Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 1: Vocabulary Words 1. Admonish – (Ad`män´ish) 2. Breach – (brēch) 3. Brigand – (brĭg´әnd) 4. Circumspect – ('sәr kәm spekt) 5. Commandeer – (käm әn`dēr) 6. Cumbersome – (cum´ber`some) 7. Deadlock – (dead´lock`) 8. Debris – (De`bris´) 9. Diffuse – (Dif`fuse´) 10. Dilemma – (Di`lem´ma) 11. Efface – (Ef`face´) 12. Muddle – (Mud´dle) 13. Opinionated – (O`pin´ion`a`ted) 14. Perennial – (Per`en´ni`al) 15. Predispose – (Pre`dis`pose´) 16. Relinquish – (Re`lin´quish) 17. Salvage – (Sal´vage) 18. Spasmodic – (Spas`mod´ic) 19. Spurious – (Spu´ri`ous) 20. Unbridled – (Un`bri´dled) (v.) to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty. ______________ the noisy students (n.) an opening, gap; a violation or infraction (v.) to create an opening, break through ______________ the enemy’s lines (n.) a bandit Assaulted on the way by a __________________ (adj.) careful, cautious Try to behave in a _________________ fashion (v.) to seize for military or official use The right to _______________ private property (adj.) clumsy, hard to handle; slow-moving A _________________ package (n.) a complete standstill; (v.) to bring to a standstill A 3-to-3 ___________________ after 15 innings (n.) scattered fragments, wreckage ________________ resulting from the explosion (v.) to spread or scatter freely or widely; (adj.) wordy, long-winded, or unfocused; scattered or widely spread Slowly _________________ through the room (n.) a difficult or perplexing situation or problem Caught in a painful ____________________ (v.) to wipe out; to keep oneself from being noticed ________________ all signs of the struggle (v.) to make a mess of; muddle through; to get by; (n.) a hopeless mess A _________ caused by failure to obey my directions (adj.) stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one’s own ideas, having a closed mind Too ______________ to listen to her proposal (adj.) lasting for a long time, persistent; (n.) a plant that lives for many years A ________________ favorite of the young (v.) to incline to beforehand __________________ me to colds (v.) to let go, give up __________________ his role in the class show (v.) to save from fire or shipwreck; (n.) property thus saved __________________ a few things from the fire (adj.) sudden and violent but brief; fitful, intermittent _________________ rifle fire from the woods (adj.) not genuine, not true, not valid Reject the __________________ will (adj.) uncontrolled, lacking in restraint The ____________ enthusiasm of the fans Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 2: Vocabulary Words 1. Adjourn – (Ad`journ´) 2. Alien – (Al´ien) (v.) to stop proceedings for a time; to move to another place ____________ the session until the next day (n.) a citizen of another country; (adj.) foreign, strange Customs _______________ to our way of life (adj.) having a pleasing appearance A ____________ child (v.) to make up for; to repay for services _________________ him for his losses (adj.) loose in one’s morals or behavior A group of __________________ “men-about-town” 3. Comely – (kŭm´lŷ) 4. Compensate – (Com´pen`sate) 5. Dissolute – (Dis so`lute) 6. Erratic – (Er`rat´ic) 7. Expulsion – (Ex`pul´sion) 8. Feint – (fānt) (n.) a deliberately deceptive movement; a pretense; (v.) to make a deceptive movement; to make a pretense of The boxer’s extraordinary ability to counter and ____________ 9. Fodder – (fǒd´dẽr) (n.) food for horses or cattle; raw material for a designated purpose Stored ______________ in the silo (v.) to strengthen, build up _________________ the city against attack (adj.) difficult or impossible to read An _________________ note (adj.) not regular or consistent; different from what is ordinarily expected; Undependable Upset by his ________________ behavior (n.) the process of driving or forcing out Order the ___________________ of aliens 10. Fortify – (For ti`fy) 11. Illegible – (Il`lej ә`ble) 12. Jeer – (jēr) (v.) to make fun or rudely or unkindly (n.) a rude remark of derision ___________________ at strangers 13. Lucrative – (lu´cra`tive) 14. Mediocre – (mē dē ´ō kәr) 15. Proliferate – (prō´lif ә rāt) 16. Subjugate – (sәb jü gāt) 17. Sully – (sәl ē) 18. Tantalize – (tan tә līz) 19. Terse – (tәrs) 20. Unflinching – (әn flin chiŋ) (adj.) bringing in money, profitable Establish a __________________ business (adj.) average, ordinary, undistinguished A ________________ player rather than a star (v.) to reproduce, increase, or spread rapidly Since some cells ______________ more quickly than others (v.) to conquer by force, bring under complete control A campaign to _________________ the rebels (v.) to soil, stain, tarnish, defile, besmirch A reputation _________________ by scandal (v.) to tease, torment by teasing _________________ by goodies in the window (adj.) brief and to the point A _________________ remark (adj.) firm, showing no signs of fear, not drawing back Faced danger with _______________ courage Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 3: Vocabulary Words 1. Abridge -- (ә brij) (v.) to make shorter To _______________ a 1000-page novel 2. Adherent -- (ad hēr әnt) (n.) a follower, supporter; (adj.) attached, sticking to Has attracted many ___________________ 3. Altercation -- (ȏl tәr kā shәn) (n.) an angry argument Involved in a noisy ___________________ 4. Cherubic -- (che rü bik) (adj.) resembling an angel portrayed as a little child with a beautiful, round, or chubby face; sweet and innocent The _______________ smile of a newborn baby 5. Condone -- (kәn dōn) (v.) to pardon or overlook Refuse to ___________________ bad behavior 6. Dissent -- (di sent) (v.) to disagree; (n.) disagreement __________________ from the majority view 7. Eminent -- (em ә nәnt) (adj.) famous, outstanding, distinguished, projecting An ________________ member of the bar 8. Exorcise -- (ek sȏr sīz) (v.) to drive out by magic; to dispose of something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive To _______________ an evil spirit 9. Fabricate -- (fab rә kāt) (v.) to make, manufacture; to make up, invent Learned how to _____________ steel 10. Irate -- (ī rāt) (adj.) angry Try to calm an _________________ parent 11. Marauder -- (mә rȏd әr) (n.) a raider, plunderer A village raided by _____________________ 12. Obesity -- (ō bē sә tē) (n.) extreme fatness Suffering from _____________________ 13. Pauper -- (pȏ pәr) (n.) an extremely poor person Help for the _______________ in our community 14. Pilfer -- (pil fәr) (v.) to steal in small quantities __________________ stamps from the cash box 15. Rift -- (rift) (n.) a split, break, breach An unfortunate __________________ in their friendship 16. Semblance -- (sem blәns) (n.) a likeness, an outward appearance; an apparition Tried to create a __________________ of order 17. Surmount -- (sәr maůnt) (v.) to overcome, rise above Struggle to ______________________ all obstacles 18. Terminate -- (tәr mә nāt) (v.) to bring to an end ____________________ my employment 19. Trite -- (trīt) (adj.) commonplace; overused, stale Full of clichés and ___________________phrases 20. Usurp -- (yü sәrp) (v.) to seize and hold a position by force or without right Plot to ___________________power Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 4: Vocabulary Words 1. Abscond – (ab skänd) (v.) to run off and hide ________________ with the stolen money 2. Access – (ak ses) (n.) approach or admittance to places, persons, things, an increase (v.) to get at, obtain Gain _________________ to the secret files 3. Anarchy – (an әr kē) (n.) a lack of government and law, confusion A country suffering from ____________________ 4. Arduous – (är jü әs) (adj.) hard to do, requiring much effort _________________ chores 5. Auspicious – (ȏ spish әs) (adj.) favorable; fortunate Under _____________________ circumstances 6. Biased – (bī әst) (adj.) favoring one side unduly; prejudiced A __________________ decision 7. Daunt – (dôn’t) (v.) to overcome with fear, intimidate; to dishearten, discourage Not _____________________ by their threats 8. Disentangled – (dis en taŋ gәl) (v.) to free from tangles or complications ______________________ the fishing net 9. Fated – (fā tid) (adj.) determined in advance by destiny or fortune _______________ to rise to the top 10. Hoodwink – (hůd wiŋk) (v.) to mislead by a trick, deceive Attempt to __________________ the child 11. Inanimate – (in an ә mit) (adj.) not having life, without energy or spirit Stones and other _______________ objects 12. Incinerate – (in sin әr āt) (v.) to burn to ashes _________________ the garbage 13. Intrepid – (in trep id) (adj.) very brave, fearless, unshakable _________________ explorers of the ocean 14. Larceny – (lār sә nē) (n.) theft Found guilty of _____________________ 15. Plaint – (plī әnt) (adj.) bending readily, easily influenced A sapling’s ___________________ branches 16. Pompous – (pām pәs) (adj.) overly self-important in speech or manner; excessively stately or ceremonious A ____________________ and conceited fool 17. Precipice – (pres ә pis) (n.) a very steep cliff; the brink or edge of disaster Peer cautiously over a ______________________ 18. Rectify – (rek tә fi) (v.) to make right, correct __________________ a false impression 19. Reprieve – (ri prēv) (n.) a temporary relief or delay; (v.) to grant a postponement Receive a _____________________from the Governor 20. Revile – (ri vīl) (v.) to attack with words, call bad names __________________ their enemies Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 5: Vocabulary Words 1. Accomplice – (ә käm plis) 2. Annihilate – (ә nī ә lāt) 3. Arbitrary – (är bә trer ē) 4. Brazen – (brā zәn) 5. Catalyst – (kat әl ist) 6. Exodus – (ek sә dәs) 7. Facilitate – (fә sil ә tāt) 8. Incorrigible – (in kä rә jә bәl) 9. Latent – (lāt әnt) (adj.) hidden, present but not realized A____________________, unexpressed hostility 10. Militant – (mil ә tәnt) (adj.) given to fighting; active and aggressive in support of a cause (n.) activist A____________________ campaign against drugs 11. Morose – (mә rōs) (adj.) having a gloomy or sullen manner; not friendly or sociable Found him in a ____________________ mood 12. Opaque – (ō pāk) (adj.) not letting light through; not clear or lucid; dense, stupid Windows that were __________________ with grime 13. Paramount – (par ә maůnt) 14. Prattle – (prat әl) (adj.) chief in importance, above all others The __________________ issue in the election (v.) to talk in an aimless, foolish, or simple way; (n.) baby talk The _____________________ of the child in her crib 15. Rebut – (ri bәt) (v.) to offer arguments or evidence that contradict an assertion, to refute Easy to ______________________ his shaky case 16. Reprimand – (rep rә mand) 17. Servitude – (sәr vә tüd) 18. Slapdash – (slap dash) 19. Stagnant – (stag nәnt) 20. Succumb – (sә kәm) (v.) to scold, find fault with; (n.) a rebuke __________________________ the unruly student (n.) slavery, forced labor Penal _______________________ (adj.) careless and hasty Did a _______________ job on the repairs (adj.) not running or flowing; foul from standing still; inactive, sluggish, dull Bred in ____________________ pools of water (v.) to give way to superior force, yield _______________________ to pressure (n.) a person who takes part in a crime An_____________________ in the holdup (v.) to destroy completely ____________________ the enemy forces (adj.) unreasonable; based on one’s own wishes or whims without regard for reason or fairness An_______________________ and high-handed ruler (adj.) made of brass; shameless, impudent A _________________ liar (n.) a substance that causes or hastens a chemical reaction; any agent that causes change Act as a _____________________ in the process (n.) a large-scale departure or flight A mass __________________ of refugees (v.) to make easier, assist _______________ the efforts of the rescue team (adj.) not able to be corrected, beyond control An___________________ optimist Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 6: Vocabulary Words 1. Atone – (ә tōn) (v.) to make up for ____________________ for their mistakes 2. Bondage – (bän dij) (n.) slavery; any state of being bound or held down Release a slave from _____________________ 3. Credible – (kred ә bәl) (adj.) believable A ___________________ excuse for being late 4. Defray – (dē frā) (v.) to pay for ___________________ the shipping charges 5. Diligent – (dil ә jәnt) (adj.) hardworking, industrious, not lazy A __________________ worker 6. Doleful – (dōl fәl) (adj.) sad, dreary The losers’ ___________________ faces 7. Ghastly – (gast lē) (adj.) frightful, horrible, deathly pale Shocked by her ___________________ appearance 8. Hamper – (ham pәr) (v.) to hold back ________________ our efforts 9. Hew – (hyü) (v.) to shape or cut down with an ax; to hold to ________________ down the mighty tree 10. Impoverished – (im päv risht) (adj.) poor, in a state of poverty; depleted __________________ by the war 11. Incessant – (in ses әnt) (adj.) never stopping, going on all the time The ____________________ crying of the sick baby 12. Intricate – (in trә kәt) (adj.) complicated, difficult to understand Unable to follow his ___________________ directions 13. Lucid – (lü sid) (adj.) easy to understand, clear; rational, sane A ____________________ explanation 14. Posthumous –(päs chә mәs) (adj.) occurring or published after death Emily Dickinson’s ______________________ fame 15. Prim –(prim) (adj.) overly neat, precise, proper, or formal; prudish In a ________________ bonnet and gloves 16. Sardonic – (sär dän ik) (adj.) grimly or scornfully mocking, bitterly sarcastic The satirist’s ___________________ laughter 17. Superfluous – (sü pәr flü wәs) (adj.) exceeding what is sufficient or required, excess Just so much _________________ verbiage 18. Supplant – (sә plant) (v.) to take the place of, supersede Quickly _____________________ by a rival 19. Taunt – (tȏnt) (v.) to jeer at, mock (n.) an insulting or mocking remark ____________________ by the bully 20. Tenacious – (tә nā shәs) (adj.) holding fast; holding together firmly; persistent The bulldog’s _______________ grasp Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 7: Vocabulary Words 1. Adieu – (ә dū; a dyü) (int., n.) “Farewell!”; a farewell Offered his __________________ before leaving 2. Advent – (ad vent) (n.) an arrival; a coming into place or view Pleased by the ________________ of spring 3. Apex – (ā peks) (n.) the highest point, tip The ___________________ of a triangle 4. Assimilate – (ә sim ә lāt) (v.) to absorb fully or make one’s own; to adopt as one’s own; to adapt fully __________________ the customs of his new country 5. Bogus – (bō gәs) (adj.) false, counterfeit Tried to pass ____________________ bogus 6. Exorbitant – (eg zȏr bә tәnt) (adj.) unreasonably high; excessive Charge an ___________________ fee 7. Interim – (in tәr әm) (n.) the time between; (adj.) temporary, coming between two points in time Suspended all activities in the _____________________ 8. Inundate – (in әn dāt) (v.) to flood, overflow; to overwhelm by numbers or size ____________________ the valley to a depth of three feet 9. Malign – (mә līn) (v.) to speak evil of, slander (adj.) evil ____________________ her good name 10. Meander – (mē an dәr) (v.) to wander about, wind about; (n.) a sharp turn or twist Streams that ___________________ 11. Metropolis – (mә träp ә lәs) (n.) a large city; the chief city of an area Highways leading to a major ______________________ 12. Momentous – (mō men tәs) (adj.) very important Make a ____________________ decision 13. Obstreperous – (әb strep әr әs) (adj.) noisy; unruly, disorderly Try to discipline the _____________________ child 14. Pensive – (pen siv) (adj.) thoughtful; melancholy A _____________________ gaze 15. Perilous – (per ә lәs) (adj.) dangerous Find his way out of a _____________________ situation 16. Shoddy – (shäd ē) (adj.) of poor quality; characterized by inferior, dishonest workmanship Reject the ___________________ goods 17. Sprightly – (sprīt lē) (adj.) lively, full of life; spicy, flavorful Play with the ___________________ kitten 18. Surly – (sәr lē) (adj.) angry and bad-tempered; rude Lose patience with the _____________________ waiter 19. Tirade – (tī rād) (n.) a long, angry speech, usually very critical A ________________________ against his enemies 20. Vagrant – (vā grәnt) (n.) an idle wanderer, tramp; (adj.) wandering aimlessly Asked for a handout by a _____________________ Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 8: Vocabulary Words 1. Assurance – (ә shůr әns) (n.) a pledge; freedom from doubt, self-confidence Speak with _______________________ on various topics 2. Asylum – (ә sī lәm) (n.) an institution for care of children, elderly people, etc.; a place of safety Offer _____________________ to the oppressed 3. Console – ( kәn sōl; kän sōl) (v.) to comfort (n.) the keyboard of an organ; a control panel for an electrical or mechanical device Tried to ______________________ the grieving child 4. Dilate – (dī lāt) (v.) to make or become larger or wider; to expand upon _____________________ the pupil of the injured eye 5. Dross – (drȏs) (n.) refuse, waste products Throw away the ______________________ 6. Dwindle – (dwin dәl) (v.) to lessen, diminish __________________ in size 7. Flippant – (flip әnt) (adj.) lacking in seriousness; disrespectful, saucy Resent their __________________ attitude 8. Immunity – (i myü nә tē) (n.) resistance to disease; freedom from some charge or obligation Build up an _________________ to the flu 9. Institute – (in stә tüt) (v.) to establish, set up; (n.) an organization for the promotion of learning _________________ a new policy 10. Liability – (lī ә bil ә tē) (n.) a debt; something disadvantageous Became a __________________ to the company 11. Preposterous – (prē päs tәr әs) (adj.) ridiculous, senseless A _________________________ notion 12. Pugnacious – (pәg nā shәs) (adj.) quarrelsome, fond