File - Shyen L. Jackson

Text Set Project
Annotated Books
1. Finding the Treasure: Coordinate Grids by Renata Brunner-Jass (Picture Book)
This book introduces students to a new kind of treasure hunt called geocaching. Why is
this important to math? Because in geocaching players use global positioning systems
(GPS), devices to locate treasure. Whether you’re looking at a GPS map or a printed map,
they are all based on grids. This book introduces five friends and their stories as they
create their own geocaching game using coordinate grids on their maps to create clues for
their treasure hunts. Along the way, you will learn how to use coordinate grids to plot
data points from a table, label ordered pairs, and name coordinate points on a grid.
Brunner-Jass, R. (2013). Finding the treasure:coordinate grids. (p. 48). Chicago, IL: Norwood
House Press.
2. Pre-Algebra and Algebra by Lucille Caron and Philip M. St. Jacques (Expository)
This book introduces the student gradually to the sphere of pre-algebra. It starts out with
basic exercises with integers and rational numbers, and building on to explain variables,
algebraic expressions, and algebraic sentences. The student will learn how to solve twostep and multistep equations, as well as inequalities. The student can read this as a
supplement to the lesson to review skills and vocabulary.
Caron, L., & Jacques, P. M. St. (2000). Pre-algebra and algebra. (p. 64). Berkeley Heights, NJ :
Enslow Publishers, Inc.
3. The Math Chef by Joan D’Amico and Karen Eich Drummond (Cook Book)
Text Set Project
This book introduces the student to how math is involved in the kitchen. It is filled with
more than 60 activities and recipes that help you practice math while you cook. Some
examples are: measurement, multiplication, division, fractions, percents, and geometry.
D'Amico, J., & Drummond, K. E. (1997). The math chef. (p. 180). New York, NY: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
4. Country’s Best Cabins by Home Buyer Publications (Magazine)
I included this magazine in this text set because it shows the importance of math. If any
of these students take drafting or want to be a carpenter later in life, then this magazine
will interest them. There are example floor plans and many dimensions within the
pictures. This magazine emphasizes the importance of measurement, scales, and eyepleasing designs.
Home Buyer Publications. (2013). Countr'ys best cabins. (Vol. 18, pp. 39-42). San Fracisco, CA:
Active Interest Media Inc.
5. A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L’Engle (Novel)
A Wrinkle in Time is the story of Meg Murry, a high-school-aged girl who is transported
on an adventure through time and space to rescue her father, a gifted scientist, from the
evil forces that hold him prisoner on another planet. She is accompanied by her younger
brother Charles Wallace and her friend Calvin O'Keefe. The story begins with the arrival
of Mrs. Whatsit at the Murry house on a dark and stormy evening. Mrs. Whatsit explains
to Meg's mother the existence of a tesseract, which is a sort of "wrinkle" in space and
time. It is through this wrinkle that Meg and her companions will travel through the fifth
dimension in search of Mr. Murry. The three children learn from Mrs. Whatsit and her
Text Set Project
friends, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which, that the universe is threatened by a great evil called
the Dark Thing. Several planets have already succumbed to this evil force, including
Camazotz, the planet on which Mr. Murry is imprisoned. Will Meg be able to save Mr.
Murry and the universe?
L'Engle, M. (1962). A wrinkle in time. (p. 203). New York, NY: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux.
6. Galileo Galilei by James MacLachlan (Biography)
Galileo Galilei is just one of many important mathematicians. He established principles
from his studies in philosophy, mathematics, music, astronomy, and engineering that laid
the groundwork for physics. Although his views about the motion of Earth were
unpopular in his time he persisted in challenging easily accepted conventional views. He
wanted to inspire future generations to do the same. This book includes the story of
Galileo’s education, theories about the motion of falling bodies, experiments with
pendulums, and his important discoveries with his telescope.
MacLachlan, J. (1997). Galileo galilei. (p. 117). New York, NY: Oxford University Press, Inc.
7. Math For Every Kid by Janice VanCleave (Activity Book)
This book is filled with easy activities for students that make learning math fun. It uses
simple problems and activities related to everyday life to teach kids about measurements,
fractions, graphs, geometry figures, problem solving, and more. This helps display why
math is important and helps kids feel comfortable with math. Each of the problems and
activities is broken down into its purpose, materials needed, step-by-step instructions,
Text Set Project
expected results, and an explanation. Some example activities are: making a sun clock or
creating a thermometer using a straw.
