DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL CHILDREN AND ADULTS SERVICE, RESEARCH APPROVAL GROUP APPLICATION FORM Version 4 October 2015 Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 1 of 17 Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Before completing this form please check if any of the following applies to your research; 1 If the research involves people who lack capacity, involves Social Care studies with substantial ethical issues or patients or users of NHS services Social Care studies with substantial ethical issues, and all research with adults (aged 16 and over) who lack capacity to consent MUST be approved by the Health Research Authority (HRA) using the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS). The Health Research Authority also approves research for projects involving; Social Care studies funded by the DoH Integrated health & social care studies where there are no clinical interventions Studies in NHS setting where the approach uses social science or qualitative methods providing it does not involve clinical intervention Adult social care involving changes in or the withdrawal of standard care Patients or residents in residential care homes More information and how to apply to HRA can be found at http://www.hra.nhs.uk/ Research involving patients and users of NHS services should be approved by the HRA using the Integrated Research Application System (IRAS). This service is responsible for approving research for projects involving; Participants identified as carers or relatives of patients and users for the NHS Access to data organs or other bodily material of past and present NHS patients Foetal material and IVF involving NHS patients Use of, or potential access to NHS premises or facilities NHS staff recruited as participants by virtue of the professional role Health related research involving prisoners (in addition to their own approval process) Processing of confidential patient information without consent where this would otherwise breach confidentiality Midwives conducting a clinical trial More information and how to apply to NRES can be found at http://www.hra.nhs.uk/ 2 If the proposed research has been approved by the Health Research Authority (HRA) In principle, an application should only have to go to one Research Ethic Committee for ethical approval. Durham County Council’s (DCC) Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group (CAS RAG) would not need to approve projects already scrutinised and approved by HRA. CAS RAG may request a copy of the approval form and supporting documents and share these with an appropriate CAS Strategic Manager for information. 3 If the project involves four or more local authorities In this case, approval must be sought from the Association of Directors of Adults Social Services (ADASS) for projects involving adults, and the Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS) for projects involving children. ADASS/ADCS approval is not ethical approval but a decision about whether the research is worth doing. Authorities are advised not to collaborate with projects which are rejected by ADASS or ADCS. A local authority should be identified to undertake the lead for projects approved by ADASS /ADCS. 4 Children & Adults Service Research Projects If you are undertaking research that targets employees or service users/carers of Durham County Council’s Children and Adults Services, or involves their personal records, then you need to complete this application form for ethical approval to undertake your research. Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 2 of 17 SECTION A: RESEARCHER, CO-WORKER AND SPONSOR DETAILS A1. Lead Researcher Details Forename/Initials: Surname: Work Address: Job Title: Email address: Tel: Relevant Qualifications - Please detail below your highest level of qualification achieved to date Qualification Level: Course Title: Date of Attainment: Research Experience Do you have any relevant research experience: No: ☐ Yes: ☐ Please give details below Quantitative: Qualitative: Other: A2 Co-worker (If there are no co-workers go to question A4) Forename/Initials: Surname: Role within this Project: Relevant Qualifications of Co-worker- Please detail below your highest level of qualification achieved to date: Qualification Level: Course Title: Date of Attainment: Research Experience of Co-worker Do you have any relevant research experience: No: ☐ Yes: ☐ Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Please provide details below Page 3 of 17 SECTION A: RESEARCHER, CO-WORKER AND SPONSOR DETAILS Quantitative: Qualitative: Other: A3 If there is more than one co-worker please tick this box and provide full details on a separate piece of paper: ☐ A4 Please provide details below of the person within DCC Children and Adults Services who is supporting this research (NOTE: This person should be a senior manager (Tier 4). Forename/Initials: Surname: Work Address: Job Title: Email address: Tel: A5 Student applicants only Please state the name of your college/university tutor/sponsor College Tutor Name: Job Title: Email address: Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 4 of 17 SECTION B: PROJECT OVERVIEW B1 Project Title: ☐ B2 B3 Is this research project: a component of a university qualification ☐ intended to inform or direct service improvement and conducted by DCC staff only ☐ intended to inform or direct service improvement and not conducted by DCC staff ☐ other (please state): ☐ What is the main aim of this research? What are the main objectives of this research? Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4: B4 Why is this area of research important? B5 Is there a commitment to act on the research findings? B6 No ☐ Please state why not: Yes ☐ Please give details: Not Known ☐ Please give details: Explain any way in which participants might benefit from the research (e.g. subsequent service improvement, personal development opportunity, social contact, financial gain etc.). Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 5 of 17 SECTION B: PROJECT OVERVIEW NOTE - Approval cannot be given by CAS RAG if the research has already started. Please provide a chronological timetable of the research project, including start and finish dates for: B7 Project Start Date: Activity 1 - Preparation and Planning: Start Date: End Date: Activity 2 - Carry Out Primary Research: Start Date: End Date: Activity 3 - Analyse Data: Start Date: End Date: Activity 4 - Report Findings: Start Date: End Date: Will this research be repeated? Yes: ☐ No: ☐ Please give frequency: Completed Research Reports and findings should be available in electronic format and will be retained on the CAS Research Database. Researches should send their final reports to; researchapprovalgroup@durham.gov.uk. Please provide the date by which you hope to make your project available. Please describe below how will the results of research be made available and publicised to research participants and communities from which they are drawn? B8 Research Funding Is funding required for the research? Yes: ☐ No: ☐ Has funding been secured? Yes: ☐ No: ☐ Please give details of the organisation funding this research if applicable: Name of organisation Address Contact Person Telephone No. Email Address Amount Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 6 of 17 SECTION C: PROJECT PARTICIPANTS AND METHODOLOGY DETAILS (Please complete in language comprehensive to a person without expertise in the research area) Sampling arrangements and criteria for selecting participants Please describe below how potential participants in the study be identified/selected/approached: C1 How will participants be selected? (Where sampling is required, please give the techniques/methods you will use) From where will their contact details be obtained? Please describe how participants will be approached or contacted? Please attach copies of proposed letters or emails if appropriate. What is the size of this population and how many participants do you plan to involve? What formulae have you used to determine the number of participants you require? If you are sampling the population, how many potential participants will you approach to ensure that you achieve the sample size given above? Has statistical advice been sought on the study design? C2 C3 Yes: ☐ Please provide details of their comments: No: ☐ Please explain why not: Do you need to monitor and report the gender, race and ethnicity of research participants? Yes: ☐ Why? No: ☐ Why not? Research Methods. Please select all of the research methods below that will be used: Interviews Please attach copies of proposed interview scripts Questionnaires Please attach copies of proposed questions Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Structured / Semi Structured ☐ Unstructured ☐ Telephone Interviews ☐ Postal / Email Survey ☐ Face to Face Survey ☐ Internet survey ☐ Page 7 of 17 SECTION C: PROJECT PARTICIPANTS AND METHODOLOGY DETAILS (Please complete in language comprehensive to a person without expertise in the research area) Other methods Other, please specify below Please attach copies of proposed documents where appropriate ☐ C4 Describe below the research methodology/ methodologies you will be using for your research For example, give details of the activities and processes that will be used to measure the data and interpret the outcomes. C5 Describe how you will analyse your data (including any statistical methods you will use): Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 8 of 17 SECTION D CONSENT ARRANGEMENTS D1 Consent arrangements The Mental Capacity Act (2005) and capacity to consent to taking part in research. Research must fully comply with the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, in relation to research involving service users who lack capacity to consent (Section 32(3), Mental Capacity Act 2005). Under the Mental Capacity Act 2005, all research with adults (aged 16 and over) who lack capacity to consent, MUST be approved by a National Research Ethics Committee and CANNOT be approved by a local authority. More information is available on the link below; http://www.hra.nhs.uk/resources/research-legislation-and-governance/questions-and-answers-mentalcapacity-act-2005/ D2 Vulnerability - might participants be from any of the following groups? (Tick as appropriate). Children and Young People (Under 16 years) ☐ CAS service users or carers ☐ People with Mental Health conditions ☐ Elderly people including for example, people with dementia ☐ People with learning disabilities ☐ People from prison or detention settings ☐ Other vulnerable groups – please give details D3 ☐ Consent arrangements If research involves children under the age of 16, how will consent be obtained? How will details of the project be explained to the participants? Please attach a copy of your written explanation to this application. Is there any difficulty expected in obtaining consent? For example, could any of the participants have difficulty in consenting to take part in the project? How and where will written consent be recorded and stored? Please attach consent forms and full details of proposed storage arrangements Information about the research. All participants should be provided with detailed information about the research which should include; the reason for their involvement in the project notification of their right to withdraw from the study at any time contact details of the researcher so they can ask further questions details of how they can obtain a copy of the findings after the study is completed Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 9 of 17 SECTION D CONSENT ARRANGEMENTS Please explain how you intend to inform participants of this type of information? Please attach a research information sheet if appropriate D4 What arrangements have been made for participants who might not adequately understand verbal explanations or written information given in English, or who have special communication needs? (Translation, use of interpreters etc.). D5 Where appropriate a Personal or Nominated Consultee may need to be appointed. Please provide their details below; Personal Consultee: ☐ Nominated Consultee: ☐ Name: Address: Telephone No: Email: Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 10 of 17 SECTION E DATA PROTECTION E1 Data protection arrangements Please fully describe below the data protection arrangements in place for the collection, storage and destruction of electronic and paper copy data collected as part of this project: How will the data be obtained and recorded? How will the data be stored? In what format and for how long will the data be retained? How will the data be destroyed? What security arrangements have been made to protect personal data collected and stored as part of this project? E2 Will there be an exchange of personal and identifiable information from one party or agency to another? No: ☐ Please go to Section F Yes: ☐ Please give details below: Which individual(s) or organisation(s) currently holds the information that will be shared? With whom will the information be shared? Why is it necessary to share the information for the purposes of the research? What is the specific data or information that will be shared? How long will the shared information be held? How will the shared information be provided (e.g. paper copy, electronic)? Please describe the steps you will be taking to safeguard the confidentiality of individuals ‘records during the project? Who will be responsible for the implementation of these arrangements? Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 11 of 17 SECTION F: RISKS F1 Has or will this application be considered by another Research Ethics Committee? If your proposal has already been approved by a National Research Ethics Committee (Health Research Authority), approval from CAS RAG is not required. If your research involves four or more local authorities, approval will be required from the Association of Directors for Adults Social Services (ADASS) or Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS) and approval from CAS RAG is not required. No or not applicable ☐ University/College ☐ Association of Directors for Adults Social Services (ADASS) or Association of Directors of Children’s Services (ADCS) ☐ Health Research Authority (HRA) ☐ Other please give details If it has been through another research committee what was the outcome/decision ☐ Please forward a copy of the approval documents to CAS RAG F2 Does the Lead Researcher or any other investigator/collaborator have any direct personal involvement in the organisation(s) sponsoring or funding the research that may give rise to a possible conflict of interest? Employed by Children and Adults Services ☐ Student Placement with Children and Adults Services ☐ Shareholding Interest ☐ Financial Interest ☐ Other ☐ If yes to any of the above, how will the effects of the conflict/s of interest be minimised F3 Disclosure, Vetting & Barring checks Researchers and Co-workers involved in this project, who will be in direct contact with vulnerable groups or have access to personal information on vulnerable groups MUST have had appropriate Disclosure, Vetting & Barring checks. Please confirm these checks have been completed. F4 Yes: ☐ No: ☐ Are any participants involved personally known to the researcher or co-workers: Yes: ☐ No: ☐ How will the effects of this be minimised? Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 12 of 17 F5 F6 Might participants be discussing personal, sensitive, embarrassing, or upsetting issues? Yes: ☐ No: ☐ How will the effects be minimised: Is the research likely to lead to participants disclosing criminal or other activities that would likely to require action? Yes:☐ No: ☐ What arrangements have been made to inform the participants of the actions that will be taken if a disclosure referral is required? What arrangements have been made by the researcher to ensure disclosures are referred through the appropriate route? F7 Where will the research take place? F8 What are the potential risks to research participants, if any, and how will they be managed? F9 What are the potential risks, if any to the researchers themselves, and how will they be managed? F10 What arrangements, if any, have been made to provide compensation in the event of a claim by, or on behalf of, participants for negligent and/or non-negligent harm? F11 ☐ Arrangements have been made for negligent harm. ☐ Arrangements have been made for non-negligent harm. ☐ No arrangements have been made. If there is any further information about your project, that you have not been able to enter on this form which you feel is relevant, please state here (please do not repeat information already given on this form). Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 13 of 17 SECTION G: DECLARATION G1 G2 Documents Attached; A1 - co-worker sheet if applicable Yes: ☐ No: ☐ N/A: ☐ C1 – letters/emails to participants Yes: ☐ No: ☐ N/A: ☐ C3 – interview scripts and or questionnaire questions etc. Yes: ☐ No: ☐ N/A: ☐ D3 - consent and research information sheets Yes: ☐ No: ☐ N/A: ☐ F1 - Research Ethics Committee if appropriate Yes: ☐ No: ☐ N/A: ☐ Research Applicant Declaration - The information in this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief and I take full responsibility for it. - I will carry out the research as it is described in this application form and attached documents. - I will stop the research within this project and resubmit an application should this research need to be amended. - I am aware of my obligations to comply with legislation and relevant guidelines relating to security and confidentiality of service user or other personal data. - I understand that research records/data may be subject to inspection for audit purposes if required in future. - I understand that personal data about me as a researcher in this application will be held and managed in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act and DCC policies & procedures. - I will undertake and carry out the research in accordance with relevant legislation including the Mental Capacity Act 2005. - I have made my college/university tutor aware of this research and they fully support my application to CAS RAG (where applicable). - I have made