s.u.r.e. eco-community design brief sustainable - urban

S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The 'Hard' and 'Soft' Qualities of the S.U.R.E. Community
The 'Hard' Qualities Required:
There are three different 'community zones' required to be incorporated within the site:
1. A living zone to be inhabited by community residents
This requires residential dwellings circulating around a central green and loch.
These buildings will be used for testing and researching purposes and requires a variety of
sustainable construction methods and careful consideration with regard to building materials,
described later. We also require that these buildings incorporate intelligent design with regard to
orientation in order to maximise passive solar design and
2. A learning and research zone
Two separate buildings are required. One to be used for educational visits and learning, and one to
be used for research and recording of data. Both these buildings also require sustainable design
and construction methods.
A traditional windmill is also required within this zone, to be used for energy generation as well as
being a feature of educational visits, and requires to be sited in an appropriate location to utilise
the prevailing winds within the site.
3. A public facilities zone
A large section within the development is required for public use. This is to consist of a community
café, transport hub with solar powered car charging ports and parking, an anaerobic digestion unit
and also public recycling facilities.
This area will require public access roads so as not to disrupt the remainder of the community.
A Sustainable Urban Drainage System design within the site is another requirement. For this to be
achieved we require several basins, ponds, and streams at the lower level boundaries of the site to
be incorporated into the site design to prevent any increase in surface water run off to any
adjacent land.
Another requirement within the development is a designated area for organic food production
and biodynamic farming, to be situated away from the public facilities area.
We also require the existing wooded areas surrounding the site to be kept undisturbed in their
In addition to these structural and land requirements there is also a requirement for 100%
decarbonised energy production throughout the community, within which there are various
requirements including;
Solar generated electricity and hot water systems, and also wind and geothermal energy
production. A community 'minigrid' and energy storage facilities, in conjunction with building
energy management systems is also required. These requirements are explained further in the
Energy Strategy section.
All of the above requirements are explained in more detail throughout the design brief.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The 'Soft' Qualities Desired:
As there are three different 'community zones' to be designed throughout the site we would like
these to be designed with this in mind. As each zone will be used by different groups of people it is
desirable that there is distinctiveness about each with regard to zoning and atmosphere in each.
All are to be welcoming to the respective groups and a desirable place to be.
Although the S.U.R.E. development is to be used as a learning and research environment, including
public amenities, we desire a 'village' feel to be created and not that of a regular suburban
development. We aim to ensure that the residents of the community are provided with a desirable
environment to both work and live; a community that provides the correct conditions for the
inhabitants to be able to congregate and collectively participate in the running of the community.
Desirable elements of this particular part of the site include common areas in the residential area
to create a relaxed environment to provide the residents with.
Another design consideration is to provide a desirable location for the community's educational
purposes. As a range of ages will be visiting the community in a learning capacity we would like
this to be considered throughout the design process to provide an environment conducive to
Regarding the public amenities within the development, it is desirable for this to be designed in a
manner which helps the S.U.R.E. community to promote sustainable living practices. We would
like people from the surrounding communities who visit to feel that this is a pleasant place to
come and participate, and also to have an inclusive rural feel that is appropriate to the
community's needs and accessible to all.
It would also be desirable to provide an area of sufficient size within the site to have the ability to
hold regular farmer and local produce markets helping to contribute to the sense of community
desired within the development.
We aspire to provide the correct environment for a variety of wildlife to inhabit the development
as much as possible. It is therefore desired that the design incorporates areas which will add to the
existing areas and also encourage new wildlife to prosper.
We wish for the S.U.R.E. community project to be an inspirational one and an innovation in the
built environment. We aim for the strategies explained throughout the design brief to contribute
to an improved mind-set regarding construction for the future.
We desire the village to be the spring board for future similar projects, allowing the ideas and
principals to develop and continue into the future.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The S.U.R.E. Eco - Community Vision
The 'Big Idea' for this development is to construct, operate and maintain a unique research and
learning community within the grounds of Heriot-Watt University, with the aim:
1. Research and Development:
To conduct, record and evaluate extensive studies into increasingly important environmental
issues including;
The concept of our eco-community will be an invaluable addition to the research facilities at the
university, enhancing the reputation in the field of cutting edge research and progressive
development, for which Heriot-Watt is already internationally renowned.
The village consists of proposals for new studies into renewable energy, zero energy building
design, new construction technologies, material usage, waste and water management, ecosystems
and biodiversity, and sustainable living and quality of life studies, to name but a few.
