Module 3: Environmental Objectives, Programme of Measures, Economic Analysis, Exemptions PoM implementation: Upper Tisza case study Alexei Iarochevitch Afyon, 2015 Contains Botar transboundary river basin district: location, SWIMI, ecological and chemical status Water body: assessment and measures Basin-wide measures Transboundary data exchange Project location Botar river basin HUNGARY UKRAINE ROMANIA Surface water bodies identification SWMI in Upper Tisza (Botar river basin) Surface waters Pollution by organic substances Pollution by nutrients Pollution by hazardous substances Hydromorphological alterations Morphological alterations Water abstraction Invasive alien species Pollution of river bed and banks by domestic waste Ecological and chemical status Ecological status Chemical status 0, 0% 1, 8% 2, 15% High 3, 23% Good Good Failing to acieve good Moderate 4, 31% 6; 46% Poor Bad 10, 77% Water body #1 assessment 2 Hydromorphology Physical chemical Hydrobiology Ecological status Chemical status 1 1 1 High Good Water body # 2 Hydromorphology 2 Physical Hydrobiology chemical 2 2 Ecological status Chemical status Good Failing to achieve good 4 stages of river renaturalization 1. Removing of wooden residues in the riverbed 4 stages of river renaturalization 2. Restoration of morphological and biotopical structure 8 dams, 7 half-dams and 5 artificial rapids were made of local stones, the river meanders was restored, while depths variations and zones with different stream speeds and whirlpools were created 4 stages of river renaturalization 3. Selection of reference (donor) river similar river by its size and geological structure and located at the same altitude 4 stages of river renaturalization 4. Re-introduction of typical for mountain rivers invertebrates and fish (5,000 of specimen of Ephemeroptera naides, 9 stream trouts Salmo trutta morpha fario, 5 gobies Cotlus poecilopus and 4 minnows Phoxinus phoxinus) Water body # 4 Hydromorphology Chanel Physical chemical 3 Hydrobiology 3 Ecological status Chemical status Moderate Failing to achieve good General measures Construction and reconstruction of WWTP in all settlements larger 2 000 PE Promotion of best agricultural practices to reduce amount of nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizers Inventory of pesticides Establishment of operational monitoring programme for water bodies “at risk” Promotion of water-saving technologies for farmers Chanel bed cleaning Distribution gateway development and water reservoirs management guidance Construction of automatic hydrometeorological stations and data exchange with neighboring countries Automatic hydrometeorological station Data exchange network “Tisza”, Ukraine Thanks for attention!