VanCleave, J. (1991). Math for every kid. (p. 215). New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Text Set Project
Analogies for Percents and Ratios & Pre-Algebra and Algebra
1. Measurement
Square Inches : Area :: Inches Cubed : (Volume)
2. Time
Second : Minute :: Hour : (Day)
3. Synonyms
Multiply : Product :: Division : (Quotient)
4. Antonyms
Add : Subtract :: Multiply : (Divide)
5. Part to Whole
A=180° : Triangle :: A=360° : (Circle)
Text Set Project
Closed Word Sort for Pre-Algebra and Algebra
Whole Numbers
Rational Numbers
Word List
1. Real Number
2. Zero (0)
3. Positive Numbers
4. Repeating Decimals (.333333…)
5. Negative Numbers
6. Mixed Numbers (4/1)
7. Terminating Decimals (.5)
Text Set Project
Side One
Flashcards for A Wrinkle In Time
Side Two
Definition: easily irritated, relating to bile
That bilious old dog snaps at everyone.
Side One
Side Two
Definition: weakened and withered
The flowers atrophied without proper sunlight and water.
Text Set Project
LINCS for A Wrinkle In Time
A wrinkle in time/space that
allows two points to be
connected through a fifth
dimension rather than forcing
you to travel on a straight line.
LINCing Story:
Reminding Word:
Reminding Word:
Short-cut through space
between two points
An unhealthy, frightening,
poisonous atmosphere.
LINCing Story:
Red poisonous vapors
stretching across the
Text Set Project
Story Pyramid for A Wrinkle In Time
Meg Murry
Murry family House
Meg’s Attic Bedroom
Alien Spaces
Three children journey to find a missing man, and perhaps save the universe
Fighting against a dark thing that blots out light (the Black Thing)
The Guardians and the children will travel to Camazotz. There the Guardians can only
watch as the children try to defeat the Black Thing.
Meg finds her father, but had to face IT. She blacks out and her father rescues her by traveling to
another dimension, but they leave Charles Wallace behind.
The three Mrs. W’s tell Meg she is the only one who can defeat IT. Meg is scared, but goes back to
Camazotz. Through the power of love Meg saves Charles Wallace and they all return home safely.
Text Set Project
People Search for A Wrinkle In Time
Has read A Wrinkle In Time by Can relate to Megs feeling of
Knows of someone who has
Madeleine L’Engle.
comfort and safety within their twin brothers/sisters like Meg.
Has heard of either Gandhi,
Buddha, Einstein, Bach, or
Pasteur before reading this
Knows someone who enjoys
math like Meg.
Is a fighter from Earth, like
Text Set Project
Other Important Mathematicians
570-495 BC
Expansion of geometry, rigorous approach
building from first principles, square and
triangular numbers, Pythagoras’ theorem
Hippocrates of Chios 470-410 BC
First systematic compilation of geometrical
knowledge, Lune of Hippocrates
Plato 428-348 BC
Platonic solids, statement of the Three
Classical Problems, influential teacher of
mathematics, insistence on rigorous proof and
logical methods
Aristotle 384-322 BC
Development and standardization of logic
(although not then considered part of
mathematics) and deductive reasoning
Euclid 300 BC
Definitive statement of classical (Euclidean)
geometry, use of axioms and postulates, many
formulas, proofs and theorems including
Euclid’s Theorem on infinitude of primes
Archimedes 287-212 BC
Formulas for areas of regular shapes, “method
of exhaustion” for approximating areas and
value of π, comparison of infinities
Eratosthenes 276-195 BC
“Sieve of Eratosthenes” method for identifying
prime numbers
Apollonius of Perga 262-190 BC
Work on geometry, especially on cones and
conic sections (ellipse, parabola, hyperbola)
Hipparchus 190-120 BC
Develop first detailed trigonometry tables
Ptolemy 90-168 AD
Develop even more detailed trigonometry
Diophantus 200-284 AD
Diophantine Analysis of complex algebraic
problems, to find rational solutions to
equations with several unknowns
Brahmagupta 598-668 AD
Basic mathematical rules for dealing with zero
(+, - and x), negative numbers, negative roots
of quadratic equations, solution of quadratic
equations with two unknowns
Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi 780-850 AD
Advocacy of the Hindu numerals 1 - 9 and 0 in
Islamic world, foundations of modern algebra,
including algebraic methods of “reduction” and
