POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING School-Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning Effective Classroom Management Module 1: Antecedent Strategies 1 Classroom Management Practices: Mini-Modules • These mini-modules are designed to provide the slides and materials needed to teach staff, students and families about a SW-PB4L topic (and can be broken down into brief sessions or combined into longer sessions). • Notes have been written to assist with the presentation. • More information is available on this content. • Call your Regional Practitioner if you have questions • Good luck! • Delete this slide before beginning your session 2 Acknowledgements Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) Centre on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBiS) Professor George Sugai, The Centre for Behavioral Education & Research, University of Connecticut Professor Tim Lewis, Dean for Research & Graduate Studies at The University of MissouriColumbia Missouri School-Wide Positive Behavior Support, MO SW-PBS (Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education) 3 SW-PB4L Subsystems Classroom Non-classroom Family Essential Classroom Behaviour Student Management Practices 4 What “kind” of students can display problematic behaviour? All students. Students with/without labels who are in general/ special education can display problematic behaviour. This is not a special education issue. It is an education issue. We need to learn more about the 5 CRITICAL FEATURES of effective classroom management to be able to help all students 5 Evidence Based Practices in Classroom Management 1. Maximise structure and predictability 2. Establish, teach, review, monitor, evaluate and reinforce a small number of positively stated expectations 3. Maximise academic engaged time (i.e., actively engage students in observable ways) 4. Establish a continuum of strategies to acknowledge appropriate behaviour 5. Establish a continuum of strategies to discourage inappropriate behaviour Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers, & Sugai (2008). Evidence-based practices in classroom management: Considerations for research to practice. Education and Treatment of Children, 31, 351-380. 6 Classroom Management: Self-Assessment Revised (2008) 7 Simonsen, Fairbanks, Briesch, Myers & Sugai, 2008 What Do We Know? Classroom Management & Students… “Non-compliant behavior in the classroom has been the overall highest ranking reason for office discipline referrals for grades 1-12” (Colvin, 2009, p. 7-8) 8 What Do We Know? Students who display non-compliant behaviour are at risk for escalating and long-term negative outcomes such as: – peer rejection, off-task behaviour, low academic achievement, – involvement with antisocial peer groups, drop out, and crime, – ineffective relationships, inability finding and keeping employment and serious mental health issues 9 The Good News! When Teachers know and use positive & preventative management strategies many of the commonly “In the realm of education research reported minor classroom behaviours can be avoided effective classroom management is tied to (Scheuermann & Hall) student success with a confidence approaching absolute” The same behaviours that reduce classroom disruptions are associated with increased student (Sprick, Knight, Reinke & McKale, 2006, p. 201) learning (Brophy & Evertson) 10 Effective Classroom Management “The goal of effective classroom management is not creating “perfect” children, but providing the perfect environment using research-based strategies that guide students toward increasingly responsible and motivated behaviour.” (Sprick, Knight, Reinke & McKale, 2006, p. 185) 11 ABC’s of Understanding Behaviour Patterns • What happens before the behaviour occurs? What is the •A = ?trigger? (A or antecedent) • What is the behaviour (B)? • B=? • What happens after the behaviour occurs? What is •C = ? the outCome? (C or outCome/ Consequence) ABC 12 Antecedent Strategies for Preventing Problem Behaviour Class-wide Practices • • • • Establish clear classroom expectations & rules Provide predictability in the environment Use effective instruction and commands Arrange seating so that it is appropriate to the instructional activity • Use a brisk pace of instruction • Present material that is appropriately matched to student instructional level & prior knowledge 13 Why Use Antecedent Strategies? • • • Increases student engagement with learning Limits time for inappropriate