164 105 63 120 156 200 146 125 1,809 294 515 420 488 450 272 548 351 210 402 521 669 486 417 6,042 367 705 529 666 632 364 751 464 286 511 698 864 629 506 7,972 242 466 349 439 417 240 495 306 188 337 461 570 415 334 5,261 981 1,779 1,406 1,684 1,570 931 1,894 1,196 723 1,351 1,786 2,262 1,644 1,378 20,587 536 980 769 927 867 512 1,043 657 398 740 982 1,239 901 751 11,303 201 110 310 107 58 165 276 151 427 196 107 304 373 203 576 561 300 861 370 198 568 1,341 726 2,067 743 402 1,145 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP $151B DOCTOR FEES- NOT HOSP. EE OR PC (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) # Surgeons # Anesthe- # Specialists # RadiNot Hosp siologists Not Hosp ologists Employees Not Hosp Employees Not Hosp (est 85%) (est 70%) (est 100%) (est 75%) total hosp related MD FEES ($ mil) # Other total other Doc's Doc's Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mil) Total # Doc's Total Not Hosp MD FEES Not PC ($ mils) 69 36 144 200 203 205 136 655 339 315 286 235 232 1,067 167 152 125 123 567 652 593 487 480 2,212 196 178 146 144 663 612 556 456 451 2,075 817 640 572 559 2,588 539 422 377 369 1,708 2,146 1,848 1,564 1,539 7,096 1,151 978 834 820 3,782 VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL 183 226 200 203 812 97 120 106 108 431 252 310 276 280 1,118 139 172 152 155 618 322 398 353 358 1,431 482 623 520 544 2,169 318 411 343 359 1,431 1,153 1,451 1,254 1,290 5,148 641 809 696 717 2,862 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 386 205 554 357 716 612 404 2,114 1,120 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 180 163 316 159 818 96 87 168 85 435 296 267 518 262 1,343 179 162 314 158 813 352 319 618 312 1,601 397 373 726 349 1,846 262 246 479 231 1,218 1,148 1,052 2,041 1,013 5,255 615 565 1,097 542 2,819 69 37 125 56 133 181 119 467 253 48,709 25,880 69,539 33,936 85,316 99,986 65,991 278,050 151,307 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 185 USA TOTAL (@ RI Costs- above) DOCTOR FEES @ Local Costs ($mils) "'* after Geographic COLA's see Appendices F thru J 137,835 IP SURGERIES # Doc’s E35-44 OP SURGERIES #Doc’s E45-54 OP IMAGING #Doc’s E55-64 NON HOSP #Doc’s -8.9% E104-113: $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (includes durables, non-doctor fees, other health, residential & personal care) BY STATE & CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 12 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents notes NON-DURABLE & OTHER: The following two data sources were used. (A) Percent of total health care dollars spent on “Medical Durables” in each state plus percent of total health care dollars spent on “Other health, residential and personal care” in each state per: Distribution of Health Care Expenditures by Service by State of Residence (in millions), 2009. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2011). Health Expenditures by State of Residence. Retrieved (December 2011) at /www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/resident-state-estimates.zip and posted on www.statehealthfacts.org December 2012. (B) Total Health Spending in each state 2009 per: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (2011). Health Expenditures by State of Residence. Retrieved (December 2011) at http://www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/resident-state-estimates.zip and posted on www.statehealthfacts.org December 2012. (A) X (B) = total spending in each state on the above. Divide this by the total for all states to calculate each state’s percent of the total from 2009. Use this percent to apportion the $410 billion in “Non-Durable & Other” to individual states. Further apportioned to CO-OP’s within states based on number of Primary Care practices. Note: number of primary care practices is weighted for population under 1 & +65 in each CO-OP. Heaviest users of health care services. Note: “Non-Durables & Other” ($410 B) is broadly defined and includes “Medical Durables”, “Other health, residential and personal care” from (A) above. It also includes fees for other professional services often included with Physician Fees. An estimate of inflation since 2009 is also included. $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Non-Durable and Other (mils $) AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 2,133 1,318 1,647 5,099 17.3% 1,066 1,069 1,067 1,067 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) 1,397 23.4% 1,968 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 1,102 1,326 1,677 1,953 6,058 16.7% 934 918 981 949 948 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 1,972 1,594 3,566 18.8% 1,226 1,218 1,223 15.9% 955 952 926 956 936 968 946 962 935 939 970 955 942 929 952 951 982 948 963 951 954 950 STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AR1 AR2 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 1,345 1,524 2,330 1,444 1,965 2,147 2,023 2,073 1,130 1,491 1,502 2,368 2,063 1,908 1,244 1,867 1,038 1,741 945 1,838 1,395 35,381 % of State Spending Per Capita STATE/ CO-OP CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CT1 CT2 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Non-Durable and Other (mils $) CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 1,113 1,693 2,048 1,209 6,063 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL % of State Spending Per Capita 20.6% 1,209 1,214 1,200 1,200 1,206 3,995 3,946 7,941 25.7% 2,226 2,218 2,222 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 1,210 19.6% 2,011 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 1,469 21.8% 1,636 19.8% 1,233 1,278 1,217 1,234 1,257 1,261 1,220 1,305 1,224 1,291 1,245 1,251 16.8% 944 938 929 946 952 940 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL 2,156 2,230 1,637 3,172 1,443 1,409 2,276 1,570 1,741 3,216 2,671 23,521 1,924 2,127 2,144 1,605 1,310 9,111 STATE/ CO-OP IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IA1 IA2 KS1 KS2 KY1 KY2 LA1 LA2 $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Non-Durable and Other (mils $) % of State Spending Per Capita 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 1,311 15.3% 964 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 1,900 20.2% 1,212 15.9% 1,140 1,161 1,147 1,139 1,151 1,162 1,170 1,152 18.4% 1,232 1,227 1,221 1,231 1,227 19.6% 1,471 1,471 1,471 20.4% 1,281 1,268 1,274 18.2% 1,236 1,240 1,238 17.9% 1,310 1,307 1,308 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 1,742 1,019 3,092 2,333 2,321 1,937 2,336 14,779 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 2,033 1,939 2,502 1,480 7,954 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 2,551 1,930 4,481 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 1,812 1,824 3,636 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 2,605 2,767 5,372 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 2,734 3,197 5,931 STATE/ CO-OP MD1 MD2 MD3 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MN1 MN2 MN3 MS1 MS2 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Non-Durable and Other (mils $) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 4,074 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 3,145 1,768 2,089 7,002 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 3,020 3,095 4,062 3,341 13,517 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 2,223 2,703 2,006 2,409 1,293 10,634 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 2,042 4,801 3,854 10,698 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 1,976 1,748 3,724 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 1,923 1,606 1,930 1,022 6,480 % of State Spending Per Capita 29.7% 3,067 19.0% 1,222 1,213 1,199 1,213 20.6% 2,061 2,059 2,076 2,059 2,064 15.6% 1,074 1,073 1,082 1,076 1,075 1,076 25.8% 2,040 2,008 2,017 2,017 19.5% 1,252 1,259 1,255 14.5% 1,088 1,077 1,083 1,078 1,082 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) % of State Spending Per Capita 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 1,363 18.7% 1,378 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 2,388 19.4% 1,308 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL 1,533 541 2,074 15.0% 766 772 768 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 1,889 17.2% 1,435 2,319 1,932 1,952 3,273 2,683 12,158 19.7% 1,401 1,383 1,388 1,376 1,372 1,383 3,096 23.4% 1,504 26.2% 2,587 2,535 2,607 2,585 2,592 2,561 2,564 2,628 2,558 2,582 2,588 2,581 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 Non-Durable and Other (mils $) NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL 5,052 3,511 3,790 5,766 3,473 3,825 6,421 5,399 4,433 3,521 4,830 50,021 STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OK1 OK2 OR1 OR2 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL Non-Durable and Other (mils $) Per Capita 2,763 2,795 2,115 2,793 3,036 13,503 21.6% 1,399 1,421 1,428 1,393 1,441 1,416 1,337 21.5% 1,988 18.0% 1,390 1,368 1,387 1,370 1,360 1,376 1,375 1,376 19.3% 1,176 1,181 1,178 22.9% 1,665 1,632 1,647 22.6% 1,749 1,749 1,749 1,725 1,736 1,729 1,769 1,764 1,745 2,779 2,089 3,211 1,478 2,754 2,233 1,332 15,876 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 2,613 1,806 4,419 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 2,935 3,377 6,312 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL % of State Spending 2,748 2,451 2,704 3,473 3,444 2,638 3,063 1,639 22,161 STATE/ CO-OP SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Non-Durable and Other (mils $) 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 2,530 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL % of State Spending Per Capita 26.5% 2,404 1,797 1,641 1,634 5,071 18.5% 1,101 1,094 1,094 1,096 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) 1,105 18.8% 1,357 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL 1,788 1,658 1,885 2,065 7,396 17.8% 1,156 1,153 1,167 1,182 1,165 17.4% 955 941 955 941 928 939 938 943 941 952 942 949 941 966 944 21.4% 1,115 1,113 1,114 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL 1,106 2,093 1,594 1,975 1,849 1,078 2,222 1,380 848 1,534 2,076 2,586 1,866 1,543 23,749 2,007 1,073 3,080 STATE/ CO-OP $410B NON-DURABLES & OTHER (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 Non-Durable and Other (mils $) 719 % of State Spending Per Capita 13.8% 1,148 19.3% 1,170 1,218 1,189 1,191 1,191 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL 2,955 2,408 2,103 2,060 9,526 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL 1,650 2,137 1,796 1,864 7,446 18.9% 1,104 1,106 1,114 1,105 1,107 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 3,118 20.5% 1,683 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 1,428 1,332 2,588 1,258 6,606 16.3% 1,166 1,159 1,157 1,169 1,162 748 22.8% 1,326 19.4% 1,328 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 185 USA TOTAL (@ RI Cost above) 410,000 TOTAL @ Local Costs ($mils) "'* after Geographic COLA's see Appendices F thru J 378,504 -7.7% APPENDIX F: $2.2T FUNDING & SPENDING BY STATE & CO-OP EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 23 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents FUNDING: WHO’S PAYING THE MONEY (BASED ON CO-OP FUNDING PROPOSAL & CURRENT FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL) WORKING FAMILIES BUSINESS/EMPLOYERS STATE & LOCAL GOV’T STATE MEDICAID FEDERAL MEDICAID FEDERAL MEDICARE FEDERAL OTHER RE-DISTRIBUTE GOV’T $220 BIL $743 BIL $200 BIL $127 BIL $365 BIL $515 BIL $220 BIL ($153) TOTAL ………………………. $2,237 BIL FUNDING DETAIL BY CO-OP (NEXT 11 SLIDES) APPENDIX F: NOTES ON FUNDING (page 1 of 3) Two tables FUNDING & SPENDING. The $2.2 Trillion CO-OP FUNDING depicted on the next 8 slides is based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21. The following methods & assumptions apply: WORKING FAMILIES: pay based on ability as follows: 2% of wages or AGI if less than $20k, 4% of wages or AGI if greater than $20k to a max of $100 per week (see A7 for RI example). Also See E6 at end of table. Accordingly a $19k income pays $7 per week, a $40k income pays $30/wk, $80k income pays $60/wk, a $100k income pays $77/wk, a $130k income and above would max out at $100/wk. These payments are in addition to medicare but in place of employer or private plans. This would also include a life insurance benefit (see E2). COVERAGE IS NOT BASED ON EMPLOYMENT. Anyone who lives or works in an area can join the CO-OP & must contribute. This formula would generate $800 mil in RI and an estimated $220 bil nationwide after adjusting for population and per capita income versus RI. For example, Birmingham, AL (AL1) has a population of 2 mil (twice RI’s) but a per capita income 18% less (H). Therefore we estimate the working families in this area would contribute $1.3 bil toward their health care (800m x 2 -18%). Conversely, San Jose, CA (CA18) has a population of 1.8 mil and a per capita income 36% higher than RI’s. That would be 800 mil x 1.8 or $1.4 bil from working families. Since health costs in San Jose are 5% higher than in RI we estimated that $1.5 bil ($1.4 + 5%) would be contributed from working families in San Jose. In areas with higher per cap incomes than RI, increases were limited to health care COLA vs RI to avoid over estimating contributions. If per cap. income was higher & health cost not higher, only pop was adjusted. These funds are contributed to the local CO-OP (self-insured buying group). The CO-OP negotiates funding provider’s budgets (not fee-for-service or billing the patient). Any increases or decreases to these rates must be agreed to by a vote of patients as part of an annual or biennial contract renewal between CO-OP and providers. Only individuals vote (no Gov’t, Business, Unions). These entities provide defined contributions under 5 to 10 year agreements. No vote. BUSINESS/EMPLOYERS: The example provided here is based on wages paid, but every business must pay a fair share (based on sales, assets, income etc) and can’t avoid paying by shifting employment offshore for example. Employers pay 5% on 1st $10k in wages paid to an employee, 10% on the next $10k and 15% on the next $10k, 20% on APPENDIX F: NOTES ON FUNDING (page 2 of 3) wages over $30k to a max health payment of $1,000 per month. Accordingly, a $15k job would require a $1,000 annual health payment a $30k job a $3,000 annual payment, a $45k job a $9,000 annual payment and a $60k or above job a $12,000 annual payment (see A7 for RI example). Also See E7 & E8 at end of table. These payments are in addition to medicare but in place of employer or private plans. COVERAGE IS NOT BASED ON EMPLOYMENT. Anyone who lives or works in an area can join the CO-OP & must contribute. This formula would generate $2.7 bil in RI and an estimated $743 bil nationwide after adjusting for population and per capita income versus RI. For example, Birmingham, AL (AL1) has a population of 2 mil (twice RI’s) but a per capita income 18% less. Therefore we estimate the businesses in this area would contribute $4.4 bil toward health care costs (2.7b x 2 -18%). Conversely, San Jose, CA (CA18) has a population of 1.8 mil and a per capita income 36% higher than RI’s (H). That would be 2.7 bil x 1.8 or $4.9 bil from businesses. Since health costs in San Jose are 5% higher than in RI we estimated that $5.2 bil ($4.9 + 5%) would be contributed from businesses in San Jose. In areas with higher per cap incomes than RI, increases were limited to health care COLA vs RI to avoid over estimating contributions. If per cap. income was higher & health cost not higher, only pop was adjusted. These funds are contributed to the local CO-OP (self-insured buying group). The CO-OP negotiates funding provider’s budgets (not fee-for-service or billing the patient). Any increases or decreases to these rates are governed by 5 to 10 year contracts between the business & CO-OP. These are defined contribution agreements adjusted for population & inflation over time. Any agreed provider costs not covered by Business & Government contributions are paid by individuals via the CO-OP. Only individuals vote (no Gov’t, Business, Unions). A national council of CO-OPs would negotiate agreements with Global, National, and Multi-State businesses as well as purchase agreements with Pharma, device manufacturers and other common