NPI_CommercialCE_2014 - National Property Inspections

Inspections You Can Trust
Commercial Property Inspections
Independently owned and operated Independently owned and operated
What We Inspect
Independently owned and operated
What We Inspect
This is a partial list:
Apartment buildings
Office buildings
Strip malls
Convenience Stores
Independently owned and operated
Services We Provide
From cursory to comprehensive, we provide the information
you need:
Pictures and measurements of a property
An inspection of the roof or fire suppression system
Investigative/problem-solving services
Draw inspections
A thorough inspection that meets ASTM standards
The fees and report format are adapted to the scope of work.
Independently owned and operated
Our Clients
Real estate attorneys
Tenants: pre- and post-lease
Insurance companies
Mortgage companies
Property management companies
Field service companies
Independently owned and operated
Unsurpassed Standards
NPI understands that a service business must
provide great customer service:
• Easy to contact
• Inspections scheduled promptly
• Clear, concise inspection report that contains proper
photo documentation
• Reports delivered in timely manner
• We answer questions before, during and after
the inspection
Independently owned and operated
Due Diligence
Tenants who require
three-phase wiring:
• Make sure it’s available
before signing a lease
Independently owned and operated
Due Diligence
Grass doesn’t just die:
• This is near a
gas station
• This would call for a
Phase I or Phase II
Environmental Survey
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Siding can look good
from afar
• Closer examination is
always warranted
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
Damaged stucco:
• Difficult to get to
• Difficult to repair
• Can’t be ignored
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Masonry wall supports the
roof, etc.
• Damage to this wall could
affect structural integrity of
the building
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Note gap between the
door and door frame
• Uneven ceiling grid
• If a building shows this,
foundation could have
settled or wall has “racked”
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Three-story structure with
small overhangs
• Efflorescence due to rain
water running down side
of building
• Salts leached from brick
• At this time, mostly a
cosmetic issue
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
Photos help out-of-state
investors better understand
the age and condition of the
equipment they are buying.
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Older boiler in good
working condition
• However, supplies are
wrapped in asbestos
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• The flue has an obvious
hole in it
• This is a serious risk to all
building occupants
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Electrical service is too small
for light industrial operation
• Cabinet adds to the
cosmetic appeal
• Should be open access
around top, front and sides to
dissipate heat and allow
quick access in case
of emergency
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Dampness has rusted
this electrical panel
and breakers
• It is now unsafe
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Unacceptable electrical
• Each ground requires its
own connection
• Ground rod is too small
and too shallow to
accommodate the
potential load
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• Handrails are required in
commercial buildings
Independently owned and operated
Pre-purchase Inspections
• What type of business
currently occupies
this building?
• A restaurant?
• A clothing store?
• An investor must consider
what is there now and
their plans for the building
Independently owned and operated
Insurance: Loss Control
• Part of the fire
suppression system
• Fire marshal can
issue citations for
obstructing access
Independently owned and operated
Energy Evaluations and Recommendations
• Building owner installed
photovoltaic (solar cell)
• Saved nothing on electric
bills because the panels
were shaded by
large trees
Independently owned and operated
Energy Evaluations and Recommendations
• “Green roofs” can be
anything from sod to
potted plants
• Great care is used in
designing them
Independently owned and operated
Energy Evaluations and Recommendations
• Retrofitted energyefficient light fixture:
• Qualify for certain
tax credits
• Energy savings
Independently owned and operated
Draw Inspections
• Bank verified percentage
of completion before
approving the builder’s
draw request
Independently owned and operated
Water Intrusion: Investigative
• Building interior was wet
after rain:
• Shrubbery and negative
grading were culprits
• Easy tenant fix
Independently owned and operated
Water Intrusion: Investigative
• Unoccupied buildings
need periodic inspection
• Neglected roof leak led
to far greater damage
(see next slide)
Independently owned and operated
Water Intrusion: Investigative
• Metal decking, metal
trusses, etc., are
excessively rusted
• Cost of repair could
exceed the economic
value of the building
Independently owned and operated
Maintenance: Budgeting
• Out-of-state landlord
needed photos as part
of the building’s longterm resurfacing plans
Independently owned and operated
Tenants and Easement Rights
• Cell tower operator
wanted verification of no
parking or dumpsters in
front of fence
Independently owned and operated
Commercial Mechanical
Computer rooms:
• Large and small
businesses should
carefully design and
monitor their
computer rooms
Independently owned and operated
Commercial Mechanical
Computer rooms:
• Need uninterrupted
electrical, cooling, surge
protection, etc.
