January Commander's Call Notes. - the New Mexico Wing Civil Air

Commander’s Call
11 January 2014
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
January 11, 2014
Pledge of Allegiance
Safety Briefing
NM Wing Commander’s Briefing
Vice Commander Comments
Chief of Staff Comments
Staff Reports
Separate Commanders Meeting (upstairs) and E.S. Working Group Meeting
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Awards and Decorations
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Cadet Advisory Committee
NM Wing Vision
Goals for Jul 2013 – Jun 2014 – Status Check
Wing Initiatives – Status Check
Upcoming Events
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Cadet Advisory Committee
• Critical component to the health and well being of our wing
• Provides the wing commander with insight into how the
wing’s cadet corps is doing
• Allows issues to be identified and addressed
• Provides opportunities for senior cadets to lead and mentor
on a bigger stage than the squadron
• Issue: Squadron-level support of the CAC is not good
– I need squadron commanders to actively support the CAC by:
• Ensuring the squadron has a reliable CAC representative
• Helping to ensure the CAC rep has a ride to/from the face-to-face
• Checking to ensure the CAC rep is supporting the WebEx meetings
• Introducing the CAC Chair – C/2 Lt Julien Work
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Vision for New Mexico Wing
New Mexico Wing – Best in the
Southwest (Region, that is!)
Tagline for the Wing
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Goals for Jul 13 – Jun 14
Our # 1 Goal!
Ops & ES: Grow the number of our
mission qualified personnel
Mission Pilots from 31 to • Incident Commanders
– Level 3 from 8 to 9 (At 8)
34 (Now at 30)
– Level 2 from 6 to 7 (At 7)
Observers from 71 to 78
– Level 1 from 5 to 6 (At 5)
(Now at 66)
• Mission Chaplains from
Scanners from 100 to 110
1 to 2 (At 1)
(Now at 89)
• Grow all other IC staff
Ground Team Leaders from positions by 10%
11 to 12 (Now at 11)
This needs work in 2014!
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Goals for Jul 13 – Jun 14
• Emergency Services: Achieve third consecutive
EXCELLENT (Highly Successful) OPSEVAL
• Membership: Achieve 3% year over year growth (both
Senior Member and Cadet)
– As of 29 Jun 13: 585 SM + 419 Cadets = 1,004 Total
– Grow to 602 SM + 432 Cadets = 1,034 Total
– I’ll measure our progress for the March meeting
• Professional Development: Sustain BLUE, and
– Increase Level 3 from 105 to 108 (At 102)
– Increase Level 4 from 61 to 63 (At 60)
– Increase Level 5 from 23 to 24 (At 23)
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Goals for Jul 12 – Jun 13
• Cadet Achievements: Sustain BLUE, and
Improve advancement rates for senior ranks
Increase Mitchell from 27 to 30 (At 27)
Increase Earhart from 9 to 10 (At 8)
Increase Eaker from 2 to 3 (At 0)
Achieve another Spaatz Award (At 0)
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Goals for Jul 12 – Jun 13
• Aerospace Education: Sustain BLUE, and
– Increase Yeager Awards from 35.8% to 39%
• At 48.5%!!!
– Achieve at least 1 new Master Rating This FY
• At 1 so far this fiscal year
• Logistics: Sustain BLUE, and
– Have 100% on-time submittal of all required reports
to Region/National
• Getting the annual inventory done was a pain!
• Finance: Sustain BLUE (Low Risk) – Yep!
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
• Continue the work of the four Working Groups
Emergency Services
Updated roadmaps provided.
Cadet Programs
Thanks, but – keep plugging!
Aerospace Education
Maximize the Utility of our Young Senior Members
• Begin a fifth Working Group
– Youth Development in NM
1st meeting – 14 Dec
2nd meeting – 1 Feb
Looking for a Youth Development “czar
• Continue to focus on effective and relevant ES Exercises
– Comm, ground teams, joint agency
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
• Continue to grow number of LOUs (LOAs) under
our State MOU
• Increase the number and type of missions we can
perform in the state (“ES Relevance” and “paying
• Includes reinvigorating our Counterdrug mission capability
• Continue to optimize the management of our
aircraft fleet
• Group 800/School Enrichment Program
– Partner with them for growth and success
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Upcoming Events
• SAREX @ Roswell – 25 Jan
• Teacher Orientation Program (TOP) @ Roswell
– 15 Feb
• Our next face-to-face meetings – 8 Mar
• Lots more – see the wing calendar!
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
New Mexico Wing – Best in the
Southwest (Region, that is!)
Because of all you do!
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Vice Commander
Lt Col John Gravel
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• 26 Nov Interview with Rio Rancho middle school
Commander Candidates
• 27 Nov meeting with OPS M. Peters to plan
proficiency funding
• 9 Dec Wreath Ceremony @ the Capital
• 14 Dec Wreath Ceremony @ National Cemetery
• 31 Dec Training with new Webmaster Maj Marcus
• 4 Jan attended Check Pilot Standardization Course
• No squadron visits only activity with individual from
various squadron and Wing
Planned Activities
• 18 Jan Interview process for Falcon Commander
• 25 Jan SAREX Roswell
• Mentor Maj Marcus Thornton with website
• Continue squadron visits
• Work with Young Senior Members working group
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Chief of Staff
Lt Col John Green
January 11, 2014
• Staff report slides ARE REQUIRED by all staffers for the In-Person, Face-to-Face Meetings
• Inputs required 6 times annually for: Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov
• There is no excuse for not providing an input…Input necessary for documenting meeting minutes
• Next In-Person Meeting 8 March
• PLEASE…do not change formatting for the slide master I send out…just type in your information…I will ensure
formatting is correct…makes it more time consuming to standardize when compiling all inputs
• If you have too much information to present on slide, consider using the Wing Newsletter to communicate
additional information
• NM Wing is almost finished with responding to the May 2013 Wing CI discrepancies…I will send out personal
messages to those needing final closure to these discrepancies
• Aircraft Mngt: 2 Admin: 1 Supply: 2 Trans: 1 Safety: 2
• Would surely like to get these closed within the next month!!!
• State Budget…Staff needs to move out immediately and submit purchasing information to Claudia to spend the
state budget allocations…NLT 1 Feb
• Aerospace Education, Communications, Emergency Services, Gliders, Operations
• Reallocations probable for next Finance Meeting, 8 Feb
• No separate staff meeting after lunch; however…
• Staff is requested to remain during lunch hour, until we start breakout sessions, so Unit/CC and/or
representatives have a chance to meet one-on-one with staffers to answer concerns/questions
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Staff Reports
January 11, 2014
Safety (2/5)
Inspector General (4/5)
Emergency Services (4/5)
Operations (2/5)
Stan/Eval (2/5)
Aircraft Maintenance (4/5)
Communications (2/5)
Aerospace Education (2/5)
Cadet Programs (2/5)
Cadet Orientation Flights (2/5)
Logistics (2/5)
Administration (4/5)
Personnel (3/5)
Professional Development (4/5)
Chaplain (2/5)
Liaison (1/5)
Public Affairs (2/5)
Drug Demand Reduction (1/5)
Supply (1/5)
Transportation (0/5)
Recruiting (0/5)
Finance (0/5)
Legal (0/5)
“Red” = No input received (8 of 23=35%)
Staff is required to provide slide inputs
for Face-to Face Meetings
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Lt Col Joseph Perea