providers. Buyers in charge. FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENTS: would contribute at current levels (see I, J, K & L at the end of the table for details). Like businesses, any change to these defined contributions for population & inflation will be governed by 5 to 10 years agreements with the CO-OP. Only individuals vote (no Gov’t, Business, Unions). There would be a limited number of plans (4 to 6) or menu of benefits available in all 185 CO-OPs nationwide. “Medicare-Like” but little or no fee-for-service. APPENDIX F: NOTES ON FUNDING (page 3 of 3) FUNDING RE-DISTRIBUTION: this is the amount by which funding (as defined above) needs to be adjusted to equal 106% of spending (as defined herein) in each CO-OP. It is assumed this is adjusted to Federal, State & Local Government Funding, as presented on the following 8 slides, saving $153 billion per year on government budgets (10% of current government health spending). As with expected “savings” in hospitals & drug SPENDING, it is unlikely this “savings” in government FUNDING will actually be realized. It is more likely it will simply be used to fund more health activity for an aging population over time (2x +65 pop). The benefit will be to keep total cost in the $2.3 trillion range (ex-inflation), 100% access even as the current population ages. We already spend more than enough money. More savings are very likely as 185 large customers (CO-OPs) demand value & cost reductions rather than seek increased contributions (payroll deductions) from voting patients. Government & business contributions to the CO-OPs are known & defined under public contracts. CO-OPs would report as public companies do today with their own version of 10-Ks on a quarterly or biannual basis. Increased financial & health info transparency will further reduce cost & improve health awareness. What areas are improving health & costs and what areas are not. Buyers in charge…. a completely changed dynamic in the health market. “SPEND @ LOCAL COST”: this is the total spending expected in each CO-OP after adjusting for health pricing levels vs RI. These costs are detailed in the second table (in this appendix F) which follows this first table on funding. “VS. ’09 BASE”: this compares “SPEND @ LOCAL COST” to health spending at the state level in 2009. Source http://www.cms.gov/NationalHealthExpendData/downloads/resident-state-estimates.zip (Dec 2011). As posted on http://www.statehealthfacts.org/comparemaptable.jsp?ind=261&cat=5 In nine states, we calculated CO-OP spending more than 5% less than the 2009 base (AK, DE, FL, KS, MD, NV, TX, WA, WY). CO-OP spending was based on current activity in the state, which was costed at RI cost, then a COLA was applied. Therefore it is likely any difference vs. 2009 base is related to rates not amount of health care activity in the area. Also, MD should likely be look at with DC as a total area in this regard. STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) PER CAP. INCOME vs RI AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL MAP 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) Working Families (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% -18% -20% -24% -21% 1,313 790 942 3,045 4,432 2,665 3,180 10,276 1,180 727 910 2,818 325 175 266 766 1,833 987 1,498 4,318 3,507 2,387 2,872 8,766 2,034 1,253 1,569 4,856 (1,629) (843) (1,060) (3,532) 12,994 8,142 10,177 31,313 MAP +20% +3% 682 2,301 783 405 1,199 602 1,233 (875) 6,330 SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base 12,259 7,681 9,600 29,540 100% 5,971 94% AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL MAP -6% -14% -3% -21% -12% 885 989 1,323 1,294 4,491 2,986 3,338 4,465 4,367 15,157 595 729 862 1,038 3,224 227 399 380 519 1,525 1,206 2,122 2,019 2,757 8,103 1,357 1,249 3,539 3,067 9,212 843 1,033 1,221 1,471 4,569 (1,520) (1,600) (2,300) (2,341) (7,762) 6,580 8,260 11,508 12,171 38,519 6,207 7,792 10,857 11,482 36,339 102% AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL MAP -25% -28% -27% 961 753 1,714 3,245 2,542 5,786 917 746 1,662 446 363 809 2,206 1,795 4,001 2,845 2,231 5,076 1,173 954 2,126 (639) (417) (1,056) 11,153 8,966 20,119 10,522 8,458 18,980 107% CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) +2% CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) +33% CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) -32% CA-Alameda County +18% CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside -34% CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside +27% CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. +7% CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos -6% CA-LA Southeast -38% CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) -23% CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) -6% CA-Sacramento (11 counties) 0% CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) -14% CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties -24% CA-San Diego (City of) +14% CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) -1% CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) +5% +63% CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) +5% +36% CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County +5% +42% CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura +4% CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties +23% MAP 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL +1% 1,127 1,281 1,374 1,208 1,109 1,775 1,710 1,620 603 983 1,168 1,975 1,509 1,255 1,046 1,547 888 1,543 824 1,546 1,170 27,262 3,805 4,323 4,638 4,078 3,742 5,992 5,771 5,467 2,036 3,317 3,943 6,665 5,094 4,235 3,530 5,221 2,998 5,208 2,781 5,216 3,948 92,008 1,060 1,204 1,892 1,136 1,579 1,669 1,607 1,620 909 1,195 1,164 1,864 1,647 1,545 983 1,476 795 1,381 738 1,453 1,100 28,017 401 474 1,492 443 1,597 665 796 693 517 748 610 906 827 947 501 642 306 461 247 698 391 14,364 1,108 1,310 4,123 1,225 4,412 1,838 2,200 1,914 1,429 2,066 1,686 2,503 2,285 2,615 1,384 1,773 846 1,275 684 1,930 1,080 39,686 2,233 2,405 3,100 2,170 2,530 3,602 2,868 3,601 1,509 2,284 3,020 3,992 3,345 2,391 1,811 3,072 1,964 2,630 1,623 3,055 2,289 55,495 757 860 1,352 812 1,128 1,193 1,149 1,158 649 854 832 1,332 1,177 1,104 703 1,055 568 987 527 1,038 786 20,019 (1,367) (1,605) (3,229) (1,460) (3,592) (2,916) (3,375) (2,624) (607) (1,399) (1,856) (3,119) (1,888) (1,636) (1,674) (2,130) (806) (1,269) (664) (2,437) (1,325) (40,978) 9,125 10,252 14,742 9,612 12,505 13,818 12,727 13,449 7,046 10,047 10,568 16,118 13,996 12,454 8,284 12,657 7,560 12,217 6,760 12,499 9,439 235,874 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 8,608 9,671 13,908 9,068 11,797 13,036 12,006 12,687 6,647 9,478 9,970 15,206 13,204 11,749 7,815 11,940 7,132 11,525 6,378 11,792 8,905 222,522 97% STATE/ CO-OP $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) PER CAP. Working INCOME Families vs RI (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL MAP +3% -11% +2% +28% +4% 737 995 1,365 806 3,903 2,487 3,359 4,607 2,720 13,173 607 919 1,125 664 3,316 342 495 651 179 1,668 754 1,090 1,435 395 3,674 1,051 1,858 1,737 1,080 5,727 791 1,198 1,466 866 4,321 (1,188) (1,230) (1,700) (412) (4,530) 5,583 8,684 10,687 6,298 31,252 5,267 8,193 10,082 5,941 29,483 98% CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL MAP +15% +40% +28% 1,436 1,423 2,859 4,846 4,804 9,650 1,375 1,363 2,739 2,212 2,529 4,741 2,380 2,720 5,100 3,444 3,300 6,744 839 832 1,670 (49) (693) (743) 16,483 16,278 32,761 15,550 15,356 30,907 102% 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) MAP +43% 481 1,625 723 - 2,140 933 5,229 (4,603) 6,528 6,158 99% 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) MAP +1% 718 2,424 596 662 1,399 1,648 717 (1,029) 7,136 6,732 90% FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL MAP 0% +13% -4% -20% -21% -12% -7% -19% -17% 0% -2% -7% 1,392 1,395 1,033 1,653 729 785 1,384 776 942 2,001 1,677 13,767 4,697 4,709 3,487 5,580 2,461 2,649 4,670 2,618 3,178 6,752 5,661 46,462 912 910 702 1,340 599 582 973 628 742 1,299 1,119 9,804 338 376 267 670 314 239 364 258 381 528 459 4,194 1,310 1,460 1,034 2,600 1,220 928 1,414 1,000 1,480 2,050 1,780 16,276 3,294 5,012 2,147 4,803 2,734 2,901 3,080 4,109 2,506 7,911 4,472 42,970 1,103 1,101 849 1,621 724 705 1,177 759 898 1,572 1,354 11,864 (1,577) (2,082) (1,481) (253) (1,561) (1,247) (1,838) (1,779) (1,835) (3,125) (2,831) (19,608) 11,469 12,881 8,037 18,015 7,221 7,542 11,225 8,369 8,291 18,988 13,690 125,728 10,820 12,152 7,582 16,995 6,812 7,115 10,589 7,896 7,822 17,913 12,916 118,612 90% GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL MAP -19% +11% -10% -27% -31% -12% 1,328 1,815 1,667 995 762 6,567 4,483 6,124 5,628 3,357 2,573 22,165 1,071 1,192 1,213 892 724 5,091 437 452 456 468 404 2,218 1,664 1,723 1,738 1,782 1,540 8,447 3,021 2,704 2,396 2,492 2,187 12,799 1,710 1,903 1,937 1,423 1,155 8,128 (1,207) (2,589) (1,834) (867) (1,579) (8,076) 12,506 13,324 13,201 10,542 7,768 57,340 11,798 12,569 12,453 9,945 7,328 54,094 101% STATE/ CO-OP $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) PER CAP. INCOME vs RI Working Families (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) MAP 0% 1,092 3,686 873 550 1,222 1,671 2,465 (2,489) 9,069 8,555 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) MAP -22% 978 3,300 780 407 1,554 1,907 1,198 (132) 9,992 9,427 108% MAP -9% -9% -5% +14% +31% -12% -18% 0% 1,116 639 2,047 1,639 1,614 1,167 1,306 9,528 3,767 2,157 6,909 5,532 5,446 3,938 4,407 32,156 991 569 1,749 1,330 1,309 1,081 1,296 8,325 578 324 1,803 548 444 678 972 5,348 1,362 762 4,248 1,291 1,046 1,597 2,291 12,597 2,234 1,568 3,583 2,996 3,329 3,182 4,010 20,902 837 481 1,477 1,122 1,105 913 1,094 7,029 171 85 18 166 179 77 61 2,757 11,056 6,585 21,834 14,625 14,472 12,633 15,437 98,641 10,902 6,589 19,466 14,457 14,691 12,107 14,846 93,058 107% IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 MAP 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL -19% -21% -8% -19% -16% 1,073 998 1,514 782 4,368 3,622 3,368 5,110 2,640 14,740 870 833 1,080 634 3,416 389 372 485 261 1,508 1,571 1,499 1,958 1,053 6,081 2,801 2,660 3,076 2,031 10,569 892 855 1,108 650 3,505 603 685 (92) 522 1,719 11,822 11,270 14,239 8,573 45,905 11,153 10,632 13,433 8,088 43,306 101% IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL MAP -11% -13% -12% 1,228 911 2,139 4,145 3,074 7,219 1,182 894 2,076 398 325 724 1,824 1,488 3,312 2,722 1,996 4,718 1,040 787 1,827 920 1,292 2,212 13,460 10,767 24,227 12,698 10,158 22,856 110% KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL MAP -20% -2% -11% 910 1,130 2,041 3,072 3,815 6,887 968 985 1,953 512 498 1,009 1,433 1,393 2,826 2,396 1,974 4,370 1,184 1,204 2,387 (1,154) (1,430) (2,584) 9,319 9,569 18,888 8,792 9,027 17,819 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) MAP 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL -24% -19% -22% 1,275 1,441 2,716 4,303 4,864 9,167 1,118 1,183 2,301 677 579 1,255 2,969 2,538 5,508 3,668 4,138 7,807 1,710 1,810 3,520 (538) (428) (966) 15,183 16,126 31,309 14,324 15,213 29,537 104% LA1 LA2 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL MAP -26% -16% -21% 1,227 1,635 2,862 4,141 5,517 9,658 1,308 1,534 2,842 676 695 1,371 3,027 3,116 6,143 4,166 4,395 8,561 1,413 1,657 3,070 507 171 678 16,465 18,720 35,185 15,533 17,661 33,194 109% IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL 97% 93% STATE/ CO-OP $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) MD1 MD2 MD3 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 PER CAP. INCOME vs RI Working Families (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base MAP -13% 929 3,135 684 614 1,668 2,491 1,219 3,795 14,536 13,713 122% MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL MAP +9% +42% +18% +20% 2,059 1,166 1,393 4,619 6,951 3,936 4,702 15,589 1,896 1,074 1,283 4,253 1,521 594 668 2,783 3,753 1,465 1,647 6,865 4,617 2,498 2,421 9,536 3,970 2,248 2,686 8,904 (8,406) (2,397) (2,704) (13,507) 16,361 10,584 12,095 39,041 15,435 9,985 11,411 36,831 +10% +13% +10% +37% +10% +21% 1,289 1,323 1,722 1,267 5,601 4,352 4,464 5,811 4,275 18,902 992 1,018 1,325 1,098 4,432 3,235 1,754 2,538 3,131 10,659 3,359 1,821 2,635 3,251 11,066 2,556 2,787 4,272 3,161 12,775 845 867 1,128 936 3,775 (874) 1,926 2,277 (1,003) 2,326 15,754 15,958 21,708 16,117 69,537 14,862 15,055 20,479 15,205 65,601 107% 5,113 5,480 4,020 4,884 3,246 22,743 1,232 1,499 1,104 1,333 716 5,884 366 588 400 414 146 1,913 2,171 3,496 2,373 2,457 865 11,361 3,911 4,684 3,801 4,592 2,237 19,226 983 1,196 881 1,064 571 4,696 (599) (547) 578 30 152 (386) 14,693 18,021 14,349 16,220 8,895 72,177 13,861 17,001 13,536 15,302 8,391 68,091 103% MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL MAP -2% +17% 86% MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL MAP -8% -19% -20% -19% -12% 1,515 1,624 1,191 1,447 962 6,739 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL MAP -17% +10% +4% +3% 664 1,913 1,529 4,106 2,241 6,457 5,160 13,858 670 1,601 1,280 3,551 814 1,567 1,368 3,749 1,776 3,420 2,984 8,180 1,726 3,101 2,647 7,473 569 1,360 1,087 3,017 310 22 (242) 89 8,769 19,442 15,812 44,023 8,273 18,341 14,917 41,532 107% MS1 MS2 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL MAP -31% -32% -32% 871 760 1,630 2,938 2,564 5,503 917 806 1,723 216 170 386 2,152 1,693 3,845 2,909 2,765 5,674 1,259 1,107 2,366 (259) (637) (895) 11,002 9,230 20,232 10,379 8,708 19,087 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) MAP 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL -28% -13% +4% -28% -15% 1,020 1,036 1,426 550 4,031 3,443 3,495 4,812 1,855 13,606 923 779 931 495 3,128 628 394 425 309 1,756 2,301 1,444 1,554 1,132 6,431 3,360 2,448 2,972 1,664 10,444 1,429 1,206 1,441 767 4,843 952 447 701 997 3,097 14,056 11,251 14,262 7,768 47,337 13,260 10,614 13,455 7,328 44,657 107% MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 +27% 98% STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) PER CAP. Working INCOME Families vs RI (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) MAP -20% 634 2,139 593 175 806 1,360 1,079 937 7,723 7,286 113% 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) MAP -14% 1,257 4,241 1,319 710 1,890 2,745 1,398 (516) 13,045 12,306 97% NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL MAP -5% -3% -4% 1,524 546 2,070 5,143 1,842 6,985 1,147 401 1,548 434 150 585 1,033 358 1,391 2,588 1,036 3,624 1,262 441 1,703 (2,221) (1,059) (3,280) 10,909 3,715 14,624 10,291 3,505 13,796 91% 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) MAP +7% 1,127 3,803 792 518 1,151 2,076 874 1,279 11,621 10,963 106% NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL MAP +22% 0% +27% +37% +10% +21% 1,325 1,116 1,125 1,903 1,564 7,032 4,470 3,767 3,797 6,422 5,278 23,734 1,419 1,197 1,205 2,038 1,675 7,535 743 963 896 992 1,613 5,206 1,355 1,755 1,633 1,808 2,941 9,493 3,861 2,729 2,810 4,331 3,194 16,923 836 705 710 1,200 986 4,437 (1,067) (1,637) (1,478) (1,252) (3,606) (9,041) 12,941 10,595 10,698 17,441 13,645 65,320 12,208 9,995 10,093 16,454 12,872 61,622 93% 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) MAP -21% 1,296 4,374 1,269 789 3,764 2,689 2,184 (2,313) 14,052 13,257 99% NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL MAP -3% +5% -40% -13% +5% -12% +5% +42% 1,514 670 1,009 1,577 1,125 1,254 1,609 1,890 1,387 963 1,233 14,232 5,111 2,262 3,406 5,321 3,798 4,234 5,429 6,380 4,680 3,251 4,163 48,034 1,801 1,278 1,341 2,057 1,235 1,377 2,310 1,895 1,599 1,258 1,721 17,873 768 1,339 707 983 252 291 1,856 1,081 588 618 944 9,426 4,316 7,523 3,973 5,523 1,414 1,634 10,431 6,078 3,305 3,474 5,304 52,974 4,083 2,082 3,280 4,088 2,934 2,887 4,124 3,918 3,361 2,749 3,972 37,479 903 641 672 1,032 619 691 1,158 950 802 631 863 8,961 1,591 (1,522) (2,115) 2,937 3,164 3,330 1,852 2,065 1,643 (385) 1,204 13,765 20,090 14,272 12,274 23,518 14,541 15,697 28,768 24,257 17,365 12,559 19,404 202,745 18,952 13,465 11,579 22,187 13,718 14,808 27,140 22,884 16,382 11,848 18,306 191,269 117% +5% +23% +15% -20% +15% +86% +40% -12% -17% +7% STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) PER CAP. INCOME vs RI