behaviour Antecedent approaches focus on Allows for high rates of positive, specific structuring the environment to feedback prevent problems & enhance motivation • Improves student perception of and preference for assignments they consider difficult (Heward, 1994; Kern & Clemens, 2007) 14 Why Use Antecedent Strategies? • Feasible and easy to implement • Effective for students in general or special education • Do not require significant modification to existing instruction • May foster improvements in student–teacher relationships (Jolivette, Wehby, Canale & Massey, 2001; Kern and State, 2009) 15 Antecedent Strategies 1. Maximise structure & predictability 2. Establish, teach, review, monitor, & evaluate positively-stated expectations 3. Maximise academic engaged time 16 1. Maximise Structure • Develop Predictable Routines – Teacher routines – Student routines • Design Environment to . . . (a) elicit appropriate behaviour & (b) minimise crowding and distraction – – – – Arrange furniture to allow easy traffic flow Ensure adequate supervision of all areas Designate staff & student areas Seating arrangements (groups, carpet, etc.) 17 Physical Layout 18 Have you maximised structure in your classroom? 19 20 Assess 1. I maximised structure and predictability in my classroom. a) I explicitly taught and followed predictable routines. Yes No a) I arranged my room to minimise crowding and distraction. Yes No 21 2. Establish, Teach, Prompt, Monitor, & Evaluate a small number of positively stated expectations • Establish behavioural expectations/ rules • Teach rules in context of routines • Prompt students of rule prior to entering natural context • Monitor students’ behaviour in natural context & provide specific feedback • Evaluate effect of instruction - review data, make decisions, & follow up 22 Establish Behavioural Expectations • A small number (i.e., 3-5) of positively stated rules. Tell students what we want them to do, rather than telling them what we do not want them to do • Publicly post the rules/ expectations • Should match School-Wide expectations • Construct rules/ expectations based on need in the classroom 23 Expectations within Routines Matrix Routines Rules Entering Classroom Seat Work Small Group Activity Leaving Classroom Be Safe Be Respectful Be Responsible 24 Classroom Routines 25 Teach Rules in the Context of Routines • Teach expectations directly – Define rule in operational terms—tell students what the expectation/ rule looks like within routine – Provide students with examples & non-examples of rule-following within routine • Actively involve students in lesson (game, roleplay, etc.) to check for their understanding • Provide opportunities to practice rule following behaviour in the natural setting 26 Prompt and Pre-Correct • Prompt or remind students of the expectations • Provide visual prompts (e.g., posters, illustrations) • Use pre-corrections “verbal reminders, behavioral rehearsals, or demonstrations of rule-following or socially appropriate behaviors that are presented in or before settings where problem behavior is likely” (Colvin, Sugai, Good, Lee, 1997) 27 Monitor & Evaluate Student Behaviour • Active Supervision – Move – Scan – Interact Reinforce Correct • Collect data (and use to make decisions) 28 Assess 2. I posted, taught, reviewed, monitored and reinforced a small number of positively stated expectations a) I operationally defined and posted a small number of expectations (i.e., school wide rules) for all routines and settings in my classroom. Yes No b) I explicitly taught and reviewed these expectations in the context of routines. Yes No c) I prompted or pre-corrected students to increase the likelihood that they will follow the expectations Yes No d) I actively supervised my students Yes No 29 30 3. Maximise Academic Engaged Time Actively engage students in observable ways 1. Activity Sequencing 2. Offering Choice 3. Opportunities to Respond 31 Instructional Classroom Management Among the best behaviour management tools we have in the classroom are providing: • Effective Instruction delivered with fidelity • High rates of student participation Using research-based curriculum • Tasks that promote high rates of accurate responses 90% success rate or better The most frequent re inforcers in the classroom should be academic success and teacher feedback 32 Instruction Influences Behaviour • Pacing • Sequence activities so preferred activities follow more demanding activities • Student choice • Opportunities for student responses Acquisition vs Practice • Student feedback from teacher 33 Antecedent Strategies for Preventing Problem Behaviour 1. Activity Sequencing – Intermingle easy with more difficult – Simple requests prior to more challenging 2. Offering Choice – Type, order, materials, who, place, use of time 3. Opportunities to Respond – Track students called on – Guided notes – Response cards . . . 