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Attended Wing Conference 11/13. -- Safety Modules
• Hangar Rash Program accepted by CAP NHQ, in
• CI (Highly Successful) but need to Fix any deficiencies
• Dec-Attended USAF High altitude Chamber, Peterson
• Squadron 2 Safety Briefings
Planned Activities
• "LAD" before any Activity
• Look, Listen, Assess, Decide
• Damage to aircraft -- Hangar Rash still high priority
• SEs -- Basic Safety Course in 90 days, and enroll in
Safety Track
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Inspector General
Col Dennis Manzanares
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Recent SUI’s
• Las Cruces
• Alamogordo
• CAPR 123-2 Complaints Closed
• IGs 2013 NM-CI items closed
• SUI’s
• Basic IG Course completions
• Las Cruces
Planned Activities
• SWR Senior Level IG Course at NM Wing HQ: 15-16
March 2014
• Planned SUI’s
• Eagle - 18 January
• Farmington - 25 January
• Route 66 – 14 March
• National IG College, 31 May-8 June, KAFB
• Weather Delays in SUI Accomplishment
• Flexibility needed in scheduling
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Emergency Services
Lt Col Jon Hitchcock
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• 4 Jan training: GTM, MSO, PSC
• Sqdn II training with Bernalillo County HLS/EM
moved to 25 Jan
Planned Activities
• 25 Jan: SAREX Roswell
• 1 Feb: Training: MSA-CVN; OSC- FMN
• 5 Apr: SAREX Location TBD
• 25-27 May: Lake Patrols (State funded)
• 4-6 Jul: Lake Patrols
• 26 Jul: SAREX Location TBD
• USAF Training funds -40.9%
• Current unencumbered balance of USAF Training
funds $0.96
• Major Lloyd Voights vacating position
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Maj Mark Peters
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• REDCAP with a find
• SAR/EVAL- Outstanding
• Capt. Walter Dutton has joined the DO team
• Either by phone or email
• ROUTE 66
Planned Activities
• Working with ES, CD for future training
• AC relocation
• Jan. 25 SAREX
• Night Clinic
• Mountain Clinic
• Falcon Vergo
• Pilot Unsats
• Pilots need to look at there flying ability, limits and be
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Maj E. Scott Zenonian
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Check pilot conference on 04 Jan
• Wing instructor and check pilots met to discuss
standardization of instruction and check ride
procedures in NM Wing
• None
Planned Activities
• Instructor and check pilot list will be posted on wing
web site
• Refer pilots to this list to find an instructor or check
• Validations/approvals
• Reminder to squadrons that pilot qualifications
are to be validated by the wing stan/eval staff – do
not validate at the local level
• If a validation has been in queue for more than a
week, send me an e-mail
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Aircraft Maintenance
1Lt Pete Scherf
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• None
• None
Planned Activities
• Annual Aircraft Inspections
• CO Detector Distribution
• Discrepancies Not noted in WMIRS
• Some Crews not completing proper Pre-flight
• Note: Low Oil on Post Flight
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Lt Col Paul Cline
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Operation Constant Watch was an overall success.
NM had 3 stations out of 5 authorized online and
passed all of the assigned traffic. THANKS!
• Successfully implementation and use of PSIC
• Communications Inventory completed
• Las Cruces Comp Sqdn
• Sqdn II
• Eagle Comp Sqdn
• Assist with Communications Inventory
• High Plains Comp Sqdn
• Taos
• Repair of Taos Repeater
• Communications training
• Upgrading of MOC
Planned Activities
• Continued HF training
• No notice Communications Exercise sometime this
• Updating ORMS
• National Communications Plan has been published.
Wing Communications Plan due by 6 Jul 14
• San Antonio Mtn (Taos) repeater has been fixed and
should be back on the air by the end of the month
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Aerospace Education
Lt Col Roland Dewing
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Model rocket contest
• Winner Farmington Sq.