Working Families (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL MAP -4% -17% -22% -9% -19% -14% 1,517 1,300 927 1,458 1,359 6,561 5,120 4,386 3,129 4,920 4,588 22,144 1,170 1,166 877 1,188 1,249 5,650 625 785 610 641 734 3,395 2,023 2,538 1,973 2,075 2,376 10,985 2,714 3,212 2,645 2,579 4,225 15,374 1,554 1,547 1,165 1,577 1,658 7,501 (989) (568) 312 (1,395) (2,667) (5,307) 13,734 14,365 11,638 13,043 13,523 66,303 12,956 13,552 10,979 12,305 12,757 62,550 104% 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) MAP -13% 470 1,587 475 204 678 937 750 1,477 6,580 6,207 124% MAP -18% -7% -9% -14% -15% -12% -18% -13% 1,315 1,131 1,681 746 1,370 1,137 637 8,015 4,437 3,817 5,673 2,517 4,623 3,836 2,148 27,052 1,217 929 1,409 656 1,232 988 589 7,022 2,193 1,547 2,583 999 2,691 1,519 1,042 12,574 2,589 1,826 3,050 1,179 3,177 1,794 1,231 14,846 4,080 2,530 4,570 1,964 3,072 3,036 1,745 20,997 1,188 907 1,376 641 1,203 965 575 6,855 (1,587) (878) (409) 791 37 (1,143) (748) (3,938) 15,433 11,810 19,933 9,492 17,405 12,130 7,220 93,423 14,559 11,142 18,805 8,955 16,420 11,444 6,811 88,135 108% MAP -21% -22% -21% 1,410 960 2,370 4,757 3,241 7,998 1,189 818 2,007 656 455 1,111 2,435 1,688 4,123 3,738 2,712 6,450 2,334 1,607 3,940 (2,201) (1,485) (3,686) 14,319 9,996 24,314 13,508 9,430 22,938 OR1 OR2 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL MAP -19% -1% -9% 1,138 1,637 2,775 3,839 5,525 9,365 1,134 1,331 2,465 460 415 875 1,591 1,437 3,028 2,896 2,518 5,414 1,199 1,408 2,607 1,303 1,384 2,687 13,560 15,656 29,215 12,792 14,770 27,562 110% PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) MAP 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL -11% -25% -19% +2% 1,118 846 1,008 1,610 1,587 891 1,324 612 8,997 3,773 2,857 3,401 5,435 5,357 3,008 4,469 2,065 30,366 900 803 886 1,153 1,137 874 992 532 7,276 894 1,036 847 911 598 1,828 1,071 559 7,744 1,776 2,058 1,682 1,811 1,188 3,632 2,128 1,112 15,386 3,363 2,996 3,352 3,823 3,860 2,441 3,922 2,153 25,910 1,044 931 1,027 1,337 1,318 1,014 1,150 617 8,439 112 (496) (161) (125) 2,496 (287) (1,297) (245) (5) 12,980 11,031 12,040 15,956 17,541 13,402 13,759 7,405 104,115 12,245 10,406 11,359 15,053 16,548 12,644 12,980 6,986 98,222 101% OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OK1 OK2 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL +26% -27% -4% -18% -7% 95% STATE/ CO-OP $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) PER CAP. INCOME vs RI Working Families (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base MAP 0% 842 2,842 710 894 2,028 1,988 837 (27) 10,115 MAP -16% -21% -19% -19% 1,096 942 970 3,008 3,699 3,179 3,274 10,152 889 817 813 2,518 268 241 216 725 1,976 1,779 1,596 5,350 2,892 2,456 2,511 7,860 1,421 1,306 1,300 4,027 (1,852) (830) (1,854) (4,535) 10,388 9,891 8,826 29,105 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) -18% 533 1,799 427 294 828 1,194 857 281 6,214 5,862 102% TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) MAP 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL -19% -7% -20% -22% -17% 997 1,069 1,037 1,085 4,188 3,365 3,609 3,499 3,661 14,134 758 705 791 856 3,110 918 624 763 880 3,185 2,257 1,534 1,876 2,164 7,830 2,488 2,129 2,984 3,666 11,268 937 872 979 1,059 3,848 (1,008) (869) (474) (1,258) (3,610) 10,712 9,674 11,455 12,112 43,953 10,106 9,126 10,807 11,426 41,465 103% TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) MAP 14 TEXAS- TOTAL -26% -3% -15% -9% -3% -2% -10% +7% +1% -33% -8% -24% -44% -28% -15% 687 1,727 1,138 1,523 1,544 897 1,703 1,170 721 864 1,630 1,647 881 925 17,056 2,320 5,828 3,840 5,139 5,211 3,027 5,746 3,950 2,432 2,916 5,500 5,560 2,975 3,121 57,564 712 1,368 1,026 1,291 1,225 706 1,456 900 554 991 1,354 1,676 1,219 982 15,462 129 200 171 283 158 75 284 99 58 208 199 328 374 203 2,769 954 1,482 1,263 2,093 1,171 554 2,102 734 426 1,544 1,474 2,431 2,766 1,505 20,501 2,076 2,738 2,903 2,647 2,169 1,565 2,920 2,108 1,145 2,722 3,000 4,330 3,127 3,163 36,613 738 1,417 1,063 1,337 1,269 732 1,508 932 574 1,027 1,403 1,736 1,263 1,017 16,015 (593) (1,753) (1,387) (2,453) (2,102) (1,133) (1,724) (1,116) (640) (588) (2,160) (2,579) (1,370) (1,470) (21,068) 7,023 13,008 10,017 11,860 10,646 6,422 13,996 8,777 5,268 9,683 12,400 15,130 11,235 9,446 144,913 -16% -29% -21% 1,207 546 1,754 4,075 1,843 5,918 1,004 538 1,542 191 136 326 1,003 714 1,717 1,571 914 2,485 1,530 820 2,350 (520) (334) (854) 10,061 5,177 15,238 SC1 SC2 SC3 UT1 UT2 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL MAP 9,542 109% 9,800 9,331 8,327 27,457 6,626 12,272 9,450 11,189 10,043 6,059 13,204 8,280 4,970 9,135 11,698 14,274 10,599 8,912 136,710 95% 93% 9,492 4,884 14,376 103% STATE/ CO-OP $2.2T EXPECTED TOTAL FUNDING (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) PER CAP. INCOME vs RI Working Families (mils $) Business/ State & Employers Local (mils $) (mils $) State Federal Medicaid Medicaid (mils $) (mils $) Federal Medicare (mils $) Federal Other (mils $) Funding Re-Dist. (mils $) Total Funding @ 106% SPEND @ vs. Local Cost '09 (mils $) Base MAP -6% 473 1,595 444 215 1,087 1,026 483 205 5,527 5,214 110% VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL MAP +54% 2,020 1,265 1,345 1,384 6,014 6,818 4,268 4,540 4,671 20,297 1,543 1,208 1,080 1,057 4,887 654 1,252 842 825 3,573 1,050 2,010 1,352 1,324 5,737 2,549 3,426 2,305 2,332 10,612 3,578 2,801 2,505 2,451 11,335 (3,278) (3,451) (1,566) (1,830) (10,126) 14,934 12,779 12,404 12,212 52,328 14,088 12,056 11,701 11,521 49,366 100% WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL MAP -1% -6% +2% 929 1,545 1,271 1,273 5,017 3,136 5,214 4,288 4,296 16,934 1,129 1,458 1,217 1,273 5,076 1,308 991 943 1,097 4,340 2,165 1,640 1,561 1,815 7,180 2,023 2,211 2,294 2,162 8,689 1,321 1,706 1,423 1,490 5,940 (2,278) (2,750) (2,531) (3,794) (11,352) 9,731 12,016 10,466 9,611 41,824 9,180 11,336 9,874 9,067 39,457 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) MAP -27% 1,083 3,656 977 380 2,956 3,838 1,581 1,666 16,137 15,224 109% WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL MAP -10% -4% -4% -16% -8% 879 883 1,726 724 4,211 2,965 2,980 5,824 2,445 14,214 739 693 1,350 649 3,432 242 260 576 254 1,332 1,027 1,101 2,445 1,075 5,648 2,008 1,663 3,186 1,802 8,658 614 576 1,122 540 2,853 970 34 597 911 2,512 9,443 8,191 16,825 8,400 42,859 8,909 7,727 15,873 7,925 40,433 99% MAP -6% 424 1,431 595 271 619 696 589 (1,153) 3,472 3,276 85% MAP -5% 220,306 743,534 200,000 127,000 365,000 515,000 220,000 -153,077 2,237,763 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 185 USA TOTAL FUNDING TOTAL BACK -20% -5% +1% +10% -22% +32% H G E6 E7 E8 L J I K Total CO-OP Funding 87% 2,111,097 101% Spending Next 9 Slides APPENDIX F (continued) SPEND: WHO’S GETTING THE MONEY (BASED ON EXPECTED CO-OP ACTIVITY & CURRENT UTILIZATION) PRIMARY CARE PC- DIET. & TRAIN. HOSPITALS HOSP. SAVINGS MD FEES NURS HOME/ HOME CARE RE-INVEST SAVINGS- ELDER DRUGS DRUG SAVINGS NON-DURABLE/OTHER TOTAL @ RI COST ……………… $450 BIL $ 12 BIL $810 BIL ($285) $151 BIL $209 BIL $370 BIL $270 BIL ($85) $410 BIL $2,312 BIL GEOGRAPHIC COLA’S TOTAL @ LOCAL COST ($201) $2,111 BIL SPENDING DETAIL BY CO-OP (NEXT 10 SLIDES) All expected Hosp & Drug savings Are consumed by Rising Nursing Home. Home Care & other Elderly related as +65 POP. Nearly doubles Thru 2030. This is broadly defined and includes “other” professional services often included with MD Fees, which is narrowly defined here (see appendix E91 ). APPENDIX F: NOTES ON SPENDING (page 1 of 2) Two tables FUNDING & SPENDING. The $2.2 Trillion CO-OP SPENDING depicted on the next 8 slides is based on the population by age In each CO-OP area as listed in E13-21. These methods & assumptions apply: PRIMARY CARE: Population age 0-1 & +65 see a doctor an average of 8 times per year. The population 2 to 64 sees a doctor 4 times per year on average. Female population 18 to 64 see an OB/GYN an average of 3 times per year. A dentist is seen twice a year and an optometrist is visited once every two years. As a result in each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. Referrals to specialists would be in addition to these visits. See E22 at the end of the table for more detailed information. That’s right, the entire population could receive the basic primary care listed above for approximately $450 billion. Makes you wonder what we spend the other $2 trillion on? HOSPITALS: The $810 BIL spent on hospitals each year was divided into three activity groups: In-Patient ($402B), Out-Patient ER & Surgery ($123B) and Out-Patient Other ($285B). See E35, E45, E55 at end of table for more detailed information. The CO-OP would fully support the first two groups and would heavily scrutinize the third group. Much of this activity (often routine lab & imaging) would stop or be pushed back to the primary care setting at half the cost or less. Also, nearly 30% of the beds staffed in the USA are not used. CO-OPs would exclude these excesses from hospital funding and reverse the explosion of hospital costs of the past 10 years. See E65 at the end of this table for more info on hospital utilization rates in each state. Shrink and focus hospitals. They will make up the revenue as the population ages (the +65 pop uses the hospital 4x more than the under 65 pop). MD FEES: There are 837k doctors in the USA (MD’s & DO’s). As with most health resources, the country suffers from mal-distribution. For example, MA has 46 doctors per 10k people while ID has just 17.5 (less than half !!). The average for the country is 27.1 per 10k. Assuming all states have between 25 & 30 doctors per 10k (USA average +/10% more than allowing for demographic differences) this would require 849k doctors or a current shortage of 14k. Thru CO-OP activity, it is expected that 268k of these would be engaged in primary care as described above. 303k are likely employees of hospitals, governments and corporations. The remaining 278k are engaged in private practice, although this number shrinks with the continued expansion of hospitals. Total fees paid to these 278k doctors would be $151 billion. CO-OP activity would drive better distribution of all health resources including doctors. See E91 at the end of the table for more details. APPENDIX F: NOTES ON SPENDING (page 2 of 2) NURSING HOMES/HOME CARE: The cost of this service is estimated to be $209 billion. Consisting of 1.7 mil nursing home beds ($135B) plus 1.1 billion home care days ($74B). However, the +65 population is expected to nearly double by 2030 before becoming stable and growing at rates similar to the general population thereafter. Accordingly any expected savings in hospital & drug spending are expected to be re-invested in added nursing home, home care and other elder activity. See E71 at the end of the table for more info. DRUGS: There are an estimated 4.5 billion prescriptions dispensed every year at a cost of $270 billion. Number of prescriptions & prices vary widely by state and age group. Although the national average is 12.1 prescriptions per person, the 0-18 age group is 4.1, 19-64 is 11.9 and the +65 group is 28. Pharma is one of the most profitable industries on the planet and one only need watch an hour of television to see they spend an enormous amount on advertising to create demand. CO-OP bulk buying could easily cut these costs by 1/3. Although the industry will recover the revenue in volume as the population ages. See E81 at the end of the table for more information. NON-DURABLE/OTHER: ($410 B) is broadly defined and includes “Medical Durables”, “Other health, residential and personal care”. It also includes fees for other professional services often included with Physician Fees. See E104 at end of table for more information. COLA’s: Using data provided by researchers at C2ER, we compare key expenses in dozens of major cities. Costs include housing, utilities, transportation and health care. Data is generated from an average of the past four quarters ending March 2010. http://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/costofliving/costofliving.html See appendix H at the end of the table for more information. NOTE: ALL ITEMS ABOVE ARE PRESENTED AT RI COST. A COLA IS THEN APPLIED TO ESTIMATE LOCAL COST. STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Primary Care (mils $) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Increase Elderly Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL 2,922 1,805 2,256 6,983 78 48 60 186 5,419 3,370 4,278 13,067 (1,421) (902) (1,115) (3,437) 1,051 659 819 2,529 1,333 908 1,092 3,332 2,172 1,372 1,697 5,241 2,387 1,494 1,849 5,730 (751) (470) (582) (1,804) 2,133 1,318 1,647 5,099 15,323 9,601 12,001 36,925 7,655 7,783 7,771 7,725 -20% -20% -20% -20% 12,259 7,681 9,600 29,540 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) 1,004 27 1,744 (815) 313 104 937 388 (122) 1,397 4,976 7,006 +20% 5,971 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL 1,696 2,052 2,544 2,991 9,283 45 55 68 80 248 2,278 2,765 3,953 4,373 13,369 (543) (623) (951) (1,021) (3,138) 507 601 810 917 2,834 329 303 858 744 2,234 839 969 1,429 1,556 4,793 940 1,101 1,518 1,700 5,259 (296) (346) (478) (535) (1,656) 1,102 1,326 1,677 1,953 6,058 6,897 8,203 11,428 12,758 39,286 5,846 5,674 6,688 6,199 6,146 -10% -5% -5% -10% -7% 6,207 7,792 10,857 11,482 36,339 AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL 2,353 1,905 4,258 63 51 114 4,171 3,360 7,531 (1,061) (853) (1,915) 834 674 1,508 1,383 1,085 2,468 1,566 1,257 2,823 1,602 1,282 2,884 (504) (404) (908) 1,972 1,594 3,566 12,379 9,951 22,330 7,699 7,607 7,658 -15% -15% -15% 10,522 8,458 18,980 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 2,041 54 2,314 62 3,566 95 2,190 58 80 2,998 87 3,245 82 3,076 84 3,138 46 1,724 2,274 61 2,268 61 3,591 96 84 3,142 2,918 78 1,889 50 2,835 76 1,563 42 2,647 71 1,430 38 2,791 75 2,117 57 53,758 1,435 2,730 3,061 4,798 2,859 4,150 4,323 4,010 4,227 2,226 3,048 3,168 4,837 4,228 3,758 2,477 3,790 2,133 3,475 1,920 3,749 2,823 71,791 (847) (949) (1,422) (885) (1,181) (1,342) (1,232) (1,313) (685) (931) (988) (1,496) (1,303) (1,147) (759) (1,175) (665) (1,075) (596) (1,160) (876) (22,027) 596 672 1,031 630 858 941 884 917 496 663 675 1,050 921 837 543 828 457 766 417 816 617 15,616 761 819 1,056 740 862 1,228 977 1,227 514 778 1,029 1,360 1,140 815 617 1,047 669 896 553 1,041 780 18,911 1,187 1,332 1,977 1,246 1,654 1,894 1,731 1,845 956 1,297 1,387 2,095 1,815 1,599 1,072 1,647 945 1,510 839 1,627 1,227 30,882 1,081 1,218 1,764 1,148 1,504 1,751 1,586 1,689 860 1,162 1,268 1,904 1,625 1,436 994 1,498 889 1,380 772 1,481 1,116 28,127 (340) (383) (555) (361) (473) (551) (499) (532) (271) (366) (399) (599) (512) (452) (313) (472) (280) (434) (243) (466) (351) (8,854) 1,345 1,524 2,330 1,444 1,965 2,147 2,023 2,073 1,130 1,491 1,502 2,368 2,063 1,908 1,244 1,867 1,038 1,741 945 1,838 1,395 35,381 8,608 9,671 14,640 9,068 12,418 13,722 12,638 13,355 6,997 9,478 9,970 15,206 13,204 11,749 7,815 11,940 6,792 10,976 6,074 11,792 8,905 225,019 6,108 6,041 5,818 6,004 5,916 6,184 5,913 6,199 5,790 5,965 6,440 6,135 6,030 5,721 5,978 6,084 6,422 5,975 6,193 6,104 6,089 6,040 0% 0% -5% 0% -5% -5% -5% -5% -5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% +5% +5% +5% 0% 0% -1% 8,608 9,671 13,908 9,068 11,797 13,036 12,006 12,687 6,647 9,478 9,970 15,206 13,204 11,749 7,815 11,940 7,132 11,525 6,378 11,792 8,905 222,522 STATE/ CO-OP $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Primary Care (mils $) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Increase Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Elderly Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver City of & East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL 1,329 2,019 2,451 1,447 7,246 35 54 65 39 193 1,899 2,966 3,445 1,989 10,299 (655) (1,034) (1,181) (706) (3,575) 388 599 708 421 2,116 432 764 714 444 2,353 861 1,351 1,553 928 4,693 655 1,008 1,183 706 3,551 (206) (317) (372) (222) (1,118) 1,113 1,693 2,048 1,209 6,063 5,852 9,103 10,613 6,254 31,822 6,354 6,529 6,219 6,207 6,327 -10% -10% -5% -5% -7% 5,267 8,193 10,082 5,941 29,483 CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL 2,631 2,601 5,232 70 69 