“balancing”, solution of polynomial equations
up to second degree
Muhammad Al-Karaji 953-1029 AD
First use of proof by mathematical induction,
including to prove the binomial theorem
Leonardo of Pisa (Fibonacci) 1170-1250
Fibonacci Sequence of numbers, advocacy of
the use of the Hindu-Arabic numeral system in
Europe, Fibonacci's identity (product of two
sums of two squares is itself a sum of two
Text Set Project
Niccolò Fontana Tartaglia
Gerolano Cardano
Lodovico Ferrari
René Descartes
Pierre de Fermat
Blaise Pascal
Isaac Newton
Gottfried Leibniz
Jacob Bernoulli
Leonhard Euler
Joseph Louis Lagrange
Formula for solving all types of cubic
equations, involving first real use of complex
numbers (combinations of real and imaginary
numbers), Tartaglia’s Triangle (earlier version
of Pascal’s Triangle)
Published solution of cubic and quartic
equations (by Tartaglia and Ferrari),
acknowledged existence of imaginary numbers
(based on √-1)
Devised formula for solution of quartic
Development of Cartesian coordinates and
analytic geometry (synthesis of geometry and
algebra), also credited with the first use of
superscripts for powers or exponents
Discovered many new numbers patterns and
theorems (including Little Theorem, TwoSquare Thereom and Last Theorem), greatly
extending knowlege of number theory, also
contributed to probability
Pioneer (with Fermat) of probability theory,
Pascal’s Triangle of binomial coefficients
Development of infinitesimal calculus
(differentiation and integration), laid ground
work for almost all of classical mechanics,
generalized binomial theorem, infinite power
Independently developed infinitesimal calculus
(his calculus notation is still used), also
practical calculating machine using binary
system (forerunner of the computer), solved
linear equations using a matrix
Helped to consolidate infinitesimal calculus,
developed a technique for solving separable
differential equations, added a theory of
permutations and combinations to probability
theory, Bernoulli Numbers sequence,
transcendental curves
Made important contributions in almost all
fields and found unexpected links between
different fields, proved numerous theorems,
pioneered new methods, standardized
mathematical notation and wrote many
influential textbooks
Comprehensive treatment of classical and
celestial mechanics, calculus of variations,
Text Set Project
Pierre-Simon Laplace
Joseph Fourier
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Augustin-Louis Cauchy
Bernhard Riemann
Georg Cantor
Henri Poincaré
David Hilbert
Kurt Gödel
Andrew Wiles
Lagrange’s theorem of finite groups, foursquare theorem, mean value theorem
Celestial mechanics translated geometric study
of classical mechanics to one based on
calculus, Bayesian interpretation of probability,
belief in scientific determinism
Studied periodic functions and infinite sums in
which the terms are trigonometric functions
(Fourier series)
Pattern in occurrence of prime numbers,
construction of heptadecagon, Fundamental
Theorem of Algebra, exposition of complex
numbers, least squares approximation method,
Gaussian distribution, Gaussian function,
Gaussian error curve, non-Euclidean geometry,
Gaussian curvature
Early pioneer of mathematical analysis,
reformulated and proved theorems of calculus
in a rigorous manner, Cauchy's theorem (a
fundamental theorem of group theory)
Non-Euclidean elliptic geometry, Riemann
surfaces, Riemannian geometry (differential
geometry in multiple dimensions), complex
manifold theory, zeta function, Riemann
Creator of set theory, rigorous treatment of the
notion of infinity and transfinite numbers,
Cantor's theorem (which implies the existence
of an “infinity of infinities”)
Partial solution to “three body problem”,
foundations of modern chaos theory, extended
theory of mathematical topology, Poincaré
23 “Hilbert problems”, finiteness theorem,
“Entscheidungsproblem“ (decision problem),
Hilbert space, developed modern axiomatic
approach to mathematics, formalism
Incompleteness theorems (there can be
solutions to mathematical problems which are
true but which can never be proved), Gödel
numbering, logic and set theory
Finally proved Fermat’s Last Theorem for all
numbers (by proving the Taniyama-Shimura
conjecture for semistable elliptic curves)