• 2 Challenger Center visits 60 cadets/Seniors
• Las Cruces, Socorro, Hillerman, Thunderbird, Eagle
• Wing Conference
• Plan of Action completed
• Poster contest
• Glider Solo Wing presentation to cadets:
• Los Alamos, Alb Heights, LBJ, Eagle
• Presented Poster winners at RR Middle School
• Attended command changes at:
• LBJ 811, Rio Ranch Middle school
• Attended Alamogordo AE Day
• Power/Glider O-rides
Planned Activities
• 3 Challenger Center
• 25 January: Cadets
• 8 February: (Primarily Seniors)
• 15 March: Cadets
• Roswell TOP: Feb 15
• Pima AZ trip: Spring Break
• Aerospace Extravaganza: May
• Received 4th Qtr AE reports from:
• Farmington, Santa Fe, Albq Heights
• Brewer Award nominations due from Sqs: Jan 15
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Cadet Programs
Lt Col Andy Selph
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• NMWG Conference
• Cyber Patriot (2 NMWG teams)
• 2013 Winter Warrior
• WG Conference CP working group
• Cyber Patriot team
Planned Activities
• 1 Jan: Cadet Advisory Counsel training/ meeting
• 1 Feb: Air Traffic Control tour
• 14 - 16 Mar: CERT class (City of Albuquerque OEM)
• 20 - 23 Mar: SWR Cadet Color Guard / Competition
(Tinker AFB, OK)
• 12 - 13 Apr: Ground Team Member III Academy
• CAC participation
• Cyber Patriot participation
• New NMWG CP staff assignments
• Maj Kathy Courreges - CAC advisor
• 2ndLt De La Garza - WG Cadet Act Off
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Cadet Orientation Flights
1Lt Jane Lingenfelter
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• November and December we did 65 powered oflights
• Glider in for repair and annual
• Should be completed this weekend
• While we are here pilots in Espanola flying cadets
• LBJ, Eagles, T-birds, Spirit, Route 66, LAM,
ALM,LRU,ONM, FMN, Hillerman, Belen, Falcon,
Lincoln, Espanola, and Roswell
• Form5 checks to 2 pilots in Alamogordo
• Orientation rides in Alamogordo
Planned Activities
• To fly all of the new cadets of the wing
• Plus all cadets who want to fly
• Orientation Rides starting next weekend
• Move to Socorro by Feb 9
• Move to Roswell 14th, to use in TOP Feb 15
• Getting 2nd Glider in March
• Hobbs orientation Rides June 2 - 6
• Hobbs Glider Encampment June 6 - 15
• Let get all our cadets up flying
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Lt Col Shirley Kay
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Annual Inventory Completed by 30 Dec 2013
• Assist Squadron to Resolve Annual Inventory Issues
• Annual Inventory Completed
• Transfer all aircraft to Wing level with assistants of
Planned Activities
• Respond to Squadron Regarding any Logistics Issue
• None
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Administration & Personnel
Maj Chris Branan
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Completed monthly distribution of NMWG Rosters
and NMWG FY 14 Calendar of Events; both are
updated on the NMWG website
• In the process of completing the Charter of a new SEP
squadron in Las Cruces, Sierra MS Cadet Squadron
• Still following through w/ NHQ to get the Retirement
Certificate for Col Joy Nelson; other awards are still
pending from NHQ
• Emails sent to Sq CCs each month regarding members
who have met the time-in-grade duty requirements
for promotions
• As of 1/5 for January, 2 of the 5 promotions
submitted were acknowledged by the Sq CCs and
were approved
• Constantly assisting Squadrons in processing
paperwork for decorations, promotions, new
charters, and other needs that may arise
Planned Activities
• Convert the remaining two of our NMWG Operating
Instructions to Wing Supplements per the
instructions of the inspectors from the recent CI;
submitted second request to Directorate for input
• Hoping to close soon the actions required from the CI
in the area of Admin
• Still need to finalize the conversion of the two
remaining OIs into Supplements
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Professional Development
SMSgt Charles Grosvenor
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Relieved Lt. Col. Dave MacLauchlan as Wing Director
of Professional Development effective 01JAN14
• Updated NMWG PD Website Page
• Development of PD E-Newsletter
• Visited Washington Wing in early December
• Bremerton Composite Squadron (WA-051)
(my old squadron, where I started in CAP)
• Professional Development Awards
• Level 5 – Gill Robb Wilson Award
• Maj. Ken Johnston (Group 800)
• Maj. Robert Will (Squadron II)
Planned Activities
• Continue with upgrade to PD Website page (keep it
dynamic, current information):
• Pertinent information dissemination.