140 4,911 4,912 9,823 (1,831) (1,797) (3,629) 874 861 1,735 1,631 1,563 3,194 2,284 2,239 4,523 1,439 1,404 2,843 (453) (442) (895) 3,995 3,946 7,941 15,550 8,664 15,356 8,631 30,907 8,647 0% 0% 0% 15,550 15,356 30,907 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) 887 24 2,951 (1,025) 441 613 1,137 357 (112) 1,210 6,482 10,773 -5% 6,158 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) 1,317 35 2,309 (736) 457 530 1,041 969 (305) 1,469 7,086 7,892 -5% 6,732 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL 2,564 2,626 1,955 3,772 1,708 1,665 2,716 1,839 2,075 3,778 3,169 27,867 68 70 52 101 46 44 73 49 55 101 85 744 3,851 4,437 2,851 5,880 2,832 2,742 3,978 3,264 3,221 6,562 4,920 44,538 (733) (851) (538) (1,075) (521) (523) (753) (632) (585) (1,267) (930) (8,407) 881 959 660 1,293 605 599 920 692 709 1,404 1,101 9,821 1,012 1,540 659 1,475 840 891 946 1,262 770 2,430 1,374 13,199 1,202 1,367 886 1,767 849 845 1,241 1,007 965 2,026 1,520 13,675 1,490 1,641 1,106 2,197 1,041 1,021 1,550 1,194 1,206 2,412 1,875 16,733 (469) (517) (348) (691) (328) (321) (488) (376) (380) (759) (590) (5,268) 2,156 2,230 1,637 3,172 1,443 1,409 2,276 1,570 1,741 3,216 2,671 23,521 12,022 13,503 8,921 17,889 8,515 8,371 12,458 9,870 9,777 19,904 15,195 136,423 6,877 7,741 6,629 6,962 7,416 7,497 6,677 8,201 6,872 7,989 7,081 7,256 -10% 10,820 -10% 12,152 -15% 7,582 -5% 16,995 -20% 6,812 -15% 7,115 -15% 10,589 -20% 7,896 -20% 7,822 -10% 17,913 -15% 12,916 -13% 118,612 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL 2,946 3,263 3,298 2,456 2,002 13,966 79 87 88 66 53 373 4,365 4,591 4,547 3,769 3,148 20,420 (1,148) (1,211) (1,196) (954) (791) (5,301) 961 1,038 1,040 799 656 4,494 1,043 934 828 861 755 4,421 1,712 1,817 1,792 1,424 1,180 7,925 1,790 1,925 1,894 1,494 1,235 8,338 (563) (606) (596) (470) (389) (2,625) 1,924 2,127 2,144 1,605 1,310 9,111 13,109 13,966 13,837 11,050 9,160 61,122 6,433 6,157 5,995 6,514 6,652 6,309 -10% -10% -10% -10% -20% -12% 11,798 12,569 12,453 9,945 7,328 54,094 STATE/ CO-OP $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Primary Care (mils $) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Increase Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Elderly Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) 1,989 53 2,628 (994) 571 409 1,368 1,187 (374) 1,311 8,148 5,990 +5% 8,555 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) 2,258 60 3,464 (1,452) 700 700 1,890 1,392 (438) 1,900 10,474 6,682 -10% 9,427 2,201 1,281 3,901 2,949 2,925 2,434 2,931 18,623 59 34 104 79 78 65 78 497 4,335 2,613 8,049 5,657 5,741 5,102 6,320 37,816 (1,723) (1,046) (2,970) (2,312) (2,351) (2,027) (2,468) (14,898) 769 457 1,339 1,032 1,036 878 1,062 6,573 1,085 761 1,740 1,455 1,617 1,545 1,948 10,152 2,128 1,289 3,683 2,851 2,900 2,496 3,042 18,389 1,285 771 2,264 1,713 1,747 1,490 1,821 11,091 (405) (243) (713) (539) (550) (469) (573) (3,491) 1,742 1,019 3,092 2,333 2,321 1,937 2,336 14,779 11,476 6,936 20,490 15,218 15,464 13,452 16,496 99,532 7,513 7,905 7,601 7,427 7,667 8,071 8,259 7,757 -5% -5% -5% -5% -5% -10% -10% -7% 10,902 6,589 19,466 14,457 14,691 12,107 14,846 93,058 IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (City of, Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & N- 17 IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 2,404 2,295 2,966 1,751 9,416 64 61 79 47 251 5,105 4,876 6,152 3,679 19,812 (2,202) (2,104) (2,641) (1,603) (8,550) 847 810 1,031 617 3,304 1,310 1,245 1,439 950 4,944 2,630 2,508 3,156 1,914 10,208 1,358 1,282 1,635 991 5,266 (428) (404) (515) (312) (1,658) 2,033 1,939 2,502 1,480 7,954 13,121 12,508 15,804 9,515 50,949 7,949 7,913 7,711 7,911 7,858 -15% -15% -15% -15% -15% 11,153 10,632 13,433 8,088 43,306 IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL 2,536 1,919 4,455 68 51 119 6,020 4,543 10,563 (3,105) (2,326) (5,432) 940 707 1,646 1,757 1,288 3,046 3,735 2,802 6,538 2,001 1,512 3,513 (630) (476) (1,106) 2,551 1,930 4,481 15,872 11,951 27,823 9,152 9,108 9,133 -20% -15% -17% 12,698 10,158 22,856 KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 2,059 2,079 4,139 55 56 110 3,886 3,729 7,615 (1,577) (1,511) (3,088) 707 695 1,402 1,228 1,012 2,241 1,968 1,897 3,865 1,242 1,225 2,467 (391) (386) (777) 1,812 1,824 3,636 10,990 10,620 21,610 7,769 7,382 7,574 -20% -15% -17% 8,792 9,027 17,819 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 3,068 3,255 6,323 82 87 169 6,658 6,965 13,623 (2,090) (2,254) (4,344) 1,154 1,235 2,388 1,398 1,577 2,974 3,016 3,239 6,255 2,941 3,130 6,071 (926) (985) (1,911) 2,605 2,767 5,372 17,905 19,016 36,921 8,493 8,523 8,508 -20% -20% -20% 14,324 15,213 29,537 LA1 LA2 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 3,031 3,546 6,577 81 95 176 7,005 7,882 14,887 (2,501) (2,851) (5,353) 1,164 1,340 2,504 2,117 2,233 4,350 3,176 3,633 6,809 2,143 2,484 4,627 (675) (782) (1,457) 2,734 3,197 5,931 18,274 20,777 39,051 8,758 8,491 8,614 -15% -15% -15% 15,533 17,661 33,194 STATE/ CO-OP $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Primary Care (mils $) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Increase Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Elderly Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) 1,961 52 5,279 (2,886) 742 839 3,354 1,487 (468) 4,074 14,434 10,866 -5% 13,713 MD1 MD2 MD3 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park NW/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park SW/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL 3,768 2,123 2,516 8,407 101 57 67 224 6,388 3,402 3,842 13,633 (1,398) (781) (882) (3,061) 1,303 732 847 2,882 1,505 814 789 3,108 2,012 1,124 1,279 4,415 1,949 1,089 1,261 4,299 (614) (343) (397) (1,353) 3,145 1,768 2,089 7,002 18,159 9,985 11,411 39,555 7,054 6,850 6,552 6,851 -15% 0% 0% -10% 15,435 9,985 11,411 36,831 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL 2,146 2,200 2,881 2,375 9,603 57 59 77 63 256 5,109 4,978 6,843 5,718 22,648 (2,238) (2,336) (3,197) (2,559) (10,330) 763 790 1,060 861 3,474 1,272 1,387 2,126 1,573 6,358 2,598 2,707 3,691 2,960 11,956 1,144 1,178 1,569 1,273 5,164 (360) (371) (494) (401) (1,626) 3,020 3,095 4,062 3,341 13,517 13,511 13,686 18,618 15,205 61,020 9,221 9,105 9,515 9,370 9,319 +10% +10% +10% 0% +7% 14,862 15,055 20,479 15,205 65,601 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties + MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 2 counties + Wayne) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 3,016 3,667 2,716 3,267 1,753 14,420 81 98 73 87 47 385 6,680 8,347 6,247 7,423 3,747 32,445 (2,946) (3,568) (2,707) (3,269) (1,704) (14,193) 1,099 1,333 999 1,206 636 5,273 1,374 1,646 1,336 1,613 786 6,755 3,524 4,262 3,231 3,897 2,038 16,952 1,835 2,207 1,664 1,996 1,061 8,762 (578) (695) (524) (628) (334) (2,758) 2,223 2,703 2,006 2,409 1,293 10,634 16,307 20,001 15,041 18,002 9,324 78,674 7,879 7,943 8,111 8,039 7,754 7,960 -15% -15% -10% -15% -10% -13% 13,861 17,001 13,536 15,302 8,391 68,091 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL 1,466 3,461 2,775 7,702 39 92 74 206 2,758 5,983 4,900 13,641 (1,006) (2,212) (1,799) (5,017) 507 1,156 933 2,596 1,010 1,815 1,549 4,374 1,285 2,841 2,308 6,434 885 1,999 1,617 4,501 (279) (629) (509) (1,417) 2,042 4,801 3,854 10,698 8,708 19,307 15,702 43,717 8,698 8,073 8,216 8,242 -5% -5% -5% -5% 8,273 18,341 14,917 41,532 MS1 MS2 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 2,288 2,021 4,309 61 54 115 4,108 3,615 7,722 (781) (703) (1,484) 810 722 1,531 1,132 1,076 2,208 1,360 1,222 2,582 1,836 1,650 3,486 (578) (519) (1,097) 1,976 1,748 3,724 12,211 10,884 23,096 7,735 7,838 7,783 -15% -20% -17% 10,379 8,708 19,087 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 2,591 2,171 2,604 1,380 8,746 69 58 70 37 234 6,623 5,207 6,190 3,440 21,461 (2,835) (2,287) (2,746) (1,483) (9,351) 1,005 825 989 531 3,349 1,733 1,263 1,533 858 5,387 3,357 2,715 3,260 1,758 11,089 1,656 1,357 1,635 874 5,522 (521) (427) (515) (275) (1,738) 1,923 1,606 1,930 1,022 6,480 15,600 12,487 14,950 8,143 51,179 8,829 8,370 8,388 8,590 8,546 -15% -15% -10% -10% -13% 13,260 10,614 13,455 7,328 44,657 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Increase Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Elderly Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) 1,447 39 3,222 (1,744) 512 685 2,005 828 (261) 1,363 8,095 8,182 -10% 7,286 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) 2,654 71 5,200 (2,117) 923 1,447 2,682 1,796 (565) 2,388 14,478 7,927 -15% 12,306 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL 2,885 1,015 3,900 77 27 104 3,328 1,201 4,529 (710) (258) (969) 807 288 1,094 695 278 973 1,185 429 1,615 1,508 544 2,053 (475) (171) (646) 1,533 541 2,074 10,833 5,415 3,894 5,563 14,727 5,453 -5% -10% -7% 10,291 3,505 13,796 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) 1,923 51 4,279 (2,281) 665 874 2,685 1,282 (403) 1,889 10,963 8,327 0% 10,963 2,438 2,039 2,058 3,459 2,837 12,831 65 54 55 92 76 343 4,307 3,613 3,624 5,734 4,969 22,247 (1,373) (1,095) (1,110) (1,827) (1,458) (6,863) 823 673 680 1,134 917 4,227 1,370 968 997 1,537 1,133 6,005 1,854 1,486 1,506 2,485 1,989 9,321 1,528 1,242 1,258 2,091 1,688 7,808 (481) (391) (396) (658) (531) (2,458) 2,319 1,932 1,952 3,273 2,683 12,158 12,851 10,521 10,624 17,320 14,303 65,618 7,762 7,533 7,554 7,282 7,317 7,464 -5% -5% -5% -5% -10% -6% 12,208 9,995 10,093 16,454 12,872 61,622 2,990 80 5,013 (2,066) 952 1,986 2,532 1,479 (466) 3,096 15,597 7,574 -15% 13,257 2,863 2,001 2,143 3,268 1,967 2,174 3,649 3,046 2,521 1,997 2,737 28,366 76 53 57 87 53 58 97 81 67 53 73 757 6,201 4,401 4,803 6,902 4,246 4,569 8,015 6,533 5,332 4,337 6,087 61,426 (2,603) (1,687) (1,984) (2,860) (1,811) (1,944) (3,120) (2,664) (2,258) (1,797) (2,500) (25,228) 1,029 693 777 1,149 712 776 1,269 1,065 901 714 986 10,069 1,848 942 1,484 1,850 1,328 1,306 1,866 1,773 1,521 1,244 1,797 16,959 3,195 2,071 2,431 3,524 2,216 2,383 3,839 3,294 2,764 2,206 3,066 30,989 1,883 1,222 1,418 2,108 1,287 1,395 2,283 2,002 1,606 1,299 1,795 18,300 (593) (385) (446) (664) (405) (439) (719) (630) (506) (409) (565) (5,761) 5,052 3,511 3,790 5,766 3,473 3,825 6,421 5,399 4,433 3,521 4,830 50,021 18,952 12,823 14,474 21,130 13,065 14,103 23,600 19,899 16,382 13,165 18,306 185,899 0% 18,952 +5% 13,465 -20% 11,579 +5% 22,187 +5% 13,718 +5% 14,808 +15% 27,140 +15% 22,884 0% 16,382 -10% 11,848 0% 18,306 +4% 191,269 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 Primary Care (mils $) NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL 9,703 9,258 9,956 9,472 9,753 9,444 9,422 9,685 9,451 9,654 9,809 9,593 STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) Primary Care (mils $) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Increase Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Elderly Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) 2,851 2,872 2,170 2,886 3,107 13,886 76 77 58 77 83 371 4,637 4,959 3,835 4,647 5,507 23,585 (1,481) (1,544) (1,193) (1,479) (1,761) (7,457) 956 977 747 961 1,086 4,727 999 1,182 974 949 1,555 5,660 1,907 1,986 1,533 1,906 2,256 9,588 1,355 1,404 1,081 1,358 1,572 6,770 (427) (442) (340) (427) (495) (2,131) 2,763 2,795 2,115 2,793 3,036 13,503 13,638 14,265 10,979 13,672 15,947 68,502 6,905 7,252 7,414 6,821 7,566 7,184 -5% -5% 0% -10% -20% -8% 12,956 13,552 10,979 12,305 12,757 62,550 983 26 2,924 (1,514) 404 562 1,722 661 (208) 1,337 6,897 10,255 -10% 6,207 OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL 2,942 2,222 3,402 1,571 2,933 2,372 1,415 16,857 79 59 91 42 78 63 38 450 7,059 5,052 8,114 3,621 6,798 5,495 3,297 39,436 (2,909) (2,086) (3,333) (1,515) (2,701) (2,298) (1,356) (16,197) 1,112 817 1,279 587 1,068 888 526 6,277 2,048 1,269 2,294 986 1,542 1,523 876 10,537 3,596 2,590 4,121 1,874 3,365 2,843 1,680 20,068 2,180 1,599 2,503 1,142 2,110 1,730 1,031 12,296 (686) (504) (788) (360) (664) (545) (324) (3,871) 2,779 2,089 3,211 1,478 2,754 2,233 1,332 15,876 18,199 13,108 20,894 9,426 17,284 14,305 8,514 101,729 9,101 8,585 9,024 8,739 8,539 8,812 8,791 8,818 -20% -15% -10% -5% -5% -20% -20% -15% 14,559 11,142 18,805 8,955 16,420 11,444 6,811 88,135 OK1 OK2 OK-Oklahoma City & Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 3,227 2,228 5,455 86 59 146 5,104 3,563 8,667 (1,185) (828) (2,013) 1,087 755 1,842 1,977 1,434 3,411 1,751 1,221 2,972 1,797 1,249 3,046 (566) (393) (959) 2,613 1,806 4,419 15,892 11,094 26,986 7,152 7,254 7,194 -15% -15% -15% 13,508 9,430 22,938 OR1 OR2 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) 2 OREGON- TOTAL 2,595 3,003 5,598 69 80 149 4,515 4,764 9,279 (2,127) (2,284) (4,411) 805 901 1,707 804 699 1,504 2,675 2,896 5,572 1,742 1,945 3,687 (548) (612) (1,161) 2,935 3,377 6,312 13,465 14,770 28,235 7,641 7,139 7,370 -5% 0% -2% 12,792 14,770 27,562 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA) PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 2,317 2,067 2,280 2,939 2,910 2,231 2,575 1,378 18,697 62 55 61 78 78 60 69 37 499 5,563 5,112 5,474 6,739 6,511 5,208 6,290 3,388 44,286 (2,259) (2,014) (2,232) (2,787) (2,767) (2,012) (2,537) (1,371) (17,979) 865 771 853 1,083 1,072 797 964 519 6,923 1,259 1,121 1,254 1,431 1,445 914 1,468 806 9,697 2,760 2,464 2,727 3,406 3,384 2,472 3,102 1,675 21,991 1,593 1,431 1,572 1,966 1,959 1,462 1,797 966 12,744 (501) (450) (495) (619) (617) (460) (566) (304) (4,012) 2,748 2,451 2,704 3,473 3,444 2,638 3,063 1,639 22,161 14,406 13,008 14,199 17,710 17,419 13,309 16,225 8,732 115,008 9,169 9,279 9,184 8,797 8,779 8,722 9,371 9,403 9,054 -15% -20% -20% -15% -5% -5% -20% -20% -15% 12,245 10,406 11,359 15,053 16,548 12,644 12,980 6,986 98,222 STATE/ CO-OP $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Primary Care (mils $) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Increase Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Elderly Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) 1,548 41 3,056 (1,162) 542 934 1,442 890 (280) 2,530 9,542 9,066 0% 9,542 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL 2,392 2,188 2,179 6,759 64 58 58 180 3,609 3,243 3,221 10,072 (911) (818) (821) (2,550) 809 734 733 2,276 851 722 739 2,312 1,342 1,207 1,209 3,758 1,368 1,236 1,232 3,836 (431) (389) (388) (1,208) 1,797 1,641 1,634 5,071 10,889 9,822 9,796 30,507 6,671 6,548 6,561 6,596 -10% -5% -15% -10% 9,800 9,331 8,327 27,457 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) 1,186 32 2,407 (975) 426 612 1,210 746 (235) 1,105 6,513 8,000 -10% 5,862 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL 2,243 2,082 2,359 2,574 9,258 60 56 63 69 247 4,095 3,586 4,294 4,849 16,824 (1,039) (945) (1,129) (1,270) (4,383) 795 730 850 942 3,317 994 850 1,192 1,464 4,500 1,641 1,504 1,781 2,001 6,927 1,915 1,774 2,071 2,321 8,081 (603) (559) (652) (731) (2,544) 1,788 1,658 1,885 2,065 7,396 11,889 10,737 12,714 14,283 49,623 7,690 7,463 7,873 8,179 7,819 -15% -15% -15% -20% -16% 10,106 9,126 10,807 11,426 41,465 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (city of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) 14 TEXAS- TOTAL 1,672 3,179 2,411 3,000 2,820 1,639 3,377 2,094 1,287 2,322 3,151 3,918 2,833 2,326 36,029 45 85 64 80 75 44 90 56 34 62 84 105 76 62 962 2,611 4,511 3,696 4,515 3,899 2,338 4,983 3,013 1,808 3,657 4,557 6,036 4,730 3,758 54,112 (738) (1,293) (1,055) (1,226) (1,130) (683) (1,377) (881) (527) (1,011) (1,309) (1,682) (1,221) (1,048) (15,181) 536 980 769 927 867 512 1,043 657 398 740 982 1,239 901 751 11,303 1,024 1,351 1,432 1,306 1,070 772 1,441 1,040 565 1,343 1,480 2,136 1,543 1,561 18,064 990 1,745 1,417 1,655 1,519 917 1,854 1,183 710 1,354 1,760 2,255 1,631 1,407 20,397 801 1,437 1,150 1,360 1,236 745 1,515 960 582 1,090 1,433 1,822 1,301 1,138 16,569 (252) (452) (362) (428) (389) (234) (477) (302) (183) (343) (451) (574) (410) (358) (5,216) 1,106 2,093 1,594 1,975 1,849 1,078 2,222 1,380 848 1,534 2,076 2,586 1,866 1,543 23,749 7,795 13,635 11,117 13,163 11,816 7,128 14,671 9,200 5,522 10,747 13,762 17,842 13,249 11,139 160,788 6,730 6,128 6,660 6,270 5,929 6,205 6,195 6,289 6,131 6,667 6,248 6,547 6,682 6,974 6,394 -15% 6,626 -10% 12,272 -15% 9,450 -15% 11,189 -15% 10,043 -15% 6,059 -10% 13,204 -10% 8,280 -10% 4,970 -15% 9,135 -15% 11,698 -20% 14,274 -20% 10,599 -20% 8,912 -15% 136,710 UT1 UT2 UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL 2,549 1,363 3,912 68 36 104 3,784 2,124 5,908 (1,649) (899) (2,548) 743 402 1,145 722 420 1,142 2,056 1,115 3,171 1,294 686 1,980 (407) (216) (623) 2,007 1,073 3,080 11,167 6,105 17,272 6,204 6,333 6,249 -15% -20% -17% SC1 SC2 SC3 9,492 4,884 14,376 STATE/ CO-OP $2.1T EXPECTED TOTAL SPEND (STATE & CO-OP) 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) Primary Care (mils $) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) PC Hospital Hospital MD FEES Nurs Home/ Increase Diet & Costs Savings/ not Hosp. Home Care Elderly Train. (mils $) shift to PC not PC. (mils $) Related DRUGS (mils $) Expected Non-Durable TOTAL @ Per cola TOTAL @ Drug and Other RI Cost Capita vs RI Local Cost Savings (mils $) (mils $) @ RI Cost health (mils $) 919 25 2,568 (1,678) 339 438 1,926 787 (248) 719 5,794 9,259 -10% 5,214 3,625 2,921 2,568 2,515 11,629 97 78 69 67 310 5,016 4,916 3,917 3,862 17,711 (1,642) (1,490) (1,224) (1,208) (5,564) 1,151 978 834 820 3,782 890 1,196 804 814 3,704 2,246 2,020 1,667 1,644 7,577 1,921 1,685 1,408 1,383 6,397 (605) (530) (443) (435) (2,014) 2,955 2,408 2,103 2,060 9,526 15,654 14,183 11,701 11,521 53,059 6,199 7,173 6,617 6,660 6,632 -10% -15% 0% 0% -7% 14,088 12,056 11,701 11,521 49,366 VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL 2,163 2,799 2,348 2,443 9,754 58 75 63 65 260 3,295 3,825 3,415 3,522 14,057 (1,168) (1,443) (1,277) (1,298) (5,186) 641 809 696 717 2,862 636 696 722 680 2,733 1,552 1,944 1,704 1,731 6,932 1,220 1,593 1,355 1,376 5,544 (384) (501) (426) (433) (1,745) 1,650 2,137 1,796 1,864 7,446 9,663 11,932 10,393 10,667 42,656 6,463 6,179 6,449 6,324 6,343 -5% -5% -5% -15% -8% 9,180 11,336 9,874 9,067 39,457 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 2,734 73 7,313 (2,993) 1,120 956 3,810 2,597 (817) 3,118 17,910 9,666 -15% 15,224 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL 1,789 1,672 3,250 1,575 8,286 48 45 87 42 221 3,405 3,129 6,153 3,060 15,747 (1,502) (1,359) (2,634) (1,329) (6,824) 615 565 1,097 542 2,819 934 773 1,482 838 4,027 1,867 1,696 3,280 1,652 8,495 1,159 1,070 2,052 1,026 5,308 (365) (337) (646) (323) (1,671) 1,428 1,332 2,588 1,258 6,606 9,378 8,586 16,708 8,342 43,013 7,658 7,471 7,469 7,751 7,563 -5% -10% -5% -5% -6% 8,909 7,727 15,873 7,925 40,433 815 22 1,263 (469) 253 290 615 464 (146) 748 3,854 6,838 -15% 3,276 449,145 11,992 810,205 (284,787) -35.1% 151,307 209,217 369,771 269,963 (84,984) 410,000 2,311,828 7,488 WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 185 USA TOTAL SPENDING TOTAL E22 $527 Bil Hosp. E35 E45 E65 Most of E55 CO-OP shifts to PC/other -8.7% 2,111,097 -31.5% E91 E71 $185 Bil Drugs CO-OP bulk buy E81 H E104 Back Table of Contents APPENDIX G REIMBURSEMENT RATES, GEOGRAPHIC COLA’S ESTIMATE ON EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY (NEXT 4 SLIDES) NOTE: 40.9% OF US POPULATION LIVE IN AREAS WITH THE SAME HEALTH PRICE LEVELS AS RI (+/- 5%). 3.5% LIVE IN AREAS WITH HIGHER COSTS & 55.6% WITH LOWER COSTS. NATIONAL HEALTH SPENDING IS REDUCED 8.5% IF GEOGRAPHIC RATES ARE USED VS RI RATES HEREIN. BACK Table of Contents G1: REIMBURSEMENT RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 1/4) -20% -15% -10% -5% 268k Pedi, Gen., Gerri. & OB/GYN 101k Dentists 52k Optometrists 150k Diet/Nutri/Trainers $.96m $756k $500k $53k $1.02m $804k $532k $56k $1.08m $850k $563k $59k $1.14m $898k $595k $63k TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $61.2 $49.0 $111.4 $94.7 $76.8 $69.1 $115.0 $109.2 RI COST +5% +10% $1.26m $993k $656k $69k $1.32m $1,040k $690k $73k $17.9 $18.7 $7.3 $8.1 +15% +20% TOTAL PRIMARY CARE: $1.2m/ yr/ practice $945k/ yr/ practice $625k/ yr/ practice $66k/ yr $62.6 $62.6 $1.38m $1.45m $1,087k $1,134k $720k $750k $76k $79k $7.8 $8.9 $1.1 $1.3 $461.0 $421.6 -8.5% HOSPITAL IN-PATIENT: 94k Surgical Beds- critical 157k Surgical Beds- recovery 93k Mental Health/ SA Beds 232k Other Med. Beds** $.92m $423k $344k $592k $.98m $450k $366k $629k $1.04m $475k $387k $666k $1.10m $502k $408k $703k TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $53.5 $42.8 $97.1 $82.5 $66.9 $60.2 $100.2 $95.2 $1.15m/ yr/ bed $528k/ yr/ bed $430k/ yr/ bed $740k/ yr/ bed $54.7 $54.7 $1.21m $555k $452k $777k $1.27m $581k $473k $814k $1.33m $608k $495k $851k $1.38m $634k $516k $888k $15.6 $16.4 $6.3 $6.9 $6.7 $7.7 $1.0 $1.2 ** INCLUDES BIRTHS $402.0 $367.6 -8.5% HOSPITAL OUT-PATIENT: 138m ER Visits 24.4m OP Surgeries $544 $960 $578 $1,020 $612 $1,080 $646 $1,140 $680/ visit $1,200/ OP surgery $714 $1,260 $750 $1,320 $782 $1,380 $816 $1,440 TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $16.4 $13.2 $29.8 $25.3 $20.5 $18.5 $30.7 $29.2 $16.7 $16.7 $4.8 $5.0 $1.9 $2.1 $2.0 $2.3 $0.2 $0.24 $123.0 $112.5 -8.5% Hospital Out-Patient Other: 11m Mental Health/ SA Visits 158m Imaging Visits 322m Lab Visits 55m Misc/Other Visits $480 $720 $280 $336 $510 $765 $298 $357 $540 $810 $315 $378 $570 $855 $333 $399 TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $37.9 $30.3 $68.8 $58.5 $47.5 $42.8 $71.1 $67.5 $600/ visit $900/ visit $350/ visit $420/ visit $38.8 $38.8 $630 $945 $368 $441 $660 $990 $385 $462 $1,380 $1,035 $403 $483 $1,440 $1,080 $420 $504 $11.0 $11.6 $4.5 $5.0 $4.7 $5.4 $0.7 $0.8 NOTE: MUCH OF THIS $285B OF OUT-PATIENT OTHER, IS DUPLICATIVE WITH PRIMARY CARE AS PRESENTED HERE. OUT-PATIENT OTHER: 546m visits (not ER, not Surgery). Cost $285B. Drive much of this back to the PC Office. SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS TO: IN-PATIENT, OP-ER & OP-SURGERY. This is nearly 2 visits for every man, woman & child in the USA!! Over use and most should be included in Primary Care at less than ½ cost or no added cost at all. $285.0 $260.7 -8.5% G2: REIMBURSEMENT RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s -20% -15% -10% -5% $2,800 $1,200 $800 $100 $80 $2,975 $1,275 $850 $106 $85 $3,150 $1,350 $900 $113 $90 $3,325 $1,425 $950 $119 $95 $20.1 $16.1 $36.5 $31.0 $25.2 $22.6 $37.6 $35.7 RI COST (PG 2/4) +5% +10% +15% +20% $3,675 $1,575 $1,050 $131 $105 $3,850 $1,650 $1,100 $138 $110 $4,025 $1,725 $1,150 $144 $115 $4,200 $1,800 $1,200 $150 $120 $5.8 $6.1 $2.4 $2.6 $2.5 $2.9 $0.3 $0.4 TOTAL MD FEEs: (not Primary Care or Hosp./Other EE's) 49k Surgeons 9.75m IP Surg's 26k Anesthesiologists 8m IP 69k Surg./Specialists 24.3m OP 34k Radiologists 118.8m OP 100k Med. Specialists ($66B) TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $3,500/ IP Surg. $1,500/ IP Surg. $1,000/ OP Surg. $125/ OP Image. $100/ 1/2 hr refer. $20.6 $20.6 $151.0 $138.1 -8.5% LONG TERM CARE: 1.1B Days of Care 6m people (1/2) 1.7m Nursing Home Beds $54 $178 $57 $190 $60 $201 $64 $212 TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $27.8 $22.2 $50.5 $42.9 $34.8 $31.3 $52.0 $49.4 $12k/ yr $67/day $81k/ yr $223/day $28.5 $28.5 $70 $234 $74 $245 $77 $256 $80 $268 $8.1 $8.5 $3.3 $3.6 $3.5 $4.0 $0.5 $0.6 $209.0 $191.0 -8.5% DRUGS (a): 3.7 bil Retail Scripts by age: 0-18: 74m people X 4.1/ea 19-64: 195m people X 11.9/ ea +65: 40m people X 28.0 scripts Mail Order/Other (not retail): .75 bil scripts @ $60/ EA TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $197 $571 $1,344 $209 $607 $1,428 $221 $643 $1,512 $234 $678 $1,596 $48 $51 $54 $57 $35.9 $28.7 $65.3 $55.5 $45.0 $40.5 $67.3 $63.9 $246/pers. $60/ea $714/pers. $60/ea $1,680/person $60 $60/ script $36.7 $36.7 $258 $750 $1,764 $271 $785 $1,848 $283 $821 $1,932 $144** $504** $1,098** $63 $66 $69 $86 $10.4 $10.9 $4.3 $4.7 $4.5 $5.2 $0.6 $0.7 **NOTE: AK USES FEWER SCRIPTS PER PERSON BUT AT HIGHER PRICES. $270.0 $246.8 -8.5% NON-DURABLES/ OTHER (a): 309m people @ $1,075/ea TOTAL @ RI COST (Bil$) TOTAL @ LOCAL COST $1,062 $1,129 $1,195 $1,262 $54.5 $43.6 $99.0 $84.2 $68.3 $61.5 $102.2 $97.1 $1,328/ person $55.8 $55.8 $1,395 $1,461 $1,527 $1,594 $15.9 $16.7 $6.5 $7.2 $6.9 $7.9 $0.9 $1.1 (a) NOTE: DRUGS & NON-DUABLE/OTHER ARE ANTICIPATED TO BE PRICED VIA NATIONAL CONTRACTS WITH THE 185 CO-OPS PROVIDING SAVINGS OF $150B. COST SAVINGS: OUT-PATIENT OTHER save most of this $285B drive to PC Office, SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS. Save $85B on Drugs. Spend all on more drugs for 2x increase in +65 POP. Save $65B on Other. All $435B savings to Elderly. $410.0 $375.1 -8.5% G3: REIMBURSEMENT RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 3/4) -20% POP. (mils) POP. % # CO-OP's # Serv. Areas CO-OP NAMES: SEE APPENDIX E13, F & H FOR DETAIL DESCRIPTION OF CO-OP'S 41.6 13.5% 26 2,087 AL1, AL2 AL3, FL5, FL8, FL9, GA5, IA1, KS1, KY1, KY2, MS2, NY3, NC5, OH1, OH6, OH7, PA2, PA3, PA7, PA8, TN4, TX12, TX13 TX14, UT2 -15% 76.0 24.5% 44 3,819 AR1, AR2, FL3, FL6, FL7, FL11, IN1, IN2, IN3, IN4, IA2, KS2 LA1, LA2, MD1, MI1, MI2, MI4, MS1, MO1, MO2, NE, NM, OH2,OK1, OK2, PA1, , PA4, SC3, TN1, TN2, TN3, TX1, TX3, TX4, TX5, TX6, TX10, TX11, UT1, VA2, WA4, WV, WY -10% 54.6 17.6% 34 2,740 AZ1, AZ4, CO1, CO2, FL1, FL2, FL10, GA1, GA2, GA3, GA4, ID, IL6, IL7, MI3, MI5 MO3, MO4, MT NV2, NJ5, NY10, NC4, ND, OH3, SC1, SD, TX2, TX7, TX8, TX9, VT, VA1, WI2, -5% 70.3 22.7% 41 3,523 AZ2, AZ3, CA3, CA5, CA6, CA7, CA8, CA9, CO3, CO4, DC, DE, FL4, IL1, IL2, IL3, IL4, IL5, ME, MN1 MN2, MN3, NV1, NJ1, NJ2, NJ3, NJ4, NC1, NC2, OH4, OH5, OR1, PA5, PA6, SC2, WA1, WA2, WA3, WI1, WI3, WI4, RI COST 44.4 14.4% 26 2,225 CA1, CA2, CA4, CA10, CA11, CA12, CA13, CA14, CA15, CA16, CA20, CA21 CT1, CT2, MD2, MD3, MA4, NH, NY1, NY9, NY11, NC3, OR2, RI, VA3, VA4, +5% 11.7 3.8% 8 585 +10% 4.9 1.6% 3 247 +15% 4.6 1.7% 2 228 CA17, CA18, MA1, MA2, NY7, NY8, CA19, HI, MA3 NY2, NY4, NY5, NY6, +20% TOTAL 0.7 308.8 0.2% 100% 1 185 36 15,490 AK COST SAVINGS: OUT-PATIENT OTHER save most of this $285B drive to PC Office, SHRINK & FOCUS HOSPITALS. Save $85B on Drugs. Spend all on more drugs for 2x increase in +65 POP. Save $65B on Other. All $435B savings to Elderly. KEEP TOTAL COST AT $2.3T PLUS INFLATION OVER NEXT 10 YEARS AS +65 POP DOUBLES. Table of Contents G4: REIMBURSEMENT RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 4/4) Using data provided by researchers at C2ER, we compare key expenses in dozens of major cities. Costs include housing, utilities, transportation and health care. Data is generated from an average of the past four quarters ending March 2010. http://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/costofliving/costofliving.html For example: Madison, Wisconsin (CO-OP: WI2) has a health care cost-ofliving 10% less than RI. Therefore a primary care practice that is reimbursed at $1.2 million per year in RI, would be reimbursed at $1.08m in Madison. The make-up & staffing etc of the PC practice is defined herein (E22). The number of patients each would be required to maintain would be based on age and health of the patient roster. If all patients were less than 2 years old or over 65 years old (or had a chronic condition), the number of patients would likely be limited to approximately 800. If the patients were between 2 and 64 years of age and otherwise healthy, the number of patients would be 1,600. Or somewhere in between since the roster is likely to be a mixture. But the payment is fixed not fee-for-service. Each patient is expected to have 4 to 8 visits per year or more (appendix E5, E15, E16). Similarly, a Surgical/ICU hospital bed in RI that would be reimbursed at $1.15m per year in RI would be reimbursed at +15% in Manhattan (CO-OP: NY7) or $1.33m. This is what the hospital would be paid by the CO-OP to have the bed available & staffed. A non-employee surgeon would be reimbursed approximately $4,025 for services versus a fee of $3,500 in RI, etc. No cost shifting: the CO-OP is nearly a “single-payer” in town (appendix E10-12 & E17-18). APPENDIX H ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG COOP’s EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY 185 BUYER CO-OP’s DEFINED GEOGRAPHIC MARKETS WITHIN STATES EACH, 1 to 2.5 MIL PEOPLE (1 to 2.5 RI’s) (NEXT 9 SLIDES) Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k. BACK Table of Contents STATE/ CO-OP AL1 AL2 AL3 ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) COLA POP Serv. Areas AL-Birmingham S & Tuscaloosa (28 counties- Central AL) AL-Birmingham N & Huntsville (15 counties- Northern AL) AL-Dothan, Mobile & Montgomery (23 counties- Southern AL) 3 ALABAMA-TOTAL MAP 2,001,679 1,233,703 1,544,354 4,779,736 1 ALASKA-TOTAL (AK) MAP 710,231 AZ1 AZ2 AZ3 AZ4 AZ-Mesa (Maricopa SE- Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe) AZ-Phoenix City of (Maricopa central) AZ-Phoenix N & Sun City (Maricopa- Glendale, Scottsdale & North AZ) AZ-Phoenix S & Tucson (Maricopa- Avondale, Goodyear & South AZ) 4 ARIZONA-TOTAL MAP 1,179,761 1,445,632 1,708,721 2,057,903 6,392,017 55 73 87 106 321 AR1 AR2 AR-Little Rock (South & East AR, 43 counties) AR-Fort Smith, Jonesboro, Springdale, Texarkana (N&W - 32 counties) 2 ARKANSAS-TOTAL MAP 1,607,881 1,308,037 2,915,918 CA1 CA2 CA3 CA4 CA5 CA6 CA7 CA8 CA9 CA10 CA11 CA12 CA13 CA14 CA15 CA16 CA17 CA18 CA19 CA20 CA21 CA-Orange County N (Anaheim, Garden Grove, Hunt. Bch & North) CA-Orange County S (Santa Ana, Costa Mesa & South) CA-Bakersfield & Fresno (Kern, Tulare & Fresno, King, Madera) CA-Alameda County CA-LA Central LA, South LA, Northeast LA & Eastside CA-LA Harbor, South Bay & Westside CA-LA San Fern. Valley, NW, Antelope, Forest & Santa Monica Mtns. CA-LA San Gabriel Valley, Pomona & Verdugos CA-LA Southeast CA-Modesto & Stockton (Merced, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, +4 more.) CA-Napa, Chico, Redding & Santa Rosa (15 counties- north CA ) CA-Sacramento (11 counties) CA-Palm Springs/Rancho Mirage (Riverside County) CA-San Bernardino & Inyo Counties CA-San Diego (City of) CA-San Diego County (ex. City of, + Imperial County) CA-San Francisco (SF & Marin Counties) CA-San Jose (Santa Clara & San Benito Counties) CA-Santa Cruz & San Mateo County CA-Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Salinas & Ventura CA-Contra Costa & Solano Counties MAP 21 CALIFORNIA-TOTAL 1,409,306 1,600,926 2,516,107 1,510,271 2,099,049 2,219,119 2,137,451 2,154,468 1,208,518 1,588,948 1,548,183 2,478,708 2,189,641 2,053,756 1,307,402 1,962,439 1,057,644 1,836,911 980,833 1,931,907 1,462,369 37,253,956 PER CAP. NON- vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH Gen. Health vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY vs RI COLA PER CAP. TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE -25% -25% -22% -24% -20% -20% -20% -20% -18% -20% -24% -21% 23.5 22.9 21.8 22.7 4.3% 5.1% 3.9% 4.4% 17.8% 15.6% 18.9% 17.5% 20,742 10,125 19,779 50,645 97 122 78 94 36 +15% +20% +3% 29.4 15.5% 9.1% 570,641 1.24 -15% -18% -18% -22% -18% -10% -5% -5% -10% -7% -6% -14% -3% -21% -12% 26.8 24.5 27.7 22.5 25.2 22.9% 36.9% 20.8% 30.3% 27.9% 13.3% 19.1% 15.4% 17.4% 16.5% 904 517 68,412 43,761 113,594 1,305 2,796 25 47 56 81 66 147 -22% -30% -26% -15% -15% -15% -25% -28% -27% 21.4 20.6 20.9 4.6% 8.6% 6.3% 18.5% 18.5% 18.5% 30,509 21,527 52,035 53 61 56 71 80 126 76 110 113 103 105 61 80 77 124 110 103 66 98 53 92 49 97 73 1,867 +20% +20% -10% +15% +10% +10% +10% +10% +10% -5% +10% -5% +5% +5% +7% +7% +33% +27% +27% +10% +20% +10% 0% 0% -5% 0% -5% -5% -5% -5% -5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% +5% +5% +5% 0% 0% -1% +2% +33% -32% +18% -34% +27% +7% -6% -38% -23% -6% 0% -14% -24% +14% -1% +63% +36% +42% +4% +23% +1% 29.2 38.1 19.5 33.8 18.9 36.4 30.5 26.9 17.8 22.1 27.0 28.5 24.6 21.8 32.6 28.2 46.5 38.8 40.7 29.6 35.1 29.0 47.7% 40.0% 41.8% 41.1% 70.1% 38.5% 51.0% 57.9% 69.9% 37.4% 18.0% 25.0% 38.5% 39.4% 38.8% 37.7% 39.1% 49.3% 39.7% 36.5% 30.7% 42.2% 10.5% 10.9% 21.8% 10.8% 28.0% 11.0% 13.7% 11.8% 15.7% 17.3% 14.5% 13.4% 13.9% 17.0% 14.1% 12.0% 10.6% 9.2% 9.3% 13.3% 9.8% 14.2% 219 572 22,441 739 155 402 2,910 456 135 12,560 41,806 10,723 7,206 30,238 325 8,059 567 2,679 894 11,157 1,538 155,779 6,435 2,799 112 2,044 13,520 5,517 735 4,729 8,937 127 37 231 304 68 4,020 244 1,865 686 1,098 173 951 239 100 62 78 240 STATE/ CO-OP ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP Serv. Areas COLA COLA PER CAP. PER CAP. NON- vs RI vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY Gen. Health TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE CO1 CO2 CO3 CO4 CO-Boulder, Fort Collins, Greeley (10 counties- NE CO.) CO-Colorado Springs, Grand Junction & Pueblo (35 counties- S. CO.) CO-Denver East (7 counties) CO-Denver West (12 counties) 4 COLORADO-TOTAL MAP 920,962 1,394,219 1,706,476 1,007,539 5,029,196 46 70 86 50 252 -10% -25% -15% -15% -17% -10% -10% -5% -5% -7% +3% -11% +2% +28% +4% 29.4 25.5 29.1 36.6 29.7 14.3% 12.8% 24.4% 11.3% 16.6% 14.2% 13.5% 14.5% 6.8% 12.6% 18,161 59,805 8,741 16,936 103,642 51 23 195 59 49 CT1 CT2 CT-Hartford (6 counties) CT-New Haven & Bridgeport (2 counties SW CT.) 2 CONNECTICUT-TOTAL MAP 1,794,791 1,779,306 3,574,097 90 89 179 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% +15% +40% +28% 32.9 40.1 36.5 16.7% 22.9% 19.7% 8.7% 10.0% 9.3% 3,613 1,229 4,842 497 1,447 738 1 DC, Wash.- TOTAL (DC) MAP 601,723 30 +25% -5% +43% 40.8 14.2% 17.6% 61 9,857 1 DELAWARE.- TOTAL (DE) MAP 897,934 41 -15% -5% +1% 28.9 11.6% 11.2% 1,949 461 FL-Fort Lauderdale S. (Broward County) FL-Fort Lauderdale N. (Martin, Palm Beach & St. Lucie Counties) FL-Jacksonville (Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau & St Johns Counties) FL-Miami-Dade & Monroe Counties (Everglades & Keys) FL- Gainesville & Ormond Beach (12 Counties) FL-Orlando S. (Brevard, Hardee, Highlands, Indian., Okee., Osceola) FL-Orlando N. (Orange, Lake & Seminole counties) FL-Ocala & Hudson (Citrus, Hernando, Marion, Pasco, Sumter) FL-Tallahassee, Panama City & Pensacola (19 Counties) FL-Fort Meyers, Sarasota, Bradenton & Lakeland (9 Counties) FL-Tampa, St. Petersburg & Clearwater (Hillborough & Pinellas) MAP 11 FLORIDA.- TOTAL 1,748,066 1,744,241 1,345,596 2,569,525 1,148,158 1,116,602 1,865,726 1,203,429 1,422,685 2,491,514 2,145,768 18,801,310 88 88 68 129 58 56 94 60 71 125 108 -5% -5% -25% -15% -20% -20% -20% -20% -20% -20% -25% 945 -18% -10% -10% -15% -5% -20% -15% -15% -20% -20% -10% -15% -13% 0% +13% -4% -20% -21% -12% -7% -19% -17% 0% -2% -7% 28.5 32.2 27.4 23.0 22.7 25.1 26.5 23.0 23.7 28.7 27.9 26.5 35.2% 23.7% 10.3% 68.9% 11.0% 19.9% 24.7% 10.8% 7.5% 18.4% 19.2% 25.8% 13.0% 14.5% 13.3% 17.6% 18.4% 14.4% 13.1% 14.4% 18.0% 14.3% 14.4% 15.0% 1,210 3,085 3,201 2,881 7,929 5,269 2,151 3,933 13,516 9,156 1,294 53,625 1,445 565 420 892 145 212 867 306 105 272 1,658 351 2,037,768 2,268,285 2,308,236 1,696,353 1,377,011 9,687,653 102 114 116 85 69 486 -10% -10% -10% -10% -20% -12% -19% +11% -10% -27% -31% -12% 23.3 31.8 25.8 21.0 19.8 25.1 10.8% 13.7% 19.5% 6.6% 4.9% 12.0% 15.7% 14.6% 14.5% 20.2% 21.5% 16.6% 10,695 3,824 3,153 20,607 19,234 57,513 191 593 732 82 72 168 FL1 FL2 FL3 FL4 FL5 FL6 FL7 FL8 FL9 FL10 FL11 GA1 GA2 GA3 GA4 GA5 GA-Atlanta North & Rome (36 Counties) GA-Atlanta City of & West (Fulton, Cobb & West, 11 Counties) GA-Atlanta East (DeKalb, Gwinnett & East 11 Counties) GA-Savannah & Augusta (SE. GA 47 Counties) GA-Macon, Columbus & Albany (SW. GA 54 Counties) 5 GEORGIA.- TOTAL MAP -22% -22% -22% -24% -27% -23% STATE/ CO-OP ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP Serv. Areas COLA COLA PER CAP. PER CAP. NON- vs RI vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY Gen. Health TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE 1 HAWAII.- TOTAL (HI) MAP 1,360,301 68 +30% +5% 0% 28.7 24.4% 10.4% 6,423 212 1 IDAHO.- TOTAL (ID) MAP 1,567,582 79 -25% -10% -22% 22.3 10.0% 14.4% 82,643 19 MAP 1,527,486 877,381 2,695,598 2,049,045 2,017,066 1,666,715 1,997,341 12,830,632 77 44 136 102 101 84 100 643 -20% -5% -5% -5% -5% -25% -30% -13% -5% -5% -5% -5% -5% -10% -10% -7% -9% -9% -5% +14% +31% -12% -18% 0% 26.1 26.0 27.1 32.5 37.5 25.0 23.4 28.5 12.4% 20.0% 35.1% 30.9% 30.3% 8.1% 3.6% 21.3% 11.8% 11.5% 20.9% 8.4% 6.9% 12.7% 15.2% 13.3% 10,828 290 228 971 1,351 14,474 27,377 55,519 141 3,026 11,842 2,110 1,493 115 73 231 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN-Evansville, Gary, Lafayette, Munster, Terre Haute (W IN- 27 counts.) IN-Fort Wayne, Muncie, South Bend (Northeast IN- 20 counties) IN-Indianapolis N. (Marion, Hancock, Hendricks & North- 17 counties) IN-Indianapolis S. (Morgan, Johnson, Shelby & Southeast- 28 counts.) MAP 4 INDIANA.- TOTAL 1,650,660 1,580,791 2,049,590 1,202,761 6,483,802 83 79 103 60 325 -22% -25% -22% -22% -23% -15% -15% -15% -15% -15% -19% -21% -8% -19% -16% 23.2 22.6 26.4 23.3 24.0 8.2% 9.4% 7.3% 4.0% 7.4% 14.7% 14.6% 14.7% 13.5% 14.4% 11,038 8,214 6,641 9,933 35,826 150 192 309 121 181 IA1 IA2 IA-Des Moines, Mason City & Sioux City (West IA) IA-Cedar Rapids, Davenport, Dubuque, Iowa City & Waterloo (E. IA) 2 IOWA.- TOTAL MAP 1,734,313 1,312,042 3,046,355 87 -25% 66 -20% 153 -22% -20% -15% -17% -11% -13% -12% 25.3 24.8 25.1 7.1% 5.6% 6.4% 11.4% 12.3% 11.8% 37,916 17,941 55,857 46 73 55 KS1 KS2 KS-Wichita SE KS (1.1 mil, 28 Counties) & West KS (319k, 51 counts.) KS-Topeka Northeast KS (26 counties) MAP 2 KANSAS.- TOTAL 1,414,509 1,438,609 2,853,118 71 72 143 -25% -20% -22% -20% -15% -17% -20% -2% -11% 23.0 28.1 25.5 10.3% 9.6% 9.9% 13.5% 12.9% 13.2% 65,910 15,849 81,759 21 91 35 KY1 KY2 KY-Lexington & Covington (Eastern KY, 65 counties) KY-Louisville, Owensboro & Paducah (Western KY, 55 counties) MAP 2 KENTUCKY.- TOTAL 2,108,136 2,231,231 4,339,367 106 -25% 112 -30% 218 -28% -20% -20% -20% -24% -19% -22% 21.6 23.1 22.3 3.8% 4.9% 4.4% 20.4% 16.5% 18.4% 19,999 19,488 39,486 105 114 110 LA1 LA2 LA-Shreveport, Alexandria, Lafayette, Lake Charles, Monroe (41 counts) LA-New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Metaire, Slidell & Houma (SE. LA- 23) MAP 2 LOUISIANA.- TOTAL 2,086,508 2,446,864 4,533,372 105 -25% 123 -22% 228 -23% -15% -15% -15% -26% -16% -21% 21.0 23.9 22.5 8.1% 8.5% 8.4% 18.9% 16.6% 17.6% 31,320 11,884 43,204 67 206 105 IL1 IL2 IL3 IL4 IL5 IL6 IL7 IL-Bloomington, Joliet & Urbana (East IL- 16 counties) IL-Blue Island (Cook County- South) IL-Chicago, city of (Cook County- East) IL-Melrose Park, & Hinsdale (Cook-west, Dupage & Kane) IL-Elgin & Evanston (NE. IL: Cook-north, Mchenry & Lake) IL-Peoria, Rockford & Aurora (NW IL- 25 counties) IL-Springfield (South IL: 56 counties) 7 ILLINOIS.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 MAINE.- TOTAL (ME) MD1 MD2 MD3 MA1 MA2 MA3 MA4 MD-Baltimore & Salisbury (Eastern MD, 14 counties) MD-Takoma Park/ DC Area (Northwest MD, 5 counties) MD-Takoma Park/ DC Area (Southwest MD, 5 counties) 3 MARYLAND.- TOTAL MA-Boston NE (Boston city of, Suffolk & Essex counties) MA-Boston NW (Middlesex county) MA-Boston South ( 6 counties including Cape & Islands) MA-Springfield & Worcester (Western MA 5 counties) 4 MASSACHUSETTS.- TOTAL POP MAP 1,328,361 Serv. Areas 67 COLA COLA PER CAP. PER CAP. NON- vs RI vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY Gen. Health TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE -5% -5% -13% 25.0 7.4% 12.6% 30,843 43 MAP 2,574,261 1,457,776 1,741,515 5,773,552 129 -3% 73 +20% 88 +20% 290 +5% -15% 0% 0% -10% +9% +42% +18% +20% 31.2 40.6 33.8 34.2 9.8% 26.4% 13.2% 14.9% 11.2% 7.7% 7.3% 9.2% 5,101 2,681 1,926 9,707 505 544 904 595 MAP 1,465,182 1,503,085 1,956,649 1,622,713 6,547,629 74 +8% 75 +8% 98 +8% 81 -10% 328 +4% +10% +10% +10% 0% +7% +13% +37% +21% -2% +17% 32.3 39.3 34.6 27.9 33.5 28.9% 22.7% 15.6% 16.3% 20.4% 14.0% 7.4% 8.2% 12.2% 10.3% 551 818 2,150 4,281 7,800 2,661 1,838 910 379 839 -20% -25% -20% -25% -15% -21% -15% -15% -10% -15% -10% -13% -8% -19% -20% -19% +27% -12% 26.2 23.1 23.0 23.1 36.3 25.2 7.5% 12.2% 5.1% 6.7% 14.4% 9.0% 14.2% 18.7% 17.3% 14.8% 9.7% 16.1% 7,978 1,644 13,364 32,685 868 56,539 259 1,531 139 69 1,386 175 MI1 MI2 MI3 MI4 MI5 MI-Ann Arbor, Kalamazoo & St. Joseph (South MI- 13 counties) MI-Detroit & Dearborn (Southeast MI- 3 counties) MI-Flint, Lansing & Saginaw (Northeast MI- 22 counties) MI-Marquette, Muskegon, Petoskey, Traverse City & Grand Rapids (44) MI-Pontiac & Royal Oak (Oakland County, east MI- NW of Detroit) MAP 5 MICHIGAN.- TOTAL 1,202,362 9,883,640 104 127 93 112 60 496 MN1 MN2 MN3 MN-Minneapolis NW & St. Cloud (Northwest MN 37 counties) MN-Minneapolis SW (City of & Southwest MN 31 counties) MN-Duluth, Rochester & St. Paul (Eastern MN 19 counties) 3 MINNESOTA.- TOTAL MAP 1,001,172 2,391,592 1,911,161 5,303,925 50 120 96 266 -10% -10% -15% -12% -5% -5% -5% -5% -17% +10% +4% +3% 23.7 31.6 29.7 29.4 4.3% 11.5% 10.0% 9.6% 12.6% 10.1% 11.1% 10.9% 40,975 18,796 19,855 79,627 24 127 96 67 MS1 MS2 MS-Jackson & Oxford (West MS 47 counties) MS-Gulfport, Hattiesburg, Meridian, Tupelo (East MS 35 counties) MAP 2 MISSISSIPPI.- TOTAL 1,578,620 1,388,677 2,967,297 79 70 149 -20% -25% -22% -15% -20% -17% -31% -32% -32% 19.7 19.6 19.5 3.3% 4.1% 3.6% 22.9% 20.5% 21.8% 27,433 19,491 46,923 58 71 63 MO1 MO2 MO3 MO4 MO- Columbia, Joplin & Springfield (57 counties- Central & SW MO.) MO-Kansas City (26 counties- NW MO.) MO-St. Louis N. (City of & 6 counties- NE MO.) MO-St. Louis S. & Cape Girardeau (26 counties- SE MO.) MAP 4 MISSOURI.- TOTAL 1,766,862 1,491,846 1,782,328 947,891 5,988,927 89 75 90 47 301 -25% -20% -25% -25% -24% -15% -15% -10% -10% -13% -28% -13% +4% -28% -15% 20.6 24.8 29.8 20.7 24.4 4.7% 6.3% 7.4% 3.2% 5.7% 17.7% 13.2% 11.9% 16.2% 14.6% 35,382 14,503 2,856 16,000 68,742 50 103 624 59 87 2,069,580 2,518,013 1,854,393 2,239,292 STATE/ CO-OP NV1 NV2 NJ1 NJ2 NJ3 NJ4 NJ5 ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) COLA COLA PER CAP. PER CAP. NON- vs RI vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY Gen. Health TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE 1 MONTANA.- TOTAL (MT) MAP 989,415 50 -20% -10% -20% 22.9 4.7% 15.0% 145,546 7 1 NEBRASKA.- TOTAL (NE) MAP 1,826,341 92 -25% -15% -14% 24.6 9.2% 12.2% 76,824 24 NV-Las Vegas (3 counties- SE NV) NV-Reno (14 counties- NW NV) 2 NEVADA.- TOTAL MAP 2,000,560 699,991 2,700,551 100 36 136 -15% -20% -17% -5% -10% -7% -5% -3% -4% 27.2 27.9 27.4 30.8% 18.3% 27.5% 12.4% 12.3% 12.4% 36,707 73,075 109,781 55 10 25 1 NEW HAMPSHIRE.- TOTAL (NH) MAP 1,316,470 66 -5% 0% +7% 30.6 8.1% 8.6% 8,953 147 NJ-Camden N. (3 counties- South NJ) NJ-Camden S. (6 counties- South NJ) NJ-Hackensack, Patterson & Ridgewood (2 counties- NE NJ) NJ-Morristown & New Brunswick (7 counties- NW NJ) NJ-Newark (3 counties- NE NJ) MAP 5 NEW JERSEY.- TOTAL 1,655,681 1,396,740 1,406,342 2,378,397 1,954,734 8,791,894 83 70 71 119 98 441 +5% +5% -10% +5% +5% +1% -5% -5% -5% -5% -10% -6% +22% 0% +27% +37% +10% +21% 34.9 28.6 36.3 39.1 31.6 34.6 13.3% 15.9% 39.3% 26.6% 41.9% 27.6% 7.1% 11.0% 10.1% 6.6% 13.1% 9.4% 1,896 2,166 418 2,599 275 7,354 873 645 3,368 915 7,101 1,196 MAP 2,059,179 104 -25% -15% -21% 22.5 35.9% 18.2% 121,298 17 1,953,167 1,385,108 1,453,693 2,230,722 1,339,532 1,493,350 2,504,700 2,054,603 1,733,323 1,363,694 1,866,210 19,378,102 98 69 73 112 67 75 125 103 87 68 94 971 -12% +30% -22% +18% +18% +18% +76% +76% 0% -20% -20% +21% 0% +5% -20% +5% +5% +5% +15% +15% 0% -10% 0% +4% -3% -40% -13% -12% +42% +23% -20% +86% +40% -12% -17% +7% 27.7 17.3 24.8 25.3 40.5 35.1 23.0 53.3 40.2 25.3 23.6 30.6 9.2% 55.1% 7.9% 54.4% 25.5% 18.4% 45.4% 36.2% 28.0% 9.6% 6.9% 28.5% 11.5% 28.3% 14.2% 12.9% 5.5% 5.7% 21.7% 15.4% 9.9% 13.3% 14.8% 14.2% 15,757 42 4,818 109 285 912 71 81 1,646 6,686 16,721 47,126 124 32,904 302 20,554 4,705 1,637 35,369 25,303 1,053 204 112 411 1 NEW MEXICO.- TOTAL (NM) NY1 NY2 NY3 NY4 NY5 NY6 NY7 NY8 NY9 NY10 NY11 POP Serv. Areas NY-Albany (18 counties NE NY) NY-NYC Bronx County NY-Buffalo (6 counties western NY) NY-NYC East Long Island (Queens County) NY-East Long Island (Nassau County) NY-East Long Island (Suffolk County) NY-NYC Manhattan (Kings County, Brooklyn- West Long Island) NY-NYC Manhattan (NY & Richmond Counties- Staten Island) NY-White Plains (Orange, Putnam, Rockland & Weschester counties.) NY-Rochester (10 counties East of Buffalo area) NY-Syracuse, Binghamton & Elmira (17 counts. East of Rochester) MAP 11 NEW YORK.- TOTAL STATE/ CO-OP NC1 NC2 NC3 NC4 NC5 ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) COLA POP Serv. Areas PER CAP. NON- vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH Gen. Health vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY vs RI COLA PER CAP. TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE NC-Charlotte (10 counties- SW NC) NC-Durham & Greensboro (19 counties- west of Raleigh) NC-Greenville & Wilmington (29 counties- eastern & coastal NC) NC-Raleigh (11 counties) NC-Winston-Salem, Asheville & Hickory (31 counties- west NC) 5 NORTH CAROLINA.- TOTAL MAP 1,975,131 1,967,145 1,480,919 2,004,517 2,107,771 9,535,483 99 99 74 100 106 478 -25% -22% -20% -20% -25% -23% -5% -5% 0% -10% -20% -8% -4% -17% -22% -9% -19% -14% 27.5 23.6 22.4 26.0 23.1 24.5 11.5% 10.8% 6.3% 11.4% 7.6% 9.6% 14.5% 18.3% 18.9% 14.6% 16.0% 16.2% 4,637 9,392 14,709 7,033 12,848 48,618 426 209 101 285 164 196 MAP 672,591 34 -23% -10% -13% 25.0 5.4% 11.7% 69,001 10 100 77 116 54 102 81 49 MAP 1,999,639 1,526,892 2,315,442 1,078,588 2,024,133 1,623,402 968,408 11,536,504 579 -25% -25% -20% -25% -25% -25% -25% -24% -20% -15% -10% -5% -5% -20% -20% -15% -18% -7% -9% -14% -15% -12% -18% -13% 23.5 26.5 26.0 24.7 24.2 25.0 23.5 24.8 5.7% 5.1% 9.1% 3.9% 7.1% 4.1% 5.3% 6.1% 15.3% 14.1% 15.5% 12.9% 18.5% 13.0% 15.0% 15.1% 5,788 3,361 3,442 7,361 9,568 6,568 4,774 40,861 346 454 673 147 212 247 203 282 MAP 2,221,941 1,529,410 3,751,351 111 77 188 -23% -28% -25% -15% -15% -15% -21% -22% -21% 22.7 22.4 22.6 9.4% 7.0% 8.4% 16.1% 16.2% 16.1% 50,416 18,179 68,595 44 84 55 OR1 OR2 OR-Bend, Eugene, Medford, Salem (20 counties- Southern OR) OR-Portland (16 counties- Northern OR) MAP 2 OREGON- TOTAL 1,762,158 2,068,916 3,831,074 88 104 192 -10% -10% -10% -5% 0% -2% -19% -1% -9% 23.1 28.3 25.9 10.9% 16.7% 14.0% 16.4% 12.6% 14.3% 73,316 22,672 95,988 24 91 40 PA1 PA2 PA3 PA4 PA5 PA6 PA7 PA8 PA-Allentown, Scranton & Wilkes-Barre (9 counties- NE PA) PA-Danville, Erie & Sayre (22 counties- North & West PA) PA-Harrisburg, Altoona & Johnstown (15 counties- South Central PA-Lancaster, Reading & York (5 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia NW (3 counties- SE PA) PA-Philadelphia (city of & county- SE PA) PA-Pittsburgh (city of & west- 5 counties SW PA) PA-Pittsburgh East (7 counties- SW PA) MAP 8 PENNSYLVANIA- TOTAL 1,571,225 1,401,807 1,546,058 2,013,034 79 70 78 101 99 77 86 47 637 -15% -25% -25% -15% +5% +5% -25% -25% -14% -15% -20% -20% -15% -5% -5% -20% -20% -15% -11% -25% -19% +2% +26% -27% -4% -18% -7% 25.4 21.6 23.3 29.3 35.9 20.9 27.3 23.6 26.7 10.7% 4.8% 5.9% 11.3% 10.4% 20.1% 5.8% 3.3% 9.4% 11.6% 15.1% 11.2% 9.3% 6.2% 24.5% 12.6% 12.3% 12.5% 5,148 15,825 9,835 4,234 1,271 134 2,956 5,340 44,743 305 89 157 475 1,561 11,380 586 174 284 1 NORTH DAKOTA.- TOTAL (ND) OH1 OH2 OH3 OH4 OH5 OH6 OH7 OK1 OK2 OH-Akron, Canton, Youngstown (12 counties- NE OH) OH-Cincinnati (7 counties- SW OH) OH-Cleveland & Elyria (8 counties- NE OH) OH-Columbus- North (15 counties- central OH) OH-Columbus- City of & Southeast (20 counties- SE OH) OH-Dayton & Kettering (15 counties- West OH) OH-Toledo (11 counties- NW OH) 7 OHIO.