Randa Bruce
Library Media Teacher
Shadow Valley Elementary
Ogden School District
Rolling With the Punches
Randa’s Style
Life Lessons I Have Learned: o Be a life- long learner o Be flexible, you never know when “Murphy” will show up. o What Doesn’t Kill You Makes You Stronger (long before Kelly Clarkston’s song!) o “It’s the little things that matter that add up in the end…” o Advanced preparation and prioritize, then you can meet “Murphy” head on! o Give the students ownership o Keep your eyes and ears open o Let it go… makes life less complicated
Management o Planner placed at the checkout area
Who comes when
Who my assistants are in order of the day activities
Topic of the lesson
School events for the day
Appointments/ meetings
List new students on the day they arrived or date I learned of the arrival. Also when a student leave the school. o Each class’s work is stored on the counter in a container with folders for each table. o 10 minutes for book exchange ( this year it is after the lesson):
Destiny quest: search for book or place one on hold
Check out books with student librarians
Students bring something in to read if not checking out
Students receive a preparation grade for the month from me that many of the teachers use in the grading system (preparation/ citizenship…) o 20 minute lesson o Reinforce our school rules: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be Safe, Be Ready o Be FLEXIBLE o Be CONSISTENT
August 20: Train the first Shadow Valley Eagles Network (SVEN) Crew and prepare the
PowerPoint format for the SVEN News broadcast
August 21- September 7
Assist teachers prepare: laminating, gathering library material etc. as well as set up the Library
Media Center (LMC)
Finalize LMC and PLC schedules
Make sure Renaissance Place is up and running
Create current years LMC assistants application forms
SVES Student Library Media Assistant Application 2012- 2013
Last Name _____________________________________ First Name ___________________________________
Grade _______________________ Teacher ______________________________________________________
I wish to help in the library because:
Library experiences/ skills:
Preferred library tasks: rank in order of preference, 1 being your top choice: a.
_____ assist during my class’ LMC time b.
_____ assist with kindergarten: ___ Tuesday 9:50-10:00 ____ 10:20-10:30
___ Wednesday 10:20-10:30
___ Thursday 10:20-10:30 ____ 1:50-2:00
___ Friday 10:20-10:30 c.
_____ assist with 1 st
grade: ____ Tuesday 2:50-3:00 ____ 3:20-3:30
___ Wednesday 10:20-10:30
___ Thursday 10:20-10:30
___ Friday 10:20-10:30 d.
____ assist 2 nd
grade: ____ Tuesday 10:50-11:00 ____ 11:20-11:30 ____ 12:50-1:00
____ Wednesday 12:50-1:00
____ Thursday 12:50-1:00
____ Friday 12:50-1:00 e.
____ Shelving books during recesses; check which day(s) of the week
____ Monday ____ Tuesday ____Wednesday ____ Thursday ____ Friday f.
____ Helping before school; check which day(s) of the week
____ Monday ____ Tuesday ____Wednesday ____ Thursday ____ Friday g.
____ Helping after school; check which day(s) of the week h.
____ Monday ____ Tuesday ____Wednesday ____ Thursday ____ Friday
________________________________________________ ___________________________
Student’s signature date
_______________________________________________ ____________________________
Parent‘s signature date
________________________________________________ _____________________________
Teacher’s signature date
August 20: Train the first Shadow Valley Eagles Network (SVEN) Crew and prepare the
PowerPoint format for the SVEN News broadcast
August 21- September 7 o Meetings o Assist teachers prepare: laminating, gathering library material etc. as well as set up the
Library Media Center (LMC) o Finalize LMC and PLC schedules o Make sure Renaissance Place is up and running o Create current years LMC assistants application forms o Become reacquainted with Destiny and Destiny Quest o Lesson planning- mapping out the year
English Language Arts Crosswalk
Common Core Standards aligned to the AASL Standards o http://www.ala.org/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/commoncorecrosswalk/ccelafirst
September 10-October 31
Beginning a new school year
Library Expectations
Locating, choosing , Destiny Quest, and care of books
Library Media Assistant job application
Checking out/in a book
Shelve books
Various tasks
Library assistants: check books in and out
Kindergarten, 1 st , and 2 nd classes: 4 th -6 th assistants who applied for the job
3 rd grade: class’ student of the week, teacher helper for the week…
4 th , 5 th , and 6 th classes: assistants who applied for the job
Library assistants sort and shelve books before and after school, or during recesses.