• Acknowledge PD Awards by Name
• PD Training Courses for 2014
• In-Residence and Web Based
• Unit Participation in PD Training:
• Course Directors
• Course Instructors
• Course Participants
• PD Training Courses for 2014
• In-Residence and Web Based
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Director of Professional Development
SMSgt. Chuck Grosvenor
January 11, 2014
Summary of Professional Development Activity for 2013
Total Number of Senior Members in Wing (as of 31DEC13):
Professional Development Awards
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Level V
# Completed Training in 2013
# Completed Training in Wing
Percent of Total Completion
Goals for 2014
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Lt Col John Doughty
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Submitted semi-annual CAP 34 report
• Attended Ch Moorer retirement ceremony in Las
Cruces in September
• Met with Ch Nolen (Roswell Sq) in October
• Met with NM SDF Ch Mackey (Farmington Sq) in
• Invocations at SQ 2
• CDI talks at Eagle Sq
• Gave invocation at LBJ school cadet sq in November
Planned Activities
• None
• CAPF 34 is still a slow laborious time consuming
• SWR Chaplain, Ch Ron Whitt has been helpful in
resolving some (not all) administrative problems
• Lt Col Wade, NM 082, is shown on NHQ HC report as
a CDI whose report is delinquent. However, she is
NOT assigned as a CDI in NM. She was one in CO Wg
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Lt Col Sharon Lane
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Building 926
• Airfield Operations Board
• Construction on Taxiway A is set to begin
December 2nd and last through August 2014
• Taxiway B will be open throughout the entire
project to provide access for aircraft using Ramps
A-D. Taxi times will obviously be increased since
aircraft will be required to go around the
construction area
• None
Planned Activities
• None
• Base Access
• Quiet for now
• BIG exercise in June (KAFB)
• DBIDS card
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Active Shooter
377th Security Forces Squadron
Kirtland AFB, NM
Revised for Civil Air Patrol presentation 2014
• Definitions, Statistics, Facts
• Warning Signs
• What do YOU do?
Active Shooters:
• Are actively engaged in attempting to kill people in
confined/populated areas
• Most use firearms; no pattern to victim selection
Active Shooter Situations:
• Are unpredictable, evolve quickly, last <15 min
• Typically require law enforcement to stop shooter
• Response takes time; you must be mentally and physically
prepared to deal with an active shooter
• The average incident lasts 12 minutes
– 37% last less than 5 minutes
– 63% last less than 15 minutes
• 98% of the time the shooter is acting alone
• 20% of the time the shooter will move from one location to
another in his target area (e.g. roaming in a school or office
• 43% of the time, the crime is over once police arrive
Active Shooter Incidents
Aug 1, 1966
Jan 29, 1979
Jan 17, 1989
May 1, 1992
Feb 2, 1996
Jun 20, 1994
Feb 19, 1997
Oct 1, 1997
Apr 20, 1999
Apr 16, 2007
Feb 12, 2007
Austin, TX
14 killed, 30 wounded
San Diego, CA
2 killed, 9 wounded
Stockton, CA
6 killed, 30 wounded
Olivehurst, CA
4 killed, 10 wounded
Moses Lake, WA
3 killed, 1 wounded
Fairchild, WA (USAF)
4 killed, 19 wounded
Bethel, AK
2 killed, 2 wounded
Pearl, MS
2 killed, 7 wounded
14 incidents
114 victims killed
Littleton, CO
13 killed, 24 wounded
216 victims wounded
13 Active shooters killed
Virginia Tech
32 killed, 17 wounded
1 Active shooter arrested
incident time is58killed,
Salt Lake City,Average
4 wounded
Warning Signs
• Known to be mentally or emotionally unstable
• Made comments about being disenchanted with CAP
• Increased use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs
• Severe mood swings, noticeably unstable or emotional
• Tendency to blame others for problems
• Defensive or hostile attitude, increasing belligerence, or angry
• Hypersensitivity to criticism
• Resistance and overreaction to changes in policy and
• Repeated violations of policies
Warning Signs (cont)
Explosive outbursts of anger or rage without cause
Behavior which indicates paranoia, (“everybody is against me”)
Escalation of domestic problems; talk of severe financial problems
Empathy with individuals committing violence
• Increased need for supervision; reduced productivity; inconsistent
work patterns
• Recently has withdrawn from normal activities, family, friends, coworkers; is isolated or a loner
• Morally superior, self-righteous; feels entitled to special rights and
that rules don't apply to him/her
• Be prepared and know the indicators!