34 1. Activity Sequencing Task Interspersonal Behavioural Momentum 35 What is Activity Sequencing? Thinking about and altering the manner in which instructional tasks, activities or requests are ordered in such a way that promotes learning and encourages appropriate behaviour. (Kern & Clemens, 2007) 36 Why Consider Activity Sequence? • Increases task performance • Decreases disruptive behaviour • Improves student perception of & preference for assignments they consider difficult (Kern & Clemens, 2007) 37 Why Consider Activity Sequence? • For some students presenting difficult tasks backto-back often sets the occasion for frustration, failure and problem behaviour. • Varying the sequence of tasks may not be necessary for average students, but can be very important for students who are at-risk for learning or behaviour concerns (Darch & Kame’enui, 2004) 38 Strategies for Effective Activity Sequencing • Intermingle easy/ brief problems among longer or more difficult tasks (task interspersal) (Kern & Clemens, 2007) 39 Strategies for Effective Activity Sequencing • Deliver 3 to 4 simple requests prior to a more difficult task (behavioural momentum) The theory behind the strategy is once a student is cooperating and engaged in one task (the simple requests), there is more chance of the student cooperating and engaging in the task that immediately follows (the more difficult activity) (Colvin, p.46, 2009) (Kern & Clemens, 2007; Colvin, 2009) 40 Activity Sequencing: Examples • Read examples 1 & 2 • Next, with your partner identify the activity sequencing strategy used … – task interspersal or – behavioural momentum 41 Classroom Application of Activity Sequencing • In spelling or vocabulary lists include 3-5 simple, fun words such as student names, sports teams or holiday related terms, etc. • During a writing activity ask students to draw a simple stick figure at the end of each sentence or paragraph • Let’s think of another example . . (NZ input) 42 Using Sequence in Your Classroom List several of the activities students complete in your classroom…. Identify ways you could use sequencing in each activity… • Intermingle easy/brief among more difficult tasks • Provide simple requests prior to more difficult tasks 1. 2. 3. 4. 43 2. Offering Choice Type, Order, Materials, Whom, Place &Time 44 Why Provide Choice? “Providing opportunities for students to make choices has been demonstrated to be an effective intervention in preventing problem behaviour and increasing engagement” (Kern and Clemens, 2007, p. 70) 45 Why Provide Choice? “Providing students with the opportunity to make choices may not sound like an instructional practice. However, research indicates offering choices, especially during academic tasks, not only increases student engagement and reduces disruptive behavior, but can also improve response accuracy.” (Scheuermann & Hall, 2008, p. 294) 46 Why Provide Choice? • • • • • Feasible & easy to implement Effective Teach learners to become self-determined Enables them to better control their environment Allows opportunity for more frequent positive attention and feedback from teachers • May foster improvements in student-teacher relationships (Jolivette, Wehby, Canale & Massey, 2001; Kern and Clemens, 2007; Kern and State, 2009; Morgan, 2006) 47 Strategies for Offering Choice Examples of Class-wide choice: • The content you teach is NOT negotiable but the type • ofType of taskor orways activity assignment of completing it can be is likely to enhance • negotiated Order for&completing tasks student participation Kinds ofstudents materials thatdoes will be • Allowing choices NOTused change the • amount Whomoftowork workstudents with are expected to complete and does NOT change the essential components of • the Place work & Hall, 2008) taskto (Scheuermann • Choice of how to use time 48 Offering Choice: Example • With a partner read the example • Identify & keep a tally of the types of choices this teacher offered • After a few minutes be prepared to share your responses 49 Steps for Using Choice in the Classroom 1) Create a menu of choices you would be willing to provide to