the appropriate CAS Strategic Manager (Tier 4) aware of this research and they fully support my application to CAS RAG (where applicable). - An appropriate referral will be made in the event that a participant makes a disclosure during the course of this project to myself or a co-worker and they will be informed of this action if appropriate - I agree to send my completed report and findings to CAS RAG who will retain this on file - I agree that my project will be available for future reference within the appropriate service area if required. Research Applicant Name : Signature: Date: If you email your form to Children and Adults, Research Approval Group your email address will be taken as your signature, but if you post or fax your form, you must remember to sign it. Please return your application form to ResearchApprovalGroup@durham.gov.uk or by post to: DCC Children and Adults. Research Approval Group, Planning & Service Strategy, County Hall Durham, DH1 1BR If you need this application form in other formats, such as Braille or talking tapes, please contact 03000 267 323 Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Page 14 of 17 Risk Analysis Tool - ONLY TO BE COMPLETED BY CAS RAG RAG Member Guidance Note: Please select the most appropriate option for the research proposal being considered in relation to the following areas of risk: Risk Analysis (tick boxes to indicate judgement) Area High Consent Researcher competence Nature of Information being sought Methods / nature of data collection Informed consent and ability to withdraw from study not possible or unlikely (e.g. due to age of child or incapacity of adult. Communication issues, sensory or speech impairment) Researcher(s) not well qualified (e.g. undergraduate or qualifications below graduate level). AND/OR Experience of knowledge of only one or none of the following factors topic of investigation participants/ subjects methods to be used (e.g. student project where researcher has little experience or knowledge of the field) The topic and kinds of information being sought/used are likely to be regarded as highly personal or sensitive by those from whom it is being collected or about (e.g. criminal records psychiatric history etc) Research involves a high level of direct interaction with the participant (e.g. face to face, telephone, conversation, participant observation, observation study) Medium Low ☐ Informed consent and ability to withdraw from study possible with support to overcome communications barriers (e.g. advocates, translators/interpreters, signer or technology) ☐ Informed consent and ability to withdraw from study fully possible ☐ ☐ Researcher(s) reasonably well qualified (e.g. at or above graduate level or equivalent) AND Experience and knowledge of both of the following factors: topic of investigation participants / subjects methods to be used (e.g. non-researcher with formal research training working in a professional domain offering relevant experience and knowledge) ☐ Researcher(s) well qualified (e.g. at or above masters level or equivalent) or graduate with substantial formal training in research methods AND experience and knowledge of all of the following factors gained from working environment: topic of investigation participants/ subjects methods to be used ☐ ☐ The topic or the kinds of information being sought/used include items likely to be considered slightly sensitive by some people (e.g. age, ethnicity, income) ☐ The topics and kind of information being sought/used do not focus on personal information at all (e.g. opinion about services received) ☐ ☐ Some interaction contact for limited amounts of time ☐ No interaction between investigator and participant ☐ Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Risk Analysis (tick boxes to indicate judgement) Area High Level of Privacy to participant Relationships between investigator and subjects / participants Adverse Effects Mental Capacity Not confidential (e.g. focus groups where all participants are party to opinions expressed or studies where small numbers make confidentiality in reporting impossible Subjects / participants are personally known to investigator OR investigator may have other duties or responsibilities towards all or some of the research participants which may create potential conflict of interest Study is likely to be extremely sensitive (e.g. possibility of uncovering criminal activity, involving substantial work/insufficient funding/unjustified expense to the County Council or provoking media interest) Study is with one or more participants who lack the capacity to consent to take part in the research Medium Low ☐ Confidential (e.g. data, information can be associated with individuals by researcher but individuals cannot be identified in reports) ☐ Anonymous (e.g. questionnaires which cannot be traced back to participants) ☐ ☐ Limited information about subjects / participants is provided to the investigator to make the study possible or more reliable ☐ Subjects / participants are unknown to the investigator and cannot be identified (e.g. anonymous questionnaires) ☐ ☐ Parts of study may be sensitive ☐ No known sensitivities ☐ ☐ Not Applicable ☐ Study is with all participants who have the capacity to consent to take part in the research ☐ Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group RAG Member Guidance Note: Please indicate below whether in your opinion the risk implications presented in the research proposal being considered are acceptable or unacceptable and provide any additional comments. Risk Assessment Comments Consent Researcher Competence Nature of Information being sought Methods/nature of data collection Level of Privacy to participants Relationships between investigator and subjects/ participants Adverse Effects Mental Capacity This application should be; Approved without any amendment/s: ☒ Approved subject to the Lead Researcher satisfactorily completing the above recommendations where questions are noted as unacceptable: ☐ Declined: ☐ Other: Please give details; Completed by: Children and Adults Service Research Approval Group Date: