Thesis Presentation Routing Overheads within Mobile Ad-Hoc Networking Supervisor: Dr. Grant Wigley By. Christopher Totani Question and reasons for research Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) Structure-less network DSTO working with UniSA in research in this field Focus on routing overheads for MANETs Looking at tradeoffs between routing overheads and end-to-end connectivity Must work in low bandwidth speeds (nearly dial up speed) with harsh terrain Routing in Networks Route traffic between networks & sub networks Layer 3 (Network Layer) Usually core of network Typically through Routers and Layer 3 Switches Use routing protocol to route traffic Typically contains networks/sub networks, network topology, next hop Distance Vector Protocols (EIGRP, RIP, BGP) Shares metric to calculate routes (i.e. Number of Hops) Link State protocols (IS-IS, OSPF) Shares whole routing table Structured Networks Static network design utilising specialised equipment (Routers, switches, WLAN Gateways) Advantages Stable topology Devices dedicated towards routing Why they are not recommended for military use Too costly (will need satellite networks) Satellite equipment costs $$ Needs staff to manage and configure network Single point of connection to network Ad-Hoc Network “ad-hoc” based on latin term meaning “for this purpose” Networking with no network specific devices E.g. routers and switches Different types of Ad-Hoc Networking Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Vehicle Ad-Hoc Networks Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Mobile, wireless ad-hoc infrastructure network Self configuring, Self repairing with little maintenance overheads Usually used in scenarios, where structure is too costly or impossible However, low bandwidth and poor reliability Uses special MANET protocols Too many overheads with current routing protocols(E.g. OSPF floods packets) Not common practice for routers to communicate between each other via wireless Some attempts at trying to get them to work within MANETS Some are still up for debate E.g. OSPF – Suggestions of reducing LSA floods MANET Structure Source: Aidarus Mohamed Ibrahim ,UTM: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(MANETS). 2014.Aidarus Mohamed Ibrahim ,UTM: Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(MANETS). Structured Network Source: Structured Satellite Network Source: Routing Overheads Resources required for routing High routing overheads can affect bandwidth and energy consumption However, overheads needed for a stable network What can influence overheads, as found in literature Number of Neighbours Nodes receive more routing updates Number of Hops Not so much an overhead, but a performance indicator Route Discovery and Positioning Frequency of Updates /Topology Changes End to end connectivity In the context of this thesis, the quality of the connection between nodes Poor routing can affect connectivity between nodes Packet losses Poor routing paths Delay in packet delivery Poor utilisation of bandwidth The features of a routing protocol can also affect End to End Connectivity Quality of Service (QoS) Feature of prioritising packets Typically prioritises real time packets (e.g. VoIP) over non real time (e.g. web page) Better use of bandwidth Flat MANET Protocols Reactive Protocols (On-Demand routing) AODV (Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector) Topology information transmitted on demand Uses Route request (RREQ) and route reply (RREP) Sequence numbers used for topology version Low overheads, but poor in high mobility situation DSR (Direct Source Routing) Works very similar to AODV Differs on how it routes packets and lacks sequence numbers DSR routes whole routing direction AODV routes next hop Also differs on how it ‘s beaconless Tends to have the least routing overheads, but bad performance with mobility Flat MANET Protocols Proactive Protocols (Continuous update routing) OLSR (Optimised Link State Routing) Link state flooded through the network Utilise multipoint relays for topology control Topology control used for maintain topology and hops Uses hello packets to maintain adjacencies Higher overheads due to constant routing updates Supports QoS DSDV (Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector) Works very similar to RIP (uses same Bellman-Ford algorithm) Has routing table and sequence number of routing