students 2) Look through your menu before planning each lesson 3) Decide what types of choice are appropriate for the lesson & where they fit best in the lesson 4) Provide choices as planned while teaching the lesson 5) Solicit student feedback and input (Kern and State, 2009, p. 5) 50 Create a Menu of Choice Options Type of tasks: Order of tasks: Kinds of materials: Whom to work with: Place to work: Choice of how to use time: 51 Offering Choice Remember . . . • Every lesson does not have to include all of the choices on your list, but if each lesson you teach provides at least one opportunity for choice, students are likely to benefit • When you incorporate choice, start small (offer 1 or 2 choices). You can then expand the number & type of choice options you will incorporate into your lessons 52 3. Opportunities to Respond (OTR) 53 What is OTR? A variation of 4 key components: 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher instructional talk Prompts given to students Wait time for the response Specific feedback for correct responding **Can be provided individually or to whole class (Stichter, Lewis, Richter, Johnson & Bradley, 2006) 54 Opportunities to Respond (OTR) ANTECEDENT BEHAVIOUR CONSEQUENCE Teacher Provides: Prompts & Wait time Student Responds: Read Write Verbal Answer Motor/Gesture Teacher Provides: Specific, Positive Feedback 55 Why maximise OTR? Demonstrated to significantly increase on-task behaviour • When students are productively engaged in their work there is less chance of problem behaviour (Colvin, 2009, p. 48) • When students are required to sit for long periods of time without the opportunity to respond or participate, it increases the likelihood that problems will occurespecially for at-risk and high-risk students (Colvin, 2009, p.48) 56 Opportunities to Respond Example 57 Optimal Rates of OTR 1. 2. 3. 4. Teacher talk = 40-50% of the instructional period Prompts = once per 3.5 minutes (on average) Wait time = 3 or more seconds Feedback = ratio of 4 positive to 1 corrective *Focus = Is the teacher creating opportunities for students to DO something rather than just being passive recipients? (Sprick et al., 2006; Stichter et al., 2006) 58 OTR: Example • Read the classroom vignette • Determine how many opportunities to respond were provided to students during the instructional period • Identify whether each opportunity was an individual or whole class response 59 Ways to Increase OTR A. Track Students Called On B. Guided Notes C. Response Cards D. Class-wide peer tutoring E. Computer-assisted instruction 60 A. Track Students Called On • Are all students called on? – Think of ‘doable’ ways to do this. . . It is important that students experience high rates of – Use a seating chart & mark off when a student is success. Think about whether a student can correctly called on to answer an academic question. answer the question before calling on him or her. – Draw students’ names from a jar – Increases individual responding – Allow “phone a friend” if student does not know answer 61 B. Guided Notes • Opportunity to Respond is an instructional question, statement or gesture made by the teacher seeking _______________________. • Rate of teacher instructional talk is ___% of an instructional period. • Optimal rate of prompts is ___ average per minute. • Effective wait time is ___ or more seconds. • Three common strategies to increase OTR are: 1. 2. 3. Tracking students called on Guided __________ Response ________ 62 C. Response Cards • Cards, signs, or items simultaneously held up by all students to display their responses • Types of response cards: – Preprinted cards with standard answers: • yes/no, true/false, agree/disagree, – Preprinted cards with multiple answers: • letters, numbers, parts of speech, characters in a story – Write-on cards or white boards w/dry erase marker • Easy to manipulate, display and see 63 Use of Response Cards • Teach, Model and Practice the Routine – Teacher gives question and wait time – Teacher gives cue for students to show answer – Students show response – Teacher gives feedback about correct answer – Students put down card and prepare for next question 64 Use of Response Cards • • • • • Maintain lively pace Short time between questions Give clear cues OK to look at classmates’ cards Specific, positive feedback for correct answers and use of cards 65 Methods of Student Engagement Individual Response Boards & Cards Clicker, Buzzers, Computer Gestures 66 Response Card Practice • Routine: – I will ask a