• Report observed indicators
It is better to be wrong than dead!
• Pitfalls: “It will never happen to me,” or “I thought he/she was
just joking,” or “I don’t want to get them in trouble.” We must
break these paradigms to address this threat!
Reporting (cont)
• Special considerations for supervisors & commanders
– Moral & legal obligation to manage welfare of
personnel under their command
– Commanders are often briefed on early behavioral
indicators demonstrated by personnel to enable
sound decision making or line-of-duty
– While much of this information is protected, this
Reporting (cont)
• When a commander receives
information a subordinate has
demonstrated behavioral indicators,
they should consult a higher
command or the wing legal officer.
Enabling personnel to detect and report individuals exhibiting behavioral cues
enhances overall safety/awareness
Your ability to detect and report suspicious behavior will directly save lives
Commanders must encourage and facilitate the reporting process through
appropriate channels
Prevention is multi-disciplinary and relies on command support to be successful
Be Prepared
• Know the entrances/exits of your building
• Have evacuation policies/procedures/rally points
– Post evacuation routes
• Update contact information/recall rosters
• Practice emergency escape procedures
• Keep a list of important phone numbers in your
meeting place
• Conduct training evacuation exercises
• How you respond to an active shooter will be
dictated by the specific circumstances of the
encounter, bearing in mind there could be
more than one shooter involved in the same
• If you find yourself involved in an active
shooter situation, try to remain calm and
use these guidelines to help you plan a
strategy for survival
What do YOU do?
• If YOU are Outside:
– Escape/Evacuate (run away from the shooter)
– Don’t stay exposed; seek cover & concealment; get behind
something that can stop a bullet
– CALL 911 or 846-9111 & follow all directions of the police
What do YOU do?
• If YOU are Inside:
– Escape/Evacuate
– Hide Out
• Lock & barricade doors & windows, close curtains & shades
• Lay down or crouch below window line
• CALL 911 or 846-9111; follow directions of the police
• Stay put until you hear “All Clear” by competent authority
• Do NOT pull the fire alarm
• Remain quiet, silence cell phones, use furniture for cover
What do YOU do?
• If YOU are in a Hallway:
– Escape/Evacuate
– Hide Out
• Get into a room and secure the door
• Follow steps from “If you are Inside”
What do YOU do?
• If YOU are in the same room as the shooter:
• Seek cover & concealment (if possible)
– CALL 911 or 846-9111; follow directions of the police; if you
cannot talk, try to leave the phone on so an operator can gather
– LAST RESORT: Swarm shooter; use anything available to
protect yourself and disable the subject, e.g. heavy books,
plaques, or anything that could be used as a weapon; commit to
your actions!!!