We believe the scope for research within the ''village'' is vast, and will be a real addition to the
university helping secure the future for pioneering studies from which the future generations will
reap the benefits for years to come.
2. Teaching and Learning:
This concept will also be used as a community learning tool for all stages of education:
Simple activities and interactive games for young primary school children,
Science projects and awareness programmes aimed at secondary school children,
Learning models for college students from a plethora of different schools,
Heriot-Watt undergraduate content for all modules relevant to the built environment,
Detailed learning and research for Heriot Watt postgraduates.
3. Provide Community Facilities and Promote Sustainable Living
We envisage the benefits of our development to be invaluable to the community in many different
To the community actually living and working within the development. They will be living in a
unique and environmentally beneficial society, while maintaining a high quality of life socially and
To the ''university community'', through research and development. The testing facilities will be of
a high quality to allow them to further their education.
To the ''local community'', through initiating learning at all levels of schooling.
To the ''wider community'' derived by allowing access to the recycling, transport and anaerobic
digestion facilities.
To promote sustainable living and wellbeing to various communities, including local, national, and even the
international community, and to highlight environmental awareness, with a view to climate change, and
the future.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Site Requirements
Site Access
Access is to be provided at the north east corner of the site, using the existing Lord Home
university halls of residence access and car park.
On the western boundary of the site two access roads are to be created to connect to
Curriehill Road. These will be for public use and will provide access to the required public
amenities, detailed later within the site requirements.
Eight residential dwellings, with associated garden areas, community green and loch, centred
within the middle of the site. The housing will face onto the green area and loch to allow
residents to enjoy this feature and emphasise the natural nature of the environment at the
heart of the development. This area does not require access for transport as it for pedestrian
access only.
Learning centre
This is to be located near the northern entrance to the site and orientated so to face in
towards the centre of the site, facing south west, within close proximity of the community
entrance at the north, allowing educational visitors to access it easily without having to move
across the entire site.
Research centre
To be located adjacent to the leaning centre at the north east of the site, also looking into the
centre of the development, and utilising passive solar design, facing south west. The testing
facilities need to be located next to the learning centre to allow visitors to read the data,
therefore providing a link between the research and educational aspects of the S.U.R.E
This is to be located adjacent to the learning and research building, at the north east of the site
to maximise the use of prevailing winds coming across the site from the south west.
Solar Boundary
Located along the northern boundary of the site to gain maximise generation of solar energy
from the south and west. Panels are to be facing within 30 degrees of south for maximum solar
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Food Growth Area
We aim to have a designated section of land large enough for the community to grow its own
This area is to be located next to the residential zone, and it will only be for the inhabitants’
use it is to be secluded away from public areas.
As it also our aim to hold community markets, and sell on-site produce. An area will be
required for these purposes, located to the north of the site and easily accessible from the
access route through the site.
Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)
Continuing ponds and streams are to be situated towards the south and east boundaries of the
site, where the downward slope appear.
This is primarily to form the first phase of the drainage system. Closer to the actual boundary
are to be two basins, or swales, forming the second phase of the system, and are to be
situated to collect any surface water runoff.
The location of these features is also to avoid trampling from pedestrians moving through the
eco-community, thus preserving the bio diverse nature of the development.
The ponds are to be situated at differing heights, conforming to the existing gradient of the
Public Amenities
A public cafe and community building are to be situated at the western entrance to the site.
Transport hub, including solar powered electric car charging facilities, and visitor parking
located near the entrance.
A building large enough to house the anaerobic digestion facilities, also to be accessible to the
public, set back and situated nearer the south west corner of the site.
Public recycling facilities to be located away in the south west corner of the site.
This area is to be situated in the corner along with the AD unit, and separate from the living,
learning and researching areas.
These public facilities are to be accessible in isolation without having to move through the
whole eco-community.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Existing Site Plan
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Preliminary Site Plan
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
1. Learning Centre
2. Research Centre
3. Windmill
4. Food Growth Area
5. Residential Dwellings
6. Green
7. Loch
8. Public Café
9. Transport Area (Including solar car charging facilities)
10. Anaerobic Digestion Unit
11. Recycling Facility
12. Ponds and Streams
13. SUDS Swales
14. Heathland
15. Farmer’s Market Area
16. Solar Boundary
17. Access via Car park
18. Access via Currie Hill Road
Land Zoning Areas
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Preliminary Site Sections
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Detailed Design Aspirations
Building Materials we would like incorporated:
While we wish for environmentally beneficial technologies to be used in the S.U.R.E. ecocommunity, we aim to also consider the smallest of details to enhance these technologies.