• Each individual
computer within the
office should also have
surge protection
Independently owned and operated
Commercial Mechanical
Monitoring temperature
and humidity within a
computer room:
• Some monitors alert
designated people if
conditions are
outside the norm
Independently owned and operated
Windstorm Inspection
• Owner and insurance
company surprised at
extent of damage
Independently owned and operated
Commercial HVAC Inspections
• Science behind chillers
is not complicated
• However, the inspection
of the equipment
is complicated
Independently owned and operated
Commercial HVAC Inspections
• Cooling towers can be
placed on the roof or on
the ground; however …
Independently owned and operated
Commercial HVAC Inspections
The closer the unit is to
dirt, debris, falling leaves,
grass clippings, etc.:
• The more
maintenance it
• The less efficient it is
Independently owned and operated
HVAC Problem-solving
Units located too
close together:
• Are less efficient
• Run longer
• Use more electricity
Independently owned and operated
Commercial Electrical Inspections
Commercial enterprises
can have numerous
electrical panels:
• Should be periodically
inspected using
Infrared thermometers,
Infrared cameras or
other tools for
this purpose
Independently owned and operated
Electrical Problem-solving
• Control wiring is a
specialized field
• Most electricians are not
qualified to do it
• One tiny mistake can
take many hours to find
and correct
Independently owned and operated
Electrical Problem-solving
• Property had power the
day before
• Result of a lightning strike
Independently owned and operated
Mechanical Problem-solving
• Roof of a restaurant
• Dissipating hot greasy air
next to an air conditioner
that is also dissipating hot
air does not work well
Independently owned and operated
Mechanical Problem-solving
• Satellite signal lost
• Wasn’t permanently or
professionally installed
Independently owned and operated
Specialized Inspections
• Synthetic stucco can be
difficult to repair
• To the untrained eye this
looks OK but is water
entering the building?
Independently owned and operated
Roof Inspections
When this property
management company has
an unhappy tenant:
• They hire experts to
locate roof leaks
Independently owned and operated
Roof Consultation
Roof-mounted HVAC units:
• Can produce
thousands of gallons
of condensate a day
• Can cause excessive
wear to the
roof covering
• Best to divert the
water off the roof
Independently owned and operated
Mechanical Consultation
• Control panels such as
this can be used for
security systems, etc.
• This one is intentionally
hard to locate because it’s
placed above the ceiling
and out of sight
Independently owned and operated
Interior Consultation
Why did a breaker trip?
• Office had one 20amp circuit
• Computer tower,
monitor, printer,
CD player and
small lamp
• Too much will lead to
nuisance tripping
Independently owned and operated
Interior Consultation
• A roof leak led to mold
• It only takes moisture and
48 hours for mold to grow
Independently owned and operated
Interior Consultation
A leak over a floor led to:
• Wet floor tiles and
loss of adhesion
• Tiles can’t
be repaired
Independently owned and operated
Plumbing Consultation
Replacing traditional faucets:
• With photo cell “on/off”
sensor and constanttemperature models
saves on water and
energy to heat it
Independently owned and operated
Plumbing Consultation
• “Trapped” floor drains
can dry out
• Pouring water down
drains can prevent odor
Independently owned and operated
Contact NPI to obtain a quote or
schedule your inspection today.
Independently owned and operated