of fighting Put off by his ___________________ attitude 13. Rabid – (rab id) (adj.) furious, violently intense, unreasonably extreme; mad; infected with rabies A ___________________ baseball fan 14. Realm – (relm) (n.) a kingdom; a region or field or study In the ____________________ of science 15. Rejuvenate – (ri jü vә nāt) (v.) to make young again; to renew ___________________ one’s flagging spirits 16. Remunerate – (ri myü nә rāt) (v.) to reward, pay, reimburse ______________________ him handsomely for his work 17. Sparse – (spärs) (adj.) meager, scant; scattered An area with a _____________________ population 18. Sterling – (stәr liŋ) (adj.) genuine, excellent; of standard quality Man of ____________________character 19. Venture – (ven chәr) (n.) a risky or daring undertaking; (v.) to expose to danger; to dare ______________________ forth at night (v.) to twist out of shape; (n.) an abnormality A _____________________ mind 20. Warp – (wȏrp) Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 9: Vocabulary Words 1. Auxiliary – (ȃg zil yә rē) (adj.) (n.) 2. Candid – (kan did) (adj.) 3. Cubicle – (kyü bә kәl) (n.) 4. Drudgery – (drәj ә rē) (n.) 5. Envoy – (en voi) (n.) 6. Escalate – (es kә lāt) (v.) 7. Expedient – (ek spē dē әnt) (n.) (adj.) 8. Feign – (fān) (v.) 9. Flair – (flȃr) (n.) 10. Grievous – (grē vәs) (adj.) 11. Heterogeneous – (het ә rә jē nē әs) (adj.) 12. Horde – (hȏrd) (n.) 13. Impel – (im pәl) (v.) 14. Incredulous – (in krej ә lәs) (adj.) 15. Inscribe – (in skrīb) (v.) 16. Monologue – (män ә läg) (n.) 17. Prognosis – (präg nō sәs) (n.) 18. Rasping – (ras piŋ) (adj.) (n.) 19. Repugnant – (rē pәg nәnt) (adj.) 20. Scuttle – (skәt әl) (v.) (n.) giving assistance or support; a helper, aid Turn on the ____________________ motor frank, sincere; impartial; unposed Be _______________ with one’s friends a small room or compartment Worked in a tiny _______________________ work that is hard and tiresome Wearied by the endless ____________________ a representative or messenger (as of a government) A special ______________ to the UN (United Nations) to elevate; to increase in intensity ________________ into a major conflict a means to an end; advantageous, useful Do whatever is ______________________ to pretend _____________________ an illness a natural quality, talent, or skill; a distinctive style A __________________ for the dramatic causing sorrow or pain; serious Avoid making a ________________ error composed of different kinds, diverse _____________________ group of students a vast number (as of people); a throng Attacked by a __________________ of warriors to force, drive forward ________________ by hunger disbelieving, skeptical An _________________ stare to write or engrave; to enter a name on a list _____________________ his name on the watch a speech by one actor; a long talk by one person One of Hamlet’s famous _________________ a forecast of the probable course and outcome of a disease or situation A ____________________ of a speedy recovery with a harsh, grating sound; a harsh sound Unable to stand his ________________ tone offensive, disagreeable, distasteful Their _________________ lack of cleanliness to sink a ship by cutting holes in it; to get rid of something in a decisive way a pail ____________________ the captured galleon Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 10: Vocabulary Words 1. Adept – (ә dept) (a dept) (adj.) (n.) thoroughly skilled an expert An _______________ musician 2. Aspire – (ә spīr) (v.) to have ambitious hopes or plans, strive toward a higher goal, desire earnestly; to ascend _________________ to be an honors student 3. Bleak – (blēk) (adj.) bare, dreary, dismal Depressed by the ___________________ landscape 4. Chide – (chīd) (v.) to blame, scold _________________ the student for his rudeness 5. Despicable – (di spik ә eәl) (adj.) worthy of scorn, contemptible Shocked by his _________________ selfishness 6. Diminutive – (dә min yә tiv) (adj.) small, smaller than most others of the same type The ___________________ lapdog 7. Emancipate – (ē man sә pāt) (v.) to free from slavery; to release or liberate __________________ from superstitions 8. Erroneous – (e rō nē әs) (adj.) incorrect, containing mistakes Prove his statement to be ____________________ 9. Exploit – (ek sploit) (ej sploit) (v.) (n.) to make use of, develop; to make improper use of for personal profit; a feat, deed ___________________ the mineral deposits 10. Extemporaneous – (ek stem pә rā nē әs) (adj.) made or delivered on the spur of the moment An ____________________ speech 11. Impair – (im pȃr) (v.) to make imperfect, damage, harm ____________________ his confidence 12. Invincible – (in vin sә bәl) (adj.) not able to be defeated, unbeatable Cheered the _________________ champion 13. Languid – (laŋ gwid) (adj.) drooping; without energy, sluggish Felt _________________ late in the afternoon 14. Mire – (mīr) (n.) (v.) mud; wet, swampy ground; a tough situation to get stuck Sink into the __________________ 15. Obtrusive – (әb trü siv) (adj.) forward; undesirable prominent; thrust out Put off by his _____________________ behavior 16. Preamble – (prē am bәl) (n.) an introduction to a speech or piece of writing The ___________________ to the Constitution 17. Render – (ren dәr) (v.) to cause to become; to perform; to deliver officially Wait for the jury to ________________ the verdict 18. Rugged – (rәg әd) (adj.) rough, irregular; severe, stern; strong, stormy Climbed some ____________________ mountains 19. Skeptical – (skep tә kәl) (adj.) inclined to doubt, slow to accept something as true _____________________ of the rumors 20. Slipshod – (slip shad) (adj.) untidy in dress, personal habits, etc.; careless, sloppy ________________ construction methods Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 11: Vocabulary Words 1. Brevity – (brev ә tē) (n.) shortness Admire the _____________ of the speech 2. Comport – (kәm pȏrt) (v.) to conduct or bear oneself, behave; to be in agreement __________ themselves with dignity 3. Concise – (kәn sīs) (adj.) expressing much in a few words Put your ideas into a ________ statement 4. Demure – (di myůr) (adj.) sober or serious in manner, modest Attracted by her ________________ 5. Depreciation – (di prē shē ā shәn) (n.) a lessening in value; a belittling Computed the annual ________ in value of the property 6. Deteriorate – (di tir ē ә rāt) (v.) to lower in quality or value; to wear away Watched his health ____________ 7. Divulge – (di vәlj) (adj.) to tell, reveal; to make public ____________ our secret formula to no one 8. Enlightened – (en līt әnd) (adj.) free from ignorance and false ideas; possessing sound understanding An ______________ attitude 9. Forestall – (fōr stȏl) (v.) to prevent by acting first _______________ an argument 10. Garble – (gär bәl) (v.) to distort in such a way as to make unintelligible Confuse us with a _____________ report 11. Proponent – (prō pō nәnt) (n.) one who puts forward a proposal; one who supports a cause or belief A ______________ of tax reform 12. Quaver – (kwā vәr) (v.) 13. Recoil – (ri koil) (rē koil) (v.) (n.) to shake, tremble; to trill A voice that ___________ with anger to spring back, shrink; the act of springing back ____________ at the sound of the shot 14. Recoup – (ri kūp) (v.) to make up for, regain A scheme to ____________ his lost fortune 15. Reek – (rēk) (n.) (v.) an unpleasant smell to give off unpleasant smells; to give a strong impression Clothes that ________________ of tobacco 16. Relentless – (ri lent lәs) (adj.) unyielding, harsh, without pity A ______________ pursuit of excellence 17. Rivulet – (riv yü lәt) (n.) a small stream Dipped my toe in the ________________ 18. Squander – (skwān eәr) (v.) to spend foolishly, waste _______________ a fortune on gambling 19. Staccato – (stә kät ō) (adj.) detached or disconnected in sound or style _______________ bursts from a machine gun 20. Statute – (stach üt) (n.) a law A _________________ passed by the legislature Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 12: Vocabulary Words 1. Appreciable – (ә prē shә bәl) (adj.) sufficient to be noticed or measured Lost an ____________________amount of blood 2. Autocratic – (ȏ tә krat ik) (adj.) absolute in power or authority A dictator’s ____________________ control 3. Blanch – (blanch) (v.) to remove the color from; to make or turn pale; to parboil ___________________ at the awful sight 4. Blasphemy – (blas fә mē) (n.) an act, utterance, or writing showing contempt for something sacred Accused of _____________________ 5. Brawny – (brȏ nē) (adj.) strong, muscular Admire his _____________________ build 6. Concerted – (kәn sәr tid) (adj.) planned or performed in cooperation with others A __________________ drive to register new voters 7. Contend – (kәn tend) (v.) to fight, struggle; to compete; to argue ___________________ for first prize 8. Humane – (hyü mān) (adj.) kind, merciful ___________________ treatment of animals 9. Illustrious – (i lәs trē әs) (adj.) very famous, distinguished Meet the _____________________ statesman 10. Intolerable – (in täl әr ә bәl) (adj.) unbearable Refuse to put up with such ________________ behavior 11. Irreverent – (i rev әr әnt) (adj.) disrespectful Resent his ___________________comments 12. Laborious – (lә bȏr ē әs) (adj.) not easy, requiring hard work; hardworking Find it to be a most ____________________ task 13. Lithe – (lī th) (adj.) bending easily, limber As ________________ and agile as a ballet dancer 14. Maltreat – (mal trēt) (v.) to abuse, use roughly or cruelly ___________________ the puppy 15. Ponder – (pän dәr) (v.) to consider carefully, reflect on ___________________ over the recent events 16. Subversive – (sәb vәr siv) (adj.) (n.) intended to undermine or overthrow one who advocates or attempts to undermine a political system Confiscate the _________________ pamphlets 17. Synthetic – (sin thet ik) (adj.) (n.) made or put together by people something artificial Rayon, one of the first ____________________ fabrics 18. Temperate – (tem pәr әt) (adj.) mild, moderate A _____________________ disposition 19. Venomous – (ven ә mәs) (adj.) poisonous; spiteful, mean Bitten by a ___________________ spider 20. Wily – (wī lē) (adj.) sly, shrewd, cunning A ____________________ trader Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Unit 13: Vocabulary Words 1. Ad infinitum – (ad in fә nī tәm) (adv.) endlessly Repeat a story _____________________ 2. Apportion – (ә pȏr shәn) (v.) to divide and give out in shares ________________ the chores 3. Bona fide – (bō nә fīd) (adj.) genuine; sincere A ______________________ masterpiece 4. Buoyant – (boi әnt) (adj.) able to float easily; able to hold things up; cheerful, hopeful __________________ kayaks bobbing down the rapids 5. Clique – (klik) (n.) a small, exclusive group of people The ruling ____________________ 6. Concede – (kәn sēd) (v.) to admit as true; to yield, submit Refuse to ___________________ that she was right 7. Congenial – (kәn jēn yәl) (adj.) getting on well with others; agreeable, pleasant ______________________ companions 8. Lofty – (lȏf tē) (adj.) very high; noble __________________ ideas 9. Migration – (mī grā shәn) (n.) a movement from one country or region to another The great ___________________ to the west 10. Perceive – (pәr sēv) (v.) to be aware of through the senses, observe; to grasp mentally ____________________ a change in her attitude 11. Perverse – (pәr vәrs) (adj.) inclined to go against what is expected; stubborn; turned away from what is good or proper angered by his __________________ attitude 12. Prelude – (pre lüd) (n.) an introduction; that which comes before or leads off Played the __________________ to the opera 13. Rancid – (ran sid) (adj.) stale, spoiled The sour odor of _________________ butter 14. Rustic – (rәs tik) (adj.) (n.) country-like; simple, plain; awkward one who lives in the country __________________ cabins in the woods 15. Sever – (sev әr) (v.) to separate, divide into parts __________________ all ties with them 16. Sordid – (sȏr did) (adj.) wretchedly poor; run-down; mean or selfish The ___________________ conditions in the slum 17. Untenable – (әn ten ә bәl) (adj.) not capable of being held or defended; impossible to maintain Realized their arguments were ____________________ 18. Versatile – (vәr sә tәl) (adj.) able to do many things well; capable of many uses Proved to be a __________________ musician 19. Vindicate – (vin dә kāt) (v.) to clear from hint or charge of wrongdoing; to defend successfully against opposition; to justify __________________ his honor 20. Wane – (wān) (v.) to lose size, strength, or power Watch the moon ___________________ Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Review Units 1-3 Definitions: In each of the following groups, encircle the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the introductory expression. 1. Careful to consider all possibilities cumbersome circumspect spurious 2. Seize for military purposes sully pilfer commandeer 3. Rescue property in danger proliferate salvage abridge 4. One who lives by plunder or robbery commandeer debris adherent 5. Loose in one’s morals or behavior spasmodic dissolute comely 6. Rise superior to usurp surmount fabricate 7. Owing allegiance to another government eminent debris deadlock 8. Something to be consumed breach expulsion fodder 9. Make indistinct by wearing away fabricate breach efface 10. Choice between two undesirable course of action salvage brigand obesity 11. Distract attention from the intended point of attack condone admonish feint 12. Bring to a conclusion terminate relinquish compensate 13. Holding stubbornly to one’s own judgment cherubic opinionated trite 14. Without unnecessary words unbridled terse lucrative 15. Wink at muddle abridge condone 16. One who invades the territory of another marauder alien fodder 17. Differ in opinion tantalize fortify compensate 18. Noisy, heated quarrel semblance altercation muddle 19. Characterized by anger illegible unflinching irate 20. Bring to a standstill proliferate dissent deadlock perennial diffuse usurp brigand erratic exorcise alien pauper adjourn dilemma tantalize jeer predisposed mediocre subjugate rift dissent expulsion terse subjugate Shades of Meaning: Read each sentence carefully. Then encircle the item that best completes the statement below the sentence. 1. In some parts of the world, to decline a dish served at a banquet is considered an unpardonable breach of etiquette. The word breach most nearly means: a. opening b. assault c. violation d. breakthrough 2. As its name suggests, Frank Lloyd Wright’s cantilevered “Falling water” house stands eminent above a waterfall. The word eminent is best defined as: a. jutting out b. distinguished c. illustrious d. outstanding 3. In contrast with the economy of expression that so distinguished the author’s early works, the later novels are woefully diffuse. The word diffuse is used to mean: a. uneven b. spread out c. dispersed d. rambling 4. Some see in TV’s power to abridge the distances separating the world’s peoples the means of making the earth a “global village.” The word abridge most nearly means: a. curb b. reduce c. explore d. erase 5. The cumbersome wagon trains that plied the Oregon Trail often took weeks just to cross the prairies of Kansas and Nebraska. The word cumbersome is best defined as: a. crude b. swift c. unprotected d. slow-moving Antonyms: In each of the following groups, encircle the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in boldface type. 1. Expulsion: A. compulsion B. farewell C. admission D. breathing out 2. Obesity: thinness starvation overeating disease 3. Fortify: undermine strengthen narrate listen 4. Muddle: filth confusion clarity infirmity 5. Diffuse: scatter accept concentrate originate 6. Cherubic: friendly impish angelic beautiful 7. Trite: original foolish meaningless stale 8. Erratic: angry inconsistent pleasing constant 9. Relinquish: fade follow keep try 10. Unflinching: novel shaky angry proud 11. Lucrative: unsaid unheard understood unprofitable 12. Unbridled: restrained checkered interrupted prolonged 13. Condone: commend cooperate create condemn 14. Tantalize: ridicule gratify lure simmer 15. Salvage: abandon tame save injure Completing the Sentence From the words listed below choose the one that best completes each of the following sentences. Write the word in the space provided. Group A: deadlock efface rift adjourn sully debris surmount feint salvage relinquish fortify compensate 1. With heavy hearts we searched among the ___________________________ of our wrecked apartment building. 2. With faith in the rightness of his cause, he was able to ________________________ the difficulties that would have discouraged most other men. 3. Harold’s agreement to let us try our plan finally broke the ___________________________ that had kept us inactive for several weeks. 4. The disagreement eventually caused the ____________________________ that broke up our friendship. 5. All that I was able to _____________________________ from that humiliating experience was a small measure of self-respect. Group B: illegible terse trite opinionated pilfer mediocre usurp proliferate abridge muddle alien eminent 1. The chaplain emphasized that hatred is _________________________ to the spirit of all religions. 2. She seems to think that her handwriting is terribly “interesting” and “distinguished,” but to me it is merely _________________. 3. In spite of long hours of practice at kicking field goals, his performance during the season was only ______________________. 4. The old adage that “Brevity is the soul of wit” seems to have had a profound influence on the humorist’s __________________, almost epigrammatic style. 5. I found the television program very boring because of its extremely _________________________ plot and dialogue. Word Families: On the line provided, write a noun form of each of the following words. Example: adjourn – adjournment 1. Admonish _____________________________ 8. Compensate ______________________________ 2. Terminate _____________________________ 9. Illegible ______________________________ 3. Eminent _____________________________ 10. Mediocre ______________________________ 4. Subjugate _____________________________ 11. Predispose ______________________________ 5. Circumspect _____________________________ 12. Usurp ______________________________ 6. Comely _____________________________ 13. Exorcise ______________________________ 7. Proliferate ______________________________ 14. Diffuse ______________________________ Word Families: On the line provided, write a verb form for each of the following words. Example: termination – terminate 1. expulsion ______________________________ 6. dissension ______________________________ 2. adherent ______________________________ 7. abridgment ______________________________ 3. cumbersome ______________________________ 8. fortification ______________________________ 4. alien ______________________________ 9. admonition ______________________________ 5. compensation ______________________________ Filling the Blanks: Encircle the pair of words that best complete the meaning of each of the following passages. 1. The earthquake had more or less reduced our house to a pile of worthless rubble. Nevertheless, we picked carefully through the __________________ trying to ____________________ items of value. Unfortunately, very little could be saved. a. deadlock … relinquish c. debris … salvage b. muddle … efface d. dilemma … condone 2. Minor squabbles may cause temporary _________________ in our friendship, but such ________________________, however heated and noisy, have never resulted in a permanent breach. a. feints … dilemmas c. deadlocks … abridgments b. rifts … altercations d. dissents … semblances 3. Though he began life little better than a(n) ______________________, with only his hands in his pockets, his highly _________________________ business deals turned him into a multimillionaire before the age of forty. a. adherent … cumbersome c. brigand … mediocre b. usurper … spurious d. pauper … lucrative 4. “If you always act cautiously, you should be able to ____________________ many of life’s obstacles,” Dad told me. “Still, some difficulties cannot be overcome, even by the most _________________________ behavior.” a. surmount … circumspect c. commandeer … erratic b. abridge … alien d. relinquish … mediocre 5. Although the auditorium was packed with the candidate’s supporters, who greeted his remarks with thunderous cheers and applause, there were a few ____________________ in the crowd who seemed inclined only to boo and ________________. a. brigands … feint c. paupers … condone b. dissenters … jeer d. adherents … admonish 6. Though I am prepared to wink at an occasional petty offense against my moral code, I absolutely refuse to _______________ behavior that is consistently wicked or _______________________. a. condone … dissolute c. abridge … unbridled b. efface … erratic d. exorcise … circumspect 7. He was thrown out of the club for constantly ___________________ small items from the supply room. According to club rules, that type of petty theft constitutes valid grounds for ____________________. a. tantalizing … termination c. fabricating … admonishment b. sullying … subjugation d. pilfering … expulsion Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Review Units 4 - 6 Definitions: In each of the following groups, encircle the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the introductory expression 1. give relief for a time disentangle reprieve 2. first and foremost daunt inanimate 3. unlawful taking away of another’s personal property accomplice hamper 4. excessively elevated or ornate sardonic pompous 5. hard to achieve arduous ghastly 6. controlled by destiny doleful fated 7. off to a good start biased pliant 8. intensely unpleasant arduous incorrigible 9. not much fun to be around paramount morose 10. correct by removing errors facilitate annihilate 11. slap on the wrist access reprimand 12. deceive by a false appearance revile hoodwink 13. lessen the labor of facilitate succumb 14. quickly and carelessly done brazen intrepid 15. expressing sorrow or grief doleful lucid 16. absence of a controlling authority bondage anarchy 17. yield to force hamper rebut 18. make amends prattle atone 19. severe or formal rebuke bondage reprimand 20. occurring published after death incessant posthumous incinerate revile paramount servitude larceny latent diligent impoverished credible tenacious lucid incessant arbitrary auspicious ghastly latent stagnant opaque hew rectify exodus catalyst prattle supplant taunt defray slapdash intricate prim militant precipice reprimand disentangle succumb annihilate abscond reprieve larceny superfluous ghastly Shades of Meaning: Read each sentence carefully. Then encircle the item that best completes the statement below the sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. After a period of servitude in a penal colony, he became an evangelical minister and died in the odor of sanctity. The word servitude most nearly means: a. service b. forced labor c. illness d. slavery Far from being the pliant figurehead that many politicians expected, Lincoln as president firmly proved himself his own man. The word pliant is best defined as: a. elastic b. flexible c. weak d. easily influenced Is he really so opaque, I wondered, or is he merely pretending ignorance, the better to dupe me? The best definition for the word opaque is: a. obtuse b. transparent c. murky d. unclear Environmentalists expressed concern that unchecked development would leave the region impoverished or wildlife. The word impoverished most nearly means: a. indigent b. rich c. depleted d. unpopulated The young playwright was overwhelmed by the sudden access of fame occasioned by the phenomenal success of her second play. The word access is best defined as: a. passage b. increase c. approach d. entry Antonyms: In each of the following groups, encircle the word of phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in boldface type. A. B. C. D. 1. exodus exit entrance movement home 2. doleful cheerful facile sad angry 3. reprimand compliment answer find fault with punish 4. arbitrary lazy reasonable correct dull 5. disentangle clarify declare enmesh reject 6. morose dark happy frozen kind 7. intrepid fat timid nasty ignorant 8. diligent worried painstaking careless concerned 9. superfluous inglorious indispensable insufficient incapable 10. succumb release conquer sicken resign 11. revile hide praise find harden 12. pompous unreal unpretentious unsophisticated unbalanced 13. prim sloppy empty tidy lonely 14. rectify salute explain correct bungle 15. servitude bondage liberty poverty cowardice 16. annihilate destroy repeat foster argue Complete the Sentence: From the following list of words choose the one that best completes each of the sentences below. Write the word in the space provided. Group A: abscond catalyst doleful revile precipice accomplice ghastly access intricate latent hoodwink atone 1. By pretending to be my friend, she gained _____________________________ to my innermost thoughts. 2. Unless he is willing to tell us who his ____________________________ were, he will have to bear the full weight of the punishment himself. 3. “Without the help of a good road map,” Sue confessed, “we could have followed the ________________________ route to the picnic area.” 4. Some people are deceived fairly easily, but you will find it is pretty difficult to ________________________ me. 5. That _________________________ sight will come back to me in nightmares for the rest of my life. Group B: brazen anarchy paramount arbitrary reprimand bondage reprieve auspicious stagnant incinerate intrepid pliant 1. For long ages, mankind has been in a state of _________________________ to irrational superstitions. 2. I resented her eagerness to ___________________________ me severely, even for minor offenses. 3. The flames of the furnace soon __________________________ all the old letters that had once been so dear to me. 4. Unless a person finds the world around him interesting and diverse, his life will become ________________________ and dull. 5. The news that I would not have to take the examination again came as a last-minute ________________________________. Word Families: On the line provided, write a noun form of each of the following words. Example: atone – atonement 1. intrepid ________________________ 10. annihilate _____________________ 2. incinerate ________________________ 11. incorrigible _____________________ 3. superfluous ________________________ 12. latent _____________________ 4. diligent ________________________ 13. opaque _____________________ 5. tenacious ________________________ 14. intricate _____________________ 6. biased ________________________ 15. stagnant _____________________ 7. pompous ________________________ 16. militant _____________________ 8. credible ________________________ 17. lucid _____________________ 9. rectify ________________________ Word Families: On the line provided, write the verb for of each of the following words. Example: facility – facilitate 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. rebuttal biased bondage impoverished stagnant ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Filling the Blanks: Encircle the pair of words that best complete the meaning of each of the following passages. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Though learning a foreign language never comes easily for me, I’ve found that I can ___________ the process if I imitate the ant in the old fable and apply myself to the task as ____________ as possible. a. defray … credibly c. hamper … tenaciously b. rectify … brazenly d. facilitate … diligently “I’m trying to help you, not __________ you,” I said. “I want to make your task easier, not more _________________.” a. reprieve … slapdash c. revile … pliant b. hamper … arduous d. supplant … latent They could not long sit idly by while a gross injustice went uncorrected. For that reason, they joined a group of ______________ reformers actively trying to get the government to _______________ the situation. a. militant … rectify c. biased … taunt b. incorrigible … disentangle d. morose … defray His lies sounded so much like the truth that I was completely taken in by them. If they hadn’t seemed so _______________, I don’t think I would have been _________________ quite so easily. a. intrepid … impoverished c. credible … hoodwinked b. intricate … disentangled d. ghastly … annihilated A(n) _________________is supposed to _________________ the commission of a crime,” the burglar growled at his sidekick. (The latter had just set off the alarm system to the bank the pair were robbing.) “But all you can seem to do,” the burglar continued, “is make this job more difficult!” a. catalyst … revile c. rebuttal … incinerate b. accomplice … facilitate d. precipice … reprimand Shakespeare’s Timon of Athens is a bitter misanthrope who spends much of his time on stage _______________ the world and those in it with _______________ taunts and caustic jests. a. reviling … sardonic c. rebutting … prim b. reprimanding … posthumous d. daunting … lucid Tourists always gasp in amazement when ________________ Mexican daredevils climb to the top of a lofty ________________ in Acapulco and dive fearlessly into the sea hundreds of feet below. a. brazen … access c. prim … catalyst b. intrepid … precipice d. pliant … exodus Name: ____________________________ Date: _________________ Period: _____ Cumulative Review Units 1 -6 Shades of Meaning: Read each sentence carefully. Then encircle the item that best completes the statement below the sentence. 1. The author’s prim style is poorly matched to the story of overwrought passions it recounts. The best definition for the word prim is: a. precise 2. b. relative c. façade d. apparition b. untimely c. unexpected d. expensive Fearing that readers would not grasp what he was up to with his “whale” story, some friends admonished Melville against publishing Moby Dick. The word admonished most nearly means: a. scolded 5. d. fussy Rather than trust in an increasingly erratic public transportation system, some commuters have turned to private bus service. The word erratic is best defined as: a. undependable 4. c. crisp In the first act of Hamlet the Prince is visited by the semblance of his murdered father. The word semblance most nearly means: a. memory 3. b. exacting b. reminded c. cautioned d. prevented “Why be content just to muddle through the course,” my math teacher asked, “when you might excel if you only put your mind to it?” The phrase muddle through is used to mean: a. mess up b. get by c. drop d. fail dismally Filling the Blanks: Encircle the pair of words that best complete the meaning of each of the following sentences. 1. In a society that is totally free of prejudice and bigotry, the demons of racial and religious ______________ have forever been totally ________________ from the minds and the hearts of the people. 2. a. anarchy… reprieved c. debris … salvaged b. bias … exorcised d. larceny … annihilated I regarded the rival who had _________________ me in my true love’s affections with as much displeasure and dismay as a legitimate heir would look upon the upstart ___________________ who had stolen his throne. 3. a. fortified … brigand c. supplanted … usurper b. terminated … cherub d. condoned … marauder Though some of our most ________________ writers and artists became famous while they were alive, to others such renown was accorded only ___________________. 4. a. eminent … posthumously c. intrepid … superfluously b. lucrative … incorrigibly d. opaque … illegibly When the negotiations for a new contract become ________________ the representatives of labor and management in some cases attempt to __________________ a settlement by calling on the services of an impartial outside mediator. 5. a. disentangled … hamper c. rectified … commandeer b. defrayed … fabricate d. deadlocked … facilitate Though we had no difficulty __________________ small valuables from the old wreck, our efforts to raise the hull itself were _________________ by swift currents and heavy seas. a. accessing … compensated c. salvaging … hampered b. breaching … tantalized d. foddering … predisposed Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Review Units 7 - 9 Definitions: In each of the following groups, encircle the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the introductory expression 1. bend out of shape inundate warp assimilate 2. freedom from doubt asylum metropolis vagrant 3. farewell interim immunity prognosis 4. person who represents one government in dealings with another dross envoy liability 5. contrary to common sense pensive sparse sterling 6. the very summit auxiliary console cubicle 7. area of control monologue cubicle flair 8. causing severe pain or suffering candid heterogeneous momentous 9. provide payment dwindle remunerate assimilate 10. involving danger flippant sterling perilous 11. urge forward impel rejuvenate warp 12. enter on a list escalate scuttle impel 13. long, violently critical speech advent tirade dross 14. having no fixed course rasping vagrant bogus 15. undertaking involving risk or danger institute auxiliary venture 16. place of protection scuttle institute asylum 17. suitable for achieving a desired end flippant expedient exorbitant 18. hastily or poorly done rabid obstreperous surly 19. utter false reports about feign dilate malign 20. extremely unpleasant candid sprightly repugnant meander assurance adieu console preposterous apex realm grievous institute incredulous venture inscribe horde pugnacious envoy drudgery pensive shoddy meander expedient Shades of Meaning: Read each sentence carefully. Then encircle the item that best completes the statement below the sentence. 1. Scouts came upon a Pawnee hunting party encamped near a meander of the Platte River. The word meander most nearly means: a. ramble b. turn c. rapids d. wandering 2. As a longtime friend of one of the participants, I don’t think I can be an entirely candid judge of the debate. The word candid is used to mean: a. forthright b. sincere c. unopposed d. impartial 3. Though the few defenders remaining fought bravely and well, they were inundated by wave upon wave of shock troops. The word inundated is best defines as: a. overwhelmed b. saturated c. relieved d. harried 4. “I should have been a pair of ragged claws scuttling across the floors of silent seas.” (T.S. Eliot) The word scuttling most nearly means: a. slinking b. scraping c. scurrying d. salvaging 5. The rich flavor of the fish was heightened by the sprightly sauce with which it was served. The word sprightly is best defined as: a. spicy b. secret c. animated d. frisky Antonyms: In each of the following groups, encircle the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in boldface type. 1. flippant A. respectful B. long C. puzzling D. clever 2. bogus mandatory homemade machine-made genuine 3. drudgery dull work hard work fun artistry 4. repugnant peaceful brief attractive expensive 5. pensive thoughtful sad carefree pleased 6. sparse lasting first plentiful important 7. rabid slow tepid extreme foolish 8. rasping loud hysterical mellow hushed 9. momentous long-lasting brief inconsequential tremendous 10. surly clean clear clever polite 11. malign hide pretend praise repulse 12. dwindle ape mushroom pine hog 13. incredulous skeptical gullible faithful disloyal 14. liability truth advantage impossibility drawback 15. scuttle sink rescue torpedo drift 16. advent preparation arrival interim departure Complete the Sentence: From the following list of words choose the one that best completes each of the sentences below. Write the word in the space provided. Group A advent candid momentous immunity metropolis dilate vagrant adieu warp apex interim realm 1. His eyes _______________________ with surprise when we walked into the room so unexpectedly. 