Library assistants during their recesses help with various tasks I may need help with: stamping new books, collating and stapling packets, sharpening pencils, opening and closing the library for the day.…
Media Literacy
“Everyone’s” Purpose (PIE: Persuade, Inform, Entertain)
3 Rs
Genre (See Joe Bright and the Seven Genre Dudes in Works Cited list)
Information Literacy
Pioneer Online Library Scavenger Hunt
When I teach how to create a bibliography for the first time each year I hand out graph
paper for them to practice writing and spacing correctly.
Holiday stories (see Works Cited pages)
Book Fair
Run by the PTA
I am able to choose books for the library with a major portion of the profits.
I pull titles and then have the upper grades identify the genre, evaluate them and then make suggestions as which books should be added to our collection.
With the younger grades I read some books from the fair.
November 1 – January 11
Storytelling (Also see works cited pages)
recalling / retelling a story
character traits
climax/ turning point
point of view
genre of their story
Modeling storytelling
Vocal Clarity
Voice Expression
Eye Contact
Body Language
Familiarity with the story
Satisfying Ending
Audience Appeal
January 14 – March 15
Books: care of, parts of…
Weber Reads (see works cited pages)
Modified KWL chart
Emily, Michael Bedard
Visited Google Earth:
get a feeling/ understand the setting
Illustrator’s purpose
studied pictures to learn more about Emily than the author wrote
Read a historical fiction
note taking
facts vs. opinion
inferences, drawing conclusions, predicting
Compare/ contrast life in the 1800 vs. now
Vocabulary building- context clues
Analyzed 1 poem
Mapping skills grades 4-6
Viewed map of the community in 1873
Locate Dickinson Family property
Located Amherst College
Google Earth : o Located The Homestead, her home now a museum o Located The Evergreens, her brother’s home
o Located the house across the street, the little girl’s home in the story, Emily by Michael Bedard o Explored the community of Amherst, MA o Latitude/ longitude
My Uncle Emily, Jane Yolan
Emily Dickinson’s Family Tree:
graph/ charts
identifying characters in the book
Read a historical fiction:
note taking
facts vs. opinion
inferences, drawing conclusions
Compare/ contrast life in the 1800 vs. now
Vocabulary building- context clues
Analyzed 2 poems
reading graphs/ charts
creating a graph/ chart: grades k-2 make their family tree o Substitutes
Almanac Jeopardy
Table of Contents
Key words in bold print
Listening for key words in the questions to look up in the index
Finding information on the correct page
Reading charts, graphs, maps, nonfiction text
Predicting, inference, conclusions
Library games
March 18 – May 10
eBooks: Follettshelf: New this year; train 2-3 students in each class, 3-6 grades, then
they will assist in their class, article in newsletter.
Review For End of Level test: get suggested topics to review from teachers
Review Games
Students’ evaluation of the year : favorite lessons, wish lists
May 13-24
Gather all books
Pack up for the summer
Shut all electronics down
I have survived another year
And so can you!!!
Works cited
Ashman, Linda, and David Small. The Essential Worldwide Monster Guide. New York: Simon & Schuster
for Young Readers, 2003. Print.
Aylesworth, Jim, and Barbara McClintock. Goldilocks and the Three Bears. New York: Scholastic, 2003.
Bedard, Michael, and Barbara Cooney. Emily. New York, NY: Dell Dragonfly, 2002. Print.