- TOTAL OK-Oklahoma City & OK-Lawton (54 counties) OK-Tulsa (23 counties- NE OK) 2 OKLAHOMA- TOTAL 1,984,102 1,526,006 1,731,501 928,646 12,702,379 STATE/ CO-OP ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) 1 RHODE ISLAND- TOTAL (RI) SC1 SC2 SC3 TN1 TN2 TN3 TN4 TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 TX5 TX6 TX7 TX8 TX9 TX10 TX11 TX12 TX13 TX14 UT1 UT2 POP Serv. Areas COLA COLA PER CAP. PER CAP. NON- vs RI vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY Gen. Health TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE MAP 1,052,567 50 0% 0% 0% 28.6 20.5% 12.0% 1,034 1,018 SC-Charleston & Florence (17 counties- SE SC) SC-Columbia (20 counties- Central SC) SC-Greenville & Spartanburg (9 counties- NW SC) 3 SOUTH CAROLINA- TOTAL MAP 1,632,247 1,500,049 1,493,068 4,625,364 82 75 75 232 -20% -20% -27% -22% -10% -5% -15% -10% -16% -21% -19% -19% 24.0 22.5 23.2 23.2 6.1% 5.4% 7.2% 6.2% 17.9% 17.5% 15.8% 17.1% 12,260 12,068 5,732 30,061 133 124 260 154 1 SOUTH DAKOTA- TOTAL (SD) MAP 814,180 41 -23% -10% -18% 23.4 6.4% 14.2% 75,811 11 MAP 1,546,161 1,438,739 1,614,887 1,746,318 6,346,105 78 72 81 88 319 -30% -25% -25% -30% -27% -15% -15% -15% -20% -16% -19% -7% -20% -22% -17% 23.1 26.6 23.0 22.2 23.6 6.1% 9.0% 5.1% 3.9% 5.9% 20.4% 14.9% 16.2% 17.3% 17.2% 10,269 8,739 12,139 10,088 41,235 151 165 133 173 154 TX-Amarillo, Lubbock & Witchita Falls (62 counties- TX panhandle) TX-Austin & Temple (12 counties East TX) TX-Houston East & Beaumont (19 counties- SE TX) TX-Houston (City of- Harris County SE TX) TX-Houston (Harris County excluding Houston) TX-Houston West (10 counties- SE TX) TX-Dallas (Dallas County- NE TX) TX-Dallas East (12 counties- NE TX) TX-Dallas NW (5 counties- NE TX) TX-El Paso, Abilene, Odessa & San Angelo (44 counties- West TX) TX-Fort Worth (7 counties- NE TX) TX-San Antonio (29 counties- SW TX) TX-Corpus Christi, Harlingen, McAllen & Victoria (20 counties- SW TX) TX-Waco, Bryan, Tyler & Longview (32 counties- Central & NE TX) MAP 14 TEXAS- TOTAL 1,158,243 2,225,009 1,669,145 2,099,451 1,993,008 1,148,672 2,368,139 1,462,994 900,774 1,612,106 2,202,568 2,725,273 1,982,809 1,597,370 25,145,561 58 112 84 105 100 58 119 74 45 81 111 137 100 80 1,264 -27% -22% -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% -25% -22% -27% -25% -25% -15% -10% -15% -15% -15% -15% -10% -10% -10% -15% -15% -20% -20% -20% -15% -26% -3% -15% -9% -3% -2% -10% +7% +1% -33% -8% -24% -44% -28% -15% 21.2 27.7 24.4 25.9 27.7 27.9 25.7 30.7 28.8 19.2 26.4 21.6 15.9 20.7 24.3 23.5% 24.8% 14.7% 45.3% 37.9% 29.4% 39.3% 18.9% 17.7% 50.8% 23.7% 46.2% 64.8% 13.6% 33.6% 17.4% 14.0% 15.9% 21.0% 12.4% 10.2% 18.7% 10.6% 10.0% 20.2% 14.1% 18.8% 29.4% 19.8% 17.1% 59,015 10,610 14,739 600 1,103 8,587 871 9,267 4,521 67,839 5,134 36,212 19,134 23,598 261,232 20 210 113 3,499 1,807 134 2,718 158 199 24 429 75 104 68 96 91 -20% 48 -25% 139 -22% -15% -20% -17% -16% -29% -21% 24.0 20.3 22.7 15.2% 10.9% 13.8% 10.5% 14.0% 11.7% 17,107 65,063 82,170 105 15 34 TN-Memphis & Jackson (20 counties- west TN) TN-Nashville City Of & West (18 counties- central TN) TN-Nashville East & Chattanooga (31 counties- central TN) TN-Knoxville, Johnson City, Kingsport (26 counties- east TN) 4 TENNESSEE- TOTAL UT-Salt Lake City NW & Ogden (8 counties- NW UT) UT-Salt Lake City SE & Provo (21 counties- SE UT) 2 UTAH- TOTAL MAP 1,799,952 963,933 2,763,885 STATE/ CO-OP ECONOMIC & DEMOGRAPHIC DIFFERENCES AMONG CO-OP's 185 HEALTH MARKETS WITHIN STATES (CO-OP's) (Based on HRR's- Hosp. Referral Regions) POP MAP 625,741 VA1 VA2 VA3 VA4 VA-Arlington & Winchester (17 counties- Northeast VA & DC area) VA-Charlottesville, Lynchburg, Roanoke (61 counties- Western VA) VA-Norfolk & Newport News (19 counties- Southeast VA) VA-Richmond (37 counties- Eastern VA) 4 VIRGINIA- TOTAL MAP WA1 WA2 WA3 WA4 WA-Spokane & Yakima (20 counties- eastern WA) WA-Seattle City & King County (central WA) WA-Seattle NW & Everett (10 counties- NW WA) WA-Olympia & Tacoma (8 counties- SW WA) 4 WASHINGTON- TOTAL 1 WEST VIRGINIA- TOTAL (WV) 1 VERMONT- TOTAL (VT) WI1 WI2 WI3 WI4 Serv. Areas COLA PER CAP. PER CAP. NON- vs RI vs RI INCOME INCOME ENGLISH vs RI ($000) @ HOME POVERTY Gen. Health TOTAL POP. PER SQ. MILES SQ. MILE -2% -10% -6% 27.0 5.1% 11.5% 9,217 68 2,525,351 1,977,338 1,768,418 1,729,917 8,001,024 127 +14% 99 -13% 89 -15% 87 -15% 402 -6% -10% -15% 0% 0% -7% +54% -20% -5% +1% +10% 44.0 22.9 27.2 28.9 31.6 28.0% 4.9% 7.8% 8.1% 13.2% 6.2% 15.1% 11.4% 11.4% 10.6% 3,850 21,074 4,318 10,247 39,490 656 94 410 169 203 MAP 1,495,054 1,931,249 1,611,556 1,686,681 6,724,540 75 97 81 85 338 -25% 0% 0% -15% -11% -5% -5% -5% -15% -8% -22% +32% -1% -6% +2% 22.2 37.8 28.2 27.0 29.3 18.5% 22.9% 12.5% 11.7% 16.5% 16.7% 9.8% 11.2% 12.4% 12.3% 41,819 2,116 13,106 9,415 66,456 36 913 123 179 101 MAP 1,852,994 93 -25% -15% -27% 20.9 2.3% 17.8% 24,038 77 WI-Appleton, Green Bay, Neenah & Wausau (20 counties- NE WI) WI-Madison (14 counties- SE WI) WI-Milwaukee (9 counties- SE WI) WI-La Crosse & Marshfield (29 counties- NW WI) 4 WISCONSIN- TOTAL MAP 1,224,523 1,149,195 2,237,110 1,076,158 5,686,986 61 58 112 54 285 -25% -10% -20% -25% -20% -5% -10% -5% -5% -6% -10% -4% -4% -16% -8% 25.6 27.5 27.6 24.1 26.4 6.2% 7.6% 11.0% 5.0% 8.2% 10.5% 12.0% 13.7% 12.5% 12.4% 14,615 10,525 3,845 25,173 54,158 84 109 582 43 105 MAP 563,626 29 -20% -15% -6% 26.9 6.4% 10.2% 97,093 6 -5% 27.3 20.1% 13.8% 3,531,906 87 1 WYOMING- TOTAL (WY) 185 USA TOTAL 32 COLA MAP 308,745,538 15,490 Each of the 185 CO-OP areas covers 1 or more “Hospital Referral Regions” as defined by the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Regional hospitals capable of cardio and/or neuro surgery. (http://www.dartmouthatlas.org/data/region/) In each of the 15,490 service areas the CO-OP would contract approx. 17 Primary Care MDs, 7 Dentists and 4 Optometrists to service a population of approx. 20k in each area. COLA’s: Using data provided by researchers at C2ER, we compare key expenses in dozens of major cities. Costs include housing, utilities, transportation and health care. Data is generated from an average of the past four quarters ending March 2010. http://cgi.money.cnn.com/tools/costofliving/costofliving.html All other data are from 2010 US Census, http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/index.html downloaded at March 22, 2012. APPENDIX I ESTIMATE ON EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY MEDICARE FEDERAL FUNDING BY STATE (NEXT 3 SLIDES) BACK Table of Contents I-1: $515B MEDICARE FUNDING RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 1/3) 2012 (EST) State Alabama California Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maryland Michigan Mississippi Missouri New Jersey New York Ohio Oklahoma Pennsylvania Tennessee Texas West Virginia Subtotal (23 states & DC) (A) # Enrollees (000) (B) Total Funding (mils $) Per Enrollee ($) 877 4,902 592 154 81 3,486 1,266 1,915 1,044 451 788 712 810 1,711 517 1,044 1,383 3,113 1,983 627 2,387 1,093 3,074 400 8,766 55,495 6,744 1,648 933 42,970 12,799 20,902 10,569 4,370 7,807 8,561 9,536 19,226 5,674 10,444 16,923 37,479 20,997 6,450 25,910 11,268 36,613 3,838 9,993 11,321 11,400 10,716 11,473 12,325 10,114 10,916 10,121 9,690 9,907 12,031 11,773 11,234 10,969 9,999 12,240 12,038 10,591 10,283 10,854 10,308 11,911 9,597 34,410 385,921 11,215 (C) Health COLA vs RI (%) -20% -1% 0% -5% -5% -13% -12% -7% -15% -17% -20% -15% -10% -8% -17% -13% -6% +4% -15% -15% -15% -16% -15% -15% (B)-(C) x (A) More Than RI After COLA (%) RI's $10,407 x COLA ($) Medical Increase vs RI (mils $) 8,326 10,303 10,407 9,887 9,887 9,054 9,158 9,679 8,846 8,638 8,326 8,846 9,366 9,574 8,638 9,054 9,783 10,823 8,846 8,846 8,846 8,742 8,846 8,846 1,463 4,990 587 128 129 11,403 1,210 2,369 1,332 474 1,246 2,266 1,949 2,840 1,206 987 3,398 3,783 3,460 901 4,794 1,712 9,423 300 16.7% 9.0% 8.7% 7.7% 13.8% 26.5% 9.4% 11.3% 12.6% 10.9% 16.0% 26.5% 20.4% 14.8% 21.3% 9.5% 20.1% 10.1% 16.5% 14.0% 18.5% 15.2% 25.7% 7.8% 9,398 62,351 16.2% $62B Overbill vs RI? We would expect (B) & (C) above to be nearly the same if the medicare populations above consumed approximately the same services as in RI. However, the above populations consumed $62B (16%) more services than RI. Or the medicare rates are higher than non-medicare rates in these states making the COLA above n/a to medicare. This is unlikely. NJ, NY, FL, LA & TX have particularly excessive cost per enrollee vs. RI after COLA. I-2: $515B MEDICARE FUNDING RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 2/3) 2012 (EST) State Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado Hawaii Idaho Iowa Maine Massachusetts Minnesota Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Oregon Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Utah Vermont Virginia Washington Wisconsin Wyoming Subtotal (27 states) Grand Total (A) (B) (C) 12,488 9,679 8,846 9,679 10,927 9,366 8,638 9,887 11,135 9,887 9,366 8,846 9,679 10,407 8,846 9,574 9,366 10,199 10,407 9,366 9,366 8,638 9,366 9,679 9,574 9,783 8,846 Medical Increase vs RI (mils $) More Than RI After COLA (%) Total Funding (mils $) Per Enrollee ($) 66 953 552 638 212 235 542 275 1,102 813 175 292 364 230 322 1,535 114 638 191 794 143 290 114 1,177 994 945 83 602 9,212 5,076 5,727 1,671 1,907 4,718 2,491 12,775 7,473 1,360 2,745 3,624 2,076 2,689 15,374 937 5,414 1,988 7,860 1,194 2,485 1,026 10,612 8,689 8,658 696 9,061 9,661 9,203 8,974 7,869 8,103 8,700 9,071 11,597 9,194 7,791 9,396 9,966 9,011 8,350 10,017 8,183 8,481 10,407 9,904 8,379 8,562 8,966 9,020 8,737 9,160 8,396 +20% -7% -15% -7% +5% -10% -17% -5% +7% -5% -10% -15% -7% 0% -15% -8% -10% -2% 0% -10% -10% -17% -10% -7% -8% -6% -15% 13,790 129,079 9,360 9,706 2,110 1.6% 48,200 515,000 10,685 9,488 64,461 12.5% # Enrollees (000) RI's $10,407 x COLA ($) (B)-(C) x (A) Health COLA vs RI (%) 197 34 508 161 104 679 427 -37.8% -0.2% 3.9% -7.8% -38.9% -15.6% 0.7% -9.0% 4.0% -7.5% -20.2% 5.9% 2.9% -15.5% -5.9% 4.4% -14.5% -20.3% 0.0% 5.4% -11.8% -0.9% -4.5% -7.3% -9.6% -6.8% -5.4% The above medicare populations primarily consumed the same or less services than RI after COLA adjustment. HI, NH and OR have similar populations or COLA but consume dramatically fewer services than RI. I-3: $515B MEDICARE FUNDING RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 3/3) REDUCING THE PER ENROLLEE COST IN THE 23 STATES & DC TO THE LEVEL IN RI, WOULD CUT MEDICARE SPENDING $62B (16%). NATIONALLY: It is known that 15% of the Medicare/Medicaid cases consume a majority of the services (as in RI). It is likely that these difficult & expensive cases show up on the Medicaid program in RI and on the MEDICARE program in most other states. Most states spend dramatically more per enrollee on MEDICARE than RI (appendix I), the opposite of what we find in Medicaid (appendix J). It would be important to segregate these expensive cases in each state or CO-OP before making comparisons or seeking market/practice differences. FUNDING: Going forward, the baseline funding (Federal $515B) would be sent to the states and the 185 local CO-OP’s who will interact with the providers and manage the programs to the patient’s best advantage as described herein. Future federal funding increases are limited to population growth plus inflation under 10 to 20 year contracts with the CO-OP’s. NO FEE-FOR-SERVICE at the federal or state level. NO CO-OP voting for Federal or State governments. Minimum “strings” or mandates on the funding. Although it is expected that a small number of plans (4 to 6) or a menu of minimum coverage would be available in every CO-OP nationwide. Like Medicare but not fee-for-service. PATIENTS are free to purchase added coverage with their own funds through the Co-OP or in the open market. CO-OP focus is on health care as a “public utility” for all in the area. APPENDIX J ESTIMATE ON EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY MEDICAID FEDERAL & STATE FUNDING (NEXT 3 SLIDES) BACK Table of Contents J-1: $492B MEDICAID FUNDING RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 1/3) 2012 (EST) State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri (A) # Enrollees (000) 967 139 1,630 963 12,251 729 611 211 196 3,345 1,995 261 272 2,699 1,312 581 409 1,040 1,348 356 882 1,433 2,085 889 766 1,228 (B) Total Federal Funding (mils $) Per Enrollee Federal ($) Total State Funding (mils $) 4,318 1,199 8,103 4,001 39,686 3,674 5,100 1,399 2,140 16,276 8,447 1,222 1,554 12,597 6,081 3,312 2,826 5,508 6,143 1,668 6,865 11,066 11,361 8,180 3,845 6,431 4,466 8,621 4,973 4,153 3,239 5,038 8,351 6,643 10,919 4,866 4,235 4,689 5,725 4,667 4,633 5,704 6,910 5,293 4,558 4,684 7,783 7,721 5,448 9,202 5,020 5,236 766 405 1,525 809 14,364 1,668 4,741 662 4,194 2,218 550 407 5,348 1,508 724 1,009 1,255 1,371 614 2,783 10,659 1,913 3,749 386 1,756 (C) State % of Total Per Enrollee Total ($) Health COLA vs RI (%) RI's $12,309 x COLA ($) 15.1% 25.2% 15.8% 16.8% 26.6% 31.2% 48.2% 32.1% 0.0% 20.6% 20.8% 31.0% 20.8% 29.8% 19.9% 17.9% 26.3% 18.6% 18.2% 26.9% 28.8% 49.1% 14.4% 31.4% 9.1% 21.5% 5,257 11,533 5,909 4,992 4,412 7,324 16,113 9,787 10,919 6,119 5,347 6,800 7,225 6,648 5,782 6,951 9,378 6,500 5,576 6,409 10,938 15,158 6,365 13,419 5,524 6,666 -20% +20% -7% -15% -1% -7% 0% -5% -5% -13% -12% +5% -10% -7% -15% -17% -17% -20% -15% -5% -10% +7% -8% -5% -17% -13% 9,847 14,771 11,447 10,463 12,186 11,447 12,309 11,694 11,694 10,709 10,832 12,924 11,078 11,447 10,463 10,216 10,216 9,847 10,463 11,694 11,078 13,171 11,324 11,694 10,216 10,709 (B)-(C) x (A) Medical Increase vs RI (mils $) 2,323 (152) (343) (123) 2,849 1,534 More Than RI After COLA (%) -46.6% -21.9% -48.4% -52.3% -63.8% -36.0% 30.9% -16.3% -6.6% -42.9% -50.6% -47.4% -34.8% -41.9% -44.7% -32.0% -8.2% -34.0% -46.7% -45.2% -1.3% 15.1% -43.8% 14.8% -45.9% -37.8% We would expect (B) & (C) above to be nearly the same if the medicaid populations above consumed approximately the same services as in RI. However, 40 states consumed dramatically fewer services than RI. Or the medicaid rates are higher than non-medicaid rates in these states making the COLA above n/a to medicaid. This is unlikely. AR, CA, GA, TX & WI spend less than HALF per enrollee vs. RI after COLA. J-2: $492B MEDICAID FUNDING RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 2/3) 2012 (EST) State Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming (A) # Enrollees (000) (B) Total Federal Funding (mils $) Per Enrollee Federal ($) Total State Funding (mils $) (C) State % of Total Per Enrollee Total ($) Health COLA vs RI (%) RI's $12,309 x COLA ($) -10% -15% -7% 0% -6% -15% +4% -8% -10% -15% -15% -2% -15% 0% -10% -10% -16% -15% -17% -10% -7% -8% -15% -6% -15% 11,078 10,463 11,447 12,309 11,570 10,463 12,801 11,324 11,078 10,463 10,463 12,063 10,463 12,309 11,078 11,078 10,340 10,463 10,216 11,078 11,447 11,324 10,463 11,570 10,463 132 290 290 153 1,241 591 5,673 2,080 86 2,402 892 568 2,487 237 1,015 159 1,714 4,652 283 189 978 1,384 440 1,784 81 806 1,890 1,391 1,151 9,493 3,764 52,974 10,985 678 14,846 4,123 3,028 15,386 2,028 5,350 828 7,830 20,501 1,717 1,087 5,737 7,180 2,956 5,648 619 6,122 6,511 4,789 7,536 7,649 6,366 9,338 5,281 7,864 6,180 4,624 5,332 6,187 8,545 5,271 5,199 4,568 4,407 6,073 5,753 5,865 5,188 6,719 3,165 7,681 175 710 585 518 5,206 789 9,426 3,395 204 12,574 1,111 875 7,744 894 725 294 3,185 2,769 326 215 3,573 4,340 380 1,332 271 17.8% 27.3% 29.6% 31.0% 35.4% 17.3% 15.2% 23.7% 23.2% 45.9% 21.2% 22.4% 33.6% 30.6% 11.9% 26.2% 28.9% 12.0% 16.0% 16.5% 38.4% 37.7% 11.4% 19.1% 30.4% 7,449 8,957 6,802 10,930 11,844 7,701 10,999 6,914 10,233 11,415 5,870 6,873 9,301 12,309 5,985 7,046 6,426 5,002 7,226 6,893 9,518 8,324 7,583 3,911 11,040 68,400 365,000 5,336 127,000 25.8% 7,193 (B)-(C) x (A) Medical Increase vs RI (mils $) 340 (73) 2,287 47 More Than RI After COLA (%) -32.8% -14.4% -40.6% -11.2% 2.4% -26.4% -14.1% -38.9% -7.6% 9.1% -43.9% -43.0% -11.1% 0.0% -46.0% -36.4% -37.8% -52.2% -29.3% -37.8% -16.9% -26.5% -27.5% -66.2% 5.5% 8,688 The degree to which states contribute the their Medicaid programs varies dramatically as shown above. From nearly half in CT, MA & OH to less than 12% in MS, SC, TX & WV. DC pays zero toward their Medicaid. The above includes federal “stimulus” as it is unlikely this will be withdrawn given economics & ACA expansion. Accordingly, this is becoming more of a federal program (75%) and less of a federal-state partnership. J-3: $492B MEDICAID FUNDING RATES & GEOGRAPHIC COLA’s (PG 3/3) ONLY SIX STATES (CT, MA, MN, NJ, OH, WY) SPEND MORE PER ENROLLEE ON MEDICAID THAN RI. ALL BUT MN & WY ALSO SPEND MORE ON MEDICARE. The RI Medicaid population consists of approximately 75,000 elderly & disabled people consuming nearly $31k per enrollee or $2.3B. The remaining population is approx. 