2. The ______________________ of the flu season is often marked by a sharp increase in the number of students absent from school. 3. Education and experience should provide _______________________ against the poison of racial prejudice. 4. When the President spoke of Mrs. Thomas’s achievements in a nationwide television address, she felt she had reached the _______________________ of her career. 5. In the ______________________ between the end of the fall term and the beginning of the spring term, we plan to take a trip to Washington. Group B institute dwindle assimilate rejuvenate sparse heterogeneous flippant escalate repugnant pensive meander inundate 1. As the hair on his head became more and more ___________________, he began to use all kinds of tonics and lotions. 2. The local planning commission has ___________________ strict regulations governing development in the city’s historic district. 3. The union contract has a clause that pay rates are to ______________________ automatically whenever the cost of living rises. 4. Although she seems to learn very rapidly, the fact is that she does not really _______________________ the material. 5. I think the phrase “people coming from all walks of life” aptly describes the _____________________ group of individuals attending the conference. Word Families: On the line provided, write a noun form of each of the following words. Example: dilate – dilation 1. sprightly __________________________ 9. inundate _____________________________ 2. surly __________________________ 10. console _____________________________ 3. escalate __________________________ 11. flippant _____________________________ 4. expedient __________________________ 12. institute _____________________________ 5. assimilate __________________________ 13. rejuvenate _____________________________ 6. candid __________________________ 14. repugnant _____________________________ 7. remunerate __________________________ 15. inscribe _____________________________ 8. exorbitant __________________________ Word Families: On the line provided, write a verb form of each of the following words. Example: expedient – expedite 1. immunity __________________________ 4. grievous ____________________________ 2. prognosis __________________________ 5. perilous ____________________________ 3. assurance __________________________ 6. rasping ____________________________ Filling the Blanks: Encircle the pair of words that best completes the meaning of each of the following passages. 1. Some people really enjoy doing all the tiresome and time-consuming chores associated with housework, but to me such _______________ is truly _____________. a. drudgery … repugnant c. liability … boorish b. immunity … obstreperous 2. “They’re asking far too much for this ______________ merchandise,” I remarked. “I’d be a fool to pay such an ________________ price for goods that so badly made.” a. bogus … rasping c. shoddy … exorbitant b. sterling … expedient 3. d. assimilated … inundated After fighting my way all year along the noisy, crowded streets of a bustling modern __________ like Tokyo or New York, I find it quite a pleasure to ___________ aimlessly along a winding country road. a. realm … dilate c. asylum … impel b. metropolis … meander 7. d. flair … consoled Does the old saying, “Nothing ________, nothing gained,” mean that someone who expects to be ____________ well for his or her efforts must be prepared to take some risks? a. scuttled … maligned c. ventured … remunerated b. feigned … impelled 6. d. dwindled … escalate As soon as the robins and the crocuses herald the ________of spring, our personnel department is __________ with a veritable deluge of letters from college students asking about summer employment. a. interim … impelled c. prognosis … rejuvenated b. advent … inundated 5. d. grievous … auxiliary “Over the years, consumer prices have soared, while the real purchasing power of the dollar has ___________,” the speaker said. “If the cost of living continues to ______________, the value of our money must surely shrink even more. a. dwindled … dwindle c. escalated … escalate b. escalated … dwindle 4. d. assurance … pensive d. cubicle … venture Roman governors had at their command both regular legionary troops and ________________ units drawn from the native population to repel the ___________ of savage barbarians that from time to time swarmed into the provinces of the Empire like an invasion of locusts. a. pugnacious … tirades c. vagrant … realms b. heterogeneous … envoys d. auxiliary … hordes Shades of Meaning: Read each sentence carefully. Then encircle the item that best completes the statement below the sentence. 1. Consumer advocates demanded that the manufacturer either retract or substantiate the exorbitant claims advanced for the product. The word exorbitant most nearly means: a. overpriced b. unproven c. excessive d. modest 2. Scholars and students alike now use computers to access vast stores of information housed in libraries all over the world. The best definition for the word access is: a. approach b. gain entry to c. admit d. communicate 3. After a decade of neglect the once splendid hotel had taken on a decidedly shoddy appearance. The word shoddy is best defined as: a. flimsy b. tacky c. mediocre d. run-down 4. In her talk the psychiatrist described the brain as the “console of human perception.” The word console most nearly means: a. monitor b. comfort c. origin d. solace 5. It was not his behavior so much as the rabid nature of his talk that gave his away as a madman. The word rabid is used to mean: a. furious b. diseased c. insane d. odd Filling the Blanks: Encircle the pair of words that best completes the meaning of each of the following sentences. 1. In a famous _______ towards the end of the play, the deposed and incarcerated king laments the fact that the vast _______ over which he once ruled has shrunk to the dimensions of a narrow prison cell. a. tirade … precipice c. monologue … realm b. interim … rift d. catalyst … debris 2. After the beauty pageant was over, _____ of reporters swarmed into the backstage area hoping to get a few words with the _____ winner of the contest. a. dilemmas … surly c. muddles … prim b. hordes … comely d. deadlocks … sprightly 3. As order gave way to _____ in that strife-torn country, the stream of refugees seeking _____ from the turbulence of the times swelled to a mighty torrent. a. liability … immunity c. deadlock … assurance b. bondage … access d. anarchy … asylum 4. Though he has no real _____ for teaching, he’s a very hard worker whose _____ and persistence make up handsomely for what he lacks in talent. a. repugnance … tenacity c. bias … obesity b. flair … diligence d. predisposition … mediocrity 5. Instead of giving me the gist of his complaint in a few _____ and pithy sentences, he launched into a long and bitterly abusive _____ against all the people he claimed were “out to get him.” a. lucid … venture c. terse … tirade b. erratic … feint d. opaque … altercation Name: _______________________ Date: _____________ Period: ____ Review Units 10 - 12 Definitions: In each of the following groups, encircle the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the introductory expression. 1. free from the power of another demure emancipate 2. projecting out or in the way obtrusive adept 3. voice disapproval of squander ponder 4. showing disrespect for something sacred brevity reek 5. think deeply preamble ponder 6. flexible and graceful lithe erroneous 7. having sensible ideas despicable demure 8. disposed to doubt appreciable skeptical 9. contempt for something held sacred by others rivulet recoil 10. abuse cruelly maltreat forestall 11. small stream proponent rivulet 12. introduction to a formal statement mire preamble 13. of considerable size or quantity slipshod skeptical 14. take advantage of exploit squander 15. performed or carried out together brawny concise 16. harm of damage the value or effectiveness of recoup impair 17. extremely small diminutive laborious 18. spiteful or poisonous extemporaneous temperate 19. dictatorial despotic humane slipshod 20. degenerate in quality, character, or value deteriorate aspire render divulge staccato quavering blanch chide blasphemy statute maltreat contend invincible wily enlightened illustrious relentless bleak blasphemy proponent squander garble depreciation subversive brevity statue appreciable rugged ponder aspire concerted irreverent contend comport synthetic intolerable languid venomous autocratic rugged contend reek Shades of Meaning: Read each sentence carefully. Then encircle the item that best completes the statement below the sentence. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In the arts, as in any field of endeavor, the laurels usually go to those who are as laborious as they are naturally gifted. The word laborious is used to mean: a. difficult b. wearisome c. industrious d. arduous The naturalist produced an old wooden birdcall and with it expertly imitated the quaver of a meadowlark. The best definition for the word quaver is: a. tremble b. trill c. shiver d. cackle Some scientists contend it is possible – even probable – that intelligent life not unlike our own exists elsewhere in the universe. The word contend most nearly means: a. deny b. struggle c. vie d. maintain Before its mass production in the 1800’s, soap was commonly made at home by a process that involved rendering animal fat. The word rendering is best defined as: a. delivering b. adding c. submitting d. extracting When Boss Tweed ruled New York City in the 1860’s, government floundered in a mire of corruption and graft. The word mire most nearly means: a. tangle b. mud slide c. assortment d. swamp Antonyms: In each of the following groups, encircle the word or phrase that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in boldface type. 1. quavering low-pitched shaking steady high-pitched 2. synthetic scientific natural sincere artificial 3. recoup gain avenge lose reveal 4. irreverent droll respectful lowly honored 5. invincible brave vulnerable peaceful victorious 6. laborious easy difficult long brief 7. demure cultured strange trite bold 8. forestall win lose prevent bring about 9. garble clog medicate clarify injure 10. proponent supporter legislator component opponent 11. bleak inviting pale abrupt huge 12. relentless empty poor merciful noisy 13. brawny nasty husky puny tricky 14. erroneous correct pleasant slippery mistaken 15. impair combine disable relate improve 16. despicable praiseworthy cowardly detestable imaginary Complete the Sentence: From the following list of words choose the one that best completes each of the sentences below. Write the word in the space provided. Group A illustrious despicable comport demure adept render slipshod autocratic quaver appreciable brawny divulge 1. Because of his _________________________ way of keeping records, he was never sure of which bills he had already paid. 2. How was I to know that he is the ________________________ scientist who the Nobel Prize last year? 3. He refused to __________________________ how he had been able to enter our room without a key. 4. The boy’s rowdy behavior did not __________________________ well with the solemnity of the occasion. 5. In Dickens’s Oliver Twist we meet a band of young pickpockets and thieves, who, though tender in years, are already ________________________ in the art of larceny. Group B venomous chide recoil skeptical relentless mire rugged despicable garble proponent lithe invincible 1. If looks could kill, the __________________________ glance she sent in my direction would have proved fatal. 2. In the pandemonium of the battle, sailors manning the cramped gun decks of men-of-war were often injured by the __________________________ of their own cannon. 3. The physical fitness expert was a strong __________________________ of regular daily exercise. 4. Since I have been disappointed so often, I tend to be ______________________ about any plan that Victor proposes. 5. After visiting the concentration camp in 1945, she became a dedicated and _______________________ pursuer of Nazi war criminals. Word Families: On the line provided, write a noun form of each of the following words. Example: venomous – venom 1. languid __________________________ 11. skeptical _______________________ 2. bleak __________________________ 12. irreverent _______________________ 3. diminutive __________________________ 13. concise _______________________ 4. emancipate __________________________ 14. brawny _______________________ 5. contend __________________________ 15. aspire _______________________ 6. wily __________________________ 16. autocratic _______________________ 7. erroneous __________________________ 17. maltreat _______________________ 8. impair __________________________ 18. deteriorate _______________________ 9. invincible __________________________ 19. humane _______________________ __________________________ 20. obtrusive _______________________ 10. rugged Word Families: On the line provided, write a verb related to each of the following words: Example: synthetic – synthesize 1. concerted __________________________ 14. intolerable __________________________ 2. despicable __________________________ 15. irreverent __________________________ 3. subversive __________________________ 4. proponent __________________________ 5. laborious __________________________ 6. temperate __________________________ 7. enlightened __________________________ 8. depreciation __________________________ 9. blasphemy __________________________ 10. appreciable __________________________ 11. obtrusive __________________________ 12. extemporaneous __________________________ 13. relentless __________________________ Filling the Blanks: Encircle the pair of words that best complete the meaning of each of the following passages. 1. I did everything I could to ___________ his cunning attempts to undermine my authority in the company; unfortunately, he proved too ______________ and persistent for me to anticipate all the time. a. chide … impair c. divulge … slipshod b. forestall … wily d. subvert … demure 2. Though a(n) ______________ master might deal kindly and generously with the slaves, a cruel one would ___________ and abuse them. a. autocratic … impair c. humane … maltreat b. enlightened … emancipate d. relentless … exploit 3. Her talents are just average, but she has _____________ them to the fullest. On the other hand, he was given great natural abilities, but he has ____________ them on trifles. a. exploited … squandered c. divulged … recouped b. pondered … impaired d. contended … forestalled 4. The ______________ statistics cited in the magazine article certainly ______________ it effectiveness. If the author has made sure that his figures were correct, his argument might have been more convincing. a. bleak … quavered c. slipshod … rendered b. laborious … enlightened d. erroneous … impaired 5. A ballerina’s ______________ and graceful figure contrasts sharply with a weight lifter’s massively _______________ physique. a. demure … languid c. diminutive … concise b. lithe … brawny d. slipshod … rugged Name: __________________________ Date: _________________ Period: ____ Cumulative Review Units 1 – 12 Shades of Meaning: Read the sentence carefully. Then encircle the item that best completes the statement below the sentence. 1. Students have for generations memorized and recited the pensive lines of Walt Whitman’s great elegy “O Captain! My Captain!” The word pensive most nearly means: a. formal 2. b. thoughtful c. melancholy d. reflective “Love is a spirit all compact of fire. Not gross to sink, but light, and will aspire.” (Shakespeare) The word aspire is used to mean: a. soar 3. b. yearn c. seek d. desire Rugged weather had kept the fishing boats at their harbor moorings for the better part of a week. The best definition for the word rugged is : a. irregular 4. b. rocky c. blunt d. stormy Fresh spinach must be blanched before it is sautéed for such dishes as eggs Florentine. The word blanched is best defined as: a. whitened 5. b. discolored c. seasoned d. boiled briefly That fortune hunters catch scent of her so quickly may be due to the fact that the heiress fairly reeks of money. The word reeks most nearly means: a. spends huge amounts b. smells unpleasantly c. gives the impression d. saves a great deal Filling the Blanks: Encircle the pair of words that best completes the meaning of each of the following sentences. 1. At the end of the grim novel, the spendthrift hero, who has recklessly _______ his entire fortune on riotous living, is buried in a _________ grave. 2. a. rejuvenated … vagrant’s c. relinquished … accomplice’s b. impoverished … envoy’s d. squandered … pauper’s Although the disastrous crash of 1929 did ___________ many of those who had sunk money into the stock market, a few wily investors did eventually manage to ____________ some or all of their losses. 3. a. impair … render c. reprieve … salvage b. impoverish … recoup d. forestall … surmount In verses that have resounded through the centuries, Homer recounts the daring _____________ of the _____________ heroes who fought so fearlessly beneath the walls of Troy. 4. a. exploits … intrepid c. statues … subversive b. tirades … dissolute d. hordes … militant Reporters who are willing to tell a jury what they have learned but refuse to _____________ their sources are ____________ to be brought up on charges of contempt of court. 5. a. sully … immune c. console … fated b. maltreat … concerted d. divulged … liable Though I’m perfectly willing to put up with the occasional hour or two of _______________ that my job involves, the prospect of spending my entire day on menial or unpleasant tasks is _____ __________. a. larceny … daunting c. drudgery … intolerable b. fodder … repugnant d. mire … despicable