Tips/Actions to Take
• Provide as much info to Operator/Police when calling about an
Active Shooter
S – Size (Number of personnel; vehicles used)
A – Activity (Detailed account of actions; number of known victims)
L – Location (Where you saw the shooter)
U – Unit (Description of shooter(s); distinctive signs or ID
• T – Time (Time the activity was observed)
• E – Equipment (Number and type of weapons; all associated
• Leave belongings when escaping/evacuating
• Do not stop to render aid to victims
First Responder Arrival
Remain calm and follow
security forces instructions.
Put down any items.
Immediately raise hands and spread fingers.
Keep hands visible at all times
Avoid making quick
movements toward officers
or running at them when they
Avoid screaming/yelling
Do not stop to ask for help
or directions when evacuating,
just proceed out as directed by the responders
Expect to be questioned after the situation
in under control; this could take several hours.
Do not leave or speak to the media!
Incident Notification
Giant Voice: Alert tone followed by message “LOCK DOWN”
Mass email notification “LOCK DOWN” Procedures
Follow instructions, take immediate actions
Lt Col Earl Shepard
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• None
• None
Planned Activities
• None
Earl Shepard…ASAP!!!
• Please talk this up again with your unit
• Desire a highly-motivated individual from Albq
• Bullet
• SubBullet
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Public Affairs
Maj David Finley
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• None
• None
Planned Activities
• None
• Unit/CCs and PAOs: Units are REQUIRED to submit
Public Relations Plans AND Crisis Communication
Plans NLT 31 Jan 14, IAW CAPR 190-1
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Thank you
Working Lunch: Now thru ~1330 - Commanders
meet staff to resolve issues and make contact
Breakout Sessions: ~1330
Commanders Meeting upstairs
E.S. Working Group downstairs (this room)
New Mexico Wing -- Excellence and
Integrity in All We Do
Drug Demand Reduction
Lt Col Donna Bracken
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Bullet
• SubBullet
• Bullet
• SubBullet
Planned Activities
• Bullet
• SubBullet
• Bullet
• SubBullet
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Lt Col Donna Bracken
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Bullet
• SubBullet
• Bullet
• SubBullet
Planned Activities
• Bullet
• SubBullet
• Bullet
• SubBullet
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Maj Kathy Courreges
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
• Bullet
• SubBullet
• Bullet
• SubBullet
Planned Activities
• Bullet
• SubBullet
• Bullet
• SubBullet
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Lt Col Janet Shepard
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
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New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Maj Alvin Jones
October 12, 2013
Recent Activities
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New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Organizational Excellence
January 11, 2014
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 60 days
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New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 90 days
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Planned Activities
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New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Maj Chris Branan
October 12, 2013
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 90 days
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New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Recent Activities
Squadron/Group Interaction last 90 days
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Planned Activities
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New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do
Staff Meeting
Lt Col John Green
October 12, 2013
• Staff Reports ARE NOT OPTIONAL for In-Person, Face-to-Face Commanders and Staff Meetings.
• Please lets get it together and submit staff reports when requested…and by due date assigned
• NM Wing Schedule – Maj Branan
• State Budget Execution
• Finance Committee has finalized and approved staff budgets for specific line items requested
• Compliance Inspection (CI)
• Still waiting on the “final official CI report”
• Next goal 18 October
• Updated responses to discrepancies due at NHQ…I have not received any updated responses yet and
they are DUE NOW so I can assemble them into a single response and submit to NHQ by 18 Oct
• Please remember the solutions to discrepancies documented must address what positive actions the
Wing will take or have taken place to prevent discrepancy from occurring again
• Look at the discrepancies from a “root cause” aspect and determine what can be done to prevent the
root cause
• All discrepancy corrective actions will be approved or disapproved by NHQ, not NMW
• CI Inspection Binders
• Repopulate with any materials given to inspectors
• Return binders to Chief of Staff (CS) as soon as feasible…I have only received a couple of them back so far
• CS will store binders until next CI (3 years)
New Mexico Wing
Excellence and Integrity In All We Do