table Updates topology every 30 seconds (as opposed to on demand) Does have issues with infinite routes Problems with flat MANET protocols Do not scale well Protocols such as AODV and DSR have problems with packet delay Protocols such as OLSR tend to have very high routing overheads Tends to treat all nodes equally Does not utilise devices full potential Military uses wide range of devices (Hand held radios to vehicle mounted radios) DSTO MANET Concept Divide MANET into smaller MANETS Create Hierarchies of MANETS Use larger radio devices mounted on vehicles on higher levels Use normal radio devices on lower levels Hierarchical MANETs Divides network into clusters One device allocated as the “cluster head” per cluster Cluster head is aware of other clusters within MANET Also puts nodes in hierarchies Many papers have preference to this type Alternative towards flat topology MANETs Reduces routing tables and hops for nodes Allows better utilisation of heterogeneous devices Hierarchical Protocols Examples HOLSR (Hierarchical Optimised Link State Routing) Based on OLSR protocol (utilises multipoint relays, hello messages and topology control) HOLSR divides into clusters and levels Different levels help determine nodes suitability within a network (Level 3 powerful node, Level 1 not so powerful) Example of Hierarchical structure (HOLSR) Source: Wang, M., et al. (2007). Comparison of Two Hierarchical Routing Protocols for Heterogeneous MANET Defence R&D Canada -- Ottawa: 44. Structured Routing protocols on MANETS Popular routing protocols (i.e. OSPF) not in good state for MANETS Tend to do too many adjacencies Needs to maintain lots of adjacencies Current state floods too many LSA packets OSPF-MDR Restructures OSPF for MANET use Uses MANET Designated Routers (MDR) as gateway for each area Like BDRs on OSPF networks MDRs form Area 0 Also known as Connected Dominating Set (CDS) Different levels of hello packets to reduce packet overheads Appears to be single-hop to MDR Only tested with up to 200 nodes OSPF vs OSPF-MDR MANET Topology Research Question What are the tradeoffs between end to end connectivity vs. routing overheads with hierarchal mobile ad hoc networks, within the context of urban military use? Methodology System – Use simulation Sampling and Population Sample size: close to DSTO specifications Simulate wireless in unreliable terrain Population: Mobile combatants, mobile vehicles Data Collection Define metrics of Routing Overheads Collect from different scenarios Data Analysis Look for patterns within protocol metrics See if data is accurate Tools NS-2 (Free simulator), Quagga Methodology System – Use simulation Sampling and Population Sample size: close to DSTO specifications Simulate wireless in unreliable terrain Population: Mobile combatants, mobile vehicles Data Collection Define metrics of Routing Overheads Collect from different scenarios Data Analysis Look for patterns within protocol metrics See if data is accurate Tools NS-2 (Free simulator), Quagga Methodology System – Use simulation Sampling and Population Sample size: 16 (Section), 32, 64(Platoon), 128 , 255 (Company) Determine where hierarchy should start (16, 64) See protocol stability where larger fails (64, 255) Flat terrain (Unreliable terrain out of scope) Population: Mobile combatants Data Collection Collect from different scenarios and size of MANET Scenarios will differ by movement model Calculate performance and routing overhead with data from simulations Data Analysis Look for patterns within protocol metrics See if data is accurate Methodology Tools Operating System – Lubuntu 14.04 (32-bit) NS-2 v2.35 NAM 1.14 Bonnmotion 2.38 (Create scenario) AWK scripting language Steps to Methodology Step 1 – Review literature and determine overheads Step 2 – Specify metrics of routing overheads Step 3 – Finalise routing protocols to be simulated Step 4 – Simulate routing protocol under different scenarios Differ from size of network and movement model Step 5 - Map data to meaningful diagrams/tables, draw conclusions from data gathered. Routing Overhead Metrics Quite difficult to compare based on individual overheads E.g. Comparing routing updates – Not all protocols use hop count (e.g. OLSR) Many papers just compare Routing Control packets vs. packets sent Routing overhead Number of control packets sent Normalised routing overhead Number of control packets / Number of packets