Berg, Brook, and Nathan Alberg. When Marion Copied: Learning about Plagiarism. Fort Atkinson, WI:
Upstart, 2006. Print.
Berg, Brook, Nathan Alberg, and Brook Berg. What Happened to Marion's Book? Fort Atkinson, WI:
Upstart, 2003. Print.
Boynton, Sandra, and Michael Ford. Dog Train: Deluxe Illustrated Lyrics Book of the Unpredictable Rock-
and-roll Journey. New York: Workman Pub., 2005. Print.
Brett, Jan. Gingerbread Baby. [New York]: Scholastic, 1999. Print.
Buzzeo, Toni, and Sachiko Yoshikawa. The Great Dewey Hunt. Janesville, WI: Upstart, 2009. Print.
Casale, Karen, and Cecilia Rebora. Never Let a Ghost Borrow Your Library Book: Book Care Guidelines
from the Library Secret Service. Madison, WI: Upstart, 2012. Print.
Catalano, Dominic. Santa and the Three Bears. New York: Scholastic, 2000. Print.
Cowell, Cressida. Little Bo Peep's Library Book. New York: Orchard, 1999. Print.
Crews, Nina. The Neighborhood Mother Goose. New York: Greenwillow, 2004. Print.
Deedy, Carmen Agra., and Michael P. White. The Library Dragon. Atlanta: Peachtree, 1994. Print.
Dickens, Charles, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mark Twain, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, and Arthur Conan
Doyle. 5 Easy-to Read plays Based on Classic Stories. New York: Scholastic Professional, 1999. Print.
Dickinson, Emily, Frances S. Bolin, and Chi Chung. Poetry for Young People. New York: Sterling Pub.,
1994. Print.
"Digital Amherst." Omeka RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.digitalamherst.org/items/show/32 01 Mar.
Emily Dickinson Museum. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.emilydickinsonmuseum.org
01 Mar. 2013.
Enderle, Dotti, and Colleen M. Madden. The Library Gingerbread Man. Janesville, WI: Upstart, 2010.
"English Language Arts Crosswalk - Grade 1." American Library Association. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.ala.org/aasl/guidelinesandstandards/commoncorecrosswalk/ccelafirst 01 Mar. 2013.
Ford, Michael, and Sandra Boynton. Rhinoceros Tap / Book & CD. New York: Workman Pub., 2004. Print.
Fox, Kathleen, and John Wallace. A Book Is Just like You!: All about the Parts of a Book. Madison, WI:
Upstart, 2012. Print.
Fox, Kathleen, and Lisa Downey. The Pirates of Plagiarism. Janesville, Wisc.: Upstart, 2010. Print.
Fox, Kathleen. Plagiarism! Plagiarism!: 25 Fun Games and Activities to Teach Documenting and Sourcing
Skills to Students. Janesville, WI: Upstart, 2010. Print.
Fredericks, Anthony D. Mother Goose Readers Theatre for Beginning Readers. Westport, CT: Teacher
Ideas, 2007. Print.
Gosling, Gabby, and Timothy Banks. The Top Secret Files of Mother Goose! [Milwaukee, WI]: Gareth
Stevens Pub., 2004. Print.
Hopkins, Jackie, and John Manders. Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians. Fort Atkinson, WI: Upstart,
2007. Print.
Hopkins, Jackie, and Rebecca McKillip. Thornburgh. The Shelf Elf. Fort Atkinson, WI: Upstart, 2004. Print.
Hopkins, Jackie Mims., and John Manders. Joe Bright and the Seven Genre Dudes. Janesville, WI: Upstart,
2010. Print.
Kimmel, Eric A., and Megan Lloyd. The Gingerbread Man. New York: Holiday House, 1993. Print.
Lach, William. Can You Hear It? New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2006. Print.
Lassieur, Allison. The Underground Railroad: An Interactive History Adventure. Mankato, MN: Capstone,
2008. Print.
Lester, Julius, Jerry Pinkney, and Helen Bannerman. Sam and the Tigers. New York: Dial for Young
Readers, 1996. Print.
