Rowan County Senior High School Lesson Plans 2010-11 Instructor: Mrs. Sorrell Week of: 8-16-10 Day Algebra I Expl. Intro to College Algebra Geometry A Math Test Skills Monday Learning Target: I will be able to find the GCF and LCM for a pair of numbers. I will be able to order numbers from least to greatest. Independent Work: Students will copy the two steps for finding the GCF in their notes. Then use the steps to find the GCF for 3 sets of numbers. Interactive Instruction: Students will write the four steps for finding the LCM. Guide the students to use the steps to find the LCM. Students practice with 4 problems. Assign: Practice 1.1, column 2. Closure: Use Skittles to conduct a “Getting-toknow-you” activity. Learning Target: I will be able to solve systems of equations and choose the best method to solve a particular system. Independent Work: Students will finish P5, 3 and 4, P6, 26 and 28. Interactive Instruction: Students will review horizontal lines by working with a partner to graph an equation, then draw a horizontal line and write the equation. Compare the two equations and explain the difference. Review solving systems of equations using the substitution method. Students will complete a Pizzazz worksheet for homework. Closure: Begin homework. Learning Target: I will be able to determine the equation of an arithmetic sequence using inductive reasoning. Independent Work: Students will continue work on P7: 12, 16-20, 24, 27, 30, 34, 36, 42 Interactive Instruction: Assist students as needed with the opening problems. Discuss difficult problems as a group. Guide students to see the difference in arithmetic vs. geometric sequences. Explain using the arithmetic sequence formula to help develop the equation for the nth term. Students will practice with a worksheet. Learning Target: I will be able to convert improper fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa and to always reduce the fraction. I will be able to add and subtract fractions by finding the common denominator. Independent Work: Students complete P41: 2, 7, 11, 14, 16, and 20. Interactive Instruction: Demonstrate the conversion of improper fractions to mixed numbers. Students will practice on P50: 1-5. Demonstrate the conversion of mixed numbers to improper fractions. Students practice P50: 6-15. Homework: p. 50: 38-50. Closure: Review your plan for ACT success and your Tuesday Learning Target: I will be able to compare numbers and determine the relationship (<, =, or >). Independent Work: Students complete review problems from yesterday (P8, 14-20 even.) Interactive Instruction: Students will take notes as they watch the video: Students will work with a partner to answer four review problems—Partner Challenge. Assign: Ordering Fractions worksheet. Closure: Students work with a partner to complete numbers 9 and 10, page 7. mparefractions.html Wednesday Learning Target: I will be able to determine and identify greater than, less than, and equal to. Learning Target: I will be able to recognize the various solution possibilities for a system—one solution, many solutions, or no solution. Independent Work: Students put their homework problems on the board. Interactive Instruction: Students will graph the 4 systems in Warm-up on page 7 and then have a discussion of the relationships of the lines. Discuss positive, negative, undefined and zero slopes with the PPT. Students will work in pairs to complete Activity, P10. Assign: P11 1-7 Odd, 11-16, 20, 23 and 25 Closure: Explain and draw the 4 possible slopes. Learning Target: I will be able to write the equation of a line in slopeintercept form. Closure: Discuss the first three problem solutions on the worksheet. Learning Target: I will be able to determine the formula for the nth term of geometric or algebraic sequences. Independent Work: Show students 3 sequences and have them identify them either arithmetic or geometric. Interactive Instruction: Review students’ homework questions and have a homework quiz. Give additional set of problems over calculating the equation for the nth term of a sequence. Circulate the room to offer one-onone assistance. Students should expect a quiz tomorrow over inductive reasoning. Closure: Quiz. goals set last week. Learning Target: I will be able to recognize and define basic geometry vocabulary. Learning Target: Check homework problems. Independent Work: Take questions concerning the Learning Target: I will be able to calculate with fractions in all operations. Independent Work: Students work number operations problems on P42: 24, 28, 33, 34, 37, & 40. Interactive Instruction: Review the homework problems and discuss any difficulties. Assign students to review all fractions operations with P52-3: 5171. Closure: Quiz 1 over fraction operations. Thursday Independent Work: Students will complete P9: 1-3 and 6. Interactive Instruction: Students create a number