The S.U.R.E. eco-community strives to demonstrate positive practice towards the preservation of
the environment in all respects, meaning that the following simple measures will be employed to
contribute to the sustainability of the development.
Materials will be locally sourced to reduce carbon emissions by transport, while simultaneously
allowing economic opportunities for surrounding communities.
This will provide a direct relationship between the local economy and housing providers, further
demonstrating the sense of community instilled within the S.U.R.E. development.
Materials with a long lifetime will be used, as well as considering whether they may be reused if
the building is demolished, thus reducing the amount of buildings and materials reaching landfill
Timber re-use is facilitated through the use of screws and bolts as oppose to glues and resins.
Layered components, instead of bonded ones, should be used and removable fixings applied.
Manufacturers should provide comprehensive environmental impact information. Materials with
lower embodied energy are preferable.
The use of building components which are pre-fabricated off site are to be included within the
design where practice permits and care should be taken to use standard sizing of materials, as we
aim to reduce all waste wherever possible associated with all construction within the project.
By considering even the smallest of details such as these, the S.U.R.E. eco-community provides a
sustainable environment at all stages; production, construction and performance.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Design Details
As previously stated, the choice of material is a crucial aspect of the S.U.R.E. eco-community,
especially due to the emphasis on research and education. Materials that bring environmental
benefits, as well as reducing negative consequences, will be used to enhance the quality of life
experienced by all. These sections will explain the strategies to be employed, followed by their
application in this specific development.
The green roof system will use plant life for
roof covering, providing insulation to the
building, reducing electricity and gas
consumption significantly. In addition, the
green roof will be visually appealing and
create an attractive contrast to concrete and
steel, while advantage may be taken to grow
fruit and vegetables as well as flowers on
This system will be used on four houses on
Green roof system. Available
the S.U.R.E. eco-community. It will be shown
during educational visits as well as creating a
unique and environmentally beneficial roof covering for residents. By
using this material, the environment of the eco-community is enhanced while boldly
demonstrating how nature can be incorporated into the lives and houses of people.
The buildings are to be constructed from prefabricated materials,
wherever possible, meaning a lower carbon footprint in the
construction process. The S.U.R.E. eco-community will use
Structurally Insulated Panel Systems (SIPS), which consists of
laminated timber faced panels forming a load bearing wall. This
will give dwellings a skeletal structure and will achieve maximum
airtightness (Denison and Halligan, 2010).
SIPS panels being installed.
Available from: SIPS UK Ltd.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Another material to be incorporated into the S.U.R.E. ecocommunity is hemp, which is a type of construction that strives to
better zero carbon buildings. The strong fibre will be used to
insulate the houses on the S.U.R.E. eco-community and will be
fitted in between rafters and within walls and floors. This is yet
another sustainable choice of material for the S.U.R.E. ecocommunity, assisting its purpose in educating and
demonstrating a more environmentally beneficial
Thermo hemp insulation. Available from:
way of life.
While many of the roofs in the eco-community
will incorporate the technology of green roofs,
the others will demonstrate solar slates. This
will involve using a photovoltaic slate, which
will be weather proof and blend in with
standard roof slates to provide an aesthetically
pleasing solar panel roof to those on the
S.U.R.E. eco-community. The principals of this
design aim to use the energy of the sun to
drive the processes of the dwellings, therefore
not producing greenhouses gases.
Solar slates. Available from: http://www.solarslateltd.com/media/852697/solarslate%20brochureemail.pdf
The solar slates are another educational tool for all ages of visitors to the S.U.R.E. eco-community,
furthering their research and knowledge on ways to create a sustainable living environment.
Lime mortar will be used in the S.U.R.E. eco-community as it is breathable and produces less
carbon dioxide during the manufacturing process than
traditional cement. In addition to these merits it also as reabsorbs this carbon dioxide to reduce the carbon footprint
even further. This mortar will also bring advantages during
the construction process of the S.U.R.E. development as
layers may be built up more rapidly, reducing the need to
wait excessive periods of time for one to set before applying
the next. The S.U.R.E. eco-community wishes to incorporate
this material into the construction of the buildings to
Lime mortar. Available from:
demonstrate sustainable practice in every way possible.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The S.U.R.E. eco-community aims to use solvent-free paint where possible. This means that less
energy is used during the manufacturing of it, reducing the amounts of harmful gases being
released into the atmosphere. The ingredients also come from sustainable sources and preserve
the natural surroundings. Solvent-free paint will also mean that buildings on the S.U.R.E.
development are breathable, reducing the impact of condensation and mould. It also allows
natural expansion and contraction of the walls when temperature change occurs in the building.
By planning down to such detail as this, the S.U.R.E. eco-community strives to maximise potential
for sustainable design.
Passive solar design will be an important feature of the S.U.R.E. eco-community, fully exploiting
the free natural resource of the sun. One way we intend to do this is
through the installation of operable windows, allowing for natural
ventilation. In order to avoid energy waste, the HVAC system with a
window switch will be installed. This means that the heating and
cooling air supply to that zone will turn off when the system senses that
the window is open. Multiple zones will be set up to allow operation of
this system, meaning only one area will be affected when they switch
off as a result of an open window.
Another way to incorporate the principal of passive solar design into
the S.U.R.E. eco-community is by a direct gain system in the form of
Operable window. Available from:
http://www.somfythermal mass. The windows will be south-west facing and a large
mass placed within the space to receive the most direct sunlight in
cold weather and the least direct sunlight in hot weather. This
system will allow for sunlight to pass through the windows and
thereby be stored by the thermal mass in the room. This design will allow for the S.U.R.E.
community to use every resource available and so contribute to its profile as a sustainable
Direct gain system. Available from:
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The S.U.R.E. eco-community strives to make even the road materials sustainable, therefore
employing crumb rubber roads, made from recycled tyres that would otherwise end up in landfill.
As well as being a more environmentally beneficial
material and reducing the environmental hazard that old
tyres present, crumb rubber roads last significantly longer
than conventional asphalt. They also reduce reflective
cracking and reduce maintenance costs, providing an
economic advantage to the people of the S.U.R.E.
community. An additional social benefit of using crumb
rubber roads is that they are significantly quieter than
other roads, creating a more peaceful environment for
users and residents, reducing the problem of noise
pollution from traffic within the site.
Crumb rubber road. Available from:
By incorporating walkways of natural materials, a continuous natural environment will be
provided throughout the whole development and create suitable conditions for habitats. Paths
will guide pedestrians around the whole site, meaning trampling will not be an issue. This
therefore means that even the smallest of animals and insects will be able to live without
disturbance and can continue to prosper with minimum human interuption.
Path made from wood chippings. Available from:
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Energy Strategies
The S.U.R.E. development will be completely self-sustainable with regard to energy use and
consumption. All energy generated within the development will be connected to its own
'community' grid. This will eliminate reliance on the 'national' grid and will therefore become
completely self-sufficient. The entire project will be linked via an underground power network,
with every single power generating appliance contributing to the mini grid.
Several electric storage areas will also be incorporated below ground level, and will have sufficient
capacity to store and provide more than adequate power whenever it is required, to wherever it is
Unlike other individual communities which also have a national grid connection for back up, the
S.U.R.E. community will have the ability to not only generate all energy required through the use
of a microgrid (Come, Hawasly, Roaf, 2010), but also the capacity to store enough energy for the
whole community's needs. This will reduce dependence on the national grid, while allowing
residents a higher quality of life as they are not required to stagger times of energy consumption.
This will cover all peak time requirements, and also longer periods of time when the sun and the
wind cannot always relied on. In effect, the network will be a backup for a 'rainy day'.
For testing and researching purposes the amount of power used within the development will be
monitored at all times. This requires the installation of Building Energy Management Systems. The
system we wish to be installed will be a hierarchy of control model. The system we would like this
to be based on is the one used at Beaufort Court in Hertfordshire by the RES group, the renewable
energy company's pioneering low emission headquarters (RES, 2012).
First a 'macrosytem' for the entire community, scaling downwards to smaller 'department
systems' for specific sections of the community and finally down to 'microsystems' for each
individual building, similar to the energy monitoring devices currently being installed in many
homes across the UK. With reduction of use being a key theme on the research side of the project,
the need to know the amount of energy produced by each individual power generating appliance
at any given time, and also the amount of energy being stored and available for use, the precise
monitoring of all energy will be a major element of the project, and will be a crucial source of data
used by many (Come, Hawasly, Roaf, 2010).
The renewable energy company RES
Group: Headquarters in
Beaufort Court, Hertfordshire. Available
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The primary sources for generating energy within the community will mainly be:
o Solar
o Wind
o Geothermal.