question and give you time to think. – I will say “Answer” – Show your card with your answer toward me. – Hold card up until I say “Cards down”. – Place card on table and put eyes on me. 67 Antecedent Strategies for Preventing Problem Behaviour 1. _____________________________ – Simple requests prior to more challenging – Intermingle easy with more difficult 2. ______________________________ – Type, order, materials, who, place, use of time 3. ______________________________ – Track students called on – Guided notes – Response cards 68 Assess 3. I actively engaged students in observable ways a) I provided a high rate of opportunities to respond during my instruction. Yes No b) I engaged my students in observable ways during teacher directed instruction (i.e., I use response cards, choral responding, and other methods) Yes No c) I used evidence-based methods to deliver my instruction Yes No 69 References • • • • • • • Carnine, D.W. (1976). Effects of two teacher-presentation rates on off-task behaviour, answering correctly, and participation. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 9, 199206. Colvin, G. (2009). Managing noncompliance and defiance in the classroom: A road map for teachers, specialists, and behavior support teams. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Colvin, G., Sugai, G., Good, R.H., & Lee, Y. (1997). Using active supervision and precorrection to improve transition behaviors in an elementary school. School Psychology Quarterly, 12, 344—363. Council for Exceptional Children, (1987). Academy for effective instruction: working with mildly handicapped students. Reston, VA: Author. Darch, C. B. & Kame’enui, E. J. (2004). Instructional classroom management: A proactive approach to behavior management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Gunter, P., Hummel, J., & Venn, M. (1998). Are effective academic instructional practices used to teach students with behavior disorders? Beyond Behavior, 9, 5-11. Heward, W.L. (1994). Three low-tech strategies for increasing the frequency of active student response during group instruction (pp.283-320). In R. Garner, III, D.M. Sainato, J.O., Cooper, T. E., Heron W.L., Heward, J., Eshleman, & T.A. Grossi (Eds.) Behavior analysis in education: Focus on measurably superior instruction. Pacific Grove, CA: 70 Brooks/Cole. References • • • • • • Jolivette, K., Wehby, J. H., Canale, J., & Massey, N. G. (2001). Effects of choicemaking opportunities on the behaviour of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 26 (2), 131-145. Kern, L. and Clemens, N.H. (2007). Antecedent strategies to promote appropriate classroom behavior. Psychology in the Schools, 44(1), 65-75. Kern, L. and State, T. M. (2009). Incorporating choice and preferred activities into classwide instruction. Beyond Behavior, 18(2), 3-11. Morgan, P. L. (2006). Increasing task engagement using preference or choice-making: Some behavioral and methodological factors affecting their efficacy as classroom interventions. Remedial and Special Education, 27 (3), 176-187. Powell, S. & Nelson, B. (1997). Effects of choosing academic assignments on a student with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 30 (1), 181-183. Scheuermann, B. K. and Hall, J. A. (2008). Positive Behavioral supports for the classroom. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall. 71 References • • • • • Simonsen, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., Myers, D. & Sugai, G. (2008). Evidencebased practices in classroom management: Considerations for Research to practice. Education and Treatment of Children, 31(3), pp. 351-380. Skinner, C.H., Smith, E.S., & McLean, J.E. (1994). The effects on intertribal interval duration on sight-word learning rates of children with behavioral disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 19, 98-107. Skinner, C.H., Belfior, P.J., Mace, H.W., Williams-Wilson, S., & Johns, G.A. (1997). Altering response topography to increase response efficiency and learning rates. School Psychology Quarterly, 12, 54-64. Sprick, R. S., Knight, J., Reinke, W.M., & McKale, T. (2006). Coaching Classroom Management: Strategies for Administrators and Coaches. Eugene, OR: Pacific Northwest. Stichter, J. P., Lewis, T. J., Richter, M., Johnson, N. J. & Bradley, L. (2006). Assessing antecedent variables: The effects of instructional variables on student outcomes through in-service and peer coaching professional development models. Education and Treatment of Children, 29(4), 665-692. 72 73