sent Performance/End to End connectivity Metrics Average Hop Count Average number of nodes a data packet travel through to reach destination Lower is better Throughput (Kbps) Total bandwidth utilised for data packets Can be an indicator of routing overhead Higher figures are better Average End to End Delay (seconds?) Time taken: Source Destination Less time is better Packet Delivery Ratio (% Packets received) No. packets delivered/No. packets sent Higher is better Routing Protocols to be simulated Preface Only using protocols freely available as source code Very difficult to modify/create routing protocols in time frame This alone has dramatically changed how the thesis is structured Following protocols wont be simulated H-OLSR (Source not freely available) OSPF-MDR (Simulator different) OSPF, RIP (Not freely available, needs MANET extensions to work) Routing Protocols to be simulated Preface Protocols chosen are well known MANET routing protocols We use simulations to answer several questions Where should the hierarchy start? What performance drops do we see when the network is scaled up? What trade-offs do we see between routing overheads and connectivity? What protocol is best suited for military use? Routing Protocols to be simulated AODV DSR DSDV OLSR NS-2 parameters Channel Prop Netif Mac Ifq Channel Propagation Network Interface Mac Layer Interface Priority Queue ll Ant Link Layer Antenna x y ifqlen seed nn stop Mc x-co-ordinate size (pixels?) y-co-ordinate size (pixels?) Size of interface priority queue Random seed no. Number of nodes Time of simulation (seconds) Maximum Connections Physical/Datalink Layer Channel/WirelessChannel Propagation/TwoRayGround Phy/WirelessPhy Mac/802_11 Queue/DropTail/PriQueue (CMUPriQueue for DSR) LL Antenna/OmniAntenna Scenario 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 8000 1000, 1500, 2000, 4000, 8000 100 0.0 16,32, 64, 128,256 100 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 Traffic Generated using NS-2’s traffic generation tool CBR over UDP Simple traffic Set to send 2-6kbps (estimated) traffic per connection Movement Model Random Waypoint Most commonly used Nodes put at random points Nodes move in zigzag direction Movement expressed as: Pi to Pi+1 Nodes also pauses at specific random times Other Movement models Guass-Markov model (variable speed and direction) Disaster area model (Tries to replicate disaster scenario) Normalised Routing Load Normalised Routing Load Normalised Routing Load 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 AODV DSR DSDV OLSR 16 0.0794 0.0794 0.1852 0.8508 32 1.1187 0.6836 0.6491 2.897 64 1.3004 1.2064 0.7782 3.884 128 5.578 4.0186 7.6448 12.3089 256 4.4232 4.8402 7.2245 43.9886 Packet Delivery Ratio Packet Delivery Ratio Packet Delivery Ratio 120.00% 100.00% 80.00% 60.00% 40.00% 20.00% 0.00% AODV DSR DSDV OLSR 16 95.62% 97.35% 69.35% 87.26% 32 42.94% 44.14% 30.74% 37.85% 64 45.35% 47.69% 34.46% 41.15% 128 18.00% 17.66% 4.15% 15.89% 256 2.61% 2.55% 2.60% 2.67% End to End Delay End to End Delay 1.8 End to End Delay (s) 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 AODV DSR DSDV OLSR 16 0.2406 0.4505 0.0193 0.0174 32 0.2002 0.2876 0.0182 0.0133 64 0.2546 1.1283 0.0143 0.0189 128 0.3779 1.5715 0.0129 0.0492 256 0.0065 0.0068 0.0066 0.0065 Summary of results At 16 nodes, performance is quite optimal (Though 32 nodes shows adequate performance besides PDR) 16 nodes per lower level MANET should help prevent MANETs merge to larger ones 128 and 256 nodes shows little to no routing activity Summary of results AODV and DSR shows similar performance (Good PDR and Overheads, Bad delay as network increases, esp. DSR) DSDV shows lowest routing overheads, but poor PDR (even at 16 nodes) Quite contrary to claims of DSDV having high overheads Possible AODV and DSR routing overheads higher due to movement? OLSR shows good performance through all performance metrics. However, very high routing overheads at more than 64 nodes Summary of results Despite high overheads at larger sized MANETs, OLSR favoured Has well document hierarchical extension Supports QoS Performs well through all performance metrics Routing overheads become a problem with larger network AODV second favoured Lower overhead, performed consistently well No QoS or well documented Hierarchical implementation Simulations not finished yet Still need simulations for other movement models