A popular misconception is that Scotland is not subjected to enough solar penetration to generate
sufficient power but on average we are actually exposed to 1kW / m2 / hour, and advances in
solar capture technology means systems are now much more sensitive than older products,
meaning that daylight alone can produce energy without the need for bright sunlight.
Using solar photovoltaic cells capturing photons in the sun's
rays and converting the energy into electricity will form a
major part of the energy strategy, as will the use of solar
slating (explained in the Design Details section).
By using concentrated photovoltaic (CPV), as opposed to flat
plate PV, this will this provide a larger amount of electricity
for the same amount of surface area used. This relatively new
technique will be used to construct a 'solar boundary' on the
existing northern boundary, which will be facing into the
S.U.R.E. community on the CPV side and be planted with trees,
themselves removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
during photosynthesis, on the opposite north facing side,
which from the outside will appear to be a continuation of the tree lined boundaries on the other
three sides of the site. Not only will this provide the community with a large amount of electricity,
but will also have real architectural merit, appearing to shine at different angles at different times
throughout the day.
Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV)
Boundary. Available from:
In addition, photovoltaic cell structures will also form part
of the transport strategy. With electrically powered cars
being encouraged the development will have its own solar
powered car charging port. This will become the first car
charging port in the west of Edinburgh, complimenting the
current charging points at Dynamic Earth and Straition. We
envisage this 'solar port' facility to generate community
income in the future when the use of electric cars
increases, which will be put back into community and will
also benefit future inhabitants.
PV car charging port. Available from:
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
As there is a real visual stigma, not to mention planning issues, regarding standard vertical wind
turbines the S.U.R.E. development will incorporate different methods of attaining wind generated
power. As the amount of energy generated from wind will be far less than that from solar, the idea
is for wind generation to also be a part of the site design, effectively acting as art forms
throughout the community.
The first method will be the use of a good old fashioned windmill. This is certainly not a new form
of generating energy, as the first known design was developed in
Persia around 500-900 A.D, and has now been in use for
thousands of years. As opposed to generating mechanical power
for grinding grain or pumping water our windmill is be
constructed using modern materials and technology such as
carbon fiber blades and electricity generators. This is hoped to be
one of the main attractions for visitors to the community, with
one being constructed in a traditional fashion and housing a
small museum. The windmill will hopefully make a start at
changing negative attitudes towards wind generated power,
from a visual aspect at least, as it's not often you hear people
calling old traditional windmills blots on the landscape.
Traditional windmill. Available from:
Another method is the concept of using 'architectural wind'. Architectural wind involves using
relatively small bladed systems that can be placed on a
building's edge, or a lower part of a roof, with the idea being
that the wind which had crashed into the building results in
more rapid air flow. The design uses the building's
aerodynamic properties to generate more power. Ideally
situated on building parapets rather than on the ridge of a
roof the blades catch the wind as it travels up the side of a
building, not over it, which can result in an increase in energy
production if well designed. This is also a very quiet system
producing little vibration, unlike many standard roof top wind
turbines. To take advantage in capturing the increased airflow
these installations will be situated to best effect by
An 'architectural wind' installation. Available from:
catching the prevailing south-westerly winds, and we hope
www.treehugger.com/sustainable-productdesign/urban-modular-architectural-wind-powerthe design will prove to be an architectural success.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The S.U.R.E. eco-community will also be utilising geothermal energy, obtained by tapping the heat
from within the earth itself. Heating systems use pipes buried underground and extract heat
emanating from the earth's core, and the further down we go the more heat we can capture.
A normal ground source heat pump will use a 'ground loop' piping system circulating water and
antifreeze which passes through a heat exchanger. To increase temperature, and therefore
efficiency, the S.U.R.E. community will incorporate deep bored vertical systems. These systems
will involve boring a pipe approx. 200mm straight down to an approximate depth of 90 - 100
meters and circulating water only, which will be taken from the water harvesting facilities on site.
The resultant hot water will then be pumped back up into the buildings to the hot water circuits,
but more so to the under floor heating systems,
which can provide up to 50% more efficiency than a
standard radiator system.
Another reason for the use of the vertically bored
systems is to not interfere with the electrical power
grid running underground throughout the S.U.R.E.
Deep Bore Ground Source Water Heating
System. Available from:
Careful consideration must be taken with all design issues related to energy as this is major aspect
of the vision for the S.U.R.E. eco-community.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Water Management
In order to reap the benefits of water now, and allow future generations to similarly do so, it must
be conserved and handled wisely. In order to exploit the benefits of available water, and avoid
wasting such a valuable resource, the S.U.R.E community aims to comply with five strategies:
o Conservation
o Efficiency
o Sufficiency
o Substitution
o Reuse, Recycle and harvest.