line in groups to be placed on the wall ordering a set of numbers from least to greatest. Demonstrate the cross multiply method of determining the larger fraction. P10: 10-18. Work on ordering the fractions again tonight. Closure: Find the error in the order of the numbers provided and explain. Learning Target: I will be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide whole numbers and decimals. Independent Work: Bring in a grocery receipt highlighting 4 items. Ask them to calculate the cost of the four items and the amount of change due if you pay with a $20 bill. Interactive Instruction: Review the basics of addition and subtraction allowing students to explain. Move quickly to multiplication and division. Independent Work: 1.2 Warmup Interactive Instruction: Check homework and discuss problems. Collect homework. Create a double-entry organizer of basic geometry terms. Work in groups to identify items in the room that represent the terms defined. Assign: P13: 10-42 Even. Closure: List the items in the room that represent the geometry terms. Learning Target: I will be able to find an equation of a line given certain geometric properties of the line. Independent Work: Bellwork: P11: 10-13 (top) Interactive Instruction: Guide students to complete problems 1-6 in the Class Exercises section on page 16. This will be their notes for this section. Students will put selected problems on the board. Assign: P16: 1-5, 11, 14-17 Independent Work: : 1.2 Warmup. Interactive Instruction: Students take Quiz 1 .1 over Inductive reasoning. Students use a double-entry organizer to define and draw the basic geometry vocab given in 1.2. Assign P13: 10-42 Even. Closure: Work in groups to find items in the classroom that represent each of the new geometry terms defined in 1.2 Learning Target: I will be able to use the Segment Addition Postulate and the Distance Formula to solve problems. Independent Work: Add to homework: P 14: 4450. Interactive Instruction: Check homework difficulties and put student drawings from bellwork on the board. Homework Quiz. 1.3 Lesson Opener. Model the Segment Addition Postulate and the homework. Interactive Instruction: Students take Quiz 1 over fractions. Review working with signed numbers. Assign: take notes from page 54-57, Look for problem areas on the problem set on page 58. Closure: Discuss absolute value. Learning Target: I will be confident in working with signed numbers and decimals. Independent Work: Students will work P58: 10, 12, 23, 35, & 43. Interactive Instruction: Lead a discussion about the signed numbers. Create flash cards PPT of the signed number problems. Let students guide the instruction with their questions and needs. If comfortable, move on to decimal operations. Work Friday Work an example of multiplication, and then have students practice with 5 problems—check their work. Work three examples of long division explaining the terms of the problem and remainder issues. Give students 5 problems to work on their own. Assign the worksheet problems (P 16: 7-15, 22-30. Closure: Ask for volunteers to go to the board for racing with multiplication. Learning Target: I will be able to add, subtract, multiply and divide with whole numbers. Independent Work: Use the marker boards to work a few long division problems. Interactive Instruction: Demonstrate division while students work on the marker boards. Check their work. Offer individual assistance where needed. Students take notes and ask questions. Students will work addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on the boards. Closure: NA Closure: What is your favorite form of the linear equation and explain. Distance Formula. Assign: P22: 22-40. Closure: Recite the distance formula to your table partner. examples for students then assign the problem set. Closure: Explain decimal multiplication to your table partner. Learning Target: I will demonstrate what I know about linear equations from chapter 1.1 to 1.3. Independent Work: Begin the test. Interactive Instruction: 1.1-1.3 Quiz. Closure: NA Learning Target: I will be able to classify angles & to use angle postulates. Independent Work: 1.4 Warm-up questions. Interactive Instruction: Review homework and explain trouble spots for students. Homework quiz. 1.4 Lesson Opener with a partner. Discuss and explain the use of a protractor. Work 4 examples for students. Complete P29: 1-15 in class. Closure: Draw an acute, right, and obtuse angle on half sheet. Learning Target: I will be able to add subtract multiply and divide decimals. Independent Work: Students will complete P68: 22, 33, 44, 50, 56, 61-68. Interactive Instruction: Review student difficulties with the problem set over decimals. Assign students to groups and give them the property division problem. Find the percent of property allotted to each owner. Discuss and review percents. Closure: Click here to enter text.