McCully, Emily Arnold. An Outlaw Thanksgiving. New York: Scholastic, 1999. Print.
Miller, Pat, and Nadine Bernard. Westcott. We're Going on a Book Hunt. Fort Atkinson, WI: Upstart,
2008. Print.
Moore, Clement Clarke, and Mary Engelbreit. The Night before Christmas. New York: Scholastic, 2002.
Perry, Andrea, and Roberta Angaramo. The Bicklebys' Birdbath. New York: Atheneum for Young Readers,
2010. Print.
Pilkey, Dav. 'Twas the Night before Thanksgiving. New York: Orchard, 1990. Print.
"Pioneer Online Library." Pioneer- Online Library. N.p., n.d. Web. http://www.uen.org/trial/scavenger.html
01 Mar. 2013.
Rosen, Michael, and Helen Oxenbury. We're Going on a Bear Hunt. New York: Margaret K. McElderry,
1989. Print.
Rumford, James. Beowulf: A Hero's Tale Retold. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Print.
Sierra, Judy, and Jack E. Davis. Monster Goose. San Diego: Harcourt, 2001. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How a Library Works. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2012. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How an E-book Works. Mankato, MN: Childs World, 2013. Print.
McCully, Emily Arnold. An Outlaw Thanksgiving. New York: Scholastic, 1999. Print.
Miller, Pat, and Nadine Bernard. Westcott. We're Going on a Book Hunt. Fort Atkinson, WI: Upstart,
2008. Print.
Moore, Clement Clarke, and Mary Engelbreit. The Night before Christmas. New York: Scholastic, 2002.
Perry, Andrea, and Roberta Angaramo. The Bicklebys' Birdbath. New York: Atheneum for Young
Readers, 2010. Print.
Pilkey, Dav. 'Twas the Night before Thanksgiving. New York: Orchard, 1990. Print.
Rosen, Michael, and Helen Oxenbury. We're Going on a Bear Hunt. New York: Margaret K. McElderry,
1989. Print.
Rumford, James. Beowulf: A Hero's Tale Retold. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2007. Print.
Sierra, Judy, and Jack E. Davis. Monster Goose. San Diego: Harcourt, 2001. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How a Library Works. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2012. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How an E-book Works. Mankato, MN: Childs World, 2013. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Check out a Book. Mankato, MN: Childs World, 2013. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Find a Book. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2013. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Find Information Online / by Amanda StJohn ; Illustrated by
Bob Ostrom. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2012. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Treat a Book. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2013. Print.
Thomas, Garen Eileen., and Guy Francis. Santa's Kwanzaa. New York: Jump at the Sun/Hyperion for
Children, 2004. Print.
Yolen, Jane, and Nancy Carpenter. My Uncle Emily. New York: Philomel, 2009. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Check out a Book. Mankato, MN: Childs World, 2013. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Find a Book. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2013. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Find Information Online / by Amanda StJohn ; Illustrated by
Bob Ostrom. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2012. Print.
StJohn, Amanda, and Bob Ostrom. How to Treat a Book. Mankato, MN: Child's World, 2013. Print.
Thomas, Garen Eileen., and Guy Francis. Santa's Kwanzaa. New York: Jump at the Sun/Hyperion for
Children, 2004. Print.
"Upstart Promotions : Homepage." Upstart Promotions : Homepage. N.p., n.d. Web. http://upstartpromotions.com
01 Mar. 2013.
"Weber Reads Emily Dickinson." Weber Reads Emily Dickinson. N.p., n.d. Web. http://community.weber.edu/weberreads/weber_reads_emily_dickinson.html
01 Mar. 2013.
"Welcome to Ogden School District." Welcome to Ogden School District. N.p., n.d. Web. http://destiny.ogdensd.org/ 01 Mar. 2013.
Yolen, Jane, and Nancy Carpenter. My Uncle Emily. New York: Philomel, 2009. Print.