Rainwater harvesting systems allow for collection, filtration and storage of rainwater for use in
the home and garden for simple automatic mains water. This will be stored beneath the ground
and can be extracted when desired.
This will be incorporated into the S.U.R.E. eco-community,
alongside the four roofs with solar slates. The piping will
run down the sides of the dwellings, and connect to the
storage tanks beneath ground level for storage. This allows
for real-life demonstration of how this functions, and also
for data collection for the research and educational aspect
of the development.
Underground storage tank for rainwater
harvesting. Available from: http://www.watertanks.net/acatalog/rainwaterharvesting.html
While it is important to conserve water, it is inevitable that
it must be used, thus it must be done so efficiently and with as little wasted as possible. Drought
tolerant plants will be planted on site, ensuring that water is not needed
to water them during the summer months. These may include yarrow,
pineapple guava and bear’s breeches. Water for showers in the eight
dwellings will also be used efficiently, in that they will have low-flow
shower heads. Separate temperature and flow controls will be installed to
Yarrow. Available from:
reduce water and energy waste, therefore allowing the flow to be stopped
to apply shampoo without losing the temperature setting.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
By using the available water resource sufficiently, the
eco-community is providing for the needs of
residents and visitors while not using the valuable
resource unnecessarily. One way of doing this, is
considering simple things such as the shape of
bathtubs to be installed, as corner bathtubs are an
optimum shape for shallow amounts of water to be
used. In addition, taps with an auto-brake feature
will ensure that water is not left running, and
A timed tap. Available from: http://pdf.archiexpo.com/pdf/rivertherefore wasted. These will be provided
throughout all aspects of the eco-community,
from the resident dwellings to the educational centre to show how this method is viable in all
functions. Washing machines will have flow regulators ensure that the flow is divided between
outlets and leak detectors prevent damage to the property, while simultaneously reducing the
amount of water used.
By installing simple and seemingly unimportant details such as these into the S.U.R.E. ecocommunity, water can be managed in a sustainable way while not negatively impacting the lives of
the users.
Another way to preserve water in the S.U.R.E. eco-community
is to substitute other resources for water. Compost toilets will
be installed throughout the S.U.R.E. development, meaning
water won’t be used and organic matter can be put back into
the soil. It will consist of two chambers; one in use and one
resting. One is used for a year and then changed, allowing the
first to decompose for a year before emptying.
This technology will be installed in each building on the
S.U.R.E. community, with no pipes needed. The sewage waste
will then be treated on site in the anaerobic digestion unit,
which will subsequently produce biofuel, as discussed in
Waste Management. This method will be used daily by
residents, but also used for educational purposes at all stages.
The functioning of a compost toilet. Available
from: http://www.reuk.co.uk/Introduction-toCompost-Toilets.htm
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Reuse, Recycle and Harvest
The main way in which water can be reused, recycled and
harvested in the eco-community is through grey water systems.
Grey water is non-industrial wastewater generated from
domestic processes such as dish washing, laundry and bathing,
and can be used for washing machines or the gardens. In the
S.U.R.E. development, this will be done in the form of branched
drains. Standard 1.5” or 2” drain pipes will be used to drain the
water to the landscape. This method allows maximum water to
be recycled without causing detrimental environmental impacts.
In addition, treatment can be avoided by simply reusing water
and no additional cost is required, allowing for economic
sustainability within the eco-community.
Grey water irrigation system. Available from:
Solar hot water (SHW) systems will also be introduced on the S.U.R.E. eco-community, meaning
more energy will be harvested at a lower cost. The four dwellings without green roofs will have
panels with flat plate collectors positioned on the roofs and will be on southwest facing roofs for
maximum efficiency. Each installation will only
require 5-6m² of roof space and the sides and
bottom will be insulated for the prevention of solar
heat loss. Collectors, which look like flat metal
boxes, will contain absorber plates made from
copper or aluminum. These plates will be covered
with glazing and darkened for absorption of solar
radiations. Under these plates will be a series of
inter-connected pipes, through which cool water
passes. That water will be heated inside the box
collector, and solar powered electric pump and
controller will circulate the heated water to a hot
water storage tank ready for use.
Solar Powered Water Heating System. Available from:
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS)
This is another crucial area to be considered during the design of the S.U.R.E. development.