162,000 families & children consuming $3,700 per enrollee on average for a total of approximately $.6B. A total of 237,000 people, $2.9B or $12,309 per enrollee. NATIONALLY: It is known that 15% of the Medicare/Medicaid cases consume a majority of the services (as in RI). It is likely that these difficult & expensive cases show up on the Medicaid program in RI and the six states above and on the MEDICARE program in most other states. Most states spend dramatically more per enrollee on MEDICARE than RI (appendix I), the opposite of what we find in Medicaid (appendix J). It would be important to segregate these expensive cases in each state or CO-OP before making comparisons or seeking market/practice differences. FUNDING: The funding shown in this appendix includes Federal “Stimulus” money. It is assumed that this will become part of the base line given slow economic growth, persistently high unemployment, population demographics & health care reform. Going forward, the baseline funding (Federal $365B & States $127B) would be sent to the states and the 185 local CO-OP’s who will interact with the providers and manage the programs to the patient’s best advantage as described herein. Future funding increases are limited to population growth plus inflation under 10 to 20 year contracts with the CO-OP’s. NO FEE-FOR-SERVICE at the federal or state level. NO CO-OP voting for Federal or State governments. Minimum “strings” or mandates on the funding. APPENDIX K ESTIMATE ON EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY OTHER FEDERAL HEALTH SPENDING (NEXT 3 SLIDES) BACK Table of Contents K-1: $220B OTHER FEDERAL HEALTH SPENDING (PG 1/3) 2012 (EST) State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Active Duty CG, NG & Reserves (000) Federal Civilian Employees (000) Federal Civilian Retirees (000) 66 24 40 23 213 50 16 10 23 109 106 46 12 77 28 18 33 55 47 11 57 30 34 26 34 52 52 17 55 21 252 54 18 5 167 121 103 28 14 87 41 18 26 35 31 15 143 50 55 47 25 58 58 7 52 25 214 47 15 9 43 124 81 25 14 66 36 20 24 33 26 14 153 43 42 20 25 53 Total Federal People (000) 176 48 147 69 679 151 49 24 233 354 290 99 40 230 105 56 83 123 104 40 353 123 131 93 84 163 % of Total Defense Fed EE & Misc. Health (mils $) 2.4% 0.6% 2.0% 0.9% 9.1% 2.0% 0.7% 0.3% 3.1% 4.7% 3.9% 1.3% 0.5% 3.1% 1.4% 0.7% 1.1% 1.6% 1.4% 0.5% 4.7% 1.6% 1.8% 1.2% 1.1% 2.2% 3,886 1,060 3,246 1,523 14,992 3,334 1,082 530 5,145 7,816 6,403 2,186 883 5,078 2,318 1,236 1,833 2,716 2,296 883 7,794 2,716 2,892 2,053 1,855 3,599 Veterans (000) 404 72 551 251 2,093 411 245 78 35 1,685 718 116 131 812 494 246 231 335 322 140 462 441 751 401 213 518 VA Health % of Spending Total (mils $) 1.8% 0.3% 2.4% 1.1% 9.1% 1.8% 1.1% 0.3% 0.2% 7.4% 3.1% 0.5% 0.6% 3.5% 2.2% 1.1% 1.0% 1.5% 1.4% 0.6% 2.0% 1.9% 3.3% 1.8% 0.9% 2.3% ESTIMATE OF HOW OTHER FEDERAL HEALTH SPENDING IS DISTRIBUTED BY STATE. This spending includes: Defense Health ($60B), Fed Employees ($50B), misc ($55B) & VA ($55B). Note: not all veterans are drawing VA health benefits, this population figure was used to estimate by state $’s. 970 173 1,324 603 5,028 987 589 187 84 4,047 1,725 279 315 1,950 1,187 591 555 805 773 336 1,110 1,059 1,804 963 512 1,244 K-2: $220B OTHER FEDERAL HEALTH SPENDING (PG 2/3) 2012 (EST) Active Duty CG, NG & Reserves (000) Federal Civilian Employees (000) Federal Civilian Retirees (000) Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming 10 18 14 6 33 21 71 125 13 51 47 17 56 10 66 10 31 195 18 5 124 66 12 26 7 16 16 17 8 58 32 123 64 9 82 49 30 105 10 30 11 43 191 37 7 169 71 24 29 8 12 13 21 12 55 27 96 70 6 74 47 33 107 9 43 10 45 163 35 4 139 65 17 26 6 GRAND TOTAL 2,292 2,777 2,404 State Total Federal People (000) 38 47 52 26 146 80 290 259 28 207 143 80 268 29 139 31 119 549 90 16 432 202 53 81 21 7,473 % of Total Defense Fed EE & Misc. Health (mils $) 0.5% 0.6% 0.7% 0.3% 2.0% 1.1% 3.9% 3.5% 0.4% 2.8% 1.9% 1.1% 3.6% 0.4% 1.9% 0.4% 1.6% 7.3% 1.2% 0.2% 5.8% 2.7% 0.7% 1.1% 0.3% 839 1,038 1,148 574 3,224 1,766 6,403 5,719 618 4,570 3,157 1,766 5,917 640 3,069 684 2,627 12,122 1,987 353 9,538 4,460 1,170 1,788 464 100 150 231 125 505 174 1,065 742 55 951 326 350 1,050 82 399 72 508 1,621 151 54 748 616 171 443 52 165,000 22,897 100.0% Veterans (000) VA Health % of Spending Total (mils $) 0.4% 0.7% 1.0% 0.5% 2.2% 0.8% 4.7% 3.2% 0.2% 4.2% 1.4% 1.5% 4.6% 0.4% 1.7% 0.3% 2.2% 7.1% 0.7% 0.2% 3.3% 2.7% 0.7% 1.9% 0.2% 240 360 555 300 1,213 418 2,558 1,782 132 2,284 783 841 2,522 197 958 173 1,220 3,894 363 130 1,797 1,480 411 1,064 125 100.0% 55,000 $220B ESTIMATE OF HOW OTHER FEDERAL HEALTH SPENDING IS DISTRIBUTED BY STATE. This spending includes: Defense Health ($60B), Fed Employees ($50B), misc ($55B) & VA ($55B). Note: not all veterans are drawing VA health benefits, this population figure was used to estimate by state $’s. K-3: $220B OTHER FEDERAL HEALTHE SPENDING (PG 3/3) FUNDING: Going forward, the baseline funding (Federal $220B) would be sent to the states and the 185 local CO-OP’s who will interact with the providers and manage The programs to the patient’s best advantage as described herein. Future funding increases are limited to population growth plus inflation under 10 to 20 year contracts with the CO-OP’s. NO FEE-FOR-SERVICE at the federal or state level. NO CO-OP voting for Federal or State governments. Minimum “strings” or mandates on the funding. APPENDIX L ESTIMATE ON EXPANDING THE RI MODEL NATIONALLY STATE & LOCAL GOVERNMENT HEALTH SPENDING EMPLOYEES, RETIREES, OTHER (ESTIMATE) (NEXT 3 SLIDES) BACK Table of Contents LOCAL GOVERNMENT: EMPLOYMENT AND PAYROLL DATA BY STATE & BY FUNCTION: MARCH 2011. SOURCE: 2011 Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll. For information on sampling and nonsampling errors and definitions, see http://www.census.gov/govs/apes/how_data_collected.html. Data users who create their own estimates from these tables should cite the U.S. Census Bureau as the source of the original data only. State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut DC Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi State # Total EE's 108,827 30,236 85,187 73,239 491,120 98,890 76,824 31,294 213,662 154,380 72,983 28,341 158,496 118,093 66,751 54,741 96,775 99,787 28,537 91,823 114,104 186,173 99,404 64,905 Payroll (Mil $) State & Local # Total EE's 89,768 4,369 212,631 195,010 7,529 26,747 1,660 33,689 27,996 1,645 68,786 3,435 247,025 212,009 10,179 62,562 2,882 141,097 127,046 4,138 407,321 28,829 1,655,441 1,344,749 89,478 72,113 4,259 243,026 198,053 9,745 62,090 4,211 144,051 123,119 7,353 43,418 42,502 3,054 26,215 1,311 26,173 23,536 1,204 184,237 8,483 785,844 703,922 32,915 123,627 5,713 422,229 385,649 15,786 58,142 2,777 16,426 15,527 907 21,773 1,117 73,835 56,796 2,176 131,153 7,907 616,379 495,768 27,248 89,796 4,169 284,112 239,707 10,253 50,378 3,130 164,278 126,890 5,637 43,555 2,141 184,895 153,292 6,106 81,493 3,650 192,939 165,366 6,064 84,402 4,231 222,135 197,195 7,772 21,354 1,045 66,474 54,016 1,842 86,714 4,870 254,373 220,317 13,089 92,033 5,538 264,032 228,705 13,179 144,921 8,574 385,511 311,657 16,274 79,672 4,915 254,375 197,507 10,082 57,656 2,486 150,361 134,339 4,790 321,458 63,925 332,212 214,336 2,146,561 341,916 220,875 43,418 57,467 999,506 576,609 89,409 102,176 774,875 402,205 231,029 239,636 289,714 321,922 95,011 346,196 378,136 571,684 353,779 215,266 State # FTE's Payroll Local (Mil $) # Total EE's Local # FTE's State & Local # FTE's 284,778 54,743 280,795 189,608 1,752,070 270,166 185,209 42,502 49,751 888,159 509,276 73,669 78,569 626,921 329,503 177,268 196,847 246,859 281,597 75,370 307,031 320,738 456,578 277,179 191,995 Payroll (Mil $) Health Cost % Total (Mil $) per FTE 11,898 3,305 13,614 7,020 118,307 14,003 11,564 3,054 2,516 41,398 21,499 3,684 3,293 35,156 14,423 8,767 8,247 9,714 12,002 2,886 17,959 18,717 24,848 14,997 7,275 1.4% 2,818 0.4% 783 1.6% 3,224 0.8% 1,662 14.0% 28,017 1.7% 3,316 1.4% 2,739 0.4% 723 0.3% 596 4.9% 9,804 2.5% 5,091 0.4% 873 0.4% 780 4.2% 8,325 1.7% 3,416 1.0% 2,076 1.0% 1,953 1.2% 2,301 1.4% 2,842 0.3% 684 2.1% 4,253 2.2% 4,432 2.9% 5,884 1.8% 3,551 0.9% 1,723 9,895 14,298 11,482 8,767 15,991 12,275 14,787 17,018 11,975 11,038 9,997 11,844 9,925 13,280 10,366 11,712 9,921 9,319 10,094 9,069 13,852 13,819 12,888 12,813 8,973 per PR$ 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% State Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming TOTAL USA State # Total EE's 229,949 37,079 88,909 86,186 52,879 341,313 78,870 932,034 401,701 26,455 455,646 146,418 131,757 423,378 30,846 176,232 31,393 241,242 1,131,828 94,090 25,230 313,907 225,231 63,819 212,677 39,316 9,610 1,530 4,104 4,951 2,328 21,645 3,220 59,086 16,796 1,097 21,810 5,340 6,802 21,405 1,794 7,183 1,143 9,386 48,911 3,793 1,074 14,260 14,348 2,423 10,547 1,838 377,881 73,476 145,329 132,212 87,231 573,446 144,706 1,345,387 645,240 59,500 721,858 247,750 248,449 727,733 58,063 285,268 61,637 370,658 1,624,167 199,600 47,234 515,632 424,299 118,761 384,059 64,055 317,310 57,874 120,974 114,307 72,273 488,114 125,664 1,175,681 556,065 45,047 594,695 214,757 197,299 591,926 49,746 253,574 45,851 327,457 1,450,198 147,591 39,649 438,837 346,367 103,701 283,568 52,732 13,210 2,504 5,568 6,535 3,345 31,819 5,360 75,471 23,859 2,007 29,651 8,475 10,410 30,726 2,998 10,633 1,803 13,132 65,290 6,512 1,874 20,637 21,435 4,125 14,491 2,513 5,313,525 4,359,380 239,662 14,099,427 11,999,058 604,869 19,412,952 16,358,438 844,531 3,600 974 1,464 1,584 1,017 10,174 2,141 16,385 7,062 910 7,841 3,135 3,609 9,321 1,204 3,450 660 3,746 16,380 2,720 800 6,377 7,088 1,702 3,944 674 Local # Total EE's State & Local # FTE's Payroll (Mil $) 87,361 20,795 32,065 28,121 19,394 146,801 46,794 243,647 154,364 18,592 139,049 68,339 65,542 168,548 18,900 77,342 14,458 86,215 318,370 53,501 14,419 124,930 121,136 39,882 70,891 13,416 Payroll (Mil $) State & Local # Total EE's Local # FTE's 101,735 26,831 37,060 34,825 26,232 171,697 55,016 279,005 178,488 24,760 186,088 86,893 82,648 208,870 23,783 90,085 18,831 103,867 363,533 70,256 15,846 160,028 154,785 48,334 103,489 15,968 State # FTE's 276,146 46,645 108,269 97,387 60,999 401,749 89,690 1,066,382 466,752 34,740 535,770 160,857 165,801 518,863 34,280 195,183 42,806 266,791 1,260,634 129,344 31,388 355,604 269,514 70,427 280,570 48,087 Payroll (Mil $) Health Cost % Total (Mil $) 1.6% 0.3% 0.7% 0.8% 0.4% 3.8% 0.6% 8.9% 2.8% 0.2% 3.5% 1.0% 1.2% 3.6% 0.4% 1.3% 0.2% 1.6% 7.7% 0.8% 0.2% 2.4% 2.5% 0.5% 1.7% 0.3% per FTE per PR$ 3,128 593 1,319 1,548 792 7,535 1,269 17,873 5,650 475 7,022 2,007 2,465 7,276 710 2,518 427 3,110 15,462 1,542 444 4,887 5,076 977 3,432 595 9,859 10,245 10,900 13,540 10,960 15,438 10,102 15,202 10,161 10,551 11,807 9,346 12,495 12,293 14,270 9,930 9,314 9,497 10,662 10,450 11,191 11,137 14,656 9,421 12,102 11,285 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 23.7% 100% 200,000 12,226 23.7% AL: 3 HEALTH MARKETS (67 COUNTIES & 4.7 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents AK: 1 HEALTH MARKET (29 COUNTIES & 710K PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 1 OF 2) AZ: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (15 COUNTIES & 6.4 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 2 OF 2) AZ: MARICOPA COUNTY (3.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents AR: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (75 COUNTIES & 2.9 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents CA: 21 HEALTH MARKETS (58 COUNTIES & 37.3 MILLION PEOPLE) (PG 1 OF 4) Table of Contents CA: ORANGE COUNTY (3 MILLION PEOPLE) (PG 2 OF 4) Table of Contents CA: LOS ANGELES COUNTY (9.8 MILLION PEOPLE) (PG 3 OF 4) NOTE: Data per US Census & Geographic divisions: http://projects.latimes.com/mapping-la/neighborhoods/ Table of Contents CA: SAN DIEGO COUNTY (3.1 MILLION PEOPLE) (PG 4 OF 4) Table of Contents CO: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (64 COUNTIES & 5 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents CT: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (8 COUNTIES & 3.6 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents DC: 1 HEALTH MARKET (0 COUNTIES & 618K PEOPLE) map map Table of Contents DE: 1 HEALTH MARKET (3 COUNTIES & 898K PEOPLE) Table of Contents FL: 11 HEALTH MARKETS (67 COUNTIES & 18.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents GA: 5 HEALTH MARKETS (159 COUNTIES & 9.7 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents HI: 1 HEALTH MARKET (5 COUNTIES & 1.4 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents ID: 1 HEALTH MARKET (44 COUNTIES & 1.6 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 1 OF 2) IL: 7 HEALTH MARKETS (102 COUNTIES & 12.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 2 OF 2) IL: COOK COUNTY (5.2 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Content IN: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (92 COUNTIES 6.5 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents IA: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (99 COUNTIES & 3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents KS: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (105 COUNTIES & 2.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents KY: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (120 COUNTIES & 4.3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents LA: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (64 COUNTIES & 4.5 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents ME: 1 HEALTH MARKET (16 COUNTIES & 1.3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents MD: 3 HEALTH MARKETS (24 COUNTIES & 5.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents Back to DC MA: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (14 COUNTIES & 6.5 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 1 OF 2) MI: 5 HEALTH MARKETS (83 COUNTIES & 9.9 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 2 OF 2) MI: WAYNE COUNTY (1.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents MN: 3 HEALTH MARKETS (87 COUNTIES & 5.3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents MS: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (82 COUNTIES & 3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents MO: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (115 COUNTIES & 6 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents MT: 1 HEALTH MARKET (56 COUNTIES & 990K PEOPLE) Table of Contents NE: 1 HEALTH MARKET (93 COUNTIES & 1.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents NV: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (17 COUNTIES & 2.7 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents NH: 1 HEALTH MARKET (10 COUNTIES & 1.3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents NJ: 5 HEALTH MARKETS (21 COUNTIES & 8.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents NM: 1 HEALTH MARKET (33 COUNTIES & 2 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents NY: 11 HEALTH MARKETS (62 COUNTIES & 19.3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents NC: 5 HEALTH MARKETS (100 COUNTIES & 9.6 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents ND: 1 HEALTH MARKET (53 COUNTIES & 673K PEOPLE) Table of Contents OH: 7 HEALTH MARKETS (88 COUNTIES & 11.5 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents OK: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (77 COUNTIES & 3.7 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents OR: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (36 COUNTIES & 3.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents PA: 8 HEALTH MARKETS (67 COUNTIES & 12.7 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents RI: 1 HEALTH MARKET (5 COUNTIES & 1.1 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents SC: 3 HEALTH MARKETS (46 COUNTIES & 4.6 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents SD: 1 HEALTH MARKET (66 COUNTIES & 814K PEOPLE) Table of Contents TN: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (95 COUNTIES & 6.3 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 1 OF 2) TX: 14 HEALTH MARKETS (254 COUNTIES & 25.2 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents (PG 2 OF 2) TX4: HOUSTON City Of 2.1 Mil People TX: HARRIS COUNTY (4.1 MILLION PEOPLE) TX5: HARRIS COUNTY Excluding Houston 2 Mil People Table of Contents UT: 2 HEALTH MARKETS (29 COUNTIES & 2.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents VT: 1 HEALTH MARKET (14 COUNTIES & 626K PEOPLE) Table of Contents VA: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (134 COUNTIES & 8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents Back to DC WA: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (39 COUNTIES & 6.7 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents WV: 1 HEALTH MARKET (55 COUNTIES & 1.8 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents WI: 4 HEALTH MARKETS (72 COUNTIES & 5.7 MILLION PEOPLE) Table of Contents WY: 1 HEALTH MARKET (23 COUNTIES & 564K PEOPLE) Table of Contents USA: 185 HEALTH MARKETS (50 STATES 3,142 COUNTIES + DC & 308.7 MIL PEOPLE) Table of Contents