The predominant way in which SUDS will feature on site is through the construction of various
ponds, connected by a stream. When high rainfall occurs, the ponds will fill with water. When one
becomes full, water will flow the stream to the next pond and this will continue throughout all
ponds, allowing for distribution of water.
The S.U.R.E. development will also feature a trench next to this stream, allowing for water to
overflow into this if there is an excess in the ponds.
This will allow natural management of run off and flooding.
This system is visible on the following SUDS plan.
Sustainable Urban Drainage using ponds, streams and swales at the lowest levels of the site
Another way in which SUDS will be used in the S.U.R.E. eco-community is by providing permeable
paths, with both porous and infill materials, including macadam, grass and
concrete supported grass paving. By avoiding the use of impermeable materials,
water is not wasted in the form of run-off and so complies with the water
management strategies of the development. Mulching techniques will also be
apparent. A variety of materials will be used for this, including bark chippings
and crushed shells. By ensuring thoughtful choice for the ground materials, the
eco-community will be environmentally considerate in all scopes and
Bark chippings. Available from:
contribute to the sustainability of the development.
By managing water wisely in all aspects, the S.U.R.E. eco-community is creating an environment
suitable for sustainable living for users, ensuring this vital resource is available for future
generations and providing an invaluable learning space for education and researching, thus
meeting the needs of all its communities.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Waste Management
The S.U.R.E. community will have a '5 Rs' waste management policy:
This is the most preventative measure, and often the one left out when considering waste
management. By resisting the use of products and services which will effectively end up as waste
this option instantly eliminates the need for the next four stages of the policy.
In reality though this is a very hard concept to adhere to if comfortable living conditions are to be
Another obvious, and more practically achievable, measure is to reduce the amount of waste
generated. This will be achieved through various measures, beginning with the construction of the
development. Many building components will be pre-fabricated off site using standard sizing,
reducing off cuts, together with accurate ordering of other materials which would normally end up
in site skips before being transported to landfill sites.
The life cycles of all construction will also be carefully considered as demolition contributes a large
proportion of the construction industry's waste.
The reduction policy will continue throughout all consumer products brought into the
development, with food packaging being reduced through the setting up of a food growth area
and initiating a local farmer's market, further reducing the carbon footprint involved in national
transportation of foods.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Every effort will be made to encourage reuse before refuse. The community will be home to a
'reuse centre', similar to the idea operated by 'free cycle'. This will encourage the local and wider
community to bring and exchange all manner of goods. Not only will this cut down on the
purchase of new goods but also to the throwing out of old goods, and any unwanted goods will be
donated to local charitable organisations. This community service will be free of charge and
operated by volunteers.
The waste that is generated within the community will, wherever possible, be recycled.
There will be a purpose built recycling facility, constructed entirely from re-cycled materials. This
facility will also educate people, telling people what can be recycled, explaining new packaging
recycling labels and organising collections to the local community recycling centres (CRCs) at Old
Dalkeith Road, Bankhead Avenue in Sighthill and Fillyside Road in Seafield.
The S.U.R.E. eco-community strives to maximise the potential of anaerobic digestion as one of the
main outlets for waste. Anaerobic digestion is the decomposition of biomass by bacteria in the
absence of oxygen. It is the process
where plant and animal material
(biomass) is converted into useful
products by micro-organisms in the
absence of air. The products of AD
are referred to as biogas, which can
be used as heat or electricity. In
addition, by employing anaerobic
digestion, the S.U.R.E. development
can use the products as a fertiliser
and soil conditioner.
Diagram illustrating the process of anaerobic respiration. Available
from: http://www.cenin.co.uk/closed-loop.php
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Habitat Creation and Biodiversity
To compensate for the loss of existing habitats as a result of development, and in order to
maintain as natural an environment as possible, suitable habitat conditions are required to be
created to encourage wildlife, both land based and water based, and also plant life to prosper,
allowing for a good level of biodiversity. As there is already a variety of species existing in the
surrounding area all care must be taken to minimise the disruption caused by the development
and the resulting impact on the ecosystem currently inhabiting the local area.
We require the design to replicate many of the existing habitats currently found within the
university campus and aim to attract the many varieities of wildlife to be found there.
By creating a healthy ecosystem we aim to provide the best possible circumstances for biological
diversity, enabling wildlife and also plant life to flourish. Once created, the community will then
strive to conserve the biodiversity of the site for the health, enjoyment and wellbeing of not only
the humans but also the animals and plants which will inhabit the site.
In addition to the existing habitats, we also require the creation of the best possible new ones for
the community's ecosystem to thrive, and by incorporating a variety of plants and animals into the
eco-community, a sense of nature is instilled into the area and a demonstration of how both may
live harmoniously with one another to form a prosperous environment.
All existing wooded areas are to be retained, and also added to along the northern boundary of
the site. The abundance of trees and associated vegetation surrounding the site already provide
an ideal habitat for a variety of animals to comfortably exist. They also provide an area in which a
large number of birds already exist. This woodland area around the site should also be a suitable
habitat for the additional species we hope to attract to the community
The Loch:
Situated at the quieter centre of the site, the loch will not be subject to
intrusion by the general public and will provide a peaceful habitat for a
variety of wildlife.
Plants will include the water violet, dwarf water lily and floating sweet
The loch will also be home to a variety of insects and small reptiles
such as snails, frogs, and newts.
A Dwarf Water Lily. Available from:
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
The loch will be stocked with several species of koi fish, similar to the university loch.
Ducks and swans will be introduced to the loch and they
will also benefit from the green surrounding the loch. A
small island is to be formed in the middle of the loch as a
safety feature for all aquatic bird life. This is to provide a
sanctuary away from larger animals such as foxes.
Ducks in the Heriot-Watt University loch.
Available from:
Ponds and Streams:
Not only will the network of ponds and streams at the perimeter
of the site form part of the drainage system, they will also provide
a habitat for many species to inhabit. Reed beds in the ponds will
be act as a natural water filter, and smaller fish such as gold fish
varieties will be introduced to co-inhabit the ponds with all insects
and the like which will be found within and around them.
Koi Fish. Available from:
We require a large percentage of the site to be retained as grasslands, both kept and wild. By
striving to prevent 'urban creep' and minimise ground surfaces within the site, which will harm the
ecosystem and also increase surface water runoff, we aim to provide as natural an environment as
possible for wildlife, to wander through the community such as mice, hedgehogs, rabbits, squirrels
and foxes.
Heathlands are one of our most threatened habitats and
today many heaths are protected as nature reserves.
Many local wildlife trusts are also currently working to
restore them where possible. By using heather and
bracken, we aim to encourage the growth of a small
heathland towards the southern boundary of the site. In
conjunction with other habitats created, we hope this
will encourage wildlife to inhabit the community,
including bees, which are vital to provide pollination. This
will also attract a large amount of other insects such as
wasps, beetles, grasshoppers and butterflies.
Heathland. Available from:
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
Bushes and shrubs
Bushes and shrubs are also to be added around the site, at the
landscape architect's discretion, to create an optimum living
conditon for numerous insects, and also animals such as mice,
rabbits and foxes.
Rabbit in the wild. Available from:
As we aim to attract an abundance of species including
numerous insects, small animals, larger animals, small reptiles, mammals, waterfowl and fish. It is
of great importance that the appropriate conditions are included within the design to help create
a high level of biodiversity, and that is properly maintained throughout the development. All
creatures are vital to this eco-community and by including a vast variety of flora and fauna, this
can only continue to mature and prosper into the future.
The S.U.R.E. eco-community aims to comply with Planning Policy Statement 9.
We believe the 'S.U.R.E' eco-community will be such a useful, viable and sustainable project and
we intend to seek for funding from all levels of government: Edinburgh City Council, through the
UK Government, EU funding and right up to international funding agencies and the International
Sustainable Development Fund (ISDF).
Once fully operational, the intention is for the 'S.U.R.E' development to pay for itself, through
payments from schools and educational users, local residents, selling of on-site food produce,
users of the recycling facilities, and visual modelling to feature in environmental magazines and
A truly sustainable project. A vision for the future.
S.U.R.E. Eco-Community Design Brief
List of References
Carbon Trust (2007), “Global Carbon Mechanisms: Emerging Lessons and Implications”. Available
pdf. (Accessed on 3 February 2012).
Come, D. Hawasly, M. Roaf, S. (2010), “Social Networks save energy: optimising energy
consumption in an eco-village via agent based simulation”.
Denison, J. Halligan, C. (2010), “Building Materials and the Environment”. Available from:
RES (2012), “Carbon management, sustainability & renewable energy consultancy”. Available
online: http://www.res-group.com/what-we-do/carbon-management-consultancy.aspx
Scottish Government (2008), “Climate Change – Consultation on Proposals for a Scottish Climate
Change Bill”. Available online: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/210419/0055642.pdf.
(Accessed on 31 January 2012).